225th AnnuAl RepoRt Town of DURHAM, MAine For the Year JanuarY 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 Incorporated February 17, 1789 As the 69th town IncorporAted In MAIne 1 Durham Town Hall 630 Hallowell Road Durham, ME 04222 207-353-2561 (fax) 207-353-5367 Monday, Tuesday and Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm,Thursday 10:30 am to 6:30 pm Website - durhamme.com IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS For Fire, Police, Rescue or any emergency in Durham Dial 911 Androscoggin Sheriffs Department Androscoggin Sheriffs Department Androscoggin County Commissioners Androscoggin Registry of Deeds Animal Control Officer Coastal Humane Society Codes Official Durham Fire & Rescue Durham Fire & Rescue (Non-Emergency) Durham Community School Durham EMA Director Durham Public Works Town Office Town Office (Fax) Game Warden Service General Assistance Maine Department of Human Services Maine DOT Maine DEP Maine Poison Control Maine State Police Pine Tree Waste 2 911 (Emergency) 784-7361 (Business) 784-8390 782-0191 353-2500 725-5051 376-6558 911 (Emergency) 353-2473 353-9333 353-2473 353-3281 353-2561 353-5367 657-2345 353-2561 ext. 10 or ext. 12 (Hotline 1-800-442-6003) 795-4300 885-7000 1-888-769-1036 1-800-442-6305 1-800-482-0730 1-800-360-5320 225th Annual Report Dedication John M. Ackerman 1934 - 2014 Born in and educated in St. Albans, N.Y., John attended the New York State Ranger School and worked for the U.S. Forest Service in Oregon, and later earned a landscape architecture degree. In 1971, John and his wife Diane moved to Durham where he started his own business, Ackerman Landscapes, a Christmas tree farm and raised three children: Adam, Seth, and Rebekah. As a registered Maine forester John assisted many Durham residents manage their woodlands. John loved drawing plans for outdoor spaces such as Durham's River Park, Wolfe's Neck Woods and Mt. Blue State Parks. His ability to draw, cartoon and paint is widely regarded. As a passionate advocate for our environment, John served on the Conservation Commission since its inception more than 30 years ago. He worked to acquire the land that became Durham River Park and assisted in the park's development. John served on the planning board for more than 20 years, always in a manner consistent with his commitment to keeping Durham as natural and rural as possible. He served on the original and subsequent comprehensive plan committees and a number of our ordinance review and upgrading committees. He was a regular contributor at town meetings, speaking fervently on behalf of environmental quality measures. As a member of the board of the Androscoggin Land Trust, he brought state-wide attention to the natural beauty of the Androscoggin River as it flows through Durham and made Durham an integral part of the effort to conserve and preserve farmland and open space for future generations. John never met a tree he didn't like! Please see additional drawing on page 14 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Telephone Numbers Dedication Town Officers, Committees and Officials Selectmen's Report Proposed Municipal Budget Town Clerk's Report Treasurer's Report Trust Accounts 2014 Taxes Receivable Tax Liens Receivable Personal Property Receivables Durham Payroll Town Forest Warden Report Fire, Rescue an EMA Report Road Commissioner Report Board of Assessor's Report Code Enforcement Telecommunications Report Animal Control Eureka Community Center Conservation Commission Historic District Commission Historical Society Cemetery Report L.A.C.O. Giving Tree RSU 5 Town Meeting Warrant Audit State Representative Paul Chace State Senator Garrett Mason Governor Paul LePage Senator Angus King Holiday Closure Schedule 4 Page 2 3 5 6 7-14 15-16 17 18 19-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 34 35-42 43-76 77 78 79 80 Inside Back Cover Town Officers, Committees and Officials 2014 Dep Tax Coll/Treas/Clerk Pamela L. Cloutier Public Works Ronald Dube, Foreman Joshua Davis Timothy Grant Scott Wheelis Town Clerk/Registrar/Dep Treas/Dep Tax Collector Shannon Plourde 5 Timothy Huntley, Part Time Clifton Larrabee, Jr., Part Time Kenneth Scribner, Part Time Brian Wilson, Part Time SELECTMEN’S REPORT 2014 The Selectmen conduct business at public meetings, which is happening every other Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in what the Board does, we invite you to attend our meetings, watch them telecast on the Durham Public Access Cable Channel 3 to see the meeting live, or go to durhamtown.pegcentral.com the day after the meeting to see the recording. Following are a few of items that the Board of Selectmen has discussed and taken action on in 2014: Durham started their new Public Works Department this year with the purchase of the former Copp Construction property and buildings on Royalsborough Road and the purchases of several pieces of equipment. The crew currently consists of one Roads Foreman/Equipment Operator, one Mechanic/Equipment Operator, two Truck Drive/Laborers and several on-call part time Snow Plow Operators. Durham continues to share a Road Commissioner with Pownal. Animal Control Officer: Jeff Cooper: Shared services with the Town of Lisbon. Another very successful Memorial Day Celebration. The Board would like to express their appreciation to the Memorial Day Parade Committee. At our meetings the Board continues to discuss many other items of importance to our community. The Board wishes to “Thank” the Appointed Officials, Elected Officials, Employees, Volunteers and Members of the Boards, Committees, Commissions for their tireless hours of service to the Town. Respectfully Submitted, Durham Board of Selectmen Jeffrey Wakeman, Chairman Sarah Hall, Vice-Chairman Joshua Libby Mark Blake Michael Stewart 6 TOWN OF DURHAM PROPOSED 2014 MUNICIPAL BUDGET ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ Personnel BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) Chairman, Selectmen Salary 2,040 2,040 2,040 0 0.00% Deputy Treasurer/Coll/Clerk 29,885 30,149 29,800 -85 -0.28% Town Clerk Salary 34,750 33,458 34,650 -100 -0.29% Selectmen Salaries 5,280 5,060 5,280 0 0.00% Meetings Secretary 3,000 2,970 3,121 121 4.03% Code Enforcement Salary 19,457 16,401 26,496 7,039 36.18% Administrative Assistant Salary 51,500 46,690 42,830 -8,670 -16.83% Raise Pool for all Admin Salaries 1,400 1,400 100.00% Subtotal: 145,912 136,767 145,617 -295 -0.20% Support & Benefits Deputy Treasurer/Coll/Clerk Heath 12,300 12,218 13,800 1,500 12.20% Town Clerk Health 15,739 15,738 17,709 1,970 12.52% Administrative Assistant Health 15,739 12,194 7,596 -8,143 -51.74% FICA(with MPERS thru 2014) 4,171 3,589 6,775 2,604 62.44% Medicare 2,244 1,828 2,111 -133 -5.91% Subtotal: 50,193 45,568 47,992 -2,201 -4.39% Personnel Subtotal: 196,105 182,335 193,609 -2,496 -1.27% Insurances General Insurance 32,215 26,689 36,650 4,435 13.77% Workers Compensation 16,116 12,556 1,363 -14,753 -91.54% Subtotal: 48,331 39,245 38,013 -10,318 -21.35% Computers & Networking Computer Hardware 1,500 927 1,500 0 0.00% Computer Software 500 0 200 -300 -60.00% Trio/Harris Software 10,890 10,890 11,435 545 5.00% Equipment Lease 1,740 1,746 1,750 10 0.57% Equipment Repairs 0 0 0 0 0.00% Subtotal: 14,630 13,563 14,885 255 1.74% Operating Expenses Publications 100 627 1,050 950 950.00% Checks/Forms 0 0 0 Letterhead 0 0 0 Furnishings/Equipment 125 122 125 0 0.00% Office Supplies 2,500 3,685 3,700 1,200 48.00% Selectmen's Discretionary 200 88 300 100 50.00% Subtotal: 2,925 4,522 5,175 2,250 76.92% Office Expenses Subtotal: 65,886 57,330 58,073 -7,813 -11.86% 7 General Services Janitorial FICA MEDICARE Supplies Security Generator Maintenance Telephone Propane Grounds Plowing Maintenance/Repairs Subtotal: 2,000 0 0 400 240 250 3,360 3,000 4,800 2,860 400 17,310 1,833 114 27 369 240 0 3,250 2,292 4,800 2,860 1,174 16,957 1,840 114 27 400 240 250 3,360 2,500 4,800 0 800 14,331 -160 114 27 0 0 0 0 -500 0 -2,860 400 -2,979 -8.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67% 0.00% -100.00% 100.00% -17.21% Subtotal: 3,300 1,085 0 0 4,385 2,865 1,162 0 0 4,028 2,900 1,200 0 0 4,100 -400 115 0 0 -285 -12.12% 10.60% 0.00% 0.00% -6.50% 240 145 550 935 22,630 290 157 550 997 21,982 300 160 550 1,010 19,441 60 15 0 75 -3,189 25.00% 10.34% 0.00% 8.02% -14.09% 3,000 286 67 0 6,500 9,853 4,569 208 89 0 1,727 6,593 3,100 240 55 0 4,000 7,395 100 -46 -12 0 -2,500 -2,458 3.33% -16.08% -17.76% 0.00% -38.46% -24.95% 10,640 10,500 3,546 3,865 28,551 4,349 10,500 3,546 3,848 22,243 12,000 11,000 3,710 3,865 30,575 1,360 500 164 0 2,024 12.78% 4.76% 4.62% 0.00% 7.09% 2,500 2,500 2,142 4,000 3,300 1,200 15,642 54,046 338,667 1,790 3,401 2,354 3,296 3,126 2,449 16,416 45,252 306,898 2,100 3,500 2,200 5,900 3,300 1,800 18,800 56,770 327,893 -400 1,000 58 1,900 0 600 3,158 2,724 -10,774 -16.00% 40.00% 2.71% 47.50% 0.00% 50.00% 20.19% 5.04% -3.18% Electricity Town Buildings Streetlights Traffic Light Traffic Control Repairs Union Church Security Electricity Telephone Subtotal: Facility Subtotal Budget: Election Services Election Payroll Fica Medicare Voting Machine Election Expenses Subtotal: Professional Services Legal Expenses Audit Expenses MMA Dues AVCOG Dues/GPCOG Subtotal: Office Expenses Tax Billing Liens/Discharges Town Reports/Printing Dues/Training/Mileage Postage Advertising Subtotal: Admin. Exp. Subtotal: TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 8 ANIMAL CONTROL Personnel Salary Operating Expenses Services Coastal Humane Animal Control Budget: ASSESSING Personnel Contract Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 8,300.00 8,224.25 8,653.00 353.00 4.25% Subtotal: 8,300.00 8,224.25 8,653.00 353.00 4.25% 1,000.00 4,519.00 Subtotal: 5,519.00 13,819.00 766.08 4,518.00 5,284.08 13,508.33 1,000.00 4,519.00 5,519.00 14,172.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 353.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.55% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 0.00% 0 Subtotal: 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.00% Operating Expenses Tax Mapping Transfer Deed Copies Postage/Office Supplies Subtotal: Assessing Budget 1,600 400 150 2,150 20,150 1,080 253 0 1,333 19,333 CEMETERIES General Mowing Contract Equipment & Materials Flags Flag Holders Projects/Restoration Cemeteries Budget: CONSERVATION General Dues Supplies University of Maine 4-H Club Conservation Budget DONATIONS General United Valley Red Cross LACO Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice Community Concepts Tri County Mental Health Seniors Plus Western Maine Transportation Lifeflight Total Donations 2014 BUDGET Expended 3,500 3,500 100 0 250 0 4,000 7,850 4,000 7,500 1,400 400 150 1,950 19,950 -200 0 0 -200 -200 -12.50% 0.00% 0.00% -9.30% -0.99% Percent 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 3,500 0 0.00% 100 0 0.00% 250 0 0.00% 220 220 100.00% 0 -4,000 -100.00% 4,070 -3,780 -48.15% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 100 100 100 0 0.00% 50 0 50 0 0.00% 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0.00% 2,150 2,100 2,150 0 0.00% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 500 500 0 -500 -100.00% 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 500 0 -500 -100.00% 500 500 500 0 0.00% 500 500 100.00% 500 500 100.00% 0.00% 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 9 EUREKA COMMUNITY CENTER Utilities Electricity Propane Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 600 569 600 0 0.00% 2,500 1,716 2,000 -500 -20.00% 3,100 2,285 2,600 -500 -16.13% Subtotal: General Repairs Cleaning Raise Pool for Eureka FICA Medicare Shoveling/Plowing Supplies Subtotal: Eureka Community Ctr Budget: EUREKA COMMUNITY CENTER Capital Projects: Various Projects Eureka Community Center Capital Projects Budget FIRE/RESCUE/EMA Personnel Fire/Rescue Chief Salary Labor Fire Department Raise Pool 750 940 463 801 0 0 0 200 1,890 4,990 48 11 0 117 1,440 3,726 750 1,233 25 78 18 0 150 2,254 4,854 0 293 25 78 18 0 -50 364 -136 0.00% 31.17% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% -25.00% 19.25% -2.73% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 3,000 0 2,000 -1,000 -33.33% 3,000 0 2,000 -1,000 -33.33% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 54,224 54,223 54,223 -1 0.00% 78,465 85,708 90,924 12,459 15.88% 1,084 1,084 100.00% Subtotal: 132,689 139,931 146,231 13,542 10.21% Support & Benefits Health Insurance FICA / MERS Medicare Insurance Workers Comp Subtotal: 7,110 7,010 1,930 912 7,103 6,316 2,003 911 16,334 7,589 7,905 2,120 912 11,488 30,014 479 895 190 0 11,488 13,052 6.73% 12.77% 9.86% 0.00% 100.00% 76.95% 16,962 5,280 9,447 5,079 28,650 7,600 50 3,600 6,560 3,706 2,800 700 12,890 21,765 5,447 113,574 263,225 4,966 6,578 4,260 28,586 7,189 -12 4,154 5,770 4,256 2,198 593 11,061 23,253 4,091 106,942 263,207 5,280 8,241 3,379 32,200 7,700 0 4,300 4,780 3,971 2,500 700 15,037 21,976 6,550 116,614 292,860 0 -1,206 -1,700 3,550 100 -50 700 -1,780 265 -300 0 2,147 211 1,103 3,040 29,635 0.00% -12.77% -33.47% 12.39% 1.32% -100.00% 19.44% -27.13% 7.15% -10.71% 0.00% 16.66% 0.97% 20.25% 2.68% 11.26% Operating Expenses Utilities Propane Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Training Gasoline Ambulance Intercept Diesel/Gasoline Dues Chief's Expenses Prevention Personal Safety Dispatch Supplies Subtotal: Fire/Rescue/EMA Budget 10 FIRE RESERVE Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ Capital Improvement Account BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) To Fire Reserve 35,000 0 50,000 15,000 42.86% Total: 35,000 0 50,000 15,000 42.86% Capital Improvement Account Suppression Hood in Kitchen, Security cameras (From Fire Reserve) 3,000 3,000 100.00% Total: 3,000 3,000 100.00% Debt Service Fire Station Payment 39,510 39,508 39,510 0 0.00% Debt Service - Quint 40,000 40,000 33,004 -6,996 -17.49% Total Debt Service 79,510 79,508 72,514 -6,996 -8.80% GENERAL ASSISTANCE General Assistance General Assistance Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 5,000 1,140 5,000 0 0.00% HISTORICAL SOCIETY General 2014 BUDGET To Union Church Restoration Fund Historical Society Budget: Percent 2015 Increase/ Increase/ Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% PARKS & RECREATION Run-Around Park Dam Operating Expenses Sanitation Park Maintenance Park Mowing Park Plowing Subtotal Run-Around Park & Dam: River Park Maintenance Operating Expenses Park Maintenance Park Mowing Electricity Subtotal River Park Budget: War Memorial Park Operating Expenses Mowing Flag Upkeep/Maintenance Budget War Memorial Park: Recreation Parade Recreation Recreation Budget: Total Parks and Recreation Budget: 2014 BUDGET Expended Percent 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 1,200 100 650 1,140 3,090 1,214 176 650 1,140 3,180 1,300 200 650 0 2,150 100 100 0 -1,140 -940 8.33% 100.00% 0.00% -100.00% -30.42% 100 1,300 160 1,560 0 1,300 151 1,451 100 1,300 155 1,555 0 0 -5 -5 0.00% 0.00% -3.13% -0.32% 750 500 1,250 750 149 899 750 5,102 5,852 0 4,602 4,602 0.00% 920.40% 368.16% 1,000 2,600 3,600 9,500 142 2,600 2,742 8,272 750 2,600 3,350 12,907 -250 0 -250 3,407 -25.00% 0.00% -6.94% 35.86% 11 PLANNING BOARD/APPEALS Personnel Salary (Planning & Appeals) Planing Board Secretary Raise Pool for Planning Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 4,390 6,189 4,800 410 9.34% 1,920 1,920 100.00% 38 38 100.00% Subtotal: 4,390 6,189 6,758 2,330 53.08% Support & Benefits FICA Medicare Subtotal: Operating Expenses Office Fees/Expenses Advertising Mileage Publications Supplies Postage Legal Subtotal: Ordinance Review Subtotal: Planning Board/Appeals Budget: PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Road Commissioner Salary Labor Raise pool for FT laborers 350 82 432 370 87 457 419 98 517 69 16 85 19.72% 19.51% 19.68% 75 100 25 40 75 200 1,000 1,515 0 0 6,337 0 0 0 0 22 5 963 989 0 0 7,635 75 100 25 240 275 200 1,000 1,915 5,000 5,000 14,190 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 400 5,000 5,000 7,815 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 500.00% 266.67% 0.00% 0.00% 26.40% 100.00% 100.00% 123.32% Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) 45,000 43,144 33,300 -11,700 -26.00% 143,210 129,257 244,058 100,848 70.42% 4,033 4,033 100.00% Subtotal: 188,210 172,400 281,391 93,181 49.51% Support & Benefits Labor: FICA Medicare Health Ins Workers Comp Road Commissioner: MPERS Medicare Health Ins Workers Comp 8,100 2,600 55,500 Subtotal: 6,640 2,315 31,623 15,382 3,597 52,800 21,533 7,282 997 -2,700 21,533 89.90% 38.36% -4.86% 100.00% 1,378 486 10,606 3,240 42,822 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 64.69% 1,100 0 -5,775 -1,200 43,000 13,000 -5,000 110.00% 0.00% -100.00% -60.00% 159.26% 37.14% -25.00% 66,200 40,578 1,378 486 10,606 3,240 109,022 1,000 2,000 5,775 2,000 27,000 35,000 20,000 60 304 4,371 390 24,708 35,003 17,518 2,100 2,000 0 800 70,000 48,000 15,000 General Roads Technology Professional Services Road Comm Tran (Pickup Rental) Communication (Vehicles/Equipment) Fuel Account (Gasoline and Deisel) Equipment Maintenance Rental Equipment 12 Utilities-Electricity/Heat Facility Maintenance Dumpster Service Signs Minor Equipment Supplies Uniforms Training/Professional Development Safety Equipment Subtotal: Materials/Repairs Sand/Gravel/Cold Patch (Material) Culverts/Drains Paving Surface Treatments Erosion Control Tree Cutting Subtotal: Winter Roads (Public Works) Sand Salt Liquid De-icers Plow Blades Winter Equipment Maintenance Weather Technology Subtotal: Subtotal Public Works Winter Roads (Contract) Contract Winter Roads Bdgt (Contract) Subtotal: Subtotal Public Works/Winter Roads Debt Service: Building Bond Equipment Bond Subtotal Debt Service: Total Public Works Budget 9,800 4,000 860 1,000 2,000 3,000 3,500 1,600 2,000 120,535 4,576 3,506 856 1,035 3,478 3,371 2,431 391 3,156 105,154 13,600 4,000 885 1,000 4,000 3,000 3,500 1,000 3,000 171,885 3,800 0 25 0 2,000 0 0 -600 1,000 51,350 38.78% 0.00% 2.91% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% -37.50% 50.00% 42.60% 20,000 7,000 160,650 60,000 5,000 6,000 258,650 34,297 2,145 141,402 57,075 5,602 13,740 254,261 20,000 7,000 225,000 60,000 5,000 6,000 323,000 0 0 64,350 0 0 0 64,350 0.00% 0.00% 40.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 24.88% 15,000 75,000 16,000 23,000 12,000 1,500 142,500 776,095 18,373 52,353 6,157 21,392 8,755 205 107,235 679,628 12,000 90,000 16,000 15,000 12,000 1,500 146,500 1,031,798 -3,000 15,000 0 -8,000 0 0 4,000 255,703 -20.00% 20.00% 0.00% -34.78% 0.00% 0.00% 2.81% 32.95% 401,429 401,429 0 0 -100.00% 401,429 1,177,524 401,429 1,081,057 0 1,031,798 0 -145,726 -100.00% -12.38% 1,081,057 91,120 141,524 232,644 1,264,442 91,120 141,524 232,644 86,918 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 7.38% 1,177,524 SOLID WASTE Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ Personnel/Contracts BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) Hauler Contract 191,917 191,917 190,575 -1,342 -0.70% Special Pickups (Labor & Expense) 2,500 517 0 -2,500 -100.00% Fica 100 6 0 -100 -100.00% Medicare 25 1 0 -25 -100.00% Subtotal: 194,542 192,441 190,575 -3,967 -2.04% Operating Expenses Hazard Waste Facility 1,100 684 1,000 -100 -9.09% Septage 250 250 250 0 0.00% Subtotal: 1,350 934 1,250 -100 -7.41% Solid Waste Budget 195,892 193,375 191,825 -4,067 -2.08% 13 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Percent 2014 2015 Increase/ Increase/ Personnel BUDGET Expended BUDGET (Decrease) (Decrease) Salary - Secretary 1,500 116 600 -900 -60.00% Telecomunications Raise Pool 12 12 100.00% Subtotal: 1,500 116 612 -888 -59.20% Personnel Public Information Technician 16,900 14,137 17,000 100 0.59% Subtotal: 16,900 14,137 17,000 100 0.59% Support & Benefits FICA 1,150 884 1,092 -58 -5.05% Medicare 300 207 255 -45 -14.88% Subtotal: 1,450 1,090 1,347 -103 -7.08% Operating Expenses Access Channel Expenses 4,000 3,791 4,000 0 0.00% Newsletter 0 0 0 0 0.00% Website Expense 1,100 1,112 1,000 -100 -9.09% Postage/Supplies 1,600 0 500 -1,100 -68.75% Legal 5,000 1,857 3,000 -2,000 -40.00% Emails for Committee 1,200 1,200 100.00% Subtotal: 11,700 6,759 9,700 -1,200 -10.26% Telecommunications Budget: 31,550 22,103 28,659 -2,091 -6.63% Drawing by John Ackerman 14 2014 Town Clerk’s Town Report Five Year Vital Statistics Comparison Chart YEAR BIRTHS MARRIAGE DEATHS 2010 39 23 27 2011 38 39 14 2012 45 26 22 2013 45 35 14 2014 40 21 16 40 BIRTHS in 2014: Congratulations and welcome. 21 MARRIAGES in 2014: Congratulations to you all. Wendy Merrill to Alexander Buxbaum Shannan Estes to Peter Farley Jeremy Rugan to Samantha Santillo Christopher Caouette to Tammi Pass Michelle Strout to Matthew Turgeon Briana Perreault to John Vallieres Ashley Hutchinson to Christopher Lombard Saphira Fleming to Shane Plumadore Bruce Iverson to Susan McKinney Terry Freve to Eileen Knight Molly Safford to Greggory Carmichael Eliza Harris to James Norton Raymond Tourigny to Rae Knightly Margaret Wright to Ryan Carrigan Kristen Ruby to Peter Balogh Lois St. Pierre to Abraham Conde Donald Fuller to Carolyn Williams Chelsea Harlow to Joshua Osgood Keith Starks to Shoshanna Craig Joanie Peter to Jaddy Izquierdo Parker Morse to Cynthia Obie 1/30/2014 2/14/2014 3/29/2014 3/30/2014 4/25/2014 5/27/2014 6/14/2014 7/12/2014 7/20/2014 8/13/2014 8/16/2014 8/16/2014 8/23/2014 9/06/2014 9/07/2014 9/15/2014 9/19/2014 9/20/2014 11/11/2014 12/07/2014 12/13/2014 15 Residents that have left us here in Durham in 2014. Condolences to the Families and Friends of these deceased individuals. Name Abbott, Jessica Ackerman, John Arnold, Virginia Bennett, Maura Bodge, Richard Day, Miriam Edwards, David Hart, Charles League, Peggy Maberry, Richard Nelson, Adeline Oliver, Dylan Roy, Robert Sherman, James Tupper, Mary Williams, Laverne Date of Death 7/19/2014 11/29/2014 3/30/2014 8/12/2014 9/13/2014 11/8/2014 9/23/2014 7/17/2014 11/16/2014 8/13/2014 4/27/2014 2/12/2014 9/16/2014 11/9/2014 6/16/2014 6/27/2014 VOTER STATISTICS Party 2011 2012 2013 2014 Our Municipal election was held on Friday, April 4, 2014 with the Democrat 779 818 793 797 annual Town Meeting following Green Independent 150 175 176 187 on Saturday, April 5, 2014. June Republican 943 988 975 977 10, 2014 brought the RSU#5 Unenrolled 1,253 1,295 1,293 1,339 Budget Validation Referendum Total Registered 3,125 3,276 3,237 3,300 election. The State General November election was held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. With this State election came a great voter turnout of 2,138 voters. That is a 66% voter turnout! DOG LICENSING Dog licenses are done yearly. The expiration date is December 31st of that year. The State late fee goes into effect February 1st .To avoid this late fee, either come to the Town Office or through the mail. Please come prepared with the current rabies certificate and if the dog has been spayed or neutered recently, the new information. Check or cash, self addressed stamped envelope to: If you choose to come into the office to take care of your buddy, you may also pay by credit card. We accept Master card, Visa & Discover. With this use, there will be a 2.95% additional charge (convenience fee) to the customer. With Visa debit cards the fee is $3.95 to the customer. The cost has remained the same to register your dog, at $6.00 for spayed / neutered and $11.00 for female or male. Starting February 1st, the late fee is $25.00 per dog. Dog licenses issued for 2014 in Durham. Kennels Service/Guide Hunting, fishing and all other game related licenses, stamps or permits Snowmobile, All-Terrain Vehicle Boat, Vehicle & Trailer registrations These first four services may be completed online for your convenience at www.maine.gov/IFW only for renewals with no changes. Town of Durham Shannon Plourde, CCM 630 Hallowell Road Durham, Maine 04222 Female / Male Spay / Neuter Services provided by the Town: 65 427 1 1 Dog licenses Marriage licenses and ceremonies Maine certified copies of Births, Marriages and Deaths Burial permits Old and current Town Records Recording of all Town Meetings and supervision of elections Voter registration and absentee voting Notary Public and Dedimus Justice services Respectfully Submitted, Shannon R. Plourde, CCM 16 2014 TREASURER’S REPORT Balance January 1, 2014 Receipts: RE & PP TAX COMMITMENT $1,939,091.00 $5,550,077.39 $1,500.00 GAINS ON TAX ACQUIRED PROPERTY AUTOMOBILE EXCISE $734,434.50 BOAT EXCISE $5,182.80 ANIMAL CONTROL $190.50 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS $1,372.80 MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING $133,643.87 URBAN RENEWAL INIT. PROGRAM $53,364.00 BETE REIMBURSEMENT $332.00 HOMESTEAD REIMBURSEMENT $77,218.00 STATE PARK FEES $2,906.74 USER FEES - COLLECTIONS $14,308.00 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES $2,617.27 ELECTRIC INSPECTION FEES $1,750.00 PLUMBING INSPECTION FEES $3,168.75 TOWN CLERK FEES $6,376.20 REREGISTRATION FEES $14,227.00 ADMIN INTEREST 34,481.81 PHOTOCOPIES JUNKYARD FEES SNOWMOBILE FEES TREE GROWTH / VET REIMBURS MISCELLANEOUS FD HYDRANTS & INSURANCE CEMETARY LOT SALES GENERAL ASSISTANCE REIMBU CABLE FRANCHISE FEES FD TRAINING/EDUC GRANT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT INTER PARADE MEMORIAL DAY EUREKA RENTAL FEES EUREKA FUNDRAISING $392.55 $300.00 $4,018.34 $16,001.32 $135.00 $50,631.44 $600.00 $554.97 $35,222.49 $4,613.71 $3,002.46 $645.00 $700.07 $850.43 $6,754,819.41 Total Receipts Less Warrants Written Balance December 31, 2014 5,754,626.41 2,193,284.00 FIVE YEAR ANALYSIS Real Estate Taxes Committed & Balance at Year End: Commitment Year End Balance Year 2014 $5,549,784.66 $284,354.58 2013 $4,935,201.31 $239,556.50 2012 $4,398,969.18 $238,384.54 2011 $4,292,716.03 $211,258.94 2010 $4,245,054.08 $236,573.28 Automobile Excise Tax Collected: Year Amount 2014 $734,434.50 2013 $695,978.17 2012 $614,822.65 2011 $612,754.12 2010 $583,904.58 17 Percentage 5.12% 4.85% 5.43% 4.92% 5.56% 18 $50.00 $200.00 $600.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $150.00 $100.00 $3,450.00 Total Perpetual: 1/1/2014 $9,561.09 $56,785.16 $7,874.02 $21,322.63 Balance * Denotes Perpetual Care John B Hasty Harriet Novel Hattie White L.O. Morse Burton C. Gee A. Waterman Marcine Russell Kate Miller Charles W. Thomas Cemetary Fund* Restoration Fund River Park Project Scholarship Fund Totals January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Deposits Helen Trufant Loring Marjorie Taylor D. & A. Blakely Emille Haskell John C. Merrill Charles Harmon Mrs. Walter White Eve B. Butcher est. $3.15 $36.16 $5.27 $1.96 Interest TRUST ACCOUNTS $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $100.00 $50.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 Withdrawls Balance 12/31/2014 $7,564.24 $56,821.32 $7,879.29 $20,324.59 2014 TAXES RECEIVABLE ABC STORAGE & RENTAL, LLC 1,386.95 EMERSON-MAINS, HEATHER L. 1,883.11 ALLEN, KIMBERLY JANE 3,929.40 ERHART, GARY & TERESA ERHART 3,240.09 ALTSHULER, KENNETH P 17.78 ANDERSON, CLYDE W. 1,728.27 ANDERSON, STEPHEN & CLYDE 24.98 AYER, ERIC J & JENNIFER L 2,189.46 BADCOCK, PATRICK M. & SUSAN D. JT 590.90 FEELY, TINA M. 950.51 FERRARA, RHONDA & DONALD K. 4,645.35 FRANK, RICHARD A. 2,292.71 FREEDOM HOME PROPERTIES, LLC 3,712.95 FREEMAN, EDWARD E & PATRICIA S 449.45 BAILEY, BENJAMIN H 2,957.04 FULLER, KAY 2,117.88 BAILEY, KENNETH D & TINA L 1,601.73 GEORGE-ROY, STEPHANIE 3,218.45 BALDWIN, BARRY 61.60 GIDDINGS, DAVID A 1,521.81 BALDWIN, BARRY 74.93 GRANHOLM, RONALD & BARBARA 2,390.94 GRECO, GARY A 2,256.07 GREEN, ANDREW D., JR. 3,541.45 BALDWIN, BARRY H 361.30 BALDWIN, BARRY H. 2,034.63 BALDWIN, BARRY H. 146.52 GTP ACQUISITION PARTNERS II, LLC 782.55 BALFOUR, JAMES & CHRISTINE 3,128.54 HALE BROTHERS BALLOU, KATHRYN 1,477.96 HALL, SARAH K. 1,753.78 BARKER, LEONARD 143.19 HARKINS, SANDRA 1,233.76 BERNABI, CHARLES & LAVINA B 829.17 HARRIMAN, ROBIN 1,758.24 BILODEAU, GARY R 259.64 HARRINGTON, FRED B & LINDA K 1,704.96 BOURGOIN, DANIEL & CAROL 1,566.77 BROCHU, CARMEN L 939.06 BROOKS, THOMAS M 3.06 CAOUETTE, CHRISTOPHER CARON, JOSEPH L. & ANNETTE M. CHRISTIANSEN, REBECCA M. HART, CHARLES A, CHERYL J.,WALDO HERSEY, DANIEL W & DEBRA J 835.83 2,244.42 90.00 541.12 HIGGINS, KEITH JR. 1,198.80 3,088.58 HIGGINS, KEITH JR. 1,062.27 451.18 CHURCH, DONNA J & ERNEST M HARRIS, DAVID 23.31 5,429.57 HLISTER, WILLIAM M 872.70 HOLBROOK, PETER 1,531.27 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1.69 HORIZONS DEVELOPMENT INC 1,606.73 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 81.58 HORIZONS DEVELOPMENT INC 1,386.95 COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 87.86 HUNTINGTON, VINCENT W II 1,062.27 3,478.54 COMBS, RICHARD D. 1,135.53 HUNTLEY, RANDY T. COMPEAU, PATRICIA L. 2,695.64 HUNTLEY, RANDY T. COSLET, JACQUELINE Y & MICHAEL S 4,045.95 JACQUES, MARTIN P & CONNIE R 2,326.00 471.73 JENISON, DAGMAR 2,798.87 1,759.90 JOHNSON, TURE G. 4,613.71 KAZAN, DIANA S. & ZACHARY W. 3,709.62 COSLET, KENNETH CHARLES CRAFTS, RANDALL W. & KAREN P. CRAIG, PAUL E. 785.88 865.04 CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE 3,070.26 KELLEY, MARGARET M. & ALAN E 3,285.49 DAVID, DEREK & JENNIFER 4,676.98 KOENIG, BEVERLY A 1,650.85 DEAN, DAVID & DEBORAH 12.34 KOENIG, NICHOLAS R. 867.46 DEMCHAK, JOHN E & RHODA 895.69 KOENIG, SETH 1,092.24 DEWITT, KEVIN ANDREW 960.71 KOVAL, JOHN M.