THE DSTA “HEADLIGHT” Denise McDougall, Editor – [email protected] NEWS OF THE DULUTH-SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION Representing Transportation Professionalism in the Twin Ports As members from a wide spectrum of businesses in our area, we all take pride in the industry of transportation and the roles we each play. APRIL 2015 Visit the DSTA THE DSTA IN MARCH, 2015web site THE DSTA IN APRIL, 2015 Touring MnDOT, District 1, Duluth By 1VP Carl Svendsen Approximately 30 Duluth-Superior Transportation Association (DSTA) members and guests attended an informational meeting at MN Dept. of Transportation’s District 1 headquarters in Duluth on March 18, 2015. Hosted by District Engineer Duane Hill and Assistant District Engineer – Operations Perry Collins, this was a great opportunity for DSTA members to learn from and interact with the people in charge of clearing our roads during the winter and maintaining them year-round. Mr. Collins gave a detailed presentation about District 1’s snow removal operations. District 1 maintains over 1,600 miles of state highway. There are 98 plow routes in the District, covered by 92 plow trucks, 7 motor graders, 9 industrial-sized snow blowers, and 19 front-end loaders. These plow routes are designed to give the highest density traffic lanes the greatest attention so that the time between the end of a snowfall event and the achievement of “bare clear” pavement is minimized on those lanes. Mr. Hill emphasized that time is always of the essence, not only for the general safety of the traveling public, but to attempt to get to bare pavement prior to the temperatures dropping below the range where de-icing chemicals are effective. Often, ice and snow are compacted onto the area’s roadways and can’t be effectively treated until the temperature climbs above zero degrees. The District invested in a Raiko Icebreaker attachment this year, and both hosts expressed disappointment in the fact that they didn’t get to test it as much as they would have liked! The District relies on its plow operators and the State Patrol to report road conditions as well as the beginning and ending times of snow events. The information on the 511 website ( primarily comes from these reports, although the District is making more use of its existing highway cameras to verify road conditions. In addition, MnDOT is exploring ways to put cameras on its plow trucks for additional real-time views of the state’s highways. After a Q&A session, members were given the opportunity to inspect a plow truck with another new attachment – a tow behind plow blade that allows the operator to clear nearly two lanes of highway at once. This was followed by an informal dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings where members discussed the weather and other topics of the day. Thank you to all who attended our March meeting. 1 Please join us Wednesday, April 15, 2015 How to Recruit, Retain and Advance Women in the Trucking Industry Ellen Voie, President, Women in Trucking Association University of Wisconsin-Superior Yellowjacket Union, Superior, WI The Women in Trucking Association was established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Social time: 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Presentation to follow dinner - 6:45 pm Event sponsors: Rihm Kenworth and UW-S Transportation & Logistics Student Club Dinner Menu Roasted Turkey, Herb Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Baby Carrots, Salad, Dinner Rolls Marble Cake with White Frosting Water, Coffee, Tea - Cash Bar Available Co-chairs – Dawn Evans, Dave Evans Transports & Chelsea Loining, Halvor Lines, Inc. Cost and Reservations: Please mail your registration and payment of $12 per person by Friday, April 10th using the form on page 3 to Chelsea Loining, Halvor Lines, 217 Grand Ave, Superior, WI 54880. Credit card payments may be emailed to Chelsea at [email protected]. ________________________________________ (l) MN Dept. of Transportation’s new Raiko Icebreaker. (r) MnDOT’s plow truck stands ready to attack the next snow storm. MEMBER INFORMATION NOTES FROM THE DSTA BOARD DSTA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The Duluth-Superior Transportation Association (DSTA) requests all members please submit their membership dues as soon as possible. Thank you to those who have already done so. Please invite others to join DSTA and be a part of this important organization. By DSTA President Jay Baker Greetings Fellow DSTA Members! Spring is in the air! Amazing when we compare to the past two years! This was definitely not the year to invest in a snow removal business or a snowmobile! I think I spent more time preparing my tractor to plow snow than I spent actually plowing this year! Please welcome our newest members: Tony Boelman, ,Blaine Bros. Inc. Kathy Conner, Sue Vinje Trucking Inc. Kadie Horak, Halvor Lines, Inc. Neil Johnson, Halvor Lines, Inc. Clint Koecher, Sue Vinje Trucking Inc. Brittney Lugenbeel, Halvor Lines, Inc. Peter Majkozak, Halvor Lines, Inc. Beth Petrowske, MN Dept. of Transportation, District I Jason Prasch, Minnesota Trucking Assn. Chuck Trivette, Kwik Trip Inc. . Though I’m sure Old Man Winter hasn’t fully left us just yet, we’re still on to a new season, with a strong economy. Now is a more important time than ever to network and grow. What better place is there to do that than the DSTA?! Come on out in April and join us as we meet Ellen Voie, President of the Women in Trucking Association. Then for May, our co-chairs are working on an awesome tour of Cirrus! Right after that we are still planning on doing our food drive. Please mark your calendars for June 5th-7th. We will need lots of volunteers for this wonderful event. We will be starting our volunteer drive soon to fill the time slots. Please visit and share the DSTA web site regularly to see updated information on upcoming events. The 2015 membership form is posted there as well. While on our web site, click the Facebook icon in the upper right corner to “like” us on Facebook where pictures of events are regularly posted. Thank you for being an important part of DSTA! Also, please don’t forget my little DSTA membership challenge. It’s pretty simple math…if each of us seeks out and brings in one individual to join the DSTA, we will double our membership. Please talk to people you know about our club. The more members we have, the better networking opportunities we will all have together. Some of you have already been doing this with success and I thank you for your efforts. