PHEPR Region 9 Training Events 2015 Date/Time Information Registration Target Audience /Target Capability May 4-6, In-person and SNS 2015 & online Preparedness August 10-12, Course Course 2015 The SNS Preparedness course is a 3-day “blended” course using self-paced learning, virtually-led classrooms, and in-person training to provide state, regional, and local planners and medical countermeasure (MCM) staff with the information needed to design and execute MCM mass distribution and dispensing operations (course code: AE). This course includes instruction on the SNS formulary, warehouse operations, distribution methods, and point of dispensing operations. There are no prerequisites for this course. Information & Registration Personnel to be trained should be involved in SNS planning and coordination at the federal /state / regional / local level. May 6 11:00am12:00 noon Preparing Your People: An Overview of Personal and Family Preparedness being presented by Mr. Matthew Mahar from the National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy. Continuity Webinar Series. Topic for September is Essential Records and Continuity. For more information on the series click here. This course builds on competencies gained in the Basic PIO course (G-290) applying those skills in an expanding incident where coordination is enhanced by establishing a JIS/JIC. This training will equip PIOs with the skills needed to establish and operate in a JIS/JIC. The course will demonstrate how JIC concepts are applied in a flexible and scalable manner at the local levels. Download and complete the EMD State Training Application ergencymanagement/trainingapplication ent-07-13.pdf Submit completed application by: Fax: 253-512-7206 or Email: [email protected] For questions contact: Shelly Glenn, Course Manager 253-512-7048 [email protected] May 7 8:00 – 5:00 pm or September 23 8:00 – 5:00 pm Location Webinar Camp Murray, WA Pasco, WA Title Continuity Tools and Support Preparing Your People Joint Information System/Center for PIOs (G-291) Date/Time Location Title Information Various PDF report April 2015 Edition of the Region X Training & Exercise Quarterly Compendium (TEQC) Contains basic information about regionally available significant training and exercise events. Includes events from April 2015 to December 2017. Virtual Tabletop Exercise Series IGrams/2014/1072%20%20(Revised)%20Training%20 Bulletin%20%20VTTX%20Program%20201 5.pdf Intended to provide an opportunity for responders across the nation to simultaneously participate in a hazard-specific facilitated discussion. Lead facilitation for the exercise will be coordinated by EMI, with local facilitation provided by the participating agency. Hurricane Scenario The Virtual Tabletop Exercises (VTTX) will be offered monthly by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). The VTTX involves key personnel discussing simulated scenarios in an informal setting, and can be used to assess plans, policies, training and procedures. The VTTX differs from other Tabletop exercises in that it will be conducted using Video-Teleconference (VTC) technology CDC's Second Wednesday Webinar The CDC hosts a monthly webinar on various medical countermeasure planning efforts. Registration is not required Participants can log onto meet/join/index.jsp?customHead er=mymeetings and enter conference number RW3216758 and audience passcode: 1854806 audio portion, dial 1-800- 8575553 and enter participant passcode 1854806 (limited to the first 250). Continuing education is available for a variety of professions. For more information, contact [email protected] May 12, 13, 14 May 26, 27, 28 9:00am – 1:00pm May 13 10:00-11:00 am Online format Same scenario with 6 different dates to choose from and different participants Webinar Public Health Focus: Hurricane Scenario Registration Target Audience RegionX_TEQC_Apri l2015.pdf Date/Time Location Title Information Registration Target Audience May 13 9:00 am2:30pm Sacred Heart Providence Auditorium Pediatrics Disaster Response Workshop Interactive Breakout Sessions: -Mass Casualty Pediatric Triage Exercise -Overview of Pediatric Resources -Kids ARE Just Small Adults Register Here This workshop is free. Questions? Contact Britt Mennen Northwest Healthcare Response Network 425-988-2898 or [email protected] This workshop is appropriate for physicians, nurses, mid-level practitioners, emergency clinical planners, managers and instructors. Content is structured primarily for non-pediatric providers but all levels of pediatric expertise are welcome. /registration.php To view all of the sessions for the coming year, or to see previous sessions, go to edule.php PediatricDisasterW orkshop_13May2015_wFaculty.pdf May 14 11:30am1:00pm Webinar FEMA Promising Practices: Closing Gaps in Local Emergency Plans and Grassroots Emergency Planning We will hear about the lessons learned from the Massachusetts Active Planning project, which brought together local disability community members with their localities, to work collaboratively, share resources and expertise about emergency preparedness and response for and with people with disabilities, ultimately enhancing resilience for the whole community. Our second