The East Moreton Branch ASHS Emma Hansen Memorial Hack & Dressage Weekend st Date: 31 May, 2015 Woodford Showgrounds Dressage Leds & Hacks, Utility Pattern, Working Classes and Novelties, Led Futurities commencing 7.30am Open to All Breeds and Colours Fundraiser for Cancer Council Registered and Non-Registered Horses Supreme Champion Led Horse – Garland and Gidgee Eyes Sunglasses Supreme Champion Ridden Horse- Garland and Gidgee Eyes Sunglasses Supreme Champion Rider - Garland and Gidgee Eyes Sunglasses Garlands, Sashes & Prize Packs to be won Sponsored by Gidgee Eyes Sunglasses, Camilleri Underslab Pty Ltd, Grovers Country Clothing, SQMC ASHS, East Moreton ASHS, JR Tack and Saddles The Emma Hansen Memorial Hack Show & Dressage is: Casual dress – something pink! Check out our Promotional Deal from Grovers County Clothing. Visit on Facebook for photos of Clothing. Compete in a t-shirt or plain shirt and riding pants or jeans. An approved safety helmet, riding boots and a safe saddle and bridle but you may compete in an English saddle, stock saddle or western saddle. Snaffle and double bits allowed, no twisted wire bits or hackamores, tie-downs Classes for adults and children, registered and unregistered horses and ponies. You can enter and pay the entry fees on the day, $25.00 for entire day, includes all eligible classes excluding Led Futurities and Novelty Events. Ring One: 1 year and under 2 & 3 year olds Ring Two: 4yo and over Mare 4yo and over Gelding 4yo and over Stallion All futurities will be judged by two judges, both scores out of 10 added together to give overall winner. Led Futurity is $25.00 per futurity, if pre-nominated otherwise $35.00 on the day. Pre-Nominations will close on Monday 25th May, 2015. Winner will receive 50% of pool, 2nd 25%, 3rd 1%. Sashes to 5th place. Classes are separate: $10.00 per class, placings to 10th 1st Prize ASH Saddle Cloth Pink and Purple Tartan with ASH and Cancer Council logo Value $80.00 Cash$25.00 2nd Prize EMB ASHS Merchandise Pack + Cash $15.00 3rd Prize + Cash $10.00 and prize pack Pre nomination required for Dressage, nominations close Monday 25th May, 2015 Competitors may ride in Two Consecutive Tests only If you are a member of the Australian Stock Horse Society, your membership provides insurance coverage for one person named on the membership, so ASH members will only need to pay the $25 entry for entire day. Excludes Led Futurities, Dressage and Novelties If you are NOT an Australian Stock Horse Society member, day insurance can be obtained at $30.00 per senior and $10 per child 17 years and under. Only persons wearing one of the event’s wristband will be granted entry to the arena where classes are being held. Event Contacts: East Moreton Branch Australian Stock Horse Society Kym Neate: 0408 717 644 email: [email protected] Diane Chambers: 0427 181 117 email: [email protected] HORSE STABLING: ALLOCATED ON RECEIPT OF ENTRIES – MUST BE PRE-BOOKED STABLES $20 PER NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT 29TH MAY, 2015 SATURDAY NIGHT 30TH MAY, 2015 NUMBER REQUIRED: NUMBER REQUIRED: MUST BE CLEANED AND LOCKED WITH PADLOCK TOTAL $ $ .00 $ .00 BOND AND CHAIN AND KEY TO BE RETURNED TO RECEIVE $25.00 CLEANING BOND YARDS $10 PER NIGHT BOND BACK CAMPING: NUMBER REQUIRED: NUMBER REQUIRED: PLEASE TICK NIGHTS REQUIRED - SUNDAY NIGHT BY ARRANGEMENT FRIDAY NIGHT 29TH MAY, 2015 SATURDAY NIGHT 30TH MAY 2015 TOTAL $ $20 PER NIGHT PER VEHICLE/CAMP 1. 2. 3. Dressage Stabling and Camping Led Futurity – OTHERWISE Futurity nominations on the day will be $35.00 each Please use the nomination form provided and send to: Nominations, 15 Blue Pacific Road, Deception Bay Q 4508 with a Cheque, Money-order or a receipt from Bank Deposit. or Nominate Online at WWW.EASTMORETONASHS.COM.AU Emma Hansen Memorial Hack and Dressage Weekend Nomination Form OR ENTER ONLINE Woodford Showgrounds Sunday, 31st May, 2015 Starting at 7.30am Sunday Led Futurities Open To All Breeds – Registered and Non Registered Horses One Horse/One Rider/One Ring Combination Casual Dress please wear something pink for Emma Led