CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Air Force FY16 Unfunded Priority List Priority Title Component Active Duty 1 2 3 Readiness Modernization Force Structure 651.5 Total Force Active Duty 656.8 Air National Guard Total Force Requests funding to ensure future capabilities of legacy fleets and programs 78.2 supporting Combatant Commanders' requirements. Includes modifications to 1690.6 legacy fighter fleets, tankers, strategic airlift, tactical airlift, ISR platforms, and upgrades to other programs. 2425.6 Active Duty 1300.1 Air Force Reserve 0.0 Requests funding for force structure vital to supporting Combatant Commanders' requirements. Includes Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) launch 0.0 capability and various aircraft (i.e. EC-130 & C-130J). 1300.1 Air Force Reserve Air National Guard Air National Guard Active Duty Installation Support Description Requests funding to improve readiness by adding supplemental munitions, 0.0 training, simulators, ranges, vehicle support, equipment, and other activities 217.0 which directly enhance Air Force preparedness for day-to-day, contingency, and combat operations. 868.5 Air Force Reserve Total Force 4 FY16 Amount ($M) Air Force Reserve Air National Guard Total Force FY16 Air Force UPL Total 705.9 Requests funding to improve/maintain installation infrastructure and installation 15.0 support. Requirements include restoration & modernization, accelerating MILCON projects, maintaining good facilities in operational condition with facility 152.7 sustainment, funding disconnects in base communications and enhancing base 873.6 support functions. 5,467.7 NOTE: The Air Force UPL includes requirements above and beyond those included in our FY16 PB request. We would prioritize all PB level requirements above these unfunded requirements if we receive a funding amount below the PB request. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title Security Forces LOGDET Consolidation B-1B Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Battlefield Airmen Kits MQ-9 Readiness-Fixed Ground Control Station (GCS) at HMN AFB, NM FY16 Amount ($M) Enables consolidation of worldwide AF Security Forces deployment LOGDET equipment Unit Type Codes (UTCs) to 4 locations and brings funding to AF Base budget. This severs current reliance on OCO and end of year fallout at unit levels and 25.0 additionally saves ~$4M/yr through consolidation. The F101-GE-102 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) modification for B1-B engines is designed to reconstitute the engine and enable it to meet the extension of the aircraft life structure requirements--funds mods for 141 engines. The SLEP modification almost doubles the time-on-wing (1.7x), reduces total ownership costs 132.3 (cost per flying hour), and lessens the maintainer burden. Funds 61 Battlefield Air Operations (BAO) kits. Decreases the risk of fratricide and 19.9 lowers the weight of the Battlefield Airmen's equipment by 30%. 3.2 Miniature Air Launched Decoy - Jammer (MALD-J) 68.2 Restructure Deployable Instrument Landing systems (D-ILS) Program 59.7 Guardian Angel Paradrop/Technical/Maritime Equipment 21.3 Guardian Angel Recovery Vehicle (GARV) Support Equipment 2-Liner Description 3.9 63.3 Funds 550 sq/ft facility to house new MQ-9 Block 50 Fixed Ground Control Stations (FGCSs) at MQ-9 active duty field training unit (FTU). Aligns training FTU to MQ-9 PoR GCS transition plan making current mobile GCSs available for upgrades and forward operations. MILCON houses 10 Fixed Block 50 GCSs at HMN; existing facilities no-go for Block 50; frees up 10 Mobile GCSs Increases MALD-J to maximum production level in FY16 to make up for previous year's procurement shortfalls. Within the PoR, AF funds 3 of 34 required Deployable Instrument Landing systems to replace 1960's era Deployable Precision Approach and Landing systems. Enables deployed flying operations in austere locations. $59.7M will fund 13 of the remaining 31 systems, leaving a disconnect of 18 systems which the Panel will address in the FY17 POM. Funds technical recovery equipment, radios, parachutes, watercraft, diving gear, and submersible engines that are disconnected from the equipment requirement to increase to 42 UTCs by FY19. Funds procurement of Guardian Angel Pararescue tactical vehicles to decrease recovery time for isolated personnel. Funds Common Support Equipment Replacement Program needed to modernize critically aging fleets & fill critical shortages for equipment directly supporting aircraft generation and readiness. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title USAF Digital Fixed-Based Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal System (JTC TRS) Simulators FY16 Amount ($M) AF funds 1,575 of 4,500 required radios in the PoR. $72.8M funds the remaining 2,925 radios. Replaces 1970-era Rivet Switch radios for all AF ATC facilities and airfield management pilot-to-dispatch functions. Includes VOIP and 8.33kHz channel 72.8 spacing, a 2018 European Union mandate. Funds required for contract support and infrastructure modernization to keep pace with increasing cyber incident reporting from DIB contractors driven by statutory 4.3 mandates per the FY 15 NDAA Sec 1632 Funds procurement of JTC TRS simulators to increase JTAC deployment 36.0 readiness/reduce C4 ratings. Cyber Damage Assessment Management Office ALE-70 Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3) Cartridges for ALE-70 3.2 10.0 0.9 2.8 Procure PGU-27 (20MM) Cartridges 26.0 Aircraft Support Equipment MEST Training and EMT Instructor/Refresher Program Medical Readiness Equipment and Admin Support Formal Schools and Mission Essential Skills Training 2-Liner Description Funds increase in scope from 115 cleared defense contractors (CDC) voluntarily reporting to approximately 8700 CDCs with mandatory reporting requirement directed in Section 941 of the FY13 NDAA. Requested funds fall short of guidance but reverse negative funding trend and move towards DoD goal Fund ALE-70 procurement for F-35 IOC requirements shortfall. Funds OPAF requirement for DC3 infrastructure. Fund cartridges for ALE-70 for F-35 IOC requirements shortfall. Funds procurement of PGU-27 (20MM) cartridges; prevents a projected FY18 zero inventory balance. Funds critical aircraft support equipment (AGE, etc) for field units ensuring mission 40.0 readiness for the KC-135, F-16, C-130, C-17, F-15, HH-60, MQ1/9 and the F-22. Provides initial mission essential skills training (MEST) seasoning days for new accessions and cross trainees at home-station unit, including Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Instructor certification requirements necessary for the training of 13.9 all ANG personnel. Provides needed medical equipment (hearing assessment booths, mobile dental kits, calibration, etc.), training courses for the Directors of Physiological Health (DPH) and 0.9 other professional training and supporting administrative items. Provides MILPERS funding formal schools (professional/skill training, flight, etc) and Mission Essential Skills Training (MEST) for all AFSCs and weapon systems. Allows new recruits and members cross training from legacy platforms to attend training 160.0 and receive follow on proficiency training. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title Sustainment Services Readiness Equip and Cooperative Agreement FY16 Amount ($M) Provides full funding for Sustainment Services Readiness Equipment & Master Cooperative Agreement (MCA) Funding (Dining Facility Food Production Equipment, Fitness Equipment, DOMOPs Equipment/Support, Required Readiness Training 2.2 Support, Appendix 28 MCA). Minuteman MEECN Program Update (MMPU) (MEECN Minimum Essential Emergency Comm Network) Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Systems Sustainment Range O&M 10.0 30.3 Range O&M Fund E-3 Flight Crew Trainer Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Workforce Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Workforce Fund ASCCE 7.4 11.8 3.4 1.5 4 Fund DMOC Fund E-3 Flight Crew Instructor Fund E-3 Mission Crew Instructors B-2 Sim Obsolescence Upgrade/Tech Refresh Fund Aircrew Training System Studies (B-52/AdAir) Sustain Intra-FTU Training Network (Altus) Readiness SUBTOTAL DT MQ-9 SOC Re-Phase AF DCGS Deployable Surface Terminals Complete SUTER Modifications Global Integrated ISR (GIISR) AoA Funding for Challenging Targets and Sense and Avoid Global Integrated ISR (GIISR) AoA Funding for Air Domain Awareness AoA/Studies 2-Liner Description 9.4 Completes installations into ICBM Launch Control Centers and sets up initial logistics support for sustainment. Funds sustainment of Joint Counter RCIED Electronic Warfare (JCREW) and CREW Vehicle Receiver/Jammers (CVRJ) Funds contract labor for Nevada and Utah test and training Range to integrate new threat emitters, communications and fiber Funds contract labor for AF's 18 backyard ranges E-3 Flight Crew Trainer Contract Funds M&S Service Support Contract - LVC Standards Funds M&S Service Support Contract for Cyber