63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 ENABLING AN AFFORDABLE, ADVANCED LIQUID BOOSTER FOR NASA’S SPACE LAUNCH SYSTEM Author Steve Cook, Dynetics, USA, [email protected] Co-Authors Kim Doering, Dynetics, USA, [email protected] Andy Crocker, Dynetics, USA, [email protected] Rick Bachtel, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, USA, [email protected] For NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Booster Engineering Demonstration and/or Risk Reduction (ABEDRR) procurement, Dynetics, Inc. and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) formed a team to offer an affordable booster approach that meets the evolved capabilities of the SLS along with a series of full-scale risk mitigation hardware demonstrations over 30 months. To establish a basis for the risk reduction activities, the Dynetics Team developed a booster design that takes advantage of the flightproven Apollo-Saturn F-1 produced by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, and still the most powerful U.S. liquid rocket engine ever flown. The F-1 is well suited to the Advanced Booster, providing a combination of high thrust-to-weight and reliability in a low-cost package. PWR brings unique cost and performance lessons from having recently working to modernize another Saturn-era engine, the J-2X. During the ABEDRR effort, the Dynetics Team will apply state-of-the-art manufacturing and processing techniques to the heritage F-1, resulting in a low recurring cost engine while retaining the benefits of Apollo-era experience. The booster’s Main Propulsion System (MPS) design leverages Saturn, Delta IV, and SLS Upper Stage experience to prepare current suppliers to produce large cryogenic components. ABEDRR will use NASA test facilities to perform a full-scale F-1 powerpack hotfire for risk reduction engine testing. Dynetics will also fabricate and test a tank assembly to verify the structural design. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Booster Engineering Demonstration and/or Risk Reduction (ABEDRR) procurement requires a team that can balance innovation, experience, and affordability throughout the design and operations life cycle. Dynetics Inc. and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) have formed such a team, offering a wide-ranging set of risk-reduction activities and full-scale, system-level demonstrations that enable a superior booster solution. The proposed domestic booster design takes advantage of the flight-proven Apollo-Saturn F-1 produced by PWR, and still the most powerful U.S. liquid rocket engine ever flown. The F-1 is ideally suited to the Advanced Booster, providing an ideal combination of high thrust-to-weight and reliability in a low-cost package. The high-cost, non-recurring engineering typical of engine development was accomplished during the Apollo-Saturn program, eliminating significant risks (e.g., turbopump design and combustion stability). This permits the current focus to be on affordability rather than technical feasibility. PWR is the only company to have returned a Saturn-era engine, the J-2X, to production. They bring unique lessons to the Advanced Booster cost and performance trades. IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 The performance margin inherent to the proposed two-engine, F-1-based booster enables a robust approach to structural design. To reduce costs compared to traditional vehicle structures, Al 2219 will be used for tanks and skirts using low-cost, self-reacting friction stir welding (FSW). The friction stir welded 18-foot diameter structure leverages over $90M in recent National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) investments in Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) tank manufacturing tools, facilities, and processes, significantly reducing development and recurring costs. A small, cross-functional workforce for all major manufacturing and assembly activities (e.g., engines, major structures, and integrated systems) will be employed. This approach yields low fixed costs at low production rates, while still providing surge capacity. The performance margin also allows a forward thrust takeout approach that avoids costly changes to the SLS Core and minimizes ground infrastructure changes. Using NASA’s vehicle assumptions for the SLS Block 2, the proposed booster delivers 150 mT, providing a 20 mT (15%) margin, even with a conservative, affordability-focused booster (Figure 1). 1 of 6 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. Fig. 1. The proposed booster exceeds performance requirements 20 mT over the 130 mT requirement. The F-1 offers safety and reliability features demonstrated on 13 Saturn V flights of 65 engines with no failures. As a liquid engine, the F-1 can be acceptance tested to screen for defects prior to integration and, with the vehicle restrained, can be run on the pad for pre-launch readiness demonstration. Finally, if an engine does shut down, the booster can maintain vehicle control by shutting an engine down on the opposite booster, allowing either mission completion or a safe crew escape, depending upon the timing of the shutdown. 