set of speakers will describe an effort to get people with disabilities and other access and functional needs to prepare for emergencies, for that group to communicate needs to emergency responders, and to encourage businesses and local civic leaders to plan cooperatively for needs through periodic community meetings. Date/Time Location May 16-17 8:00am5:00pm each day Title Information Registration Target Audience Fire Training Advanced Center Disaster Life Spokane, WA Support The Advanced Disaster Life Support™ (ADLS®) course is an intense 15-hour course that allows participants to demonstrate competencies in mass casualty management. Core education elements include the ADLS manual and five interactive lectures (Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Triage in Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Health System Surge Capacity for Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Community Health Emergency Operations and Response; and Legal and Ethical Issues in Disasters). Registration link: ew.php?id=1087 Contact Dave Byrnes [email protected] or 509.324.1694 for more information Successful completion of the BDLS course is a prerequisite for attendance at the ADLS course. The ADLS course target audience includes physicians, nurses, physician assistants, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics, pharmacists, allied health professionals, and students in health professional schools. May 27 10:3011:30am Webinar Ebola: A Look at the Local Public Health Response May 27-28 Wenatchee, WA Annual WSHA Conference Ebola: Surveillance, Preparedness, Infection Register Control and Risk Communication - The Philadelphia Department of Public Health Experience. This presentation provides an overview of how the Philadelphia Department of Public Health prepared for and responded to the West Africa Ebola Epidemic. Specific areas to be discussed include: Implementation of an active monitoring program for travelers... Preparing for the unexpected VI: Washington Ready! This conference is designed to help increase awareness for healthcare systems that may be called on to participate in a response to any event that creates mass disruptions. Date/Time Location Title Information Registration Target Audience May 28 8:00 – 12:00 pm Or 1:00 – 5:00 pm Richland, WA Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings awareness This course provides basic instruction on response procedures for terrorist incidents involving energetic materials (explosives and incendiaries). The course includes classroom presentations that address potential terrorist bombing targets in the U.S. communities, common military and commercial explosives available to terrorists, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and response procedures that support safe and effective operations during bombing incidents. To Apply: FEMA Form 119-25-1 Application: 9-25-1.pdf Applicants will need to put their Student Identification (SID) in place of their social security number. If you do not yet have a SID, just follow these three simple steps to obtain one: Step 1: To register, go to: https://cdp.dhs. gov/femasid/. Step 2: Click on the “Need a FEMA SID?” button on the right side of the screen. Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account. June 1 10:00am3:30pm Sacred Heart Medical Center Spokane, Washington Crisis Standards of Care Workshop Northwest Healthcare Response Network It was recognized during the H1N1 pandemic that healthcare systems could be stressed to a point that healthcare professionals would find it difficult to adhere to normal treatment procedures and conventional standards of care. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Department of Health and Human Services charged an Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee with the task of developing guidance to establish standards of care that could apply to disaster situations, both naturally occurring and man-made. What are these Crisis Standards of Care? How can they be implemented? What do they mean for our patients, institutions and communities? There is no cost for this workshop and lunch will be provided. Space is limited, early registration is recommended. If you have trouble registering for this workshop due to security restrictions, please contact Britt at 425988-2898 Click here for the complete agenda and event flyer. Registration Required s-standards-of-care-workshopspokane-washington-tickets15877575255 Date/Time Location Title Information Registration Target Audience June 9-10, 2015 Quinault Indian Nation in Ocean Shores, WA. 2015 Tribal Public Health Emergency Preparedness Conference This year’s conference theme is “The Power of Positive Partnerships.” Our theme this year is "The Power of Positive Partnerships,” and the agenda will focus on ways to improve and enhance inter-agency and cross-jurisdictional collaboration in tribal public health preparedness in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Register: s/TPHEP2015 The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board invites you to join tribal, state, regional, local, and national partners at the 2015 Tribal Public Health Emergency Preparedness conference Representatives