Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) Curriculum Vitae ERMAN GÖREN, PhD Assistant Professor of Classics Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures Division of Ancient Greek Language and Literature Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters İstanbul Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Ordu Cad. No. 196, 34459 Laleli / İstanbul - TURKEY E-mail Web Phone : [email protected] : : +90 212 457 55 00 (15853) Place and date of birth : Istanbul, 23 August 1979 Citizenship : Republic of Turkey Languages : Turkish (native), English (fluent in word and writing), French (basic) EDUCATION July 2008 – June 2013 Oct. 2005 – June 2008 Feb. 2001 – June 2005 June 1999 – Nov. 1999 Istanbul University, Classics PhD Dissertation: The Relations between Name, Naming, and Truth in Archaic Greek Poetry: (Re-)Naming in Pindar’s Victory Odes (summa cum laude) Istanbul University, Classics M.A. Thesis: “The Use of Tropes and Relations between Areta, Nika, and Alatheia in the Wake of Light-Darkness Metaphor in Bacchylides” (summa cum laude) Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters B.A.: Classics and Philosophy (Double Major) in Istanbul University (both summa cum laude) English Language Education – Toronto, Canada EMPLOYMENT Feb. 2014 – Jun. 2013 – Feb. 2014 Dec. 2005 – Jun. 2013 Oct. 2005 – Oct. 2006 Jan. 2003 – Dec. 2005 “Assistant Professor” – Division of Ancient Greek Language and Literature; Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters “Research Assistant Doctor” – Division of Ancient Greek Language and Literature; Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters “Research Assistant” – Division of Ancient Greek Language and Literature; Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters “Specialist Bookseller” on behalf of Zero Productions. “Translator” from Ancient Greek into Turkish on behalf of Kabalcı Publications. Tutoring Ancient Greek and Latin Language and Culture 1 Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) VISITING APPOINTMENTS Feb. 2011 – Mar. 2011 Sept. 2010 – Oct. 2010 Visiting Scholar at BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) – Paris/France Visiting Scholar at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität – Munich/Germany SCHOLARSHIPS/AWARDS Sept. 2014 The research scholarship for young researchers at “Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’Antiquité classique” – Geneve/Switzerland MEMBERSHIPS Society for Classical Studies (SCS) [American Philological Association (APA)] Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (GANPH) Journal of Archaeology and Art (A Member of Advisory and Editorial Board) TEACHING ACTIVITIES Courses 1) “Archaic Greek Poetry” [Spring 2015 Undergraduate] (An Introduction to Archaic Greek Poetry from Hesiod to Pindar for freshmen in the department of Classics). 2) “Greek as a Source Language in Philosophy 2” [Selective - Spring 2015 Undergraduate] (An essential Greek grammar for sophomores in the department of Philosophy). 3) “Greek as a Source Language in Philosophy 4” [Selective - Spring 2015 Undergraduate] (An essential Greek grammar supported by some abridged Greek texts for the sophisters in the department of Philosophy). 4) “Introduction to Classical Greek Thought” [Selective - Spring 2015 Undergraduate] (An introduction to Classical Greek thought focused on Plato and Aristotle’s philosophical approaches). 5) “Greek as a Source Language in Philosophy 1” [Selective - Fall 2014 Undergraduate] (An essential Greek grammar for sophomores in the department of Philosophy). 6) “Greek as a Source Language in Philosophy 3” [Fall 2014 Undergraduate] (An essential Greek grammar supported by some abridged Greek texts for the sophisters in the department of Philosophy). 7) “Easy Greek Texts 1” [Fall 2014 Undergraduate] (An elementary course to develop reading skills from some abridged and simplified Ancient Greek texts for the sophomores in the department of Classics) 8) “Introduction to Early Greek Thought” [Selective - Fall 2014 Undergraduate] (An introduction to Early Greek thought from the first physiologists, namely Thales until the Atomists Leucippus and Democritus) 9) “Greek Text Translation 4” [Selective - Spring 2014 Undergraduate] (Close reading and translating various Greek proses for final year undergraduate students in the department of Classics: Hippocrates, De aere aquis et locis/Περὶ Ἀέρων, Ὑδάτων, Τόπων; Lucianus, Verae Historiae/Ἀληθὴ Διηγήματα; Plutarch, Amatorius/Ερωτικός). 