European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Ministère de l’enseignement Supérieur Et de la Recherche Scientifique Université de Bouira. Algerie, Institute de Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives TOPIC ARTICLE Name Surname: KHIRI DJAMAL (PhD.) University Of Bouira/ Country :Algaria The training of secondary school teachers in active learning program Abstract: In light of the information revolution and the explosion of knowledge and rapid successive which is characterized by the present era, it has become imperative for the educational system in all its elements to keep pace with this rapid change, came the recommendations of the "National Conference for the development of secondary education and admissions policies in tertiary education," the need to change the philosophy and goals of education is based on a traditional education Teacher and efficiency only, and learner receives only negative is provided by the teacher to Active learning centered on the learner. And despite the fact that active learning as a term educational recently appeared, but it has received a number of definitions, perhaps due to the importance of this issue, and the speed of its spread among educational circles Here are some definitions that provided for active learning. Where active learning is defined as everything that includes the student's activities and the work requires reflection and meditation, as each active learning strategies always require that the student thinks of everything that offers him the information and Looking at her. Known active learning that includes several strategies for learning allows students to talk and listen and read and write and ponder the curriculum provided by the content, and includes active learning as well as exercises to solve problems and small group work, case study and practice and practice and various other activities that require the student reflect on everything learn and apply it. 1 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 There is a broader view of the active learning consider it as an educational philosophy based on the positive learner in the classroom, and include all the procedures of teaching and educational practices that aim to activate the role of the learner and glamorize: where are learning by doing research and experimentation, and the adoption of the learner to the same access to information and the acquisition of skills, and the formation of values and attitudes, it does not focus on the conservation and Altkulain, but on the development of thinking and the ability to problem-solving and teamwork and cooperative learning. Hence the emphasis on active learning does not have to acquire information, but on the way and manner in which it acquires information and values acquired during the student's access to information. Key Words: (3-5 words) Program. Training. Secondary teachers. Active learning Introduction: ntroduction: Any process of development and modernization require a diagnosis of reality with a view to improving and upgrading it. Far from falling into sin sweeping generalization, and without denial of some of the pros and efforts have been made, and continue to be made in the near and distant periods, the our educational system suffers from aspects of concrete palaces are: • a lack of basic skills when many students in all grades, and a private secondary school. • direct control scripts knowledge Know What the knowledge content of the curriculum without the provision of adequate knowledge stylistic Know How space and associated capacity development of higher thinking (High Order Thinking Skills - HOTS) and the development of general skills Generic subject to multiple uses. • Weak correlation methods of teaching theories of learning modern, especially cognitive theory Cognitive and extensions beyond the knowledge Metacognition, and theoretical structural Constructivism and the dictates of the importance to build a student - or contribute significantly - acquaintances and pollinate between his information prior and new information to create a new structure of knowledge. • tyranny of verbal culture associated with writing on the blackboard with chalk Talk and Chalk on teaching practices in the classroom and laboratory, without opportunities for dialogue and interaction of individual and collaborative classroom activity by students. 2 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Main Text: Philosophy of active learning: The active learning derives his philosophy of international and local contemporary variables, it is a response to these variables, which calls for reconsideration of the teacher and the learner roles, which called for the transfer of the focus of attention from the teacher to the learner, and make the learner is specific educational process, the active learning philosophy emphasizes that learning should: linked to student life and reality, needs and concerns. occurs through student interaction and communication with peers and members of his family and his community. based on the student's ability and the speed of its growth and its special rhythm learned. really puts the student in the "center" of the educational process. happens in all places where the learner is active school - House - Factory - Library activity rooms,. . . Great use of active learning: There are several reasons that calls for the use of active learning, which include: • Education through Altkulain learning style is prevalent in most secondary schools, a student at Trilling, preservation and undergo back and assisted on research and thinking and creativity. • respond to changing global trends in the world of education in general, and the revolution of modern technologies in learning resources, which alerted to the need to reconsider the learning methods. • Integrated vision of curriculum and school activities, to achieve the common concepts between teachers and students and the community. • The current direction of the Ministry of Education for the development of secondary education curriculum - in response to the development of secondary education in 2008 which requires changing the learning methods to cope with the curriculum development. • state of confusion suffered by learners after all instructional position, which can be interpreted as the result of the integration of new information not genuine in their minds. 