ECEN 2250 1 Spring 2015 MyDAQ Assignment Introduction MyDAQ is a device made by National Instruments (DAQ stands for Data AcQuisition) that can be attached to a computer and used to make electrical measurements. The purpose of this MyDAQ assignment is twofold: to familiarize yourself with the MyDAQ and several of its functionalities, as well as to gain experience in writing a technical report. Engineering is a collective endeavor: you may collaborate with others in discussing the assignment and carrying out the measurement. However, the typed assignment that you turn in must be the product of your own writing. If measurements were made as a group, include an acknowledgment of the other participants. Everything you need for this assignment should be contained in the MyDAQ kit available at the EStores (ask for a little wire there if you need it). This kit must be returned at the end of the semester. If you do need to buy or borrow a few items for this experiment, feel free to share the very small expense that might be involved. In this homework you will design a low pass filter using a series RC voltage divider circuit. This circuit could be used as a way to attenuate the high frequencies in an audio signal, and drive a woofer (a speaker with a low-frequency response). You will test the response of your circuit using a frequency generator, and an mp3 player or other audio source. 2 The Project Report 2.1 How long will it take? The meaningful work for this assignment should take between three to six hours to complete. Because a formal written report is required, you should make sure that the experimental part is working properly. Please do not procrastinate: experiments always take more time than expected. 2.2 Format Requirements for the Report Your report should be typed (not handwritten) in MS Word, or in LATEX. It should be organized as follows: 1. Introduction (why was the work done?) 2. What was done 3. The measured results (present the data only, not interpretation) 4. Discussion of the results (what do they mean?) 5. Conclusion (global summary of what was done and its significance, maybe also what further work might be done) 1 All the questions that are asked in the assignment must be answered somewhere in the report. All measured data must be included (many of these will be screen captures and embedded in your report). Circuit diagrams should be made with a drawing program such as Inkscape (freeware) or those included in MS Office, OpenOffice and so on. The assignment report should be turned in as paper printout, not electronically. 3 3.1 myDAQ How-to Guide Getting Familiar with the MyDAQ Leland Au, UC Berkeley Components Kit Materials (from the box): The plug board is in the kit obtained from EStores. You will● need a 2.2 kΩ resistor and a 220nF 1 myDAQ capacitor, which should be included in the kit. In fact, you may use any combination of resistor ● 1 male-to-male audio cable and capacitor such that 1/RC is between 1000 and 3000 sec−1 . You will also need at least 4 pieces ● is 2sufficient. banana cables with probes of solid core insulated wire, 6-10 inches in length; 16-20 gauge ● 1 USB A/B cable ● 1 screw-terminal connector 3.2 The function generator and the oscilloscope ● 1 CD Before attaching the MyDAQ to a computer, you need to install the software supplied on the DVD ● a1Mac Certificate of Ownership (this contai contained in the kit. This software runs in Windows; if you have or use Linux, you will have driver serial to run the software in a virtual machine using something like VMWare or license Virtualbox. Younumbers) can run the software in demonstration mode for 30 days without the ● need 1toscrewdriver register it. Once the software has been installed, attach your MyDAQ to a computer using●the supplied Run the NI 1 QuickUSB Startcable. Guide Intro ELVISmx Instrument Launcher application. NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher The NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher provides access to the : NI ELVISmx SFP instruments, additional featured instruments, documentation and online resource links, and personal file access. When Type B USB port you install the NI myDAQ device, the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher Blue LED Indicator automatically opens. To manually open the Instrument Launcher, navigate Basic Usage io: to Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI ELVISmx for (boldedLauncher. numbersThis refer to the myD NI ELVIS & NI myDAQ»NI ELVISmx Instrument Audio In Figure 1: Side view of the MyDAQ. opens the suite of LabVIEW SFP instruments. Audio Out To enable the myDAQ: wer Supply: 1. Plug in one end of the USB cable to the +15V: +15V Power Supply other end to the top of the myDAQ (1 -15V: -15V Power Supply 2. A blue LED indicator on top of the myD AGND: Power Supply Ground log Input: Using the screw terminals (5-17): AO0: Analog Output 0 Figure 11. NI ELVISmx ● Instrument AttachLauncher the screw-terminal connector Figure 2: ELVISmx Instrument launcher application. AO1: Analog Output 1 ● Insert/remove wires when the approp To launch an instrument, click the button corresponding to the desired AGND: Analog Input/Output Ground ● Turn the appropriate screw counterclo instrument. Select the NI 2 myDAQ device from the Device control. log Output: screwdriver) to loosen. Some instruments perform similar operations using the same resources of ● Turn the appropriate screw clockwise AI0+: Analog Input 0, Positive Terminal Function Generator (FGEN) NOTE: Do The NI ELVISmx Function Generator (FGEN) generates standard waveforms with options for the type of output waveform (sine, square, or triangle), amplitude selection, and frequency settings. In addition, the offset setting, frequency sweep and NOTinstrument connectoffers any DC external source of power tocapabilities, the MyDAQ. amplitude and frequency modulation. The FGEN uses AO 0 or AO 1 on the screw terminal connector. Launch the Function Generator, FGEN. Note the controls and the fact that the output channel is AO 0. Look on theThis side of yourhas MyDAQ andmeasurement notice thatparameters: there are a set of connectors names AO. instrument the following Under AO is 1, 0, and• AGND. The function sends its signal to terminals AO 0 and AGND. Output channel: AO 0 or generator AO 1 • Frequency range: 0.2 Hz to 20 kHz Figure 14. NI ELVISmx Function Generator SFP Figure 3: Function generator. Now launch the oscilloscope, Scope. Note that this is a two-channel scope and the default inputs (Source) are AI 0. Notice on the side of your MyDAQ that there is a section of connectors labeled AI. Under this are 1+, 1-, 0+, 0-, and AGND. NI myDAQ User Guide and Specifications 22 3 • Trigger settings: Immediate and Edge Trigger Types are supported. When using Edge Trigger Type, you can specify a Horizontal Position of 0%–100%. Figure 13. NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope SFP Figure 4: Oscilloscope. Connect a wire from AO 0 to 21 AI 0, making sure NI that you have stripped the insulation from myDAQ User Guide and Specifications each end. Now connect another wire from AI 0- to AGND. Press run on FGEN and then press run on the Scope (you may need to press the autoscale button on the scope in order to show the complete waveform at a reasonable size). Note that the scope will show a sinusoid and beneath the trace it will indicate the frequency and peak-to-peak voltage. These should match what you set on the function generator. Change the following settings on the scope: Scale (volts/div) and Timebase (Time/Div). Note what happens. Take screen shots of the various settings and the corresponding scope displays. tional Instruments Corporation Now, change the settings on the function generator and note the changes on the scope. First, change the frequency on the function generator and then the amplitude. Take screenshots of everything. Finally, change the function generator so that it generates triangular waves and then square waves. Note the behavior on the scope, taking screenshots as necessary. If the signal on the scope is not steady, try changing the triggering on the scope to Edge and use Chan 0 source. 4 • Voltage Range: – For AI channels: ±10 V, ±2 V – For AudioInput channels: ±2 V Figure 16. NI ELVISmx Dynamic Signal Analyzer SFP Figure 5: The dynamic signal analyzer. 3.3 The dynamic signal analyzer Now that you have seen how the scope and the function generator work, shut down the scope and open the DSA (Dynamic Signal Analyzer). This instrument attempts to measure the frequency content of the signal on its source channel. In this case the signal is AI 0. NI myDAQ User function Guide and Specifications Set the generator 24 wave and change its frequency to back to a sine 5000. Set the Frequency Display units on the DSA to linear and the mode to peak and then press run on the DSA. You will see a single spike at 5000 Hz with a y-axis reading of amplitude squared. Compare this to the FGEN, taking screen shots as needed. Now change the FGEN to 10 kHz, amplitude to 6 Vp-p and observe the DSA. Next, change the frequency display units to dB. Notice the extra spikes that are appearing at multiples of 10kHz. These are harmonics of the input signal. Still using the FGEN and the DSA, change the FGEN to a triangular wave, set the DSA back to a Linear display. Notice the slight spike at 30kHz. Now change the FGEN to a square wave and note where the spikes appear. Remember to take screenshots. The DSA is displaying the frequency content of the signals from the FGEN. This is computing and displaying the Fourier components of the signal (you will study this in Circuits 2). Close down the FGEN and stop the DSA. 5 Open the Scope. Use the cable with 1/8th inch stereo (TRS) plugs