GOOD TIDINGS SUMMER 2015 DUNBAR HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH …where meaning, justice and belonging meet Summer Stream United Worship image: Dunbar Heights United Church Rev. Dr. Richard Bott 3525 West 24th Avenue, at Collingwood Vancouver, BC V6S 1L5 Tel: 604 731 6420 [email protected] July 5th at 10:30am at Dunbar Heights UC July 12th at 10:30am at Dunbar Heights UC July 19th at 10:30am at Dunbar Heights UC July 26th at 10:30am, at Ryerson UC August 2nd at 10:30am at Ryerson UC August 9th at 10:30am at Ryerson UC August 16th at 10:30am at Ryerson UC August 23rd at 10:30am at Shaughnessy Heights UC August 30th at 10:30am at Shaughnessy Heights UC All Ages Service Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS MUSINGS FROM A MINISTER... ....................................................................................................................................... 3 SUMMER NEWS FOR DHUC ............................................................................................................................................. 5 NOTES FROM COUNCIL..................................................................................................................................................... 9 COUNCIL MINUTES.......................................................................................................................................................... 11 SUMMER WORSHIP ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 CENTENNIAL WRAP-UP ................................................................................................................................................ 19 OUTREACH UPDATE....................................................................................................................................................... 21 HEALING MINISTRIES UPDATE .................................................................................................................................. 23 CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION UPDATE .............................................................................................................. 23 THANK YOU... .................................................................................................................................................................... 25 SUMMER DHUC MEETINGS .......................................................................................................................................... 27 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY........................................................................................................................ 29 DHUC Vision Statement We are an involved and connected community… Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey. We are nurtured and challenged by the presence of the Spirit to find depth and meaning for our lives and to engage our neighbourhood near and far in living lives of justice. Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new. All are welcome and each one enriches our whole to continue God’s unfolding story in our midst. Dunbar Heights United Church ....where meaning, justice and belonging meet. Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. MUSINGS FROM A MINISTER... There are a number of times in the lives of the disciples that I wonder what it was like for them: after Jesus’ crucifixion, after Jesus assumption into heaven, and right after Pentecost are three that come to mind. I wonder what they did and how they reacted to the situation. We know that, in each of those situations, they remained together. I wonder if there was someone who kept them organized, someone who made sure they all ate, someone who planned where they would meet, someone who took responsibility for prayer, someone whose grief was so overwhelming they couldn’t do anything except cry. I wonder who laughed, and who got angry, and who was exhausted, and who was the know-it-all. This group, along with other disciples like Mary, Martha and Lazarus, had lived together for three years. Many of them had been sent out in pairs to preach the good news, and to heal in Jesus’ name. I am certain that, no matter what, they cared for each other. None of them had any specific training in how to care for one another. They hadn’t done a Clinical Pastoral Education unit, or read Clinebell’s Pastoral Care and Counselling, or done a course on active and affirmative listening. They weren’t ordained to the Ministry of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care, or commissioned to the Ministry of Education, Service and Pastoral Care. They simply were people who listened to Jesus when he said, “Love one another as I have loved you,” and then lived it out to the best of their ability. Now, that’s not to say that there weren’t some who were better than others at listening, or at letting other people know they cared, or at doing what needed to be done – but, each disciple, in their own way, took care of the others in the good times and the bad. That’s the essence of Pastoral Care. Jesus’ disciples listening to each other. Jesus’ disciples praying (and it truly doesn’t matter what words one uses) with each other. Jesus’ disciples caring for each other. Over the years, the church has done a pretty good job of “professionalizing” pastoral care. (Did you know that ministers in The United Church of Canada were only ordained to “Word and Sacrament” until the mid-1960s?) Congregations call a minister and, often, they expect that the minister will do the Pastoral Care on their behalf. It doesn’t quite work that way, especially in congregations larger than 4050 people. It is helpful to have a minister. Ministers have specific training in pastoral care, which is helpful to a congregation – especially in the really difficult times. But the biggest task of a minister is to help the disciples equip themselves with the tools and abilities they need to be able to do the awesome task of caring for one another, in faith and in love. It is helpful to have a Pastoral Care Team. These lay people have intentionally accepted