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming meetings! 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thank you for your support of the Duluth-Superior Transportation Association (DSTA). Please mark these events on your calendar and share our calendar of events with others who may be interested in joining our association and/or attending a meeting. Lastly, don’t forget to mark your calendars for July 15th for our annual DSTA Golf Outing. For those of you that stink at golf like me, NOW is the time to dig out those clubs and start practicing! I have every intention of bringing it this year at the golf outing. That being my Bose mini speaker where I chase around the North American Trailer and Blaine Brothers golf squads with the theme song from Caddyshack! 2015 dates (third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted; no meetings in June, August, and December unless scheduled for special event): 05/20 Tour Cirrus facility 06/05-07 Fill-A-Truck Feed-A-Family DSTA Food Drive 07/15 Annual Golf Outing, Nemadji, Superior, WI 08/__ TBN – Family event 09/16 TBN 10/21 TBN 11/18 Annual Dinner, Past Presidents’ Night, Elections Hmmm…this has me thinking…if I could just figure out how to wire up my PA system to a golf cart, I could guarantee a distracting defeat for them! Watch out guys! Where there’s a will…to cheat at golf, there’s a Jay! All I need is a really good power inverter and some bungeecords and I’m ready to attack! If Caddyshack doesn’t work, Right Said Fred’s terrible and only #1 hit is sure to bring you to your knees! Thank you from your DSTA Board of Directors and officers for your continued support. Please share your ideas for our 2015 calendar. _________________________________________ Seriously, I look forward to seeing you all this year at our various events! Thank you for your participation and support! Thank you DSTA-supporting businesses as well! I will note that I first considered the Macarena over Right Said Fred while writing this…but that led to a disturbing image in my head of Tim Grabow and Russ Ramsey busting out the moves on the greens! Hmmm…both options might be a problem with those two! I might have to rethink this whole distraction idea…perhaps I should just stick to a classic hit from Tonya Harding! I wish every one of our members and supporting businesses a safe, productive, and prosperous spring! 2 Location: UW-S main campus at Belknap Street (U.S. Highway 2) and Catlin Avenue. Directions from Wisconsin or Minnesota: 1. Driving from Wisconsin, take U.S. Highways 2/53. Coming from Minnesota, use U.S. Hwy 2. 2. Both highways join in Superior. Follow them into the city. 3. Follow U.S. 2/Belknap Street for approximately 3/4 mile; UW-Superior is on the south side. 4. Turn south at the stop light onto Catlin Avenue and enter campus. Yellowjacket Union and parking lots are on your right. Park in lots 2 or 11. To see a map with further driving directions, go to DULUTH-SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION Wednesday, April 15, 2015 UW-S, Yellowjacket Union, Superior, WI How to Recruit, Retain and Advance Women in the Trucking Industry Presented by Ellen Voie, President of the Women in Trucking Association Social time: 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Presentation to follow dinner 6:45 pm Co-chairs – Dawn Evans, Dave Evans Transports & Chelsea Loining, Halvor Lines, Inc. Event brought to you by Rihm Kenworth and UW-S Transportation & Logistics Student Club Mail or email your reservations by Friday, April 10, 2015 (see info below) REGISTRATION FOR (contact name)_______________________________ Business Phone: __________________ Company______________________________________________________ Cell phone: _______________________ Address__________________________________________ City_________________ State______ ZIP___________ E-mail address___________________________________________________________________________________ Attending (please attach a list if needed): _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ AMOUNT PAID - _______ people @ $12.00 each = $______________ PAYMENT METHOD: Check #_________ Payable only to Duluth-Superior Transportation Association (or DSTA) CREDIT CARD PAYMENT: ____VISA ____MASTERCARD ____DISCOVER ____AMERICAN EXPRESS NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD:______________________________________ BILLING ZIP CODE:___________ CARD NUMBER: __ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __ EXPIRATION DATE:_____/_____ (MO/YR) 3-DIGIT CODE ON BACK OF CARD:__ __ __ SIGNATURE:____________________________________________ Please mail this reservation form and payment to Chelsea Loining, Halvor Lines, 217 Grand Ave, Superior, WI 54880. Credit card payments may be emailed to Chelsea at [email protected]. Thank you. 3
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