Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Université Paris Dauphine, DRM - Management & Organisation 12 and 13 May 2015 Program Guests Talya Bauer (Portland State University) Neil Conway (Royal Holloway, University of London) Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro (London School of Economics) Robert Liden (University of Illinois at Chicago) Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University) Lynn Shore (Colorado State University) Tuesday May 12, 9h-12h, SESSION I (Salle Raymond Aron) CHAIR: Ikram Nasr 8h40: Breakfast 9h00-9h30: Manuela Morf, Anna Sender (University of Zurich, Switzerland) With a little help from afar: Examining the effect of agency support on temporary employees’ wellbeing Discussants: Ikram Nasr and Denise Rousseau 9h30-10h00: Yumei Yang (Bournemouth University, UK), Davide Secchi (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), Fabian Homberg (Bournemouth University, UK) Developing a measurement scale for organisational defensive routines Discussants: Robert Liden and Talya Bauer coffee-break 10h30- 11h00: Thampi Sreejith, M. Mathirajan (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) Rewards and Recognition by Continuous Evaluation of Software Engineer Performance: A Conceptual Framework Discussants: Lynn Shore and Robert Liden 11h00-11h30: Aqsa Ejaz, Delphine Lacaze (Aix-Marseille Université, IAE) Moderating effects of psychological capital and political skills in the relation between perceived organizational politics and work outcomes: using self-determination paradigm Discussants: Lynn Shore and Talya Bauer 11h30-12h00: Julian Gould-Williams (Cardiff Business School), Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa (University of Bristol) High Performance Human Resource Practices and Job Satisfaction: An Examination of the Mediating Effects of Basic Needs Satisfaction and Autonomous Motivation Discussants: Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro and Denise Rousseau Tuesday May 12, 13h30-17h30, SESSION IIA (Salle Raymond Aron) CHAIR: Neil Conway 13h30-14h00: Dirk van Dierendonck (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University), Arthur Lankester (Top Employers Institute, Amsterdam), Maria Zmyslona (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University), Hans Rothweiler (Top Employers Institute, Amsterdam) The joint influence of institutional setting and HRM practices on collective turnover Discussants: Neil Conway and Lynn Shore 14h00-14h30: Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea (University of Craiova, Romania) The impact of dispersal of responsibilities on organisational behaviour Discussants: Gregor Bouville and Lynn Shore 14h30-15h00: Heidi Bodenmann, Anja Feierabend (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Effects of performance bonus on affective organizational commitment: A moderated mediation model of performance bonus, envy, leader-member exchange, and affective organizational commitment Discussants: Neil Conway and Lynn Shore coffee-break 15h30-16h00: Sudeshna Bhattacharya (Cardiff Business School) A Multiple Foci Conceptualisation of the Psychological Contract among Sub Contracted Workers: Case of an Off Shore Outsourced Call Centre in India Discussants: Denise Rousseau and Lynn Shore 16h00-16h30: Tine Van Thielen, Alex Vanderstraeten, Adelien Decramer (Ghent University) The Impact of Performance Management System Design on Team Performance: A Conceptual Framework Discussants: Lynn Shore and Neil Conway Tuesday May 12, 13h30-17h30, SESSION IIB (Salle Espace One) CHAIR: Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro 13h30-14h00: Lea Rutishauser, Anna Sender (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Social exchange relationships and turnover intention: Examining the impact of culture Discussants: Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro and Talya Bauer 14h00-14h30: Mieke Audenaert, Adelien Decramer (Ghent University) How employee performance management affects individual innovation and emotional exhaustion in the public elderly care sector: the role of the leader-member exchange Discussants: Robert Liden and Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro 14h30-15h00: Jeroen Stouten, Jeroen Camps (University of Leuven), Janne Kuppens (Delhaize Group) Change as a Catalyzer of Abusive Supervision? The Moderated Mediation