the responsibility of checking in with disciples that we don’t see as often, often because of age Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter or infirmity. They’ve accepted the responsibility of checking in with people who are having issues with their health, or in other parts of their lives. (And, to be honest, the Team could use a few more people who would be willing to intentionally commit to this work.) But, even with a Minister and a Pastoral Care Team, the daily work of pastoral care sits where it must – in your hands, your ears, and your hearts. It is through your words of care that God’s love will be most readily heard – and you will be in the right places at the right times to be the pastoral caregiver that the person in front of you needs the most. We’re hoping on helping the entire congregation to build their pastoral care abilities, starting in the fall. We’re hoping to build networks within the congregation that build on the gifts and abilities already there, and we’re hoping that this will help us to become an even more caring and connected community of Christ’s people. Summer 2015 congregation, listen carefully to what’s going on in their lives. Take a moment to let them know that you’ve heard what they’ve said. If it feels like it’s the right time, ask them if they would like you to pray with them. If they say yes, offer your hand and say, “God, for everything that is going on in X’s life, I pray. I know you’re with her/him. I ask for your help,” and then take a moment for silence. (Yes, it can be hard to ask and to do. Terribly hard. But those moments of prayer are life-changing.) Then, if you have the sense that what’s going on needs more support, ask their permission to let the Pastoral Care Team (which includes our Minister of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care) know. Let us know, and we’ll do what we can to support both the person you were talking with, and you. Dunbar Heights United Church has had a long history of caring for one another. Let’s keep that going in the days ahead! Until then, here’s what I’d ask you to do. When you’re with other people in the Christ’s peace be with you. Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 SUMMER NEWS FOR DHUC “Good Tidings” is usually distributed on the first Sunday of each month. It is available in the church or on the website during the month of issue. COFFEE CLEANUP We will not post the usual rota of coffee clean-up names during the summer due to Summer Stream United worship. We are certain that friends and members will pitch in if they can and when they can, in the usual DHUC spirit of community and service. And of course, volunteers will be welcome to assist with set-up or clean-up of our special Summer Stream post-worship activities on July 5th and 19th. STAFF SUMMER LEAVE Here is the list of summer leave and other staff absences over summer. Additions or updates will be posted in the weekly announcements. Should you have questions about availability or alternate contacts for vacationing staff, please contact the office at 604-731-6420 or [email protected]. Sheila Sanders July 2nd – 8th and August 4th – 10th Greg Caisley July 27th – September 7th Cathy Cryder August 1st – 31st Richard Bott August 5th – August 30th PASTORAL CARE TEAM To connect with a member of the Pastoral Care Team during the summer please contact Richard or Sheila through the office at 604-731-6420, or Richard on his cell phone at 604-506-2299. They will put you in touch with an appropriate team member. 5 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 We are an involved and connected community… WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DUNBAR HEIGHTS? YOGA AT THE CHURCH From July 2nd through September 10th (no classes July 28th, 29th, 30th or August 4th), Yoga at the Church continues for the summer on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9:30-10:45am. Join with a maximum of 15 yogis to move, stretch, build strength and mediate, under the guidance of excellent teachers in a small setting, with lots of personal attention. Classes are by pre-registration, but drop-in and other options are available. Classes are taught in rotation by Shannon Cluff (Tuesdays), Alejandra Oyervides de Madrigal (Wednesdays), and Thara Viyali (Thursdays) with Jacqui Trieber filling in for Thara the first three Thursdays in July. For more information or to register, contact Anne Clark at [email protected] or see the posting on the bulletin board. FLOWERS Many of us have glorious flower gardens throughout the summer and early autumn. If you are able to share some of this beauty with the congregation please take a look at the flower calendar beside the library. There are several spots open for September and October. You may sign up for any open Sunday and inform the office if you want to dedicate the flowers to anyone. If not, they are usually dedicated to the greater glory of God. Fifteen minutes or so before service begins put your flowers in a vase from the kitchen and place them on the pedestal. After the service, please take them home or give them to someone to brighten their day. Thanks for your support, Patricia Alexis. KNOX/DUNBAR MEN’S BREAKFAST The Knox/Dunbar Men’s Breakfast Group will take a break for the summer, and resume in September. If you would like more information please contact Pat Burns by email at [email protected]. THE WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB… DO YOU ENJOY READING? The Dunbar Heights Women's Book Club will not meet during July and August. New members are welcome when we return in September! Watch the August bulletins for information on September’s book choice, and meeting time and location. Better yet, contact Bonnie Burnell at [email protected] to be put on the email list for information and updates. 