Futurities, Dressage, Hacks, Rider Classes, Working, Utility Pattern $25.00 per Horse and Rider Combination ASH Members for leds and ridden classes $55.00 per Horse and Rider Combination non ASH Members due to Insurance costs. Not a Member of the ASHS? Pay and ride in this show and receive a $40 voucher off the cost of a 12month membership Yes, I am an Australian Stock Horse Member (Please provide valid Membership) No, I am not a member Rider Senior Dressage $10.00 per class Prep A Junior $ Horse Name: Prelim 1.2 Novice 2.2 $ Led Futurity @ $25.00 per entry – Winner takes 50% Pool, 2nd 15% 3rd %10 4 yo and over Mare 1 year and under 4yo and over Gelding 4yo and over Stallion 2 & 3 year olds Add Stabling and Camping Fees $ $ TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE: $ ONLINE NOMINATIONS AVAILABLE AT WWW.EASTMORETONASHS.COM.AU Direct deposit to: East Moreton Branch ASHS BSB:034 115 Account No: 221132 REFERENCE: Your Surname Please post a copy of Nomination form to : EMB ASH, 15 Blue Pacific Road, Deception Bay Q 4508 (Please keep a copy of your receipt) Please enter your receipt number here: Name:_____________________________________Email Address:________________________________________ Postal Address:______________________________________________________Mobile:______________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION- WAIVER SAFETY ISSUES All persons entering the ring must wear correct footwear (riding boots for riders; solid closed shoes or boots for others). Court shoes, sandals, thongs etc. are not acceptable. While mounted, all riders must wear approved safety helmets. Exemption may be granted for advanced ASH and Western riders in ASH, Working and western classes, but helmets are preferred. Saddles and bridles may be of any type (snaffle bits only, no illegal bits) but must be safe – no worn or frayed girths or stirrup leathers or reins. Rider Classes will be on the age of the rider only regardless of what size horse you are riding but you must stay on the same horse all day, i.e. if you are a 16yo riding a pony you stay in the pony ring for your ridden classes but move over to the Galloway ring for your rider class only. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. This is intended to be a fun competition day and all classes, apart from the Best Presented classes, will be judged on any/all of the following: conformation, movement, behavior, ability, correct workout, clean presentation. Only in the Best Presented classes will a show outfit be of any advantage to any competitor. 2. Horses may only compete in one Ring Only, the Ring you start in is the Ring you stay in for the entire event. 3. Judge’s decisions are final – no protests or disputes allowed at this show: accept that different judges look for different things in different horses and riders. Smile. 4. The EMB ASH Committee has the power, without assigning any reason, to: . reject or cancel any entry at any time …. prohibit the participation of any person or exhibit in any event . cancel any event or class, or combine or split any class or classes …. alter the time at which any event or class is to take place . remove any exhibit or exhibitor from the showgrounds …. transfer any exhibit or exhibitor from any class to another 5. The EMB ASH shall not be responsible for the loss of, or any damage or injury occasioned to, any exhibitor or the property of any exhibitor. 6. The exhibitor enters entirely at his or her own risk. In case any exhibit, whilst on the grounds, shall be the cause of any injury or damage to any other exhibit or exhibitor, or the person or property of any member of the EMB ASH or the general public, the owner of such exhibit shall indemnify the EMB AHS, its officers and members, from and against all damage, injury or loss occasioned to any of them by the exhibitor or their agent. 7. Any person causing annoyance by loud comments on the decisions of the Judges, or unseemly conduct or insulting behavior, will, after being cautioned by an EMB ASH Committee member, maybe expelled from the Showgrounds, and said person may forfeit any prize money or trophies gained. 