Enterp priseST TART2 “ “Challen nging and a Va lidating g your Busineess Idea” Entterprise Ireland in n partnersship with h Dublin Business B In nnovation n Cen ntre (DBIIC) and th he Irish B BICs – has developed a prog gramme dessigned to help entr repreneurrs tease out o their business iidea and dev velop a co omprehen nsive busin ness prop position, the t progrramme durration is over o a 6-8 week p period. EntterpriseST TART 2 “Challeng “ ging and Validating g your Bu usiness Ide ea” is desiigned for entrepreeneurs or early sta age start-up mpanies that t have a busineess idea bu ut need to t develop p it to a com poiint where e it can be consideered by En nterprise Ireland’ss High Pottential Sttart-Up Team. T Thee program mme invo olves two half-day y gro oup worksshops and d two onee-to-one mentoring session ns from exp perienced business consultan nts, pleasse note an n initial m meeting iss req quired to identify suitability s y to partiicipate. Forr fur rther informa ation please can san ndrareyno [email protected] T Tel: +353 31 67131 111 F Group For p worksh hop dates please se ee overlea af conttact EEnterprisestart2 Gro oup Workkshop Dates January to Deceember 201 15 Reggion Dub blin 1st G Group Workshop 09:0 00am to 13 3:00pm 21 JJanuary 2nd Group Workshop 09:00am tto 13:00pm 4 Februaryy Dub blin 4 M March 18 March Dub blin 13 M May 27 May Dub blin 15thh July 29th July Dub blin 9 Seeptember 11 N November 23 Septem mber Dub blin 18 Novem mber Venuue Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, ublin 8 Tayloors Lane, Du Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, Tayloors Lane, Du ublin 8 Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, ublin 8 Tayloors Lane, Du Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, Tayloors Lane, Du ublin 8 Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, Tayloors Lane, Du ublin 8 Guin ness Enterp prise Centree, Tayloors Lane, Du ublin 8 Please contact san ndrareynolds@ @dublinbic.iee Tel: +353 1 6 6713111 for further inform mation see w.dublinbic.ie. www
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