6 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE SUPPORT THE CAMP SPIRIT BURSARY FUND Although the Camp Spirit team works to keep the participant cost as low as possible, there are children who would like to participate, but find that finances are a barrier. We’d like to ask you to consider supporting the bursary fund for Camp Spirit, to help in these situations. You may make a donation by mail or by dropping off your donation personally in the church office, with a note that it is for the Camp Spirit Bursary Fund. CAR POOLING FOR SUMMER STREAM WORSHIP We want to make it as easy as possible for our congregation to attend the Summer Stream United services at Dunbar Heights, Ryerson and Shaughnessy Heights. If you are able to help with driving or if you would like a ride to church on any Sunday this summer please contact the office at 604-731-6420 or [email protected]. FIRST UNITED SUMMER NEEDS During summer months, First United’s most urgent needs include sunscreen and bottled water. If you bring the purchase receipt in with your donations they will issue you a tax receipt in January. VOLUNTEER FOR THE FALL FAIR Are you interested in finding a new and exciting way to get involved at the church? The Fall Fair is a fun-filled event that offers activities suited to all ages, and opens our doors to the wider community. Why not volunteer to help out? It is a wonderful opportunity for people to come together to coordinate one of the church's largest fundraisers. Key roles are: Coordinator, Silent Auction, Decorations and Signage, Vendors, Financial Coordinator, Lunch, BBQ and Advertising. After many (much appreciated!) years of service for Fall Fair, Kathryn Urquhart and Jill Parker are stepping down from their key organizational roles. Their positions are very suited to being done by a team, rather than just one or two people, so if your time is limited you can still help fill the void they will leave. And they will be available to provide support to the new team during this transitional year. If you are interested in joining in, please speak with Richard, Kathryn or Jill. THE CASSEROLE BRIGADE… …is a tangible expression of our Christian faith, offering the hospitality of food when it is most needed. In giving and receiving, there is a blessing. Over the past two or more years, volunteers of the Casserole Brigade have provided food for members of our congregation, and the recipients are always very grateful for our help. If you would like to know how you can help out, Vivian Urquhart would be happy to tell you more. Likewise, if you are aware of anyone in need of support please pass that information on to Vivian. Our volunteers are always happy to be of help. You may speak with Vivian personally, or contact her at [email protected] or 604-738-6671. 7 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 8 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 NOTES FROM COUNCIL I have been tracking changes in BC Conference since 2004. I began doing this because I was curious to see how the changes we at Dunbar Heights were experiencing compared to changes in other congregations. When we began the strategic ministry planning process in early 2011, I was able to show my fellow planners and our consultant, that we were an outlier: the indicators of church vitality at Dunbar were more positive than the same indicators at most other congregations. Phyllis Airhart, the writer of the feature article in the June Observer, "Do We Still Believe That Something Vital is in the Making?" comments that "Old ways of operating no longer work as they did in the past — for banks, newspapers, political parties or retailers let alone churches." It is in this context that we seek to become something new. However, in spite of us doing all the right things we could not sustain that vitality for much longer. Thus began a process towards amalgamation which continues on July 7th: our council members will have dinner with our counterparts at Ryerson to see if Ryerson folks share our enthusiasm in growing a new United Church on the west side of Vancouver. Conversations to-date are very encouraging. One long-time Ryerson board member said our decision to take the question of "which building?" off the table was courageous. The chair of the Ryerson council thought the ideas in our Prospectus were brilliant. 2004 85 Incidentally, here are a few highlights from my latest charts, which are based on 2013 statistics from the United Church Yearbook published in late November each year. These figures are the aggregate of the numbers from four, largely urban, Presbyteries in BC Conference: Vancouver Burrard, Vancouver South, Victoria and Westminster. 2013 75 No. of Preaching Places 15,121 12,716 No. of Households Under Pastoral Care 9,135 6,703 Average Weekly Attendance 90 70 Median Weekly Attendance 36 22 Weekly Attendance >100 22 7 Weekly Attendance >150 7 4 Weekly Attendance >200 9 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Given the basic costs of managing a church and the relatively low average annual giving — about $1,700 per financially supporting household in our Presbytery — it seems to me that pressure will build for a more rational use of the very fine sacred spaces we have. Our next steps may well be a model for that rationalization. Summer 2015 large number of worshippers and the prospect of meeting and comparing ideas with fellow United Church folks is very stimulating. My term as Council Chair ended in June. It is rewarding to be part of the strong leadership team at Dunbar Heights. I am grateful for the experience. Mark Paetkau, Council Chair [email protected] 604-730-9035 l I'm looking forward to Summer Stream. As a choir member I am happy to be practising and singing for an extra month, I like being part of a Let there be light..." God made the Sun and the Moon and set brilliant Stars around them Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. 10 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL MINUTES FOR MAY 20, 2015 APPROVED AT JUNE, 2015 MEETING Present Regrets Present Present Regrets Present Present Present Present Present Present Regrets Present Present Mark Paetkau Julie Poznanski Rev. Richard Bott Cathy Cryder Fred Fawcett Michael Vogel Barbara Johnson Maggie Hosgood Kathryn Urquhart Anne Clark Barbara McLeish John Smith Elaine Knapp-Fuller Arthur Ross Chair Finance Committee Minister Minister of Youth, Children & Families Treasurer Property Committee Worship Committee Outreach Committee CYFRC Secretary Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Presbytery Representative 1. Mark Paetkau called the meeting to order. Rev Richard opened the meeting in prayer. 