The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging

The International Politics of Economic Globalization
and Emerging Market Economies
March 19 and 20, 2015
Conference location: FEA-USP, Sala da Congregação
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, 1º andar, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo.
DAY 1 – Thursday, 19th March, 2015
9:30am-9:45am Opening Session – USP and Princeton authorities
9:45am-10:30am: Key Note: Andrew Hurrell (Oxford University): Global Governance: Can the Centre Hold?
Coffee break: 10:30am-10:45am
10:45am-12:45pm: Panel 1 – The Political Economy of Integration, and of International Diffusion
Etel Solingen (UCI): Globalization, Domestic Politics, and Regionalism.
Marcelo de Paiva Abreu (PUC-Rio): Autarkic obsession: a long-term view of Brazil in the world economy.
Marcos Lisboa (INSPER) (with C. Gonçalves (USP) JMP de Mello (INSPER): Was Brazil different? The synthetic versus the real.
Nita Rudra (Georgetown University): Are Rising Powers Changing the Shape of the World Economy?
Emilie Hafner-Burton (University of California San Diego) and Christina Davis (Princeton University)
Lunch: 12:45pm-2:00pm
2:00pm-4:00pm: Panel 2 - Trade Liberalization and Global Production Networks
Pedro Motta Veiga (CINDES), Sandra Rios (CINDES): The political economy of trade liberalization in Brazil and beyond.
Amâncio Jorge de Oliveira (IRI/USP), Francisco Urdinez (Caeni/USP), Janina Onuki (Caeni/USP): Domestic coalitions and
international trade.
Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill): Labor rights and Multinational Production.
Megumi Naoi (University of California San Diego): Framing Business Interests: How Campaigns Affect Firms’ Positions on
Preferential Trade Agreements.
Stephen Chaudoin (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaing) and Judith Goldstein (Stanford University)
4:00-4:30pm: Coffee Break
4:45pm-5:30pm – Keynote: Helen Milner (Princeton University) IPE: Where do we Stand? (30 mins plus time for questions)
Day 2 – Friday, 20th March, 2015
9:15am-11:15am: Panel 3 - Power Transitions, State Capabilities and International Institutions in a Changing World Order
Clodoaldo Hugueney (FGV-SP): Multipolarity, the changing structure of world trade and the negotiating agenda.
Vera Thorstensen (FGV-SP): OMC governance, and the impact of mega-trade agreements on emerging countries.
Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida (IRI/USP), Feliciano Sá Guimarães (IRI-USP): Brazil’s entrepreneurial power in a changing
global order: success and failure in different scenarios.
Faisal Z. Ahmed (Princeton University): The Perils of International Capital.
Robert Kaufman (Rutgers University) and Grigo Pops-Eleches (Princeton University)
11:15am-11:30am: Coffee Break
11:30am-1:30pm: Panel 4: Ideas on Trade, Monetary Policies and Global Economic Governance
Matthew Taylor (American University and USP): Ideas as Non-Tariff Barriers: Explaining Trade Policy in Latin America, 19602010.
Judith Goldstein (Stanford University): Back To School: The role of economic ideas in American trade policymaking (with
Lourdes Sola (NUPPS/USP) and Sérgio Vale (MBAssociados): Shifting narratives of emergence: looking for the global inside
the regional and the national.
Christina Davis (Princeton University): More than Just a Rich Country Club: Membership Conditionality and Institutional
Reform in the OECD.
Dan Nielson (Brigham Young University) and Ed Mansfield (University of Pennsylvania)
Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm
2:30pm-4:15pm: Panel 5 - Preferences Towards Redistribution, Economic Governance and Aid
Marcus Melo (UFPE): The politics of redistribution: the interplay of domestic and international factors in Latin America and
Nora Lustig (Tulane University): Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and the Poor in the Developing World.
Helen Milner, Dan Nielson, Adam Harris, Mike Findley: Elite and Mass Support for Foreign Aid versus Government Programs:
Experimental Evidence from Uganda.
Daniela Campello (FGV-Rio): Globalization and Democracy: The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America.
Elizabeth Balbachevsky (USP), Nina Ranieri, (USP): Brazil: education system, skills regime and the new democracy-driven
educational regime.
Megumi Naoi (University of California San Diego) and Stephanie Rickard (LSE)
4:30-6:30: Panel 6 - The Political Economy of Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Eduardo Viola (IRel-UNB) and Larissa Basso (IRel-UNB): Decarbonization in Large Emerging Economies: Comparing China,
India, Russia, Brazil and Mexico.
Jacques Marcovitch (USP): Financing the struggle against deforestation: Brazil and Indonesia.
José Goldemberg (USP) and Larissa Guardabasso (USP): Burden -sharing in the implementation of the Climate Convention.
David Victor (University of California San Diego): Making America Relevant to International Climate Diplomacy Again.
Xander Slaski (Princeton University) and Dustin Tingley (Harvard University).