3 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 • traditional methods of interest in the role of teacher education and educational activity of the transfer in the subject and not the role of the learner. • scientific thinking and what it represents a challenge to education systems. Foundations active learning: Active learning depends on several grounds, including: Students participate in the selection of the work system and rules. engage students in determining their educational goals. variety of learning resources. the use of teaching strategies based on the student, and commensurate with his abilities and interests and learning styles and intelligences which he enjoys. rely on students to evaluate themselves and their colleagues. availability of communication in all directions between the educated and the teacher. allow students to self-management. an atmosphere of tranquility and fun and fun while learning. learn each student according to his abilities. Help students to understand itself and discover the strengths and weaknesses he has. Active learning characteristics: learners are involved in the educational process more effective than being passive recipients. There is less information on the transport and delivery of learners concentration while focusing on the development of basic and advanced learners develop skills increase. encourage students to use the main sources and primary and multiple. activation of the role of the learners in the skills and strategies of higher-order thinking such as analysis, installation, evaluation and problem solving. works of active learning to create an atmosphere of education effectively and appropriately, in the classroom, and allows him to many of the means and methods used in teaching and learning processes. 4 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Evaluation should be an integral and linked to education, it is necessary to employ selfassessment for learners. Traditional education and active learning: Can spell the difference between traditional and active learning education through the following comparison contract: Face comparison of traditional education Active Learning The role of the teacher's teacher carrier of information and cued for students. The teacher is a multi-faceted and prompt component catalyst and source of reference experience for his students. Goals do not usually define the objectives in the form of behavioral outcomes of learning. Goals determine the results in the form of behavioral learning describes the types of learning and performances that must be achieved by the student and life skills that must be acquired. Educational materials textbook is the basic educational material are selected and other educational material first and then design tests to suit these materials, nor is determined by the desired learning outcomes associated with these materials. Define goals first, then the tests are designed to measure student achievement of these goals, then choose the learning materials that help students achieve their goals. Face comparison of traditional education Active Learning Learning rate imposed on all students study the whole set at the same rate and starts all students at the same time and end at the same time also scheduled. Some students can progress in the study by the learning rate and are free to skip some parts easy for them as long mastered the learning (achieving the goals). Teaching and learning strategies that do not increase the teaching strategies used for one or two Emtemtlten in lecture and written assignments. There are several strategies used to achieve the desired goals and to reach the level of mastery learning. Regulates the organization of the school day of the school day in the form of fixed Ptoukitat fixed quotas. Regulates the school day in the form of paragraphs (blocks of time) with the presence of flexibility in the selection, and the timing of paragraphs. 5 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Learning resources using traditional educational methods, such as the familiar book and transparent slides, films, and for the teacher to choose from what is preferred and it sees fit. And are often printed materials. The preparation of teaching aids linked to the objectives and activities of teaching and learning in the unit, and usually include multiple styles of teaching aids for learning and opportunities available for students to choose what helped him to master the learning and achievement of objectives. The role of negative student student, and that only by listening to the teacher or reading in the textbook. Active participant in the educational process through student work and research, reflection and consultation and collaboration with peers and eating tools and teaching aids, and so on. Time time specified for each semester subject for all students. And all students attend classes at times and places specified. Students can get the time that each and every one of them is enough to master the subject learner. Fixed places and often do not change throughout the school year. Whether furniture or students or blackboard. It is possible to change places according to the strategy used, which helps students to interact and mastery learning. Managing the learning environment the teacher controls the control and management chapter is the one who set the rules and required students to follow them. Students are involved in determining the rules of control and management of the classroom, and in their implementation. The advantages of active learning: The active learning has many advantages, including in connection with the academic aspects, and related human relations and communication between learners and each other, and between them and their teachers, these features include: 1 - prepares learners positions educational vivid effective. 2 - from which to learn what is difficult to learn in the classroom environment. 