Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : 518/ DEP Bhai Gurdas Institute of engineering & Technology,Sangrur MBA Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : PGM15100001/ AMANDEEPSINGHDHILLON Father / MotherName : JAGTAR SINGH/ GURVINDER KAUR Examination Centre : 15/ Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sangrur. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:51:28 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : 518/ DEP Bhai Gurdas Institute of engineering & Technology,Sangrur MBA Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : PGM15100027/ MANDHIR SINGH Father / MotherName : HARBHAGWAN SINGH/ KARAMJIT KAUR Examination Centre : 15/ Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sangrur. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:51:28 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : 518/ DEP Bhai Gurdas Institute of engineering & Technology,Sangrur MBA Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : PGM15100057/ LAVISHSINGLA Father / MotherName : RAMESH SINGLA/ SUNITA Examination Centre : 15/ Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sangrur. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:51:28 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100010/ SHAILENDER SINGH Mohinder Singh/ Reeta Devi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100011/ RASHMI SINGH NAGPAL JASBIR SINGH NAGPAL/ SEEMA SINGH NAGPAL 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100050/ SAVAPANJEET SINGH BHOOLA SINGH/ HARJEET KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100052/ DHEERAJ GULATI NAND LAL GULATI/ SAROJ KANTA 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100060/ MANDEEP SINGH AMAR SINGH/ KAMALJIT KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100068/ PAVNEET SINGH GULJEET SINGH/ HARJIT KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100075/ SANDEEP KUMAR MADAN LAL/ SANTOSH DEVI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100076/ SUNIL RANA RAJINDER SINGH/ CHAMPA RANI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100078/ GURWINDER KAUR RANDHIR SINGH/ DALJIT KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100079/ RAJESH KUMAR RAM PYARE RAM/ SHELLA KUMARI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100081/ AMANDEEPKAUR LAKHBIR SINGH/ NARINDER KAUR 60/ Rayat Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Bio. Tech., Sahauran, Kharar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100092/ PRABHPREET SINGH TEJINDER PAL SINGH/ GURSHARAN KAUR 270/ Shivalik College of Pharmacy, Nangal. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100096/ KIRNA DEVI SURINDER PAL/ SANTOSH KUMARI 270/ Shivalik College of Pharmacy, Nangal. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100098/ ARTI DEVI PIAR CHAND/ VEENA DEVI 270/ Shivalik College of Pharmacy, Nangal. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100102/ MANJEET KAUR RAMKISHAN SINGH/ KAMALJEET KAUR 270/ Shivalik College of Pharmacy, Nangal. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100109/ RAJNEESHSHARMA SUSHEEL KUMAR/ USHA DEVI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100119/ BIKRAMJEET SINGH SWARAN SINGH/ JASVIR KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100124/ LAKHVIR SINGH AMAR SINGH/ MELO KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100127/ RAMNEET KUMAR RAMESH CHAND/ PAWANA KUMARI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100146/ KARANDEEP SINGH DHILLON GURDEEP SINGH DHILLON/ ANILJIT KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100147/ SARBJIT SINGH JASPAL SINGH/ GURMEET KAUR 60/ Rayat Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Bio. Tech., Sahauran, Kharar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100148/ PARMINDER SINGH RANJIT SINGH/ JASVIR KAUR 60/ Rayat Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Bio. Tech., Sahauran, Kharar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100157/ KAPIL DHIMAN Sukhdev Kumar Dhiman/ Bimla Rani 60/ Rayat Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Bio. Tech., Sahauran, Kharar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100159/ SANDEEP MADAN LAL/ RANI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100169/ DEPIKA BASRA KEHRU RAM/ KANWALJEET KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100174/ PRABSHARAN SINGH MANJEET SINGH/ KULWINDER KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100196/ RADHA MOHAN LAL/ SHANTI DEVI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100197/ SARBJEET KAUR RAJU SINGH/ AVTAR KAUR 60/ Rayat Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Bio. Tech., Sahauran, Kharar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100205/ SOURABH BAKSHI BODH PRAKASH BAKSHI/ PREM LATA 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100212/ PUNAM KUMARI BIDHI CHAND/ CHINTA DEVI 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100223/ MUKESH SINGH SHRI RAM SINGH/ RANJU DEVI SINGH 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100239/ AMANPREET SINGH SANDHU HARBHAJAN SINGH SANDHU/ CHARANJEET KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100243/ PRABHJOT Inder Pal/ Parmjeet Kaur 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100246/ PUJA KUMARI MRoy/ BDevi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100247/ BHUPENDER SINGH Ram Sarup/ Indra Wati 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100248/ SONAL Bhushan Lal Mahajan/ Ranjna Mahajan 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100250/ HARDEEP NIRMAL SINGH/ MANJEET KAUR 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100253/ ANITA RANI Mangtu Ram/ Saroj Devi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100259/ PRABHA RANI Shardha Nand/ Sumitra Devi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100276/ KANISHAK Ashok Kumar/ Amita Kumari 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100277/ NEHA JASWAL Bhim Sain Jaswal/ Ruma Jaswal 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100280/ BHARAT NEGI Avtar Singh Negi/ Kanta Negi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 515/ DEP PTU Mohali Campus,Mohali Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100285/ REEMARANI Bodh Singh/ Pushpa Devi 152/ Gian Jyoti Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Mohali. Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 1:01:58 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : 514/ DEP Guru Nanak Institute of Management & Technolgy,Ludhiana MBA Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : PGM15100219/ SANDEEP SINGH Father / MotherName : DYA SINGH/ SARBJEET KAUR Examination Centre : 155/ Guru Nanak Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Model Town, Ludhiana. Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:23:13 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100062/ YASHKARAN SINGH RAJINDER SINGH/ NEELAM 63/ Rayat & Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Nano Tech., Hoshiarpur Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100100/ NAVDEEP KAUR Ranvir Singh/ Surinder Kaur 64/ RIET, Phagwara Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100140/ RAHULDUTTA Parveen Kumar/ Sanju Bala 63/ Rayat & Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Nano Tech., Hoshiarpur Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100142/ JASVINDRAPAL SINGH BHATOA Karnail Singh Bhatoa/ Satwant Kaur 63/ Rayat & Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Nano Tech., Hoshiarpur Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100155/ BALWINDER SINGH ONKAR SINGH/ BALVIR KAUR 63/ Rayat & Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Nano Tech., Hoshiarpur Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100185/ SARBJIT KAUR NIRMAL SINGH/ HARJINDER KAUR 460/ K.M.S. College of I.T. & Management,DASUYA Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 512/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Hoshiarpur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100265/ BABITA RATTI YASHPAL RATTI/ PARAMJIT RATTI 63/ Rayat & Bahra Inst. of Engg. & Nano Tech., Hoshiarpur Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:31:37 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 510/ DEP Beant College of Engineering & Technology,Gurdaspur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100048/ SATNAM SINGH JASWINDER SINGH/ LAKHBIR KAUR 220/ Swami Sarvanand Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Dinanagar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:12:20 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 510/ DEP Beant College of Engineering & Technology,Gurdaspur Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100072/ RAKESH KUMAR JAGDISH CHANDER/ TARO DEVI 220/ Swami Sarvanand Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Dinanagar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 4:12:20 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100031/ RAJESH KUMAR BANKA RAM/ NIRMAL KAUR 64/ RIET, Phagwara Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100053/ AVTAR SINGH GURNAM SINGH/ KIRPAL KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100067/ KULJEET KAUR Sukhchain Singh/ Joginder Kaur 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100070/ JAGROOP KAUR GURMUKH SINGH/ GIAN KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100087/ DEEPAK VANSAL Mangal Dass/ Darshana Kumari 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100091/ MANISHA MARIA Kuldeep Kumar Maria/ Rita Maria 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100093/ MANJIT KAUR GURMUKH SINGH/ GIAN KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100095/ RAVINDER KUMAR TRIPATHI Lal Bihari Tripathi/ Shardha Devi 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100101/ MANLEEN KAUR KARAMJEET SINGH/ BHUPINDER KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100108/ LATISHA KALRA ARUN KALRA/ DIMPLE KALRA 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100110/ SUNIL KUMAR Sudershan Lal/ Nirmal Devi 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100121/ GURPREET SINGH AMARTEJ SINGH/ AMARJEET KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100126/ LATIKA BHALLA Ramesh Bhalla/ Anu Bhalla 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100135/ KATHEY VIJAY KUMAR/ KRISHNA DEVI 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100152/ AARTI RATTAN CHAND/ SITA DEVI 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100153/ YATINKUMAR RAMESH CHANDER/ SHAKUNTLA 385/ Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100154/ TEJINDERJIT KAUR Jagir Singh/ Manjit Kaur 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100208/ REENARANI SUCHA SINGH/ RAJINDER KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100209/ MANPREETKAUR GURDEV SINGH/ BALBIR KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100210/ LADWINDER KAUR GURNAM SINGH/ MANJIT KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100211/ LOVEPREET KAUR SADHU SINGH/ SUKHWANT KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100215/ SURINDERKAUR SADHU SINGH/ SUKHWANT KAUR 294/ Anand College of Engg. & Mgt., Kapurthla Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100216/ ROSHAN LAL DARSHAN RAM/ GURBAKHSH KAUR 64/ RIET, Phagwara Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 513/ DEP Directorate of Distance Education,PTU,Kapurthala Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100240/ GULSHAN KUMAR SURINDER MOHAN/ PARAMJIT KAUR 64/ RIET, Phagwara Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:35:10 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100013/ BALKARAN SINGH GURTEJ SINGH/ DARSHAN KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100014/ KALA SINGH BILLU SINGH/ MASRO KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100015/ THAKAR SINGH