2. Regrets: Julie Poznanski, Fred Fawcett, John Smith. 3. Minutes of April 15, 2015. Motion to approve the minutes, as circulated. Motion made by Michael Vogel, seconded by Barbara McLeish. The motion was passed. The minutes of September 2014 are still outstanding. 4. Minister’s Report. Richard is working on Summer Stream. Music is coming together. Advertising coming out in next couple of weeks, including banners for each church. There have been two months with no entries for Good Tidings. Discussion about a quarterly or seasonal newsletter. We will produce Good Tidings every second or third month, depending on need as much information is in bulletins and mail chimp. Richard has been asked to stand as President of BC conference, with two years as the President elect and one year as president in 2017-18 and sought council’s response. Council was supportive of Richard’s decision with some concern expressed for the amount of time that the conference president role will take in the proposed church structural changes. 5. Ministry of Youth Children and Families Report. Camp Spirit staff is hired. Three young adults as program leaders. Allison Rennie will offer leadership development throughout the summer. Only one male staff person. 12 registered at DHUC already. First of four curriculums completed. Cathy is off to conference May 27, in Whistler, working with the children. Godly Play organized through to end of school year. Working on Summer Stream with Pamela Jeffery. 11 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 6. Children Youth and Families Resource Committee. One cake to say good bye for Olivia and Michelle, Edie, Zach, John and Grace. Volunteer appreciation June 11 during which children will serve dinner to the volunteers. 7. Ministry and Personnel. Cathy’s review is underway. The questionnaire was sent out on Mail Chimp both to attract response from those who work with Cathy and to educate others on what the ministry involves. Sheila appreciates long lead-time to do the “one offs” – those special projects that require a lot of time to make them as effective as we want. People should be mindful not to ask her to do things that really are not part of her job description. Consideration given to a committee to help back her up on building use and maintenance issues. Still looking for a pastoral care minister replacement, with Linda McLaren’s assistance. 8. Finance Committee. Report circulated. Recommendation that we establish a reporting channel for Sheila. Mark Paetkau, Michael Vogel both willing to serve. Need a person who will be the point person for working with the user groups as a liaison. Forward suggested names to Mark. 9. Outreach. Report circulated. Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommends that churches create small heart shaped gardens in memory of the children who died in residential schools. Outreach plans a bordered small garden with native plants and a memorial plaque. Outreach would be responsible for the cost of installing and maintaining the garden. Suggestion that Outreach consult with the Musqueam people for their input. Anne to search minutes for names of those interested in a memory garden. Maggie to let the congregation know about the plan. 10. Worship. Worship committee hopes to offer music on the lawn during Summer Stream at DHUC. 10:30 start time for worship. We need a dedicated person to direct people to worship at other locations with carpooling options. Pentecost colours this Sunday. Feedback on making permanent the changes to chancel risers has included many positive affirmations of change; 2 people are opposed. Michael is addressing safety concerns to eliminate corners and dips that people do not see. Michael will address limited space before the chairs. Laminate will be light in colour, with dark nosing to mark the edge of the steps. Wheelchair accessibility to rear of chancel would be non-conforming because of narrowness of door. Richard will canvass with other Summer Stream churches for wheeled mobility concerns to set priorities. 11. Presbytery. Arthur left 3 videos to outline proposed changes to United Church structure. The changes coming are profound. Some concern whether the proposed changes will address the financial constraints facing the United Church. 12. Property. Property has budgeted for professional gardening. Maggie offered to contact gardeners for quotes and to show them the work required. Any gardener suggestions should be forwarded to Maggie. 13. Seniors Working Group. November 22 event in gym means that Fall Fayre on November 21 will need to shift. Anne and Richard will move Stitch and Chatter to the stage on the Saturday to accommodate sale on Sunday morning. MOTION: Moved that up to $240 be committed to sponsoring members of DHUC to attend Compassionate Listening. Moved by Anne, seconded by Michael Vogel. The motion was passed. 12 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 14. Other Business. a. We need chair of council, chair of worship, chair of Outreach and the building up of the property committee. b. AGM date currently set for June 7. Deadline tight for getting AGM report out. Moved to June 28th. c. Anne, Richard and Mark met with Ryerson leaders today. Met with enthusiasm on our presentation. Ryerson’s new development is commanding their attention and ready to consult the neighbours. Ryerson leaders seemed open to possibilities of involving with us now while things are in transition. Ryerson positive about the possibility of engaging our ministry gifts and alert that both congregations would be changed. Some practical concerns were raised directed at congregational culture. Saw parallel processes between the two congregations in the development, visioning to date. We were asked about the other conversations and advised that Ryerson was our first, most logical visit. d. Richard will meet with Beth