Design by Sparkly
development and competitive advantages
Supported by
Ministry of Economic Affairs
Organized by
Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA
Implemented by
Taiwan External Trade Development Council
Ad. by Bureau of Foreign Trade
2 Current development of Taiwan's auto industry
6 Analysis of global and Taiwan's auto parts industry
8 Core strengths of Taiwan's auto parts industry
‑ Presence of auto and auto parts industry clusters
‑ Taiwan has a complete up-, mid-, and downstream auto parts industry chain
‑ Among Taiwan's collision parts, exports of machinery and rubber/plastic parts have been
growing steadily.
‑ Taiwan's mold manufacturing industry has inherited Japan's technology, quality, and
precision, and possesses extensive
‑ The cost of auto electronics as a percentage of vehicle cost is increasing rapidly.relevant
‑ Taiwanese firms' rapid production (RP) technology
20 Taiwan's leading manufacturers in terms of auto parts exports
‑ The following are some of Taiwan's leading auto parts manufacturers
32 Development opportunities for Taiwan's auto parts industry and
future trends
future trends
34 Manufacturers Directory
applications for assembly plants unless the plant exported at least 50% of its vehicles.
Auto companies began to acquire CKD assembly, seat, suspension, and transmission
system production technology, and as a result, in-house content surged to 50-60%.
Current development of
Taiwan's auto industry
The majority of auto parts plants in Taiwan initially started out making motorcycle parts.
As a result of the government's policy of localization and increased local content starting
in 1958, assembly plants started to look for suitable domestic auto parts plant partners in
order to create a domestically-made vehicle parts supply system. At the same time, under
the government's increased local content policy, assembly plants steadily developed inhouse parts, and this trend intensified due to increasing competition in the auto industry
and the resulting need for lower costs and improvement of quality. The relationship
between central plants and parts plants grew increasingly close. Aside from providing all
kinds of product and market information to their suppliers, central plants also provided
management system guidance to facilitate improvement. For this reason, assembly plants
provided a foundation on which the auto parts industry developed. The development of
Taiwan's auto industry can be divided into six phases:
1. Introduction of assembly technology (1953-1967)
Taiwan's auto industry was in its infancy during this phase. Even though increased
local content regulations were enacted in 1958, and Yulon Motor stipulated a 20%
increased local content each year with a goal of achieving total in-house production
within five years when signing a technical cooperation agreement with Nissan Motor,
implementation proved to be impossible due to Taiwan's immature production
technology and high costs. As a result, the majority of parts were assembled from
imported bulk parts (KD), and in-house content was only 20-40%.
2. Production technology introduction phase (1968-1978)
This phase saw assembly plant establishment approval granted to San Yang, Ford
Lio Ho, and China Motor. However, the government subsequently did not permit
3. Production technology absorption phase (1979- 1991)
During this phase, thanks to the increasingly mature state of Taiwan's basic industries
such as casting, punching, and forging, increasing demand for cars, higher parts
delivery and management standards, and the government's incentive measures, parts
such as brakes, instruments, and steering systems achieved the goal of localization, and
in-house content reached as high as 70%.
4. Active development phase (1992-2002)
Due to the small domestic car market and difficulty in reducing parts costs, the
development of Taiwan's auto industry encountered restrictions. The only answer was
to comply with the government's Automobile Industry Development Strategy, which
focused on international markets, by exploring the opportunities and difficulties of
foreign market entry, and seeking out possible solutions. This effort involved upgrading
various parts industries and performing key parts development work in an effort to
enter international division of labor systems and expand exports.
5. International take-off phase (2003 - 2008)
When Taiwan became a member of the WTO in 2002, this led to the reduction of
import duties and attracted the attention of international firms interested in Taiwan's
consumer auto market. Apart from the cancellation of the increased local content
policy, in 2004 the government of Taiwan also revoked the 3% excise tax reduction for
companies that conducted in-house R&D and production. However, in the wake of the
formation of regional economic blocs worldwide, while import duties are typically 0-5%
within each regional bloc, tariff barriers still protect against imports from countries
outside a bloc. For this reason, Taiwan's auto industry bore the brunt of competition
in international auto markets. Under the second phase of the Automobile Industry
Development Strategy, auto companies actively took part in the global division of labor
system, and assembly plants began to attempt to export whole and CKD vehicles to
Southeast Asia. Auto parts plants expanded their export channels via acquisition of
distributors and strategic/brand alliances.
As for development of the highly-promising Chinese market, Taiwan's auto parts
plants gradually introduced Taiwan's technologies to China via a cross-Strait division of
labor system in order to achieve economies of scale. Because of the small size of the
domestic market, achieving economies of scale has proved to be unattainable. For this
reason, Taiwan must focus on globalization, increase the added value of its brands,
develop products that meet the needs of local consumers and implement a strategy
of differentiation. With regard to export channels and market expansion, in order to
nurture specialized motor vehicle trading companies with international competitiveness,
the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA implemented the "Specialized Trading
Company Tangible Assistance Program" and the "Project to assist SMEs to Enter the
Purchasing Circles of Major International Firms." It is hoped that strategic alliances
consisting of specialized domestic motor vehicle trading companies, major international
auto manufacturers, leading parts manufacturers, aftermarket channel firms, and
domestic trading companies will help domestic parts firms to expand their exports.
To strengthen auto firms' design and development ability, the Industrial Development
Bureau, MOEA has implemented the "Whole Vehicle Development Plan," which gives
investment plans for vehicle models, chasses, and key precision parts designed in-house
by Taiwan's auto companies "Important Emerging Strategic Industry" status, helping
assembly plant and parts manufacturers to engage in the design and development of
vehicles and key precision parts.
term support for the Whole Vehicle Development Plan. The Luxgen brand, which is
differentiated by its advanced onboard electronics, has found favor with Taiwan's
consumers. The Yulon Group also introduced another in-house brand—"tobe"—in
November 2009. The tobe brand is clearly differentiated from the foregoing Luxgen,
and is aimed at the small car market. The first model of this brand—the M'car—is the
product of cross-Strait collaboration, and is based on China's Geely Panda, with the
addition of engineering adjustments and differentiated design features. Manufactured
and assembled in Taiwan, it is sold in the domestic and foreign markets. The first batch
of mass-produced vehicles went on the market in Vietnam in December 2009, and it
has been sold in Taiwan since April 2010.
The development of autonomous brands has enabled domestic firms to control the
entire auto value chain, including the areas of market research, product planning,
design, development, production, and sales. And from the perspective of key parts,
since many such parts must be developed jointly by assembly plants and parts
manufacturers, the parts supply systems established by autonomous brands provide
opportunities for Taiwan's parts manufacturers to boost their status in the auto supply
The Yulon Group and China's Dongfeng Motor Group jointly entered the Chinese
market in 2011, and have relied on the size of the Chinese market to actively increase
in-house content of key parts, such as by developing a 2.2-liter engine for Luxgen cars
in May 2012. The partners plan to develop various types of engines in the future in
response to different assembly needs, look forward to entering the Russian market in
the second quarter of 2013, and will continue to boost the market share and visibility of
Yulon's autonomous brand in international market.
