10 Things You Should Do For Your Business In 2014

10 Things You Should Do For Your Business In 2014
As a way to maximize our clients’ success, we start engagements by focusing on your
marketing approach or strategy. Here are 10 Key Strategies to consider for your organization.
1. Create a solid and cohesive brand. Each time a prospect hears, sees or
experiences your business it creates a touch point. You can distinguish your brand
by making sure all of your visual touch points are cohesive and communicate the
key messages you’d like for people to remember about your brand.
2. Offer a new product or service. Study your industry to identify new client
needs or wants. You can satisfy these needs by creating new products to sell or
perhaps taking an old idea and offering it in a new way. This will create additional
revenue for your business and position you as an industry expert.
3. Update your website every 2-3 years. Refreshing your website will help you
remain relevant and appealing to site visitors. Don’t have time to do a website
overhaul? You can increase the attractiveness of your site by adding new photos
and timely information.
4. Communicate with new and old contacts. If you are not sending out monthly
e-flyers, you need to start! You can create a newsletter, flyer or ad as a “high
impact” way to stay in front of your audience.
5. Create a Social Media Strategy. While some businesses have jumped into
the world of social media to have a presence, savvy companies create a separate
strategy and integrate it into their overall marketing mix. Once your strategy is
in place, an excellent first step is to set up a Facebook business page so you can
network and share your business services.
6. Create a reward system for customers. Rewarding clients for referrals
can boost sales and increase business especially during slow periods.
Repeat clients are your best resource in finding and attracting new clients
to your organization.
7. Network, Network, Network!
Attend at least one to two meetings a month where you can meet potential clients
and showcase your business. Lock the dates on your calendar and make sure you
allow time to follow-up with the new contacts you reach at meetings and events.
8. Host an event for your top 10 clients. Be creative...A Thank you goes a long way.
If your budget doesn’t allow, mail them gift cards from Starbucks or a local
restaurant or bakery. Clients will appreciate your efforts and it will be a good
investment in your on-going relationships.
9. Keep an idea list. Create an “idea list” either as an electronic file or
perhaps in a journal book and review it monthly. Take a Friday afternoon
off every month to vet your ideas. Treat yourself to quiet time outside your
favorite restaurant or a tranquil place as you identify ways to delight your
customers and grow your business.
10. Start planning now for next year.
Your strategy should be in place by October 2014.
At the top of this plan you should have a message
to your clients for January of the coming year.
Your message should thank existing clients, share
your 2015 vision and highlight new benefits for
your customers.
Contact us at: 314.535.5663 Off • 817.627.7068 Cell • [email protected]