Hayward, Stephen Chambers and Deb Bowman at Beth’s request as a starting point. Richard has advised that we are interested in a partnership conversation and not in having another multi-church conversation. Next meeting: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Motion to adjourn by Arthur Ross at 8:55 p.m. Senior’s Working Group in Action Outreach in Action 13 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 14 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 COUNCIL MINUTES FOR JUNE 17, 2015 FOR APPROVAL AT NEXT 2015 MEETING Present Regrets Present Regrets Regrets Present Present Present Present Present Regrets Present Present Present Mark Paetkau Julie Poznanski Rev. Richard Bott Cathy Cryder Fred Fawcett Michael Vogel Barbara Johnson Maggie Hosgood Kathryn Urquhart Anne Clark Barbara McLeish John Smith Elaine Knapp Arthur Ross Chair Finance Committee Minister Minister of Youth, Children & Families Treasurer Property Committee Worship Committee Outreach Committee CYFRC Secretary Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Presbytery Representative 1. Mark Paetkau called the meeting to order. Rev Richard opened the meeting in prayer. 2. Regrets: Julie Poznanski, Cathy Cryder, Fred Fawcett and Barbara McLeish. 3. Minutes of May 20, 2015. Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Motion made by Michael Vogel, seconded by Barbara Johnson. The motion was passed. 4. Minister’s Report. Summer Stream met earlier this week for final planning. Final advertising arrives tomorrow, banners next week. Baptism in first week for SHUC child. Catering of lunches has proved too expensive. Challenge will be the set up and clean up for 200-300 people. Carpooling coming together. Ministry team planned out worship services from now until next June. Themes are laid out until January 1. With many requests for a 2nd worship, the worship team has set Wednesday evenings with a meal and spiritual nurture from September – December, for reassessment in November, December, starting at 4:30 to accommodate the junior choir. Ryerson and Knox are considering participation. Stewardship will be offered in 3 Sundays using a “giving kit” from UCC October 18, 25 and November 15. Pastoral care committee will be recruiting more members, assisted by 2 educational services on the nature of pastoral care, starting with a Good Tidings announcement. Christian education for the fall: the Disciple program, lay led and an 8 week immersion program on Thursday nights starting October 18. Hoping to offer a newcomers dinner in mid fall as an intro to DHUC and UCC, with talk of mission. Would appreciate council member attendance. 5. Ministry of Youth Children and Families Report. Report circulated. Council affirms that Camp Spirit bursary envelopes be placed in the pews for the next two weeks. Richard will make announcement this week. 15 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 6. Children Youth and Families Resource Committee. The committee has finished meeting until fall. Nearly completed felting all the hearts onto the black background in preparation for Summer Stream. 7. Ministry and Personnel. Report circulated. Outlined Sheila’s suggestions about rental rates, including cost for custodial staff. Further discussion about competing interests for sanctuary space set up between Saturday recitals and Sunday worship. Outlined need for emergency preparedness information in place. Reference again to providing a committee to assist Sheila in liaison with user groups, property issues and emergencies and an updated trades list. Arthur will clarify that there will be no single event bookings in August. 8. Finance Committee. Report circulated. Council accepts Finance Committee’s recommendation that the unassigned Lenten Appeal offering be designated to the Refugee Committee. Mark will contact Vancouver Management regarding the renewal of the lease for the manse. 9. Outreach. Outreach meeting postponed until tomorrow. 10. Presbytery. Report circulated. Six pensioners attended the pensioners’ dinner. United in God’s work report was discussed and now fully available. Presbytery moving to 3 all day meetings a year. Next meeting Saturday, September 19th. 11. Property. Maggie was unable to use her gardener, so did the work with a group of people cleaning out morning glory and cleaning beds. Michael will determine what the budget is for hiring gardeners for the beds and advise Maggie. 12. Worship. Thanks to Anne and John for offering worship leadership. There was good feedback. Point people have been assigned for last minute Summer Stream carpooling; all but one slot for music on the lawn is filled. Need more drivers for carpooling. Worship committee meets Sunday. 13. Other Business. a. Nominating committee: has found people to stand for chair and secretary. Also in conversation with a possible Web Minister. Mark will remain as past chair for a year. Waiting on information about a chair of Worship. b. AGM agenda for June 28. Offering of report. Focus on discussion to date re Ryerson, led by Richard. Mark will prepare copies of Prospectus for AGM and to have it published in Good Tidings. Recommendation that we highlight the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s Call to Action report for more in depth follow-up in the fall. Outreach and Richard will prepare a presentation. c. Preparing for dinner with Ryerson. Sign up sheet circulated to supply the necessary food. Open House at Ryerson June 25, 5 – 8:00 pm to talk about their plans with the neighbours. Richard meeting with Stephen Chambers of SHUC next week. Next meeting: Sunday, July 12, 2015 after worship to reflect on joint council BBQ. Motion to adjourn by Arthur Ross at 8:35 p.m. 16 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey SUMMER WORSHIP WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH WORSHIP THIS SUMMER? SUMMERSTREAM UNITED! Four United Churches – Dunbar Heights, Shaughnessy Heights, Ryerson and St. Stephen’s United Churches – have decided to worship together this summer. Why? To give us a chance to worship and have some fun together, and to share the resources