8. If entries exceed 8, then classes may be split. 9. ‘Registered’ classes are for registered horses/ponies only– handlers will need to produce a copy of the correct registration paper and show the steward to gain entry to that class. 10. Horses may be measured to ensure they are in their correct height classes. 11. Ribbons will be awarded to fifth place. 12. Performance competitors shall agree to abide by the rules set out in the Schedule. 13. All stallions and colts must be in the charge of a competent handler/rider 17 years of age or over, and must be under control at all times. 14. Spraying of horses (tick spraying) is entirely the responsibility of the owner. 15. The Management Committee reserves the right to change or amend the program or the running order of the program at their discretion. 16. All persons entering the ring must wear appropriate footwear. 17. All riders must wear an approved safety helmet at all times whilst mounted. 18. No DOGS, please – Council rules apply. 19. Any class rules not listed here will be judged at the Judges’ discretion. 20. DISCLAIMER: EMB ASH, its members and associates will not be held responsible in any way for any inaccuracy in this Schedule. Ring 1. Pony Hacks (not exceeding 14hh) Ring 2. Galloways (14hh and not exceeding 15hands) Ring 3. Hacks (over 15hh) Ring 4. Horses 3 years and under any height or breed The Utility Pattern will continue throughout the day commencing at 8am and closing at 12pm – when riders have some free time from their other classes, they may go to the Utility arena at any time to see if they can ride their pattern. TIMES: All Rings will commence after completion of Led Futurities Utility Pattern can be done between 8am and 12pm, try and have your pattern completed early if possible. Judges will have morning tea and lunch breaks at approximately 10.00am and 12.30 Allira Batstone will be our Official Photographers on the Day Maiden: means has not won a first prize in a ridden class at an Agricultural Show or similar event before this show. Novice Hack: a horse which has not won an Open Champion as a Ridden Hack at an Agricultural Show or similar event Open Hack: Open to all horses Pleasure Hack: snaffle bit, no spurs or whip. Rider may be asked to ride one handed – horse should look a pleasure to ride Pony Hack must not exceed 14hh Galloway Hack is over 14hh incl but not exceeding 15hh Hack is over 15hh Utility Pattern will be available to be completed between 8am and 12pm South Queensland Management Council –Australian Stock Horse Society RING 1 Pony Hacks Led 1. Best Presented Pony (Sash and Prize Pack) In hand – not ridden 2. Led Pony Mare not exceeding 14hh 3. Led Pony Gelding not exceeding 14hh 4. Led Pony Stallion not exceeding 14hh Champion and Reserve Champion Led Pony – Winner eligible for Supreme Led of Show (to be judged by all 3 judges after all led classes are completed) Ridden 5. Maiden Pony Hack 6. Novice Pony Hack 7. ASH member Pony Hack Champion and Reserve Champion Pony 8. Open Pony Hack not exceeding 14 hands to be ridden by an adult 17yrs and over 9. Open Show Pony Hack not exceeding 13hands 10. Open Show Pony hack 13 hands and over, not exceeding 14 hands Champion and Reserve Champion Open Pony 11. Pleasure Pony Hack 12. Hunter Pony Under Saddle 13. Working Pony 14. Western Pony Rider Classes 15. Rider under 8 years to be led 16. Rider under 8 unassisted 17. Rider 9 – 11 Junior Champion and Junior Res. Champion Junior Rider – Champion eligible for Supreme Rider 18. Consolation Class For any horses/riders who have not yet won a ribbon. Don’t forget to do your Utility Pattern RING 2 Galloway Hacks Led 1. Best Presented Galloway (Sash and Prize Pack) In-hand – not ridden 2. Led Galloway Mare 14hh and not exceeding 15hh 3. Led Galloway Gelding 14hh and not exceeding 15hh 4. Led Galloway Stallion 14hh and not exceeding 15hh Champion and Reserve Champion Led Galloway – Winner eligible for Supreme Led of Show (to be judged by all 3 judges after all led classes are completed) Ridden 5. Maiden Galloway Hack 6. Novice Galloway Hack 7. ASH Galloway Hack – for registered