DYOB 2015 DYOB 2015 EQUIPPING WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS & INFLUENCERS TO BELIEVE BIGGER SPONSOR DECK What is DYOB? Branding. Beauty. Business. DYOB is NOT a Conference. DYOB is an EXPERIENCE. After attending countless entrepreneurial and women’s conferences, but walking away with little more than a bunch of untested ideas, business cards, and a long list of to-do’s, DYOB answers the question: “What if attendees could walk away with MORE? Something real…? Something useful? What if instead of to-do’s, things were actually DONE? Scroll to take a tour The answer to this question is the magic behind DYOB! DYOB: Design Your Own Brand, is the only, full-scale, branding makeover, event in the country! Every attendee walks away with an impressive package of done-for-you resources that minimize barriers, increase confidence, accelerate growth, and maximize their return on investment . Attendees walk away FULLY EQUIPPED to take a quantum leap forward in their next business endeavor. DYOB’s Creator: Dr. Shante Bishop Dr. Shante is a nationally recognized brand strategist that helps entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and influencers turn their creative ideas into a profitable, platform. Her work and ideas have been featured on: What Makes DYOB So Unique? O B 0 O D 5 S Y 2 G O 1 I E Complete Beauty Makeover At DYOB Our Glam Squad works round the clock to elevate the look of each a;endee to a standard worthy of their pla?orm. All a;endees are assigned a personal wardrobe stylist for their photo shoot, and works to achieve a look that is consistent with the message and image they want to portray. Professional Headshot At DYOB we want our a;endees’ brands to look like the level of money they want to a;ract. Selfies and Camera Phone pictures will not do. At DYOB, every a;endee walks away with a powerful headshot to use on their social media, website, and media requests. Each a;endee also receives a branded bio to help secure speaking engagements and public appearances. Social Media Strategy Pin it! Like it! Share It! The Social media maze can be difficult to navigate which is why every a;endee parPcipates in a Social Media Mastermind that cuts right through the fat, and gives each a;endee a strategy to grow their audience, increase their visibility, and turn followers into customers! SEO Support A wise woman once said, “Never spend Dollar Time on Penny Tasks.” Entrepreneurs have enough on their plates; hence so many struggle with overwhelm as they try to juggle too many tasks. That’s why every a;endee at DYOB is walking away with 2 weeks of virtual support from an assistant who will help them maximize their visibility with social media, blogs, newsle;ers, and more! Event Space Although DYOB a;racts a;endees from all over the country, Chicago is a world class city that boasts more than 2,000 major events per year. Because Chicago is rapidly gaining a reputaPon as the startup capital, each a;endee will be given an event space to host a public or social gathering. From book launches to power summits, each a;endee will have a ready made stage to host their event. DYOB Demographics DYOB accepted applications in its first year from women in 12 countries and 27 states. This year, because of the popularity of the speakers on our roster, including talent from HGTV (14 million viewers), DIY Network (7 million viewers), Better Homes & Gardens (7 million subscribers), JET Magazine (7 million readers), and NBC’s The Biggest Loser (7 million viewers) we expect to reach a potential audience of 42,000,000 . 42,000,000 Expanded Reach 14 Million 7 Million 7 Million Who Does DYOB Attract? 80% J New York J Texas J Illinois J Indiana J Alabama J New Jersey J African American J Moms J College Educated J Social J Sharers $ J Average J Household J Income: $90K J African American Power J Buying 2015: $1.1 Trillion J Age Range 25-54 DYOB’s Key Demographic Diverse Media Social Sharers Influencers Diverse, women entrepreneurs are the fast growing leadership group in America. No longer tethered by the demands of corporate culture or limited by glass ceilings, these women have taken their future into their own hands, and making their dreams happen. During the inaugural launch of DYOB, media producers and on air talent from WCIU, the Chicago Sun Times, and JET Magazine were present to share what it takes to produce quality content for your audience. This year’s event will have expanded media coverage both local and naPonal channels. DYOB a;racts bloggers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders with large social pla?orms, and high value content that they consistently share with their followers. Last year’s DYOB event garnered more than 75,000 impressions. Women purchase 80% of all products and services in America. The buying power of women, is palpable. That’s why DYOB targets this key group of decision makers and influencers. Each a;endee at DYOB has culPvated a following as from the thousands to the millions. Their sphere of influence can sway purchasing decisions and help increase sales and brand exposure. 