EFFECTS OF THE AGGREGATION NYMPHAL PHEROMONE BLEND (NPB) ON THE GREGARIOUS ADULTS OF Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal). (ACRIDIDAE: ORTHOPTERA) By TAGHREED ABDEL SALAM FAGEER B. SC (AGRIC) HONOURS UNIVERSITY OF KHARTOUM SUDAN 1996 A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Science in agriculture FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF KHARTOUM 2004 DEDICATION To the soul of my beloved father , may ALLAH Put Mercy on him, I dedicate this study. AKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere thanks and deep gratitude's goes to my patient supervisor, Dr. Magzoub Omar Bashir, for his keen interest, critical supervision and great technical and moral support. Thanks are due to ICIPE and particularly to Portsudan field station staff for their great practical support and friendly company during the course of this study. Special thank are due to Dr. Sidi Ould Ely I am indebted to my family especially to my uncle, Mr. Sharafal deen Abbadi, and to my dear husband, Dr. Osama SidAhmed, for the support and encouragement they provide was the driving force to initiate and accomplish this study. Thanks are also extended to all colleagues at Portsudan, for their different helpful and valuable support during the practical stages, statistical analysis and typing of the manuscripts and the final copies. Above all, I render my thanks and praise to almighty ALLAH for the mercy and giving's which enabled me to come out with this study. ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the effects of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on some biological activities of the adults' gregarious desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. 0.01% synthetic nymphal aggregation pheromone blend + anti-oxidant were used. Two control groups were conducted, one with carrier (shell oil+ anti-oxidant), the other without any treatment. The experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions (Max temp 35.2oC, Min. 25.9oC, Rh 37 %). Fully mature adults of mixed sexes were treated to reveal if there are any differences in the insects circadian rhythm (feeding- moving- roosting), in presence of the NPB. The result shows that there is no significant difference between control and treated groups. The effect of the NPB on feeding rates was also examined. The gregarious adult insects were fed on a weighted amount of fresh millet; the consumed and assimilated dry and wet food was calculated at the end. No significant differences between treated and control groups were found. Maturation of newly moulted gregarious immature males and females was investigated by monitoring colour change, sexual activities and oviposition. Onset of pairing was significantly delayed in adults treated with NPB. Regarding colour change there was significant difference between the untreated control and oil control and between the untreated control and the pheromone treated groups. There was no significant difference between the two sexes in the oil treated and pheromone treated groups. Pre oviposition period, Fecundity and oviposition behaviour were examined. It is clear that the NPB had an effect on fecundity. Females exposed to the pheromone produced significantly few egg pods compared to the untreated control; also the oil control produced few egg pods which mean that the oil has an effect. A significantly high number of egg pods were scattered by the treated females. The NPB seemed to have no significant effect on the longevity and life span of adult males and females. Accordingly it was clear that the NPB has just affected the reproductive physiology of the gregarious desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, so the pheromone can be utilized in the control of desert locust through affecting the synchronization of maturation of adults and increasing the number of scattered egg pods. LIST OF CONTENTS Pa ge DEDICATION …………………………………………….........................I ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………………… II ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)………………………………………….. ……III ABSTRACT (ARABIC)…………………………………………………..V LIST OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………...VI LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………….. ..X LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………….XI INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………….…....1 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………...…...6 1 The desert locust distribution …………………………………….……...6 2 Phase transformation …………………………………………………….7 3 Life cycle ……………………………………………………….…...….10 3.1 Nymphal stages ……………………………………………..…11 3.2 Immature adults ……………………………………………….12 3.3 Mature adults ……………………………………….………....12 4 Swarms formation …………………………………………….……......15 5 Importance of the desert locust ………………………………….…......16 6 Communications in the desert locust …………………………….….....17 6.1 Insect communication ………………………………………...17 6.2 Pheromone in the desert locust ………………………...….….19 6.2.1 Aggregation pheromone in Schistocerca gregaria…...20 6.2.2 Maturation synchronization pheromone ……….…….…24 6.2.3 Communal oviposition pheromone …………………......26 6.2.4 Sex pheromone ……………………………….………....27 7 Locust control ………………………………………………….….….…..28 7.1 Traditional methods …………………………………….……..…28 7.2 Chemical control ………………………………………… .…...29 7.3 Biological control …………………………………………….….32 7.3.1 Parasitoids and predators …………………………….….32 7.3.2 Viruses ……………………………………………….….32 7.3.3 Bacteria …………………………………………….…....33 7.3.4 Protozoa …………………………………………….…...33 7.3.5 Nematodes ……………………………………..………..34 7.3.6 Fungi ……………………………………………….…...34 7.4 Botanical control ………………………………………….……..36 7.5 Insect growth regulators ………………………………………....37 7.6 Juvenile pheromone analogues ……………………………….….38 7.7 Semiochemicals ………………………………………….………39 MATERIAL AND METHODS……………………………….…………...42 1 The experimental insects ……………………………………….…….…...42 2 The experimental cages ………………………………………….…….….42 3 The pheromone and the oil carrier ………………………………….….…43 4 The experiments ………………………………………………………..…43 4.1 The effect of the NPB on circadian rhythm …………………..….43 4.2 The effect of the NPB on feeding rates ………………….………44 4.3 The effect of the NPB on the onset of maturation ………….……45 4.4 The effect of the NPB on fecundity and oviposition behaviour. ...46 4.5 The effect of the NPB on male and female longevity ……….…..47 5 Data analysis ……………………………………………….……………47 RESULTS ……………………………………………………….………..48 1 Effect of NPB on circadian rhythm ……………………………………48 2 Effect of NPB on the feeding rates ……………………………….……..51 3 Effect of NPB on the maturation …………………………………….….54 4 The effect of NPB on fecundity and oviposition behaviour …………….57 5 The effect of NPB on longevity …………………………………………57 DISCUSSION …………………………………………………..………..62 REFFERANCES ………………………………………….………..…....66 SUMMARY…………………………………………………...…. ……....87 Appendices ……………………………………………………..……92 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1-A. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend(NPB) during 6 : 00 am to 10 : 00 am. ……………..49 1-B. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) during 11 : 00 am to 3 : 00 pm. …………… .49 1-C. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) during 3 : 00 pm to 6 : 00 pm………………49 2. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the feeding rates of DL fledglings. ………………………………………………..52 3. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the maturation of DL fledglings. ……………………………………..….55 4. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the fecundity and oviposition behavior of DL female. …………..….…...58 5. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the longivity of DL fledglings. ………………………………….………60 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.A Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 6 : 00 am to 10 : 00 am exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB). ………………………………………………………………….50 1.B Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 11 : 00 am to 3 : 00 pm exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) …………………………………………………………………50. 1.C Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 3 : 00 pm to 6 : 00 pm exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) …………………………………………………………………50. 2 Food consumption and assimilation rates of DL gregarious fledglings exposed to NPB……………………………………………53 3.A Effect of the NPB on the maturation colour change of the gregarious fledglings of the DL. ………………………………………56 3.B Effect of the NPB on the onset of mating of the gregarious fledglings of DL. ………………………………………………………56 3.C Effect of the NPB on the preoviposition period of the gregarious females of the DL………………………………………….56 4. Effect of the NPB on the fecundity and oviposition behaviour of gregarious fledglings of the DL. ………………………..59 5. Effect of the NPB on the longevity of the DL fledglings. ……….……61 INTRODUCTION The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal), is a short horned grasshopper, belonging to the family Acrididae, order Orthoptera. It is an important agricultural pest due to its polyphagus feeding behaviour and its mobility, which enables it to migrate long distances .The individual of this insects can consume food equivalent to its own weight (1.5-3g of vegetation daily). (Meinzingen, 1993). The desert locust has a vast invasion area covering about 20% of the total land surface of the world, affecting 57 countries in Africa and Asia. Sudan is an important breeding area of the desert locust. Breeding in Sudan takes place in summer, winter and spring. From Sudan invasion spread to the inner parts of the country and also to the neighboring countries. Locusts are hemimetabolic insects that exhibit phase polymorphism and are able to transform reversibly between two extreme phases. These two phases are solitaria and gregaria that differ in physiology, biochemistry, behavior, pigmentation and morphology (Uvarov, 1966). Gregarization is predicated on locusts density which may be promoted by a variety of environmental and biotic factors, including convergent winds, habitat topologies, improved rains, distribution of food plants and oviposition sites (Kennedy, 1939; Roffey and Popov , 1968 ; Uvarov , 1977) . Several mediating factors have been implicated in the phase dynamics of S. gregaria including visual (Ellis and Pearce, 1962), tactile (Ellis, 1962), chemical (Nolte, 1963; Gillette. 1968), auditory (Culmsee, 1997) and the previous phase history of the locusts (Michel, 1980). The gregarious phase is characterized by a highly cohesive behavior, long distance migratory aptitude, polyphagy, synchronous and accelerated maturation of males and females and mass egg laying by gravid females in common sites (Steedman, 1988). It is this remarkable set of characters of gregarious phase that make the desert locust such a devastating pest of agricultural crops, pastural land and other natural vegetation. Accordingly the control strategy directed towards the gregarious phase and in the same time keeping the population in the solitary phase down, preventing population builds up and swarms formation. The control strategy against the desert locust on regional and international basis is a preventive strategy, which depends mainly on application of chemical pesticides. This strategy proved to be highly effective, however it affects a wide range of non-target organisms. These include insects, birds, livestock and wild life. The pesticides also constitute a risk to human and life environment integrity (Evert, 1990). The current preventive control strategy needs to be revised. There is a strong drive to move from an emergency control, when the locust has already become a problematic swarm to a long – term management within the known pillars of an IPM approach which is environment friendly and biorational. The new alternative methods are based on adequate knowledge and understanding of factors associated with gregarization of solitarious locusts (physiology, behavior and chemical ecology). These alternative methods are meant to overcome largely the shortcoming of the orthodox approaches. Of the alternative approach semiochemicals play an important role in regulating the behaviour of the insect and its communication systems. They can provide information about the location of food, hosts, mates or ovipositor sites. They may control behavior such as mating, aggregation, feeding and alarm. They