Page No.01/24 Tender Document Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology (DST) Admin II (A) Section Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016 Tender Set Cost: Rs.1, 000/- (Rupees one thousand only) For Supply of Stationary/General Items in DST, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-16 Contd…02/- Page No.02/24 Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Administration II (B) Section Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016 Tender Enquiry No. 9-1/2014/Admn.II (A) Date:7thMay., 2015 To All interested & eligible vendors Sub: Open Tender for Supply of Stationary/General Items in DST, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-16 1. For and on behalf of the President of India, sealed tenders are invited in two (Prequalification & Financial) bid system for the subject mentioned job in Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-16 initially for period of one year, extendable on yearly basis depending upon the performance of the firm and compliance of terms & conditions stipulated in the tender document by the firm. 2. Interested firms may quote their lowest prices in the enclosed Proforma (Appendix-I) in a sealed cover along with the documents duly signed on all pages as mentioned in the tender document in the prescribed form. The sealed cover containing the quoted tender shall be super scribed “Open tender for supply of Stationary/General Items in DST, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-16 not to be opened before “8.06.2015” and shall be dropped in the tender box of Admin II (A) kept near the Reception of the Technology Bhavan latest by 1500 hours on or before “8.06.2015”. Sealed tenders received within the closing time limit shall be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs in Raman Auditorium, WH Block in the presence of such tenderers who wish to be present. 3. The tentative cost for the contract period shall approximately be Rs.30,00,000/- (Rupees thirty lakh only) per annum. Tenderers shall submit EMD amount of Rs.60,000/- (Rupees sixty thousand only) with the tender documents and the successful tenderer shall be required to submit a performance security deposit of an amount of Rs.2, 00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only) in the form of Demand Draft/ Fixed Deposit Receipt/ Performance Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Commercial Indian Bank valid for the contract period + 03 months. Contd…03/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.03/24 4. Tendering firms fulfilling the requirements in this tender document may quote their competitive lowest prices as per the requirements given in the attached Appendix-I. 5. Any correspondence concerning the tender shall be addressed by quoting the Tender Enquiry No. given above. 6. This letter shall form part of tender documents and shall be returned duly signed along with the tender documents. THE DEPARTMENT ON THE BEHALF OF PRESIDENT OF INDIA DOES NOT BIND HIMSELF TO ACCEPT THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER (B. K. P. Angam) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Tel: 26590204 Copy to: FICCI, DST: For posting the complete tender document on Department’s website. Contd…04/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.04/24 Schedule I IMPORTANT I N F O R M A T I O N, G E N E R A L I N S T R U C T I O N S, & CONDITIONS 1. Accepting Officer Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Department of Science & Technology ON BEHALF OF THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA 2. Two (Prequalification & Financial) bids system 2.1. This tender shall be processed in two bids system – namely (i) Prequalification and (ii) Financial Bids. The tenderers shall submit both the bids simultaneously on or before 1500 hrs on “8.06.2015”. The price bid will be opened, on the date to be fixed later on and made known to the qualified tendering firm only after technical evaluation of all the offers received for prequalification bids are completed and are eligible/ meet the criteria mentioned in the prequalification bid. Those firms who do not meet the requisite criteria/ fulfill the prequalification requirements, their financial bid shall not be opened and the same shall be intimated/ informed/ displayed in the web portal of the Department. 2.2. Both the bids –one containing the “Prequalification bid” duly sealed and the other “Financial bid” duly sealed should be submitted in one main cover and the price quotation in the sealed cover will form an enclosure to the main cover. The main cover should also be wax sealed. 