Spring 2015 ECE RESEARCH SEMINAR Robust Optimization and Inference in Cognitive Networks: A Signal Processing Perspective Dr. Antonio Marques, King Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain Friday, April 10, 2015, 2:00pm – 2:50pm, Location: BB 3.04.18 Abstract To improve system performance and end-user experience, the infrastructure of contemporary networks is now more flexible, involved and autonomous. This renders the monitoring, operation and dimensioning of the network more difficult. Successful execution of those tasks calls for a rigorous design approach, including detailed modeling and analysis of the network and its terminals. The scientific community is well aware of such needs and considerable progress has been achieved. However, available solutions still have limitations with regards to rather simplistic network models, separate design of optimization and monitoring tasks, and suboptimal use of network state information (NSI). Our goal is to address these issues through a comprehensive approach, shifting the focus from heuristic to rigorous optimization-based formulations. Networks are modeled as dynamic systems, where nodes and controllers, endowed with cognitive capabilities, make smart decisions about the network operation; and where optimization and monitoring are designed jointly and robustly in the face of the uncertain NSI. The premise is that the stochastic optimization and stochastic SIP tools are essential to deal with the uncertainty, space-time variability and high-dimensionality that are inherently present in the NSI. To illustrate this approach, we will discuss different design problems for communication and cognitive radio networks within three categories: cross-layer resource allocation, parsimonious NSI estimation, and long-term network planning. Bio Antonio G. Marques received the Telecommunications Engineering degree and the Doctorate degree (together equivalent to the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering), both with highest honors, from the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. In 2007, he joined the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, King Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, where he currently develops his research and teaching activities as an Associate Professor. From 2005 to 2012, he held different visiting positions at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. His research interests lie in the areas of communication theory signal processing, and networking. His current research focuses on stochastic resource allocation for green and cognitive wireless networks, smart grids, nonlinear network optimization, and signal processing for graphs. Dr. Marques has served the IEEE in a number of posts (currently, he is an Associate Editor of the Signal Processing Letters) and his work has been awarded in several conferences and workshops. For more information, visit ECE website: Home > Seminar (http://www.ece.utsa.edu) Contact: Nikolaos Gatsis ([email protected], x5519)
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