can initiate specific physiological and behavioral shifts in the gregarious phase. Insect pheromones are the most widely researched group of semiochemicals. The pheromone system of the gregarious desert locust is a complex of volatiles emitted by different developmental stages, sexes of the insect and their waste products (Ofori et al., 1993, 1994 a, b). These were first recognized by Nolte (1963) and later confirmed by Gillette (1968,). The pheromone system is crucial for initiating gregarization and sustaining cohision, in nymphs and adults. It also accelerates; synchronizes sexual maturation; stimulates and concentrates egg- laying within a common area. (Ofori et al., 1993, 1994 a,b; Torto et al.,1994; 1996; 1999 Njagi et al.,1996; Mahamat et al.,1993; Assad et al.,1997b; Saini et al.,1995; Bashir et al.,2000). There are two sets of releaser pheromone systems; a juvenile aggregation pheromone produced by nymphs and specific to nymphal stages and an adult pheromone produced by older adult males and specific to the adult stage (Ofori et al. , 1993 ). This study is intended to examine the effect of the nymphal pheromone blend on gregarious adults through monitoring sum selected biological activities such as: (1) Circadian rhythm. (2) Feeding rate (food consumption). (3) Effect on maturation rate (4) Effect on fecundity and oviposition behaviour. (5) Effect on male and female longevity. The study is conducted at the premises of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Port Sudan field station. It is an integral part of the ICIPE project directed towards utilizing semiochemical as a new approach for the management of the desert locust. The over all objective of the study is to lay the foundations for the use of the NPB in new control tactics against the adult stage of the DL. This could be done by exposing the adult swarm to the pheromone so as to cause behaviour shift, which are not to the advantages of the species in general and to the gregarious phase in particular. LITREATURE REVIEW 1. The Desert Locust distribution The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) is the most devastating of all the major locust species. Of all Orthopteran species, Shistocerca gregaria has the largest distribution area. This occurs mainly in semi desert and short grass Savannah. It threatens agricultural crops in many parts in north and central Africa, the Near East and Southwest Asia (Uvarov, 1977 and Steedman, 1988). These regions are characterized by rain fall averaging between 80 and 400 mm annually, which can vary dramatically from year to year with annual rain fall being up to 70% about or below the average (Magor, 1994). In the Sudan, the insect has been recorded from the Red Sea littoral and along the central parts of the country (Maxwel-Darling, 1936; Karrar, 1972). The Sudan lies at the heart of both the invasion and recession areas. It is mainly a summer breeding area, though majour breeding may take place in winter at the Read Sea littoral. ◦ However, the country is subjected to infestation as far as latitude 12 N (MaxwellDarling, 1953; Karrar, 1972). According to studies carried out by Walloff and Conners (1964) during the period from 1937 to 1963 the desert locust swarms invaded the Sudan in 25 years and it was the country with the highest frequency of swarms invasions. Phase Transformation 2. The desert locust can exist in two different phases, as scattered individuals with in the recession area (solitary phase) or as swarms through out the invasion area (gregarious phase) (Uvarov, 1921 and Roffey, 1982). Uvarov (1966 and 1977) blieves that by passing through transient stages, the desert locust S. gregaria convert between these two extreme phases. Although phase dynamics is predicted on locust density (Roffey and Popov, 1968; Pener, 1991) a number of mediating factors have also been implicated, including visual (Ellis and Pearce, 1962); tactile (Ellis, 1962) and chemical stimuli (Gillette, 1968). Moreover, dietary factors (Culmsee, 1997); previous phase history (HunterJones, 1958; Michel, 1980) and interaction with other species (Gillette, 1968) have also been shown to influence phase characters. Phase transformation also depends on other environmental factors such as temperature (Hussain and Mathur, 1943; Wilps, 1997); humidity (Albrecht and Lauga, 1979); convergent wind (Rainey, 1989); level of localized rain, (Carlisle and Ellis, 1965) and topologies (Chapman, 1976). The phase status of the desert locust has commonly been characterized on the basis of morphometrics, which are not good phase indicator since they change slowly over several generations (Uvarov, 1921; Hunter Jones, 1958 and Deng et al., 1996). Body colour pattern in locust can also be used to differentiate solitary from gregarious, (Pener, 1967 and 1991; Norris, 1954; Steedman, 1988; Loher, 1990), Ellis and Pearce, (1962); Roessingh et al (1993). Roessingh and Simpson (1994) and Bouaichi et al (1995) suggested that hehaviour is a good phase indicator and it is the first characteristic to alter when locusts experience a variation in population density. Behavioural changes followed by a series of associated physical and morphological changes, lead to irregular periods of mass- out breaks separated by extended periods of recession (Uvarov, 1977). The dynamics of behavioural phase change in individuals of the DL are subject to periods of crowding or isolation (Roessingh and Simpson, 1994; Bouaichi et al., 1995). Typical green solitarious nymphs of S. gregaria behave like their gregarious counter parts, after only a few hours of crowding, but revert quickly to soliarious behaviour if removed from the crowd (Roessingh and Simpson, 1994). Kennedy (1939) found swarming locust populations with typical solitarious morphometrics this means that hehavioural transformation might occur rapidly. Burnett (1951) said that the number of eye strips could be used as a phase marker. Reproductive characteristics (Hunter-Jones, 1958); endocrine balance, (especially in relation to juvenile hormone) (Ellis and Carlisle, 1961; Pener, 1991), lipid storage, and strength of adipokinetic reaction (Scheneider et al., 1995), were also identified as phase markers. Mahamat et al (1991) demonstrated that the absorbency ratio of haemolymph pigment could be used to differentiate solitary from gregarious locusts. Solitary phase locusts live as sedentary, harmless individuals far apart from one another (Roessingh et al., 1993) and show strong repulsive reactions to confrontation between hoppers (Wiesel et al., 1996). The adult stages fly individually by night. In contrast in the gregarious phase, hoppers actively aggregate forming large crowded groups, termed as bands. Hoppers in bands have a higher locomoter activity in the same direction (Uvarov, 1977). Likewise, adults fly together in swarms during the day with a higher flight activity compared to solitarious one (Michel, 1980). life cycle 3. The desert locust like all other locusts and grasshoppers is hemimetabolous insect, which develop gradually without under going a pupal stage and its life cycle comprises mainly 3 stages (eggs, hoppers and adults). The time spent in each stage varies considerably depending on the weather conditions (Steedman, 1988). The number of eggs per pod of isolated females is higher than that of crowded females. According to Anonymous (1982) a gregarious female usually lays 2-3 egg pods each with about 60-80 eggs, whereas solitarious female mostly lays 3-4 egg pods each pod containing 100-160 eggs, with egg pods laid at an interval of 7-10 days. Also Ripper and George (1965) found that a female lays an average of 3 egg pods at intervals of one week (minimum 3 days and maximum about 14 days). According to Steedman (1988) the preferred oviposition sites are sandy soil, which support the eggs to complete their development. The females find these sites by probing with their ovipositor. The incubation period of eggs varies according to the soil temperature. Bellow 15oC there is no development; from 15oC to 35oC, as in the summer breeding areas, the incubation period takes 10-14 days, but this is extended to 25-30 days in the cooler spring and winter breeding sites (Steedman,1988). Hunter- Jones, (1964) said that eggs need to absorb their own weight of moisture during development. 3.1. Nymphal stages The entire hoppers from one egg pod normally start hatching on the same day. They usually take three days for a complete hatching of a whole egg field, but longer periods have been recorded (Uvarov, 1977 and Anonymous, 1982). According to Steedman (1988), the rate of instar development depends on temperature. It varies from 22 days under hot conditions (approximately 37oC) to over 70 days under cool conditions when the temperture is about 22oC. He also mentioned that under optimum conditions, gregarious nymphs develop faster than solitarious ones. Magor, (1994) clarified that hopper development varies between one to two months. The colour of the gregarious instars is a heavy black pattern on yellow or orange back ground and they develop through five instars, whereas the solitarious has six instars with a uniform green colour in early instars, which may become white colour in the last two instars (Pedgley, 1981; Anonymous, 1982; Steedman, 1988). Immature adults 3.2. The final moult from the last instar hopper results in the fledging adult which dose not grow in size but gradually increases in weight (Anonymous, 1982 and Steedman, 1988). The immature adults of the gregarious phase are usually pinkish in colour during the 6-7 days after emerging. In both sexes the pink colour disappears and a beige or brownish colour becomes apparent about 9-10 days after emerging (Pener, 1967). On the other hand the immature adults of the solitarious counterparts are usually grayish brown in both sexes (Anonymous, 1993). Mature adults 3.3. At this stage the sexually immature adults become mature and there is change in their colour, behaviour and reproductive organs (Pedgley, 1981). The maturation period of the individuals is variable, adults may become sexually mature in few weeks or few months according to the environmental conditions. At law temperatures and under drought conditions maturation may take as long as six months, whereas under optimum food and weather conditions maturation occurs with in 3-4 weeks (Pener, 1967 and Steedman, 1988). Pedgley (1981) demonstrated that males usually mature earlier than females and become bright yellow, where as females become only dull yellow. He also confirmed that the first area to become yellow is normally the base of the hind wings; next, the colour appears on the upper side of the near abdominal segments, and at this stage males are usually ready to copulate. Also Steedman (1988) mentioned that the beginning of the maturation processe can be recognized by the disappearance of the pink colour from the hind tibiae, copuled with the deposition of yolk in the eggs. Pener (1967) and Norris (1954) also distinguished between the sexually immature and mature stage through colour changes. Pedgley (1981) said that in solitarious populations the colour changes, which occur at maturation, are less pronounced than in gregarious populations. But according to Amerasinghe (1978 a,b) yellow colouration is not always a reliable guide to sexual maturity. In attempt to find biochemical markers Mahamat et. al (1991) reported that the haemolymph proteins of locusts showed distinguishable differences between immature and mature gregarious individuals. Also the ovarian development in virgin females was accelerated by the presence of mature males, but was unaffected by the presence of immature adults (Richard and El Mangoury, 1968). Mahamat et. al (1993) confirmed this observation by exposing immature females to mature males or their abdominal extract. Together with the appearance of the yellow colour, males start to show sexual behaviour and the female ovaries can easily be seen when the abdomen is pulled away from the thorax. At this time copulation take place, spermatozoa are passed into the female’s genital organs and the eggs are fertilized. The time spent in copulation varies from 3-14 hrs. One male can fertilize several females and the spermatozoa can be stored inside the female’s body in the spermatheca and used to fertilized more than one set of eggs (Pener, 1967; Uvarov, 1977; Steedman, 1988). Once eggs are fully developed inside the female, the female can only keep them for about three days then the eggs must be laid weather a suitable soil is available or not (Uvarov, 1977). Within hours of the commencement of copulation the females start searching for suitable egg laying sites (Pedgley, 1981). The length of life of individual adults varies. Some have been kept alive in cages for over a year, but in the field they probably live between 2.5 and 5 months. A part from accidental death, the lifespan depends on how long they take to become sexually mature. The quicker they mature the shorter the total length of life (Steedman, 1988). Swarms formation 4. Swarms formation takes place when environmental conditions are favourable (Uvarov. 