Ref.No.:43 331 / 201.5 - 16lKVS RO VNS/Admission Date:07.04.2015 The Principal Kendriya Vidyalayas ln Allahabad, Varanasi and Gorakhpur stations sub: Guidelines for Locat Transfer of students during session 2015-16 reg. Madam/Sir, Please refer to Guidelines for Admission issued by KVS HQ 2015-16 regarding LocalTransfer cases (part The following instructions are to be followed for local transfer of students during session 201.5-1,6. t' 2' A paraT). ThePrincipalswillensurenotificationof thescheduleandGuidelinesforlocaltransferof studentsthrough notice board, website, and announcements during morning assembly and in classrooms. Application for local transfer with copies of relevant documents should be submitted by interested parents in triplicate in annexure I in the Vidyalaya where student is presently studying on or before lBth April 2015 and an acknowledgement should be given to the pr."rt for having received the form 3' All cases are to be verified, recommended or not iecommend.a uy the principal of the vidyalaya where the student is presently studying and a copy of th_e form (Ann t) is to be sent to the vidyalaya where local transfer is sought on or before 23.d Ap;l 201S. 4' The Principals of KV where transfer is being rorght will ensure completion of entries in appropriate column of application form [Annexure-l) and with their ...o.*"ndation will attend trie meeting along with all application forms of their KV fTransfer seeking in/ Transfer seeking outJ at the venue decided by the City Co-ordinator on any date suitable to them between Z4tn and28rh April 2015. 5' The city co-ordinator will prepare a list of students of all recommended/ .rot ...or.ended cases in Annexure-ll and will get it signed byall the Principals present in the meeting and will then send the scanned copy to RO as per the schedule given in the separate sheet attached herewith. 6' cases of local transfer will finally be approved by the Regional office and the list will be notified through mail to all KVs concerned on L't May zors. rhe IisI will be uploaded on R0 website as well and KVs concerned will also upload it on their website and will notiiy it by displaying it on school notice board 7' The last date for admission on local transfer basis shall be 12tr May 2015 and no cases should be entertained after this date. 8' Principals are to ensure that all assistance is extended_,to parents/guardians fbr completing and submitting the form on time. They are to visit the parent xv only and nJ other KV or Regional office. 9' This letter along with Annexure I and schedule may be prominently displayed on vidyalaya notice board, in Library, office etc. for the benefit of parents, students, vliitors and others so as to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the stakeholders. 10. The city co-ordinators for local transfers in 2015-16 will be as under: AIIahabad: Dr[MrsJ Shalini Dikshit p Varanasi : Dr(Mrsl poonam singh, principar I(v BH, v;;;;;j;;;KV;;;;#r#r, Kindly ensure compliance. Your\incerely rpvslnle%d Deputy Commissioner Encls:As above F.;KV;;A;ffi*,
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