6. Autonomous brand development phase (2009 – present)
In January 2009, the Yulon Group launched its in-house brand Luxgen, which signified
an important milestone for the development of Taiwan's auto industry. Apart from
the company's determination, its success also illustrated the government's long-
of assembly
take-off phase
Autonomous brand
development phase
Figure 2 Analysis of Taiwan's auto parts output
Auto steering
systems and parts
Auto instruments
2012 Value of auto parts output
(NT$188.76 billion)
Auto electrical parts
Trucks and other vehicle bodies
Analysis of global and Taiwan's
auto parts industry
Demand for cars is increasing rapidly in the world's emerging nations, and auto sales
volume and penetration are surging in emerging markets such as China, India, and the
ASEAN countries. The demand for auto parts is also expanding quickly, especially in the
wake of growth in emerging market auto sales since 2010. It is estimated that the value of
global auto parts output will grow 7.8% in 2013, and total value will reach approximately
US$1.15133 trillion (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1 Global auto parts output value and growth rate, 2010-2014
Units: US$1 billion
Value of auto parts output
Annual growth rate
Other auto parts
Auto engines and parts
Auto brake systems
and parts
Large bus bodies
Auto transmission and
suspension systems and parts
Source: Department of Statistics, MOEA; ITRI IEK (2013/06)
In the last few years, the quality of domestic auto parts has attained international
standards, and domestic parts have been acquiring aftermarket parts certifications from
Europe and North America. Taiwan's auto parts industry has a well-developed centersatellite system, and there is extensive cooperation between center and supplier plants.
Domestic auto parts firms offer both a cost advantage and flexible manufacturing
methods. Boosted by strong demand in North America, Japan, and emerging nations,
Taiwan's auto parts sales grew by 2.2% in 2012 compared with 2011, and a total of
roughly NT$196.7 billion in auto parts were sold in 2012 (see Fig. 3).
Figure 3 Analysis of Taiwan's auto parts sales, 2010-2014
Source: Department of Statistics, MOEA; Customs import/export database; ITRI IEK (2013/06)
Source: Department of Statistics, MOEA; Customs import/export database; ITRI IEK (2013/06)
With regard to Taiwan's auto parts production and sales, in 2012 Taiwan produced a
total of NT$188.76 billion worth of auto parts, and auto electric parts; suspensions,
transmission systems, and parts; and auto engines and parts accounted for the largest
shares of this total (21.1%, 13.4%, and 7.1%). (see Fig. 2).
Most early auto parts plants were located in the area around Taipei and Taoyuan, and
formed the supply chain of the central Yulon plant. Afterwards, 11 companies, including
San Fu Motor, Ford Lio Ho, China Motor, San Yang, and Yu Tien, began producing cars,
which led to the establishment of auto parts manufacturers in the Taichung/Changhua
area, and the Tainan/Kaohsiung area.
Core strengths of Taiwan's auto
parts industry
1. Presence of auto and auto parts industry clusters
With regard to the development of auto and parts industry clusters, Taiwan's auto
industry has been in existence for several decades, is closely interlinked, and has a
complex industry chain. As the industry changes, the scope of industry clusters is also
changing. From a spatial perspective, Taiwan's auto and parts industry has mostly been
clustered near the island's major northern, central, and southern urban areas. In terms
of such criteria as land use by plants, number of persons employed at relevant firms,
and number of companies, northern Taiwan has the largest auto industry cluster. In
terms of location at the county level, the industry has been gradually shifting from
Taipei city and New Taipei City to the Taoyuan and Hsinchu area since 1980. One of
the main reasons for this trend is the shift of the center of Yulon auto production
from Xindian (New Taipei City) to Sanyi, Miaoli County. The establishment of plants in
Yangmei and Zhongli, Taoyuan County and Hukou, Hsinchu County by Kuozui Motors,
Ford Lio Ho, and China Motor has had a major influence on the clustering of relevant
firms, and the concentration of the industry has become more evident.
The most significant industry cluster in central Taiwan is the one surrounding the
location of Yulon in Sanyi, Miaoli County. Apart from this, there is also a cluster of
relevant firms in the area extending from Taichung to the Changpin Industrial Park. In
southern Taiwan, although there are many relevant firms, industry clusters cannot be
pinpointed as easily as in northern and central Taiwan. The connections between these
firms have been becoming stronger in recent years, however, and the most evident
cluster of related firms has taken shape in Tainan's Anping industrial area.
With regard to assembly plants, Taiwan's eight major whole vehicle companies are Kuozui
Motors, Ford Lio Ho, San Yang, Prince Motor, China Motor, Yulon (located in northern
Taiwan), Taiwan Isuzu, and Taiwan Honda (Isuzu and Honda are located in central and
southern Taiwan). These central assembly plants promoted the development of parts
manufacturers, and the suppliers that populated each center-satellite system tended to be
clustered around their central assembly plant. As a result, the major parts manufacturers
have tended to be located in clusters, and they also induced upstream vendors to
establish plants nearby. The industry clusters in the Changhua area and around Tainan
belong to this type.
In northern Taiwan, the largest concentration of auto firms is located in the Taoyuan
area. China Motor, Kuozui Motors, and Ford Lio Ho have all established plants in the
industrial areas of Yangmei and Zhongli, Taoyuan County, and numerous small/mediumsized parts manufacturers have likewise settled in this area. Relevant parts manufacturers
located nearby include Taiwan Denso, Kiang Shan, and Lioho Machine. Furthermore,
there are also clusters of parts manufacturers in other areas of Taoyuan County, including
Guanyin, Luzhu, and Guishan. In Hsinchu County, an auto parts industry cluster has
emerged in the area around Xinfeng and the Hsinchu Industrial Park. This cluster includes
such firms as San Yang, Taiwan Bridgestone, Nankang Tire, Shihlin Electric, and GSK.
In addition, many system vendors serving Yulon are clustered in or near Sanyi, Miaoli
County. In central Taiwan, the auto parts industry is concentrated in Changhua County, and there
are clusters of firms in Yuanlin, Lugang, Shengang, and the Changpin Industrial Park.
Leading parts firms in this area include Kenda Rubber, Depo, E-Lead, and Chien Sheng.
In southern Taiwan, the most evident auto parts industry cluster is around Anping in
Tainan, and there are a few clusters near Luzhu and Renwu, Kaohsiung County and in
Pingtung City. The leading parts manufacturers in the Tainan area include Ta Yih, TYC
Brother, Kai Yih, and Tong Yang, while Depo is located in the Xinying Industrial Park.
Tainan contains a major concentration of important vehicle light and rubber/plastic part
manufacturers (see Fig. 4).
Figure 4 Current status of Taiwan's auto industry (including auto parts industry) clusters
Companies in northern Taiwan
Whole vehicle producers: Kuozui Motors, Ford Lio Ho, San Yang, Prince
Motor, China Motor, Yue Loong
Parts: Tung Thih, Shinlin Electric, Haitec, Uni Auto Parts, Taigene,
Gordon Auto Body, Hamg Shing, Gong Hsin, Jui Li, Nangang Tires, Hsin
Chong, Chian Hsing Forging, Taiwan Yuasa, Everlight, Lioho Machine,
CEC, Johnson, Taiwan Denso, Taiwan Bridgestone, Photic Electronics,
Taiwan Riken, Delta Electronic, and Actron.