that we have in our four congregations to do so. The ministry team has put together an exciting series for summertime worship, moving the experience around Image: three of the four churches over the summer. But – don’t worry – we’ve got plans in place to make sure you can get to the services you want to be at. (If you’d like to be part of car-pooling, please contact Barbara Johnson: [email protected] or 604-733-2785.) And, happily for us, we’re going to have a chance to get used to things, because we’ll be starting the summer at Dunbar Heights. Worship will start at 10:30am, with refreshments on the lawn beforehand (which will also give those of us who went to the wrong building time to join everyone else!) There will be fellowship times after each service, and lunch on some Sundays, so we have the chance to meet our neighbours. For the Sundays that we’re at Dunbar Heights, Greg has invited anyone who would like to, to come and join in a summer choir. He’s got music picked out that will connect with our themes. The choir will meet at 7:00pm on Thursday evenings. Here’s what’s happening, and where: Sunday, July 5th at Dunbar Heights UC with the Rev. Dr. John Pentland preaching Starting us off with “Living Well!” Sunday, July 12th at Dunbar Heights UC with the Rev. Deb Bowman preaching “Water from the Rock” Sunday, July 19th at Dunbar Heights UC with the Rev. Sally McShane preaching “The Drought and the Deluge” – exploring our Christian calling to serve in the world Sunday, July 26th at Ryerson UC with the Right Rev. Gary Paterson preaching “Water of Life” cont’d... 17 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 Sunday, Aug. 2nd at Ryerson UC with “Flowing like a Mighty River” – a service of music and hope Sunday, Aug. 9th at Ryerson UC with the Rev. Dr. Steven Chambers preaching “Stilling the Waters” Sunday, Aug. 16th at Ryerson UC with Ms. Laurel Chapman preaching “Water/Wine” Sunday, Aug. 23rd at Shaughnessy Heights UC with the Rev. Dr. Steven Chambers preaching “And the Rains Came Down” Sunday, Aug. 30th at Shaughnessy Heights UC with an All-Ages Team leading worship “Called by the Sea” As well, we’re going to be having a Gospel Choir Event with Marcus Mosely as our director, at Shaughnessy Heights UC on August 22nd. The choir will be singing at the August 23rd service. (More information to come about this.) There will be a focus children’s ministry, facilitated by Cathy Cryder and Pamela Jeffery, along with their very able team; and a nursery for younger children. If you’d like more information about Summer Stream, please check out, or speak with one of the members of our ministry team. Centennial Picnic 2014 18 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 CENTENNIAL WRAP-UP From the AGM June 2015 Report In the AGM Report last June we talked about the events held to that date, the Launch Luncheon and Trivia Dinner. We reported on our work in the DHUC Archives. What we looked forward to at that time was the October Centennial Weekend. And it was a grand weekend of celebration! Three music events: Centennial Choir concert of Rutter’s Gloria on Friday night, musica intima on Saturday and Postmodern Camerata on Sunday afternoon Open House on Saturday was an opportunity to display for the neighbourhood all of the wonderful ministry that goes on at DHUC. Sunday morning worship with visitors and three guest ministers, Rev. Barry Cooke, Rev. Brenda Fawkes and Rev. Michelle Slater. A grand Sunday luncheon where conversations buzzed and no one wanted to leave. Are we enjoying the new chairs? Thanks to all who bought one or more! They go well with our new tables. Much of the work in the archives has been accomplished. Carloads of recycling and shredding were taken out; the remaining old files were grouped and boxed. Over the summer we hope to put the material in each box in order and label the boxes. We would love to have some help! Volunteers please speak to Barbara Johnson or Maureen Paetkau. However, archiving is an ongoing project. Policies need to be in place for what goes into the archives, when and how new material is integrated into the old; what can be recycled out. ONE MORE PROJECT AND ONE HOPE The one remaining initiative to honour Dunbar Heights United Church Centennial is to produce a Centennial book. Work has been ongoing since January, with delays as volunteers tend to busy lives. But it will be done! With two-thirds of the history and photos complete the book is 40 pages long so far. When complete, copies will be placed in DHUC Archives and Library, in BC Conference Archives and in the hands of ministers who participated in the Centennial weekend worship. There will be copies available at the church in hope that friends and members of DHUC will order copies for themselves. The hope: In the archives we found a Vancouver Sun article written at the laying of the cornerstone of the sanctuary building. The caption read: “Behind the block they are positioning an urn containing memorial pictures and papers.” We would love to open up that cornerstone and retrieve the pictures and papers from that urn. It has been an honour to work on this important celebration and Barbara and I thank Richard, Greg, Elinor, Kathy Findlay, and all of you for supporting events 19 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 . 