01 02 03 04 Makeover Portfolio AMAZING TRANSFORMATIONS “ I don’t even know where to begin! DYOB changed my life. It gave us EVERYTHING we needed to get unstuck and move forward!” Kristen Harris, CEO Pizzazzed Plus After receiving the royal treatment from our wardrobe, hair, and makeup stylists, each attendee received a new headshot for use in their websites, social media, and bios. “ DYOB far exceeded my expectations! I walked away abundantly blessed!” Myrina Dunn, CAFÉ Enterprises After receiving the royal treatment from our wardrobe, hair, and makeup stylists, each attendee received a new headshot for use in their websites, social media, and bios. “ Being surrounded by so many amazing women…was extremely motivating! I can’t wait to put all of this knowledge to work” Latasha Benn, LYB Artistry After receiving the royal treatment from our wardrobe, hair, and makeup stylists, each attendee received a new headshot for use in their websites, social media, and bios. Speakers No Fluff. Make and Take Strategies. HGTV Design Star Tiffany Brooks With a passion for creativity, charismatic personality, and her elegant-edgy design aesthetic, Tiffany Brooks has earned the distinction of HGTV’s newest Design Star. The Biggest Loser’s Tanya Winfield Tanya Winfield The Biggest Loser Stacey Ferguson BLOGALICIOUS In the 15th Season of NBC’s The Biggest Loser, Tanya won the hearts of millions of viewers when she confronted a lifelong ba;le of unhealthy habits and showed the world that you have to LOSE TO WIN! Stacey is the Founder and CEO of Blogalicious a community that celebrates digital diversity by serving as a supporJve plaSorm for our members to develop their social media presence, blogs, brands, and businesses while raising awareness within the markeJng industry of our powerful “mulJ-‐influenJal” demographic. Jocelyn Delk Adams BETTER HOMES & GARDEN Jocelyn created Grandbaby Cakes, a blog inspired by her grandmother, to display classic desserts and modern trends that inspire a new generaJon of bakers. Her creaJve confecJons are regularly featured in BeMer Homes & Garden Dr. Tiffany Bellamy CLEAR TO PLAY Dr. Tiffany Bellamy is a clinical psychologist and CEO of Clear to Play. She uses her pracJce to promote the development of posiJve, healthy idenJJes with her clients. Tosh Patterson Be Well, Eat Well, Live Well Tosh helps smart & successful women UNdiet their mind, heart and soul— and unlearn everything they thought they knew about dieJng to begin eaJng & living holisJcally. Sponsor Opportunities EXPAND YOUR BRAND Dedicated Social Suite for Sponsors Trending Blog Posts Our Social Media team is comprised of bloggers and PR professionals who a;ract upwards of 50,000 unique site visitors per week. They will be working before, during, and aeer DYOB to create the buzz necessary to turn this event and your sponsorship into a trending topic! Because our team of social media influencers have culPvated large audiences, they are ideal partners to spread the word about your brand through their blogs. Through blogging they can bring your product or service to LIFE and share your brand story with a larger audience. Media Exposure Extended Reach DYOB will be covered on several media channels including local cable, social media, and Chicago news outlets. It is the perfect opportunity to highlight sponsors to more readers, viewers, and social sharers. Because DYOB has secured talent from HGTV, NBC’s The Biggest Loser, Be;er Homes & Gardens, and JET Magazine, your brand will be affiliated with some of the most popular networks and pla?orms in the country, with an extended reach of millions! 4 Pathways to Partnership level level level level 1 2 3 4 Marquee Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor • The highest visibility in all markePng materials • Dedicated Sponsor Space at Event • 10 minutes of Stage Time • Personalized Hotel Room Keys with Sponsor Logo • 10 Instagram Posts • 15 Tweets on Twi;er • Dedicated Step & Repeat Red Carpet Banner • 4 Ads on i-‐Tunes Podcast, Branding for Believers • Concierge Service from our Social Media Team: 5 Dedicated Blog Posts • Second Tier visibility on all markePng materials including website • 10 Minutes of Stage Time at Event • 2 Ads on i-‐Tunes Podcast, Branding for Believers • 5 Instagram Posts • 10 Tweets on Tiw;er • Concierge Service from our Social Media Team: 2 Blog Posts • Visibility on all markePng materials including website • 5 Minutes of Stage Time at Event • 1 Ad on i-‐Tunes Podcast, Branding for Believers • 1 Blog Post • 2 Instagram Posts • 5 Tweets on Twi;er Bronze Sponsor • Visibility on all markePng materials including website • 5 Instagram Product Posts • 5 Tweets on Twi;er Success Stories DYOB SUCCESS STORY This married mom of 6 left DYOB so inspired that in less than 6 months, she launched her business as a professional photographer and has since been featured in The Knot and The Bump. Tara Mister http://www.ftmphotog.com/ “DYOB is NO JOKE! It will change your life!” DYOB Success Stories After leaving DYOB, this single mom TRIPLED HER BUSINESS as a graphic designer, and will be back in 2015 to share her amazing story! Dara Jackson www.queensviewcreates.com “We didn’t just stop at motivation. We learned the tools to protect our brand and become SERIOUS entrepreneurs.” CONTACT Dr. Shante’ Says.. DYOB is the answer to a call for more value from entrepreneurial and leadership experiences. It’s my gift to women who deserve and demand MORE. EMAIL [email protected] Address PO BOX 8045 Westchester, IL 60154
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