& ELIZABETH J. 1,719.94 DIIK, LLC. 797.53 LACASSE, MARK R. DISSELKAMP, JOSEPH PATRICK 1,965.36 DOBSON, HERBERT R., JR. & 597.73 LACASSE, MARK R. & ROBERTA L. LACASSE, MICHAEL R., JR. 667.67 1,062.27 965.70 DORRINGTON, ROBERT F & DIANE E 2,320.89 LAFLAMME, DENISE C L DROWN, KARON MORNEAULT 2,247.75 LAFLAMME, PHILIP A 2,507.49 DUMONT, RONALD AND ROSE MARIE 2,902.10 LANE, GARY & ROBERTA 1,456.87 DURISKO, MARK & PAMELA S 5,374.62 LANE, GARY P & JEAN L 2,738.93 EASLER, ROLAND & DOREEN B EMERSON, JOHN (HEIRS OF) JT 428.99 2,998.66 19 LAROCHELLE, PAUL E & LAURIE J JT 869.13 609.39 2014 TAXES RECEIVABLE LAROCHELLE, PAUL E & LAURIE J JT 173.16 LEIGHTON, BEVERLY MAINE CUSTOM WOODLANDS, LLC MAINS, KEVIN F & CYNTHIA M JT MARGOLIS, DAVID MASCHINO, GEORGE, SR. & ANGIE L. MCBRIDE, DEBORAH MCCAUSLAND, JENNIFER JOY MCCLURE ROBERT T & RITA MCCOSH, KATHY MCKAY, JOHN J JR MELVILLE, ANN A. MERRILL, DAWSON E & RITA L MERRILL, KEVIN MERRILL, LEONARD L MERRILL, RITA L. MERRILL, ROYCE E MERRILL, ROYCE E MERRILL, ROYCE E MERRILL, ROYCE E. & JACQUELINE C. MILL RIDGE SUBDIVISION ASSN MILLER PASS LLC MILLIKEN, LANCE MORRIS, JONATHAN MORSE, JOEL MR. BALDWIN, LLC 56.61 5,597.73 2,156.17 5,154.84 6,112.21 53.28 2,519.14 362.97 193.14 1,445.22 526.14 4,164.17 514.48 2,026.30 1,125.54 2,848.81 2,540.79 41.62 840.83 42.64 23.31 2,251.94 38.20 1,068.93 236.43 NEWELL, RONALD E., JR. 1,914.75 NEWELL, STEVEN D. 1,045.62 NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND ORCUTT, DOUGLAS E.& CHERYLYNN 522.81 1,473.72 OSGOOD, DAVID A & LINWOOD L & PACKARD, JEFFREY 269.73 2,757.52 PASZKOWSKI, LINDA J. 1,843.15 PESSANT, MARCEL & MARTHA 2,111.22 PLIMPTON, TYLER S 1,488.51 PRATT, EVONE 2,097.90 PROVOST, PATRICK & PATRICIA 3,203.46 PURSER, JOHN R., JR. & 1,431.90 JT RAUBESON, HEATHER A & RHONDA P REILLY, TED & SHELLY RINES, RONALD ROBBINS, WILLIAM JR ROSS, DONNA J RUNAROUND POND, LLC RUNAROUND POND, LLC. TOTAL FOR 172 ACCOUNTS 440.01 PASS, CURTIS & JANICE PYNCHON, PETER C & WANDA J SMITH, LELAND & KATHERINE SPADY, CAROL L SPENCER, LUCILLE W. ST PIERRE, LARRY & TAMMY STEVENS, WILLIAM W III STICKNEY, S SIMONE SYLVESTER, MATTHEW A. & DEBORAH TELMARK INC THATCHER, TAMMY L. WILLIAM R. TIBBETTS, SCOTT TIBBETTS, SCOTT P. TREMPER, BEVERLY TURGEON, BENJAMIN R. VERTILLA, FRANK VOSMUS, THOMAS JR & RHONDA WAISANEN, JOHN II & DEIDRE WASHBURN, WILLIAM WASS, DAWN MARIE & WELCOME, THOMAS W & JEFFREY W WHITE, RUTH A WHITE, RUTH A & WILLIAM B WHITE, WILLIAM B & JULIE ANN WILLETTE, ALAN & FRANCINE WOODHOUSE, DEBRA 2,534.13 765.90 492.20 1,551.78 289.71 2,402.61 223.11 446.22 SEVERY, ERIC J. 2,730.60 SHOVE, MALCOLM & BARBARA A. 2,733.93 SMALL, DEBRA M. & DONALD 1,799.86 SMITH, FOREST B 1,584.70 20 5,334.36 3,258.41 1,943.33 6.52 134.64 1,609.84 1.69 742.59 2,626.25 1,503.50 3,771.22 1,941.20 795.14 2,147.85 3.42 1,766.56 76.59 4,613.71 1,406.93 1,426.90 867.46 1,864.80 731.08 1578.42 $284,354.58 TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 1991-2006 Tax Lien Receivables EMERSON, JOHN (HEIRS OF) TOTAL 2007 Tax Lien Receivables EMERSON, JOHN (HEIRS OF) TOTAL 2008 Tax Lien Receivables EMERSON, JOHN(HEIRS OF) ROBBINS, WILLIAM, JR WELCOME, THOMAS W & JEFFREY TOTAL 2009 Tax Lien Receivables CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE EMERSON, JOHN(HEIRS OF) ROBBINS, WILLIAM, JR WELCOME, THOMAS W & JEFFREY TOTAL 2010 Tax Lien Receivables HALE BROTHERS CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE LACASSE, MICHAEL, JR RINES, RONALD ROBBINS, WILLIAM, JR WELCOME, THOMAS W & JEFFREY TOTAL 2011 Tax Lien Receivables HALE BROTHERS CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE LACASSE, MICHAEL, JR RAUBESON, HEATHER & RHONDA RINES, RONALD ROBBINS, WILLIAM, JR WELCOME, THOMAS W & JEFFREY TOTAL 2012 Tax Lien Receivables BARKER, LEONARD BERNABI, CHARLES & LAVINA HALE BROTHERS CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE EMERSON, JOHN(HEIRS OF) LACASSE, MICHAEL, JR RAUBESON, HEATHER & RHONDA RINES, RONALD ROBBINS, WILLIAM, JR WELCOME, THOMAS & JEFFREY TOTAL 2013 Tax Lien Receivables BAILEY, BENJAMIN BALDWIN, BARRY $19,288.81 $19,288.81 $2,848.44 $106.21 $1,845.47 $1,845.47 BALDWIN, BARRY BALDWIN, BARRY BALDWIN, BARRY BARKER, LEONARD $1,890.30 $39.13 $173.21 $2,102.64 BERNABI, CHARLES & LAVINA COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SVCS COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SVCS CRAIG, PAUL E CURTIS, ALBERT & LORRAINE DEWITT, KEVIN ANDREW $837.75 $6.72 $125.25 $796.49 $2,973.66 $599.52 $2,363.55 $2,064.93 $339.64 $1,231.61 $5,999.73 DIIK, LLC DOBSON, HERBERT R, JR & ROX DURISKO, MARK & PAMELA EMERSON, JOHN(HEIRS OF) FRANK, RICHARD A GRECO, GARY A HALE BROTHERS $814.09 $578.14 $5,176.36 $2,905.43 $2,239.08 $2,210.67 $69.71 $87.27 $2,615.66 $64.29 $1,355.61 $308.33 $1,235.41 $5,666.57 HARKINS, SANDRA HARRIS, DAVID HART, CHARLES A, CHERYL J HORIZONS DEVELOPMENT,INC HORIZONS DEVELOPMENT,INC HUNTINGTON, VINCENT W II LACASSE, MICHAEL, JR LAFLAMME, DENISE CL LAFLAMME, PHILIP A $1,223.36 $844.09 $2,193.07 $1,578.81 $1,369.35 $1,002.57 $967.87 $833.98 $2,326.15 $90.73 $2,635.80 $877.89 $711.00 $1,367.44 $319.36 $1,246.44 $7,248.66 LAROCHELLE, PAUL E & LAURIE J LAROCHELLE, PAUL E & LAURIE J LOWE, PETER F MAINE CUSTOM WOODLANDS LLC MCKAY, JOHN J , JR MERRILL, DAWSON & RITA MERRILL, RITA MERRILL, ROYCE MORSE, JOEL MR. BALDWIN, LLC $634.77 $212.52 $22.85 $5,389.00 $1,424.88 $4,016.23 $1,120.21 $2,469.04 $1,072.74 $272.82 PRATT, EVONE PYNCHON, PETER C & WANDA J RAUBESON, HEATHER & RHONDA RINES, RONALD ROBBINS, WILLIAM JR SHOVE, MALCOLM & BARBARA TELMARK, INC WASS, DAWN MARIE & SEWALL $1,414.68 $2,469.18 $777.45 $1,526.44 $330.09 $2,659.60 $761.72 $3,406.45 $29.91 $751.08 $67.38 $2,652.46 $2,585.24 $866.92 $697.40 $1,364.16 $306.00 $1,241.25 $10,561.80 WELCOME, THOMAS & JEFFREY WHITE, RUTH A & WILLIAM B WHITE, WILLIAM B & JULIE ANN TOTAL 21 $118.90 $223.64 $187.13 $183.96 $1,388.39 $418.07 $1,824.77 $68,952.30 PERSONAL PROPERTY RECEIVABLES Persoanl Property 2008-2009 Harkins, Sandra TOTAL $142.03 $142.03 Persoanl Property 2010 Greco, Gary A Harkins, Sandra TOTAL $87.44 $97.88 $185.32 Personal Property 2011 Greco, Gary A Harkins, Sandra TOTAL $87.77 $98.25 $186.02 Personal Property 2012 Baldwin, Barry Greco, Gary A Harkins, Sandra TOTAL $26.70 $89.45 $100.12 $216.27 Personal Property 2013 Bailey, Benjamin H Baldwin, Barry H Greco, Gary A Harkins, Sandra Jaiden Landscaping Inc. TOTAL $67.28 $29.90 $65.78 $112.13 $7.94 $283.03 Personal Property 2014 Bailey, Banjamin H Baldwin, Barry H Harkins, Sandra Huntington's Truck Repair Munn, Jeffrey A TOTAL $74.93 $33.30 $124.87 $41.28 $516.15 $790.53 22 DURHAM 2014 PAYROLL Employee John Ackerman David Anderson Paul Baines Barry Baldwin Todd Beaulieu Mark Blake Anthony Bradstreet Alexander Brookhouse Christopher Brown Christopher Caouette Darren Carey Barbara Carignan Duncan Chesley Pamela Cloutier Kenneth Coslet Joshua Davis William Delong Curtis Dimock Diana Dimock Marissa Dobson Anthony Dobson Roxanna Dobson Ronald Dube Wayne Enman Wendy Enman Korey Enman-Curtis John Faith Steven Faith Daniel Feeney Michael Fitzpatrick Larry French Ruth Glaeser Timothy Grant Lisa Groves Sarah Hall Christopher Harris Timothy Huntley Brea Keith Ryan Kennett Michael LaCasse Nathan Lacasse Gary Lane Micheal Laroche Aimee Larrabee Clifton Larrabee Deborah Larrabee Rocky League Total Gross Pay 400.00 553.92 10,190.00 976.25 600.00 990.00 678.07 6,475.90 214.88 40.43 2,095.00 77.00 176.00 30,431.18 866.70 22,842.09 1,091.87 2,648.56 12,613.45 260.78 252.23 215.60 32,700.00 1,489.60 735.35 2,690.43 1,962.90 1,942.37 4,115.65 400.00 58.10 5,786.08 26,246.00 2,801.83 1,320.00 847.70 619.88 2,608.50 196.65 2,956.49 229.83 277.15 1,866.18 44.50 3,973.32 654.00 335.50 23 Employee Andrew Levesque Paul Lewis Joshua Libby Peter Lowe Christina Merrill Kevin Merrill Lawrence Merrill Laura Meyer Cheryl Minott Parker Morse Ronald Parker Kimberly Pierce Peter Pierce Dolores Pillsbury Stephen Piper Shannon Plourde Evone Pratt Andrew Primevara Lori Rice John Ricker Tristin Ridlon Keith Russell Adam Salve George Sawyer Kenneth Scribner Cheryl Sherburne Milton Simon Cheryl Smith Janet Smith Scott St Michel William St Michel Michael Stewart Nancy Swinton Ann Thatcher Kayla Thatcher William Thatcher Daniel Thibeault Jill Toher Joseph Tomm Anne Torregrossa Jeffrey Wakeman Jere Waterman Scott Wheelis Brian Wilson Charlotte Wink Melinda Woerter TOTAL Total Gross Pay 219.78 1,444.45 1,320.00 2,172.45 1,013.21 2,526.56 5,176.12 348.58 324.50 8,306.64 1,415.12 243.53 457.09 286.00 1,887.39 34,504.18 0.00 6,102.01 115.50 14,158.92 84.53 3,357.13 510.97 20.10 5,753.72 396.00 3,013.50 187.00 40,621.07 441.75 54,222.98 220.00 418.00 137.50 531.33 2,673.74 1,217.64 5,755.25 1,400.00 600.00 2,040.00 153.91 34,453.04 2,046.32 209.00 750.00 434,784.43 Town Forest Warden Report Burning Permits Issued in 2014 Slash Campfire Grass Wood Debris Brush On-line 6 0 3 9 638 125 Total 781 Any person wanting to burn logs, brush, grass, pasture, blueberry land, or have a campfire is required by Maine Law to obtain a burning permit. There are time frames in which burning can and cannot be done, based on the availability of Fire Department personnel. The class day and local weather conditions play a part in determining whether burning permits will be issued as well. The individual who signs the permit is legally responsible for the fire. They are required to make sure all safety precautions, and time frames are adhered to. The fire must be attended at all times. The person signing the permit is legally responsible for any damages or suppression costs resulting from the fire. On Saturdays and Sundays permits are available at the Fire & Rescue Station, from 9 AM to 11 AM. On weekdays permits may be obtained at the Fire & Rescue Station, after 9 AM, but are controlled by availability. So please plan, and call ahead. There is also a new method of obtaining burning permits. They may be obtained online at http://www.maine.gov/burnpermit/, however there is a $7 fee for a two day permit. For permits please contact: Durham Fire & Rescue 353-2473 Respectfully Submitted, William St. Michel Town Forest Warden 24 Fire, Rescue & EMA Report Responses 2014 Structure Chimney Fires Alarms Total Forestry Unattended Burns Smoke Grass Woods Totals Total Fire Department Responses Total Rescue Responses 3 8 9 20 Vehicle Accidents Extrication Fires Total 31 5 3 39 2 4 2 2 10 Other Wires Down Mutual Aid Public Assist Hazmat Total 10 29 8 9 56 125 207 25 Emergency Number 9-1-1 Road Commissioner Report Yet another historical year for Durham, operating with our first Public Works Department. As I am writing this we are in the midst of unprecedented snowfall. Our new crew has performed extremely well especially given the fact that they have worked several weeks in excess of eighty hours with a couple one hundred hour weeks. I cannot emphasize the toll this takes on an individual both physically and emotionally. Being a new crew with some members that have not plowed in the municipal sense, hats off to the crew. Obviously as most know we had an extremely busy year. everything from getting the new crew oriented to setting up the facility was time consuming. Something that sounds as simple as buying tools took a large amount of time in order to ensure we got the best value for the Town. Aside from all the facility, shop and equipment related projects we also did a fairly large amount of work around Town (not an all-inclusive list). Slightly over 6,000 linear feet of ditching -Davis Rd -Woodland Rd -Durham Rd -Collins Way -Mill Pond Rd -Snow Rd In excess of 20 days placing cold patch – over 120 ton hand placed 4 days sweeping and removing winter sand from subdivisions / intersections Crack sealing, completed with a crew of employees from Durham and Pownal Placed estimated 800 ton cold mix w/ assistance from Pownal -Bowie Hill -Davis -Old Brunswick All gravel roads graded approximately 3x Dust control placed on gravel roads With the historical winter we have had I would like to share some statistics. As of February 11, 2015: 29 treatable events compared to 25 last season for the same time period, we generally plan on 30. 