The Campaign to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization Summary Report On The Crimes Committed By Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (From June 30th, 2013 to July 31st, 2014) The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Introduction: On the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks, the “Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an International Terrorist Organization”1 released its second report on Muslim Brotherhood’s acts of violence on Egyptian civilians, officials, and state facilities over the past year. This second report2 documents 109 of the violent crimes that the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated terrorist organizations has committed in Egypt since the group was announced as a terrorist organization by some Arab Countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE (on December 25th, 2013) up till July 31st, 2014. The first report3, that was issued earlier this year, documented 1929 of the violent crimes committed by the Muslim Brotherhood and their terrorist affiliates between the fall of their regime on June 30th, 2013 up to their official announcement as a terrorist organization on December 25th, 2013. After the sinful 9/11 attacks, which led to the death of nearly 3000 Americans the United States led a global war on terrorism, represented in Alqaeda. That war was believed to come to a successful end, ten years later, by the killing of Ben Laden in 2011. Then again, after the tragic slaughter of American and British journalists by ISIS, earlier this year, Secretary of State John Kerry, went on roaming the world to gain support for a military action against terrorism, represented in ISIS, this time. Egypt, one of US central allies on this war and beyond, has been solely exhausted in a seemingly endless war with the Muslim Brotherhood and its terrorist arms, not only in Sinai, but also right in the heart of Cairo and all over the Nile Valley, where innocent civilians are falling under the threat of terrorist attacks on a daily basis. The documented number of damages and losses caused by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt during the last year alone is much higher than the number of journalists killed by ISIS or the total number of the victims of 9/11 attacks. Yet, the US and some western powers are still believing the lies of the MB and hesitating to support Egypt in its war against their terrorism. Supporting Egypt on its war against the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood, the mother of all Islamist-‐based terrorist organizations is an integral part of the global war on terrorism. 1 The “Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an International Terrorist Organization” is a global independent citizen-based initiative that started in Cairo in September 2013 with the goal to combat Islamist-based terrorism led by the Muslim Brotherhood, through exposing the crimes they commit against civilians and by pressuring the US, UN, and EU to designate them on their lists of international terrorist organizations. 2 Read or download the full report in PDF format on this link: 3 Read or download the full report in PDF format on this link: The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization General Review and Statistics: The following are summary excerpts from the first and second reports on terrorist attacks committed by the Muslim Brotherhood inside Egypt over the past year. All the incidents mentioned here are documented through police reports, witnesses, or credible news reports supported with photos and videos. Those statistics does not include Sinai because the war on terrorism there made it impossible to our staff to travel there to collect credible information. However, some credible news reporters corresponding from there, mentioned recently in a documented report4, that the number of losses in Sinai, since July 2013, is up to 1085 life losses, in addition to almost complete damage in facilities and institutions. The first report on MB violent crimes in Egypt (From June 30, 2013 to December 25th, 2013): The revolution of June 30th, 2013that toppled Muslim Brotherhood regime was preceded by various events and mass mobilizations by both parties, namely MB supporters and opponents. However, the mobilization of the Muslim Brotherhood was accompanied by declarations inciting on violence. MB leaders and supporters claimed they have the legitimacy to keep power despite the tens of millions who revolted against them. They had pointed out that legitimacy was a red line that cannot be crossed and had threatened to unleash a wave of bloodshed and violence if the president’s legitimacy was violated. For no big surprise, such violent statements by MB leaders was immediately followed by a wave of explosions upon toppling the Muslim Brotherhood regime, along with kidnapping and systematic torture of opposition figures, in addition to number of terrorist attacks in Sinai and El-‐Arish, which started upon the ouster of President Morsi and is still ongoing up till now. Even worse, the Muslim Brotherhood used women and children for political purposes in their so-‐called peaceful protests in Rabe’a Aladawya and Alnahda. They subjected children less than ten years of age to psychological torture by calling them “potential martyrs” and forcing them to carry their coffins. The use of women and children in demonstrations stemmed from the Muslim Brotherhood’s desire to let a Syria-‐style scenario unfold in Egypt so as to be able to request a foreign military intervention in Egypt to protect them from alleged oppression under the new state. Nevertheless, both strikes were used as safe places to hide weapons and plan attacks on civilians, police stations, and state institutions. Furthermore, in the wake of the dispersal of the Raba’a and Nahda so-‐called strikes, the Muslim Brotherhood members carried out a number of attacks and set fire to several public buildings, police stations, premises of the state security forces and churches. At the beginning of the new academic year, Brotherhood students also tried to disrupt classes in universities and 4 Here is a link to the report summary: The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization schools. Moreover, they did not only threaten and intimidate students but also