OTCS Remote Demo The aim of this remote demo is to show: How a customer can call the contact center through different media How an agent answers interactions with the customer How the supervisor manages and monitors the OTCS contact center For that, you will have to remotely connect to 3 PCs: One stands for the customer who wants to contact a company (Media House) contact center The second is the OTCS contact center agent The third is the OTCS supervisor which may also be used as an OTCS agent For this connection, you will only need to use Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (embedded on Microsoft Windows ® distributions: XP, 7 & 8) on one or several PCs First of all go to the eDemo OTCS website: http://edemo.al-mydemo.com/?page_id=462 Enter your first name, last name, E-mail address and your phone number. Then you need to select one date for testing the demo and another for the demo itself. You may select the morning, the afternoon or the whole day. Be careful when the date is in green it means it's already reserved to someone else, but please check if it's in the morning or the afternoon by clicking on the green squares. You may reserve in the morning if it's booked in the afternoon and the same thing in return. The 2 last questions are to make sure you're a human. To finalize your request click on “Submit”. When it's all done you will have a message in green at the top of your page. An E-mail is then sent to eDemo team for approval. You will also receive an email explaining you than your request is currently pending to an administrator approval Once your request is approved, you will receive another E-mail to say that your OTCS remote demo account has been created, you will receive a second email with your credentials: • Remote Desktop Gateway • Server : dmz38-rdpgw-otcs.al-mydemo.com • Your personal RDP login : OTCS\YOUR PERSONAL LOGIN • Your personal RDP password : YOUR PERSONAL PASSWORD • Agent • IP address : • Login : Nelly.Pfeifer • Password : Aludemo2012! • Supervisory • IP address : • Login : Lucy.Moretti • Password : Aludemo2012! • Customer • IP address : • Login : Joke.Challan • Password : Aludemo2012! In the mail you'll have 3 attached documents. Clicking on one of them will connect you to the Remote Desktop Gateway : log yourself with your RDP login and your personal RDP password. You can then enter the agent, supervisor or customer login and password according to the RDP file you've selected. Everytime you need to connect yourself to the agent account, the supervisor account or the customer account you will have to log yourself with the RDP gateway. First connection with your RDP login/password Agent Supervisor Customer Enjoy OTCS !!! End of document Second connection with the Agent/Supervisor/Customer login / password
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