Northern Taiwan: Taipei, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Taoyuan city
and county, Hsinchu city and county, and Miaoli city and county
Companies in central Taiwan
Whole vehicle producers: Taiwan Isuzu
Parts: Ken Sean, Mobiletron, Universal
Global Scientific, E-Lead, Vei Sheng, Y.C.C.
Parts, Chuan Hsing Spring, Cheng Shinn
Tire, Kenda Tire, SuperAlloy, Hota, FBT,
Chian Hsing Forging, Maxzone
Central District: Taichung, Changhua County,
Nantou city and county, Yunlin County
2. Taiwan has a complete up-, mid-, and downstream auto
parts industry chain
Taiwan's auto parts industry chain, including the auto industry and parts manufacturers,
constitute a typical center-satellite system, where central assembly plants outsource parts
production to Tier 1 satellite plants, and the Tier 1 satellite plants further outsource the
production of constituent parts to Tier 2 and Tier 3 satellite plants, forming a pyramidshaped multilevel division of labor structure. There are approximately 400 OEM parts
manufacturers serving Taiwan's 10 current auto assembly plants, and if Tier 2 and 3
satellite plants and parts manufacturers serving the aftermarket system are included,
Taiwan has a total of approximately 2,300 parts suppliers. Close to 100 companies
have made investments in China. Most firms currently rely on the use of partial process
automation to achieve flexible manufacturing, which allows them to offer small batches
of diverse products as needed, and quality has caught up to international standards (see
Fig. 5).
Companies in southern Taiwan
Whole vehicle producers: Taiwan Honda
Parts: Tong Yang, Taiwan Kai Yih, Maxzone,
TYC Brother, Eagle Eyes, Ta Yih, Dun Young,
Right Way, and Macauto.
Companies in eastern Taiwan
Eastern Taiwan: Hualien County, Taitung
County, Yilan County
Southern Taiwan: Chiayi city and county, Tainan City,
Kaohsiung, Pingtung city and county
Source: ITRI IEK (2012/08)
Figure 5 Taiwan's auto parts industry chain
Upstream raw materials/parts
Upstream rawmaterials/parts
Piwer electronics
Cathode materials
Anode Materials
Separator membrane
Transmission axles
Power electronics elements
Comp Auto Parts Lico, Chang Yuan Tak Technology, Aleees, Shang Chih Hirose Tech
China Steel Chemical Panasonic
Pioneer Technology
Formosa Plastics
Coin Chemical
Riken, Right Way
China Motor Tatung, Porite Taiwan
Yung Hua, Chunghun Taiya ROC Spicer, Hsieh Hsiang
Delta Electronic, Advantech Via Technologies, Universal Global Scientific Holtek, Actron
Everlight, Unity Opto Technology, Liton
Taiwan Glass
China Steel, Yieh Phui
Formosa Plastics, Chi Mei
TSRC, China Synthetic Rubber
Mid-stream parts/modules
Energy storage
Downstream syatems
Electrical systems
Body sheet
conditioning systems
Whole vehicle assembly
Whole vehicle
High-power batteries
Energy storage systems
Valve systems
Body sheet metal
Vehicle Lights
Tires /rims
Rearview mirrors
Reversing radar
Pihsiang, You Liang, E-One MoliSimplo, TD Hi Tech, Juei Teh
Chuan Yang, Yu Chuan, SuperAlloy Celxpert, Dynapack
Tomita, Shinlin Electric,TECO Tatung, Taigene
CEC, Right Way, China Motor Tatung
Hota, Chunghua Taiya, Ji-EE, Shih Yeh
Johnson, Jui Li, Gordon Auto Body, Elite
Maxzone, TYC Brother, Ta Yih, Eagle Eyes
Cheng Shin, Kenda, Nangang, SuperAlloy, Lioho
Ken Sean, Fu Hua
Tong Yang, Y.C.C. Parts,Gordon Auto Body, Yu Chi, Lien Cheng, Feng Yu
Tung Thih, Photic Electronics, Mobiletron
Downstream systems
Electrical systems
Engine systems
Intake/exhaust systems
Cooling/air conditioning
Vehicle communications
Haitec, Delta Electronic
Yue Loong, CEC, Hua Yong
Hsin Tung, Hua Yang, Chien Tai, Hsieh Hsiang, Fu Hsing, Chu Hui
Calsonic,Universal Global Scientific,Yuan Cheng,Shinlin Electric, Y.C.C. Parts,Chih Ta, Wei
Lun, Gordon Auto Body
E-Lead, Universal Global Scientific, Liton,Tung Thih, Hang Hsin, Action Electronics,Garmin,
Gong Hsin, Lite-On, Toppoly, Teamsharp, Mobiletron
Transmission/chassis systems Yung Hua, Chunghua Taiya, ROC Spicer, Hsieh Hsiang, Haitec
Source: ITRI IEK (2013/06)
In the vehicle parts aftermarket, Taiwan accounts for 60-70% of the world's collision parts
(including vehicle lights) by value. Among aftermarket collision parts such as bumpers, sheet
metal parts, rearview mirrors, and rubber/plastic parts, Taiwan accounts for over 85% of the
world's rubber/plastic parts and for more than 90% of bumpers; relevant auto parts firms in
Taiwan are shown in Fig. 6
Figure 6 Major automotive systems and corresponding suppliers in Taiwan
Electronics and Electrical Systems
Shang Ho
CTE Corp.
Taiwan Yazaki
Tai Yu Electric
Antec Electric
Hu Lane
Taiwan Denso
Delta Electronics
Universal Global Scientific
Chao Long
TYC Brother
Everlight Electronics
Kuo Chuan
Ta Yih
Stereos and On-board
Cheng Shin
Taiwan Matsushita
Hamg Shing
Delta Electronics
Passenger Restraint Systems
Steering Systems
Vehicle Body and Glass
Body and Structure
Interior Finishing Systems
Tung Hsin Chang
Chuan Hsing
Mei An
Yu Sheng
Taiwan Hou Mu
Lioho Machine
Hsieh Hsiang
Right Way
Taiwan Auto Glass
Yu Sheng
Lung Ta
Wu Hsiang
Lien Cheng
Hsieh Hsin
Cheng Yu
Chun Yuan
Lieh Kuang
Jui Li
Ju Yang
Tong Yang
Lien Cheng
Yu Chi
Feng Yu
Hsin Chong
Chuan Hsing
Engine Systems
Fuel and Oil Systems
Chung Yuan Tatung
Hua Hsin
Hsieh Hsiang
Yuan Hua
Lioho Machine
Hsieh Hsiang
Taiwan Denso
Jui Li
Lien Cheng
Air Conditioning and Engine
Cooling Systems
Sanden Taiwan
Taiwan Matsushita
Taiwan Denso
Mei Sheng
Wan Tzai
Transmission Systems
Brake Systems
Suspension Systems
Axles, Drive Axles
Exhaust Systems
Chunghua Taiya
Tsang You
Nan Huang
Taiwan Hou Mu
Fine Blanking
Heng Tung
Kuang Lung
Lioho Machine
Ho Hsin
Chunghua Taiya
Ho Sheng
Right Way
Yung Hua
Chunghua Taiya
ROC Spicer
Tsang You
Jung Chang
Huang Hua
Chien Tai
Hsieh Hsiang
Ho Chun
Nangang tires
Taiwan Bridgestone
Cheng Shin
Lioho Machine
Fu Hai
Yuan Heng
Source: Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association (TTVMA); ITRI IEK (2011/04)
3. Among Taiwan's collision parts, exports of machinery and rubber/
plastic parts have been growing steadily.