Security Support Funds Air, Space and Cyberspace Constructive Environment (ASCCE) Developers 1.8 Funds DMOC support for VIRTUAL FLAG / Warfighter Focused Events / Updated Exercise Scenarios 0.8 E-3 Flight Crew Instructor Contract 6.1 E-3 Mission Crew Instructor Contract 3 B-2 Sim Obsolescence Upgrade / Tech Refresh (SCSI Drive Replacement) 7.2 Funds Training System Requirements Analysis (TSRA) 2 Supports C-17 & KC-135 WSTs for unclassified network training at Altus AFB 868.5 Procures "off-line" development and test MQ-9 testbed. Supports experimentation and integration for new MQ-9 software component and tool innovations supporting 7.0 MQ-9 weapon system C2 architecture. Accelerates ISR capability for A2/AD environment. Re-phases $6.2M OPAF from FY18 6.2 and FY19 into FY16, accelerating procurement of two DSTs. Completes SUTER modifications in FY16 per ACC Aug 13 AF FM 1067. Provides 1.2 program upgrades requested by warfighters. Challenging Targets and Sense and Avoid AoA started in FY15. Additional funding 2.4 required in FY16. 1.2 Develops analytical underpinning for Air Domain Awareness CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title Procure 8x MQ-9 Aircraft Joint Personnel Recovery Collaboration and Planning (JPRCaP) Joint Test & Evaluation (JT&E) Tools FY16 Amount ($M) 2-Liner Description Funds procurement of eight MQ-9 aircraft in FY16. The $160M total includes $15M each for tails and $5M each for spares. Supports the increased demand signal for 160.0 medium altitude ISR support. Funds RDT&E to complete the transition of the JPRCaP JT&E tools, training, and final 1.6 development to reach IOC. Requests RDT&E to develop software enhancements for Requirements Analysis and Maturation (RAM) M&S program conducting Simulation Air Force (SIMAF). Supports ISR capability programmatic and assessment requirements in support of Defense 4.1 Strategy/Integrated Security Construct scenarios informing AF Planning decisions. Simulation Air Force (SIMAF) ISR Multi-Resolution Analysis Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming (EWIR) Electronic Warfare Avionics Integration Support Facility (EWAISF) 10.4 Fund software and facilities upgrades at EWASIF to retain EWIR capability. C-17 Extended Range Modification Allows C-17A aircraft to fly an additional 1,800 NM by carrying an additional 65,000 pounds of fuel negating the need for air refueling and additional stops. This added capability reduces the need for fuel stops, air-to-air refueling, enables faster cargo delivery and results in less wear and tear on the aircraft due to eliminating landing and takeoff cycles. The ER modification is done in conjunction with On Board Inert Gas Generating System II (OBIGGS) which reduces the vulnerability of fuel explosion 10.0 induced by small arms fire. C-130 Modular Airborne Spray System (MASS) The current MASS is over 20 years old, no longer in production and becoming increasingly more difficult and expensive to maintain. It is expected to reach the end of the life cycle within the next four years. Supportability issues are causing system failures while performing operational missions which results in lost sorties. This requirement will replace the current MASS with a newly designed system. This is required to meet current and future aerial spray applications directed by the Center 10.2 for Disease Control, Homeland Defense, and DoD requirements. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title C-130 Electronic Prop Control System (EPCS) FY16 Amount ($M) 2-Liner Description The EPCS provides increased reliability and operational responsiveness of propeller control which is a frequent source of failure. A new EPCS has been developed for use on C-130 aircraft which would reduce maintenance down time, reduce sustainment cost and increase aircraft availability. The current hydro- mechanical valve system has limited capability to anticipate propeller control based on the rate of throttle movement. EPCS has a much greater capability to handle rapid throttle inputs thus preventing potential compressor stalls. EPCS replaces the syncrophaser system which is another possible cause of multiple engine rollback. The electronic control greatly reduces propeller vibration which has a direct impact on the lifespan of the aircraft, 13.5 aircraft equipment, and aircrew fatigue. F-16 Cockpit Modernization AFRC F-16C and A-10C analog cockpit instruments are becoming increasingly difficult to maintain and are affected by diminishing material and manufacturing sources. The CDU