Appendix L Traffic Advice Prepared by Cardno Technical Memorandum Title Client Date Author Reviewer Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Lend Lease Communities 1 April 2015 Alexander Sargent Brett McClurg (RPEQ 7628) Project No Status Discipline Office CEB06339 Final Traffic and Transport Brisbane Introduction 0B Cardno has been commissioned by Lend Lease Communities, to undertake a traffic assessment of the proposed Yarrabilba Precinct 2, Village 4b development. The proposed development consists of 227 residential lots, and lies within the Yarrabilba master planned development. The traffic and transport impact of the overall Yarrabilba development has been extensively documented within numerous reports. These reported are listed below and have been referenced in this current assessment. This memo therefore principally assesses whether the development matches the previous assessments, or if further assessment is required. Previous Reporting 10B The development has been previously assessed within the following documents: > Yarrabilba Masterplan – Micro-Simulation Modelling – Transport Assessment Report (Cardno, August 2012) > Yarrabilba Precinct 2 – Integrated Transport Assessment Report (Cardno, November 2013) > Yarrabilba Masterplan – Micro-simulation Modelling – Revised Land Use and Road Network (Cardno, November 2013) > Yarrabilba Amended Movement Infrastructure Master Plan (Cardno, February 2014) > Yarrabilba Precinct 2 – Yarrabilba Drive Intersection Configurations (Cardno, March 2014). It is noted that an update to the Integrated Movement Plan (IMP), including updates to some of the above studies, is expected to occur within the next few months. The update will consider changes made to the overall Yarrabilba development, transport network, and transport impacts. It is not anticipated that the IMP update will alter the findings of the assessment documented herein. CEB06339 Precinct 2 Village 4b TIA 2015 04 01.docx Page 1 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Proposed Development 1B The Yarrabilba Precinct 2, Village 4b will ultimately consist of 227 residential lots. Detailed plans of the full development are shown at Appendix A. An overview of the proposed village location is shown on Figure1. 2B Figure 1 Proposed Development – Village 4b Note that one key change to the development plan is that the roadway running roughly through the centre of the village from north-west to south-east will terminate at the open space corridor on the eastern edge of the village. For this reason, it’s previously identified function as a Collector Street will be reduced to the function of an Access Street. CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 2 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Traffic Generation The proposed development has been previously modelled and reported within the approved Yarrabilba Masterplan – Micro-Simulation Modelling – Transport Assessment Report (Cardno, August 2012) and Yarrabilba Masterplan – Micro-simulation Modelling – Revised Land Use and Road Network (Cardno, November 2013). This modelling informed the required road cross sections of the Yarrabilba development and also informed analysis of the key intersections. In order to determine that the micro-simulation modelling results are suitable for use in the assessment of the proposed development, the proposed land-use yields of Precinct 2 Village 4b are compared to the equivalent zones in the micro-simulation model in Table 1. The areas of Precinct 2 Village 4a (323 lots) and Precinct 2 Village 4b (227 lots) sit entirely within model zones 20, 21, 22, 23 and 34. Table 1 Modelled versus Proposed Land Yield Comparison Area Proposed Development Micro-simulation Model Yield Residential Dwellings Precinct 2 – Village 4a 323 Precinct 2 – Village 4b 227 Total 550 Zone 20 136 Zone 21 136 Zone 22 136 Zone 23 45 Zone 34 97 Total 550 Therefore the results of the Micro-simulation model remain appropriate for use as they consider the same number of dwellings proposed in Precinct 2 Village 4a and Precinct 2 Village 4b. 4B CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 3 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Development Access The development is accessed via Yarrabilba Drive, at two signalised intersections and one unsignalised left-in-left-out intersection (See Figure 2). These three intersections have been assessed in the Yarrabilba Precinct 2 - Yarrabilba Drive Intersection Configurations document, to the 2051 ultimate development scenario using traffic volumes from the Yarrabilba micro-simulation model previously reported. The recommended ultimate intersection formations as