5. The cost of auto electronics as a percentage of vehicle cost is
increasing rapidly.
Taiwan's manufacturers produce a vast range of auto parts, including plastic parts,
The fact that cost of auto electronics as a percentage of vehicle cost is increasing
auto sunshades, tires, vehicle lights, bumpers, forged parts, engine covers, fenders,
rapidly offers Taiwanese firms four development opportunities:
auto water tanks, condensers, auto belts, instruments, and rearview mirrors. The
leading categories of exported parts include body collision parts, electrical parts, tires,
and peripheral and accessory parts.
4. Taiwan's mold manufacturing industry has inherited Japan's
technology, quality, and precision, and possesses extensive relevant
Many of Taiwan's early auto parts manufacturers acquired mold production technology
from Japan. Having accumulated many years' experience and technological expertise,
parts manufacturers' advanced processing technology, mold development skills, and
production technology ensure product precision and cost competitiveness. Taiwan's
(1) Semiconductors and sensors :
Taiwan's ICT industry is powerful, and its IT industry chain is complete. Many of
Taiwan's information products have great international competitiveness, and some
key parts are ranked first in the world. Taiwan's ICT firms possess extensive ability
to design and manufacture ICs, semiconductors, and sensors, and are able to
integrate power elements and controllers in auto electronics systems. Taiwan also
has a complete semiconductor industry chain, and relevant firms have entered
the auto electronics industry. With on-board information and communications
(telematics) as their developmental basis, these firms are pursuing global OEM and
aftermarket opportunities.
firms possess plentiful experience, which has enhanced the capabilities of peripheral
industries. For instance, cooperation with satellite auto parts manufacturers has
continuously boosted the technology of Taiwan's mold plants.
(2) Vehicle safety products :
Vehicle safety products are new favorites in the aftermarket. However, Taiwan's
auto parts firms are chiefly SMEs, are lacking in such aspects as technology
and resources, R&D funding, time, size, and testing and certification, and must
coordinate their products with vehicle manufacturers. In addition, the vehicle
safety product market has a high threshold to entry. Examination of global auto
electronics development trends and the structure of Taiwan's auto electronics
product R&D suggests that if parts manufacturers can make the best use of current
product development capabilities, and make use of new technological applications,
they can achieve a considerable level of competitiveness in this market. The most
urgent question at present is how to quickly develop competitive products.
(3) Telematics products:
Numerous Taiwanese firms have entered the telematics market, and many of
these have specifically targeted the aftermarket. Firms have a high level of
product development autonomy, and may specialize in hardware (such as satellite
navigation units), software (user interfaces and voice identification, etc.), and
system services (such as Yulon's earlier development of its TOBE service). Telematics
products developed in Taiwan have mostly consisted of hardware devices such as
satellite navigation modules, various on-board devices, PDAs used in conjunction
with cell phones, and commercial fleet (such as taxis and trucks) management
modules. Downstream products currently under production include embedded
on-board navigation units, commercial fleet monitoring and positioning systems,
portable vehicle navigation devices, PDA navigation system modules, and auto
video entertainment equipment.
(4) Entering the Chinese market in cooperation with major international
International first-line system firms are already investing in China, and obtaining
supplies from Tier 1 and 2 parts firms in China. For instance, Delphi supplies the
GM system, Visteon supplies the Ford system, Denso supplies the Toyota system,
and Taiwan's Tung Thih supplies reversing radar to the Mercedes Benz system and
Chinese vehicle manufacturers. Taiwanese producers may aspire to play the role of
Tier 2 or 3 parts suppliers, and can employ technical cooperation or joint funding
to enter the Chinese OEM market or aftermarket.
6. Taiwanese firms' rapid production (RP) technology
Assistive technologies include rapid prototyping (RP), rapid tooling (RT), product
data management systems, engineering data management systems, and concurrent
engineering of precision processing machinery. Thanks to the accumulation of design
data and experience over the course of many years, Taiwan's auto parts manufacturers
have gradually gained a competitive advantage in the form of production precision
and rapid reverse engineering. Some typical reverse engineered parts include bumpers,
varies vehicle lights, sheet metal parts, and rearview mirrors, etc.
In the field of aftermarket sheet metal parts, past development processes involved
acquiring OEM parts as templates, and then using plaster to capture the reverse of the
surface shape, followed by use of resin to reproduce the original shape after trimming,
allowing the cutting of a mold. However, since this process is wasteful of materials,
and entails costs such as the preservation of resin materials, it is gradually being
replaced with digital methods. Nowadays, CAD models are produced of OEM parts,
and reverse engineering performed on a computer, sharply reducing production and
storage costs.
aftermarket products under the "Depo" inhouse brand. This company is the world's
main supplier of aftermarket vehicle lights,
and chiefly produces motor vehicle lights, miscellaneous auto hardware,
and various auto parts. Vehicle lights accounted for 99% of Depo's product
Taiwan's leading auto parts
structure in 2011. Depo chiefly serves the aftermarket. Over 14,000 of the
company's vehicle light molds have passed SAE and E-Mark certification,
and it develops 400-500 molds annually, constituting a deterrent to wouldbe competitors.
Depo's chief vehicle light parts include glass, plastic, plastic raw materials, light bulbs,
The following are some of Taiwan's leading auto parts
(1) Tong Yang
and lamp housings; of these, plastic parts account for the largest share of Depo's
Europe and North America have mature insurance systems. In view of the fact that
aftermarket vehicle lights are 20%-30% less expensive than OEM parts, in order to
Depending on the type material they work with, the auto/motorcycle parts industry
cut costs, in recent years insurance companies have been chiefly using aftermarket,
can be divided into metallic material and nonmetallic material categories. Tong Yang
and not OEM, auto collision parts, which must first pass the insurance companies'
is a major vendor of plastic parts, which constitute nonmetallic materials. After its
CAPA certification. Approximately 20% of Depo's parts passed CAPA certification
merger with Kai Yih on September 1, 2010, Tong Yang offered the two product types
during the first half of 2011. Europe, The US, New Zealand, and Australia account for
of aftermarket plastic molded collision parts and sheet metal parts.
roughly 74% of Depo's sales.