2.3. The tenderers should very carefully note that price bid, received after opening of Prequalification bid “8.06.2015”, though before the date fixed for the opening of Financial bids will be regarded as late tender and shall not be considered. 2.3.1. The price bid submitted by such tenderers, whose offers have been considered as technically not acceptable on the basis of the tender evaluation of the Prequalification bids, shall not be opened. The Department shall not intimate the financial bid opening date to such tenderers who do not qualify in the prequalification bid. All bidders are therefore required to submit their offers in two covers as under:2.4 FIRST COVER should contain the “Prequalification offer” submitting the following documents:2.4.1 Tender documents duly completed and signed BUT WITHOUT INDICATING THE RATES QUOTED i.e. Appendix-I. Contd…05/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.05/24 2.4.2 Tender Fee Coupon (Appendix- III). 2.4.3 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amounting to Rs.60,000/- (Rupees sixty thousand only) in the form of DD/ BC/ PO in favor of DDO, DST. 2.4.4 Experience Certificate regarding at least three years of experience in executing contract (worth Rupees 20,00,000/- in each year) for providing Stationary/General Items of similar services to Govt. organizations/ PSUs/ State Govt. / Quasi Govt. 2.4.5 Income Tax Returns for the last three years and Solvency Statement from Bankers concerned. 2.4.6 Firms registered/enlisted with Ministries/ Department of Ministries/PSUs/CPWD/ MES/ Railways in eligible category shall attach “Registration Certificate” issued by concerned authority. Original tender document duly signed and stamped at all pages. Satisfactory Performance certificate at least for a period of two years from Ministries/ Department of Ministries/ CPWD/ MES/ Railways/ PSUs/ State Govt. / Quasi Govt. shall be attached. 2.4.7 The firm shall furnish complete details of APPENDIX-II. Partly/ partially filled Appendix-II shall be considered as not furnishing of complete details and shall be rejected without assigning any reason thereof. 2.4.8 The firm must have its Registered Office in Delhi and will be required to supply its address and telephone Nos. (Office as well as residence) and also mobile phone numbers. Note: 1. The conditions laid down in 2.4 as Prequalification bid shall be free from any condition. Conditional bids shall be rejected straight way without assigning any reason. 2. This cover should be super scribed “Prequalification Bid for supply of Stationary/General Items in DST, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi with Tender No., Name and Date of opening”. 3. Vendor/s failing to comply any conditions mentioned under 2.4 shall not qualify in Prequalification Bid. 4. The firm failing to qualify prequalification bid shall not be considered for opening of Financial Bid. Contd…06/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.06/24 SECOND COVER should contain the “Financial offer” submitting the following details:i) Details of rates as per Appendix-I including name of brand (inclusive of all taxes, duties & freight charges) quoted by the bidder. These details should be submitted in the format given. The words “FINANCIAL BID for SUPPLY OF STATIONARY/GENERAL ITEMS IN DST, TECHNOLOGY BHAVAN, NEW DELHI should be written clearly and prominently on this envelop along with Tender Number, Name of work & Date of opening. THIRD COVER: Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately and thereafter, be kept in a third cover and again sealed. This cover should also be superscripted with the Tender No., stores and date of tender opening as under:Tender No. 9-1/2014/Admn.II (A) Dated “8.06.2015” “TENDER ENQUIRY FOR SUPLY OF STATIONARY/GENERAL ITEMS IN DST, TECHNOLOGY BHAVAN, NEW DELHI NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE 1530 hrs. On “8.06.2015” Only the first cover i.e. Prequalification Bid shall be opened on the date of tender opening. Financial bids of only those firms who qualify Prequalification bid will be considered and shall be opened publicly on a later date which will be notified to the bidders who have qualified the Prequalification bids. 3. Tender Fee Tenderers are required to furnish a tender fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) along with Tender. Tender Documents can be obtained from Section Officer, Admn.II-A, Hall E, Warehousing Block, Technology Bhavan on furnishing a Demand Draft, Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque of Rs. 1,000/- in the name of DDO, DST. Tender fee coupon (as per Appendix-III to this Tender Document) shall be issued along with tender documents on payment of tender fee. Sealed tenders received in this Department without the Tender Fee Coupon shall not be taken into consideration and shall