10) “Greek as a Source Language in Philosophy 2” [Selective - Spring 2014 Undergraduate] (An essential Greek grammar for sophomores in the department of Philosophy). 2 Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) 11) “Archaic Greek Poetry” [Spring 2014 Undergraduate] (An Introduction to Archaic Greek Poetry from Hesiod to Pindar for the freshmen in the department of Classics). Workshops 1) "Platon, Dil ve Adlandırma: Kratylos [Plato, Language and Naming: Cratylus]." (with graduate and undergraduate students of Department of Classics, Istanbul University, during Spring semester/2009). 2) "Sözlü Kültür, Homeros ve Yunan Kahramanlık Şiiri [Orality, Homer and Greek Heroic Poetry]." (with under graduate students of Department of Classics, Istanbul University, during Fall semester/2009). ACADEMIC TALKS AND INVITED LECTURES 1) "Tarihsel Sokrates ve Atina Demokrasisi" [The Historical Socrates and Athenian Democracy] FMV Private Erenköy Işık High School, (Istanbul/Turkey), January 14th, 2015 (invited by Philosophy Teacher Neslihan Behramoğlu). 2) “Apóllōn: An Extended Allusiveness of a Divine Riddle.” was delivered in the 4th International Conference on Classical Studies in Mexico, October 20-24, 2014, Mexico City/Mexico. 3) “Atina’da Ad(landırman)ın Ritüel Bağlamı: Amphidromia [The Ritual Context of Name/Naming in Athens: Amphidromia].” Paideia Seminars, Ankara University Faculty of Languages, History and Geography, Department of Ancient Language and Culture, Division of Greek Language and Literature (Ankara/Turkey), November 15th, 2013 (invited by Prof. Dr. Tansu Açık). 4) “Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes.” 13th International Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium: Simple Style - ILLS 2013. Kafkas University (Kars/Turkey), September 26th, 2013. 5) “Pindaros’ta Aşk Büyüsü: Aphrodite’nin “Divâne (Eden) Kuşu” Iynks’un Kerameti” [Love Magic in Pindar: Miraculous Deed of Aphrodite's "Mad(dening) Bird" Iynx] Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Ancient Language and Culture (Antalya/Turkey), May 24th, 2013, Antalya (invited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Onur). 6) “Text and Context: Re-reading the Ancient World through Circum-circles [Proclus, In Crat. XXXVI].” Text und Kontext: Kolloquium der Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich/Germany), December 3rd, 2010 (invited by Prof. Dr. Suzanne Gödde). 7) “A Problematic Papyrus Fragment P. Oxy. 2432: An Attempt to Re-read and Reinterpret an “Oral Text” through the Heideggerian Notion of Kreis.” Orality and Literacy IX: Composition and Performance, The National Australian University (Canberra/Australia), July 3rd, 2010 (invited by Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Minchin). 8) “Platon’un Kratylos’u ve Onun Çağdaş Dünyadakı Toplumdilbilimsel Etki Alanı [Plato’s Cratylus and Its Sociolinguistic Sphere of Influence ın the Contemporary World].” Department of Sociology, Istanbul University (Istanbul/Turkey), May 5th, 2010 (invited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Ekren). 9) “Platon’un Apologia Sôkratous’u ve Sokrates’in Hakikat Anlayışı [Plato’s Apologia Sôkratous and Socrates’ understanding of truth].” Department of Philosophy, Mimar Sinan University (Istanbul/Turkey), December 30th, 2008 (invited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdal Yıldız). 10) “Arkaik Yunan Şiiri ve Bulunduğu Kültürel İklimle Karşılıklı İlişkisi: Arkaik Yunan Mimarlığı [Archaic Greek Poetry and interactive relation with its Cultural Climate: Archaic Greek Architecture].” Department of History of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul/Tukey), December 3rd and 10th, 2008 (invited by Prof. Dr. Turgut Saner). 3 Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) 11) “Bakkhylides’in “Zaman Havuzunu” Çalkalamak [Agitating Bacchylides’ “Pool of Time”]” Navisalvia: ad memoriam Sina Kabaağaç: Ars Poetica, Istanbul University, Department of Classics (Istanbul/Turkey), April 26th, 2007. 