Church of Scotland NESS BANK Sunday 19 October 2014 at 11 am Service will be conducted by Miss Alison Notman, Probationer Minister, Cawdor Parish Church linked with Croy and Dalcross Minister – Rev Fiona E Smith, LL.B., B.D. Organist – Mrs Bridget Black, A.L.C.M. ORDER OF SERVICE Prelude 'Chanson de Matin' Welcome and Intimations Hymn 120 Elgar Geoff Thomson 'God, we praise you. God, we bless you' Scripture Sentences (Congregation standing) Prayers of Approach, Confession and Lord’s Prayer All-age Talk Hymn 4 'How excellent in all the earth' (All primary school age children, toddlers and babies are welcome downstairs for Children's Church) First Reading Acts 7: vs 54-60 (p157) Anthem 'May the grace of Christ our Saviour' Second Reading John 14: vs 1-14 (p137) Hymn 'Son of God, eternal Saviour' 468 Sermon Hymn Alf Mackintosh Lawson Alf Mackintosh 'Glimpses of Heaven' 641 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God' Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession Offering and Dedication of Offering Hymn 465 'Be thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart' Benediction Choral Amen Postlude 'Thema met Variaties' Andriessen INTIMATIONS FOR TODAY Welcome We welcome everyone to our service this morning. A special welcome is extended to any visitors who may be worshipping with us. You are invited to sign our Visitors Book and take a copy of the Ness Bank Congregational Newsletter. If you have moved to Inverness, we would be very pleased to have you worship with us regularly. Please make yourself known to one of the stewards on duty, or to the Minister, as you leave. Duty Beadle The Duty Beadle for this week is Donald MacDonald. The Bible When the choir stands please stand with them as this will be the signal that the Beadle will be bringing the Bible into the sanctuary for the start of our worship together. Thank you. Fiona Mobile Phones Please can you ensure that all mobile phones are switched off completely before the service begins as even when the phones are in silent mode they interfere with our sound system. Thank you for your co-operation. Today's Worship We warmly welcome Miss Alison Notman who is leading is in worship this morning whilst our Minister is on holiday. Minister's Leave Arrangements Rev Fiona Smith will be on leave until 27 October. Miss Alison Notman, Probationer Minister at Croy & Cawdor, will conduct the service today and next Sunday, 26 October, and will cover funerals - her telephone number is 07879 660023. Pastoral care (eg hospital visits) will be covered by the Pastoral Care Team - please contact Mrs Sheila Proudfoot, Tel. 01463 237920. November Newsletter Contributions for the November Issue of the Congregational Newsletter can be sent to Joyce Muir (Tel. 232540, email [email protected]) at any time but no later than Tuesday 28 October. Christmas Fayre - 29 November Donations for the Hamper and Raffle would be most welcome. A box will be available in the vestibule from next Sunday, 26 October, for anyone wishing to contribute. The Copper Bottle The Board has approved that Inverness Foodstuff should receive the next two bottle collections. This is a new project in which Ness Bank is involved together with other churches and community groups. Intimations Articles for inclusion in the intimations must be with Joyce Muir, Tel. 232540, or email [email protected] by Thursday lunchtime. SUNDAY WORSHIP Sunday 26 October at 11am Service will be conducted by Miss Alison Notman, Probationer Minister, Cawdor Parish Church linked with Croy and Dalcross Tea and Coffee will be served after the Service NESS BANK MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES Guild Work Party The next meeting of the Work Party will be held on Tuesday 21 October at 2pm in Room 2. All very welcome. Guild The Autumn Meeting of the Guild Presbyterial Council will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday 21 October at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Steve Aisthorpe, a Mission Development Worker based in Kincraig. The subject is 'The Invisible Church Project'. A warm welcome is extended to everyone. Ness Bank Bible Study and Prayer Group The next meeting of the group will be held on Sunday 26 October in Room 3 at the usual time of 5pm when we will continue with our studies in Hebrews. Please do continue to use the Prayer Box in the vestibule for any Prayer requests. Anyone interested in Bible Study will be made very welcome. GENERAL NOTICES Retreat Day: Extra-ordinary God in an Ordinary Life Join with others on this Retreat Day to discover how we can encounter God in the ordinary stuff of life and meet Him on our everyday paths; to recognise His hand and voice always at work and to know His unfailing love in all things. The retreat will be led by Merryn Glover and Steve Aisthorpe and the day will offer insights from scripture, sharing encouragement with each other, communal worship and quiet time alone as we draw closer to God and explore the gifts He has for us, in the here and now. The Retreat will take place on Saturday 8 November from 10am - 3.30pm at The Lighthouse, Hilton, Inverness and places are still available. There is a charge of £15 to cover costs and pre-registration is required. Tea/Coffee will be provided and people are asked to bring their own lunch. Please book and pay online at or telephone Sheila Reeves on 0131 225 5722. CONTACTS Rev Fiona E Smith LL.B., B.D. can be contacted on Telephone 01463 234653 or email [email protected] Church Office is open 9am - 12 Noon Monday to Friday, Telephone 01463 221812, email [email protected] Ness Bank Church is online at Follow Ness Bank Church on Twitter If you would like more information about Ness Bank Church, would like to join our fellowship, or would like the Minister to contact you, please speak to a steward as you leave. Ness Bank Church of Scotland Inverness, No SC 010870, is a Registered Charity
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