of the 43 federally-recognized Northwest tribes are eligible for travel reimbursement of up to $500 per tribe. Updated information will be posted at as soon as they become available. June 9-12 June 29-30 WSU Spokane Campus Yakima, WA L0363 MultiHazard Emergency Planning for Higher Education Emergency Planning Conference for People with All Abilities This FEMA course is designed to be delivered to teams of campus personnel who are responsible for creating, reviewing, implementing and exercising emergency operations plans. Topics include; overview of emergency management, identifying hazards and using risk assessment process, managing your EOC & using ICS, partnering with your internal and external community, developing or revising your plan, training and testing the plans. If you work with people with disabilities, vulnerable populations, individuals with access and functional needs, and network with local Police, Fire, and Emergency Management personnel in your community, then this training is for you. Learning how to prepare, respond, and recover to any emergency is essential. This conference will help you, the people you serve, and your agency know how to prepare, respond, and recover in crucial emergency situations. FEMA Registration 2015.pdf Norene Phillipson, Facilities Operations WSU Spokane South Campus Facility, Room 310 Phone: (509) 358-7760 Email: [email protected] Reserve your seat by registering at mergency-planning-workshopfor-people-with-all-abilitiesstatewide-tickets-15116035469 Please register for both days. Free! Campus staff and personnel. Community first responders, emergency management, and law enforcement. People who have traditional response or strategic experience, but minimal experience in emergency management planning. Date/Time Location Title Information Registration June 7-10, 2016 Statewide Exercise Cascadia Rising Cascadia Rising is a functional exercise intended to test local, state, tribal, and federal government as well as select private sector and non-governmental organizations’ ability to jointly respond to a Cascadia Subduction Zone9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami with associated aftershocks along the West Coast of Washington State. On-demand Website FEMA distance based learning courses New courses include: Role of voluntary organizations in emergency management For more information contact Steve Simerly Regional Exercise Officer, FEMA Region 10 (425) 487-4605 [email protected] or Ed Taylor Exercise Program Manager, WA EMD (253) 512-7040 [email protected] On-demand Website PreparEd Talks New Courses On-demand Website New Website: ov Welcome to PreparEd Talks; a series of free, online learning lectures that provide an introduction and analysis of ten current topics on emergency preparedness from both a public health and medical perspective. The talks were produced in collaboration with the University of Toledo. This is a public resource to foster collaboration and the continual improvement of disaster-related open data, free tools, and new ways to empower survivors, first responders, and all levels of government with critical information and resources. The White House Innovation for Disaster Response and Recovery Initiative was launched by the Administration in response to Hurricane Sandy. See more at: arednessresources#sthash.eWRq3Pqc.d puf None required Target Audience The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment. New additions: -Measles: Why was it never truly eradicated? Date/Time Location Title Information Registration Target Audience On-demand Online Blog Public Health Matters Blog: CDC’s Prep Check takes preparedness into the community. Each episode features a venue that many people visit regularly – large businesses, airports, churches, and more – to learn about how each of them prepares for a disaster. matters/ Disaster Training Video of the Day The videos found in this library cover disaster related mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery training for a wide variety areas. New: -Take the Pledge to improve your community’s preparedness -The Great Thaw, Looking Back on Boston’s Record Breaking Winter -What Global Polio Eradication could mean for your Health Security New courses: Multi agency Coordination Using a Fire Shelter Preparing for a Power Outage On-demand Online Videos Various dates Resident Training Center for Domestic Preparedness Courses To learn more about the specific training programs, you can visit our website at and read all about the training program. To complete registration ration-process/ If you are a state, local or tribal government emergency responder, this training is completely funded by DHS at no cost to you or your jurisdiction. We fly you into Atlanta airport, pick you up, transport you to the CDP, and provide all meals and lodging. Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA on Friday, May 8, 2015 at 9 a.m. – noon Seattle Public Library, Seattle, WA iOS & Website Response & Recovery App in Washington A mobile optimized website and iOS app counterpart called RRAIN Washington. RRAIN stands for Response & Recovery App In Washington. This resource was developed to assist members of the first responder community, particularly those in the EOC, gain quick access to a number of disaster focused resources in one convenient location. Special attention was paid to include apps that are freely Register to attend training sessions at Please share this opportunity with your colleagues. If you have questions regarding this training opportunity, contact [email protected]. Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), fire service, governmental administrative, hazardous materials personnel, healthcare (non-EMS), law enforcement, public health, public safety communication, public works, and other skilled support personnel that provide immediate support services during prevention, response, and recovery operations. on Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 9 a.m. –noon Heritage University, Toppenish, WA on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 1–4 p.m. available, provide real time data, and are from the National Library of Medicine. Examples of resources found within RRAIN are REMM, CHEMM, WISER, traffic maps, and weather alerts. As part of the app roll out, we are conducting several free train-the-trainer sessions across the state of Washington. Training will include content such as when and how to use RRAIN, exposure to specific resources, and gaining familiarity by working through case-based scenarios. The goal is to have individuals empowered to train colleagues back at their home institutions. Public Health Training Date/Time Location Title Information Registration First & third Thursdays every month 11:00am12:00pm Webinar TBD 1:00 pm Webinar NACCHO’s NACCHO's Lunch and Learn Information & registration Lunch and Learn Webinars are short, 45 minute Webinars presentations that are an opportunity for NACCHO members to learn about and discuss programs with Model Practice Winners. Part presentation and part open question and answer session, these continue the act of sharing what works and enable members to connect with winners in a unique, interactive setting. These innovative and inspiring sessions will provide you with practical methods to replicability, teach you how to adopt innovative ways to get you the results you need with time-saving techniques. Next Gen This year’s Grand Rounds on the http://www.mailman.columbia.ed Population Future of Public Health seeks to u/events/grand-rounds Health Grand answer the question of What does it Rounds take to ensure population health? Renowned public health voices in technology, urban health, philanthropy, government, and more will challenge our thinking on global challenges and help set the stage for the future of public health. Join Dean Linda P. Fried and these national figures in considering and discussing what we must do as a society for the broadest possible manifestation of population health. Target Audience Twice a month, on the first and third Thursday, winners will provide a 20 minute presentation and then we will open the call for Q&A and discussion. Presenters are encouraged to talk about replicability of their program and offer suggestions to participants on the call. Date/Time Location Title Webinar Series March 2015 - June 2015 Webinar Century New Media Webinar Training Series Telling Stories That Matter: Visual Storytelling for Health May 19 10:0011:00am Webinar Exploring the Public Health Improvement Resource Center May 19 12:001:00pm iLinc NWCPHP Hot Topics Eliminating Measles; A Success Story from Alaska Information Registration Guest speakers from various public health, advocacy, and communitybased organizations present their best practices and strategies for creating compelling images, videos and graphics, engaging their tribes through visual social media, sharing stories that matter, and growing from the valuable lessons they've learned along the way. wmedia/2015-new-mediatrainings/sessions-2015.html This will provide a walk-through of how Register today! to use the newly updated resource center, highlight key elements of the database, and discuss how you can make the Public Health Improvement Resource Center work best for your organization. In addition to a walk-through of the features of the Public Health Improvement Resource Center, Julie Sharp, former Health Data and Quality Coordinator for the Kane County (IL) Health Department and current Quality Improvement and Accreditation Consultant for PHF, will share her perspective of how the Public Health Improvement Resource Center can be useful throughout PHAB accreditation efforts. Information to come. Check website. pportunities/hot-topics-inpractice/register Target Audience Date/Time Location Title Information Registration On-demand Online NACCHO Epidemiology and Surveillance Training Courses Available A number of new training courses in public health surveillance and p=4407 epidemiology are available now to help public health professionals ensure their continued knowledge and expertise in disease control and prevention measures. Courses include; Epidemiology in Action, Public Health Surveillance, International Course in Applied Epidemiology, and Epi Info 7 (Developing Public Health Software Applications) On-demand Online toolkit Effective Conferences: A Toolkit for Planning an Event For those behind