1977). Pedgley (1981) observed that swarms are so variable in structure, density and size. The size of desert locust swarms range from less than one square kilometer to several hundred square kilometers. A square kilometer of a medium density swarm may contain up to 50 million insects (Steedman, 1988). According to Pedgley (1981) gregarious Schistocerca gregaria can migrate up to 3000-4000 km. The speed of swarm displacement depends on the wind speed and the food availability (Pedgley, 1981 and Meinzingen, 1993). Steedman (1988) told that desert locust swarms fly by day and settled on vegetation at night, although some times they fly after dark. Meinzingen (1993) said that because of their ability to migrate long distances, swarms of desert locust could invade large areas with in a short time. Joffe (1995) mentioned that out- breaks occur on average of one year in every six. But there is no regular periodicity in the onset of plagues (COPR, 1982). Importance of the desert locust 5. Desert locust feed on a very wide range of host plants. The individual eats its own weight of fresh vegetation every day. Locusts cause damage to host plants by eating leaves, flowers, seeds and growing tips. They some times settle so density that their weight break the branches of trees and plantation crops such as coffee, which they do not eat. It has been found that 8% of the damage done is caused by hoppers, 69% by immature and maturing swarms and 23% by maturing swarms. The damage inflected by hoppers is low because the breeding areas are mostly out side cropping areas (Steedman, 1988). Communication in the desert locust 6. 6.1. Insect Communication Some members of the class insecta are characterized by different sensory modes of communication, i.e. chemical, auditory, visual and tactile signals and combinations of them. Among all this tools the chemical communication is, no doubt, the primary mode of information transfer in a number of species of the class insecta and exemplified in the insect world (Jutsum and Gordon, 1989). Karlson and Butenandt (1939) defined the pheromone as a designated substance that is secreted by insects to the out side and cause specific reaction in the receiving individuals of the same species. The pheromone communication is ubiquitous and the insects pheromones are important substances which mediate various behavioural and biological processes in insects (Wall, 1985). Insect pheromones have been classified in several ways by different workers for example, Wilson (1963) classified them as releaser substances and primer substances. Karlson and Butenandt (1939) said that, pheromone secretion does not need to occur in definite glands, a cuticular excretion may also be a pheromone. Whereas Karlson and Luscher (1959) said that the pheromone are produced in glands and transferred to individuals of the same species at closed range or by contact. The insects do not only synthesize the pheromone component to a high degree of purity, by specific biosynthetic pathways, but they also precisely control the geometrical and optical isomerism of the molecules and ratio in which they are produced (Lofstedt and Odham, 1984). Boppre (1978) confirmed that if the insects do not have access to a particular type of plants they are unable to synthesize the pheromone. Pheromones are perceived at extremely low concentrations through the antennae (Slyfer et al., 1959). Some pheromones are perceived ascent by olfactory receptors and affect the recipient via the central nervous system (CNS). In other cases pheromones are ingested by the recipient, they may be perceived by the sense of taste, exerting their effects via the CNS. The ingested pheromone may be absorbed and play some parts in the biochemical reaction with in the recipient, so discrimination between the molecules must occur in the antennae and in certain nerves (Chapman, 1983). Pheromones are species specific with varying response in different species. They may exert no effect at all, or may produce different types of behaviour in the recipient in different environmental conditions or in different concentrations. They may also have adverse effect and may serve to advertise the presence of an insect to their potential parasites and predators. (Chapman, 1983). Some times the pheromones also function as defensive substances, but in most cases defensive substances and pheromones are quite different (Chapman, 1983). The sex attractants of insects are the most thoroughly investigated pheromones (Karlson and Butenandet 1939). 6.2. Pheromones in the Desert Locust Today there is clear evidence that a multitude of behaviour patterns and physiological changes in locust are strongly influenced by pheromones (Francke and Schulz, 1994). Accoding to Wilson classification (1963) two principal pheromonal effects have been demonstrated: primer pheromones, which elicit either a physiological or behavioural alteration, occurring after a time lag and releaser pheromone which trigger an immediate and reversible behavioural response in the receiver. Two primer pheromones are implicated in gregarisation of locusts: a primer signal that contributes to phase shift from solitary to gregarious and another one responsible for transfer of gregarious characteristics from parents to offspring (Heifetz.et al., 1996). The same authers also demonstrated that chemotactile cues derived from the cuticle of gregarious nymphs elicit significant gregarisation behaviour in isolated nymphs. So primer pheromones effect long-term morphometric, behavioural and genetic changes. The mediators of phase transformation of S. gregaria are pheromones, of which four types have been identified (gregarisation pheromone, maturation acceleration pheromone, oviposition pheromone and sex pheromone in solitaria). Each of these pheromones induce gregarisation differently at different stages of the locust development (Loher, 1990 ; Byer, 1991). 6.2.1. Aggregation Pheromone in S. gregaria The mediation of a gregarizing pheromone was first recognized by Nolte (1963) and later confirmed by Gillette (1968). Gillette (1968) demonstrated that the grouping behaviour of nymphs and adults of s.gregaria reared in visual and tactile isolation was influenced significantly by the action of an airborne factor. Obeng-Ofori et al., 1993, 1994a,b) confirmed that agregation behaviour in the desert locust S. gregari is mediated by a complex pheromone system released in the volatile emissions of Obeng-Ofori et al different locust stages, sexes and their feces. (1993) found that volatiles emitted by locusts stimulate grouping behaviour in receptive individuals. In Acrididae aggregation constitutes a highly specialized behavior that leads to redistribution of the insect population, recolonization of old habitats and at times, colonization of new ones (Kennedy, 1939). Torto et al., 1994 and Obeng-Ofori et al., 1993 confirmed the existence of stage differentiation in pheromone mediated aggregation behaviour of the desert locust and the existence of sex differentiation in the biosynthesis of the adult pheromone. Obeng-Ofori et al., 1993 confirmed significant qualitative and quantitative differences in the composition of nymphal and adult emission. They also demonstrated that the aggregation behaviour of S. gregaria is mediated by two sets of releaser pheromone systems, and that the nymphal stages of the locust respond only to nymphal, volatiles, while the adults respond only to adult volatiles. The production of the pheromone in the adult is confined predominantly to the male (Obeng-Ofori et al., 1994a). Volatiles from solitarious and gregarious adult male D.L S.gregaria were qualitatively and quantitatively different (Njagi et al., 1996). The adult male pheromone could release an immediate behavioural response in the solitarious individuals and in a prolonged encounter it could contribute towards priming physiological transformation into the gregarious phase (Njagi et al., 1996). Chang in emission of aggregation pheromone by adult D.L occur rapidly in response to shift from crowded to solitary rearing conditions or the reverse, concluding that pheromone titers are amore sensitive measures than morphometrics to determine the onset of phase change in the D L (Deng et al., 1996). Njagi et al (1996) suggested that the gregarious adult male aggregation pheromone may play a role in the arrestment and subsequent recruitment of solitarious individuals into gregarious or gregarizing groups during the early stages of a locust outbreak. Young adults and females of all ages produce none or trace quantitative of the components of adult male’s pheromone and their emission lack of any aggregation stimulus. The young adults represent an interesting stage because they do not emit any significant pheromone themselves and are thus not induced to aggregate significantly by their own volatile emission. They response only to the older males pheromone (Obeng-Ofori et al., 1993; 1994b, Torto et al., 1994). In the absence of older males, young adults aggregate in response to guaiacol and phenol present in their fecal volatile and those of nymphal stages with which they associated during fledging (Oben-Ofori et al., 1994b). The chemical emissions of the fledglings’ fecal droppings and those of the hopper stages are compositionally similar (Hassanali and Bashir, 1999). In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instars the nymphal stages response to one another’s volatile and that no sexual differentiation occur either in the production of or response to nymphal volatiles (Obeng-Ofori et al., 1993, 1994a). Thus, the aggregation behaviour of nymphal DL appear to be modulated by three sets of pheromonal compounds: short chain aldehydes and acids produce by gregarious nymphs and guaiacol and phenol associated with their fecal volatile, which act synergistically (Torto et al., 1996). Some of the aldehydes and acids detected in the volatile of the nymphs have been reported as plant constituents (Visser, 1986). The nymph may synthesize the components de novo or obtaine them from plants. Significantly, solitary nymphs reared on the same food as their gregarious counterparts emit trace amounts of this compound, but they are not always detectable in their volatile emissions. (Torto et al., 1996). Previous study by (Nolte et al., 1973), had implicated nympal feces as the source of locust gregarizing pheromone. Fecal volatile appears to be part of the releaser pheromone complex of the D.L. It has an augmentative role in aggregating the hoppers and older adults with an important function of keeping young adults cohesive during the critical period when they are transient from fledglings to full mature adults at which time they do not produce any other aggregation factors (Obeng-Ofori et al., 1994b). The nymphs aggregate in response not only to volatile of their own feces but also to those of the young adults. The young and older adults were not only responsive to their own fecal volatile but also cross responsive to each others and that of the nymphs (Obeng-Ofori et al., 1994). (Uvarov, 1966; Steedman, 1988) suggested that fecal volatile may augment the nymphal pheromone system in modulating cohesion in this stage of the insect. Gillett and Philips, (1977) concluded that adult feces had the effect of making nymphs less gregarious. This confirmed by (Gillett, 1983) who found that solitarizing stimulus was produced by gregarious adults. Of special interest is the finding that exposure of groups of insect of either stages to the aggregation pheromone of the other resulted in a loss of aggregation behaviour. In olfactometric assay similar cross-stage effects were found between the 1st instar nymphs and the rest (Hassanali and Bashir, 1999). 