Tong Yang chiefly produces bumpers. Approximately 10.85% of products are sold
domestically, and 89.15% are exported. Roughly 65.88% of products are directly
exported, while 23.27% are indirectly exported; major sales areas consist of the US
and Canada, followed by Latin America and Europe. Because Tong Yang can readily
meet customers' price, quality, and delivery time requirements, it has captured an
impressive market share. Approximately 85%-90% of aftermarket collision parts are
supplied by Taiwan, and Tong Yang is the world's main manufacturer of aftermarket
plastic parts in its category.
(2) Depo
Depo is a major domestic aftermarket vehicle lights manufacturer, and sells its
(3) TYC Brother
TYC Brother engages in extensive lamp R&D, and produces lamps complying with
legal, dimensional, and light distribution standards, providing users, drivers, and
pedestrians with safety protection. TYC Brother is one of the world's largest suppliers
of auto, motorcycle, truck, and bus vehicle lights, provides lamps with different
functions and uses to the global OEM market and aftermarket. TYC Brother offers
the most complete line of lamp products and other collision parts, and is customers'
best choice for one-stop shopping. Apart from passing ISO14001, ISO19001, ISO/
TS16949, and Ford Q1, TYC Brother became a member of the Certified Automotive
Parts Association (CAPA) in July 2005, and has become a qualified CAPA supplier.
TYC Brother's R&D department is responsible for developing all lamps in-house,
systems, vehicle blind spot detection (BSD) systems,
and performs structural and optical design, mold development, legal and regulatory
vehicle lane departure warning systems (LDWS),
compliance, quality testing, and quality assurance tasks. TYC Brother is continuously
front collision warning (FCW) systems, and 360°
absorbing new technology and performing training in order to boost its R&D
all-round vehicle monitoring (AVM) systems. Dun
capabilities, enabling it to fully satisfy customers' demands.
Young's products comply with vehicle regulation
The company's main business strategy is to continue to obtain CAPA and other major
certifications for its vehicle lighting products, which will enhance its sales and profit.
TYC Brother will also increase its new vehicle light product development speed,
shorten new product time to market, and thereby safeguard its status as the market
leader. Furthermore, TYC Brother will take advantage of its secondary optical core
technology to develop and introduce HID and LED high-efficiency energy-saving
lamps, and actively enter the Chinese market, global streetlight market, and other
illumination markets.
(4) Dun Young
Dun Young became a subsidiary of the Liton Electronic Group in 1992, and has
successively developed such new products as auto anti-theft devices, tire pressure
detectors, and window/skylight controllers. In order to expand its share of the Chinese
auto electronics market, the company established the Chinese subsidiary Dun Young
Wuxi in 2002. Dun Young successfully developed an LED auto taillight product in
conjunction with a customer in 2003. In order to expand international sales, Dun
Young has been establishing service and sales subsidiaries close to the locations of its
customers in Europe and the United States.
Dun Young can provide integrated services spanning such products as camera modules
and auxiliary video safety systems, and its products include a wide range of camera
modules, digital wireless video transceiver modules, and video processor boxes. Dun
Young has developed an advanced auto safety auxiliary system employing intelligence
visual image processing technology developed in an industry-academic collaborative
project involving the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and National Chiao
Tung University. The company's products include intelligent parking assistance (IPA)
quality standards, and have passed E-Mark and CE
(5) Actron Technology
Actron has passed QS9000, ISO9001, and TS16949
certification, and specializes in diode rectifier
design, packaging, and production for use in auto
alternators, including the packaging and use of
pressfit diodes, dish diodes, and block diodes. Actron
seeks to offer OEM-grade high-end auto alternator
diode rectifiers, and currently supplies roughly 70%
of its output to the original equipment market and
30% to the aftermarket. Actron specializes in diode
rectifier and packaging design and manufacturing,
maintains an excellent quality system and quality
culture, and hopes to establish the leading
benchmarks for auto diode rectifiers.
Actron has extended its core technology to voltage
regulators, and designs and develops applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASIC). Actron is on its way
to becoming a world-class "total solution" vendor.
Actron currently supplies five of the world's eight
leading OEM alternator assembly plants. Via these
Tier 1 vendors, Actron diodes are used by six of the
world's major vehicle brand families.
(6) Universal Global Scientific
(7) Luxgen
Universal Global Scientific relies on its core computing, communications, and
Luxgen Russia established a new plant in 2013, and expects to formally enter the
multimedia technology to strengthen its technology integration ability and stand
Russian market during the third quarter of the year. Luxgen Russia is the company's
out in the EMS vendor market through its miniaturization and modularization
first overseas subsidiary apart from Taiwan and China, and has established a
ability. Universal Global Scientific was the first vendor in Taiwan to develop wireless
cooperative relationship with the private Russian auto manufacturer Derways. Derways
LAN cards, and hopes to maintain its strengths as computing and communications
is subordinate to the Mercury Group, which has vast corporate resources and is one
continue to converge in the future. This company also looks forward to drafting
of Russia's three leading carbonated beverage producers, with a business scope
transformational strategies on the basis of its technological expertise.
encompassing auto manufacturing, leasing, logistics, clothing, and foods. The all-new
Universal Global Scientific plans to make auto electronics one of the key areas of its
future development efforts. Universal Global Scientific joined the ASE Group in 1999,
and this move provided a reliable source of support for the company's upgrading.
Luxgen plant in Russia will be equipped with Luxgen's advanced production lines and
production processes, and looks forward to providing Russian consumers with highquality, intelligent vehicles.
Taiwan plant bears responsibility for manufacturing of small batches of diversified,
The plant occupies a 23.5-hectare site, and conveys the group's determination to put
highly-differentiated, compact products under Universal Global Scientific. Because
down roots in Russia. Apart from the Luxgen 7 SUV, which will be introduced during
the manufacture of storage products entails a high level of process complexity, and
the third quarter of 2013, the company plans to introduce other models sequentially
often a high degree of customization, production is retained in Taiwan. In addition,
during 2014. In order to maintain high-quality assembly work, Luxgen has adopted
Taiwan plant also bears responsibility for supplying domestic customers, which
the most up-to-date production technology and an advanced production management
include companies in and around the Southern Taiwan Science Park and Central
system. Apart from providing specialized training to Russian engineers and technicians
Taiwan Science Park. From the perspective of production processes, Taiwan plant
at the company's Sanyi plant in Taiwan, Luxgen has also stationed engineers from its
bears responsibility for gathering and analyzing customer and market information,
parent plant in Russia to provide technical support. As a result, Luxgen will be able
performing design work, producing samples prior to mass production, completing
to ensure that all assembly and painting processes, etc., will be consistent with those
electrical testing and other testing tasks, and other preparatory tasks before mass
at its parent plant, and it will also strive to achieve compliance with the stringent
production is assigned to overseas production sites.
manufacturing processes at the parent plant.
China is another key part of Universal Global Scientific's development plans. The
The following is an overview of Luxgen's mainstream auto electronics products:
company's Shenzhen and Shanghai plants are largely differentiated, with the
Shenzhen plant specializing in computer-related areas and the supply of peripheral
1. Side View safety imaging system
parts. Because the nearby area contains a cluster of notebook computer and flat panel
If a vehicle from the rear enters the blind spots on the left and right sides, a collision
display manufacturers, the Shanghai plant is focusing on the production of panel- and
is possible if the driver tries to change lanes. As soon as the driver uses the direction
wireless-applications products.
signals, the Side View+ system will display images of the right and left blind spots on
the THINK+.