be rejected. Tender Document can also be downloaded from DST website or Government of India tender portal Firms using Tender Document downloaded from DST or Government of India website will have to submit DD/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque of Rs.1,000/- along with their tender in sealed cover failing which their offer shall be rejected. Contd…07/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.07/24 4. Earnest Money Deposit 4.1 An amount of Rs.60,000/- (Rupees sixty thousand only) shall be submitted by way of Demand Draft, Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque in the name of DDO, DST, New Delhi along with the original copy of the tender submitted by the firm. Payment by any other mode shall not be acceptable. Offers received without EMD shall be rejected and shall not be considered under any circumstances. EMD of tendering firms who submit the sealed tender but withdraw the same before expiry of the tender validity date shall be forfeited. EMD of the successful tendered shall be released only after submission of Performance Security of specific amount. EMD of the tenderers who fail to honour the bid in prescribed time limit shall stand forfeited. No representation in this regard shall be entertained by the Department. EMD amount shall not be adjusted in any form by DST. No interest will be paid by the Department for not releasing the EMD amount within the tender validity period or under any circumstances. 4.2 The Department will return the earnest money wherever applicable to unsuccessful tenderers by endorsing the authority on the deposit for its refund, on production by the tenderer a certificate of Accepting officer that a bona fide tender was received and all documents were returned. 5. Non- transferability This tender is non-transferable. 6. Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions as set out in this Tender Document shall have to be complied with by the tendering firm. Offers not complying with such terms & conditions shall be rejected. 7. Firm & Fixed rate 7.1 Rates shall be quoted on net destination basis at DST and firm & fixed rate basis including statutory taxes (CST/ VAT, Service Tax, Service Charge etc., duties (ED- if any), freight, packing and handling etc.. The prices/rates quoted shall be indicated in words as well as in figures and in INR only. Rates during the currency of contract shall remain firm & fixed in respect of materials supplied by the contractor. Tenderers are requested to quote their prices on a firm & fixed basis only for the entire period of the Rate Contract. Tenders of the firms received with prices quoted on variable basis shall be rejected straightaway. 7.2 In the event of any dispute as to whether any minor details/items of work is included in the contract shall be referred to the Accepting Officer. Appeal against the decision of the Accepting Officer in this regard shall lie to the Joint Secretary (Administration), DST and the decision given by him shall be final and binding. Contd…08/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.08/24 8. Prescribed Forms Tenders of firms received in the format prescribed in this tender document shall only be considered. Offers not received in prescribed format shall be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Fax/ E-mail/ Letter head submission of tenders shall not be accepted. 9. Late/ delayed tender Tenders received after prescribed closing time shall not be accepted under any circumstances. 10. Time & date of receipt and opening of bids Tenderers shall note that if the date of tender opening given in the Tender Document is declared a closed holiday by the Central Government, the tender shall be opened on the next working day at the same time. In such an event the closing hours for receipt of tenders in DST will stand automatically extended up to 1500 hours of the next working day in the Central Government offices. 11. Contract period One year from the date of commencement of contract and extendable on yearly basis depending upon the performance of the firm and compliance of terms & conditions stipulated in the tender document by the firm and mutually agreed upon. The Annual Rate Contract awarded as a result of this Tender Enquiry will be in the nature of a running contract. The Supply Order shall be placed during the entire period of RC concluded, based on the rates quoted in the contract(s). No guarantee can be given as to the minimum or actual services usage. Based on the trend of expenditure incurred during the previous year, contract value for the proposed RC period is expected to be around Rs.30,00,000/(Ruppes thirty lakh only) per annum. 