6.2.2. Maturation Synchronization Pheromone The synchronization of maturation could lead to simultaneous mating and facilitate communal oviposition critical for spatial and temporal cohesiveness of the progeny (Popov, 1958; Stower et al., 1958). Synchrony in a breeding area probably starts with the onset of reproductive activity of scattered solitarious adults stimulated by volatile emission of desert plants, just before the onset of seasonal rains (Carlisle et al., 1965; Assad et al., 1997a). Richard and El Mangoury (1968) suggested that in nature sequential retarding and acceleration promote a high degree of maturation synchrony. Loher (1960) found that solvent extract of mature males accelerate the maturation of the young adult insects and he also showed that accelerated maturation in the insect could also be induced without actual contact with the stimulant, suggesting that a volatile pheromone was involved. Mahamet et al., (1993) confirmed the mediation of maturation acceleration pheromone and demonstrated conclusively that it is associated with volatile emissions of older males, which also plays an aggregation role in the adult stages. So two primer pheromone systems have been implicated in the regulation of maturation in the gregarious DL S. gregaria. These are maturation-accelerating pheromone associated with mature adult males (Norris, 1954; Amerasinghe, 1978 a,b; Mahamet et al., 1993), and a maturation-retarding pheromone associated with young nymphal stages (Richard and El Mangoury, 1968; Assad et al., 1997b). It has been suggested that the two effects operating sequentially facilitate synchronous maturation of the entire fledgling population (Popov, 1958; Uvarov, 1966; Richard and El Mangoury, 1968; Assad et al., 1997b; Hassanali and Torto, 1999). Amerasingh,(1978 a,b), confirmed the presence of a maturation acceleration pheromone in mature male extracts. He concluded that the signal did not appear to be very effective in inducing yellowing, nor to be consistent in initiating the vibration reaction in immature males. Mahamat et al., (1993) confirmed that yellowing represent a convenient indicator of maturation, and showed that casual contact with mature males or exposure for short period would not elicit a similar response. 6.2.3. Communal Oviposition Pheromone Norris, (1963) found that both visual and chemical cues were important in aggregating females to common egg-laying sites. He reported that exuviae from Locusta migratoria were attractive to ovipositing females of S. gregaria but also to a lesser extent than those from conspecific locusts. So the oviposition aggregation pheromone was at least partially species specific. (Lauga and Hatle, 1978) showed that females of L. migratoria were strongly attracted over a distance of 0.5 m to sand into which gregarious females had laid egg-pods. Group egg laying behaviour is mediated by several sets of pheromones, first a signal emitted by ovipositing female that have found suitable egglaying sites, a second associated with the egg froth of gregarious females (Saini et al., 1995) and a third signal present in the sand into which oviposition by gregarious females took place (Torto et.al.,1999). Thus, gregarious phase of S. gregaria females invest heavily in ensuring that the eggs that are laid and hoppers that emerge are within close proximity of one another. An unidentified primer signal is also associated with the gregarious oviposition sites, which predisposes the off-spring including those from solitarious eggs to emerge more gregarious, thus affecting transgenerational transfer and accumulation of phase characters (Lauga and Hatle, 1978; Bouachi, et al 1995). Bashir, et al (2000) found that a releaser kairomone from specific desert plants is preferred for egg laying. Clustered eggs lying by solitarious females promote forced togetherness of hoppers. They also found that pods originating from gregarious females are most attractive to solitarious females to lay near. 6.2.4. Sex Pheromone Mate finding, recognition and copulation are essential steps in successful reproduction. Mate finding in high- density populations of gregarious locusts is probably accomplished by random encounters. The bright yellow body colour of the males and females and release of aggregation pheromone by the adults serve as effective means of bringing the mates together and assist in their mutual recognition (Obeng-Ofori, et al., 1993; 1994). In contrast, males and female of solitarious desert locust are similar in colour and their population densities can be extremely law (<5/ha) (Uvarov, 1977 The attraction of the solitarious males toward the females in the absence of visual and acoustic cues affirms the presence of a volatile sex pheromone released by the females (Inayatullah et al., 1994). Sex pheromone have been reported in other Orthopteroids (Jacopson, 1972) and in several acridids ( Otte, 1970). 7. Locust control Steedman (1988), mentioned that locusts can be controlled at all stages of their life cycle through a variety of methods and equipment, both from the ground and from the air. The choice between these methods will depend upon several factors such as environment, farming system, locust population, national technical capabilities and availability of equipments. 7.1. Traditional methods Many traditional methods of locust control have been applied in the past such as, heating, burning, trenching, harrowing and tilling. (Duranton et al., 1987) Chemical control 7.2. The current methods to control locust are mainly based on application of toxic chemicals. However chemical control of locusts and grasshoppers plagues is expensive and environmentally damaging (Raina, 1992 and Bateman et al 1993). Showler (1995), said that, basically there are three approaches to locust control, preventive, proactive and reactive. Chara (1997) mentioned that control measures against the desert locust can be based on two possible strategies, preventive and reactive. The current locust control is claimed to be a preventive one, which during upsurges changes into a plague containment and eventually to a crop protection or plague elimination efforts (Symmons, 1992). Chara (1997) explained that preventive control entails permanent monitoring of the potential gregarization areas and the rapid destruction of primary target if possible before gregarization begins. Lecoq et al (1997) said that one could reasonably assume that preventive control has played positive role in preventing the return of major invasion of locusts, since it was first put into practice in the 1960s. Lecoq et al (1997) and van Huis (1992) demonstrated that the preventive strategies relied to a great extent on the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons and it was considered appropriate when used in conjunction with the dieldrin, the persistence of which, permitted successful barrier treatment. Since 1958, Dieldrin has been progressively withdrawn from the market for locust control because of its possible risk to the environment, persistence and bioaccumulation (Launois and Rachadi, 1997). With dieldrin no longer available replacement acridicides such as Organophosphates (Malathion and Diazinon), Carbamates (Bendiocarb) and synthetic pyrethroids (Deltamethrin or Decis and Cybermethrin) or combination of these have been used for the control of locusts (Menzingen, 1997; van Huis, 1997). Chemical control of locust in South Africa today became pyrethroid driven with Deltamethrin and playing a leading role (Brawn and Kisser, 1997). These conventional chemicals are actually applied or offered to the locust control in one of three forms, baits, dust or spraying. The most common locust control technique is drift spraying. This technique requires the use of specialized equipment and the use of ultra law volume (ULV) formulation that can be applied either by air craft or by ground spray equipment (Menzingen, 1993 and Symmons, 1992). Symmons (1992, 1997) observed that swarm spraying has been argued to be more efficient than hopper control and van Huis (1997) claimed that swarm spraying is the only feasible method to achieving general population reduction. Steedman (1988) said that most experts agree that the early hopper stage is the most vulnerable, whereas adult swarms are very mobile and they are successfully controlled only by spraying from aircraft. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) sources, in 1986-1989, 26 million hectares of locust infestation areas were treated approximately by 16 million liters of liquid and 14 million kilograms of dust pesticides (Meinzingen, 1997). Krall (1994); Joffee (1995) pointed out that millions of dollars are spent on preventive control measures every year. Recent concerns over possible human health problems and environmental damage resulting from the large scale application of chemical pesticides for locust and grasshopper control, as well as doubts about their efficacy (Anon, 1990; Joffee, 1995), have lead to proposal for alternative strategies (Rowley and Bennet, 1993). The proposed alternative strategy is preventive, environmentally friendly and sustainable one; its focus is on pregregarious locust, and its goal is to keep locusts permanently solitarious, through implementation of integrated pest management tactics (El Bashir, 1997). Biological control Parasitoids and predators 7.3.1. 7.3. Locusts are attacked by natural enemies during all their developmental stages (COPR, 1982; Steedman, 1990). Various authors have reviewed the potential of these natural enemies for use in biological control of locusts (Prior and Greathead, 1989; Greathead, 1992, van Huis, 1992 and Greathead et al, 1994). They have generally agreed that parasitoids and predators are not able to prevent locust outbreaks even those, which are specialized to some extent on locusts. Mass production and releasing even the smallest parasitoids is too costly and often nightmare (Kooyman, 1999). Viruses 7.3.2. A number of viruses have been isolated from locusts and grasshoppers; the majority of which belong to the group of Entomopox Viruses (EPV) (Greathead et al., 1994). These viruses seem to be safe for wide spread application, they are not highly virulent and debilitate rather than kill their host (Kooyman.1999). Acording to Greathead (1992) another virus group known as crystalline array viruses (CAV), created some interest as a biological control agent but as it was found to be too close to Picornaviruses of vertebrates therefore research on it was terminated. Bacteria 7.3.3. Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the two species of bacteria that infect locust, especially in breeding colonies (Kooyman, 1999). Attempt to control locust by applying these bacteria have failed (Zelazny et al., 1997) due to the low pH of the locust that prevents dissolution of the toxin crystals (Prior and Greathead, 1989). Protozoa 7.3.4. Protozoa infecting locusts and grasshoppers are known from the phyla Rhizopoda, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora and Microspora (Kooyman, 1999). The most virulent species, with potential for use in biological control belongs to the genera Nosema and Johenrea (Microspora), (Johnson, 1997). Nosema locustae was found in the population of S.gregaria in Red Sea coastal area of Sudan( Tokar Delta ) ( El Bashir et al., 1992) Nematodes 7.3.5. Under natural conditions it is not uncommon to find grasshoppers infected by nematodes of the family Mermithidae (Enoplida), although rates of infection in Africa seem to be much lower than other countries (Kooyman, 1999). Finny (1981) reported that the prospects of using mermethoids for biological control were limited, because no mass rearing technique had been developed. He showed that Nematodes in biological control usually belong to the families Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae (Rhabditida). Nematodes can be integrated with an insect hormonal treatment or another pathogen to debilitate the host and favour parasitism, and also with insecticides having no adverse effects on the nematodes (Finny, 1981). Fungi 7.3.6. At the moment entomopathogenic fungi are the most interesting and important pathogen of locusts and grasshoppers receiving considerable attention for biological control of these insects Prior and Greathead (1989) The species Metarhizium flavoviride(Gam and Rozsypal), Metarhizium anaisopliae (Metschnikoff, Sorokin) and Beauveria bassiana are studied intensively with respect to the development of biopreparation (Zimmermann et al., 1994). Fungi of these genera are commonly found infecting locusts and grasshoppers in nature (Kooyman, 1999). High (>90%) insect mortality has been demonstrated in the field following the application of oil-based formulation, with ultra law volume spraying equipment normally used for acridid conrtrol (Bateman, 1997), and he also said that like many other pathogenic fungi Metarhizium-conidia infect by attaching to the insect cuticle (exocuticle). Bateman et al., (1996) said that LUBILOSA program, (Lutte Biologique contre les Locustes et les sauteriaux) has know identified more than 30 highly virulent isolates of Metarhizium from Acridoidae hosts. Bateman (1997) said that an African fungal isolate of Metarhizium was developed and ready for commercial use any where in Africa and Middle East. Amore comprehensive description of the fungus Sorosporella is given by Welling et al., 1995. Although the bioassay in the laboratory did not reveal clear results, the fungus seem to have a high virulence to locusts in its nature habitat (Welling and Zimmerman, 1997). Botanical control 7.4. In search of a soft chemistry for desert locust control, botanical insecticides have been shown to be highly effective on locusts and are non- toxic to mammals and birds (Rembold, 1997) and epigeal arthropods (Peveling et al., 1994). Biologically interesting limonoids (Terpenoids) have been identified in tropical Meliaceae, like Azadirachta indica (Neem) and Melia volkensii (Mwangi et al., 1997;Rembold, 1997) Wilps and Nasseh (1994) and Peveling et al.