CUA The Catholic University of America Office of Disability Support Services 620 Michigan Ave NE, 201 Pryzbyla Center Washington, DC 20064 Phone 202-319-5211, Fax 202-319-5126 Dear Prospective Student, In order to establish eligibility for services and to enable our staff to work more effectively with you in the provision of services, please complete the enclosed Intake form and provide documentation of the disability as outlined by our Documentation Guidelines. All records will remain strictly confidential and are not a part of your academic record. The aforementioned guidelines are provided so that Disability Support Services can respond appropriately to the individual needs of the student. We reserve the right to determine eligibility for services and modifications to programs based on the quality of the submitted documentation. All documentation is confidential. CONFIDENTIALITY The University recognizes that student disability records contain confidential information and are to be treated as such. Therefore, documentation of a student’s disability is maintained in a confidential file in DSS and is considered part of the student’s education record. Information related to a disability may be disclosed only with the permission of the student or as permitted by the university’s student records policy and federal law. At the same time, however, a students' right to privacy must still be balanced against the university's need to know the information in order to provide requested and recommended services and accommodations. Therefore, in the interest of serving the needs of the student, the provision of services may involve DSS staff disclosing disability information provided by the student to appropriate University personnel participating in the accommodation process. The amount of information that may be released is determined on a case-by-case basis, and will be made in accordance with the university’s policy on student records. I have read and understand the above policies and agree with the terms. Sign your name indicating you composed and wrote the responses to the questions in the form. Signature: ______________________________________________ Name (Print): ____________________________________________ Date: ________________ All forms must be returned directly to: Disability Support Services The Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave NE, 201 Pryzbyla center Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5211 Fax: 202-319-5126 Email: [email protected] IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL FORMS AND DOCUMENTATION BE RETURNED BEFORE THE START OF THE SEMESTER IN ORDER TO ALLOW TIME FOR PROCESSING. _________________________________________________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY __________ Date Registration Form Received __________ Date Intake Completed ________ By (INT) __________ Date Documentation Received __________ Date Additional Documentation Received __________ Date Documentation Approved Updated: 3/24/15 DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES UNDERGRADUATE REGISTRATION FORM In order to receive accommodations, please submit a copy of your documentation regarding your disability with this form. Documentation guidelines are available at Documentation must be received before your registration is complete. Date: ______________________ I BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Student ID # _____________________ Birth Date: ________________ Gender: ___MALE ___FEMALE Race/Ethnic Background (Optional): ______________________ Military Active or Veteran: ___ Yes ___ No Cell Phone: ________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Other Phone: ________________________ Mark one: ___Parent’s home ___Mom/Dad Cell Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code CUA E-mail Address: Alternate E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________ II STUDENT STATUS First Semester at CUA: ___Fall ___Spring ___Summer Year: ________ Anticipated Date of Graduation: ___Fall ___Spring Year: ________ ___ Undergraduate Year: ___ Freshman ___Sophomore ___ Junior ___ Senior ___ Transfer student ___ Visiting student Dates: __________ to _____________ School/Program: ___ Arts & Sciences: Major: _____________________ or ___Exploratory ___ Architecture ___ Music ___ Theology ___ Business & Economics ___ Engineering ___ NCSSS ___ Philosophy ___ Library & Information Sciences ___ Nursing ___ Metropolitan College of Professional Studies Page | 1 III DISABILITY INFORMATION Disability (check all that apply): ____ ADD or ADHD Type: _______________________ ____ Learning Disability: Type: ________________________ ____ Autism Spectrum: Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ Type: ________________________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Blind or Low Vision* Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Deaf or Hard of Hearing* Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Health Type: ________________________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Mobility* Type: ________________________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Psychological Type: ________________________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Traumatic/Acquired Brain Injury Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ ____ Other: ______________________________________ Date/Age at Diagnosis: _____________ *Please complete the additional sections below Mobility (Skip if this section does not apply to you) Level of Mobility: • Dexterity: ___ All ___ None ___ Limited • Ambulatory: ___Yes ___ No ___ With minimal assistance Do you require a personal care attendant? ___ Yes ___ No Do you use a service animal? ___ Yes ___ No Mobility Device Requirements: ___ Electric Wheelchair ___ Manual Wheelchair ___ Scooter ___ Other (Walker, crutches, cane, etc.) Blind & Low Vision (Skip if this section does not apply to you) Level of Disability ___ Total Blindness ___ Legally Blind ___ Low Vision ___ Partial vision with glasses Do you use a Seeing Eye dog? ___ Yes ___ No Deaf & Hard of Hearing (Skip if this section does not apply to you) Level of Disability ___ Completely Deaf ___ Have some hearing (with aides) ___ Have some hearing (without aides) ___ Have hearing in one ear ___ Can read lips Supports ___ Hearing Aids ___ Assistive Listening Device (FM System) ___ Interpreter (ASL) ___ Transcriber (CART) Do you use a hearing dog? ___ Yes ___ No Page | 2 Please list any disability related medications you are taking: Name: _____________________Purpose: _____________________Start