2.0 BOOSTER CONCEPT DESCRIPTION The proposed booster features a robust structural design paired with two F-1 engines, evolved from the most powerful LOX/RP engines ever flown. This combination of a simple, robust, and manufacturable structure with reliable, highthrust engines provides confidence that NASA’s affordability, reliability, and payload-to-orbit requirements can be met. Figure 2 details design features of the booster concept central to this proposed affordable and reliable solution. Figure 3 shows SLS vehicle performance for a range of stage diameters against a number of possible engine options explored during the development of this booster configuration. The 18-foot diameter booster with F-1 engines was selected to provide excess payload to orbit capability while staying within the vehicle dimensional requirements and mechanical interfaces required by NASA. The booster baseline design also reflects an effort to emphasize commonality in interfaces and loads between the SLS Core Stage and the Advanced Booster configuration. This booster concept uses a similar holddown and Core attach structure while also yielding an acceleration and dynamic pressure profile within NASA’s requirements. Figure 3 also details the propellant mass fraction of the booster against historical LOX/RP stage designs, showing this booster concept as the most robust liquid cryogenic stage ever built. The proposed booster design with excess performance provides mass and performance margin back to the Core and Upper Stage in the Block 2 configuration. Fig. 2. Overview of the Dynetics Booster Configuration IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 2 of 6 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. Fig. 3. Performance of Dynetics Booster Versus Other Concepts. To minimize structural and attach impacts to the Core stage, Space Shuttle historical booster loads were assumed with the application of a conservative load factor. It is believed that this is a conservative assumption, because many of the load contributors inherent to solid rocket boosters are eliminated or mitigated by liquid engine boosters. Examples include thrust rise, thrust rate mismatch at liftoff, thrust oscillation, and thrust and mismatch at separation. Although the focus of the booster design activity concerned the Block 2 SLS configuration, the performance of the booster concept for the Block 1A SLS configuration (prior to incorporation of the Upper Stage) has also been assessed. For the Block 1A version of the booster, a derated F-1 engine was baselined to provide increased reliability by operating at reduced chamber pressure and thrust while building flight heritage for the SLS F-1 in preparation for Block 2. The SLS Block 1A configuration with the proposed Advanced Booster provides payload capability from 103 mT (F-1 derated to 85%) to 120 mT (100% F-1 power level). Figure 4 presents a potential Advanced Booster family of vehicles, which includes a ‘single-stick’ configuration, pairing the baseline booster with an Ares I Upper Stage. This vehicle yields 32 mT of payload to the SLS reference orbit. This vehicle could be used for commercial crew or satellite launches in the EELV-heavy class. IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 The large thrust of the F-1 engines and a robust structural design allow a family of vehicles to be constructed around the proposed booster concept, giving increased flexibility to mission planners. Fig. 4. Dynetics’ SLS Advanced Booster solution provides a wide range of architectural capabilities. 3 of 6 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. 3.0 ENGINE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Dynetics Team identified a modernized F-1 engine as the ideal Advanced Booster engine concept because of the Saturn heritage engine 100% demonstrated flight reliability; high thrust; and simple, low-pressure LOX/RP GG cycle. The design features of the F-1 engine provide benefits to enhance affordability, improve reliability, and exceed payload performance requirements (Figure 5). The engine integrates the proven and critical performance elements of the heritage F-1, simplifications and performance enhancements demonstrated on the F-1A, and modernized lowcost components such as a Hot-Isostatic Press (HIP)-bond constructed channel wall Main Combustion Chamber (MCC) and Channel Wall Nozzle (CWN). Fig. 5. SLS F-1 Engine Configuration IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 The GG cycle engine utilizes low system pressures, which enable the use of low-cost conventional material selections, such as aluminum, throughout the engine primary flow paths. This engine design eliminates two of the highest cost performance-focused components— the Turbine Exhaust Manifold (TEM) and nozzle extension—and replaces the tube wall Thrust Chamber Assembly (TCA) with the HIP-bonded MCC and CWN. The resulting 1.8-Mlbf sea level thrust engine delivers 150 mT payload, maintains critical man-rated reliability/safety features, integrates new higher reliability components, and provides an affordable engine that supports the schedule for Advanced Booster first flight on SLS. The F-1 engine design has continuous throttling capability over a sea level thrust range of 1.3 to 1.8 Mlbf to provide flexibility that supports SLS program goals by enabling the ability to tailor the thrust profile for each individual SLS flight and configuration if desired or required. SLS is envisioned to fly a diverse range of missions (human, cargo, varying payload mass, varying insertion orbits) using multiple vehicle configurations (Upper Stage, no Upper Stage, varying number of core engines) where the ability to tailor the booster thrust profile provides NASA great flexibility to achieve current and future mission objectives. 