(1994) indicated that Meliaccea extract is even found to be more effective than Azadirachtin. According to Wilps et al (1993) meliaccea extract exhibits a dose dependent effect against S. gregaria. The above-mentioned extracts give repellent effect and act as an antifeedant agent (Rembold, 1997). Indications of reduced physical fitness in desert locusts were reported (Nasseh et al., 1993, Rembold, 1997); retarded development and growth inhibiting in nymphs of S. gregaria and shifting phase to solitary status was also noticed by (Rembold, 1997); delay in attainment of sexual maturity (Nasseh et al,1993; Rembold,1997); reduced fecundity (Wilps and Nasseh,1994) and malformation and morphogenetic defects (Wilps and Nasseh,1994) were observed when the insect was exposed to the previously mentioned products . Up to now natural products have not entered the commercial pesticide market (Rembold, 1997). Insect growth regulators 7.5. Recent research has confirmed the potential of insect growth regulators such as teflubenzuron, triflumuron and diflubenzuron which belong to the chemical class of benzoyl phenylureas (BPUS) (Meinzingen, 1997; Peveling et al., 1997). The benzoyl phenylureas (BPUS) discovered in 1970s were initially classified as chitin synthesis inhibitors (Meinzingen, 1997; Peveling et al., 1997) and then later as insect growth regulators (Wilps and Nasseh, 1994; Scherer and Celestin, 1997). The products have been tested with good results for the control of hopper bands (Scherer and Celestin, 1997). IGRs are suitable products for the prevention of locust outbreak. However they are not suitable for direct crop protection because of their slaw action (Meinzengen, 1997). IGRs also have great persistence and are suitable for barrier spraying (Peveling et al., 1997;Wilps and Nasseh, 1994), and their mode of action is through ingestion and contact (Meinzengen, 1997). Reduced fecundity was noticed when female adults were fed on treated diet of both chlorfluazuron and teflubenzuron (Metwally et al., 1991) This agent entered the control of desert locust in the 1990s, although little knowledge existed about side effects on non-targets in semi-arid and arid ecosystems (Peveling et al., 1997), and its mode of action is still unknown (Wilps and Nasseh, 1994). Juvenile hormone analoges 7.6. Juvenile hormone analoges (JHAs) are a group of highly selective substances. They occur naturally in certain plants (Toong et al., 1988), and probably serving as defense chemical substances against insects, but are also accessible to chemical synthesis (Dorn, et al., 1997) Laboratory tests have shown that a variety of JHAs including Fenoxycarb applied to the last instar larvae increased mortality, induced morphogenetic defects during metamorphosis, reduced fertility and provoked solitarization of gregarious hoppers (Pener, 1991 and Dorn et al., 1997). Dorn et al., 1997, confirmed that field trials were quite comparable to those obtained in the laboratory, and said that Fenoxycarb has already gained commercial importance. Semiochemicals 7.7. Semiochemicals are a non- toxic, behaviour modifying compounds, which are not known to have significant negative environmental impact (El Bashir, 1997). These play an important role in regulating behaviour of insects and their communication systems. They provide information about the location of food, host, mates or oviposition sites. They may control behaviour such as mating, aggregation, feeding and alarm; or they can initiate specific physiological and behavioural transformations in certain organisms (Saini, 1991). Semiochemicals open up new avenues for innovative tactics to be integrated with other environment friendly methods. These tactics would be based on a good understanding of locust biology, behaviour and ecology as well as the application of the IPM (El Bashir, 1997). Although semiochemicals have been successfully used in the field for the management of some pests, they are not generally considered to be sufficiently robust in their action to be used alone (Smart et al., 1994). They are less persistent than most pest control chemicals hence they have to be repeatedly applied to achieve satisfactory pest control (Griffiths, 1990). In case of DL, semiochemicals are chemical signals which stimulate and synchronize various vital process associated with changes of phase status (El Bashir, 1991). Recent studies on the chemical ecology of the DL S. gregaria have unraveled a rich and complex system of pheromonal and other semiochemical mediated communication in this insect (Hassanali and Bashir, 1999 and Saini, 1991). The pheromone associated with such behavioural processes are better understood (Obeng- Ofori et al., 1993, 1994a,b Saini et al., 1995; El Bashir, 1997; Torto et al., 1999; Bashir et al., 2000). The main objective of this new alternative strategy is to keep locust permanently solitarious since solitary locust are harmless and may even have a beneficial role in the ecosystem. Its also envisages that, development of the locust into the gregarious phase may be prevented by the disruption of the processes of multiplication or gregarisation (El Bashir, 1991; Hassanali and Mahamat, 1991). Previous experiments on the applications of locust pheromones have considered the possibility of disrupting gregarisation at critical stages of population build up and phase transformations (Byer, 1991; Hassanali and Torto, 1999). Electrophysiological studies have shown that the adult pheromone inhibits perception by nymphs of their own aggregation pheromone (Ochieng, 1997). Hassanali and Bashir (1999) confirmed that exposure of gregarious hoppers to very low concentration of the adult pheromone in experimental cages or in the field elicit a series of abnormal behaviour in the individuals. In cages exposure to the adult pheromone led to hyperactivity, abnormal circadian rhythm, reduced feeding rate and increased cannibalism. Field trials based on very large hopper bands (>100,000 insects) at two different locations in the Red Sea breeding area have shown that the treated gregarious nymphs exhibit an immediate arrestment of their marching behaviour. Random movement, significant longer roosting period of the individual on vegetation and disbanding were also noticed. The exposed insects have also shown to be susceptible to predators and to chemical and biopesticides, even at very low doses. The most exiting finding demonstrates that it is possible to disrupt the process of gregarization by the insects’ own communication signals and effect levels of control with this environmentally benign agents which are comparable to conventional pesticides (Hassanali and Bashir, 1999). Those studies provide a model for other important locust species and the frequent co- out break of some of these species suggests some overlap in their chemical communication system (Niassy et al., 1999). MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. The experimental insects The experimental insects were obtained from ICIPE, Port Sudan field station. Both sexes of the insect were bred under crowded conditions in standard aluminum cages (50 x 50 x 50cm). The individuals used for the experiments were fully mature adults and newly moulted fledglings (2 – 3 days old). Fresh shoots of millet, alfa alfa and wheat bran, were provided daily as food plants. The food provided was inserted in a cup half filled with water to keep the plants fresh. 2. The experimental cages Tow types of cages were used: A wire mesh cages (50 x 50 x 50cm), and acubical cages (25x 25x 25cm) having one cardboard side with an opening fitted with a sleeve to use for feeding and handling. The other five sides were made of mosquito wire net. This type was used only in experiment (8). Cages were cleaned daily and fresh food was supplied. 3. The pheromone and the oil carrier Synthetic nymphal agregation pheromone blend (NPB) + anti oxidant was supplied by Dr. B.Torto. Torto et al., (1996) analyzed and identified the component of the blend. The required concentration of the pheromone was 0.01%. This was prepared by adding 1m of the concentrated blend to 99 ml of shell oil (shell sol – t oil 50% + ondina oil 50%) which was the carrier end solvent used in the experiment. The concentration of the oil when used as a carrier was 0.01% prepared by adding 1ml of the shell oil + antioxidant to 99 ml of the pure shell oil. 4. The experiments: 4.1. The effect of the (NPB) on circadian rhythm The objectives of conducting this experiment was to reveal any difference in the insects daily rhythm in the presence of (NPB). Sixty fully mature adults of mixed sexes were divided into 3 cages one was treated with NPB. The two others were control cages one with carrier (oil + anti oxidant) and the other without any treatment. 24 h r after treatment the observations and records were carried out repeatedly every hour from 6.00 am. to 6.00 pm, i.e. 12 readings. Careful observations were made by sitting near the cage and the number of insects, actively moving, those feeding and those roosting (i.e. static one), were recorded. Dead insects were counted and removed from the cage. Each set of this experiment was replicated three times (using a new groups in each replicate). The daily mean of each activity was calculated from the observation and analyzed. Analysis of variance was used to show if there was any significant difference between the treatment and the controls. 4.2. The effects of the NPB on feeding rates This experiment was conducted to determine if there is any change in the feedings rate elicited by NPB on adult locusts. The tested insects were 90 newly moulted fledglings (2-3-days old) divided into 9 cages, 10 individual in each cage. The insects were fed for four days on weighed amounts of fresh millet. The food plant was inserted in a small glass half filled with water to keep the food fresh. A large number of weighted millet samples were dried for 24 hours at 80Cº to determine the average dry weight per gram of this plant so that the dry weight of wet food supplied could be calculated. The faeces, spill and the remaining uneaten plant were collected daily and oven dried separately at 80Cº for 24 hours. Data obtained on food intake described above were used to calculate the utilization of the food consumed by using the following formula : Asdry food = Condry food – dry feces Aswet food = Asdry food / dw/G or Aswet food = Conwet food – wet feces Condry food =Indry food – (Remdry food+ dry spill ) Conwet food = Condry food / dw/G Indryfood = Inwet food xdw/ G as dw/G was the dry weight per one gram of millet Assdry food was the assimilated dry food Asswet food was the assimilated wet food Condry food was the consumed dry food Conwet food was the consumed wet food Indry food was the input dry food Inwet food was the input wet food 4.3. The effects of the NPB on the onset of maturation Twenty newly moulted immature adult males and females (2 – 3 day old), from the gregarious colony were exposed to NPB pheromone 0.01%. The recipient insects were monitored daily for visual signals of maturation in accordance with colour classification of Norris (1954). Observations were taken daily and the date of the external colour change of each individual was recorded. Two control cages were conducted, one with carrier (oil + anti oxidant), and the other without any treatment. Each treatment was replicated 3 times. 