12. Performance security Successful bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Security for amount of Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only) in the form of DD/ Pay order, Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) or Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Commercial Indian Bank to be submitted within 15 days from the receipt by him of notification of acceptance of his tender. The format for Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be provided by DST along with the award of contract. Non-submission of PBG in prescribed format or submission by other mode shall be viewed adverse performance which shall further lead to de-registration/ suspension of business dealing with the Department and the amount of performance security deposited by the firm shall also be forfeited. Successful bidder has to submit fresh Performance Security of same amount in case of extension beyond the contractual period along with the willingness certificate of extension with contractual rates, terms & conditions. Contd…09/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.09/24 13. Validity of tender Tender shall be kept valid for acceptance by DST for a period of 90 days after the tender opening date. 14. Taxes & duties:- 14.1 Rates quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of all statutory taxes & duties ( VAT, Local Sales tax, Central Sales Tax, with or without Form-C etc.) and freight (free delivery at consignee's premises) etc. In case, they are exempted from payment of sales tax, a copy of the Exemption Certificate issued by the appropriate authority may be furnished. 14.2 Octroi Duty and Local Taxes: Normally the stores supplied to Government Departments against Government Contracts are exempted from the levy of town duty, Octroi Duty, Terminal Tax and other levies of local bodies against production of Exemption Certificate from authorized officers. As the tenderers are to quote their prices on F.O.R. destination, door delivery basis, Octroi Exemption Certificate will not be issued by this Department and any separate charges for Octroi & local taxes will be borne by the supplier himself only. 14.3 Tax Deduction at Source (TDS):- TDS shall be deducted from each bill (as applicable) of the contractor under the statutory rules of Union Govt. in respect of Income Tax & other Taxes etc. 14.4 No claim on account of sales taxes or any other statutory taxes/ charges for execution of work awarded under this contract shall be entertained by DST and such taxes and charges shall be paid by the contractor himself. 15. Submission, acceptance and rejection of tender:- 15.1 The envelope containing the quoted tender shall be duly sealed and superscribed as “supply of Stationary/General Items in DST, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-16 for period of one year. The sealed envelope shall be dropped in the tender box kept [Tender Box Admin II (A)] near the reception of Technology Bhavan on or before 3.00 PM on “8.06.2015” which shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM in the presence of one representative of such tenderers who wish to be present. 15.2 Tenders not complete in all respects shall be liable to be rejected. Contd…10/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.10/24 15.3 While submitting the tender for this work the tenderers shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions stated in the tender document. Any doubts or clarifications with regard to the interpretation of the Terms & Conditions stipulated in this Tender Enquiry, shall be got clarified from Under Secretary, DST at least 07 days before tender opening date. Requests for postponing the tender opening date for the same shall not be accepted. 15.4 Tenderers shall indicate the complete address of their firm/ office along with telephone numbers. 15.5 Contract shall be awarded to the firm offering the lowest / net bundled price and not with reference to the lowest prices quoted for the sub-items. However, if price for each & every item is not quoted, Net- bundled price offered shall not be accepted. 16. Award of contract:- 16.1 The Accepting officer shall award the contract to the tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest evaluated tender price, for category ‘A’, ‘B’& ‘C’’. 16.2 Notwithstanding the above, the Accepting Officer reserves the right to seek previous work orders, references etc. and to accept or reject any tender and to cancel the process and reject all tenders at any time prior to award of contract. 16.3. The tenderer whose rate is accepted shall be notified for the award of contract by the Accepting Officer prior to expiration of the tender validity period. The terms and conditions stipulated in the tender document shall be fully applicable to the resultant contract and shall be integral part of the contract concluded on the basis of this Tender Enquiry. 