will replace the analog flight instruments with digital instrument displays. The displays have the processing capacity to manipulate data external to the aircraft operational flight program. The processors in the displays will provide pilots the ability to securely transfer still images, such as a targeting pod scenes, joint tactical air controller taskings, and target area imagery. This capability is critical to rapid coordination with ground units during close air support missions and with command 3.0 and control assets during time sensitive and emerging target operations. KC-135 LAIRCM Changes in employment concepts are placing KC-135 aircraft in high threat areas. Low altitude refueling, forward positioning, and mission sets establishing the tanker as a command and control relay are subjecting the KC-135 to increasingly hostile operational environments. There is no nitrogen inerting in the KC-135 fuel system, and old technology fuel tanks are not designed to withstand battle damage. An advanced IRCM system is needed to counter MANPAD threats; one that does not rely on pyrotechnic expendables (incompatible with an air refueling mission) and 4.2 leverages off of previous government investments in laser based countermeasures. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title F-16 EW Missile warning System (PIDS +) FY16 Amount ($M) 2-Liner Description Chaff, decoys and flares provide last line of defense from radar and IR guided missiles. This modification integrates an active Missile Warning System into the Pylon Integrated Dispenser System Universal (PIDSU) pylon. Each modified pylon doubles the number of self-protection chaff and flare cartridges that can be carried and will 7.3 greatly increase survivability. F-16 Second ARC-210 BLOS with data transfer capability (MUOS FY16-18) An In-Flight Propeller Balancing System (IPBS) would automatically balance propellers to 0.05 ips at all power settings and conditions. This will result in reduced vibration to the aircraft propeller controls, engine components (reduction gear box, power section, accessories, and the Quick Engine Change (QEC), also known as nacelle, structure), avionics, and the QEC to wing support structure reducing sustainment 6.0 costs and improving availability and mission capable rates. Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) is a next-generation narrowband tactical satellite communications system. MUOS will provide military users more communications capability over existing systems, including simultaneous voice, video and data. The current Satellite communication system will be phased out. The F-16 SPO estimates $14M divided between FY16 and FY17 to upgrade AFRC F-16 ARC-210 6.0 radios to operate on MUOS. F-16 3D Audio (Digital Intercom/Spatial Awareness Audio) Audio information comes to the F-16 pilots from four radios, the threat warning receivers and the aircraft itself. 3D audio provides a spatial acoustical environment in which threat warnings and communications are easy to distinguish. 3D audio increases situational awareness, significantly improves threat reaction time and communication intelligibility. 3D audio integrates a digital intercom system, active and electronic noise reduction, three-dimensional spatial separation of multiple radio 5.0 channels and three-dimensional auditory threat cueing. C-130 Inflight Propeller Balancing F-16 ALR-69A Upgraded EW Suite For Current Threats AN/ALR69A replaces the current analog model of the ALR-69 with a digital model. Protects aircraft from radar guided surface-to-air or air-to-air missile attack. The ALR69A will reduce pilot workload, provide warning of unobserved missile threats and automatically cue onboard dispensers to eject countermeasures to defeat the incoming missile. The result is improved detection range and accurate, unambiguous 13.0 identification of friend versus foe. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title Aircraft Systems & Equipment Upgrade GEOINT Baseline Suites Upgrade Comm Infrastructure FY16 Amount ($M) 1,473.7 18.0 198.9 2-Liner Description (1) Installs Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) in KC-135, C-130 and EC130J ($375M) (2) Upgrades F-15 / F-16 Sensor, Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Defensive Systems ($700.7M) (3) Upgrades HH-60 Situational Awareness Kits ($74.9M) (4) Installs Multi MDS Real Time Information in Cockpit (RTIC) Data Link and Communications ($135M) (5) Provides Battlefield Airmen Combat Equipment ($91.6M) (6) Advanced Simulators for F-16, C-130H/J, KC-135 ($96.5M) Provides system upgrades & technical refresh for 24/7 Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) support to Combatant Commands. Current systems at 3 ANG sites (AR, AL, NV) are up to 6 years old and equipment is at, or has exceeded, end-of-life. (1) Upgrades Mass Notification Warning Systems ($30.0M); (2) Replaces Legacy Voice Systems ($12.5M); (3) Installs Base-level and Enterprise Infrastructure to support Joint Information Environment (JIE) Migration ($10.9M) (4) Consolidates Data Center Footprint ($4.5M) ACAT I EW program required for the F-15 to operate in contested environments. Replaces the current system that is operationally obsolete and that cannot be upgraded to meet approved requirements. Funds development and integration efforts for the radar warning receiver, the internal jammer, and the chaff/flare dispenser. POE requires $179.5M and the FY16BES funds $167.9M at the PB level. F-15 EPAWSS 11.6 ADCP II COMPASS CALL Fund F-16 MTC Concurrency ADCP II upgrades the F-15C and F-15E mission computer in order to support AESA radar performance, MIDS-JTRS, and EPAWSS performance. F-15C flight test is required to demonstrate compatibility of the system with the F-15C. ADCP II is a new system for the F-15C and extensive flight funds will pay for flight test of ADCP II on the F-15C, which due to a shortfall of RDT&E funds, is currently 10.0 unfunded. 60.0 Funds modernization and SPEAR Gen 3 5.6 Funds F-16 MTC OFP Update M7.2+ & M8.1+ CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Descriptive Title Range Infrastructure Modernization CAF Advanced Live Operational Training R&D Legacy Threat Modernization Procurement Legacy Threat Modernization R&D Fund Aircrew Training System Studies and "DMO" Cross Domain Research Procure F-35 Sim Advanced Radar Threat System (ARTS) R&D B-52 Sim Obsolescence Update B-52 Sim Obsolescence Update B-52 Aero Model B-2 Sim Radar & EW Upgrade B-2 Aero Model F-35 Live Monitor Integration Procure two C-130J WSTs & two Loadmaster Part Task Trainers Procure KC-135 MAF DMO Virtual Air Refueling (VAR) B-52 WST Configuration Update B-52 Cockpit Procedures Trainer (CPT) B-52 WST Configuration Update B-2 DMO MLS B-2 Adaptive Comm Suite B-2 Adaptive Comm Suite Fund Nellis Sim Center F-22 Sim Procurement Procure Intra-FTU Training Network (Altus) Procure Intra-FTU Training Network (Altus) Procurement funds for C-130AMP to H3 WST Conversion Procurement funds fo C-130H1 to H3 WST Conversion Procure McGuire KC-10 Cargo Load Trainer (CLT) FY16 Amount 2-Liner Description ($M) 25.6 Funds procurement of communications backbone, fiber, radios, telemetry systems and mission control systems, scoring systems for 18 Primary training range, the Nevada Test and Training Range and the Utah Test and Training Range 82.3 Funds Research and development of constructive to live (5th gen) solution 8.9 Funds procurement of common Electronic Attack Receiver for legacy threats, digital modernization of select legacy threats and double digit emitters (from existing programs) 18.5 Funds R&D for common Electronic Attack Receiver for legacy threats and digital modernization of select legacy threats 5.6 Funds Optimum Live vs Sim Mix Studies and "DMO" Cross Domain Research 11.3 5 2 5 16.7 0.9 12 0.6 33.5 Funds F-35 Sim Funds R&D of ARTS version 1 & 2 (classified) Computer Board Obsolescence Upgrade Replace Obsolete CPT Update Aircraft Aero Data Package B-2 Sim Radar & EW Concurrency Upgrade Update Aircraft Aero Data Package Funds integration of F-35 Live Monitor into P5 program Sims for two ANG/Active Duty Associate units 9.4 1.5 15.2 0.9 3 2 4 22.5 2 10.5 15.5 Mods to KC-135 ATDs IAW MAF DMO standards enabling VAR Update Visual System Depiction (Modeling) Replace Obsolete CPT Install Eyebrow Window in the WST and Update Sim Visuals DMO MLS Solution Adaptive Communications Suite Adaptive Communications Suite Nellis Sim Center F-22 Sim Mods C-17 & KC-135 WSTs for unclassified network training at Altus AFB Mods C-17 & KC-135 WSTs for unclassified network training at Altus AFB C-130AMP WST to C-130H3 Configuration 16.6 Converts C-130H1 WST to C-130H3 Configuration 13.5 KC-10 Cargo Load Trainer for McGuire CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED FY16 Amount 2-Liner Description ($M) Procure C-130J Fuselage Trainer 31 C-130J FTU Fuselage Training Modernization SUBTOTAL 2,425.6 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F20 Launch Funds Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) Launch Capability