Where Your Home Energy Dollars Go

Where Your Home Energy Dollars Go
Drill (Energy)
Explain how you are going to solve the problems of wasted energy within your household using
specific guidelines (4-6 sentences)
Consumer Energy Audit
1. How many people live in your household?_______
2. What is the fuel source for heat? Check all that apply.
___Natural Gas
3. What type of heating system is in your home?
____Heat Pump
_____Forced Air Furnace
____Hot Water (Radiators)
____ Electric Baseboards
4. Do you use electric space heaters? _____How many?____ How often?_____
5. Do you use window air conditioners?_____How many?_____
6. During cold months, at what temperature do you set your thermostat?
____During the day?
____During the evening?
7. During the warm months, at what temperature do you set your thermostat?
____During the day?
____During the evening?
8. How often do you check/change your furnace filter?______
9. Is your water heater gas? _____ or electric?______
10. If you let the hot water run, will it reach a scalding temperature?_____
11. How many refrigerators do you have?_____ Freezers?______
12. Do you ever use you’re your oven to heat your home?______
13. Do you iron all your clothes at once?____
14. Do you have a washing machine?_____
15. Do you wash in hot water?____ Warm?_____ Cold?_____
16. Do you always wash and dry full loads of clothes?_____
17. Do you turn off lights and TV when they are not being used?_____
Energy Feedback Questions
1. Do you think weather proofing your home and using other energy
savings practices will save a small or large amount of energy and will
that relate to money saved?
2. If nonrenewable fossil fuels are running out of supply, what will mankind
do for energy in the future?
3. What weather proofing or energy saving practice will benefit your
household the most? Why?