4.4. The effect of the (NPB) on the fecundity and oviposition behaviour Investigation of fecundity and pre-oviposition period was carried out in the laboratory. A cage containing 20 individual (10males + 10females) was treated with N.P.B. Two control cages were conducted, the same as in (4-3). Each cage was provided with 5 standard aluminum oviposition tubes (12x 1x 4cm). These tubes were filled with sieved sand. The soil was moistened with water to give approximate moisture content of about 10% as mentioned by Norris (1968). The tubes were placed in holes at the front of the false floor of the cages. Daily observation was made to determine the age of the tested females at the oviposition of the first egg - pod. The number of egg – pods per female was recorded. The dead females were removed daily and the date of death was recorded. This test was replicated 3 times. 4.5. The effects of the NPB on male and female longevity Twenty newly fledglings, males and females (2-3-days old) were exposed to NPB. The insects were daily inspected. The Number and percentage of dead individuals was recorded with any observed cases of cannibalism. The observation was extended till all individuals died. This experiment was replicated 3 times. In each replication there was two control cages, one with the oil carrier and the other without any treatment 5. Data Analysis Student t-test was used to analyze data throw statistical package of Microsoft® Excel 97. . RESULTS 1 Effect of NPB on circadian rhythm of mature desert locust The effect of the N.P.B. on the activity and circadian rhythm of the gregarious DL is summarized in tables 1-A, B,C, which represent different times during the day. Table 1-A and figure 1-A, reflect the result obtained at the period from 6.00 to 10.00 am and it shows that in the control group the mean number of roosting individuals was 91.23±8.20, feeding individuals was 3.51±5.96 and moving individuals was 5.25±7.05. In the treated group 92.71±7.00 where roosting, 3.85±6.99 feeding and 3.10±4.10 moving. In the oil control group 94.67±5.70 were roosting, 2.24±4.04 feeding and 3.09±3.28 moving. At the second period from 11.00 to 3.00 pm, the mean number of roosting individuals in the control group was 83.88±10.37 compared to 93.78±6.50 in the treated group, the mean number of feeding individuals was 2.73±4.26 in the control group while it was 0.64±2.16 in the treated group and the moving individuals was 13.39±9.67 in control group while it was 5.59±6.41 in the treated group Table 1B and Figure 1B. In the oil control group 91.48±5.30 were roosting, 1.12±2.48 feeding and 7.40±4.30 moving. Table 1-A. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) during 6:00 to 10:00 am. Percent engaged in Roosting Feeding Moving 91.23+(8.20)a 3.51+(5.96)a 5.25+(7.05)a Control Oil 94.67+(5.70)a 2.24+(4.04)a 3.09+(3.28)a Oil +NPB 92.71+(7.00)a 3.85+(6.99)a 3.10+(4.10)a Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) Treatment Table 1-B. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) during 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Treatment Control Oil Oil +NPB Roosting 83.88+ (10.37)a 91.84+5.30)a 93.78+ (6.50)a Percent engaged in Feeding 2.73+ (4.26)a 1.12+ (2.48)a 0.64+2.16)a Moving 13.39+ (9.67)a 7.40+ (4.30)a 5.59+ (6.41)a Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) Table 1-C. Activity of the DL gregarious adults exposed to the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) during 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Treatment Percent engaged in Roosting Feeding Moving 87.21+ (8.49)a 5.05+ (5.36)a 7.74+ (6.63)a Control Oil 95.90+ (5.24)a 2.20+ (4.30)a 1.89+ (2.77)a Oil +NPB 92.87+ (8.71)a 1.80+ (4.33)a 5.33+ (6.88)a Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) In the third period from 3.oo to 6.00 pm, as shown in Table 1C and Figure 1C, 87.21±8.49 were roosting, 5.05±5.36 feeding and 7.74±6.63 moving in the control cages compared to 92.87±8.71 roosting, 1.80±4.33 feeding and 5.33±6.88 moving in the pheromone treated cages while in the oil control 95.90±5.24 were roosting, 2.20±4.30 feeding and 1.89±2.77 moving. 2. Effect of NPB on the feeding rates of the desert locust fledglings Table 2 and Figure 2 reflect the effect of the NPB on the feeding rates of the fledglings D.L. The mean weight of consumed dry food in the control group was 2.95±0.09 grams per 10 individuals while it was 2.94±0.06 grams for the oil control and 2.94±0.07 for the treated group. The consumed wet food was 9.45±1.28 grams per 10 individuals for the control group and 8.83±1.49 grams for the oil control group whereas it was 9.59±1.42 grams per 10 individuals for the pheromone treated group. The means of the assimilated wet food was 7.91±1.18 grams per 10 individuals for the control group, 7.37±1.45 grams for the oil control group while it was 8.07±1.29 grams for the treated group. Table 2. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the feeding rates of the DL fledglings. Treatment Control Oil Oil +NPB Condryfood 2.95+(0.09)a 2.94+(0.06)a 2.94+(0.07)a Grams per 10 individuals Conwetfood Asdryfood 9.45+(1.28)a 0.59+(0.24)a 8.83+(1.49)a 0.48+(0.32)a 9.59+(1.42)a 0.59+(0.26)a Aswetfood 7.91+(1.18)a 7.37+(1.45)a 8.07+(1.29)a Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) Accordingly the means of assimilated dry food was 0.59±0.24 grams per 10 individuals for the control group, 0.48±0.32 grams for the oil control group and 0.59±0.26 grams per 10 individuals for the treated group. 3. Effect of NPB on the maturation of the gregarious desert locust fledglings The effect of the NPB on the maturation time of the immature males and females as reflected by colour change, copulation and preoviposition periods is summarized in Table 3 and Figure 3-A, 3-B and 3-C. The mean maturation time of males and females as assessed by colour in the control cages was found to be 19.20±6.46 days for males and 20.69±5.66 days for females respectively. In the oil control cages it was 24.39±5.55 days for males and 25.81±6.26 for females while in the treated group it took 27.20±12.59 days for males and 29.23±10.54 days for females to change colour. The onset of copulation time was 33.84±10.37 days in case of control cages, 42.40±6.47 days in the oil control cages and 58.53±16.95 days in the pheromone treated cages. The mean pre-oviposition periods registered was 38.25±9.26 days in control cages, 55.73±3.49 days in oil control cages while it was 70.40±15.99 days in the pheromone treated cages . Table3. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the maturation of the DL fledglings. Treatment Colour change Onset of Preoviposition period Mating Control Male 19.20+(6.46)a Female 20.69+(5.66)a 33.84+(10.37)a 38.25+(9.26)a Oil 24.39+(5.55)b 25.81+(6.26)b 42.40+(6.47)a 55.73+(3.49)a Oil +NPB 27.20+(12.59)b 29.23+(10.54)b 58.53+(16.95)b 70.40+(15.99)b Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) 4. The effect of NPB on fecundity and oviposition behaviour of the gregarious desert locust Table 4 and Figure 4 show the effect of NPB on the fecundity and oviposition behavioure of the gregarious desert locust females. The mean number of total egg pods in the pheromone treated cages was 1.48±0.90 pods/female compared to 3.19±1.26 pods/female in the control cages and 1.91±0.28 pods/female in the oil control cages. The percentage of normal pods was 69.43±30.71 % in case of the pheromone treated group where as in the control group it was 98.89±2.46% and 95.56±9.94% in the oil control group. The percentage of scattered egg pods in the treated group was 30.57±30.71% compared to 1.11±2.46% in control group and 4.44±9.94% in oil control group. 5. The effect of NPB on longevity of gregarious desert locust fledglings Table 5 and Figure 5 show the effect of NPB on longevity of the fledglings of gregarious DL. In the pheromone treated group the mean survival Period of the females was 68.12±38.86 days and 73.35±35.90 days for males, whereas in the control group the females lived about 54.87±21.96 days and the males about 49.69±17.41 days. In case of the oil control group the females survived for 67.09±26.49 days and the males' 80.04±34.65 days. Table 4. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend (NPB) on the fecundity and oviposition behaviour of gregarious DL female. Treatment Control Oil Oil+NPB Fecundity & state of pods Pods/Female %Normal pods 3.19+(1.26)a 1.91+(0.28)b 1.48+(0.90)b 98.89+(2.46)a 95.56+(9.94)a 69.43+(30.71)b %Scattered Eggs 1.11+(2.16)a 4.44+(9.94)a 30.57+(30.71)b Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) 120 % Engaged 100 80 60 Roosting Feeding Moving 40 20 0 -20 Control Oil Oil+NPB Treatment Figure 1 A. Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 6:00 to 10:00 am exposed to the nymph pheromone blend (NPB) 120 % Engaged 100 80 Roosting Feeding Moving 60 40 20 0 -20 Control Oil Oil+NPB Treatment Figure 1 B. Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 11:00 am to 3:00 pm exposed to the nymph pheromone blend (NPB) 100 % Engaged 80 Roosting Feeding Moving 60 40 20 0 -20 Control Oil Treatment Oil+NPB Figure 1 C. Activity of the DL gregarious adults during 3:00 to 6:00 pm exposed to the nymph pheromone blend (NPB) 50 12 Gram per 10 adults 10 Cndryfood 8 Cnwetfood 6 Asdryfood Aswetfood 4 2 0 Control Oil NPB Treatment Figure 2. Food consumption and assimilation rates of DL gregarious fledglings exposed to NPB Days from fledging 53 45 40 35 30 25 20 Male Female 15 10 5 0 Control Oil NPB Treatment Figure 3 A. Effect of the NPB on the maturation colour change of gregarious fledglings of the DL 80 Days from fledging 70 60 50 40 AVR 30 20 10 0 Control Oil NPB Treatment Figure 3-B. Effect of the NPB on the onset of mating of the gregarious fledglings of the DL Days from fledging 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 AVR Control Oil NPB Treatment Figure 3-C. Effect of the NPB on the preoviposition period of the gregarious females of the DL 56 Pod/female %Scattered pods %Normal Pods 5.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 3.00 60.00 2.00 Percent Pods per female 4.00 40.00 1.