86” of snow compared to 53” last season for the same time period. As of the writing of this if we receive 6 more inches of snow we will have surpassed annual snowfall for the past 5 seasons As of February 11, 2015 we had expended $195,872.00 on winter roads. This number includes all materials, all fuel, all compensation, all utilities and all fleet maintenance. It can be argued that the total of all of the above items for this time period, with the exception of materials, are not all specifically related to winter roads. If we break this total down to dollars per mile, as of this date, the total is $2798.00 per mile, I do expect this to be in the $3500.00 range when we calculate the entire season. For comparison purposes the last year of our last snow removal contract was $9870.00 per mile. Respectfully Shawn Bennett, Road Commissioner 26 BOARD OF ASSESSOR’S REPORT Ext. 13 All of the above exemptions require a completed application and may be require additional information to support the claim for exemption. All applications must be submitted to the Town Office no later than April 1st to be considered for the current tax year, Property Tax Fairness Credit The State of Maine also offers a Property Tax Fairness Credit. Eligible Maine taxpayers may receive a portion of the property tax or rent paid during the tax year on the Maine individual income tax return whether they owe Maine income tax or not. To claim the credit, file Form 1040ME and Schedule PTFC for the tax year during which the property tax or rent was paid. For more information call 207-626-8475 or visit http://www.maine.gov/revenue/taxrelief/ptfcsummary.htm. Current Use Programs The State of Maine offers the following “current use programs” which give the property owner a reduction in their assessed value. Applications for these programs are available at the Town Office or at the Maine Revenue Services web site and must be filed on or before April 1st of the current tax year. In order to be eligible each program has certain criteria that must be met and any change in use of the land warrants withdrawal from the program and a penalty assessed. Tree Growth Farm Land Open Space 27 CODE ENFORCEMENT The Code Enforcement Office has multiple duties to administer in Durham. Along with administration of the Maine Unified Building and Energy Codes the position is also charged with complaint response, plumbing inspections , electrical inspections as well as interpretation of the ordinances ,rules and laws under which a particular community functions and is the E911 addressing officer. The Code Official has been assigned the task of joining in at Planning Board meetings on a monthly basis to offer technical assistance. Durham has been progressive in its forward thinking towards land use, trying to balance future development and the rural character of the entire community. Type of Permit Buiding Electrical Plumbing Number of Permits Issued 44 36 29 The Durham Code Officer is Paul Baines and his hours are Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Thursday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Telecommunications Report In 2014 over sixty meetings were broadcast, recorded and scheduled for rebroadcast. These included Selectmen, Planning Board, Budget Committee as well as all other public meetings were shown on the Durham channel allowing the public to be better informed of issues facing them in the local community. Also all public meetings are online so that citizens can view meetings whenever they want by using this link: http://durhamtown.pegcentral.com/. This On-Demand recording is also indexed for quick viewing of selected issues saving time for viewers. The webpage continues to be updated and has most of the forms needed for conducting business with the town available for downloading, links to State of Maine online services are there as well as ordinances, and up to date activities and meetings calendar. The weekly News Blast, reaching over 550 subscribers, carries recent posts and announcements, upcoming events and meetings. If you haven't already done so, please sign up for this feature. If you would like to volunteer to help run the station or join the Telecommunication committee or just have any ideas for changes, additions, shows, or better ways to serve the community, please contact John Ricker at the town office at 353-2561 ex.16 All of these changes and additions have not incurred any cost to the Durham taxpayers. The Franchise Fee that Comcast cable pays to the Town of Durham funds the Telecommunications' budget. 28 Town of Durham Animal Control 2014 Animal Welfare Complaints Call Reason Animal Related Issues Animal, Missing Cat Complaint Cruelty Complaint Dog Bite Dog, Barking Dangerous Dog Loose Dog Injured Animals Rabies Wildlife Assist Other Agency Total Complaints 2014 Total 13 11 1 2 2 0 0 30 0 0 7 3 69 The Town of Durham has a service agreement with the Town of Lisbon to provide animal control services. Recognizing that the Town of Durham has the responsibility to provide animal control services within the municipality, it is the purpose of the Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions under which those services will be provided. The Town of Durham has a service agreement with the Coastal Humane Society to provide temporary shelter to stray animals. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey D. Cooper Humane Law Enforcement Division Lisbon Police Department Durham Eureka Community Center Dear Citizens The committee was honored to receive the 2013 Spirit of America Award for promoting community use and organizing two new programs at the Center that benefit the community. The Center now hosts weekly cribbage and biweekly couponing meetings, called Couponing for the Community. The Center is now used by both the Boys and Girl Scout groups. The Durham Historical Society meets at the Center during the winter months. The committee is pleased by the way all these groups do their part to keep the center clean and orderly. The rentals have increased but not as much as the committee would like. Upgrades and improvements are planned and should help. The committee has dropped their Harvest and Tree Sale fundraisers. We are planning on expanding the plant sale, making it a two day event. We are also planning an old fashion tea at the end of summer. The Fire Chief received a grant to put a generator at the Center so the building can be used as a warming center if needed. The committee although small, has many reliable volunteers that make the Center and the fundraisers successful. The Committee wants to thank them all. Respectfully submitted, The Durham Eureka Community Center Committee 29 Durham Conservation Commission Report 2014 During 2014, the Conservation Commission continued partnering with the Androscoggin Land Trust in maintaining the terms of the conservation easement for the River Park. Additionally, the Commission coordinated a River Park clean-up day with volunteers from Central Maine Orthopaedics on June 1st. Trails were cleared, flower beds cleaned and vegetation along the stone wall viewpoint was pruned back. In November, the Commission lost co-founder and longest serving member, John Ackerman. His efforts on behalf of open-space preservation conservation in Durham were second to none. He will be deeply missed. The Commission continued to support the Durham Community School sixth grade class with an annual donation towards the cost of sending our children to the University of Maine 4H Camp and Learning Center at Bryant Pond. Respectfully Submitted, Roberta Brezinski DCC Secretary Historic District Commission 2014 The Durham Historic Commission returned to meeting regularly in 2014-2015 and has begun a new review of its guiding ordinance. Commission members hope to propose ordinance revisions to make restrictions on homeowners in the district less onerous while still protecting the historic character of the Town’s Southwest Bend area. In addition, the commission members plan to embrace ordinance provisions encouraging work alongside the Durham Historical Society, as well as educational and outreach efforts focused on the historic district and other significant town properties. The commission in 2015 is for the first time requesting a small amount of funding for office supplies and other materials to support its more active approach and regular meeting schedule. The Durham Historic District Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Durham Town Office. Candace Decsipkes, Chair Benjamin Love, Vice Chair Seth Koenig, Secretary Joseph Donovick Paula Erdmann-Purdy 30 DURHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2014 The Durham Historical Society is charged with the preservation and repair of the Union Church/Old Town Hall and the West Durham Methodist Church. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. We are a very small group and welcome anyone interested in attending and sharing ideas. We have had another year of fundraising events – the Spring Art Show and Fall Quilt Show – with bakes sales. The Union Church houses a museum of local artifacts. To share these unique items with all, we held our summer open days, opening the Union Church/Old Town Hall one Saturday per month in the months of June, July and August. We also enjoy partnering with the Girl and Boy Scouts for some of their badge requirements. In 2014, we made some progress in addressing the preservation concerns of the Union Church building. Benjamin Love, owner of fully insured and registered Cairn Building and Renovation, LLC, has performed a site visit at the Union Church. An engineer also attended the meeting and the consensus is that the left side of the building has foundation and drainage issues that must be addressed in the near future and before any other interior or exterior work. In November I met with Ben Love and Chris Closs, Preservation Services Advisor, Greater Portland Region and Preservation Services Advisor, E. & N. Maine and W. & S. Maine Regions. Chris was able to assess inside and outside of the Union Church and the outside of the West Durham Methodist Church. No formal assessments have been received at this time but Chris was able to tell us that both buildings should not need new roofing for 7-10 years. The West Durham Methodist Church also has foundation issues that would be the first and most important repair for the preservation of that building. Tia Howe has created a Facebook page for the Durham Historical Society and tirelessly posts interesting historical facts and photos. https://www.facebook.com/durhammainehistoricalsociety Respectfully submitted, Rita Merrill DHS President and Secretary 31 2014 Cemetery Report As usual, at our first meeting we elected officers and renewed the mowing contract for our cemeteries. The entire front stone wall of Strout Cemetery on Rte. 9 was rebuilt and repaired. This was our major project for the year. The work was done by Yankee Yard Works and they did more work than expected at no additional charge to the Town. The Committee was very pleased with the results. All cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Town were inspected. Minor clean up was performed by Committee members and their families at four cemeteries. Two cemetery lots and one cremation lot were sold this year. Two of our members left the Committee for various reasons. Mark Rivers served for about ten years. He was a team player who had good suggestions. Beverly Koenig was a founding member of the Cemetery Committee and served approximately twenty years. Many years ago she visited every cemetery in Durham and copied the inscriptions from each grave. She also drew a map of the cemetery and the placement of the headstones. Nature has worn off many of these inscriptions and her notes are all that is left for history. We owe her a great deal. Thank you, Beverly. Tia Howe, one of our members, is following in Beverly's footsteps. Tia has taken a digital photograph of 98% of all the grave headstones in Durham. She plans to complete the project soon. You can see her work by visiting findagrave.com. The Committee would like to thank those individuals and groups who voluntarily help maintain our cemeteries. Your generous spirit and work is appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Phil Baker Linda Bowie, Vice-Chair Joe Donovick, Chair Jennifer Fitzpatrick Tia Howe Richard Thompson Before repairing the wall. 32 33 34 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 To: Shannon Plourde, a resident of the Town of Durham, Androscoggin County, State of Maine. Greetings: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Durham in said county and state, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at Durham Community School, 654 Hallowell Road, Durham, Maine on Friday, April 3, 2015 at 7:45 a.m., then and there to act upon Article 1 and by secret ballot on Article 2 as set out below. (Polls shall be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) And, to notify and warn said Inhabitants to assemble at Durham Community School on Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.; then and there to act upon Articles 3 through 45 as set out to wit: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2. To elect all municipal officers, RSU #5 Board of Directors, and budget committee members as are required to be elected. Saturday, April 4, 2015 Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Maine Moderator’s Manual Rule of Procedure, sixth edition, as the rules of order for this meeting. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from undesignated fund balance $1,297.66 to add to the 2014 Planning Board/Appeals budget to fund unanticipated expenses due to workshops for ordinance review and training. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from undesignated fund balance $12.00 to add to the 2014 Parks and Recreation budget. Article 6. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Administration Expenses. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 327,893. Transfer $80,484 from designated funds (Telecommunications $2,200;Building permits $2,618; Electrical permits $1,750; Plumbing permits $3,169; Delinquent Tax Interest $32,327; Vehicle registrations $14,223; Tax Exempt reimbursement $16,001; Town Clerk fees $6,349; Miscellaneous revenues $1,847) and raise $247,409. Article 7. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Town Hall Capital Projects. Selectmen and Budget Committee makes no recommendation due to a current lack of information 35 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Article 8. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Animal Control. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 14,172. Transfer $501 from designated fund balance (Animal Control $501) and raise $13,671. Article 9. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Assessing. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $19,950 Raise $19,950. Article 10. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Cemeteries. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $4,070 Raise $4,070. Article 11. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Conservation. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $2,150. Transfer $2,150 from designated fund balance (Recreation Fund $2,150) Article 12. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Social and Community Service Agencies. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $3,000 Raise $3,000 Community Concepts Western Maine Transportation LACO Androscoggin Home Health Seniors Plus Lifeflight Article 13. $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Eureka Community Center. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 4,854 Transfer $1,915 from designated fund balance (Eureka Rentals $1,915) and raise $2,939. Article 14. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Eureka Community Center Capital Projects. 36 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Selectmen Recommend: $ 2,000 Transfer $2,000 from designated fund balance (Eureka Fundraising $2,000). Budget Committee Recommend: $ 1,500 Transfer $1,500 from designated fund balance (Eureka Fundraising $1,500). Article 15. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Durham Fire and Rescue Operating Budget. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $292, 860 Raise $292,860 Article 16. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Fire and Rescue Capital Improvement Account. Selectmen Recommend: $50,000 Raise $ 50,000 Budget Committee Recommend: $40,000 Raise $ 40,000 Article 17. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Fire and Rescue Capital Improvement Projects. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 3,000 Transfer from Fire Capital Improvement Fund $3,000. Article 18. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for the annual loan payment for the Fire Station (Payment 4 of 5 re-finance ) Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 39,510 Transfer from Fire Capital Improvement Fund $39,510. Article 19. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for the annual bond payment for the Quint Ladder Fire Truck (Payment 2 of 6) Selectmen And Budget Committee Recommend: $ 33,004 Transfer from Fire Capital Improvement Fund $33,004. Article 20. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for General Assistance. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 5,000 Raise $5,000. Article 21. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for The Historical Society for restoration of the Union Church. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ -037 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Article 22. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Parks and Recreation. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $12,907 Transfer $12,907 from Designated Fund Balance (State Park Fees $2,907, Recreation Fund $10,000) Article 23. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Planning Board/Appeals. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $14,190 Transfer $750 from Designated Fund Balance (Planning/Appeals applications $750), Raise $13,440 Article 24. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Public Works. Selectmen Recommend: $1,031,798 Transfer $785,314 from Designated Fund Balance (URIP $53,364, Auto Excise $731,950) and Raise $246,484. Budget Committee Recommend: $1,027,198 Transfer $785,314 from Designated Fund Balance (URIP $53,364, Auto Excise $731,950) and Raise $241,884. Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to create a Public Works Capital Reserve Fund. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to automatically transfer all unexpended Public Works Operating Funds as of year-end into the Public Works Capital Reserve Fund. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate all excess Public Works (Roads) Operating Budget Funds from the Calendar Year 2014 and transfer these funds to the newly created Public Works Capital Reserve Fund. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 96,466 Transfer $96,466 from Undesignated Fund Balance. Article 28. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for the annual bond payment for the Public Works Equipment Bond (Payment 1 of 10) Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 141,524 Raise $141,524. 38 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Article 29. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for the annual bond payment for the Public Works Building Bond (Payment 1 of 10) Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $ 91,120 Article 30. Raise $91,120. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Solid Waste. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $191,825 Transfer $14,308 from Designated Fund Balance (Solid Waste Tags $14,308), and Raise $177,517. Article 31. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and/or appropriate for Telecommunications. Selectmen and Budget Committee Recommend: $28,659 Transfer $28,659 from Designated Fund Balance (Franchise Fees $28,659) Article 32. To see if the town will vote to increase the maximum property tax levy limit established by State law, in the event that the municipal budget approved at this town meeting results in a tax commitment in excess of the maximum property tax levy otherwise allowable. (Note: This article requires a written ballot) Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to Amend the Town of Durham Historic District Ordinance to add to the Historic District Commission membership two (2) associate members. The Ordinance will now read: Article II Historic District Commission 3. Establishment; membership; terms; bylaws; expenditures. A. An Historic District Commission, whose members shall be appointed by the Town Selectmen, is hereby established. B. The Commission shall consist of five (5) members, as well as two (2) associate members, who shall be residents of the Town. Appointments shall be made on the basis of demonstrated interest, ability, experience and desire to promote historic preservation in the Town, State or Nation, within the meaning of Section -1 of this ordinance. As far as possible, the membership should include professionals in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archaeology, urban design or other related fields or if no professionals are available, persons with training or an interest in such subjects; a builder and at least three (3) owners of property within the Historic District. Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town Way, Sand Hill Drive (Phase II) as associated with the subdivision plan of Sylvester Woods. 39 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town Way, Sand Hill Drive (Phase II) as associated with the subdivision plan of Sylvester Woods. Article 35. To see if the Town will authorize the selectmen to explore other means of voting in the Town Budget Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, after public hearing to seek, accept and disburse grant funds from private, state or federal agencies, for the purpose so designated in each specific grant. Article 37. To see what action the Town will take in regard to fixing interest on delinquent taxes and establishing a date for interest to start. Taxes to be due when committed. Interest to start on all unpaid taxes thirty days from the date of commitment. The interest rate on delinquent taxes shall be 7 % per annum. Article 38. To see if the Town will vote to leave the appointment of standing committee members and minor officials in the hands of the Board of Selectmen. Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to dispose of any town owned property which they determine is no longer needed or useable by the town, on such terms as they deem advisable. Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to sell and dispose of any real estate acquired by the Town for non-payment of real estate taxes thereon, on such terms as they deem advisable and to execute quit-claim deeds thereon. Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to set the interest rate to be paid by the Town on abated taxes at 3 % pursuant to 36 MRSA § 506. Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Tax Collector or Treasurer to accept prepay ments of taxes not yet committed pursuant to 36 MRSA § 506. Article 43. To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to resolve any disputes with parties having an interest adverse to that of the Town which do not involve the expenditure of public funds or where there are sufficient funds in budgeted accounts to allow payment of any claim which is to be settled. Article 44. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to spend an amount not to exceed four twelfths of the budget amount in each category of the Town of Durham annual budget during the period from January 1, 2016 to the close of annual town meeting held in April 2016. Article 45. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer and Administrative Assistant to borrow money on notes countersigned by at least three Selectmen, to pay for the operating costs of the Town. 40 Town of Durham Annual Town Meeting Warrant 2015 Given under our hands this 3rd day of March, 2015 Board of Selectmen _______/s/_________________________________ Jeffrey Wakeman ______/s/__________________________________ Sarah Hall _____/s/___________________________________ Mark Blake _____/s/___________________________________ Joshua Libby _____/s/___________________________________ Michael Stewart THIS AREA IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FOR YOUR NOTES: 41 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FOR YOUR NOTES: 42 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Table of Contents Statement Page(s) Independent Auditor's Report 1-3 Management’s Discussion and Analysis 4-8 Basic Financial Statements: Government-wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Position Statement of Activities Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis - General Fund Statement of Fiduciary Net Position - Fiduciary Funds Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position - Fiduciary Funds 1 2 9 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 7 8 14 15 16 Notes to Basic Financial Statements Combining and Individual Fund Financial Statements and Schedules: General Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis Private-purpose Trust Funds: Combining Statement of Net Position Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position 17-26 Exhibit A-1 27 A-2 28-30 B-1 B-2 31 32 Certified Public Accountants and Business Consultants Independent Auditor's Report Board of Selectmen Town of Durham, Maine: Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Durham, Maine, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Town of Durham, Maine’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Board of Selectmen Page 2 Opinions In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Durham, Maine, as of December 31, 2014, and respective changes in financial position and the budgetary comparison for the General Fund for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management’s discussion and analysis, as listed in the table of contents, be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Other Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Town of Durham, Maine’s basic financial statements. The combining and individual fund financial statements are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The combining and individual fund financial statements are the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the combining and individual fund financial statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole. Board of Selectmen Page 3 Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated February 27, 2015, on our consideration of the Town of Durham, Maine’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Town of Durham, Maine’s internal control over financial reporting and compliance. February 27, 2015 South Portland, Maine TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Management’s Discussion and Analysis For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Introduction As the Administrative Assistant of the Town of Durham, I am pleased to provide a Management Discussion and Analysis as part of our annual financial statements. The financial statements contained herein show all of the governmental and fiduciary funds of the Town of Durham. The total assets for all governmental activity equal $8,322,735. The total net position is $4,121,474. Net position includes $1,583,952 net investment in capital assets, $4,215 in restricted net position and $2,533,307 in unrestricted net position. For the reporting period, the Town had an increase in the fund balance for total governmental funds (from statement 4) of $335,854. The Town’s General Fund unassigned fund balance increased by $316,946. The Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities These statements provide an overview of the government as a whole. All of the current year’s revenues are taken into account, regardless of when cash is received. The Statement of Net Position provides a picture of the difference between assets (including infrastructure) and liabilities. This is called Net Position. The Statement of Activities provides a look at how the net position has changed from the prior year to the current year. In most years, increases or decreases in net position can show whether the Town is improving or deteriorating. Other factors need to be considered, such as changes in the Town’s property tax base and the condition of the roads, to assess the overall health of the Town. In the Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities, only one type of activity is presented: Governmental Activities – Most of the Town’s basic services are reported here, including the General Government, Public Safety, Public Works, Health, Sanitation and Welfare, Recreation, Education and Libraries. Property taxes, intergovernmental revenue (primarily revenues from the State of Maine), and user fees finance most of these activities. Fund Financial Statements The Fund Financial Statements provide details of the Town’s most significant funds - not the Town as a whole. The Town has one kind of fund - governmental, which uses the following accounting methods: Governmental Funds – Most of the Town’s basic services are reported in governmental funds, which focus on how money flows into and out of those funds and the balances left at year-end that are available for spending. These funds are reported using an accounting method called modified accrual accounting, which measures cash and all other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view of the Town’s general government operations and the basic services it provides. Governmental fund information helps you determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the Town’s programs. 