2. Vehicle lane departure warning system
A camera mounted at top central part of the front windshield monitors the road
to the front of the vehicle, and the THINK+ computing system identifies the correct
locations of lane lines. The system turns on automatically when the vehicle is moving
faster than 60 kmh. If the vehicle approaches any lane lines and the driver has not
used the direction signals, the system will emit a beeping sound to remind the driver
of a hazardous lane departure.
3. Intelligent electronic parking brake (EPB)
Luxgen has set a precedent in Taiwan by employing the four-mode intelligent
electronic parking brake (EPB) system made by the major European manufacturer
Küster. These brakes are far safer than traditional hand brakes. This EPB system can
hold vehicles with great force (maximum force of 1,320 Newtons in the case of the
Luxgen 7 SUV and 1,270 Newton in the case of the Luxgen 5 Sedan).
4. Auto Park function
The intelligent hand brake will automatically turn on as soon as the vehicle's engine
shuts off.
5. Take Off Assistant
When the driver presses on the accelerator, the hand brake will be automatically
deactivated, allowing the vehicle to start on a hill without fear of rolling backward.
6. Dynamic braking
Dynamic braking resolves the problem of the rear wheels locking up, causing the
vehicle to lose control and skid, when traditional hand brakes are used in a moving
vehicle. Dynamic braking enhances safety by ensuring effective braking force without
locking up the rear wheels.
7. Child protection function
After a vehicle has been parked, it is easy for a child in the vehicle to accidentally
release the parking brake, causing an accident. The intelligent EPB brake system will
automatically hold a turn-off vehicle, and will not release its braking function even if
accidentally deactivated by a child.
Table 1 Current status and development trends of major parts manufacturers
Tong Yang
Status/significance in the industry
Development trends during most recent year
- Taiwan's largest auto bumper manufacturer.
- Tong Yang’s main line of business consists of the
manufacture of auto and motorcycle parts. The
auto/motorcycle parts industry can be divided
into metallic material and nonmetallic material
categories. Tong Yang chiefly supplies plastic parts
– a nonmetallic material.
- After its merger with Kai Yih, Tong Yang offered the
two product types of aftermarket plastic molded auto
collision parts and sheet metal parts.
- Depo is Taiwan's leading manufacturer of
aftermarket vehicle lights, and sells its products
under its in-house "Depo" brand on the global
aftermarket. It is the world's leading supplier of
aftermarket auto light products.
- Depo chiefly produces motor vehicle lights,
miscellaneous auto hardware, and various auto parts.
Vehicle lights accounted for 99% of Depo's product
structure in 2012. Depo chiefly serves the aftermarket.
Over 14,000 of the company's vehicle light molds have
passed SAE and E-Mark certification, and it develops
400-500 molds annually, constituting a deterrent to
would-be competitors.
- TYC Brother is one of the world's largest suppliers
of auto, motorcycle, truck, and bus vehicle lights,
provides lamps with different functions and uses
to the OEM market and aftermarket.
- TYC Brother's Chongqing plant began mass
production during the first quarter of 2012, and is also
actively entering the new market of lamps for highperformance energy-saving streetlights. The company
has obtained China's streetlight energy-conservation
mark and 3C certification.
Dun Young
- Dun Young was established in 1979, and became
a subsidiary of the Liton Electronic Group in 1992.
- Dun Young has successively developed such new
products as auto anti-theft devices, tire pressure
detectors, and window/skylight controllers.
- Actron currently supplies five of the world's eight
leading OEM alternator assembly plants. Via these
Tier 1 vendors, Actron diodes are used by six of
the world's major vehicle brand families.
- Actron is a vendor of motor vehicle rectifier diodes.
Along with Dunnan Technology and DAR Technology,
it is also a member of the Liton Electronic Group.
It chiefly supplies the leading global alternator
manufacturer Valeo, and began supplying Denso
and Mitsubishi in the wake of Japan's 2011 Tohoku
earthquake. It has since entered the supply chains of
such major European, American, and Japanese brands
as Toyota, Nissan, Ford, GM, Mercedes-Benz, BMW,
and Volkswagen. It currently enjoys a global market
share of at least 40-45%, and is the world's largest
auto rectifier diode manufacturer.
- E-Lead has developed products that crossover
into the auto multimedia and automatic
communications, IA & communications, and
auto electronics markets, making E-Lead one of
Taiwan's leading auto electronics companies.
- E-Lead has introduced an exclusive "all-planar multifinger touch-control audiovisual navigation device."
- The “intelligent on-board computer” (EL-817C)
introduced by E-Lead employs an Android system,
and is equipped with a high-resolution screen and allplanar design. It can support a wireless link with most
smartphones, and can synchronously display steering,
navigation, and multimedia information. It enables the
driver to use any kind of cell phone app in the vehicle,
or use cell phone navigation functions via the on-board
computer, ensuring the convenient use of resources.
- On-board computer, entertainment, and
communications systems
Tung Thih
- A specialized auto electronics vendor. Tung Thih
is the world's third-largest reversing radar vendor,
behind only Bosch and Valeo.
- Tung Thih is Taiwan's first major reversing radar OEM
vendor, and enjoys a market share of approximately
50%. Tung Thih's reversing radar units are used by
first-line auto makers in China, Japan, and North
America, and the company has a market share of
roughly 50% in China.
- Delta is a leading world-class supplier in many
product areas.
- The company started out manufacturing coil-type
magnetic elements, and is now an important
global vendor of magnetic and heat dissipation
- Delta has extended its core technology into the
area of power supplies, and is the world’s largest
AC power supply vendor.
- In 2012, the company's most important products
consisted of power supplies (power electronics), which
accounted for 62% of sales, energy management
products (17%), smart green life products (18%), and
other (3%).
- Luxgen is a member of the Yulon Group, which
consists of Yulon Management, Yulon Motor,
Yulon Nissan Motor, Luxgen, Haitec, and CEC.
- Luxgen is Taiwan's leading specialist in auto electronics
systems integration.
- Luxgen’s foremost goals consist of setting up
operations in the Russian market and develop sales in
the Middle East.
- Yulon Nissan earned approximately NT$50 billion from
auto parts exports in 2012; the leading recipients
of these exports included Thailand, Malaysia, the
Philippines, China, Japan, Egypt, Indonesia, Vietnam,
and Korea. In 2013, Yulon Nissan will continue to
expand its range of exported parts and recipient
countries, giving the company even more sales growth
- Mosa is the world's fifth largest producer of
compound gas generators, and possesses mass
production technology for this type of product.
Mosa offers different gas generator types,
and can be used in safety airbag systems with
different locations. For instance, Mosa provides
gas generators that can be used in driver's seat
airbags, passenger seat airbags, side airbags, and
curtain-type airbags.
- Mosa is the world's fifth-largest producer of compound
gas generators.
