MONDAY 27th APRIL OPENING 8.30 Meeting Room - Rhône 3 Opening Remarks President of EFEE President of Société de l’Industrie Minérale - GFEE Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics - SYNDUEX Chairman of Technical Committee DEMOLITION 1 Session Chair: Rob Farnfield Johan Finsteen Gjødvad Gilles Roch Christian Tridon Rob Farnfield Meeting Room - Rhône 3 9.00 Design for demolition of the 3.2 km Storstroemsbridge, Denmark. Erik Krogh Lauritzen and Trine Holst Veicherts 9.30 Synchronized controlled explosive demolition of six industrial buildings at Mandoudi, Greece. 10.00 Blast demolition of the AfE-Tower in Frankfurt. Elias Baliktsis, Alexander Baliktsis, Stephen Baliktsis, and Charles Moran Eduard Reisch and Rainer Melzer 10.30 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT : 1 Session Chair: Alain Blanchier 11.00 11.30 12.00 Meeting Room - Rhône 3 BREAK EDUCATION AND TRAINING Session Chair: José Carlos Góis Meeting Room - Rhône 2 Human response to structure-related perception strength of vibration and its significance to blasting works. Transmissibility of blasting vibrations from rock to mount –Part 2 Rolf R. Schillinger. Using the UK’s Explosive Substances and Articles National Occupational Standards to improve performance. D. Clarke. P. Segarra, J.A. Sanchidrián, R. Castedo and L.M. López EUExImp – The European Explosives Sector Implementation of Occupational Standards. Erik Nilsson. Synergy between drilling/blasting and loading/hauling for a combined reduction of CO2 emissions. P. De Pasquale and A. A. Alvarez-Castro. Explosives safety competence linked to UK National Occupational Standards – our experience. A.S. Lovell and S. Dooley 12.30 BLAST OPTIMISATION : 1 Session Chair: Pablo Segarra Meeting Room - Rhône 3 LUNCH PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Session Chair: Samir Mukhopadhyay Meeting Room - Rhône 2 14.00 Structure from Motion for blast planning. A. Gaich and M. Pötsch. New range of optimised emulsifiers for emulsion explosives applications. 14.30 Controlled specific energy concept for quarry blasting. Effect of industrial fuel type on stability of emulsion explosives. 15.00 Rock Fragmentation Analysis in Mines and Quarries Using Portable 3D Stereo Imaging. Ricardo Chavez, Gilles Jauffret, and Pierre De Pasquale A. Azmin, B. Sameti, I. Bell, D. Ko, I. Wan and S. Tafazoli N.Hodgson, C.Temple-Heald, H.Sarginson, C.Davies, J.Creasey, and C.Ward Ellina Kharatyan, Piet Halliday, Cheryl Kelly and Larry Wilson. Nickel hydrazine nitrate – A primer for commercial initiators. A.N. Gupta and N.V. Srinivasa Rao 15.30 CASE STUDIES : 1 Session Chair: Jerry Wallace Meeting Room - Rhône 3 BREAK INITIATION SYSTEMS Session Chair: Frédéric Meulle Meeting Room - Rhône 2 16.00 Control Blasting Challenges on the Bear Creek Hydro Project. Ron J. Elliott and Corry Goumans Investigations of non-electric detonators and conclusions. H. Krebs, U. Hasenfelder,, D. Schäfer and A. v. Oertzen 16.30 Electronic blasting at the Flesland Airport construction project in Bergen, Norway. V. Olsen and T.S. Hunt. Development and application of a non-electric detonator with an electronic delay module. Andrey Ivanov. TUESDAY 28th APRIL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT : 2 Session Chair: Mark Pegden Meeting Room - Rhône 3 SAFETY, SECURITY AND RISK Session Chair: Jørgen Schneider Meeting Room - Rhône 2 8.30 A study on vibration isolation effect of damping holes in excavation blasting. Wu Congshi, Li Gang and Yang Dianguang. Global studies of the levels of risk of flyrock. Alain Blanchier. 9.00 Delay timing between explosive charges as a new parameter to predict and control vibrations. P. Bernardo and F. Negreira. Guaranteeing safety against firedamp and coal dust explosions for blasting operations in German coal mining. H. Krebs and A. von Oertzen 9.30 Vibration Controlled Blast Design and Monitoring Close to a Dam. H.A. Bilgin and Y. Dagasan. Rock fragmentation by blasting risk management – 20 ways to create value. Trevor N Little. 10.00 Comparison of existing methods and new approach to forecast blast induced ground vibration. A case study from Moha quarry (Belgium). E. Chevalier and J. Chevalier. Multifunctional device for explosion detection. E. Mataradze, M.Chikhradze, N. Bochorishvili, N.Chikhradze, And S. Marjanishvili 10.30 BLAST OPTIMISATION : 2 Session Chair: Ricardo Chavez Meeting Room - Rhône 3 BREAK REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS Session Chair: Jörg Rennert Meeting Room - Rhône 2 11.00 New 3D Explosives Energy Distribution Concept. Thierry Bernard. Better results with the German quality mark „Demolition Blasting RAL 519“ W. Werner and M. Hopfe 11.30 Application of drill and blast design practices for the optimisation of fragmentation at ROM Heap Leach operations – the importance of true engineering discipline. Safe blasting - proper vibration prognosis. William R. Adamson. Danish experiences with obtaining regulatory approval for explosives storage facilities. C. A. Andersen, S. Qvist and K. C. Jørgensen B. Müller, B. Litschko and U. Pippig Experiences with the pan-European Implementation of a track and trace software - challenges, solutions and prospect. Frank Hirthammer 12.00 12.30 DEMOLITION : 2 Session Chair: Erik Lauritzen Meeting Room - Rhône 3 LUNCH CASE Studies : 2 Session Chair: Rob Farnfield Meeting Room - Rhône 2 14.00 New formulas for charge weights in blast demolition. Rainer Melzer Cliff Blasting Techniques for Successful Blast in Very Sensitive Area. Thierry Bernard and Thierry Partouche. 14.30 Blasting Demolition of the part of the Bellevue Hotel. M. Dobrilović, V. Bohanek, and V. Škrlec Controlled blasting practice at sensitive urban areas for a metro rail construction project in India. M. Ramulu and M. Gurharikar. 15.00 Control blasting technology for bridge with prestressed continuous concrete beams. Effect of non-accurate drill depth on the cost analysis of a foundation excavation blasting. Y. Dagasan, H.A. Bilgin and E.N. Tanriseven. 15:30 Feasibility study on the drilling and blasting of piers and subsequent impacts on the environment. Mingsheng Zhao, En’an Chi, Xing Wei, Song Yue, Rui Zou and Zhi-jun Song. Jørgen Schneider 16.00 ADJOURN
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