4 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Continued The Town as Trustee Reporting the Town’s Fiduciary Responsibilities The Town is the trustee, or fiduciary, for trust funds. These assets, because of a trust arrangement, can be used only for the trust beneficiaries. All of the Town’s fiduciary activities are reported in the separate Statement of Fiduciary Net Position and Changes in Fiduciary Net Position. We exclude these activities from the Town’s other financial statements because the Town cannot use these assets to finance its operations. The Town is responsible for ensuring that the assets reported in these funds are used for their intended purposes. Comparison of Information from Current Year and Prior Year Reporting the Town as a Whole The following is a condensed version of the Statement of Net Position with comparative data for the previous year. Net position serves as a useful indicator of the Town’s financial position over time. For 2014 and 2013, RSU #5 debt service payments are shown as receivables under the current and other assets. Governmental Activities 2014 2013 4,451,549 3,871,186 8,322,735 4,245,175 1,881,301 6,126,476 206,374 1,989,885 2,196,259 4.86% 105.77% 35.85% Long-term debt outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 4,135,545 65,716 4,201,261 2,051,521 57,760 2,109,281 2,084,024 7,956 2,091,980 101.58% 13.77% 99.18% Net investment in capital assets Restricted Unrestricted Total net position 1,583,952 4,215 2,533,307 4,121,474 1,771,140 4,237 2,241,818 4,017,195 (187,188) (22) 291,489 104,279 -10.57% -0.52% 13.00% 2.60% Current and other assets Capital assets, net Total assets $ $ $ Change % Change Fifty-nine percent (59%) of the Town’s net position is unrestricted and may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. $1,583,952 is invested in capital assets, net of related debt and the remaining $4,215 (Home Heat Assistance Fund) represents a resource that is subject to external restrictions on how it may be used. 5 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Continued Changes in Net Position The following is a condensed version of the Statement of Activities. Governmental Activities 2014 2013 REVENUES Program Revenues: Charges for services $ Operating grants and contributions General Revenues: Property taxes Interest and costs on taxes Excise taxes Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs: State revenue sharing Homestead and BETE exemption Other Unrestricted investment earnings Miscellaneous 137,554 64,533 125,330 131,098 5,550,077 32,327 736,766 4,939,837 29,876 700,896 133,644 77,550 16,001 2,571 4,484 Total revenues Total expenses EXPENSES General government Public safety Highways and bridges Public works Solid waste disposal Education County tax Unclassified Capital outlay Change in net position $ $ Change % Change 12,224 (66,565) 9.75% (50.77%) 610,240 2,451 35,870 12.35% 8.20% 5.12% 186,125 64,404 7,959 253 6,804 (52,481) 13,146 8,042 2,318 (2,320) (28.20%) 20.41% 101.04% 916.21% (34.10%) 6,755,507 6,192,582 562,925 380,947 314,833 1,107,294 44,049 193,375 4,056,699 369,750 87,886 96,395 6,651,228 427,926 293,187 1,277,228 197,166 3,663,587 364,386 139,237 6,362,717 (46,979) 21,646 (169,934) 44,049 (3,791) 393,112 5,364 (51,351) 96,395 288,511 (1.92%) 10.73% 1.47% (36.88%) 100.00% 4.53% 104,279 (170,135) 274,414 (161.29%) 9.09% (10.98%) 7.38% (13.30%) Analysis of Overall Financial Position and Results of Operations The Statement of Activities indicates that the total revenues exceeded expenses by $104,279 (2.6% increase) compared to expenses exceeding revenues $170,135 (4.06% decrease) in the year 2013. The tax commitment for 2014 included a 2.3% overlay. The Town utilized the Cemetery Trust Fund to offset the budget appropriation. Revenues by Major Source Property and other taxes amounted to 93.1% of revenue in FY 2014. This compares to 91.1% in FY 2013. 6 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Continued Investment income increased from $253 to $2,571. Overall, revenues were up $562,925 or 9.1%. The total increase in revenue from taxes this past year was $646,110 or 11.5%. Expenses Total expenses increased by $288,511 or 4.5%. This moderate increase was due to more spending for schools and capital outlay coupled with less spending for highways and bridges. General Fund Budgetary Highlights The Town does not budget the use of current year revenues, but utilizes revenues from the prior year, and raises the remainder through property taxes. As shown in Statement 6, actual revenues exceeded budgeted by $109,688 and actual expenditures were under appropriations by $406,235. General Government was under spent $26,150. This was due in part to Town Administrator Janet Smith leaving Durham to become Town Manager in Richmond. The roads budget was under spent by $96,467. Factors in this amount include monies left over in paving which were too small to begin a new project and keeping the full time public works force at four (4) employees instead of the five (5) originally discussed. The original budget for the year 2014 was $2,350,825. County Tax Assessment ($369,750) and RSU #5 Assessment for the 2014 calendar year ($4,056,699) are part of the Tax Commitment and therefore not reflected in the original budget. The only adjustments to the original budget in FY 2014 were for capital outlays and related bond proceeds in the amount of $2,308,236; $4,000 in heating assistance funds; and $4,614 in grant funds. Capital Assets The Town undertook several road projects that were capital in nature, yet none of the projects were capitalized as they fell under the capitalization threshold for the Town. The Town placed an estimated 800 tons of cold mix with assistance from Pownal on Bowie Hill, Davis Road and Old Brunswick Road; all gravel roads were graded approximately three times; and slightly over 6,000 linear feet of ditching was completed on Davis Road, Woodland Road, Durham Road, Collins Way, Mill Pond Road and Snow Road. Long-term Debt Activity In the early part of the past decade, the Town completed an addition to the Fire and Rescue Station, approved upgrades to the Durham Community School, and became a member of the Regional School Unit #5. In 2014, the Town entered into three approved bonds. One of the bonds was issued for a Quint (Ladder) Fire Truck, while the other two bonds were issued to purchase equipment and a building for our new Public Works Department. Net bonded debt as of December 31, 2014 stood at $4,135,545. This equated to 1.2475% of assessed value and to $609 net bonded debt per capita (excluding education-related debt). The ratio of debt service to general governmental expenditures was .92% on December 31, 2014; compared to .63% on December 31, 2013 (excluding educationrelated debt). 7 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Continued Looking Forward In 2013, the townspeople voted to create a Public Works Department. In 2014, this became a reality. The Town purchased the land and buildings at 1099 Royalsborough Road, seven (7) plow trucks, two (2) pickups, three (3) pieces of heavy equipment, a trailer and various tools. The Town will need to create a schedule to replace the trucks and equipment over time. The Town of Freeport voted not to withdraw from RSU #5. RSU #5 is going forward with plans to renovate the Freeport High School. The Board of Selectmen voted to accept the draft budget on February 10th, 2015. The initial budget shows a 5.47% ($120,721) increase over last year’s budget. The Board of Selectmen is not recommending any unassigned fund balance be utilized this year to offset taxes as the balance is still below standards. Contacting the Town’s Financial Management This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, investors and creditors with a general overview of the Town’s finances and to show the Town’s accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the Administrative Assistant at the Durham Town Office, 630 Hallowell Road, Durham, Maine 04222 or (207) 353-2561. 8 Statement 1 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Net Position December 31, 2014 Governmental Activities ASSETS Cash Receivables: Taxes Liens RSU #5 debt service payments Amount held by bond trustees Nondepreciable capital assets Depreciable capital assets, net $ 2,193,284 312,507 97,447 1,792,525 55,786 246,332 3,624,854 Total assets 8,322,735 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued wages Accrued interest Accrued compensated absences Taxes paid in advance Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year Due in more than one year 1,351 10,995 38,043 12,097 3,230 368,279 3,767,266 Total liabilities 4,201,261 NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets Restricted - donations Unrestricted 1,583,952 4,215 2,533,307 Total net position $ 4,121,474 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 9 Statement 2 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Activities For the year ended December 31, 2014 Functions/programs Expenses Primary government: Governmental activities: General government $ Public safety Highways and bridges Public works Solid waste disposal Education County tax Unclassified Capital outlay Total governmental activities Total primary government $ Program Revenues Operating Capital Charges for grants and grants and services contributions contributions Net (expense) revenue and changes in net position Primary Government Governmental activities 380,947 314,833 1,107,294 44,049 193,375 4,056,699 369,750 87,886 96,395 6,651,228 68,098 52,241 14,308 2,907 137,554 4,555 4,614 53,364 2,000 64,533 - (308,294) (257,978) (1,053,930) (44,049) (179,067) (4,056,699) (369,750) (82,979) (96,395) (6,449,141) 6,651,228 137,554 64,533 - (6,449,141) General revenues: Property taxes Interest and costs on taxes Excise taxes Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs: State Revenue Sharing Homestead & BETE exemption Other Unrestricted investment earnings Miscellaneous Total general revenues Change in net position Net position - beginning Net position - ending 5,550,077 32,327 736,766 133,644 77,550 16,001 2,571 4,484 6,553,420 104,279 4,017,195 $ 4,121,474 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 10 Statement 3 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Balance Sheet Governmental Funds December 31, 2014 General Fund ASSETS Cash Receivables: Taxes receivable Tax liens Amounts held by bond trustees RSU #5 debt service payments $ 2,193,284 312,507 97,447 55,786 1,792,525 Total assets 4,451,549 LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued wages Taxes paid in advance Total liabilities Deferred Inflows of Resources: Unavailable revenue - property taxes Unavailable revenue - RSU #5 debt service payments Total deferred inflow of resources 1,351 10,995 3,230 15,576 364,000 1,792,525 2,156,525 Fund Balances: Restricted Assigned Unassigned Total fund balances 4,215 1,391,881 883,352 2,279,448 Total liabilities, deferred inflow of resources, and fund balance 4,451,549 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net position are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in the funds. Other long-term assets are not available to pay for current period expenditures and, therefore, are unavailable in the funds. Long-term liabilities, including bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore, are not reported in the funds. Bonds payable Accrued compensated absences Accrued interest Net position of governmental activities 11 3,871,186 2,156,525 (4,135,545) (12,097) (38,043) $ 4,121,474 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. Statement 4 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the year ended December 31, 2014 General Fund Revenues: Property taxes Excise taxes Intergovernmental revenues Interest Other revenues Total revenues $ Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Highways and bridges Solid waste disposal Education County tax Unclassified Capital outlay Total expenditures 5,510,077 736,766 285,728 34,898 148,038 6,715,507 357,823 342,715 1,081,057 193,375 4,056,699 369,750 62,947 2,223,523 8,687,889 Deficiency of revenues under expenditures (1,972,382) Other financing sources: Bond proceeds Total other financing sources 2,308,236 2,308,236 Net change in fund balance 335,854 Fund balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year 1,943,594 $ 2,279,448 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 12 Statement 5 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities For the year ended December 31, 2014 Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds (from Statement 4) $ 335,854 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities (Statement 2) are different because: Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives as depreciation expense. This is the amount by which capital outlay ($2,127,128) exceeded depreciation expense ($137,243) in the current period. Some expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in the governmental funds. This is the change in accrued interest ($24,939) and accrued compensated absences ($3,662). Bond and lease proceeds provide current financial resources to governmental funds, but issuing debt increases long-term liabilities in the statement of net position. Repayment of bond principal is an expenditure in the governmental funds, but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the statement of net position. This is the amount by which bond proceeds ($2,308,236) exceeded bond repayments ($224,212) in the current period. The Town has bonds that were originally issued for School purposes. These amounts will be funded by Regional School Unit #5 when the debt service payments are due. The Town has recorded a long-term receivable for the amount that will be paid by the School Unit for these bonds. The amount of the receivable at year-end was $1,792,525 with principal amounts paid off during the year totaling $148,835. 1,989,885 (28,601) (2,084,024) (148,835) Change in net position of governmental activities (see Statement 2) $ 104,279 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 13 Statement 6 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis - General Fund For the year ended December 31, 2014 Revenues: Taxes Intergovernmental revenues Interest Other revenues Total revenues $ Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Highways and bridges Solid waste disposal Education County tax Unclassified Capital outlay Total expenditures Variance with final budget positive (negative) Original Budget Final Budget Actual 6,245,763 317,892 33,550 6,597,205 6,245,763 322,506 37,550 6,605,819 6,246,843 285,728 34,898 148,038 6,715,507 1,080 (36,778) 34,898 110,488 109,688 383,973 377,735 1,177,524 195,892 4,056,699 369,750 215,701 6,777,274 383,973 377,735 1,177,524 195,892 4,056,699 369,750 224,315 2,308,236 9,094,124 357,823 342,715 1,081,057 193,375 4,056,699 369,750 62,947 2,223,523 8,687,889 26,150 35,020 96,467 2,517 161,368 84,713 406,235 Deficiency of revenues under expenditures (180,069) (2,488,305) (1,972,382) 515,923 Other financing sources: Bond proceeds Budgeted use of carryforward balance Utilization of prior year surplus Total other financing sources 100,559 79,510 180,069 2,308,236 100,559 79,510 2,488,305 2,308,236 2,308,236 (100,559) (79,510) (180,069) Net change in fund balance - Fund balance, beginning of year - 335,854 335,854 1,943,594 Fund balance, end of year $ 2,279,448 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 14 Statement 7 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Fiduciary Net Position Fiduciary Funds December 31, 2014 Private-purpose Trusts ASSETS Cash $ Total assets 92,590 92,590 NET POSITION Held in trust 92,590 Total net position $ 92,590 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 15 Statement 8 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position Fiduciary Funds For the year ended December 31, 2014 Private-purpose Trusts ADDITIONS Investment earnings: Interest Total additions $ 47 47 DEDUCTIONS Transfers to General Fund Trust expenses Total deductions 2,000 1,000 3,000 Change in net position (2,953) Net position - beginning of year Net position - end of year 95,543 $ 92,590 See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements. 