KULDEEP SINGH/ GURUBACHAN KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100016/ GURNAM SINGH DARSHAN SINGH/ SHEELA KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100017/ SURINDER KUMAR RAM KUMAR/ RAM KUMAR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100035/ BALKARN SINGH BOGAR SINGH/ AMARJEET KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100036/ BEERPAL KAUR SUKHDEV SINGH/ KARAMJEET KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100045/ KAMALPREET KAUR SARDARA SINGH/ NASIB KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100047/ AMARJEET SINGH GIAN SINGH/ MANJIT KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100051/ RAVINDER SHARMA JAGDISH CHAND/ SURJIT RANI 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100099/ DAULAT KUMAR MUNI LAL/ KRISHNA DEVI 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100120/ AVTAR SINGH PURAN SINGH/ BACHAN KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100149/ VANITA LAXI CHANDER/ GIANWANTI 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100150/ KULTAR SHARMA RAM PARTAP/ USHA RANI 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100231/ KARAMJIT KAUR HARPINDER SINGH/ DARSHAN KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100237/ KASHMIR SINGH JAGROOP SINGH/ SHINDER PAL 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100249/ BALWINDER SINGH NASIB SINGH/ JASWANT KAUR 308/ Gurdasidevi Inst. of Mgt. & Tech., Budhlada, Mansa Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100279/ RANJEETSINGH BHURA SINGH/ KULWANT KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 516/ DEP SSD College of Professional Studies, Bhokhra, Bathinda Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100281/ VARINDER PAL SINGH JASPAL SINGH/ BALBIR KAUR 187/ Maharaja Ranjit Singh Khalsa Technical College, Bathinda Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Monday, April appear in Examination 27, 2015 12:29:14 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100003/ RAVI KUMAR NAND LAL/ BIMLA DEVI 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100004/ KISHORE CHAND BANWARI LAL/ MEENA 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100005/ BALRAJ ARJUN DEV/ KAMLA DEVI 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100006/ MANPREET KAUR NISHAN SINGH/ JASPAL KAUR 49/ Khalsa College of Engg. & Tech., Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100028/ MUKESH PATHAK RAM JI PATHAK/ KRISHANA DEVI 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100029/ PRABHJOT KAUR JAGTAR SINGH/ SWINDER KAUR 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100115/ JOBANJIT SINGH KASHMIR SINGH/ MANJIT KAUR 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100122/ GURLAL SINGH AVTAR SINGH/ BALWINDER KAUR 19/ Baba Kuma Singh College of Engg., Gurusar Satlani Sahib, Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal Punjab Technical University Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala REGULAR EXAM FORM CUM PROVISIONAL ADMIT CARD FOR EXAMINATION : Apr-2015 Institute Name : Branch Title : Roll No. / Name : Father / MotherName : Examination Centre : 509/ DEP Punjab Institute of Technology (PIT) Amritsar Photo to be attested by Principal / Competent Authority MBA PGM15100156/ NAVDEEP KAUR INDERPAL SINGH/ MANJIT KAUR 49/ Khalsa College of Engg. & Tech., Amritsar Subjects in which Appearing Sem. M.Code Sub.Code Paper Id Subject Title T/P Int. Ext. Fill by 1 49001 MBA-101 C0101 Principles & Practices of Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49002 MBA-102 C0102 Organizational Behaviour Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49003 MBA-103 C0103 Accounting for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49004 MBA-104 C0104 Quantitative Techniques Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49005 MBA-105 C0105 Managerial Economics Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49006 MBA-106 C0106 Business Communication Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49007 MBA-107 C0107 Information Technology for Management Theory Yes Yes Uni. 1 49093 MBA-108 Practical No Yes Uni. Viva Voce I have understood all the regulations and its amendments in regard to examinations.I found myself Eligible to appear in Examination. In case University declare me ineligible due to any wrong information submitted in examination form by me, I shall be responsible for the consequences at any stage. It is also certified that i have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). Controller of Examination Sign of Candidate____________________ Date____________________ Certified that the Candidate has completed the prescribed course of study and fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Regulations for the examination and is eligible to appear in the examination as a regular / ex-student of Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. The candidate bears a good moral character and particulars filled by him/her are correct.It is also certified that candidate have filled all regular examination forms of previous lower semester(s). ___________________________________________ Sign of Head of Deptt. NOTE: Student must carry Photo ID card to _______________________________________________ Signature of Principal / Competent Authority Print Date:-Friday, April 24, appear in Examination 2015 3:42:06 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Receipt of Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee for Examination : Apr-2015 Received Regular Examination Form and Examination Fee of Rs. ________________ , late fee (if any) Rs. ____________ and Docs fee(if any) Rs. ________ from Student Roll No. NOTE: Docs fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the students of last sem for the issuance of PDC, MC and one copy Transcript. Signature of Institute Dealing Hand with seal
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