747T-1:514 (\921 2015-16) Admission Form (Session 2015-16) 611 (PATRACHAR VIDYALAYA) 11-1T-4R F4-VT- ftL=Tr Nzuozi, Ttzi Tr7ETT-4t DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI ft-7c . Edict), 7itcl1 ir WTT, ftA-88 (BL-BLOCK, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-88) TIiQ.TT9 (Affiliated with CBSE) 4R1 TfitzfitT *TUT/Class 11.11. ii-CqT (4- trqrffR ftra-zi ITITT gNI wOrr) P.V. No. (To be given by the Patrachar Vidyalaya) 31T-471T ftbT/ (IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS izi! TikV1 f ij Wt Ti T 747 ti IT7T 101? Please fill the Admission Form after reading the instructions given in the Prospectus. 7-419 t 7 4 x 3 ~1+11. 3TfTR Eh-It f 2Tr9 Tr ft7 TiTrral7 145itI.1 177 m'r ,04001 Paste 4 x 3 cm Size Photograph on the Identity Card and Mark his/her signature in the space provided. Student should fill up the columns in the I-card. TT Titc1 TTIWT-41TOT I 1. fdvil 4 IOTA 144r 41 NA 4 Tgt err Choose subject carefully. Change of subject is not allowed at a later stage. NA rl 1. ftE114 ft7 it tf 374 ft4TTF RIM TT 1 .6T 1: -Tki I/ Choose and write the District where the student resides (North, East, South, West, Central) 2. ft-t114 9Trf/ Name of the Candidate (In CAPITAL LETTERS) L111 II 3. flIcll TT TT 97/ Mother's Name in CAPITAL LETTERS 1 1 11 4. ftaT TT tp 971/ Father's Name in CAPITAL LETTERS 5. 7-41 tRT/ Date of Birth I 6. f11/ Gender I I 7. ?P1/ Category Paste Self Attested 8. 71117rdT/ Nationality Black & White 9. fill. / Disabled Photograph with 10. 111771/ Mother Tongue 11. 0/ Religion Computerized Name and Date 12. 3111:14 14 /* TOT/ Your Previous Qualification 13. WV Subjects 1. ct)).1 SIT/ Code No. TWIN / Medium 14. facIVE/ Detail of Fee 1. Branch Name 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Additional Subject 2. Journal No. 3. Date 4. Amount 15. f" .-4171 TT IF id-r/ Address of Residence (in CAPITAL LETTERS) .?14/ State Pin Code /R 13 174TP=1/ Telephone No R/Mobile No 16. Email Id 17. VI 4TRT 3IT1 Parental annual Income Rs. p.a. ufflUT TT ft-q7u1 f 18. 3t4t t 3TIVR 071. T4;11 t I Detail of Examination passed on the basis of which admission is beintz sought Trdtri tit eiT/ ft-Mffzi TT 9T/ W /Board IfftuIPi/ Result 3FITTliT Exam Passed Name of the No. School -441/IX /Roll c14/Year Tfit/ X T11/XI DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT (TO BE FILLED BY THE APPLICANT) 3TTT Met thou (3Tr gic IT-41 -riTf)) 141quir <Nor/ 4At t f4) 44 *1 zi-gl"S A t, ltre TOTITTI f101 30Tq ? 'W /Vgl I #4 TA ir4-0 ft0 144 N4 3-0-471 ur 4TE gl 4 M I ei IT elf R0-9-r" fir 61zr >l \34-41qa it•T met w RTT-di t l 4 f ,NPIcht 4 1'4441 r tri-F9 f Eir4 T-#Trr/m--#4fi (I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood all the conditions of the eligibility and I fulfill the criteria for the course for which I'seek admission. I have furnished all the necessary information/ document correctly. I have filled the form in my own writing. I understand that my candidature is liable to be cancelled by the Patrachar Vidyalaya, if any information/ document is found to be misleading or incorrect at any stage. I undertake to abide by the rules as laid down in the prospectus. fturzil it91*/ Date =flor—Wit/3if*Trq 6ciraR Signature of the Student gNmrw Counter Signature of the Parents/ Guardian 3T1UZIT fkbl: T T t wrq f'41 11tftga ‹,?-(10,131-4-a vrrTrt ftA 74 Ail f Try crf . ftl-Wf 1034 Th7 crffriir t (sLe) met Tv vit aamitt g crrd-6---iN W64T7 f4cr* 4 -ctraR u I (-1 -cit-i TN. m-RV6-4fx M WIFE tMl 1-1))6A Rqzt m.ir 40 WIFE Tim (IN I 3r.t/3r..7r./Fam--6-frr/3TtzrrErT qrf 3frur7 cOzt (it cl f r 1:r met Frzi ticzind lcli(1I ft't f -4R-{ 42,fr9 m-r gm-Err TNI 1. 976t4 `(- t 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. hi W4 I 4(t) Trr) fi Tiapi 3Orm-rt W-d- w4vrfula 6mraR/ Signature of Admission Incharge
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