12) “Apollonios Rhodios’ta Mythos’u Yeniden Okumak [Re-reading Mythos in Apollonius Rhodius].” “Navisalvia: ad memoriam Sina Kabaağaç: Mythos” Istanbul University, Department of Classics (Istanbul/Turkey), April 27th, 2006. PROJECTS 1) Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (YADOP, Project Number: 41714 – Coordinator): “Physis-Nomos İkileminde Platon'nun Kratylos’u: Antikçağ’daki Düşünsel Arka Planı ve Tarihsel Alımlanışı Çerçevesinde Filolojik ve Yorumbilimsel Bir İnceleme” [Plato’s Cratylus in the Contradiction between Physis and Nomos: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination of Cratylus in the Framework of its Intellectual Background and Reception in Antiquity] (in progress). 2) Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP, Project Number: 44463 – Coordinator): “Apóllôn: An extended allusiveness of a divine riddle” (completed on January 2015). 3) Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP, Project Number: 36161 – Coordinator): “Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes” (completed on October 2013). 4) Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (Dissertation Project, Project Number: 11551 – Coordinator): “Arkaik Yunan Şiirinde Ad, Adlandırma ve Hakikat İlişkisi: Pindaros’un Zafer Şarkılarında (Yeniden-)Adlandırma” [The Relations Between Name, Naming and Truth in Archaic Greek Poetry and (Re-)Naming in Pindar’s Victory Odes] (completed on June 2013). PUBLICATIONS Books 1) Plato: Apology of Socrates. A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish including an introduction, indices, and commenting notes – Istanbul, January 2015 (published by Alfa Publications, Philosophy Series 39; revised edition, first published 2006). 2) Plato: Apology of Socrates / Πλάτων: Ἀπολογία Σωκράτους. A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish including the Greek text, an introduction, indices, and commenting notes – Istanbul, February 2015 (published by Alfa Publications, Veritas Series 5; revised edition, first published 2006). 3) Arkaik Yunan'da Adlandırma ve Hakikat [Naming and Truth in archaic Greece: ] (forthcoming; PhD Dissertation). 4) Platon’un Kratylos’u 1: Giriş, Metin, Çeviri ve Dizinler [Plato’s Cratylus 1: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Indices] (forthcoming). 5) Platon’un Kratylos’u 2: Physis-Nomos Karşıtlığı Bağlamında Filolojik ve Yorumbilimsel Bir İnceleme [Plato’s Cratylus 2: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination in the Contradiction between Physis and Nomos] (forthcoming). 6) Pindaros: Bütün Zafer Şarkıları [Pindar: All Victory Odes] (A translation of Olympian, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Victory Odes from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, glossary, indices, and notes) (will be published by Yapi Kredi Publications, Kazim Taskent Series) (forthcoming). 4 Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) 7) Plato: Sophist (A translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, indices and a running commentary) (forthcoming). 8) Proklos: Platon’un Kratylos’una Yorum [Proclus: In Platonis Cratylum Commentaria] (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, indices, and a running commentary) (forthcoming). 9) The Circle of Truth or Truth of the Circle: The Use of Tropes and Relations between Areta, Nika, and Alatheia in the Wake of Light-Darkness Metaphor in Bacchylides (forthcoming). Articles 1) “Semonides fr. 7 (West): Arkaik Yunanistan’da Kadın Düşmanlığı ve Sosyoekonomik Değişim” [Semonides fr. 7 (West): Misogynism and the Socioeconomic Change in Archaic Greece] FE Journal: Feminist Critique 7/1 (2015) (forthcoming). 2) “A New Epigram from Nallihan.” Gephyra 12 (2015) (forthcoming). 3) “Kolophon’lu ya da Smyrna’lı Mimnermos’tan (MÖ 7. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısı) Parçalar.” [Some Fragments from Mimnermus of Colophon or Smyrna (Second Half of Seventh Century BCE)]. in: Şiir ve İnşâ 6 (December-January-February - Winter 2014) (forthcoming). 4) “Pindaros’un On Birinci Nemea Şarkısı: Arkaik Çağda Politik İktidarın ve Zaferin Sınırları” [Pindar’s Eleventh Nemean Ode: The Limits of Political Power and Victory in Archaic Epoch]. in: Çağatay Aşkit – Serap Kalaycıoğulları – Rabia Kayapınar – Ceyda Üstünel Keyinci – Rukiye Öztürk (eds.) (2014). In Memoriam Filiz Öktem. Ankara: Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography Publications, 95-112. 