the scenes—the organizers—the implementation of a conference is the culmination of months of preparation, detailed planning, and hard work. A well-run event can help participants learn; a poorly-planned one can distract from the conference’s larger goals. NWCPHP has released a new toolkit, which provides practical tools to help event organizers develop, implement, and evaluate their conferences. Topics covered range from: defining conference objectives to developing an agenda, and designating speakers and facilitators. You’ll also learn how to choose a venue, organize staff and materials, and publicize and evaluate the event. Learn more. The toolkit is available at no cost. Target Audience Public health professionals rookie and seasoned alike can benefit from participation in follow up refresher courses with exposure to new concepts. Date/Time Title Information Registration Target Audience On-site On-site trainings Training sessions will be offered through August 2015 National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Contact: Yris Lance, MA |CLAS Standards Project Manager Public health staff, supervisors, and managers with an interest in ensuring their agencies’ information and services are appropriate for the diverse populations they serve are encouraged to attend. See attached flyer for more information on training content and learning objectives. This CLAS training can also be tailored and/or shortened to meet organizational needs. Various NWCPHP’s 2015 Institute and Certificate Programs The Governor’s Interagency Council on Health Disparities is offering free training sessions on the Office of Minority Health’s National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS Standards). This training provides an in-depth understanding of the CLAS standards, including adoption and implementation strategies. The training consists of five, 1.5 hour sessions, and is based on Adult Learning Theory and Principles. The sessions can be tailored to an organization’s needs. What will the future of health look like? NWCPHP is tackling that question with a spectrum of exciting trainings designed to address the opportunities, questions, and workforce demands of today. Choose the best program for your own individual needs, or strategically send employees to one or all of our programs as part of a larger workforce development effort. The Public Health 101 Series provides foundational teaching tools and learning products covering critical sciences essential to public health practice. The fundamental scientific components are wide and varied, spanning topics from the fields of epidemiology, health economics, data management, and laboratory science, to public health policy. On-demand Location Online & Inperson Teaching tools and learning products Public Health 101 Phone: 360‐480‐2057 [email protected] if you have questions or would like to schedule your sessions Public Health Management Certificate August 2015-July 2016 Summer Institute for Public Health Practice: Held August 3– 6, 2015 01/ •Public health professionals •Persons new to public health •Public health educators, instructors, or leads in specific fields •Those interested in pursuing public health careers Date/Time Location Title Information Registration Target Audience On-demand Online Foundations of Public Health Certificate Bloomberg School Offers Public Health Courses On the Go Participants must register for the certificate and complete requirements as laid out in the course curriculum. Instruction and materials are provided at no charge. Visit or the NYS Department of Health Learning Management System and select Foundations of PH Public health employees in local health departments and the NYS Department of Health are eligible to participate with permission from their supervisor. Various start Online dates throughout the year This basic introductory certificate provides fundamental knowledge for public health workers with limited formal education or training in public health. These courses are offered via distance learning (self-paced, online course format). The certificate is sponsored by the Empire State Public Health Training Center in partnership with the School of Public Health. Free online course content from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is now available on the iPhone® through the new Coursera mobile app. The Bloomberg School of Public Health currently offers 16 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in collaboration with Coursera. Resource Online New Tools to Help You Find Public Health Trainings training finder tool Tools Online Public Health Tools A new tool is available that searches NWCPHP’s nearly 200 online courses, webinars, toolkits and guides, inperson trainings, as well as our institute and certificate programs. We hope this helps you find the trainings that meet your needs more easily. Site developed to share public health information, resources, & tools among the public health workforce. Includes documents, videos, and others. /home Together, these courses have amassed more than 650,000 enrollments from students, educators and public health professionals around the world.
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