of Transformational Change, OCB and Hindrance Stress Discussants: Ikram Nasr and Robert Liden coffee-break 15h30-16h00: Jeroen Camps, Leander De Schutter, Jeroen Stouten, Martin Euwema (University of Leuven) A License to Abuse? The Influence of Supervisors’ Trustworthy Behavior on Followers’ Reactions to Abusive Supervision Discussants: Robert Liden and Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro 16h00-16h30: Vincent Giolito (Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management) Leadership behaviors when organizations go wrong: directions for research in the management of organizational errors Discussants: Talya Bauer and Ikram Nasr 16h30-17h00: Smirti Kutaula, (Birkbeck, University of London), Julian Gould-Williams, Paul Bottomley (Cardiff Business School) High performance work systems, frontline management leadership behaviour and co-worker support and psychological contract fulfilment: An examination of direct and interaction effects Discussants: Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro and Robert Liden Wednesday May 13, 9h-12h00, SESSION III (Salle Raymond Aron) CHAIR: Talya Bauer 8h00: Breakfast 8h30-9h00: Sophie Hennekam (Open University UK/ESC Rennes School of Business) Career success of older workers: the influence of social skills and continuous learning ability Discussants: Talya Bauer and Lynn Shore 9h00-9h30: Julian Gould-Williams (Cardiff Business School), Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa (University of Bristol) The Relationship between High-Commitment HRM Practices, Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment: The Moderating Role of Task Meaningfulness Discussants: Ikram Nasr and Lynn Shore 9h30-10h00: Marsha Mihok (Human Resources Business Partner, Ecolab, City of Industry, CA) The Relationship between Workplace Socialization and Employee Engagement: Insights from the Sociology of Knowledge Discussants: Talya Bauer and Denise Rousseau coffee-break 10h30- 11h00: Cristina Cazorzi, Vincent Montenero (Université Paris Dauphine, DRM-Management et Organisation) Introduction of an MBO System in a fast internationalizing Italian Company Discussants: Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro and Denise Rousseau 11h00-11h30: Mahfooz A. Ansari, Rehana Aafaqi (University of Lethbridge, Canada) Lo May Chiun (University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia) Influence Tactics and Attributed Bases of Leader Power: The Role of Leader-Member Exchange Discussants: Robert Liden and Lynn Shore 11h30-12h00: Sarah Wittman (INSEAD) Identity defense responses to role exit Discussants: Lynn Shore and Talya Bauer 5 Wednesday May 13, 13h30-17h10, SESSION IV (Salle Raymond Aron) CHAIR: Pascale De Rozario 13h30-14h00: Rey Dang (La Rochelle Business School), Linh-Chi Vo (École de Management de Normandie) Predictors of Female Representation on Corporate Boards: An Analysis at Board Level from a Socialized Perspective Discussants: Denise Rousseau and Gregor Bouville 14h00-14h30: Stacy L. Astrove (University of Iowa), Jun Yang (Renmin University of China), Maria L. Kraimer (University of Iowa), Sandy J. Wayn (University of Illinois at Chicago) Psychological Contract Breach and Counterproductive Work Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model of Attributions for Psychological Contract Breach and Moral Disengagement Discussants: Denise Rousseau and Jacqueline Coyle-Shapiro 14h30-15h00: Thomas Van Waeyenberg, Adelien Decramer, Alex Vanderstraeten (Ghent University) Employee performance management systems and social well – being: The role of strong systems Discussants: Talya Bauer and Ikram Nasr coffee-break 15h30-16h00: Patrice Laroche (ESCP Europe) Union Membership and Job Satisfaction: Initial Evidence from French Linked Employer-Employee Data Discussants: Lynn Shore and Eric Campoy Wednesday May 13, 16h30-18h30, (Salle Raymond Aron) Open Conference: The Circulation of Ideas. About Psychological Contract and Strategy as Practice Moderators: Gregor Bouville & Pascale de Rozario Prof. Denise M. Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU (USA) Prof. Jean-Philippe Denis, Paris-Créteil Guillaume Carton, Phd doctorate, DRM-M&0 Dr. Pascale De Rozario, Hdr, Cnam / M&O Anthony Gour, Phd Doctorate, DRM-M&0 Prof. Rémi Jardat, Istec Prof. Yvon Pesqueux, Lirsa-Cnam
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