PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MASTER OF TEACHING (PRIMARY) Year One THE ESSENTIALS 2015: Professional Experience Explained EMTP WWW.VU.EDU.AU CRICOS Provider No. 00124K CONTENTS Advice to School Colleagues Contacts Professional Experience Days and Dates Reports and Submission Deadlines Pages 2 & 3 Registering on CareerHub & Completion of Profile Form Page 3 Preservice Teacher Absences Page 4 The Project Partnerships Website Page 4 Teaching and Learning Page 5 Guiding Principles of School Experience Requirements for Preservice Teachers Applied Curriculum Projects (ACPs) Pages 6 & 7 Lesson Plans Pages 8 & 9 Lesson Plan Format A Sample Lesson Plan Format Key Partnership Roles & Responsibilities Pages 9 &10 Ensuring Partnerships Work Page 11 The importance of Clear, Explicit & Prompt Communication: Project Partnerships – The Communication Protocol Professional Experience Reports PP Mid-Practicum Progress Report & PP End of Practicum Report Writing and Submitting Reports and Plans The Preservice Teacher Support Process Support Program An Unsatisfactory Result Preservice teachers who want additional advice or support Page 12 Pages 13 & 14 Preservice Teacher OHS Induction Checklist Page 16 Emergency Contact Details Page 18 APPENDIX ONE: Partnership Support Coordinator Contact Details Page 20 PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS MASTER OF TEACHING (PRIMARY) (EMTP) THE ESSENTIALS Advice to Preservice Teachers, Mentor Teachers and School Colleagues The Master of Teaching (Primary) program at Victoria University has organised project partnerships to incorporate classroom experience, applied curriculum projects and other aspects of professional school experience. First Year preservice teachers undertaking the Master of Teaching will be involved in the development of a curriculumfocused project and extensive teaching practice. The goal for graduating teachers is that they demonstrate the competence of the beginning teacher. While the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) National Graduate Teacher Standards can assist graduating teachers and their mentors in guiding development of competence, the most significant demonstration of competence is that the graduating teacher has made a practical contribution to the learning of the school’s students. By the end of the year, the course expectation is that EMTP preservice teachers will have acquired the level of practice required of graduate teachers by teacher employment and registration authorities. Normally, graduate teachers enter the teaching profession supported in schools by well-organised and structured induction programs which include active mentoring by experienced colleagues. All Master of Teaching preservice teachers are required to meet partnership and teaching requirements as presented on page 5 of this document. Senior Partnerships Officer (Primary Schools) EMTP Partnerships Coordinator Greg Neal (Footscray Park) P 9919 4458 E [email protected] Anne McMillan P 9919 7494 E [email protected] EMTP Partnerships Coordinator Julie Arnold (St Albans) P 9919 2539 E [email protected] Partnerships website School Partnership/Student Teacher Coordinators will be notified of their Victoria University Partnerships Support Coordinator (PSC) by email early in 2015. EMTP PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DATES 2015 Preservice teachers completing the Master of Teaching (Primary) spend 60 days in primary schools in their first year comprising: 10 Tuesdays working on an Applied Curriculum Project (ACP) A total of 10 weeks (four weeks in Semester 1 and six weeks in Semester 2) Refer to the 2015 PP Calendar for a comprehensive overview of Professional Experience dates. Note: These dates may vary according to the agreed date a preservice teacher commences at a school. Tuesdays (ACP): 17th, 24th March 14th, 21st April 19th May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th August 15th September Supervised Teaching Blocks: 9th – 13th March 27th April – 15th May 27th July – 31st July 31st August – 11th September 5th – 23rd October (1 week) (3 weeks) (1 week) (2 weeks) (3 weeks) SUBMISSION DATES FOR REPORTS (week beginning) ACP Plan 11th May ACP Report 19th October PP Mid-Practicum Progress Report 11th May PP End of Practicum Report 19th October Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 2 of 20 SUMMARY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING REQUIREMENTS EMTP preservice teachers spend 60 days in Partnerships, in primary schools, including teaching practice, curriculum development and inquiry in their first year - with planning, assessment and reporting of at least 50 x 50-minute lessons (or equivalent) documented using the recommended VU lesson planning format or one preferred by the mentor teacher. REGISTERING ON CAREERHUB & COMPLETION OF ‘PRESERVICE TEACHER PROFILE FORM’ All preservice teachers must register for professional practice on CareerHub and complete a ‘profile form’ each year. NOTE: Preservice teachers are not registered by the Partnerships Office for placement until they have submitted a Profile form so this form should be completed as soon as possible. Preservice teachers enrolling for the first time will need to receive their Student ID number before they can register on CareerHub (approximately 10 days after enrolment). See below for a screen shot of the login instructions located on the PP Website. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK Preservice teachers must enter their ‘Working with Children Check’ (WWCC) card number and expiry date on the online ‘Preservice Teacher Profile’ form - these details should be updated on the profile form when required (e.g. if receipt details initially entered and then card arrives). Preservice teachers must ensure they have their WWCC in their wallet at all times while completing their Professional Experience. Note: Preservice teachers, by law, will not be permitted to enter schools without their WWCC ID card. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 3 of 20 PRESERVICE TEACHER ABSENCES The expectation of the College of Education is that a Preservice Teacher will make up days of absence in Project Partnerships (PP). Such arrangements should be negotiated by the Preservice Teacher with their Mentor Teacher. Preservice teachers must contact their mentor teacher or the School Partnership/Student Teacher Coordinator as soon as possible if they are not able to participate in a Project Partnerships day (i.e. Preferably contact their mentor teacher (mobile phone) the night before or prior to 8.00am). Preservice teachers should not leave a voicemail at the general school office number – this is considered unprofessional and the message can be delayed or may not be received by the mentor teacher in a timely manner. THE PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS WEBSITE It is important that School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinators, Mentor Teachers and Preservice Teachers are familiar with the Project Partnerships website. Copies of all relevant professional experience documents e.g. The Essentials, PP Calendar, PP Tax Invoice and other documents related to Project Partnerships can be downloaded from this site. Bookmark this site NOW! Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 4 of 20 TEACHING AND LEARNING: School Experience for the Preservice Teacher Guiding Principles of School Experience First year preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching (Primary) Develop ideas regarding teaching and learning throughout the year through participation in a community of inquiry, leading to an informed and defensible viewpoint Integrate school and university experiences around the principles of Action Research making use of Praxis Inquiry Strengthen partnerships between schools and the university and work with mentor teachers on an investigation of teaching and learning Are considered as beginning teachers, but are expected to take responsibility for further learning in education Demonstrate their capacity to engage in professional discourse Work towards teacher professionalism, becoming more competent and reflective over the year. Requirements for Preservice Teachers First Year preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching (Primary) are expected to Work within a team to complete an Applied Curriculum Project and associated supervised teaching practice both of which should support school students' learning and advance the interests of the school Have completed by the end of the year a total of 60 days in Project Partnerships comprising 10 Tuesdays working on an Applied Curriculum Project and 50 days of supervised teaching practice at the level expected of a graduating teacher Undertake teaching practice at the level required of a graduating teacher - with planning, assessment and reporting of at least 50 50-minute lessons (or equivalent) documented using the recommended Victoria University lesson planning format (or one preferred by the mentor teacher). Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 5 of 20 APPLIED CURRICULUM PROJECTS (ACPs) In Applied Curriculum Projects preservice teachers and mentor teachers, supported by the school partnership coordinator (student teacher coordinator), work together to identify an area that requires research, development and implementation at the school. They might develop, implement and evaluate a curriculum initiative using an Action Research approach. The ACP is school needs-based and involves the individual preservice teacher, or team of preservice teachers, at each school working to support the learning of students at the school. ACP Aims This project allows Preservice teachers to: Explore important aspects of teaching and learning theory through the practice of curriculum development in a school or relevant education setting Have the opportunity to work co-operatively with mentor teachers on projects of mutual interest Develop skills in curriculum development and evaluation. Project Outline The project involves: Preservice teachers working in groups or individually on a curriculum project which is relevant to the school setting. A presentation at the school, by the Preservice teachers, to relevant school personnel, of the outcomes of the project at a time to be negotiated with the school OR A presentation at the university, by Preservice teachers, to their peers and lecturers, of a summary of the outcomes of the project in the Applied Curriculum Project. Assessment The Applied Curriculum Project, like School Experience, is an important element of the subjects AEG5135 and AEG5136, Approaches to Teaching and Learning 1 and 2, which cover two semesters. Although the project itself is ungraded a reflection on the project is included in assessment requirements for AEG5136. Assessment requirements for satisfactory completion of the Project are as follows: [a] A written Applied Curriculum Project - Plan (download ‘ACP - Plan’ from website) This Plan must: Identify the key issues/problems giving rise to the project Provide a rationale for focusing on this project Make reference to the relevant educational theory and/or literature or policy List the aims of the project List the expected measureable outcomes (i.e. ‘As a result of our work on this ACP the expected outcomes are…’) Contain an action plan that documents specific tasks/sub tasks, who is responsible for them and timeline for each task Provide a description of the evaluation to determine the success or otherwise of the outcomes in meeting stated aims. NOTE: Preservice teachers must select and incorporate in their Plan at least five of the following professional skills they will focus on: problem solving, negotiating, project management, planning, team work, time management, evaluating, communicating, reporting, researching Word length: 500 -750 words per project. To be discussed with their Praxis Inquiry lecturer and mentor prior to submission in AEG5135 seminar groups. [b] On conclusion of the ACP, a presentation at the school to appropriate school personnel on the outcomes of the project. The form and timing of the presentation would be decided in conjunction with the mentor teacher(s) involved. Note: A copy of the ACP Report should be submitted by the preservice teacher to their Praxis Inquiry lecturer in the AEG5136 final portfolio presentations. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 6 of 20 [c] A 10-20 minute presentation at the university during the Applied Curriculum Project presentations in AEG5136 covering the outcomes of the project. The presentation should cover the following areas: [d] Note: (i) An outline of the aims and rationale of the project. (ii) A description of what research occurred. (iii) A summary of the outcomes [positive and negative] of the project for: the students and the school or educational setting [teachers, administration, parents, curriculum, policy, etc.]; you personally [curriculum organisation and evaluation, teaching strategies, learning styles, anything in terms of educational practice and theory] (iv) Any suggestions for: improvement in education practice at the school or educational setting based on the project? How the project may have been improved? How the project may be followed up? A reflection on the project, including a summary of the information given in the Applied Curriculum Project presentation in Semester 2, to be submitted as part of the assessment required for AEG5136 and is to be included in your portfolio. Students should maintain a hand written log of the project which documents and dates involvement in the project. This account is included in your Praxis Inquiry journal. Ideally entries would include the date, the intentions, actions, and reflections of each day’s involvement, planning for the next day and any other relevant information. Preservice Teachers ACP Develop, implement and evaluate curriculum initiatives Negotiated at Victoria University and with the school Work cooperatively with mentor teachers, peers and school community Support learning of school students and enhance the work of the school community Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 7 of 20 LESSON PLANS Lesson Plan Format A. Observations Preservice teachers are required to document classroom observations and it is suggested that they complete these observations during the first 5 weeks of the project partnership. The documentation for observations should emphasise the procedure of lessons and the preservice teacher’s reflection on what occurred. B. Lesson Plans for lessons taught by preservice teachers During the first 8 weeks of Project Partnerships preservice teachers could also begin working as a teaching assistant and as a team teacher. When it is appropriate they should be given the opportunity to teach lessons by themselves. Lesson plans should be used in these contexts outlining plans of action and lesson objectives and outcomes. Semester One supervised teaching blocks During the second extended teaching experience block preservice teachers should be teaching at least 2 lessons per day, which is a minimum of 10 lessons per week. Where preservice teachers are taking classes by themselves they need to document each lesson using a required lesson plan format (e.g. refer to page 8). The preservice teacher is expected to show and discuss each lesson with their mentor teacher(s) at least half a day before the planned class. At the completion of the first extended teaching experience block in Semester One most preservice teachers should be able to fully document 20 lessons they have taught by themselves When preservice teachers are not teaching they should continue to work on their Applied Curriculum Project, observe a range of lessons, participate in team teaching, prepare lessons and work on activities as suggested by their mentor teachers. Semester Two supervised teaching blocks In the final supervised teaching block preservice teachers should extend their teaching to take full control of their classroom for 3 full weeks. Documentation should be negotiated and agreed with the classroom mentor and include completing the work program. When preservice teachers are not teaching they should continue to work on their ACP, observe a range of lessons, participate in team teaching, prepare lessons and work on activities as suggested. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 8 of 20 A Sample Lesson Plan Format Topic/Theme/Question Developmental Activities (continued) Year level/s Timing for each stage of the lesson Number and age of students Special learning conditions / requirements (if applicable) Setting or location for the lesson. Particular organisation/ grouping of students for the lesson. Context for the lesson/session/activity Identified student engagement/learning need. Relationship to previous and future lessons on this topic or curriculum area. Relationship to previous or future activities for the day. Previous experiences that the students bring to the lesson. Aims Broadly, what do you want the students to experience and learn during the lesson? Expected Learning Outcomes Draw from or relate to the learning outcomes in the VELS. Note the ‘indicators’ which might relate to each VELS learning outcome. What other learning outcomes might result from the lesson activities? Preparation Identify materials and equipment and pre-lesson organisation. Reference the source of lesson materials (teacher references, course advice, text book) Attach copies of printed material for distribution or text for display to be written on the board. Procedure Think of this as a ‘running sheet.’ Document each step to be taken or stage of the lesson. Include Lesson/Session/Activity Introduction Outline what the students will learn, and why it is important An explanation which stimulates students’ interest State what the students will need to start & successfully complete during the lesson Developmental Activities What are the expectations for students What variations have I planned to cater for differences in learning? What preparations have I made if activities don’t work out as planned? Details concerning the organisation of students Room organisation e.g. table arrangements Strategy for grouping students Changes which the lesson requires – e.g. changes of groups; movement of students Concluding the Session/Lesson/Activity Opportunity for review by students Organisational matters – room re-arrangement for next session; time for tidying the room; where students need to go for their next class. Possibilities for subsequent opportunities for learning, e.g. in later classes or at home Evaluation of the lesson How did the lesson go? Which learning outcomes were met? How was the learning assessed? What should be the next lesson? What did I do well? What should I do differently? Reflection What did I learn? What understandings have I developed/considered? What questions or insights do I have which I want to follow up in my university coursework? Mentor Teacher Evaluation & Feedback Were the set learning outcomes met? How or why not? Were the learning outcomes met? What contributed to the success or otherwise of the lesson? What strategies/ideas could be added to the lesson to meet or improve learning outcomes in the future? What practical/theoretical understanding should the preservice teacher investigate to improve approaches to teaching and learning? For each stage of the lesson identify what the teacher and the students will be doing. What are the main questions I will ask? Open questions; questions related to recalling content knowledge; and/or those demanding higher order thinking and responses from students The mentor and preservice teacher are encouraged to discuss mentor feedback followed by the preservice teacher describing or listing how this feedback will be used to enhance the quality of future lessons Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 9 of 20 KEY PARTNERSHIP ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Role of Preservice Teacher (PST) The preservice teacher is expected to: undertake the role and responsibilities of teachers at the school, including participation in staff and planning meetings, yard duty, extra-curricular activities, staff development days, school council and other community meetings work collaboratively with colleagues and mentor teachers to complete an Applied Curriculum Project document Project Partnerships by developing a folio of lesson plans, samples of school students' work, curriculum plans and reflective journal entries which describe personal teaching practice and the learning of school students document planning & evaluation strategies using the ACP Plan & document the outcomes in the ACP Report maintain records of planning and reflections for all lessons taught. This process should be discussed with the mentor. Lesson plans are required in a timely manner that allows for discussion before the lesson is taught. Lesson plans should demonstrate the preservice teachers’ understanding of the pedagogy of the topic and their familiarity with the relevant specific aspects of curriculum complete the Communication Protocol at the end of the first teaching block in Semesters 1 and 2, and discuss appropriate information with the mentor teacher for the timely completion of the Applied Curriculum Project (ACP) Plan, ACP Report and the Project Partnerships Mid-Practicum Progress and End of Practicum Reports. Preservice teachers should dress professionally and appropriately and seek clarification from the mentor teacher if unclear. They should arrive at the school at least ½ hour before school commences and remain at the school at least ½ an hour after school finishes. In the case of absences the mentor teacher must be informed of the absence well before the start of the day. Preservice teachers must negotiate with the mentor to ‘make up’ any absences. Role of Mentor Teacher (MT) The Mentor Teacher is expected to: welcome and guide the preservice teacher in the teaching and learning environment of the school discuss with, and advise preservice teachers on aspects of lesson planning & teaching including written comments and advice on lessons taught by preservice teachers consult with the preservice teacher/s to assist them to complete the ‘Communication Protocol’ (refer page 11) at the end of the first week in both teaching blocks provide constructive critical feedback - a key element in ensuring preservice teachers are aware of how they are progressing and which areas they need to work on complete two online evaluations on preservice teacher practice. A Mid-Practicum Progress Report is completed by mentor teachers on the preservice teacher’s teaching practice, and a more detailed End of Practicum Report is completed at the conclusion of the final teaching experience. Reports should be discussed with the preservice teacher as part of the normal advisory role. Role of School Partnership Coordinator (PC/ Student Teacher Coordinator) The School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator is expected to: welcome preservice teachers and provide an orientation to the school and an ongoing supportive environment allocate preservice teachers to mentors/class teachers and to Applied Curriculum Projects monitor the progress of the preservice teacher/s and to ensure the timely completion and submission of reports ensure mentor teachers, the teaching and the negotiated Applied Curriculum Projects are ‘appropriate’ to preservice teachers. . Meeting regularly with preservice teachers and mentor teachers will help to facilitate discussions about relevant curriculum areas for each year level and other curriculum / partnerships issues. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 10 of 20 ENSURING PARTNERSHIPS WORK THE IMPORTANCE OF CLEAR, EXPLICIT AND PROMPT COMMUNICATION The Project Partnerships Communication Protocol Project Partnerships, as negotiated practice-theory learning, requires preservice teachers to inquire into the ways in which their developing practice is affecting the learning of school students. Being explicit about the impact of particular classroom practices requires a systematic and public discussion of classroom experiences. The Project Partnerships Communication Protocol at , is used to support effective communication and learning for both the mentor and preservice teacher. Completion: Semester 1: At the end of the first week of the three week supervised teaching block Semester 2: At the end of the first week of the two week supervised teaching block Regular scheduled meeting times with Mentor Preservice teachers and their mentors have the principal responsibility to ensure that they agree to allocate sufficient time to discuss partnerships matters at mutually convenient times. This may mean before or after school, or on days other than the ‘normal’ Project Partnership days. Preservice teachers should, at critical times during the year such as the end of semester or the end of first week of the teaching block, clarify and confirm that the feedback he/she has been receiving from the mentor is clear and accurate. A useful resource for Mentor Teachers Mentors can download the Preservice teacher Feedback Proforma from the PP website, in the folder entitled ‘The Essentials, Policy and Procedures, Lesson Plans etc.’ as a recommended guide to support the observations of, and feedback to, a preservice teacher. This document can be shared with the preservice teacher before and after observing a lesson or activity as the basis for post-lesson conversation. Recording of perceptions of Mentor feedback Preservice teachers should record their perceptions of mentor feedback using the Project Partnerships Communication Protocol. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 11 of 20 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORTS Preservice teacher progress in Project Partnerships is reported twice during the year. Mentor teachers should refer to the Mentor Guide to Online Reports which will be provided to you by your preservice teacher or downloaded from the PP Website. PP Mid-Practicum Progress Report (Completed online) This report is an interim assessment of the progress of preservice teachers. Mentor teachers are to complete the report in consultation with the preservice teacher and School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator. The report is intended to summarise progress only. As Project Partnerships extends over the whole year, a detailed PP End of Practicum report based on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) National Graduate Teacher Standards will be completed at the conclusion of the professional experience. The AITSL Standards can be downloaded from the PP website. It is located in the ‘Reports’ folder under “Mid-Practicum and End of Practicum Reports’ or from the following URL: Deadline for report completion: the report must be completed online by the week beginning 11th May 2015. PP End of Practicum Report (Completed online) A detailed report is completed by the mentor teacher in consultation with the preservice teacher and School Partnerships Coordinator When completing this report, the mentor teacher is asked to comment on the preservice teacher’s professional practice within the context of the following AITSL National Graduate Teacher Standards: Professional Knowledge Professional Practice Professional Engagement Mentor teachers who are concerned with the progress of their preservice teacher should discuss this with the preservice teacher and if necessary with the School Partnerships Coordinator. Mentor teachers need to be aware that the awarding of the grade ‘Unsatisfactory’ will lead to failure of a core education subject by a preservice teacher and as a result the possibility that the preservice teacher will be required to re-enrol in that subject the following year. In the event of an ‘Unsatisfactory’ report, it is expected that mentor teachers and the School Partnerships Coordinator will explain to the preservice teacher their concerns and reasons why the result has been awarded. Such an explanation should occur before the end of each university semester. The aim at all times should be to facilitate a pathway by which a preservice teacher can directly address the issues of concern. Establishing solid relationships and effective communication between a preservice teacher and the mentor teacher will help in addressing issues that may during the professional experience placement. The PP Communication Protocol has been developed to assist in this regard (page 11). The PP End of Practicum Report is to be completed by the mentor in consultation with the preservice teacher. Mentor teachers must complete the online report in the presence of the preservice teacher to allow them to record their reflections on the report and sign-off on it. Mentors