- Mosa plans to invest approximately NT$2.0 billion in
plant expansion and the purchase of equipment for
production of auto airbag elements. Mosa expects that
capacity will reach 12 million gas generators in 2014,
and projects that annual sales will reach NT$7.0 billion
at that time.
Cheng Shin
Rubber Ind.
Co., Ltd.
- Cheng Shin chiefly produces inner tubes and
tires for rickshaws, bicycles, and motorcycles,
ATV tires, tires for agricultural and industrial
equipment, truck and bus inner tubes and tires,
and radial tires for sedans, light trucks, and
- Cheng Shin (Maxxis) leads Taiwan's tire industry in
terms of sales and exports, and is the tenth largest tire
company in the world.
- Cheng Shin plans to invest a total of NT$20.0 billion
in 2013, which is on a par with last year. It also plans
to continue acquiring next-stage equipment for its
new Chinese plants at Chongqing; Jimei, Xiamen; and
Zhangzhou, and its new plant at Douliu in Taiwan.
After stage-one equipment at these plants is operating
at full capacity around the end of 2013, Cheng Shin
will prepare to perform stage-two expansion tasks.
- Marketing its products worldwide under the
"Nankang Tire" and "Nangang" brand names,
Nangang chiefly produces radial tires for sedans,
RVs, four-wheel drive vehicles, and commercial
vehicles. Nangang has a long-term partnership
with Japan's Yokohama Tires. Nangang's brands
include "Nankang Tire" and "Sonar."
- Nankang has obtained Taiwan’s first rolling resistance
machine with the blessing of the prominent European
certification organization TÜV SÜD Automotive GmbH,
and has established a rolling resistance laboratory
at its Xinfeng plant. This laboratory performed EU
RRC candidate laboratory measurement calibration
approval procedures. Calibration approval procedures
were completed in September 2012 after a sixmonth process, making Nangang Taiwan’s first tire
manufacturer to complete these procedures. The
laboratory received TÜV SÜD RRCm laboratory
automotive certification in a ceremony held on
November 6, 2012.
Co., Ltd.
- Orange Electronic chiefly engages in the research
and development of wireless tire pressure
monitoring systems. The company sells its
products to OEM manufacturers and on the
aftermarket bearing its own brand name, and
also performs ODM design work.
- Orange Electronic's wireless tire pressure monitoring
systems have received telecommunication certification
in many countries, including CC (USA), E-mark
(Europe), ARIB (Japan), MIC (Korea), IC (Canada), and
Taiwan's telecommunications certification.
Co., Ltd.
- Kenda has engaged in technological cooperation
with America's Cooper Tire, and has been the
latter's exclusive agent in Taiwan since 2000.
Selling its products under the "Kenda" brand
name, the company chiefly produces inner tubes
and tires for bicycles and motorcycles, ATV tires,
tires for agricultural and industrial equipment,
truck and bus inner tubes and tires, and radial
tires for sedans, light trucks, and trailers.
- Kenda had sales revenue of NT$6,462,549,000 in
Seeking to seize opportunities in the European tire
market, Kenda Rubber re-established a European
subsidiary in May 2013, and plans to initially target the
market for high-end bicycle tires costing over US$30
apiece. It is hoped that this strategy will enable Kenda
to achieve steady growth in excess of 20% annually
in the high-end bicycle tire market. After the Kenda
achieves good brand recognition, the company plans
to tackle the European sedan tire market.
- Federal tires are sold worldwide under the
company's "Federal," "Hero," and "Maxon"
brand names.
- Federal purchased land in the Guanyin Industrial
Park, Taoyuan County, Taiwan in 2012, and plans to
invest NT$6.0 billion in the construction of a sedan
tire production line with an annual capacity of 6
million tires. This plant will have a greater capacity
than the company’s existing Zhongli plant in Taiwan
and Nanchang plant, Jiangxi Province in China (the
latter plant has an annual capacity of 4.5 million tires).
That the soonest, the Guanyin plant may enter mass
production before the end of 2014. Federal may have
combined sales in excess of NT$10 billion in 2013.
Sirius Light
Co., Ltd.
- In existence for 25 years, Sirius produces
lights for cars and motorcycles, which are sold
worldwide. The company's main export products
include LED light bulbs, lamps, signal lights, fog
lamps, vehicle lights, signal lamps, and LED fog
light bulbs.
- Sirius has passed TS16949 international quality
assurance standard certification.
- Papago Inc. is a prominent developer of
electronic navigation systems, and chiefly
produces navigation systems sold under its
"Papago!" brand name. It is the world's leading
vendor of auto navigation systems.
- In the area of driving recorders, the high-end Papago!
auto driving recorder incorporates a forward collision
warning system (FCWS), a vehicle lane departure
warning system (LDWS), GPS, recorded road scenes
with road names, and a speed limit detection system.
- Mobiletron chiefly specializes in auto electronic
part, auto safety control system, and automotive
tool R&D and production. It markets its products
directly in over 100 countries worldwide.
Mobiletron chiefly produces auto engine
electronic control parts, wireless tire pressure
monitoring systems, reversing safety video
systems, vehicle driving recorders, and electric
motor vehicles tools.
- Mobiletron has actively entered the automotive wireless
tire pressure monitoring system, reversing safety video
system, and vehicle driving recorder markets.
- Mobiletron is vigorously developing TPMS products,
and is also active in the aftersales retrofit market.
- SuperAlloy is Taiwan's largest closed-mold forging
company, and chiefly produces forged aluminum
alloy rims, golf club heads, and aerospace parts.
It is one of the world's three leading suppliers of
forged automotive wheel rims.
- SuperAlloy’s products are supplied to automakers
including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari,
Porsche, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, and Jaguar.
SuperAlloy is Taiwan’s sole manufacturer of
forged rims selling its products directly to the
foregoing automakers.
- SuperAlloy is making vigorous efforts to reduce the
weight of vehicles, and sales of its products to the
finest automakers in highly environmentally-conscious
Europe continue to grow. Apart from forged rims,
SuperAlloy has also begun developing various auto
chassis parts for its customers, and is continuing to
develop aerospace products.
Development opportunities for
Taiwan's auto parts industry and
future trends
Propelled by the whole vehicle industry, Taiwan's auto parts industry has adopted
from TPM to TPS boost production efficiency, and has strengthened its design and
manufacturing capabilities. As a result, the industry has acquired the ability to respond
to the market's rapid changes, developed effective aftersales service systems, and can
effectively produce OEM parts.
1. As motor vehicles become more intelligent, there has been increasing demand for
driver safety systems and other electronic products, which has boosted opportunities
in the field of image processors and relevant applications. Another important trend is
the development of lightweight parts for electric vehicles. The auto industries and auto
markets of emerging nations are growing significantly faster than their counterparts
in the developed world, and emerging markets consequently have rapidly increasing
demand for auto parts. Taiwan is vigorously promoting the development of its auto
electronics industry, and domestic auto parts manufacturers should embrace the testing
and certification of auto electronics and key parts and products for electric vehicles in
order to take advantage of sales opportunities in the BRIC markets.