16.4 Contract shall be awarded to the firm(s) offering the lowest/net bundled price (category wise) and not with reference to the lowest prices quoted for the sub-items. However, if prices for each and every item are not quoted, Net-bundled price offered shall not be accepted. 16.5 In case two firms offering the same lowest net bundled prices, then only item-wise rate will be evaluated for those firms and the contract will be awarded to the firm item-wise on L1 basis. 16.6 DST reserves the right to conclude parallel Rate Contracts with a number of suppliers and place Orders on any of such firm that may be the most economical to it or suitable to its requirement 16.7 DST reserves the option to give purchase/price preference to offers from Small Scale industries etc. in accordance with the policies of the Govt. in force from time to time. Contd…11/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.11/24 17. GUARANTEE/ WARRANTY: 17.1 The contractor shall guarantee that the stores, articles sold/supplied to the purchaser under this contract shall be of the best quality and workmanship and new in all respects and shall be strictly in accordance with the specification and particulars contained/ mentioned in the Tender enquiry. 17.2 The date of manufacturing of the items supplied will not be more than 3 (three months) old. The contractor shall guarantee that the said goods/stores articles would continue to conform to the description and quality as per AppendixI for a period of twelve months, from the date of installation of the said goods/stores/articles to the purchaser 17.3 Notwithstanding the fact that the Purchaser (Inspector) may have inspected and /or approved the said goods /stores/articles, if during the aforesaid period of 12 months the said stores/goods/ articles be discovered not to conform to the description and quality aforesaid or not giving satisfactory performance or have deteriorated, the decision of the purchaser in that behalf shall be final and binding on the contractor and the purchaser shall be entitled to call upon the contractor to rectify the goods/stores/articles or such portion thereof as is found to be defective by the purchaser within a reasonable period or such specified period as may be allowed by the purchaser in his discretion on/an application made thereof by the contractor and in such an event, the above mentioned warranty period shall apply to the goods/stores/ articles rectified from the date of rectification thereof. 17.4 In case of failure of the contractor to rectify or replace the goods etc., within specified time, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover the cost with all expenses from the contractor for such defective stores. 18. Paying authority Controller of Accounts or his authorized representative, Pay & Accounts Office, DST, New Delhi-110016 shall be the paying authority. 19. Completion of contract The Contract shall be completed on completion of period (or extended period mutually agreed by both parties) given in contract. Contd…12/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.12/24 20. Cancellation of contract Due to unsatisfactory performance established on the part of the contractor or any such material complaints, the contract shall be cancelled at any time by giving a Notice of three months in advance by the Accepting Officer. If satisfactory improvement shall not be found even after issue of notice, Final Notice shall be served upon the contractor to improve the performance within 15 days, if contractor fails to improve the performance even after issue of Final Notice, the contract shall be cancelled without prejudice to the department. During the period of notice both the parties shall continue to discharge their duties and obligations. 21. Applicable law The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Union of India. For judicial adjudication, the disputes, if any, arising out of the Contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Delhi only and will be settled accordingly. 22. Disputes & Arbitration 22.1 All disputes (except decision given under clause 7.2 here-in-before which shall be final and binding) arising shall be settled through arbitration. Both the parties shall first try to resolve the disputes amicably by mutual consultation. If they fail to resolve the disputes by such mutual consultation within 21 days, then, depending upon the position of the case either of the parties shall give notice to the other party of its intention to commence arbitration as per the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. 