UBC EECE 380 LAB #1 Thursday May 14, 2015 Objective:​
to familiarize yourself with the input and output pins of the myDAQ device. Deliverables:​
by the end of this lab, your team is expected to complete the following tasks and demonstrate them to the TA: i.
Create a LabVIEW program that will display a ​
(+/­ 1 degree) temperature reading​
using a thermistor circuit connected to an analog input pin of your myDAQ. The temperature reading does not need to be accurate, just stable. ii.
Create a LabVIEW program that uses ​
a control to turn an LED on and off​
, where the LED is connected to a myDAQ analog or digital output pin. iii.
Create a LabVIEW program where the temperature reading from the thermistor is used to turn the LED on and off​
. What do you need? ● myDAQ ● LabVIEW program on the PC ● Thermistor​
US Sensor TO103J2K​
) and LED ● Breadboard, wires, wire strippers/cutters, power supply, etc Resources and Hints: ● Visit the course website or Piazza for useful links and references. ● For the thermistor, you might find it easier to ​
calculate the resistance using a voltage divider​
circuit, instead of trying to measure the resistance directly via the myDAQ. ● You may not need to rely on the the table provided with the thermistor spec sheet to determine the temperature from the resistance. The ​
spec sheet lists a Beta coefficient and a nominal resistance at 25 degrees C​
. These values can be used with a simplified formula for measuring temperature, e.g., see ​
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