16 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the Town of Durham, Maine conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as applicable to governmental units. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. A. Description of Government-wide financial statements The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net position and the statement of activities) report information on all of the nonfiduciary activities of the Town. All fiduciary activities are reported only in the fund financial statements. Governmental activities, which normally are supported by taxes, intergovernmental revenues, and other nonexchange transactions, are reported separately from business-type activities, which rely to a significant extent on fees and charges to external customers for support. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment is offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. The Town has elected not to allocate indirect costs among the programs, functions and segments. Program revenues include 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported as general revenues. B. Reporting Entity In evaluating how to define the reporting entity, for financial reporting purposes, management has considered all potential component units. The decision to include a potential component unit is made by applying the criteria set forth in GAAP which defines the reporting entity as the primary government and those component units for which the primary government is financially accountable. Financial accountability is defined as appointment of a voting majority of the component unit's board, and either a) the ability to impose will by the primary government, or b) the possibility that the component unit will provide a financial benefit to or impose a financial burden on the primary government. Application of this criterion and determination of type of presentation involves considering whether the activity benefits the government and/or its citizens, or whether the activity is conducted within the geographic boundaries of the government and is generally available to its citizens. Based upon the application of these criteria, there were no potential component units required to be included in this report. C. Basis of Presentation – Financial Statements While separate government-wide and fund financial statements are represented, they are interrelated. The governmental activities column incorporates data from governmental funds. For the most part, the effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. D. Basis of Presentation – Fund Financial Statements Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds and fiduciary funds, even though the latter are excluded from the government-wide financial statements. Major individual governmental funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. 17 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED The Town reports the following major governmental fund: The General Fund is the Town’s primary operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Additionally, the Town reports the following fund type: Fiduciary funds account for assets held by the Town in a trustee capacity or as an agent on behalf of others. The Town’s fiduciary funds include the following fund type: Private-purpose trust funds are used to report trust arrangements under which principal and income benefit individuals, private organizations, or other governments. E. Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting The government-wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the fiduciary fund financial statements. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the government considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as certain compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when the payment is due. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, interest, and charges for services. Other receipts and taxes become measurable and available when cash is received by the Town and are recognized as revenue at that time. Entitlements and shared revenues are recorded at the time of receipt or earlier if the susceptible to accrual criteria are met. Expenditure-driven grants are recognized as revenue when the qualifying expenditures have been incurred and all other grant requirements have been met. Amounts reported as program revenues on the Statement of Activities include 1) charges to customers or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided, 2) operating grants and contributions, and 3) capital grants and contributions, including special assessments. Internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenues rather than as program revenues. Likewise, general revenues include all taxes. F. Cash and Investments The Town considers all highly liquid investments with an initial maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. 18 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED G. Capital Assets Capital assets, which include property, plant, and equipment, are reported in the governmental activities column in the government-wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the Town as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $5,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. The costs of normal repairs and maintenance that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets lives are not capitalized. Major outlays for capital assets and improvements are capitalized as projects are constructed. Interest incurred during the construction phase of capital assets, if material, is included as part of the capitalized value of the assets constructed. Property, plant, and equipment of the primary government are depreciated using the straight-line method over the assets' estimated useful lives ranging from 5 to 50 years. H. Deferred Inflows of Resources In addition to liabilities, the balance sheet will sometimes report a separate section for deferred inflows of resources. This separate financial statement element, deferred inflows of resources, represents an acquisition of net position that applies to a future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an inflow of resources (revenue) until that time. The government has two types of items, which arise under a modified accrual basis of accounting that qualify for reporting in this category. They are unavailable revenue from property taxes and unavailable revenue from Regional School Unit #5 debt service payments, which are reported only in the governmental funds balance sheet. These amounts are deferred and recognized as an inflow of resources in the period that the amounts become available. I. Compensated Absences Under the terms of personnel policies, vacation and sick leave are granted in varying amounts according to length of service. The Town accrues accumulated vacation leave and vested sick leave. Accumulated vacation and sick time has been recorded in the Statement of Net Position for the governmental activities, if material to the financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only if they have matured, for example, as a result of employee resignations and retirements. 19 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED J. Long-term Obligations In the government-wide financial statements, long-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the statement of net position. Bond premiums and discounts are capitalized and amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-line method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, whether or not withheld from the actual debt proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. K. Use of Estimates Preparation of the Town’s financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent items at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses/expenditures during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. L. Comparative Data/Reclassifications Comparative data for the prior year have been presented only for certain funds in the fund financial statements in order to provide an understanding of the changes in the financial position and operations of these funds. Also, certain amounts presented in the prior year data have been reclassified in order to be consistent with the current year’s presentation. M. Fund Balance/Net Position Governmental Fund fund balance is reported in five classifications that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which the Town is bound to honor constraints on the specific purposes for which those funds can be spent. The five classifications of fund balance for the Governmental Funds are as follows: Nonspendable – resources which cannot be spent because they are either a) not in spendable form or; b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted – resources with constraints placed on the use of resources which are either a) externally imposed by creditors (such as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors or laws or regulations of other governments or; b) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Committed – resources which are subject to limitations the government imposes on itself at its highest level of decision making authority, and that remain binding unless removed in the same manner. Assigned – resources that are constrained by the government’s intent to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed. Unassigned – resources which have not been assigned to other funds and that has not been restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the General Fund. The General Fund should be the only fund that reports a positive unassigned fund balance amount. 20 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED The Voters have the responsibility for committing fund balance amounts and likewise would be required to modify or rescind those commitments. For assigned fund balance amounts, the Board of Selectmen has been authorized by Charter/Policy to assign unspent budgeted amounts to specific purposes in the General Fund at year end based on Department requests. The Town does not have a formal fund balance policy. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Town’s policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as they are needed. When committed, assigned and unassigned resources are available for use, it is the Town’s policy to use committed or assigned resources first, and then unassigned resources as they are needed. STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, AND ACCOUNTABILITY The Town utilizes a formal budgetary accounting system to control operations accounted for in the General Fund. This budget is established through the passage of a Town warrant at the annual Town meeting. It is prepared on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) except for certain appropriations, which are budgeted on a net basis. Under the net budget basis, certain revenues are not estimated but are credited to the particular appropriation account. The level of control (level at which expenditures may not exceed appropriations) is the warrant article. Generally, all unexpended budgetary accounts lapse at the close of the fiscal year with the exception of some non-lapsing accounts and ongoing projects which are carried forward to the next fiscal year. The original budget, as originally passed by the Town voters by article, has been amended to reflect the receipt and disbursement of grant funds, which were subsequently approved by the Board of Selectmen. DEPOSITS Custodial Credit Risk-Town Deposits: Custodial credit risk is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the Town’s deposits may not be returned to it. The Town does not have a deposit policy for custodial credit risk. As of December 31, 2014, the Town reported deposits of $2,285,874 with a bank balance of $2,353,811. Of the Town’s bank balances of $2,353,811, none was exposed to custodial credit risk as it was covered by FDIC or additional insurance. Deposits have been reported as follows: Reported in governmental funds Reported in fiduciary funds $ 2,193,284 92,590 Total deposits $ 2,285,874 21 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued PROPERTY TAX Property taxes for the current year were committed on June 17, 2014 on the assessed value listed as of the prior April 1 for all real and personal property located in the Town. Assessed values are periodically established by the Town's Assessor at 100% of assumed market value. The Town is permitted by the laws of the State of Maine to levy taxes up to 105% of its net budgeted expenditures for the related fiscal period. The amount raised in excess of 100% is referred to as overlay, and amounted to $153,662 for the year ended December 31, 2014. Tax liens are placed on real property within twelve months following the tax commitment date if taxes are delinquent. The Town has the authority to foreclose on property eighteen months after the filing of the lien if the tax liens and associated costs remain unpaid. Property taxes levied during the year were recorded as receivables at the time the levy was made. The receivables collected during the year and in the first sixty days following the end of the fiscal year have been recorded as revenues. The remaining receivables have been recorded as deferred revenues. The following summarizes the levy: Assessed value Tax rate (per $1,000) Commitment Supplemental taxes assessed Less: Collections and abatements Current year taxes receivable at end of year Due date Interest rate on delinquent taxes Collection rate 22 2014 $ 333,320,400 16.65 5,549,785 5,549,785 2013 330,113,800 14.95 4,935,201 4,636 