in your MyDAQ kit to connect an audio source such as the output of your mp3 player, your computer, Smartphone, etc., to the Scope. Take the output of the music player and connect it to the audio input of the MyDAQ. Start your music, set the scope input for Channel 0 to be the Audio Input Left and run the scope. You may need to autoscale the scope to get started. You should adjust the Scale V/Div and the Timebase over a range of values. Make sure your selection of timebase settings goes from 100 ms to 50 µs. Take screen shots and comment on the differences and what you are actually seeing. Stop the scope, set the input source for the DSA to Audio Input Left and run the DSA. Using screen shots compare the display using units of dB and linear units. Also, find several selections of music that are very different—high and low frequency, large range in volume (dynamic range), low male singer, high female singer, glockenspiel, and so on. Using screen shots capture the differences between the different pieces and comment on them. Stop the DSA. 4 4.1 The Experiment Low-Pass Filter Circuit In this section we see how a series R-C circuit can act as a low-pass filter. As we have seen in class, if we have a voltage source, vs , in series with a resistor, R, that is in series with a capacitor, C, and we observe the magnitude of the phasor output voltage across the capacitor, we should have |Vc | = p |Vs | 1 + (RCω)2 When the angular frequency ω = 1/RC, then |Vc | = p |Vs | |Vs | = √ 2 1 + (1)2 We call this frequency, the “cutoff” (or sometimes, “corner”) frequency. A reminder about frequencies is in order here: the frequencies that you manipulate here are 3 given in Hz, √ and are equal to f = ω/2π . For instance, if 1/RC = 10 , the frequency at which |Vc | = |Vs |/ 2 is given by 1000 f = = 159 Hz. 2π Make sure you compute this frequency for the particular RC combination you are using. Build the series RC circuit on your plug board. The input signal for the circuit is AO 0, and AGND. You will measure the output voltage using AI 0+ and AI 0-. When the circuit has been built, launch the FGEN and the Scope. Set the FGEN to the frequency corresponding to 1/RC (remember to convert to Hz). Set the Vp-p to 2V, i.e. a 1V sinusoid. Set the scope to read from AO 0 by connecting wires from it to the scope input terminals. Run the FGEN and then the Scope. 6 What value does the scope measure for voltage (remember to convert from peak-to-peak to amplitude)? How does this compare to the theoretically expected value? Change to a frequency on FGEN to one that is a factor of 10 lower, and note the voltage on the scope. Do the same thing for a frequency that is a factor of 10 higher than 1/RC, again noting the voltage on the scope. Stop the Scope and FGEN. Compare your measurements to what you should get using the output voltage formula given above. 4.2 How does it sound? The last step is to take music from your music player and have this be the source voltage for your RC circuit. The easiest way to do this is to get a stereo 1/8 inch extension cable from a store in town and cut it in half. You may share the expense with someone in class. Do NOT cut the audio cable supplied with the MyDAQ kit. A challenge in trying to do this is that the wire in these cables is braided and not solid. This makes plugging into the plug board a major difficulty. However, since you will not need the two wires from the AO 0 and AGND you can wrap these with the braided wire and plug it into the plug board. Alternatively, you can get a 1/8 inch plug (find one that does not require soldering) and attach your spare wires to this. The plugs have three wires—for the ring, tip, and sleeve of the plug. The sleeve is ground and the ring and tip represent the left and right channels. You only need to use the ground and one of the channels. However you have managed the audio connection, you will now send a music signal into the RC circuit and measure the output with the DSA. First, take a snapshot of the music signal itself. This is done by taking the wire going into AI 0+ (your measurement wire) and connecting it to the input resistor of the circuit; this puts it in parallel with the music. After taking a snapshot of the input signal on the DSA, move the AI 0+ wire to the capacitor. Take another snapshot with the DSA. What is different between the two cases? Can you explain this with our formula? Hint: this explanation requires that fact that the music signal is composed of the sum of many different frequencies and we can treat this sum as a superposition of signals into our circuit. You may need to take several snapshots, or explore a variety of music before you get a significant impact on the DSA - this depends on your 1/RC values. Also, you may want to explore the dB scale vs. the linear scale on the DSA. 7
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