a result of this analysis are discussed below, along with the intersection performance at the 2051 ultimate development scenario. Figure 2 Key Intersections Signalised Intersection Minor Intersection 11 12 16B CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 4 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Intersection 11 Intersection 11 will ultimately be constructed as a four way signalised intersection with a formation as shown on Figure 3. In the interim, it is proposed that the intersection be constructed with the formation as shown on Figure 3, however the intersection will be unsignalised, with the southern leg constructed as a stub-leg until Yarrabilba construction has progressed to a stage where signalisation is required. Potential triggers for the signalisation include excessive delay on minor legs of the intersection causing unsafe manoeuvres, or the opening of the southern leg of the intersection. Figure 3 Intersection 11 Ultimate Layout The proposed signalised four way intersection operates with a DOS of 0.28 in the AM peak and 0.24 in the PM peak at the 2051 ultimate design horizon. All queues are contained in the provided short turn lanes. CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 5 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Intersection 12 17B Intersection 12 will ultimately be constructed as a four way signalised intersection with a formation as shown on Figure 4. In the interim, it is proposed that the intersection be constructed with the formation as shown on Figure 4, with or without the southern leg of the intersection, however the intersection will be unsignalised until the construction of Yarrabilba has progressed to a stage where signalisation is required. Potential triggers for the signalisation include excessive delay on minor legs of the intersection causing unsafe manoeuvres, or the opening of the southern leg of the intersection. Figure 4 Intersection 12 Ultimate Layout The proposed signalised four way intersection operates with a DOS of 0.27 in the AM peak and 0.22 in the PM peak at the 2051 ultimate design horizon. All queues are contained in the proposed short turn lanes. Unsignalised Intersection (Shown on Figure 2) 18B A left-in-left-out intersection is proposed, providing interim access to a display village within Precinct 2 Village 4a during its operation (subject to a separate application). It is proposed that this intersection remain after the conversion of the display village to conventional dwellings. While this intersection has not been previously assessed (i.e. traffic capacity analysis), the left-in-left-out formation of the intersection will cause minimal delays to Yarrabilba Drive, and will reduce movements at the adjacent signalised intersections. It is therefore considered appropriate. CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 6 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Development Layout The proposed street layout within the development plan includes three four-way unsignalised intersections. Given the proposed road hierarchy and the collector street access arrangements to Yarrabilba Drive, the intersections on the collector street (east-west) will have a clear priority direction, with the lower priority legs having a very limited catchment. The other two unsignalised four-way intersections are between lower order local streets and the priority can be determined at the detailed design stage (and appropriate give way or stop sign control implemented) to suit the specific need of the intersection and to discourage long straight sections of street (where speed may become an issue). Nonetheless, particular care must be made in the detailed design of these intersections to ensure that the visibility of the intersection remains high at all times. The priority of movements at the intersection must be marked with give-way or stop signs on two legs. Street Cross Sections and Road Hierarchy The proposed road hierarchy for Precinct 2 of the Yarrabilba Development has been previously detailed in the Yarrabilba Precinct 2 – Integrated Transport Assessment (Cardno, November 2013). The cross sections proposed (shown on plans at Appendix A) are dictated by the proposed road hierarchy and strategic uses of the roads, for example key active transport routes or bus routes. Figure 5 shows the road hierarchy within the proposed Precinct 2, with Figure 6 showing the proposed public transport routes, and Figure 7 showing the proposed active transport routes. The proposed road reserves allow for the required cross sections as described in the Integrated Transport Assessment, with the exception of the east-west Collector Street