ASH horses only Champion and Reserve Champion Galloway – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 8. Childs Galloway to be ridden by a child under 17 years 9. Open Galloway Mare 14hh and not exceeding 14.2hh 10. Open Show Galloway Hack over 14.2hh not exceeding 15hh Champion and Reserve Champion Open Galloway – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 11. Pleasure Galloway Hack 12. Hunter Galloway Under Saddle 13. Working Galloway 14. Western Galloway Rider Classes 15. Boy/Girl Rider 12 to 15 years 16. Boy/Girl Rider 15 years to 17 years Juvenile Champion and Juvenile Res. Champion Rider – Champion eligible for Supreme Rider 17. Consolation Class For any horses/riders who have not yet won a ribbon. Don’t forget to do your Utility Pattern RING 3 Hacks 15hh and over Led 1. Best Presented Hack (Sash and Prize Pack) In-hand – not ridden 2. Led Hack Mare over 15hh 3. Led Hack Gelding 15hh 4. Led Stallion over 15hh Champion and Reserve Champion Led Hack– Winner eligible for Supreme Led of Show (to be judged by all 3 judges after all led classes are completed) Ridden 5. Maiden Hack over 15hh 6. Novice Hack over 15hh and not exceeding 16hh 7. Novice Hack over 16hh 8. ASH Hack – for registered ASH horses only Champion and Reserve Champion Hack – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 9. Childs Hack to be ridden by a child under 17 years 10. Open Hack 15hh and not exceeding 16hh 11. Open Hack over 16hh Champion and Reserve Champion Open Hack – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 12. Pleasure Hack – Snaffle Bit, no spurs, no whips, rider may be asked to ride one handed 13. Hunter Hack Under Saddle 14. Working Hack 15. Western Hack Rider Classes 16. Lady/Gent 18 years and under 21 years 17. Lady/Gent Rider over 21 years to 39 years 18. Rider 40 and over Senior Champion and Senior Res. Champion Rider - Champion eligible for Supreme Rider 19. Consolation Class For any horses/riders who have not yet won a ribbon. Don’t forget to do your Utility Pattern – Pattern U1 RING 4 Young Horses – 3years and under any breed, any height Led 1. Best Presented Young Horse (Sash and Prize Pack) In-hand – not ridden 2. Led Young Horse Filly 3. Led Young Horse Gelding 4. Led Young Horse Colt Champion and Reserve Champion Led Young Horse – Winner eligible for Supreme Led of Show (to be judged by all 3 judges after all led classes are completed) Ridden 5. Maiden Young Horse Hack 6. Novice Young Horse Hack 7. ASH Young Horse – for registered ASH horses only Champion and Reserve Champion Young Horse – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 8. Childs Young Horse to be ridden by a child under 17 years 9. Adult Young Horse to be ridden by Adult 18 years and older 10. Open Show Young Horse Filly, Gelding, Colt Hack Champion and Reserve Champion Open Galloway – Champion eligible for Supreme Ridden 11. Pleasure Young Horse Hack 12. Hunter Young Horse Under Saddle 13. Working Young Horse 14. Western Young Horse Rider Classes 15. Rider under 17 years 16. Rider 18 years and over Champion and Res. Champion Rider Young Horse– Champion eligible for Supreme Rider 17. Consolation Class For any horses/riders who have not yet won a ribbon. Don’t forget to do your Utility Pattern– Pattern U1 Dressage Riders may ride any two tests of their choice at two consecutive levels. Entry Fee $10.00 per Test Rosettes to Tenth in Each Test st Prize: 1 : Gift Pack to value of $100.00 $25 cash 2nd: $15 gift pack 3rd: $10 1. 2. 3. Prep A Prelim 1.2 Novice 2.2 PRESENTATION ATTIRE / EQUIPMENT English or Australian Stock Horse attire, Snaffle bits only, No roller spurs Pony Ring Galloway Ring Hack Ring Young Horse Ring Riders to complete their utility patterns between 8.00am and 12.00pm when available. Ring will close at 12.00pm sharp. PATTERN U1 Novelty Events: To be run at lunchtime, $2.00 per event, pay as you go! limited to one horse one rider one entry Places to 5th age groups: 10 and under 11 to 17years 18 to 30 years 30 to when you stop counting 1. 2. 3. 4. Bending Barrels Apple Bob Drum and Peg
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