must print copies of the finished report, including a copy for the preservice teacher. Deadline for online report completion: the report must be completed online by the week beginning 19th October 2015. Preservice teachers must include a copy in their AEG 5136 final portfolio. Writing and submitting hardcopy Applied Curriculum Project reports and the Communication Protocol The following ACP reports are downloaded from the PP website under the heading ‘Reports’ and submitted to their by preservice teachers to their Praxis Inquiry (PI) lecturer: Applied Curriculum Project – Plan Week beginning 11th May, 2015 Applied Curriculum Project - Report Week beginning 19th October, 2015 PP Communication Protocol Completed by preservice teachers, in consultation with the mentor teacher, during Week 2 of the supervised teaching blocks in Semesters 1 & 2 Note: Please ensure reports are: 1. Signed by all parties as indicated. 2. Completed/submitted by the submission deadline. Preservice teachers must retain the original signed documents for inclusion in their portfolio / for their records Copies cannot be provided by the Project Partnerships Office at a later date. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 12 of 20 THE PRESERVICE TEACHER SUPPORT PROCESS There are some preservice teachers who experience problems in their Project Partnerships. These problems may lead to preservice teachers being at risk of receiving an ‘Unsatisfactory’ assessment from the mentor teacher in their MidPracticum Progress Report. In most cases, problems can be solved by early, explicit and direct communication of concerns involving the preservice teacher, mentor teacher, School Partnership Coordinator and Victoria University Support Contact if required. In cases where there are significant concerns it is crucial that the PP Mid-Practicum Progress report clearly states the areas requiring improvement and that ‘Unsatisfactory Progress at this Stage’ is ticked on the report. As a result the College of Education will provide additional support to preservice teachers who are identified by their mentor teacher as having made unsatisfactory progress in Semester 1. Preservice teachers that receive an unsatisfactory progress report at this stage in the report will be required (with support) to demonstrate satisfactory performance in Semester 2 in order to gain a successful PP End of Practicum Report. PRESERVICE TEACHERS WITH PROGRESS CONCERNS A personalised Support Program will be developed when preservice teacher progress concerns are raised by a mentor, preservice teacher or both. The Support Program will: identify the specific problem(s) and the underpinning issues confirm with the preservice teacher what actions he/she will put in place to address them, and develop with the preservice teacher an action plan / timeline (with a clear and explicit set of outcomes) that the preservice teacher will be required to implement in their PP. This action plan will need to take into consideration mentor teacher and School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator recommendations. The following procedure should be applied (commencing with 1 and proceeding to 2, 3 and 4 if necessary) when a concern or problem arises for either the preservice teacher or mentor: 1. Initial Informal Meeting. The mentor teacher and preservice teacher should discuss the problem promptly, explicitly and with a view to resolving the issue. 2. Notification. The School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator should be notified and, if necessary, participate in a resolution of the problem. 3. Discussion. he School Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator, mentor teacher and preservice teacher should meet with the aim of resolution. The Victoria University Partnerships Support Coordinator (PSC) may be asked to assist in the resolution process. 4. Instigation of the VU Support Program. If the problem continues and there is further evidence that progress in the placement is unsatisfactory (i.e. serious concerns expressed by mentor or irreconcilable differences) the School Partnerships Coordinator, mentor teacher and / or preservice teacher should notify the Victoria University Partnerships Support Contact who will then involve the relevant EMTP Partnerships Coordinator (Refer page 2) to review the matter and, through a meeting process, determine further action documented in an action plan with timelines. At the conclusion of the specified timeline, the relevant Course Academic Advisor will assess the preservice teacher outcomes (using feedback from relevant personnel) and then make a recommendation (in consultation with Master of Teaching (Primary) Coordinator and, if appropriate, the School Partnerships Coordinator) for the placement to continue or cease. The Course Academic Advisor will inform the preservice teacher of this decision. If the placement is to be cancelled, then the PP Office staff member will formally advise the School Partnerships Coordinator. The preservice teacher will be asked to attend a subsequent VU meeting to consider future PP options; e.g. alternative placement, postponement of placement, leave of absence from the course or similar. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 13 of 20 An Unsatisfactory Result A preservice teacher receiving an Unsatisfactory Progress result in his / her PP Mid-Practicum Progress Report will be required (with support) to demonstrate improved performance in Semester 2 in order to gain a satisfactory PP End of Practicum Report. Unit / course advice will be offered to the preservice teacher by a panel consisting of the relevant Praxis Inquiry lecturer or Course Academic Advisor and/or Course Coordinator. The panel will provide advice regarding the preservice teacher responsibilities; placement recommendations and expectations of the preservice teacher (e.g., support workshops that may be of assistance to the preservice teacher and/or winter / summer school). Additionally, the preservice teacher may be required to attend academic counselling. Preservice Teachers who want additional advice or support Visit the ‘Student Life’ site on the VU website at: Of particular interest may be the ‘Getting Help’ site at At this site you will find information on: Academic support Complaint resolution Counselling Disability support Student advocacy - know your rights Wellbeing & advice Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 14 of 20 Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 15 of 20 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EDUCATION Preservice Teacher OHS Induction Checklist Guidance on the general induction requirements for preservice teachers on professional experience practicums Victoria University has obligations to ensure the occupational health and safety of preservice teachers on professional experience placements, including common law and Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 requirements. Schools/settings are required to provide instruction, training or supervision to create safe work places and safe work practices. Preservice teachers have obligations to plan and act in the best interest of their own health and safety and for other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions. Preservice teachers are required to be aware of, and comply with, applicable health and safety procedures and practices put in place by the managing educational school/setting. Item/Activity Inductee/Preservice Teacher Notes Introduction to direct Manager/Partnerships/Student Teacher Coordinator/Mentor Teacher Location of activities Times of work including breaks and lunch/meal arrangements are clear Kitchen/staffroom/toilet and other facilities location Restrictions on activities defined (e.g. smoke free environment) First Aid arrangements – is there a First Aider how can they be contacted and location of First Aid Kit Emergency Response – what arrangements are in place for emergency response and what is expected of the preservice teacher (e.g. immediately evacuate to a specific assembly area) Injury or hazard recording – how does the preservice teacher notify of any injury, hazard or near miss experienced or witnessed? Risk assessment for the work involved – has a risk assessment been completed, what hazards were identified and what has been, or is to be, done to control the risk of injury? Instruction/training on completing required tasks safely has been provided – written or verbal Tools, personal protection equipment and other items required to complete tasks safely are available as needed Signatures Preservice Teacher _______________________________________ Date_________________ Coordinator/Mentor Teacher _______________________________________ Date_________________ To be filed by the educational setting Note: This form should be used for preservice teachers undertaking professional experience placements in conjunction with other governance and insurance forms, where applicable. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 16 of 20 Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 17 of 20 PRESERVICE TEACHER EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FOOTSCRAY PARK CAMPUS BALLARAT ROAD PO BOX 14428 MELBOURNE VICTORIA 8001 AUSTRALIA PHONE +61 3 9919 4874 FAX +61 39919 5571 EMAIL [email protected] WEB Preservice teachers are to complete and submit this form to the School Partnerships Coordinator at each setting on erships request. Name of Preservice teacher ________________________________________________ Student ID ________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name ________________________________________________ Relationship ________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Home Phone ________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Home Mobile ________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone at Work ________________________________________________ MEDICAL CONDITION/S (including allergies, medications, treatment required if incident occurs) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Preservice teachers are to ensure that the contact nominated above has agreed to being contacted in the case of an emergency and that the details provided are current. The preservice teacher is to notify the setting Coordinator if any details above change. Privacy: School Partnerships Coordinators are to ensure these forms are kept in a secure and confidential location and that personal health details are only communicated to relevant personnel in the event of an emergency. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 18 of 20 Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 19 of 20 APPENDIX 1 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP SUPPORT COORDINATOR (PSC) DETAILS MASTER OF TEACHING (PRIMARY) Victoria University Partnership Support Coordinators (PSC’s) are appointed to individual primary schools alphabetically based on the name of the setting. Please note: PSC’s work two days per week but regularly check their emails. PRIMARY SCHOOLS A - M Jeanette Fielding Phone 9919 5234 Email [email protected] PRIMARY SCHOOLS N - Z Jo Hopkins Phone 9919 2765 Email [email protected] WWW.VU.EDU.AU CRICOS Provider No. 00124KThis publication is an information document from Victoria University. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate; however it may be subject to change. February 2015.. Master of Teaching (Primary) Year 1 Project Partnerships: The Essentials 2015 Page 20 of 20
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