that was included in the Integrated Transport Assessment and is shown below on Figure 5. This collector route was identified as such in the Integrated Transport Assessment due to a potential future vehicular connection between Village 4b and an adjacent future village to the east. It has been determined that this vehicular link is no longer required, therefore this Local Collector has been downgraded to a Local Street (With Greenway) classification, and the cross section amended as such. This change is the sole deviation from the approved Integrated Transport Assessment. Including this change, the proposed development cross sections are in line with the intent of the Integrated Transport Assessment, and are suitable for the proposed development. Figure 5 Precinct 2 - Road Hierarchy Precinct 2 Village 4b Boundary CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 7 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Public Transport Figure 6 shows the identified public transport routes throughout Precinct 2 of the development. The proposed Village 4b is highlighted. Public transport will be provided in a staged fashion until the development is complete, and as market dictates. For instance developed areas will be prioritised for public transport routes, until undeveloped areas begin to be occupied. As currently planned, the entire Village 4b catchment is within 400m of an identified bus route. Whilst the future Sothern Infrastructure Corridor (SIC) will provide a barrier to such a 400m distance, when such a barrier is considered, 85% of Village 4b is within 400m of a bus route. Notwithstanding the latter, the proposed layout and bus routes for the entire Precinct 2 are considered appropriate for the public transport needs. Figure 6 Precinct 2 – Public Transport Coverage Precinct 2 Village 4b Boundary 6B CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 8 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Active Transport Figure 7 shows the designated active transport routes throughout the proposed development. The southern side of the east-west Collector Street through Village 4b, is designated as Greenway Corridor, and will include 2.5m wide shared paths to encourage active transport access to the school by students and parents. Figure 7 Precinct 2 – Active Transport Network Precinct 2 Village 4b Boundary CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 9 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Summary Cardno have been commissioned by Lend Lease Communities to conduct a traffic assessment of a portion of the Yarrabilba community development. The portion, known as Precinct 2, Village 4b, will ultimately consist of 227 residential lots. The proposed development is broadly consistent with that proposed in the Yarrabilba Masterplan. The proposed development is of the same scale as that previously modelled in the approved Yarrabilba Masterplan – Micro-Simulation Modelling – Transport Assessment Report. The access intersections from Yarrabilba Drive will be constructed to near-full formation as specified in the Yarrabilba Precinct 2 - Yarrabilba Drive Intersection Configurations document. Signalisation of the two intersections on Yarrabilba Drive is proposed and this may be staged until the construction of Yarrabilba has progressed to a stage where signalisation is required. Three unsignalised four-way intersections are proposed in the development layout. These must be designed and constructed to a standard that allows for clear sight lines and clarity of priority, i.e. through give way or stop signage. The development allows for active and public transport, as approved in the Yarrabilba Amended Movement Infrastructure Master Plan, with cross sections catering for active and public transport, and the required traffic movements. In summary, the proposed development is consistent with that proposed in the previously approved body of traffic analysis documents for the Yarrabilba Development (with the exception of a minor road hierarchy change) and the traffic and transport arrangements that are now proposed are considered to be appropriate. CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 10 Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b Traffic Impact Assessment Yarrabilba Precinct 2 Village 4b APPENDIX A DEVELOPMENT PLAN CEB06339 Prepared for Lend Lease Communities Cardno 1 April 2015 Page 11 DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING IF IN DOUBT - ASK! SO UT HE RN INF RA ST NORTH LOCALITY PLAN RU CT UR EC OR RID O R( FU TU RE AR TE RIA L) REVISIONS No Description A APPROVAL Date By MAR/15 JAS Associated Consultants RPS Australia East Pty Ltd ACN 140 