4.0 MAIN PROPULSION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The proposed Advanced Booster requires a Main Propulsion System (MPS) that delivers more than 10,000 pounds of propellant each second of operation to a pair of F-1 engines. Figure 6 shows the MPS configuration, features, and benefits to NASA objectives. The propellant feed system valves are based on recent engine programs, such as RS-68 and J-2X. An active Pogo suppression system built on Saturn MPS lessons learned has been baselined, and engine feedlines based on S-IC geometries and components have been utilized. During flight, the same autogeneous LOX tank and heterogeneous gaseous Helium (GHe) RP tank repressurization systems proven during the Saturn program will be employed. 4 of 6 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. Fig. 6. SLS Booster MPS Configuration Fig. 7. SLS Booster Structural Configuration Commonality and simplification are MPS design goals to increase affordability and reliability. The booster RP feedline is common to the Core engine inlet; coupled with similar or less total propellant, this allows common designs for fill/drain, tank vent and relief, LOX thermal conditioning, and pneumatic system components. 5.0 PROPELLANT TANKS AND STRUCTURES The methodology to design and manufacture the booster tanks and associated structures recognizes that affordability is essential to providing an Advanced Booster for SLS. Highperformance weight considerations drive traditional designs, resulting in customized parts and minimal commonality. The Dynetics Team capitalizes on the performance margin provided by the F-1 engine to produce a stout design with 70% fewer parts, 50% fewer linear feet of welding, and a ‘leak before burst’ design for the weld joints. Fewer parts, stronger parts, and less welds result in reduced cost and higher reliability. The all-aluminum 2219 configuration are based on established designs and manufacturing processes infused with state-of-the-art selfreacting Friction Stir Welding (FSW) joining technologies and one-piece barrel technologies from the commercial tanker industry. The large 18-foot diameter capitalizes on investments made at NASA MSFC for the Ares I program. This booster configuration features seven assemblies, seen in Figure 7, each featuring a bolted joint to permit simplified offline assembly. Both tanks feature one-piece spun formed domes with integral attachment chords and onepiece barrel sections, up to 11 feet long, produced by state-of-the-art equipment. LOX tank Slosh Baffles will be installed in the barrels prior to tank welding. Tanks are then friction stir welded with circumferential welds for the RP Tank and LOX tank. Completing the structural arrangement are manhole covers on the forward domes and sump outlet fittings with baffles on the aft domes. The manufacturing approach is to use qualified suppliers to build major components such as domes, chords, and thrust structures. The tanks and associated structures will then be assembled using self-reacting FSW equipment located at NASA MSFC facilities. The cylindrical sections will be welded on just two tools, shown in Figure 8. Based on a limited build schedule, the workforce across multiple programs will be shared to ensure a low-cost manufacturing and test process. IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 5 of 6 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by Dynetics. All rights reserved. Fig. 8. Cylindrical sections are produced using FSW tools. 6.0 BOOSTER RISK REDUCTION PROGRAM The 30 month duration risk reduction plan illustrated in Figure 9 reduces affordability risks, allowing us to demonstrate that aggressive cost targets can be achieved for the baseline booster. State-of-the-art manufacturing and processing techniques will be applied to the heritage F-1, resulting in a low recurring cost engine, while retaining the benefits of Apollo-era experience. The Main Propulsion System (MPS) design leverages Saturn, Delta IV, and SLS Upper Stage experience to prepare current suppliers to produce large cryogenic components. NASA test facilities will be used to perform a full-scale powerpack hotfire for low-cost risk-reduction engine testing. A full-scale cryotank assembly will be fabricated and tested to verify the structural design. Critical avionics and operations demonstrations will be conducted to reduce the cost risk of subsequent full-scale integration. Finally, although the expendable booster achieves commercial levels of recurring cost, early engineering demonstrations of stage recoverability and reusability is planned, which could offer game-changing affordability improvements. Over the next 30 months, the Dynetics team will reduce the risk through a series of full-scale risk mitigation hardware demonstrations. 7.0 CONCLUSION For NASA’s SLS ABEDRR procurement, Dynetics, Inc. and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) formed a team to offer an affordable booster approach that meets the evolved capabilities of the SLS along with a series of fullscale risk mitigation hardware demonstrations. To establish a basis for the risk reduction activities, the Dynetics Team developed a booster design that takes advantage of the flight-proven ApolloSaturn F-1 produced by PWR, and still the most powerful U.S. liquid rocket engine ever flown. The F-1 is well suited to the Advanced Booster, providing a combination of high thrust-to-weight and reliability in a low-cost package. PWR brings unique cost and performance lessons from having recently working to modernize another Saturn-era engine, the J-2X. Fig. 9. Risk reduction demonstrations summary. IAC-12- D2.8.10x16320 6 of 6
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