BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR LESSON 9 -- OWNING A CAR LESSON DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Using the Better Money Habits video The True Cost of a Car (, this lesson introduces students to the various costs associated with buying and operating a car, including monthly payments, gasoline, insurance, and maintenance. It also stresses the importance of comparative shopping when making a major purchase. This lesson can be used in conjunction with Lesson 18: Financing a Car in Financial Fitness for Life, Grades 9-12. The video is 4 minutes, and the estimated time for this activity is one 45 minute class period. In this lesson, students will be placed in groups and assigned different types of vehicles to compare the costs for each type. It will require students to use an online calculator or other tools to compute monthly payments, explore insurance options, calculate gasoline expenses, determine basic maintenance costs, and investigate required fees such as registration and car tags. BETTER MONEY HABITS VIDEO Car Buying: Preparing to Buy or Lease: The True Cost of a Car (4:00) FINANCIAL FITNESS FOR LIFE CONNECTION, GRADES 9-12 Lesson 18: Financing a Car ECONOMIC AND PERSONAL FINANCE CONCEPTS Insurance Interest Decision-making Comparison shopping NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FINANCIAL LITERACY Standard 2. Buying Goods and Services, Benchmark Grade 12 1. Consumer decisions are influenced by the price of a good or service, the price of alternatives, and the consumer’s income as well as his or her preferences. BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 1 BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR 3. When buying a good, consumers may consider various aspects of the product including the product’s features. For goods that last for a longer period of time, the consumer should consider the product’s durability and maintenance costs. 5. People incur costs and realize benefits when searching for information related to their purchases of goods and services. The amount of information people should gather depends on the benefits and costs of the information. OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to: Explain the costs of owning and operating a car. Calculate the potential costs of owning and operating a car. TIME REQUIRED One 45 minute class period MATERIALS Handout 9.1: Owning a Car Computer Access, if possible Otherwise: Calculator, magazines, newspapers, or other sources of information about vehicles PROCEDURE 1. Ask students if they have ever considered buying a car or if they currently own a car. Have them identify potential costs they may have when owning a car. Explain they will participate in a project where they determine what kind of car is best for their family. 2. Ask students to discuss some of the reasons so many different types of vehicles are available to purchase today and how the car they drive will meet their needs to get to school or to go to their job. Remind students that different types of vehicles will have different kinds of costs. 3. Introduce the video Better Money Habits: Car Buying: The True Cost of a Car. Distribute Handout 9.1: Owning a Car. Tell students to use Part A of the handout to record the information presented in the video. After viewing the video, review the handout with the class. 4. Put students into groups and provide them a copy of Part B of the handout. Assign each group a different type of vehicle (sports car, new truck, used SUV, etc., or have students make their own selection; be sure groups are choosing a variety of vehicles to maximize the purpose of this lesson). BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 2 BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR 5. Have students research their selected vehicle, using online or provided sources. Have them record their findings on Part B of the handout. 6. Ask each group to share their findings with the rest of the class. You may want to put each group’s information on the board or on a bulletin board to better compare their results. 7. Debrief the activity by asking students what factors or costs seemed to make the biggest difference when comparing the different vehicles. You may also want to remind students that they may choose to save money for a down payment to reduce the monthly costs or save money to purchase a car to save the monthly payment and interest costs. Note: Alternative to Part B. Have students respond to the following: Based on your own personal situation, what factors presented in this video are the most important costs for you or your family to consider when buying a car? Be sure to explain the reason for your answers. CLOSURE To summarize this lesson, remind students that buying a car is similar to buying other goods and services. It is important to comparison shop and find the vehicle that best meets their needs. Buying a smaller, less expensive car may not be as stylish as driving a sports car or big truck, but the money saved can be used for future purchases such as a college education. In addition, the type of car purchased will have an impact on the other costs associated with owning and operating one. ASSESSMENT Have students select which of the vehicles researched by the groups would best fit their individual or family situation and prepare a written summary explaining why it would be their best choice. EXTENSION Have students write a “tip sheet” to share with their friends, including things to consider when purchasing a car. Have students work in groups to research a specific car they might like to drive. Have them make a presentation to the class about the potential costs of owning and operating that vehicle. Invite a bank loan officer, a finance specialist at a local car dealership, or an insurance agent to review their presentations. BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 3 BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR Download the poster Better Money Habits: Financing a Car ( Have students prepare a summary of what they learned from each section: lender, down payment, terms, interest rates, and depreciation. BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 4 BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR HANDOUT 9.1 – OWNING A CAR PART A 1. List the different costs associated with buying a car that are identified in the video. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 2. Which of these expenses are generally paid when the car is purchased? 3. Which of these expenses are considered to be periodic or ongoing expenses? BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 5 BETTER MONEY HABITS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON: THE TRUE COST OF A CAR PART B Costs of Buying a Car This handout provides a guide to estimating the costs of buying a car, truck, or other vehicle. Expected costs should be calculated on a monthly basis when possible. Others may be an annual cost. Use the sources provided to complete this handout and compare your results with other groups in class. If using the “Other” section, identify the type of cost. Type of Vehicle Researched______________________________________ TYPE OF COST DOLLAR AMOUNT MONTHLY, ANNUALLY Price/Monthly Payment Interest on loan/monthly Fees, Taxes upon purchase Gas/Month Insurance/Month Maintenance Car Tag Other Other Other Tips for completing this handout: Use the invoice/listed price. Use an online interest calculator to estimate monthly interest payment. To calculate gasoline costs: determine the number of miles you average driving each month, divide by the estimated mileage for this vehicle; multiply that number by the current cost of gasoline per gallon. BETTER MONEY HABITS: HIGH SCHOOL 6
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