292 762 ABN 44 140 292 762 Suite 4, Robina East Quay Corporate Park (North Building) 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina PO Box 1048 Robina DC, Qld 4226 T +61 7 555 36900 F +61 7 555 36999 C COPYRIGHT PROTECTS THIS PLAN Unauthorised reproduction or amendment not permitted. Please contact the author. W Client Project PRECINCT 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING FUNCTIONAL DRAWINGS LEVEL 2 - 71 GREY STREET SOUTH BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4101 [email protected] PHONE 07 3017 1900 FAX 07 3017 1911 EMAIL ABN 35 112 053 611 Approved - RPEQ 12805 Drawing Title Drawn JAS Designed JAS Checked GBG Scale MAR 15 Sheet AS SHOWN 1 of Drawing No A1 Date 13-106-SK151 Revision B - NORTH REVISIONS Description W T +61 7 555 36900 F +61 7 555 36999 Date JAS By Suite 4, Robina East Quay Corporate Park (North Building) 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina PO Box 1048 Robina DC, Qld 4226 RPS Australia East Pty Ltd ACN 140 292 762 ABN 44 140 292 762 MAR/15 DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING IF IN DOUBT - ASK! APPROVAL LOCALITY PLAN A No Associated Consultants C COPYRIGHT PROTECTS THIS PLAN Unauthorised reproduction or amendment not permitted. Please contact the author. Client Project A Revision 3 of Sheet - MAR 15 Date PRECINCT 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING FUNCTIONAL DRAWINGS ABN 35 112 053 611 LEVEL 2 - 71 GREY STREET SOUTH BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4101 [email protected] PHONE 07 3017 1900 FAX 07 3017 1911 EMAIL GBG Checked 13-106-SK152 Drawing No Designed Approved - RPEQ 12805 Drawing Title JAS Drawn AS SHOWN Scale A1 DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING IF IN DOUBT - ASK! SO UT HE RN INF RA ST NORTH LOCALITY PLAN RU CT UR EC OR RID O R( FU TU RE AR TE RIA L) REVISIONS No Description A APPROVAL Date By MAR/15 JAS Associated Consultants RPS Australia East Pty Ltd ACN 140 292 762 ABN 44 140 292 762 Suite 4, Robina East Quay Corporate Park (North Building) 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina PO Box 1048 Robina DC, Qld 4226 T +61 7 555 36900 F +61 7 555 36999 C COPYRIGHT PROTECTS THIS PLAN Unauthorised reproduction or amendment not permitted. Please contact the author. W Client Project PRECINCT 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING FUNCTIONAL DRAWINGS LEVEL 2 - 71 GREY STREET SOUTH BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4101 [email protected] PHONE 07 3017 1900 FAX 07 3017 1911 EMAIL ABN 35 112 053 611 Approved - RPEQ 12805 Drawing Title Drawn Designed JAS Checked GBG Scale MAR 15 Sheet AS SHOWN of Drawing No A1 Date 13-106-SK153 Revision B - DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING IF IN DOUBT - ASK! SO UT HE RN INF RA ST NORTH LOCALITY PLAN RU CT UR EC OR RID O R( FU TU RE AR TE RIA L) REVISIONS No Description A APPROVAL Date By MAR/15 JAS Associated Consultants RPS Australia East Pty Ltd ACN 140 292 762 ABN 44 140 292 762 Suite 4, Robina East Quay Corporate Park (North Building) 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina PO Box 1048 Robina DC, Qld 4226 T +61 7 555 36900 F +61 7 555 36999 C COPYRIGHT PROTECTS THIS PLAN Unauthorised reproduction or amendment not permitted. Please contact the author. W Client Project PRECINCT 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING FUNCTIONAL DRAWINGS LEVEL 2 - 71 GREY STREET SOUTH BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4101 [email protected] PHONE 07 3017 1900 FAX 07 3017 1911 EMAIL ABN 35 112 053 611 Approved - RPEQ 12805 Drawing Title Drawn Designed JAS Checked GBG Scale MAR 15 Sheet AS SHOWN of Drawing No A1 Date 13-106-SK154 Revision B - DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING IF IN DOUBT - ASK! NORTH LOCALITY PLAN REVISIONS No Description A APPROVAL Date By MAR/15 JAS Associated Consultants RPS Australia East Pty Ltd ACN 140 292 762 ABN 44 140 292 762 Suite 4, Robina East Quay Corporate Park (North Building) 34-36 Glenferrie Drive, Robina PO Box 1048 Robina DC, Qld 4226 T +61 7 555 36900 F +61 7 555 36999 C COPYRIGHT PROTECTS THIS PLAN Unauthorised reproduction or amendment not permitted. Please contact the author. W Client Project PRECINCT 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING FUNCTIONAL DRAWINGS LEVEL 2 - 71 GREY STREET SOUTH BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4101 [email protected] PHONE 07 3017 1900 FAX 07 3017 1911 EMAIL ABN 35 112 053 611 Approved - RPEQ 12805 Drawing Title Drawn Designed JAS Checked GBG Scale MAR 15 Sheet AS SHOWN of Drawing No A1 Date 13-106-SK155 Revision C -
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