disconnect Capability 25.0 caused by DMSP F20 booster buy Funds EC-130 Aircraft divestiture buy-back to include Active O&M, ANG/Active EC-130 Force Structure 75.1 MILPERS and Aircraft Procurement requirements. Aligns C-130J Procurement to original ORD of 155 aircraft (adds 13 aircraft above 16 C-130 Recapitalization 1,200.0 PB total procurement quantity) Force Structure SUBTOTAL 1,300.1 Funds deferred AF total force current mission and quality of life MILCON MILCON, Total Force 397.2 requirements. AF Joint Regional Security Stacks (JRSS) Transition costs 24.8 Funds JRSS 2400 AF Transition costs in FY16 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group (CEIG) Operations 1 Funds world-wide mission of 38 CEIG Descriptive Title Fund AFNET Recapitalization Disconnect AF Cyber Engineering & Installation Projects Base Communications - Total Force Fund FSRM to 2% Installation Support SUBTOTAL FY16 PB Air Force UPL Total 19.8 20 364.6 46.2 873.6 5,467.7 Funds recapitalization of end of life AFNET infrastructure. Reduces risk to mission assurance capabilities and capacity in support of the five Core AF Missions. Funds cyber engineering & installation projects supporting 178 AF total force bases world-wide Funds disconnect to Base Communications Provides funding to meet current OSD target (80% of FSRM rqmt/2% Plant Replacement Value (PRV)). In FY16, ANG is funded at 74% of requirement/1.5% of PRV. CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED APPN Project # Base Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 Reserve Reserve 3730 FGWB009002 3730 AJJY111360 Dobbins JRM - Anderson Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard Guard 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 3830 Cape Canaveral Bradley International Airport New Castle County Airport McEntire Joint National Guard Base Francis S. Gabreski Airport Pease International Tradeport ANG Sioux Gateway Airport/Col Bud Day Field Joe Foss Field Duluth International Airport Camp Perry ANG Station SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOGISTICS APT Jacksonville International Airport Ellington Field Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam NUEX093016 KWRD143000 PRQE105144 ACC123181 AWUB095000 GHLN083004 FSPM053503C FJXT133000 FTFA053017 CZQZ073009 GJKZ040009 XQPZ124001 DXEB053001 AJXF093000 Luke Holloman McConnell Ft Drum Barksdale FE Warren Edwards Dover Eglin Cannon Fairchild U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY Clear JB Andrews Charleston/McChord McGuire DBEH143000 CEKT139042 JLWS019054 PSTE009070 WKVB089082 SZCQ139902 VSSB099014 LUXC099042 FMKM089018 EUBC009109 SCLT149129 LSGA019179 FWJH099082 KNMD159060 State Title PROGRAM COST ($000) AZ Communications Facility 21,000 NM RPA Fixed Ground Control Station Facility 3,200 KS Air Traffic Control Tower 11,200 NY 20 ASOS Expansion 6,000 LA Consolidated Communication Facility 20,000 WY Missile Roll Transfer Facility Bldg 4330 5,050 CA Fire Station/Flightline 24,000 DE Aircraft Maintenance Hangar 39,000 FL Dormitories (288 RM) 31,000 NM Construct Shoulders Runway 13-31 13,200 WA Pipeline Dorm/USAF SERE School (150 RM) 27,000 CO Transonic Wind Tunnel Facility 25,200 AK Fire Station 13,200 MD 21 POINT ENCLOSED FIRING RANGE 10,000 SC/WMilCon for Two C-17 Cargo Compt Trainers 6,300 MilCon for Two C-130J WSTs & two Loadmaster Part Task Train 8,000 NJ MilCon for McGuire KC-10 Cargo Load Trainer (CLT) 7,800 MilCon for C-130J Fuselage Trainer Building 4,500 TOTAL Active Duty MILCON UFR 275,650 GA Fire Station/Security Complex 10,400 GU Reserve Medical Training Facility 4,600 TOTAL AFRC MILCON UFR 15,000 FL NDAA Space Control Facility 6,100 CT Construct Small Air Terminal 5,000 DE Replace Fuel Cell and Corrosion Control Hangar 11,100 SC Replace Operations and Training Facility 7,400 NY Add to and Alter Maintenance Complex 8,300 NH KC-46A Install FUSELAGE TRAINER (BLD 251) 1,500 IA Consolidate Support Functions- Add/Alter Building 263 9,000 SD Aircraft Maintenance Shops 12,300 MN Load Crew Training and Weapon Release Shops 7,600 OH RED HORSE Logistics Complex 5,600 CA Construct MQ-9 Conversion Facilities 9,300 FL Replace Fire Crash/Rescue Station 9,500 TX Consolidate Crew Readiness Facility, Building 1397 5,000 HI F-22 Composite Repair Facility 8,800 TOTAL ANG MILCON UFR 106,500 Current Mission (Y/N) UPL Priority Component YES NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 YES YES 1 2 NO NO YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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