22.2 Sole Arbitrator shall be appointed by Joint Secretary (Administration), DST, New Delhi within 30 days of notice regarding appointment of arbitrator. 22.3 In the event of any dispute arising under this contract or in connection there with including any dispute relating to:22.3.1 Existing meaning and interpretation of this contract the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration appointed by the DST, New Delhi. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996. 22.3.2 There shall be no objection that the Arbitrator is a person who has dealt with the matters to which the contract relates and/or in the course of his duties he has expressed any view on any matters in dispute or differences. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. Contd…13/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.13/24 22.3.3 Notwithstanding any dispute between the parties, the agency shall not be entitled to withhold, delay or defer his obligation under the contract and the same shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the terms & conditions of the contract. 22.3.4 The Arbitrator shall give speaking and reasoned award with respect to the claims referred to him by either of the parties. 23. Specifications The specifications are given in the Annexure-I of this Tender Document. 24. Mandatory Information Contractors are required to fill up the Contractor’s information (Mandatory) and furnish supporting documents as per Appendix-II to this tender document. 25. Liquidated Damages 25.1 In case the firm does not comply to the terms & conditions mentioned in the contract, action shall be taken against the firm to recover from the contractor as agreed liquidated damages including administrative expenses and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to ½ % per week and the total damages so claimed shall not exceed 10% of the total contract amount. 25.2 The Department reserves the right to conclude similar Contracts with a number of firms which may be the most economical to it or suitable to its requirements. Contd..14/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.14/24 ANNEXURE- I SPECIFICATION 1. Scope of work – 1.1 Supply of Stationary/General Items as specified in Appendix-I 1.2 Door delivery at DST, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016. Offers from firms/suppliers with terms of delivery at their stores or stipulating lifting of stores from their outlets shall stand rejected. 1.3 Stores are required to be delivered at the Technology Bhawan premises on free delivery to the consignee’s premises, freights/transportation paid basis. Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance and the supplier will be responsible till the entire stores contracted for, arrive in good condition at the destination. 1.4 Indenting Authority- Department of Science and Technology (DST), Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-16. 1.5 Consignee - Store In Charge, DST, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 2. Contract Tenure:2.1 The service contract shall be initially for a period of one year and shall be subject to periodic review and evaluation of performance by the Competent Authority of DST, New Delhi. 2.2. Renewal up to two more years on yearly basis can be considered after review of performance without any escalation in contract cost, terms & conditions. 2.3. No escalation in cost will be considered during the period of contract ON ANY ACCOUNT 2.4 In case of extension of the contract for a limited period, if required, the contractor shall continue the service. For this period cost of the running contract shall be considered without any escalation. 3. Delivery and Payments & bills:3.1 Terms of Delivery: 3.1.1 The firm should be in a position to supply Stationery items on short notice as and when required Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Contd…15/- Page…15/24 3.1.2 Door delivery at DST, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016. Offers from firms/suppliers with terms of delivery at their stores or stipulating lifting of stores from their outlets shall stand rejected. 3.1.3 Delivery period: Within 7 days of the placement of confirmed supply order on the firm or as stipulated in the Supply Order. The firm should be able to provide Stationery Items on holidays/Sundays also. 3.1.4 Contractor shall submit the bills within 07 days of supply of goods. 4. Payment terms: 4.1 100% payment shall be released on satisfactory receipt of the goods/articles ordered. Advance payment will not be made under any circumstances. 4.2 Payment towards all the Govt. levies/ taxes, as applicable shall be contractor’s responsibility. Contd..16/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.16/24 FINANCIAL BID Sl.N o. Categor y 1.1 A 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 A A A A A A A A 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. 