20 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 We are nurtured and challenged by the presence of the Spirit … to engage our neighbourhood near and far in living lives of justice. OUTREACH UPDATE THE MEMORIAL GARDEN The Truth and Reconciliation Commission wound up its activities this year. However, before they wound up completely they sent out suggestions of projects and other ways in which we could carry on the work the Commission had begun. One project that appealed to the Outreach Committee was the building of a small, heart-shaped garden in memory of the First Nations children who died while in Residential School. Council approved our going forward with this garden. The gardens are a national project, and are not only for churches, but also for community groups. So far… The site: The DHUC heart-shaped garden will be set in the front lawn on the south-east corner, near the church sign. We have approached the elders at Musqueam for their approval and ideas about which plants to use. The congregation is invited to take part in the design, building and maintenance of the garden, although the Outreach Committee has promised to care for the garden once completed. The materials: The design includes use of a heavy rubber edging to be placed deeply into the ground, it will have no hard edges or corners for safety reasons, and it can be easily shaped. The mobility: At the June 28th AGM many people asked what would happen if we moved from our building. The answer is that the garden’s design will allow it to be moved wherever we go. The plaque: We will have a plaque for the garden. No design has been chosen yet, nor have we decided on the text. Outreach welcomes suggestions for this. The deadline: We plan to present the garden at our Summer Stream United July 19th service. Outreach is also hosting the Outreach Fair after worship that day, so please come and talk to us about what the committee is doing, and take a look at our display of past projects and future plans! And one more thing... Please check the Outreach bulletin board in the hallway beside the kitchen door. We have posted a lot of information about The City Before the City, a series of three distinct exhibits being presented at three locations in Vancouver: The Vancouver Museum at Kits Point, the Museum of Anthropology at UBC, and the Musqueam Cultural Center on Musqueam Lands. All of these exhibits are well worth a visit! 21 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 22 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 HEALING MINISTRIES UPDATE WORKING WITH ENERGY, WORKING WITH SPIRIT There are over 20 practitioners with Dunbar Healing Ministries. Many are from Dunbar Heights, some are from other congregations and some are from the wider community. OFFERING HEALING TREATMENTS On the 4th Monday of each month (with variation if holidays interfere) we offer treatments to Dunbar folk and those from our related communities. Many come for help in dealing with on-going medical and emotional situations. Others come as the result of injury or surgery. SUMMER SCHEDULE Healing Ministries will continue to meet through the summer. The sessions are: July 13th at 7:00pm in the sanctuary for a practice session July 27th at 7:30pm in the sanctuary for an “open” session August 10th at 7:00om in the sanctuary for a practice session August 24th at 7:30pm in the sanctuary for an “open” session If members of the congregation are undergoing surgery or have had a physical or emotional trauma (e.g. a fall or significant change in their life), they are encouraged to contact Susan Burns, Lorraine Struyk or Judy Donaldson to arrange for a specially scheduled healing session. Asking is encouraged, usually requests can be accommodated. So please do not be shy. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION UPDATE During May and June the group (about twelve) met to listen to and discuss the Four Voice Method of Discernment, taught by Cynthia Bourgeault, and offered through The Contemplative Journal on-line. It was a most engaging and stimulating seven-week series that has practical application for a life of sustainable and growing integrity. Contemplative Meditation will continue through July. Please watch the weekly announcements for updates on August plans. Cynthia Bourgeault Image: YouTube 23 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 24 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 THANK YOU... Thank you is simply not enough to express my deep gratitude for your kindness, but let me begin there. Thank You! Your generous gift of money will be put to good and faithful use and the beautiful quilt from Stitch N Chatter has travelled with me to Oliver. Wrapped in its beauty, I am held in the blessings and prayers placed with each loving stitch of the quilt. Thank you! I am settled now in Oliver and enjoying my time at Osoyoos United Church. They are a warm and welcoming congregation and willing to embrace my learning edges. I would like to share I have been approved by Candidacy and Admissions Board (CAB) for the next step of my journey – Supervised Ministry Experience (SME). They were affirming of my gifts and supported me in my goal of worship leadership. I continue to pray that I will find myself appointed in the Lower Mainland or vicinity. My journey to here is filled with so many touchstones and you at Dunbar are one of them. Thank you for the generous love you have offered me. I think of you all and hold you in my prayers. Blessings to you as you celebrate summer worship with the other Westside churches. Linda 25 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 26 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 SUMMER DHUC MEETINGS Committee Meetings Spirituality & Group Meetings WORSHIP COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month, at 12:00 noon in the Lounge. There are no meetings planned for summer at time of printing. The next scheduled meeting is September 12th. STITCH & CHATTER meets every Thursday at 9:00am in the Ethel Todrick Room. They will continue to meet throughout the summer. HEALING MINISTRY usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. The meeting on the 4th Monday is open to the community. The summer open sessions are July 27th and August 24th. FINANCE COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Lounge. There are no summer meetings. The September meeting is on the 8th. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Library. They will continue to meet during July. Please watch the bulletin for announcement of any August meetings that may be set. MINISTRY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Library. They will meet during the summer as necessary. The next scheduled meeting is September 9th. PASTORAL CARE TEAM will meet as necessary during the summer. If you have a pastoral care emergency please contact Rev. Richard or one of the pastoral care team members. rd COUNCIL usually meets on the 3 Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Ethel Todrick Room. There are changes to this schedule for the summer: The 1st scheduled summer meeting is July 7th with members of Ryerson United’s council. The 2nd scheduled meeting is after worship on Sunday, July 12th. Further meetings will be announced as they are set. UNIT 3 usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at a place to be announced. There are no summer meetings. CHOIR PRACTICE is every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. Choir will practice July 2nd, 9th, and 16th. They will not practice again until September 10th. OUTREACH COMMITTEE usually meets at 5:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month in a member’s home. The next meeting is July 9th. 27 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 28 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter Summer 2015 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY As mentioned in the last newsletter, we have added a new category, Parent Resources, to the church library. Although this section has started out small, Cathy Cryder will gradually choose books and other resources that will be helpful for families and caregivers. An excellent example is A Faith Like Mine, which Jill Parker has reviewed for us this month. to begin with. For each major religion there is information about Words of Faith, Faith and Tradition, Faith and Family, Faith and Learning, Faith and Community, and Faith and Hope. Each paragraph is illustrated with a photograph and a few comments from a child, each child from a different country. Special festivals, symbols, ceremonies, rites of passage and places of worship are also described by the children, and there is a small map showing where followers of each religion generally live. The Parent Resources section is on the bookshelf to the right of the library window, next to the desk. A Faith Like Mine by Laura Buller Throughout the book, the text is simple and respectful of all religions. The children’s photos and quotes are natural and endearing. The sub-title of this book states that it is A Celebration of the World’s Religions Through the Eyes of Children and it delivers just that! The book covers the six major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It also includes a short description of other, lesser known, faiths. This is a beautiful book, which will enrich anyone – child or adult – who reads it. Large print, short paragraphs and colour everywhere make it an excellent choice as a resource to introduce children to other faiths. The author and all who helped to create this book are to be congratulated. After an introduction that asks the question “What is Faith?” there is a simple definition: “faith” is trust, loyalty and truth. That is enough Reviewed by Jill Parker Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new 29 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 30 Summer 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday Tuesday June 28 10:00 Worship 11:30 AGM and Lunch June 29 9:30 Yoga 5:30 Jazzercise 7:30 Monday Step June 30 9:30 Yoga 7:30 Cont Meditation 6 7 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Karate 7:30 Cont Meditation TBA Council Meeting 5 10:30 Worship Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. John Pentland 12:00 Lunch 12 10:30 Worship 12:00 Council Mtg 19 10:30 Worship Guest Preacher Rev. Sally McShane 12:00 Lunch & Outreach Fair 26 10:30 Worship at Ryerson with Right Rev. Gary Paterson 7:30 Monday Step 13 5:30 Jazzercise 7:00 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 14 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Karate 7:30 Cont Meditation 20 21 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Karate 7:30 Cont Meditation 5:30 Jazzercise 7:30 Monday Step 27 Camp Spirit 7:30 Healing Ministry Open Session 7:30 Monday Step 28 Camp Spirit 7:30 Cont Meditation Wednesday July 2015 Thursday July 1 CANADA DAY OFFICE CLOSED July 2 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 8 9:30 Yoga Friday 9 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Outreach Ctte 5:00 Karate 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 15 9:30 Yoga 5:30 Jazzercise 16 22 23 31 10 11 2:00 Private Recital 17 18 24 25 31 August 1 5:00 Karate 30 Camp Spirit 6:30 Lifeline 4 5:00 Karate 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Karate 6:30 Lifeline 29 Camp Spirit July 3 5:00 Karate 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Karate 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 9:30 Yoga 5:30 Jazzercise 7:00 Soul Tending Saturday Camp Spirit Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday August 2 10:30 Worship at Ryerson BC DAY OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday 3 4 7:30 Cont Meditation Wednesday August 2015 Thursday 5 9:30 Yoga Friday Saturday 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 10:30 at Shaughnessy Heights United – Gospel Choir Workshop 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 6:30 Lifeline 7:30 Monday Step 9 10:30 Worship at Ryerson with Rev. Dr. Steven Chambers 12:00 Worship Ctte 10 7:00 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 11 9:30 Yoga 7:30 Cont Meditation 9:30 Yoga 17 18 9:30 Yoga 7:30 Cont Meditation 19 9:30 Yoga 7:00 Council Meeting 16 12 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Outreach Ctte 6:30 Lifeline 10:30 Worship at Ryerson with Preacher Laurel Chapman 7:30 Monday Step 23 10:30 Worship at Shaughnessy Heights with Rev. Dr. Steven Chambers & music guests 24 7:30 Healing Ministry Open Session 7:30 Monday Step 25 9:30 Yoga 7:30 Cont Meditation 27 28 29 9:30 Yoga 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 6:30 Lifeline 31 September 1 9:30 Yoga 7:30 Cont Meditation September 2 9:30 Yoga 5:00 Open Worship September 3 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 6:30 Lifeline September 4 September 5 30 10:30 Worship at Shaughnessy Heights All Ages Service 7:30 Monday Step 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 6:30 Lifeline 26 32
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