4,939,837 5,264,640 4,698,244 $ 285,145 241,593 August 4, 2014 August 5, 2013 7.00% 94.86% 7.00% 95.20% TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued CAPITAL ASSETS Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2014 was as follows: Balance December 31, 2013 Governmental activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Total capital assets not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Land improvements Buildings and building improvements Infrastructure Vehicles and equipment Total capital assets being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Land improvements Buildings and building improvements Infrastructure Vehicles and equipment Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets being depreciated, net Governmental activities capital assets, net Balance December 31, Increases Decreases 2014 $ 136,700 136,700 109,632 109,632 - 246,332 246,332 11,771 868,178 886,601 1,007,136 2,773,686 805,245 1,212,251 2,017,496 104,192 104,192 11,771 1,673,423 886,601 2,115,195 4,686,990 588 295,755 153,118 579,624 1,029,085 294 16,408 22,165 98,376 137,243 104,192 104,192 882 312,163 175,283 573,808 1,062,136 1,774,601 1,880,253 - 3,624,854 $ 1,881,301 1,989,885 - 3,871,186 Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs of the primary government as follows: General government Public safety Public works Highways and bridges, including depreciation of infrastructure assets Total depreciation expense – governmental activities $ 19,462 47,495 44,049 26,237 $ 137,243 CHANGES IN LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Long-term liability activity for the year ended December 31, 2014 was as follows: Governmental activities: Bonds payable Governmental activity long-term liabilities Beginning balance Additions Reductions Ending balance Due within one year $ 2,051,521 2,308,236 224,212 4,135,545 368,279 $ 2,051,521 2,308,236 224,212 4,135,545 368,279 23 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued LONG-TERM DEBT Bonds and notes payable at December 31, 2014 are comprised of the following: Amount originally issued General obligation bonds 2014 public works property 2014 public works equipment 2014 Quint bond 2012 refinancing bond 2003 school projects 2009 school projects $ 975,000 1,150,000 183,236 182,250 600,000 2,176,696 Interest rate 4.55% 3.96% 2.23% 3.75% Varies Varies Final maturity date 2029 2024 2016 2016 2018 2029 Total Balance 975,000 1,150,000 143,236 74,784 160,000 1,632,525 $ 4,135,545 The annual requirements to amortize these loans are as follows: 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020-2024 2025-2029 Principal $ 368,279 365,429 334,107 341,235 288,394 1,494,490 943,611 Interest 156,246 148,217 136,276 125,672 114,120 394,142 135,708 Total 524,525 513,646 470,383 466,907 402,514 1,888,362 1,079,319 Totals $ 4,135,545 1,210,381 5,345,926 Long-term liabilities are liquidated by the General Fund. Interest expense totaling $4,131 has been included in public safety expenses in the Statement of Activities. STATUTORY DEBT LIMIT In accordance with Maine law, no municipality shall incur debt for specified purposes in excess of certain percentages of state valuation of such municipality. At December 31, 2014, the Town was in compliance with these limitations. 24 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued SHORT-TERM DEBT The Town issued a bond anticipation note to cover improvement and equipment costs before the related bonds were issued. Although the total value of the bond anticipation note authorized was $700,000, the Town only drew down and repaid $654,416 in principal. Bond anticipation note activity for the year ended June 30, 2014, was as follows: Bond anticipation notes $ Beginning balance Additions Reductions - 654,416 654,416 Ending balance Interest paid - FUND BALANCES At December 31, 2014, fund balances in the General Fund were assigned to future periods as follows: Resources assigned for future budgeted expenditures: Excise taxes State Municipal Revenue Sharing URIP Building permit fees Electrical permit fees Plumbing Permits Vehicle registration agent fees Delinquent tax interest Tax exemption reimbursements Town clerk fees Miscellaneous revenues Capital improvement reserve account Bridge account Animal control Solid waste Planning Perambulation Title searches Town office reserve Grant match Franchise fees State park fees Recreation Fire/rescue capital Old Home Days Emergency funds Eureka Rentals Eureka Capital Fundraising Eureka Center Telecommunications Total General Fund assigned fund balance 25 $ 731,950 76,779 53,364 2,618 1,750 3,169 14,223 32,327 16,002 6,350 1,848 35,192 98,248 501 14,308 750 5,300 9,900 37,809 17,359 65,336 2,907 22,718 123,012 509 6,953 1,915 7,784 1,000 $ 1,391,881 904 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Notes to Basic Financial Statements, Continued FUND BALANCES, CONTINUED In addition, the General Fund reported certain balances that were restricted by outside, third parties for their use as follows: Heating assistance donations Jackson – Tupper Memorial Fund $ 4,092 123 Total General Fund restricted fund balance $ 4,215 NET POSITION Net position represents the difference between assets and liabilities. The net investment in capital assets consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced by the outstanding balances of bonds and adding back any school-related debt for which the Town no longer has the assets. The Town’s net investment in capital assets was calculated as follows at December 31, 2014 Capital assets Accumulated depreciation Bonds payable Add back unspent bond proceeds Add back school related debt – assets transferred to RSU #5 Total invested in capital assets net of related debt $ 4,933,322 (1,062,136) (4,135,545) 55,786 1,792,525 $ 1,583,952 The school related debt has been added back in the calculation because the Town issued debt related to the new elementary school construction for the local share of debt. As required by the Reorganization Plan for the new Regional School Unit (RSU), the Town retains the obligation for this debt. However, the related assets were transferred to the RSU in accordance with the agreement. RISK MANAGEMENT The Town is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts, theft of, damage to and destruction of assets, errors and omissions, and natural disasters, for which the Town either carries commercial insurance, participates in a public entity pool, or is effectively self-insured. Currently, the Town participates in several public entity and selfinsured pools sponsored by the Maine Municipal Association. Based on the coverage provided by the pools, as well as coverage provided by commercial insurance purchased, the Town is not aware of any material actual or potential claim liabilities which should be recorded at December 31, 2014. 26 Exhibit A-1 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE General Fund Comparative Balance Sheets December 31, 2014 and 2013 2014 ASSETS Cash Receivables: Accounts Taxes receivable Tax liens Amount held by bond trustees RSU #5 debt service payments $ Total assets $ LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued wages Taxes paid in advance Interfund loan payable Total liabilities Deferred Inflows of Resources: Unavailable revenue - property taxes Unavailable revenue - RSU #5 debt service payments Total deferred inflows of resources Fund Balances: Restricted Assigned Unassigned Total fund balances Total liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances 27 $ 2013 2,193,284 1,939,091 312,507 97,447 55,786 1,792,525 355 269,933 94,436 1,941,360 4,451,549 4,245,175 1,351 10,995 3,230 15,576 8,216 5,480 1,202 21,323 36,221 364,000 1,792,525 2,156,525 324,000 1,941,360 2,265,360 4,215 1,391,881 883,352 2,279,448 4,237 1,372,951 566,406 1,943,594 4,451,549 4,245,175 Exhibit A-2 TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis For the year ended December 31, 2014 (with comparative totals for year ended December 31, 2013) Original budget Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes Supplemental taxes Change in unavailable taxes Excise taxes Total taxes Intergovernmental revenue: State Revenue Sharing Homestead exemption General assistance reimbursement Urban Rural Initiative Program Grant revenues BETE Tree growth/Veteran's reimbursement Total intergovernmental revenue Interest: Interest on property taxes Interest income Total interest Other revenues: Agent fees Solid waste user fees Inspection fees Town Clerk fees Snowmobile/boat registration Conditional use permit fee Other revenue Donations Fire Department hydrants and insurance Cable TV franchise fees Cemetery funds State park fees Total other revenues Total revenues $ Total Adjustments appropriation 5,549,785 695,978 6,245,763 - 150,127 79,587 87,852 326 317,892 4,614 4,614 - - 5,549,785 695,978 6,245,763 150,127 79,587 87,852 4,614 326 322,506 - Actual Variance positive (negative) 2013 Actual 5,550,077 (40,000) 736,766 6,246,843 292 (40,000) 40,788 1,080 4,935,201 4,636 (24,000) 700,896 5,616,733 133,644 77,218 555 53,364 4,614 332 16,001 285,728 (16,483) (2,369) 555 (34,488) 6 16,001 (36,778) 186,125 64,067 87,852 39,431 337 7,959 385,771 32,327 2,571 34,898 32,327 2,571 34,898 29,876 253 30,129 31,550 2,000 33,550 4,000 4,000 4,000 31,550 2,000 37,550 14,223 14,308 7,536 6,349 4,018 750 4,484 4,000 52,241 35,222 2,000 2,907 148,038 14,223 14,308 7,536 6,349 4,018 750 4,484 52,241 3,672 2,907 110,488 14,206 13,043 10,501 6,194 1,595 450 6,804 1,815 43,128 33,346 2,867 133,949 6,597,205 8,614 6,605,819 6,715,507 109,688 6,166,582 28 Exhibit A-2, Cont. TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis, Continued Original budget Expenditures: Current: General government: 4 Administration expenses 6 Animal control 7 Assessing 18 General assistance 20 Planning board/appeals Total general government 12 13 15 14 Public safety: Fire and rescue Fire/rescue capital Fire department quint loan Fire station loan Total public safety 23 21 22 Highways and bridges: Winter roads Roads Capital road projects Total highways and bridges 24 Solid waste disposal $ Total Adjustments appropriation Actual Variance positive (negative) 2013 Actual 338,667 13,819 20,150 5,000 6,337 383,973 - 338,667 13,819 20,150 5,000 6,337 383,973 316,207 13,508 19,333 1,140 7,635 357,823 22,460 311 817 3,860 (1,298) 26,150 317,130 13,331 20,130 671 4,987 356,249 263,225 35,000 40,000 39,510 377,735 - 263,225 35,000 40,000 39,510 377,735 263,207 40,000 39,508 342,715 18 35,000 2 35,020 251,910 39,508 291,418 401,429 776,095 1,177,524 - 401,429 776,095 1,177,524 401,429 679,628 1,081,057 96,467 96,467 677,357 348,558 224,782 1,250,697 195,892 - 195,892 193,375 2,517 197,166 29 Exhibit A-2, Cont. TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis, Continued Original budget Expenditures, continued: Current, continued: Education 26 8 9 10 11/12 17 25 $ Adjustments Total appropriation Actual Variance positive (negative) 2013 Actual 4,056,699 - 4,056,699 4,056,699 - 3,668,266 County tax 369,750 - 369,750 369,750 - 364,386 Unclassified: Cemeteries Conservation Community service agencies Eureka Center Parks and recreation Telecommunications Heating assistance Overlay/abatements Grant expenditures Total unclassified 7,850 2,150 3,000 7,990 9,500 31,550 153,661 215,701 4,000 4,614 8,614 7,850 2,150 3,000 7,990 9,500 31,550 4,000 153,661 4,614 224,315 7,500 2,100 3,000 3,726 8,272 22,103 4,020 8,585 3,641 62,947 2,308,236 2,308,236 2,316,850 (180,069) 100,559 79,510 180,069 Capital improvements - Total expenditures 6,777,274 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources: Bond proceeds Budgeted use of carryforward balances Utilization of prior year surplus Total other financing sources Net change in fund balances 350 50 4,264 1,228 9,447 (20) 145,076 973 161,368 5,928 2,000 3,000 5,096 10,865 17,885 18,025 46,674 109,473 2,223,523 84,713 28,927 9,094,124 8,687,889 406,235 6,266,582 (2,308,236) (2,488,305) (1,972,382) 515,923 2,308,236 2,308,236 2,308,236 100,559 79,510 2,488,305 2,308,236 2,308,236 (100,559) (79,510) (180,069) - - Fund balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year $ 30 - 335,854 335,854 (100,000) (100,000) 1,943,594 2,043,594 2,279,448 1,943,594 7,564 $ Total net position 7,564 7,564 7,564 7,564 $ $ NET POSITION Held in trust Total net position ASSETS Cash Interfund loan receivable Total assets Cemetery Fund 31 20,325 20,325 20,325 20,325 20,325 Scholarship Fund 56,821 56,821 56,821 56,821 56,821 Restoration Fund TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Private-purpose Trust Funds Combining Statement of Net Position December 31, 2014 (with comparative totals for December 31, 2013) 7,880 7,880 7,880 7,880 7,880 River Park Project Totals 92,590 92,590 92,590 92,590 92,590 2014 95,543 95,543 95,543 74,220 21,323 95,543 2013 Exhibit B-1 3 3 32 7,564 Net position, end of year (1,997) 2,000 2,000 - 9,561 $ $ Net position, beginning of year Change in net position Deductions: Transfers to General Fund Trust expenses Total deductions Additions: Contributions/grants/transfers Interest Total additions Cemetery Fund 2 2 20,325 21,323 (998) 1,000 1,000 - Scholarship Fund 56,821 56,785 36 - 36 36 Restoration Fund TOWN OF DURHAM, MAINE Private-purpose Trust Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position For the year ended December 31, 2014 (with comparative totals for December 31, 2013) 6 6 6 7,880 7,874 - - River Park Project 47 47 Totals 92,590 95,543 (2,953) 2,000 1,000 3,000 2014 95,543 97,241 (1,698) 2,000 20 2,020 250 72 322 2013 Exhibit B-2 Holiday Closure Schedule The Town Hall observes the following State Holiday schedule, and the office will be closed on the following days in 2015. These closures will be announced in the Tri Town Newspaper, on the Durham website, as well as the Durham channel three, prior to closures. HOLIDAY DAY, DATE OBSERVED New Year’s Day Thursday, January 1, 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 19, 2015 President's Day Monday, February 16, 2015 Patriots Day Monday, April 20, 2015 Memorial Day Monday, May 25, 2015 Independence Day Friday, July 3, 2015 Labor Day Monday, September 7, 2015 Columbus Day Monday, October 12, 2015 Veterans Day Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Thanksgiving Thursday, November 26, & Friday 27, 2015 Christmas Thursday, December 24 & Friday, 25, 2015 43 SEE YOU AT TOWN MEETING APRIL 4TH, 2015 44
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