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Control Oil Oil+NPB Treatment Figure 4. Effect of the NPB on the fecundity and oviposition behaviour of gregarious fledglings of the DL 59 140 120 Gram per 10 adults 100 80 female male 60 40 20 0 Control Oil Oil+NPB Treatment Figure 5. Effect of the NPB on the longevity of the DL fledglings 61 Table 5. Effect of the nymphal pheromone blend on the Longevity of the DL fledglings. Treatment Mean longevity Female Male Control 54.87+(21.96)a 49.69+(17.40)a Oil 67.08+(26.49)a 80.04+(34.65)a Oil +NPB 68.12+(38.86)a 73.35+(35.90)a Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05) DISCUSSION This study is directed towards investigations that could lead to utilizing semiochemicals as a new approach for the management of the Desert Locust and establishing their respective roles in phase transformation through the effect of the nymph pheromone blend (NPB) on different activities of the adult gregarious phase. The study confirmed the maturation-retarding effect of the NPB on the immature adults (Norris 1954, 1964; Richard and El Mangoury, 1968; Assad et.al., 1997). Taking the colour change as a parameter of onset of maturation, there was no significant difference between sexes. However, there was a significant difference in the onset of colour change between those treated with NPB and the control group at p> 0.05. Also there was a significant difference between the control group and the oil control group where the individuals in the control group changed colour earlier, so it appears that the oil has some effect (Table 3 and Figure 3-A, 3-B and 3-C). This confirms that the pheromone signal is not very effective in inducing yellowing and that yellowing is not always a reliable guide to sexual maturity (Amerasingh, 1978 a, b). However, it differs from the result obtained by Mohamat et.al (1993) who distinquished between sexualy mature and immature stages through colour change. The onset of mating time and preoviposition period were significantly prolonged on exposure to the NPB. Delay in maturation of the males is a delay in the production of the adult phormone (Mahamat et.al 1993 and Obeng-Ofori, 1994b), and since the adult phormone is both an aggregating signal in the adult and maturation accelerant for 0the immature males and females (Mahamat et.al., 1993), a delay in it`s production means a further delay in the maturation of the earlier fledges. This affects the synchronization of maturation of adults and group oviposition at common egg laying fields (Richard and El Mangoury 1968, Stower et.al., 1958). There for the gregarious integrity of locust population is not achieved or reached if exposed to the NPB. It is also noticed that the NPB has an effect on reducing the number of egg pods per female compared to the control group; also there was a significant difference between the control group and the oil control group so it appears that the oil has an effect. The NPB significantly increased the number of scattered egg pods, (Table 4, Figure 4). This finding is of great significance in control strategies. It opens new avenues for the utilization of this pheromone to disrupt the reproductive physiology of the desert locust. It remains for further field trials to determine the proper delivery method and application rates under field conditions. The NPB seem to have no effect on the DL circadian rhythm. The result shows that the rhythm of caged mature adults differs from that of the nymphs reported by Steedman (1988). Caged adults do not seem to have a defined rhythm. The NPB has no effect on the food consumption and assimilation and this is reverse of the effect of the adult pheromone (PAN) on the hoppers, which led to hyper activity, abnormal circadian rhythm, disbanding, reduced feeding rates and increased cannibalism (Hassanali and Bashir 1999). This study showed no significant difference or effect on longivity of DL males and females in presence of the NPB, (Table 5, Figure 5). 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Eschborn: GTZ. 127-138 pp. SUMMARY This study was carried out under laboratory conditions, (max. temp. 35.2°C, Min. 25.9°C, Rh 37 %), to examine the effect of the aggregation Nymph Pheromone Blend (NPB) on the gregarious adults of the desert locust Schistocereca gregaria. Synthetic aggregation NPB + antioxidant were dissolved in Shell oil to give a concentration of 0.01%. Two control groups were conducted in each experiment, one with carrier (shell oil + antioxidant) while the other without any treatment. The effect of the NPB on activity and circadian rhythm of the mature gregarious adults of mixed sexes were tested. Observation and records were carried out repeatedly every hour from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm (i.e. 12 readings). At the period from 6.00 to 10.00 am the mean number of roosting individuals was 91.23±8.20 in the control group and 92.71±7.00 in the pheromone treated group and 94.67±5.70 in the oil control group. Whereas the mean number of feeding individuals was 3.51±5.96 in the control group and 3.85±6.99 in the pheromone treated group and 2.24±4.04 in the oil control group. The mean number of moving individuals was 5.25±7.05 in the control group and 3.10±4.10 in the pheromone treated group and 3.09±3.28 in the oil control group. The period from 11.00 to 3.00 pm showed that the mean number of roosting individuals was 83.88±10.37 in the control group and 93.78±6.50 in the pheromone treated group, while it was 91.84±5.30 in the oil control group. The mean number of the feeding individuals was 2.73±4.26 in the control group and 0.64±2.16 in the pheromone treated group, while it was 1.12±2.48 in the oil control group. The mean number of moving individuals was 13.39±9.67 in the control group and 5.59±6.41 in the pheromone treated group, while it was 7.40±4.30 in the oil control group. At the period from 3.00 to 6.00 pm the mean number of roosting individuals was 87.21±8.49 in the control group and 92.87±8.71 in the pheromone treated group, in the oil control group it was 95.90±5.24. The mean number of feeding individuals was 5.05±5.36 in the control group and 1.80±4.33 in the pheromone treated group, while it was 2.20±4.30 in the oil control group. The mean number of moving individuals was 7.74±6.63 in the control group and 5.33±6.88 in the pheromone treated group, while 1.89±2.77 in the oil control group. Analysis of this data clarified that the NPB elicit no significant different in the circadian rhythm of the DL. 10 mature adult males and females were fed for four days on a weighted amount of fresh millet to examine the effect of the NPB on the feeding rates. In the control group the consumed dry food was found to be 2.95±0.09 gram. The consumed wet food was 9.45±1.28 gram. The assimilated dry food was 0.59±0.24 gram and the assimilated wet food was 7.91±1.18 gram. In the pheromone treated group the consumed dry food was 2.94±0.07 gram, the consumed wet food was 9.59±1.42 gram. The assimilated dry food was 0.59±0.26 gram and the assimilated wet food was 8.07±1.29 gram. In the oil control group the consumed dry food was 2.94±0.06 grams while the consumed wet food was 8.83±1.49 grams and the assimilated dry food was 0.48±0.32 grams, the assimilated wet food was 7.37±1.45 grams. These results revealed that there are no significant differences between pheromone treated and the control groups. Newly moulted fledglings (2-3 days) of mixed sexes were treated with NPB to inspect the effect of the NPB (in presence of visual, tactile and olfactory cues) on the onset of maturation through monitoring the colour change, copulation time and preoviposition period. The mean onset of maturation time of the immature males and females as assessed by colour change in the control cages was found to be 19.20±6.49 days for males and 20.69±5.66 days for females while in the pheromone treated group it was 27.20±12.59 days for males and 29.23±10.54 days for females. In the oil control group it was 24.39±5.55 days for males and 25.18±6.26 days for females. This result reflects that there was no significant difference between males and females to change their colour. But there was significant delay in the maturation time in the pheromone treated group. Also the oil control group showed a significant delay in the maturation time. This means that the oil also has an effect on the maturation time. The onset of copulation time was 33.84±10.37 days in case of control and 58.53±16.95 days in the pheromone treated group, in case of oil control group it was 42.40±6.47 days. The pre-oviposition period was 38.25±9.29 days in the control group and 70.40±15.99 days in the pheromone treated group and 55.73±3.49 days in the oil control group. This result confirms the maturation retarding effect of the NPB. Investigation on fecundity and oviposition behavior was carried out in the laboratory. 20 individual (10 males+ 10 females) were treated with NPB. The mean number of total egg pods per female in the pheromone treated group was 1.48±0.90 and 1.91±0.28 in the oil control group, compared to 3.19±1.26 in the untreated control group. This result showed that the NPB had an effect on fecundity. Females exposed to the pheromone produced significantly few egg pods compared to the untreated controls. However, oil control reflected a reduction in the number of egg pods per female; this means that the oil also has an effect. The mean percentage of scattered egg pods in the pheromone treated group was found to be 30.57±30.71 and 1.11±2.46 in the control group, while it was 4.44±9.94 in the oil control group. This result shows that the NPB elicit a significant increase in the percentage of scattered egg pods. The effect of the NPB on the longevity of gregarious fledglings was found to be 54.87±21.96 days for females and 49.69±17.40 days for males in case of the untreated control group, and 68.12±38.86 days for females and 73.35±35.90 days for males in the pheromone treated group. While it was 67.08±26.49 for females and 80.04±34.65 days for males in the oil control group. This result shows that there is no significant effect of the NPB on the longevity and life span of the gregarious desert locust, males and females. Accordingly it was clear that the NPB has just affected the reproductive physiology of the gregarious desert locust Shistocerca gregaria. 1. Effect on Circadian Rhythm Data analysis Means Treatment Time rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 4 1. Period 6:00 to 10:00 AM Control Percent Engaged in Roosting Feeding Moving Oil Percent Engaged in Roosting Feeding Moving Oil+NPB Percent Engaged in Roosting Feeding Moving 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 90.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 86.36 95.45 95.45 0.00 0.00 4.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.09 4.55 4.55 90.00 100.00 100.00 84.21 89.47 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 5.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.53 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 80.00 75.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 90.91 100.00 95.24 80.95 85.71 9.09 0.00 0.00 14.29 4.76 0.00 0.00 4.76 4.76 9.52 89.47 89.47 94.74 94.74 89.47368 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.53 10.53 5.26 5.26 10.53 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 100.00 100.00 90.48 90.48 90.48 0.00 0.00 4.76 9.52 4.76 0.00 0.00 4.76 0.00 4.76 100.00 100.00 86.36 95.45 95.45 0.00 0.00 4.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.09 4.55 4.55 100 100.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 6:00 7:00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.91 100.00 9.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 rep 5 rep 6 8:00 9:00 10:00 95.24 90.48 100.00 0.00 9.52 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00 95.24 80.95 85.71 0.00 14.29 4.76 4.76 4.76 9.52 100.00 89.47 89.47 0.00 10.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.53 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 92.00 92.00 100.00 87.50 70.83 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.50 4.17 96.00 96.00 96.00 92.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 96.00 96.00 96.00 91.30 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 8.70 4.00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 AVG SD 100.00 100.00 100.00 83.33 79.17 91.23 8.202579 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.67 4.17 3.51 5.958354 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.67 5.25 7.0498 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.83 87.50 94.12 6.006468 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.17 2.58 4.319563 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.17 8.33 3.30 3.365236 100.00 100.00 100.00 70.83 87.50 92.71 7.004386 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.17 12.50 3.85 6.985481 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.10 4.096424 Treatment rep 1 Time 11:00 2. Period 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Control Oil Percent Engaged in Percent Engaged in Roosting 85.00 Feeding 0.00 Moving 15.00 Roosting 100.00 Feeding 0.00 Oil+NPB Percent Engaged in Moving 0.00 Roosting 13.04 Feeding 86.96 Moving 0.00 rep 2 rep 3 rep 4 rep 5 rep 6 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 70.00 55.00 75.00 95.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 0.00 30.00 40.00 15.00 5.00 86.36 90.91 86.36 90.91 4.55 0.00 9.09 0.00 9.09 9.09 4.55 9.09 24.81 30.56 13.58 5.21 71.43 69.44 78.19 94.79 3.76 0.00 8.23 0.00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 80.00 65.00 70.00 85.00 80.00 0.00 5.00 15.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 90.48 80.95 85.71 95.24 100.00 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.52 14.29 14.29 4.76 0.00 84.21 89.47 94.74 84.21 94.