2. Taiwan possesses a comprehensive ICT supply chain, domestic firms enjoy competitive
advantages in many information product categories, and Taiwan ranks first globally
in the supply of certain key parts. The IC, semiconductor, and sensor design and
manufacturing capabilities of Taiwan's ICT firms can be employed in the development
and production of auto electronics system power elements and controllers, etc.
Furthermore, Taiwan possesses an extensive semiconductor industry chain, and
some semiconductor companies have crossed over into the field of auto electronics.
In connection with Tier 1 companies such as Bosch, Delphi, and Denso, Taiwan's
producers of onboard information/communication products are taking advantage of
Taiwan's semiconductor product attributes and strengths to engage in semiconductor
element R&D and production as Tier 2 firms (examples include Freescale, Infineon,
and Renesas, etc.), which will give them opportunities to enter assembly plants'
supply systems. Taiwanese firms can use skills honed in the aftermarket to seek
OEM opportunities and pursue locally-developed technological applications. As a
consequence, Taiwan's parts industry is in an extremely advantageous position.
3. As the pioneering electric vehicle project continues to move forward, and a growing
number of demonstration points emerges, we can look forward to the formal
introduction and eventual spread of electric vehicles, which will spur the upgrading of
the electric vehicle industry.
4. High-end cars with driver safety systems are being introduced continuously, and
many countries are drafting and implementing laws requiring the installation of safety
systems. As a result, intelligent protective and sensing systems are gradually becoming
standard equipment on new vehicles. Taiwan's manufacturers producing in-house
brand vehicles and relevant research units are continuing to develop relevant systems.
5. As the relationship between the auto industries of Taiwan and China grows increasingly
close. It is expected that interaction and collaboration between the auto industries
in Taiwan and China will grow even closer after Chinese commercial vehicles meet
Taiwan's 5th environmental protection regulations.
6. Innovative R&D and adding of value to parts
The auto parts industry's main business approaches at the current stage include
strategic alliances, mergers, cooperation in the development of key technologies,
multi-brand marketing, and niche market. Parts manufacturers have long been
entering strategic partnerships in which parent plants have licensed key technologies,
and should aim for cooperative production of key parts in the future. Companies can
rely on this strategy to enhance parts quality and acquire design and R&D capabilities,
enabling them to perform innovative R&D and add greater value to their products.
Manufacturers Directory
Actron technology corp.,Car Semicon
E-lead electronics Co., Ltd.
No.22, Sec.2,Nan-Kan Rd., Luchu Hsiang,
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Tel 886-3-3115555 Fax 886-3-3119977
No.37 Gungdung 1st Rd.,Shengang
Tel 886-4-7977277 Fax 886-4-7977165
Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd.
Eagle eyes traffic Ind. Co., Ltd.
8th Fl, World Trade Building 50, Sec. 1 ShinSheng S. Rd.,Taipei, Taiwan
Tel 886-2-23937451
No.27, Lane 764 Chung-shan N. Rd., Yung
Kang Dist.,Tainan, Taiwan
Tel 886-6-2336618 Fax 888-6-2335708
Delta ho electronics Inc.
Fine Blanking & Tool Co., Ltd.
No.334, Sec.2, Shin-sheng Rd., Chung-li
City,Taoyuan ,Taiwan, Tel: 886-2-87972088
Fax: 886-2-4532574
No.3, Kon eighth Rd., Chang hine Industrial
Park, Hsen-Kang, Changhua, Taiwan
Tel 886-4-7990118 Fax 886-4-7990706
Depo Auto Parts Ind. Co., Ltd.
Taipei office: 5F, No. 161, chien kuo south Rd.,
Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel 886-4-7722311 Fax 886-4-7710725
DunYoung liteOn Co., Ltd.
3F,392,Ruey Kuang Rd,Neihu,Taipei 114, Taiwan.
Tel 886-2-28782888 Fax 886-2-87982306
Hin Chong Group & Hsin Chong
Machinery Works Co. Ltd.
49-5 Fan-tze-liao, Rei-yuan-li, Dahsi, Taoyuan 335
Tel 886-3-3801221
Fax 886-3-3894261
No.22 Kaonan Rd., Jenwu Dist. Kaohsiung,
Tel 886-7-3438301 Fax 886-7-3425116
No39, Sec.3, Chung Ching Rd., Ta-Ya, Taichung
Hsien, Taiwan
Tel 886-4-25683366 Fax 886-4-25669925
MOSA industrial Co., Ltd.
Kenda Rubber Ind., Co., Ltd.
No.146, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Yuanlin
Township, Changhua County 510, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-4-8345171
No 18 Kehu 3rd Rd, Huwei,Yunlin,,Taiwan
Tel 886-5-6361867
Nankang Rubber Tire Co, Ltd
Ken Sean Industries Co., Ltd.
No.501 Sec.6,Chang-Lu Rd., Fu-shin Shiang,
Chang-hwa, Taiwan
Tel 886-4-7772121 Fax 886-4-7775721
Rm. 608, 6F., No.136, Sec. 3, Ren’ai Rd., Da’an
Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2-27071000
Orange Electornic Co.,Ltd
Gordon Auto Body Parts Co., Ltd.
No. 48,Nieh Hsi Road, Lu Chu Hsiang, Taoyuan
Hsien, Taiwan
Tel 886-3-3244011 Fax 886-3- 3248375
3F, 3 Zhong Xing Rd., Sec. 3, Xindian, New
Taipei City, Taiwan
Tel 886-2-55910888
Mobiletron electronics Co., Ltd.
JUI Li Enterprise, Co., Ltd.
Federal Co., Ltd.
Tel 886-3-4522156
LUXGEN Motor Co., Ltd.
Lioho machine works., Ltd.
No.334, Sec.2, Shin-sheng Rd., Chung-li
City,Taoyuan County,Taiwan,
Tel 886-3-4532131 Fax 886-3-4532574
No.15,Lane 81, Sec.2, Tanfu Rd., Tanzih,
Taichung 427, Taiwan
Tel 886-4-25351558
TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd.
4F., No.200, Gangqian Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei
City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-2- 87510123
No.72-2 Shin-Leh Rd, An-Ping Industrial District
702 Tainan, Taiwan
Tel 886-6-2658781 Fax 886-6-2630715
Sirius Light Technology Co.,Ltd
Universal Global Scientific
Industrial Co., Ltd.
63, Linding St., Ren I Tsun, Rende Shiang, Tainan
Hsien 717, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel 886-6-2494811
SuperAlloy Industrial Co., Ltd
No.80, Sec. 3, Yunke Rd., Douliu City, Yunlin
County 640, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel 886-5-5512288
Tong yang Group(TYG)
No.98, Section 2, An Ho Rd., Tainan, Taiwan
Tel 886-6-3560511 Fax 886-6-3560643
Tung Thih electronics Co., Ltd.
No.42, Neicuo St., Lujhu Township, Taoyuan
County , Taiwan
Tel 886-3-3222902 Fax 886-3-3226281
141, Lane 351, Taiping Road, Sec. 1, Tsao Tuen,
Tel 886-49-2350876 Fax 886-49-2352347