1.15 1.16. 1.17. 1.18. 1.19 1.20. A A A A A A A A A A A 1.21. 1.22. 1.23. 1.24. 1.25. 1.26. 1.27. 1.28. A A A A A A A A 1.29. 1.30. 1.31. 1.32. A A A A 1.33. A 1.34. A Description of the Items (Stationery) Make/Bran d/ Specificatio n Correcting Pen Camlin /Kores Non-Dust Eraser (Pencil) Apsara Pencil Lead (10 in a box) Natraj Pencil Shorthand (10 in a box) Apsara Sharpner with Cap Natraj Calculator Ordinary(CT 500) Citizen Calculator Scientific Cassio Ball Pen Reynold 0.45 Reynold Ball Pen Jotter(Good Quality) Perform/fla ir Scissors Ordinary(7”) Kabica Pilot Pen (V-5) Luxor Pilot Pen (O-5) Luxor Ball Pen Holder (Jotter) Link Add gel Pen Achiever Uniball Pen Uniball Stamp Pad Supreme Transparent Binding Sheet Oddy Gum Bottle (150 ml.) Camel Section Diary ABD Gem Clip (in box) Plastic ZEM quoted All Pin Apex Punch – Single Kangaroo Punch – Double Kangaroo Stapler HD-10 D Kangaroo Stapler HD-45 Kangaroo Stapler Pin No. 10 1M Kangaroo Stapler Pin No. 24/6 Kangaroo Heavy duty Stapler (TOHO TOHO Stapler-12S/17 Heavy duty Staple Pin (23/17) Kangaroo Peon Book ABD Cello Tape (1/2” x 50 mtrs.) Premier Shorthand Note Book Swaraswati/ Bittoo Color flag (tri-color) 3x3” De’smat/Pr omote Self sticking yellow Slip (3” x De’smat/Pr 4”/76mm x 102mm) omote Unit APPENDIX-I (Pg-1/3) Price Quoted Rs. Per Piece Per Piece Per Box Per Box Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Pkt Bottle No. Per Box Per Pkt Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Box Per Box Per Piece Per Box No. No. No. Per Pad Per Pad Contd..17/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.17/24 1.35 A 1.36 1.37 1.38 A A A 1.39 A 1.40 A Permanent Marker Product No. 970 White Board Marker Steel Scale 12” Ruled Register (192 pages Hard Board Cover) Ruled Register (288 pages Hard Board Cover) Ruled Register (384 pages Hard Board Cover) Luxor Per piece Luxor Elora Neelgagan Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Neelgagan Per Piece Neelgagan Per Piece Total Contd..18/Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.18/24 APPENDIX-I Pg-2/3 Sl.No. Categ ory Name of the Items Make/Brand/ Specification Unit Pen Stand (4 Socket) Product No. 1439 Pen Stand (2 Socket) Product No. 202 Desk Calender Stand Product No. 4 White Duster (36” x 36”) Fine quality Cotton White Duster (24” x 24”) - do Yellow Duster (36” x 36”) Grade ‘A’ Yellow Duster (24” x 24”) - do Tag (White)(200 tags pack) Dak Pad Kebica Stationery Kebica Stationery Kebica Stationery As per sample Per Piece -do- Per Piece -do- Per Piece -do- Per Piece -do- Bundle Neelgagan Per Piece As per Sample Shipra/Neelga gan Shipra/Neelga gan Opel Towels from Arakal Udyog Lux Per Pad 2.1. B 2.2 B 2.3. B 2.4. B 2.5. B 2.6. B 2.7. B 2.8. B 2.9. B 2.10. B 2.11. B 2.12. B 2.13. B DST Slip Pad with Print of 25 pages Spiral Pad (50 Sheets, A5 size) Spiral Pad(50 Sheets, A4 size) Towel (76 x 152cms.) 2.14. B Soap (100 gm.) 2.15. B Ship Packet 2.16. B B Ambika Make Kebica/Brite Per Roll 2.17. Match Box (10 Boxes in a Packet) Extra Strong Thread Ball (100 gm.) File Tray 2.18. B Heavy duty Cell, R-20 Red Eveready Per Piece 2.19. B Pencil Cell, AA R-6 Red Eveready Per Piece 2.20. B 2.21. B Dura Cell AAA (2 cells Dura Cell in a set) Candle (6 in a box) Prabhat Price Quoted Rs. Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Pad Per Pad Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Set Per Box Contd..19/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.19/24 2.22. B 2.23. B Sealing Wax (10 in a National box) star Glue Stick (15g.) Kores 2.24. B Gloliter (5 in a set) Luxor Set 2.25. B Set 2.26. B Sketch Pen (OHP)(5 in Luxor a set) Sketch Pen (12 Pc. Set) Luxor 2.27. B Per Roll 2.28. B 2.29. B 2.30. 2.31. 2.32. B B B Packing Tape (Brown) (2 ½” x 65 mtrs.) Packing Paper (Brown) (29 x 44 cm.) Packing Cloth (white Markin) Malaysia (Grey) Glass Tumbler Plain Glass tumbler Design/Printed Total Wonder 3 Per Box Per Piece Set 100 gsm star 100 Sheets mills As per sample Per Meter As per sample Per Meter Yera Per Piece Yera Per Piece Contd..20/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.20/24 APPENDIX-I Pg-3/3 Sl.No. Category Name of the Items Make/Brand/ Specification Unit 3.1. 3.2. 3.3 C C C As per sample As per sample As per sample Per 100 Per 100 Per 100 3.4. C As per sample Per 100 3.5. C Envelop (Brown) SE-5 Envelop (Brown) SE-6 Window Envelop white SE-5 printed Window Envelop white SE-6 printed Envelop white without As per sample Per 100 C window White SE-5 printed Envelop white without As per sample Per 100 3.6. window White SE-6 printed Printed File size As per sample Envelop Brown with cloth lining 3.7. C 3.8. C 3.9. C 3.10. C Printed Book size As per sample Envelop Brown with cloth lining Plastic folder with print Mega Brand single side transparent (L) shape File Cover Printed As per sample 3.11. C File Board As per sample Price Quoted Rs. Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Per Piece Total Grand Total (Categories A+B+C) Note 1. 2. Rates quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of all statutory taxes & duties ( VAT, Local Sales tax, Central Sales Tax, with or without Form-C etc.) and freight (free delivery at consignee's premises) including handling etc. Monthly payment is admissible based on material supplied and accepted. The Annual Rate Contract awarded as a result of this Tender Enquiry will be in the nature of a running contract. The supply order shall be placed during the entire period of RC based on actual requirement by the department based on the rates quoted in the contract(s). No guarantee can be given as to the minimum or actual usage Contd..21/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.21/24 3. The Financial Bid shall be free from any conditions. Conditional bid shall be rejected straightway and no representation in this regard shall be entertained. Contd..22/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.22/24 APPENDIX-II Contractor’s details (Mandatory Information) Supporting documents be annexed with the application form (Applications found deficient in any respect are liable to be rejected without further correspondence) Sl No. 01 Description 02 Nationality 03 Address (attach separate Regd. Office paper for addresses of other offices) Enclose Voter ID/ Electricity Bill/ Landline Telephone Bill or any Head office other authenticate copy of address proof) Telephone Numbers Landline/ Mobile No. 04 Information Name of the Applicant/ Firm Fax No. E-mail address 05 Other Details (Enclose PAN Details copies) VAT Registration Number 06 Constitution of firm Individual Sole Proprietorship Concern Partnership Firm Public Ltd. Company 07 Private Ltd. Company/ Sector Enterprises Details of Bank account Account No:(Enclose copy of front page of pass book & Type of account:personalized cancelled cheque) Name of Bank:- Public Name & address of the branch 08 Is any person working with the applicant a near relative of the official of DST? If yes, give details Contd..23/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.23/24 Sl Description Information No. 9. Earnest Money a. Amount in Rs. 60,000/- (Rupees Sixty thousand only) Deposit (EMD) details b. DD/ BC/ PO No. 10. Certificates/ Undertakings c. Date of Issue:- d. Name of issuing Bank:- e. Address of the issuing Branch:- a. I/ we (including all partners) certify that I/ we have carefully read the Terms & Conditions mentioned in the tender enquiry form and shall abide by them. b. I/ we certify that the information given is true to the best of my/ our knowledge. I/ we also understand that if any of the information is found wrong/ false at any stage. I/ we are liable to be deregistered from panel of approved contractors/ banned for doing any business dealings with Government Departments or blacklisted or subject to any monetary penalties that be deemed fit and appropriate by DST/ Government. c. I/ We agree to the forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit if I/ We fail to comply with all or any of the terms & conditions in whole or in part as laid down in the Tender Enquiry Notice No. 9-1/2014/Admn.II (A) Date: 7thMay.,2015 which would constitute and have force of a contract between me/ us and the Department of Science & Technology, if I/ we am/ are declared a successful bidder. d. I/ we hereby declare the items mentioned in the Schedule to this notice will be used for bonafide/ lawful purposes only as per the guidelines of Department of Environment & Forest, Govt. of NCT Delhi. e. I/ we hereby also certify that, I/ we have signed all the pages of the document with my/ our conscious and no body from this Department influenced/ compelled to do so. Contd…24/- Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp Page No.24/24 APPENDIX-III TENDER FEE COUPON TENDER NO.: 9-1/2014/Admn.II (A) Date:7thMay., 2015 TENDER SET NO.: ISSUED TO M/s……………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………. Against request letter ………………………………………………..Dated……………., 2015 and Payment Demand of an amount of No. Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only ) vide Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque ……………………………..Dated…………, 2015 drawn No. On ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………….......... TENDER DOCUMENT ISSUED ON . Signature of the bidder (s) with stamp
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