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.79 10.53 5.26 15.79 5.26 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 100.00 85.71 95.24 90.48 80.95 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00 4.76 0.00 9.52 4.76 9.52 14.29 100.00 86.36 90.91 86.36 90.91 0.00 4.55 0.00 9.09 0.00 0.00 9.09 9.09 4.55 9.09 100.00 95.00 95.00 100.00 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 25.00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 90.48 80.95 80.95 95.24 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.52 19.05 19.05 4.76 25.00 90.48 80.95 85.71 95.24 100.00 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.52 14.29 14.29 4.76 0.00 84.21 84.21 94.74 100.00 100.00 10.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.26 15.79 5.26 0.00 0.00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 84.00 84.00 80.00 84.00 88.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 16.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 84.00 88.00 88.00 96.00 95.83 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 4.17 92.00 88.00 88.46 96.00 96.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 12.00 11.54 0.00 4.00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 91.67 87.50 100.00 91.67 8.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.50 0.00 8.33 95.83 91.67 91.67 95.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.17 8.33 8.33 4.17 95.83 95.83 95.83 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.17 4.17 4.17 0.00 15:00 AVG SD Treatment rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 91.67 83.88 10.36725 8.33 2.73 4.255226 0.00 13.39 9.670282 3. Period 3:00 to 6:00 PM Control Percent Engaged in 95.83 90.91 5.376524 0.00 1.41 2.742336 4.17 7.68 4.337012 Oil 96.00 82.54 26.98871 4.00 11.46 27.61731 0.00 6.00 6.244751 Oil+NPB Percent Engaged in Percent Engaged in Time 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Roosting 95.00 80.00 90.00 80.00 Feeding 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 Moving 5.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 Roosting 90.91 86.36 86.36 100.00 Feeding 0.00 13.64 9.09 0.00 Moving 9.09 0.00 4.55 0.00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 80.00 75.00 80.00 80.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:00 16:00 80.95 85.71 4.76 9.52 14.29 4.76 90.91 86.36 0.00 13.64 Roosting 100.00 89.47 84.21 84.21 Feeding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moving 0.00 10.53 15.79 15.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.74 89.47 88.89 88.89 0.00 5.26 0.00 0.00 5.26 5.26 11.11 11.11 9.09 0.00 75.00 75.00 0.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 rep 4 rep 5 rep 6 17:00 18:00 76.19 100.00 14.29 0.00 9.52 0.00 86.36 100.00 9.09 0.00 4.55 0.00 75.00 100.00 15.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 75.00 100.00 76.19 100.00 0.00 0.00 19.05 0.00 25.00 0.00 4.76 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 88.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 95.83 87.50 100.00 100.00 0.00 8.33 0.00 0.00 4.17 4.17 0.00 0.00 96.00 92.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 AVG SD 91.67 95.83 95.83 91.67 87.21 8.494161 8.33 0.00 0.00 8.33 5.05 5.361842 0.00 4.17 4.17 0.00 7.74 6.634955 95.83 100.00 95.83 95.83 95.75 5.525382 0.00 0.00 4.17 0.00 2.41 4.587547 4.17 0.00 0.00 4.17 1.83 2.916307 96.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 92.87 8.712295 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80 4.332452 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.33 6.876632 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults 1. Effect on feeding rates Five cages in each treatment each contain 10 greg. adults Duration of test 4 days i.e. 4 readings per cage Dry weight per one gram of millet= 0.195407 1.1 Dry weight per gram Millet Sample No. Wet weight Dry Weight dw/G AVG dw/g SD 1 5.41548 1.12048 0.206903 0.195407 0.014827 2 5.6401 1.14202 0.202482 3 5.55508 1.02651 0.184788 4 5.65273 1.09714 0.19409 5 5.64057 1.07351 0.190319 dry feces 1.27301 1.24507 1.42906 1.28257 0.77503 1.07406 1.19244 1.6735 1.17005 dry spill 0.07403 0.06046 0.09447 0.08877 0.04875 0.05608 0.06203 0.09457 0.14303 Feeding Rates Raw Data 1. Controle cage no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 inwetfood 15.012 15.9421 15.055 15.90075 15.419 15.927 15.3357 15.46608 15.479 rmdryfood 1.2675 0.86358 1.00807 0.92908 1.6487 1.02706 1.21276 0.83457 1.2223 wet feces 1.42374 1.725 1.67557 1.82646 1.5821 1.335 1.39255 1.91246 1.0162 6 5.07754 0.84703 0.166819 7 5.43414 1.02619 0.188841 10 11 12 15.8207 15.6635 15.46512 1.2038 1.00607 0.97253 1.25219 1.66052 1.6478 1.02342 1.44205 1.48503 0.03547 0.09205 0.24709 AV 15.5405 1.099668 1.537466 1.255441 0.0914 SD 0.319206 0.226028 0.258618 0.237868 0.056607 inwetfood= rmdryfood= wet feces= dry feces= Weight of the provided fresh food Dry weight of the remaining food after 24 hours Weight of fresh feces Weight of dried feces dry spill= Dry weight of spilled food Feeding Rates Raw Data 2. Oil treatment cage no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AV SD inwetfood= rmdryfood= wet feces= dry feces= dry spill= inwetfood 15.276 15.4015 15.32004 15.64405 15.609 15.5604 15.328 15.65957 15.503 15.9316 15.546 15.14008 rmdryfood 1.09504 0.86805 1.57105 1.04357 1.01607 1.62106 1.412048 0.97201 1.04305 1.08408 1.76375 1.16356 wet feces 1.59 1.6005 1.32959 1.44071 1.2934 1.56301 1.50902 1.6297 1.5151 1.44908 1.28908 1.36804 dry feces 1.20703 1.25658 1.15579 1.63241 0.95645 1.27153 1.32314 1.44102 1.14904 1.16901 1.10093 1.25406 dry spill 0.06601 0.06708 0.06348 0.13472 0.03753 0.05803 0.08902 0.1819 0.07506 0.04815 0.04772 0.09251 15.49327 0.213412 1.221112 0.292837 1.464769 0.122155 1.243083 0.171595 0.080101 0.041141 Weight of the provided fresh food Dry weight of the remaining food after 24 hours Weight of fresh feces Weight of dried feces Dry weight of spilled food Feeding Rates Raw Data 3. NPB Treatment cage no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AV inwetfood 15.677 15.684 15.954 15.25108 15.572 15.668 15.535 15.93407 15.93 15.3375 15.587 15.48408 rmdryfood 0.96006 0.75976 0.83473 1.22571 0.80508 1.30057 1.60239 0.94255 1.37857 0.73656 1.48736 0.94377 wet feces 1.59 1.624 1.9171 1.46307 0.9454 1.10344 1.09304 1.68753 1.4181 1.7387 1.45977 1.7077 dry feces 1.13313 1.32904 1.70248 1.35056 1.22703 1.0141 0.9601 1.55653 0.78908 1.45206 1.27439 1.57392 dry spill 0.12105 0.07308 0.15097 0.09952 0.12507 0.13306 0.02055 0.15098 0.02718 0.125 0.05185 0.21259 15.63448 1.081426 1.478988 1.280202 0.107575 SD 0.225314 15.63448 0.302402 1.081426 0.296584 1.478988 0.272494 1.280202 0.056111 0.107575 0.225314 0.302402 0.296584 0.272494 0.056111 inwetfood= rmdryfood= wet feces= dry feces= Weight of the provided fresh food Dry weight of the remaining food after 24 hours Weight of fresh feces Weight of dried feces dry spill= Dry weight of spilled food Feeding Rates Data Analysis 1. Control Indryfood 2.93345 3.115198 2.941852 3.107118 3.012981 3.112247 2.996703 3.02218 3.024705 Cndryfood 2.85942 3.054738 2.847382 3.018348 2.964231 3.056167 2.934673 2.92761 2.881675 Cnwetfood 8.146688 11.2133 9.412725 10.69188 6.732259 10.38401 8.811932 10.71118 8.491891 Asdryfood 0.31891 0.946088 0.410252 0.806698 0.540501 0.955047 0.529473 0.41954 0.489325 Aswetfood 6.722948 9.488303 7.737155 8.865418 5.150159 9.049005 7.419382 8.798724 7.475691 3.091476 3.060758 3.056006 2.968708 9.478706 10.04384 0.828786 0.520588 8.226516 8.383325 AVG 3.021993 3.036722 2.774903 2.945322 9.223685 9.445175 0.317343 0.590213 7.575885 7.907709 SD 0.062375 0.092067 1.276718 0.232437 1.183671 Indryfood 2.985037 3.009561 2.993643 3.056957 3.050108 3.040611 2.995198 3.05999 3.029395 3.113146 3.037797 Cndryfood 2.919027 2.942481 2.930163 2.922237 3.012578 2.982581 2.906178 2.87809 2.954335 3.064996 2.990077 Cnwetfood 9.334299 10.61595 6.955294 9.614123 10.21718 6.967617 7.646249 9.754408 9.781045 10.13739 6.275759 Asdryfood 0.616957 0.817851 0.203323 0.246257 1.040058 0.089991 0.17099 0.46506 0.762245 0.811906 0.125397 Aswetfood 7.744299 9.01545 5.625704 8.173413 8.923777 5.404607 6.137229 8.124708 8.265945 8.688306 4.986679 2.958478 3.027493 0.041702 2.865968 2.947393 0.05727 8.712112 8.834285 1.488544 0.448348 0.483199 0.32221 7.344072 7.369516 1.449874 2. Oil Treatment AVG SD 3. NPB Treatment Indryfood 3.063396 3.064763 3.117523 2.980168 3.042878 3.061637 3.035648 3.113629 3.112834 2.997055 3.045809 Cndryfood 2.942346 2.991683 2.966553 2.880648 2.917808 2.928577 3.015098 2.962649 3.085654 2.872055 2.993959 Cnwetfood 10.19133 11.47477 10.96014 8.508371 10.86196 8.369914 7.263018 10.38574 8.776463 10.97901 7.745731 Asdryfood 0.849156 0.902883 0.429343 0.304378 0.885698 0.613907 0.452608 0.463569 0.918004 0.683435 0.232209 Aswetfood 8.554394 9.797921 8.992557 7.006114 9.866535 7.227924 6.136526 8.650374 7.317941 9.189746 6.250286 AVG 3.025698 3.055086 2.813108 2.947511 9.610644 9.593925 0.295418 0.585884 7.85868 8.07075 SD 0.044028 0.072518 1.417696 0.256944 1.293007 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults RAW DATA 1. Effect on Maturation, mating and preoviposition 1.1 Maturation colour change Colour Indiv No. Male Female 1 14 11 2 14 14 3 14 14 4 15 18 5 15 18 6 15 18 7 15 18 8 18 18 9 18 21 10 18 33 11 18 26 12 24 22 13 33 26 14 24 26 15 33 24 16 18 24 1.2. Maiting 1.3. Preoviposition period Pair No. Pair No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 55 55 26 26 30 30 30 30 36 28 36 21 25 20 25 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 49 40 24 46 32 26 32 63 32 41 39 37 40 35 39 37 17 18 19 AVR SD 42 43 42 AVR SD 38.25 9.262829 33.84211 10.36695 1. Effect on Maturation, mating and preoviposition 1.1 Maturation colour change Colour Indiv No. Male 1 15 2 21 3 16 4 31 5 17 6 24 7 31 8 20 9 16 10 26 11 26 12 26 13 26 14 32 15 28 16 28 17 28 18 28 24.38889 1.2. Maiting Female 1.3. Preoviposition period Pair No. 34 34 29 24 32 20 18 16 16 22 22 26 28 28 32 32 25.8125 Pair No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AVR SD 39 49 39 48 51 36 32 51 40 37 50 33 42 45 44 42.28571 6.467501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AVR SD 54 60 56 54 60 56 55 53 54 55 53 49 55 59 63 55.73333 3.494213 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults RAW DATA 1. Effect on Maturation, mating and preoviposition 1.1 Maturation colour change Colour Indiv No. Male Female 13 19 21 21 22 37 15 37 17 11 47 19 47 28 47 14 47 14 47 14 31 18 31 11 13 12 13 47 26 47 28 27 11 27 14 33 15 33 15 33 14 33 14 32 1.2. Maiting Pair No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mean STD 81 31 16 59 64 62 62 64 59 66 72 59 66 58.53846 16.95393 1.3. Preoviposition period Pair No. 1 76 2 84 3 81 4 73 5 55 6 40 7 58 8 37 9 73 10 76 11 84 12 80 13 85 14 87 15 67 Mean 70.4 STD 15.99464 Mean STD 15 15 47 47 27 27 28 33 33 24 36 36 36 27.2 36 36 47 47 27 27 33 33 33 33 32 36 36 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults RAW DATA A. Control 1. Effect on Fecundity and Oviposition Behaviour Cage No. 1 2 3 Females 20 18 10 Tot Pods Nor Pods 70 70 59 70 70 59 Scat Eggs 0 0 0 Pod/Fem 3.50 3.89 5.90 %NorPods 100.00 100.00 100.00 %ScatEggs 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 11 12 33 30 20 16 28 30 21 62 101 78 30 26 30 21 62 97 78 30 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 3.11 2.73 1.75 1.88 3.37 3.90 1.88 92.86 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.04 100.00 100.00 7.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.96 0.00 0.00 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults RAW DATA B. Oil 1. Effect on Fecundity and Oviposition Behaviour Cage No. Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 6 11 6 6 11 7 12 6 6 Tot Pods 9 9 20 12 12 18 14 22 11 12 Nor Pods 7 9 20 12 12 17 14 20 9 12 Scat Eggs 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 Pod/Fem 2.25 1.50 1.82 2.00 2.00 1.64 2.00 1.83 1.83 2.00 %NorPods 77.78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 94.44 100.00 90.91 81.82 100.00 %ScatEggs 22.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.56 0.00 9.09 18.81 0.00 Effect of the NPB on gregarious adults RAW DATA C. Oil+NPB 1. Effect on Fecundity and Oviposition Behaviour Cage No. Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 8 2 9 12 10 11 11 2 9 Tot Pods 2 7 7 12 12 10 12 10 6 10 Nor Pods 1 3 3 7 12 4 6 2 2 10 Scat Eggs 1 4 4 5 0 6 6 8 4 0 Pod/Fem 1.00 0.88 3.50 1.33 1.00 1.00 1.09 0.91 3.00 1.11 %NorPods 50.00 42.86 42.86 58.33 100.00 40.00 50.00 20.00 33.33 100.00 %ScatEggs 50.00 57.14 57.14 41.67 0.00 60.00 50.00 80.00 66.67 0.00
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