3 - increases the integration of the students at work, and makes learning fun and joy. 4 - Students stimulates the production multitude and diversity. 6 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 5 - Giving educated professional aspects and aspects of emotional and social skills and experience may be difficult to acquire in regular classes, such as cooperation and responsibility and restraint and creativity. 6 - is a room for the detection of learners tendencies and satisfy their needs. 7 - Helps to acquire communication skills. 8 - the desire to develop thinking and research. 9 - develops a desire to learn even perfection. 10. Students learn through most of the knowledge content of active learning, they are learning higher-order thinking skills, as well as learning how to work with others different from themselves. 11. Students learn through active learning the same learning strategies and methods of access to knowledge. The role of the teacher and the student in active learning: Differed role of the teacher is no longer the teacher is the only source of information, which resorted to the students, and they depend entirely dependent, but became a teacher does for many roles, is the facilitator of learning, and the leader and directed the activity of the students, and a resident of their performance, and Almhai a learning environment rich. Those roles combined contribute to the growth and progress of students, and the achievement of educational objectives. Similarly, disagreed role of the learner, in the active Student-centered learning, students play an active role in the learning process, through interaction with what they hear or watch or read in class, and they are remarkable, comparison, and interpretation, and discover relationships and communicate effectively and soft with their colleagues and their teacher . In other words, the purpose of active learning is to accustom students to self-learning and responsibility, and to create the opportunity for them to innovate, independence, and self-reliance, teamwork, effective and efficient in the activities provided to them and participate. And then we can through the following table displaying some roles and responsibilities for each task of the teacher and the learner in active learning: 7 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 Some of the important roles of the teacher in charge of them in the active process of learning some important roles performed by students in active learning process The design of learning strategies that are aligned with the learning objectives within the curriculum fruitful and positive interaction with peers and with activities Support the process of engaging all students in active learning activities to ask questions relating to activities Ask questions that encourage reflection and the use of different knowledge, problem solving, reflection, problem solving A formative evaluation and give feedback feeding take responsibility for self-learning Chapter organizing respect for others Put to collect resources and tools available and express new ideas and form opinions plans Obstacles active learning: Obstacles centered active learning application about several things, including: the teacher to understand the nature of his work and his roles, and uneasiness and anxiety resulting from the required change and the lack of incentives needed to change and obstacles that may prevent the application of active learning: tight as quotas, and the large number of quotas assigned by the teacher a week. takea long time in the planning and preparation. there are likely to be difficult in active learning in the classroom with large application. lack of materials and equipment and learning resources required for the application of this type of learning. teachers fear of any new workout. fear of non-participation of the learners and not to use higher-order thinking skills. fear of losing control of the learners. fear of criticism of others to break uncommon in education. inadequacy of the classroom environment for the use of some active learning strategies. frequent administrative responsibilities assigned by the teacher. 8 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 These constraints require us to believe the new thinking, and to give ourselves the opportunity to apply, and examine the results of this application, especially since the results of the studies that have been applied active learning has proven its effectiveness, so you should take into account these constraints when planning, where they are planning in light of the time and the time available, and possibilities and the number of students, as are selected active learning strategies that are commensurate with the learning environment at the secondary level. Tips to start the design of active learning activities: Start modest and short start. developed a plan for the activity of active learning, try it, Collect information around, modified, and then try it again. Try the learners would ask yourself first. Be clear with your students showing them the target of the activity and what you know about the learning process. The condition for success in the application of active learning (as in other activities realism) is a reflection on teaching practices and the new follow-up. You must answer the following questions when designing activity: 1 - What is the purpose of the activity? 2 - unless the parties to the interaction? Learner with a learner or group? 3 - What is the appropriate date for the activity? 4 - How long it takes to do the activity? 5 - What a means of expression for the educated answers? 6 - What is the necessary preparations for the activity? What is required of learners to contribute effectively? 7 - Do you discuss individual work or doubles with the whole class? 8 - Do you feed will provide learners irreversible about their activity? Based on what you have already been designed so that the activities: • solve active learning gradually replace traditional learning taking into account the objectives of unity and material goals. 