date: __________Dosage: ________ Name: _____________________Purpose: _____________________Start date: __________Dosage: ________ Name: _____________________Purpose: _____________________Start date: __________Dosage: ________ Name: _____________________Purpose: _____________________Start date: __________Dosage: ________ Please explain how the medication helps you: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ IV SERVICE HISTORY If you received services at a previous institution please describe: High School: What was the size of your school? ___ Small ___ Medium ___ Large Was it a school that specialized in working with students with learning disabilities? ___ Yes ___ No Did it have Special Education/Support Services? ___ Yes ___ No Did you use your accommodations? ___ Yes ___ No College/University: Name of the school: ________________________________________ City and State: ___________________________________________ Dates Attended: __________________________________________ Reason for Leaving: _______________________________________ Did you request accommodations at this institution? YES NO Were accommodations provided? YES NO How have services you have received previously assisted you? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ For students who receive agency services: (Skip if this section does not apply to you) Do you currently receive assistance from any of the following? ___ Services for the Blind ___ Department of Rehabilitation Services ___ Department of Veteran Affairs ___ Other: ___________________________________ Name of Rehab Counselor: ___________________________ Email: __________________________ Agency Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Page | 3 V CURRENT IMPACT STATEMENT Functional Limitations: Please check off the activities listed below that you believe are affected as a result of your diagnosis. Please indicate level of limitation you experience as a result of the disability. 1= Unable to Determine 1 2 3 4 2= No Impact 5 3= Mild Impact Major Life Activities 1 4= Moderate Impact 2 3 4 5= Substantial Impact 5 Learning / Time Management Caring for Oneself Memory Talking Concentrating Hearing Listening Breathing Organization Seeing Managing distractions Timely submission of assignments Walking Standing Lifting/Carrying Attending class regularly Making and keeping appointments Sitting Performing Manual tasks Managing stress Eating Writing Working Spelling Interacting with others Quantitative reasoning (math) Sleeping Processing Speed Reading Describe in as much detail as possible how the diagnosed condition is currently impacting you (use additional paper if necessary). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe in as much detail as possible how the diagnosed condition has or has not impacted and substantially limited you in the past. Describe what supports you have used? (use additional paper if necessary). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have tried any medical or educational interventions to manage the diagnosed condition, please explain what these were and how and why they have or haven’t helped (use additional paper if necessary). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 4 ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS RECEIVED/REQUESTING Please check/describe any services you have received in the past under “Previously Received”. Please check those services you are interested in requesting at CUA under “Requesting at CUA”. Received in High school Received in college Requesting at CUA Classroom Accommodations: Access to teacher handouts, slides, overheads Additional time on in-class writing assignments Assistive Listening Device (FM Loop) Assistive Technology (laptop, note taking device, etc.) Closed Caption Video Information on board read aloud for students with visual impairments Interpreter/Transcriber: ASL CART C-PRINT TYPEWELL Leave classroom when symptoms occur Notetaker Occasional exceptions to absentee/tardiness policy Recorded Lectures/ Smartpen Foreign Language Waiver or Substitution Test Accommodations: Additional time when taking quizzes and exams ( 1.5 or 2) Alternate exam dates during heavy scheduling/space between Alternative testing environment Assistive Technology on exams Screen Reading Software Voice Input Software Other Calculator Computer for tests No scantron (due to visual issues) Scribe Spell-check or points not taken off for spelling Print Accommodations: Materials in Alternative Format Braille Electronic (DAISY, MP3, ePub,DOC, KESI, PDF) Large Print Services: Adjustable Height Table in Class Priority Registration Other (please explain): Page | 5 SERVICES RECEIVED/REQUESTING: (Skip if this section does not apply to you) Received in High school Campus Access Received in college Requesting at CUA Private bath Kitchen Modifications-in suites (lowered shelves, roll-under counters, etc.) I cannot walk long distances quickly I cannot walk long distances at all I cannot go up or down stairs and need access to an elevator Brailed Room Numbers Raised Print Room Numbers I use an assistive walking device that makes it difficult to get around independently during inclement weather I use a service animal or Emotional Support Animal I use a cane I will need Orientation & Mobility training Dining Services Assistance Needed (access to food choices help with tray, cutting food, eating) My medical condition requires me to be on a special diet Other Housing Services Single Room (for medical issues) Accessible Room (elevator, space for chair, equipment, lowered shelves, rods, grab bars, lower peep hole, visual door bell, door handles, etc.) Bathroom Modifications (grab bars, roll in, Bathtub, lowered sink) Access to a Kitchen for dietary/health reasons (that cannot be accommodated by consulting with the campus dietician) Height of Shelves Adjusted Door/Key Modifications Accessible Furniture (desk, tables, bed, etc.) First Floor Room Visual Alarms Emergency Evacuation Assistance may be required to evacuate a building Audio/Visual Alarm Transportation I am driving and need access to handicap parking close to my classes Independent use of the Metro Para-Transit/Metro Access OPTIONAL: If there are additional questions pertaining to my documentation, I give DSS the right to contact the professional who completed the evaluation to obtain further information so that we can appropriately determine eligibility of services. ________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________ Signature Printed Name Date Page | 6
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