5) “Yakındoğu Kökenli Yılan Motifinin Yunan-Roma Dinindeki Alımlanışı” [The Reception of Near Eastern Serpent Theme in Greco-Roman Religion]. in: E. Gürsoy Naskali (ed.) (2014). Yılan Kitabı [Book of Serpent]. İstanbul: Kitabevi Publications, 5-52. 6) “Klasik Yunan Tragedyasında Ad(landırman)ın Trajik İşlevi [The Tragic Function of Name/Naming in Classical Greek Tragedy]” (2014). FLSF: Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences 17: 237-264. 7) “Klasik Atina’da Ad(landırman)ın Ritüel Bağlamı: Amphidromia” [The Ritual Context of Name/Naming in Classical Athens: Amphidromia]. in: N.E. Akyürek Şahin - M.E. Yıldız – M. Alkan (eds.) (2014). Eskiçağ Yazıları [Essays on Antiquity] 6 (Akron VIII). İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 17-42. 8) “Paros’lu Arkhilokhos’tan (MÖ ca. 700-640) Parçalar.” [Some Fragments from Archilochus of Paros (ca. 700-640 BCE)]. in: Şiir ve İnşâ 4 (March-April-May 2014): 12-13. 9) “Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes.” in: Book of Proceedings 13th International Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium: Simple Style September, 26-28, 2013, Kars: Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2013, 615-627. 10) “Pindaros’ta Aşk Büyüsü: Aphrodite’nin “Divâne (Eden) Kuşu” Iynks'ün Kerameti [Miraculous Deed of Aphrodite’s “Mad(dening) Bird” Iynx].” Mediterranean Journal of Humanities 3/1 (2013): 155170. 11) “Tartışmalı Bir Papirüs Fragmanı Olarak PMG 541: Bir Yeniden Okuma, Çevirme ve Yorumlama Denemesi [As a Problematic Papyrus Fragment PMG 541: An Attempt of Rereading, Retranslating, and Reinterpreting].” (2009). Archaeology and Art 132: 39-48. 12) “Bakkhylides’in “Zaman Havuzu”nu Çalkalamak [Agitating Bacchylides’ “Pool of Time”].” in: O.F. Akyol (ed.) (2009). Navisalvia Sina Kabaağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı 2007: Ars Poetica. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 20-38. 5 Curriculum Vitae - ERMAN GÖREN (last updated May 6, 2015) 13) “Rhodoslu Apollonios’ta Mythos’un Yeniden Okunması“ [Re-reading Mythos in Apollonius Rhodius].” in: O.F. Akyol (ed.) (2009). Navisalvia Sina Kabaağaç'ı Anma Toplantısı 2006: Mythos. İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 185-208. 14) “Stoalılar’da Dilbilim Sorunları ve Anlambilim’in Olgunlaşması [Linguistic Problems and Efflorescence of Semantics in the Stoics].” (2007). Archives of Philosophy 31: 87-105. 15) “Antik Çağ Destan Geleneneğinde Ruh ve Öte Dünya [Soul and Hereafter in the Ancient Epic Tradition].” (2007). East-West 40: 123-139. 16) “Tarsuslu Paulus: Hellenistik Bir Dâhi [Paulus Tarsius: An Hellenistic Genius].” in: E. Özbayoğlu (ed.) (2004). Lucerna: Essays on Classical Philology Istanbul: Eren Publication, 81-88. Book Reviews 1) Domninus of Larissa, Encheiridion and Spurious Works. Introduction, Critical Text, English Translation, and Commentary by Peter Riedlberger, Mathematica Graeca Antiqua 2, Pisa/Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013 (Exemplaria Classica 18 (2014): 287-292). 2) Z. Adorjáni, Auge und Sehen in Pindars Dichtung (Spudasmata 139.) pp. 249. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg Olms, 2011 (The Classical Review 62/2 (2012): 359-361). Interviews 1) ““Güler Yüzlü Bir Kültür”ün Devamlılığı - Havva Koç'la Söyleşi [The Continuity of “a Smiling Culture”: An Interview with Havva Koç]" Arkeoloji ve Sanat 149 (forthcoming). WORKS IN PROGRESS Books 1) Bakkhylides Sözlüğü [Lexicon to Bacchylides] (A contextual lexicon [Greek-Turkish] for Bacchylides' verses). 2) Pindaros Sözlüğü [Lexicon to Pindar] (A contextual lexicon [Greek-Turkish] for Pindar’s extant verses). 3) Bacchylides, Testimonies, Odes and Fragments (a translation from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction and a running commentary). Articles 1) “Apóllōn: An Extended Allusiveness of a Divine Riddle.” 2) “Text and Context: Re-reading the Ancient Thought through Circum-circles (Proclus, in Crat. XXXVI)” 3) “A Problematic Papyrus Fragment P. Oxy. 2432: An Attempt to Re-read and Reinterpret an “Oral Text” through the Heideggerian Notion of Kreis” 4) “Aidôs in Pindar’s, Olympian 7: An Observation on He’jâb and Hushû’ within Heideggerian Notion of Scheu.” 5) “Name and Signature of the Poet in Hellenistic Greek Epigrams.” 6
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