9 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 • fit active learning environment. • There will be throwing parts unit that can not be learned through active learning activities. • activities designed to help learners to evaluate their progress through unity. • Designed suitable for active learning activities calendar. Determinants of active learning environment: The change from traditional education to active learning does not occur in isolation from the school environment, and may be losing sight of this truth behind the stalled a lot of sincere efforts, there is an atmosphere conducive to innovation, and climate hinders innovation, The school represents the environment in which they adopt the change and supported, and if active learning re school building our understanding of the environment, then at least from our own consciousness development in the light of the range of determinants of the school environment in active learning. a spirit of fellowship and positive professional relationships between colleagues. attention and seek new workout. set high expectations for achievement. self-confidence and change. actual support for both a sincere effort. quest for knowledge. evaluation effort. Care for others and keep it. defend everything that has value. its traditions are respected. dominated honesty in social relations. Active learning strategies: Multiple teaching strategies that fit active learning, and because of this diversity that active learning depends on the activity of the learner and his efforts during learning, it is active learning, which works to learn and participate colleagues to learn, and then the 10 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 focus of the teaching strategies that accommodate multiple active learning, and the teacher secondary school to remember that there is no way absolute or ideal strategy, but there is no way or strategy more suited for a specific lesson is consistent with the nature and characteristics of secondary school students, and these strategies: * Problem-solving strategy: Learning activity in which the learner is facing a real problem trying to solve them, using what he has knowledge and previous skills, or information that has been collected, and by conducting steps arranged similar steps scientific way of thinking, to eventually reach the conclusion, which is a solution to the problem and then to generalize until the conclusion turns into scientific basis or theory, following the following steps: a sense of the problem identify the problem - the imposition of hypotheses (proposed solutions) - test the validity of the assumptions - Access to the solution - Circular. * Learning cycle strategy: Is a method of learning / teaching in which students themselves survey process that lead to learning a pass in four stages: exploration - the interpretation stage - the stage of expansion - Calendar stage by stage. * Strategic projects: The project strategy in the teaching of science and mathematics of the most Applied images that are interested in the first place tendencies and activities of the learner, and in the second place of the information and facts that is, they are based on the purposes of the learners and their orientation, and the project can be defined as (purposeful activity accompanied by the enthusiasm stems from the learner is this activity in social) circumference, and the strategy is implemented projects according to the following stages: test project - to develop a plan to implement the project - implementation of the project the project calendar - writing project report. * Dialogue and debate strategy: The one common ways that promote active learning, which is the best ways amended lectures if the lesson is designed to remember the information for a longer period, to urge learners to continue learning, knowledge educated applied in new situations, and develop thinking skills of learners, which is useful and feasible in teaching groups large, and here poses teacher pivotal questions revolve around the main ideas of the material educated, 11 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 and require a way of dialogue and discussion that teachers have the knowledge and skills related to the appropriate ways to ask questions and direct the discussions, as well as the knowledge and skill to help create a discussion environment (mental and moral) encourages learners to present their ideas and their questions fluently and courage, which are used independently or as part of a strategy most other educational strategies. * Brainstorming strategy: Is one of the modern strategies that encourage creative thinking, and release the potential of learners in an atmosphere of freedom and security, allowing the emergence of all opinions and ideas, where the learner at the top of the interaction with the situation, and to serve this strategy in cases of open and topics that do not have one correct answer, which is relies on a set of basic principles, including: defer assessment - the launch of the freedom of thought - before quantum qualitative - to build on the ideas of others - not to neglect or ignore any idea or answer - no typical answer. * Discovery learning strategy: The discovery means that the student up to the information himself, relying on his effort and his work and his thinking, Valmdkhal exploratory focuses on addressing the learner attitude problem, has no sense of astonishment, and raises him many of the questions; who shall investigate the process, and research to find the answers. The discovery strategy of learning strategies is the product of other strategies are mutually supportive with each other to come up with the position of the active tutorial, and get him in the end to the student discovers something new. Valakchav is simply means that the learner discovers information itself does not make him ready, and so this discovery is achieved the desired face requires the learner to understand the interrelationships between ideas and connecting elements of the subject together to come to what is new from generalizations and scientific principles, it can also include the discovery compared views and certain solutions to the problem or situation, and discovery learning is divided into two types: - Guided discovery: where the teacher directing students during the discovery process, and through a series of questions and instructions and directives that lead learners to discover the relationship, or the law, or the subject matter of the study. - Free discovery: during which the teacher does not provide any guidance. 12 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 We will show in detail Two strategies of the most active learning strategies and prime denominator in most of its activities are: cooperative learning, constructivist learning. Conclusion: Education student file content may vary from chapter to chapter, and material of study to another, from one school to another, and for the use of educational file "Albortflao" as a tool for the calendar should be the primary concern at the beginning of use is to know the aim of using it, and this determines the procedural manual for the collection of content. For example, "Is the goal to use the file as data help programs or to register progress developers or to identify special needs or accounting or. All of the above." It is therefore possible that the education student file containing a different variety of educational materials such as "Teacher's Notes and the full list of references for the teacher and the responses of the same student acts and a list of reading, and a sample of newspapers and magazines, and written summaries and tapes recording and video collective project and testing models oral and household duties .. etc., and takes into account the student's educational file contains the following: 1 - Cover Page: A private data the student and the family and the guardian and how to communicate with him, especially data on the educational level in the previous year and in the previous semester and illustrated View regarding offer a learner (and is written over the semester and at the end, but they are placed at the beginning of the file) It summarizes the evidence of student learning, growth and progress. 2 - View Index: displays the file components according to the numbering procedure of the file. 3 - input file: divided the file to the input or key components that must be contained in the file, and determined by the teacher, and to input or optional components, one of the student's choice, and are asked basic components of each student and used as a basis for decisioncalendar-making, while the optional components allowed the student to submit what benefits excellence, so that chooses its best to put the file. 4 - Date: history must be logged on each input file in order to demonstrate the proof of the level of student growth throughout the school year. 5 - Drafts: a student products written and verbal, auditory and sensory before and after the revision and compare it to the growth and progress of the student. 13 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 6 - replies educational acts: may appear during the different stages of the learning process (Constructivism and final) purposes. 7 - my summary: It must be for each component of the file components summary theory explaining the reasons for the student chosen for this component, to be associated with his performance and his feelings toward the offer. Or to the same learner, has a theoretical summary contains the answer to the following items: • What did you learn from this item? • What Otguenth well? • Why did you choose this item? (This is based on what has been agreed upon between the student and the teacher regarding the evaluation criteria... Etc.). • What do I want to improve on this item? • What are my feelings toward my performance? • Where weaknesses or strengths? 8 - Other contents of the file: The file may contain a curriculum for each separate plan is given to each student by the teacher, as well as all the corrected student tests, which have been returned to him, and also the return of all papers by the student after briefing the teacher on them, as well as all of the data on trends The tendencies of students, or other topics in a circle student interest, academic record and his. In the end, we can say that the use of "Albortflao" in evaluating student performance real and effective tool that reflects the complex nature of the completion of the student for a long period of his time and make us link between the calendar and teaching and learning, however, that despite all the strengths and advantages of "Albortflao" on the calendar, there are some weaknesses Albortflao use in evaluating student performance and determine these points in that: • There is a problem in determining the sincerity of the file: This requires that includes a sufficient number of samples of student work to be representative of their performance and what they have achieved the learning objectives. 14 European Scientific Journal ISSN: 1857 - 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 • estimate the files often not be fixed there may be little agreement among educators about how it should be estimated file. • take significant time from the teacher during the quotas and beyond. • Teachers need to be trained on the use of these means, which may increase the financial cost and time consumption. We do not mean shortcomings this to avoid "Albortflao" in performance evaluation, so that the task of educational results shown by the use of Calendar inherent Balbortflao in many studies and research and research projects on the degree of importance that makes the cost of the consumer is justified and time, but we had to use caution when Calendar for the final records with actions that increase the reliability and validity of Calendar authentic tools, including: • agreed to set performance standards for material subjects. • Identify important aspects of "Albortflao" that are subject to the calendar. • Add some standardized tests at the end of the classroom to the student's bag business is subject to the evaluation process. • agree on the criteria to judge the "Albortflao" to be achieved by the end of the classroom and objectives. References Ministry of Education Unit Planning and Follow-up Project to improve secondary education 15
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