university professors. In this respect, most Egyptian universities witnessed riots and violence, which resulted in many people being killed and injured. This was followed by weekly Friday demonstrations in different venues. The protests aimed to provoke clashes with the people so as to cause injuries and killings. In addition, the Muslim Brotherhood organized a number of attacks targeting certain figures in retaliation for what happened to Khaled Daoud, a member of National Salvation Front (NSF), and a number of reporters. Not only did the Muslim Brothers use women and children for political purposes or torture their opponents, but they also tortured their own members who rejected violence. “The Muslim Brotherhood without Violence” Movement was formed by a number of MB youth who rejected the violence practiced by the group. On July 23rd, the movement issued a statement stating that the Muslim Brotherhood had arrested 670 of them in Raba’a al-‐Adaweya strike venue because of their refusal to participate in practicing violence against civilians and policemen. The young detainees were inhumanly treated and tortured. Some of them were given 100 lashes for disobeying orders. In this respect, we shall review in its entirety the violent acts committed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood organization or by alleged supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood between June 30th and December 25th, 2013. This period will be divided into three phases: ! ! ! Phase I: Prior to Sit-‐in Dispersal. Phase II: Sit-‐in Dispersal. Phase III: Post Sit-‐in Dispersal The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Phase I: Prior to Sit-‐in Dispersal This phase began on June 30th and ended with the dispersal of the Raba'a and Nahda sit-‐ ins on August 14th. During this period, there were many statements instigating violence. In this respect, the advisor to President Morsi told Al-‐Watan newspaper on June the 2nd that "Morsi will not step down and we will protect his legitimacy with our soul and blood". This was followed by many other statements by Muslim Brotherhood leaders instigating violence, which coincided with actual violent acts in some governorates. The following chart shows the number of casualties and people wounded by members and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. During this period, nearly 82 instances of people being killed during clashes, three instances of premeditated murder in armed attacks, 22 instances of people being tortured to death, and 44 instances of assault and torture were reported. The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Phase II: Sit-‐in Dispersal This phase began on August 14th and lasted until August 20th (seven days after the sit-‐in dispersal). During this period, members of the Muslim Brotherhood targeted public buildings, police stations, and churches in retaliation for the dispersal of the sit-‐ins. The following graph illustrates the total cases of such attacks. The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Phase III: Post-‐ Sit-‐in Dispersal This phase covers a period stretching from August the 20th the immediate aftermath of the dispersal of the sit-‐ins in Cairo’s Raba'a and Nahda Squares to December the 25th the day on which the Muslim Brotherhood was officially declared a terrorist organization. During this period, many demonstrations were held, often ending in clashes in an attempt to disrupt university life and paralyze traffic in Greater Cairo by disrupting subway service. The following chart shows the total number of victims of assault, injury and murder at the hands of Muslim Brotherhood members during this period. The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Finally, the following graph shows the total number of victims of violence by the Muslim Brotherhood between June the 30th and December the 25th, 2013. The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization The Second Report on MB violent crimes in Egypt (From December 25th, 2013 to July 31st, 2014): This report documents the terrorist attacks and acts of violence that were committed by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters from December 25, 2013 when the Brotherhood was designated as a terrorist group by the government, to July 31, 2014. This period witnessed one hundred and nine (109) cases of transgressions, presented chronologically and categorized into six (6) groups. The first category is “aborted bombings,” which includes thirty-‐nine (39) bombing attempts thwarted by security forces. The second category is “bombings,” which includes thirty-‐seven (37) cases of bombings that resulted in a total of one hundred and twenty-‐ three (123) injured and eighteen (18) dead. The third category is titled “clashes” and includes eleven (11) cases of clashes by Brotherhood members and supporters, among them seven (7) cases of clashes with security forces and four (4) cases of clashes with residents. The fourth category is labeled “miscellaneous incidents” and includes 11 (eleven) cases of different forms of aggression, including against public and private property and against security personnel and citizens; these have resulted in four (4) injured and two (2) dead. The fifth category is incitement to violence, and includes six (6) cases of incitement to violence. The sixth category is obstruction of public roads, and includes five (5) cases of road blocking. Below are two Figures illustrating the period from December 25, 2013 to July 31, 2014. Figure 1 displays the division of the one hundred and nine (109) transgressions over the six (6) categories. Figure 2 displays the total number of dead and injured in the specified period. Following that is a detailed presentation regarding the one hundred and nine (109) cases of transgressions, organized into the abovementioned six (6) categories. The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization The Campaign to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Organization Conclusion: In its efforts to combat international Islamist terrorism, the US overlooked the simple fact that killing a fish requires hitting its head not cutting its tail. ISIS, Alqaeda, Hamas, Ansar Biet Elmakdes, Ansar Elsharie’a, and all the other terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and beyond, today, under the name of Islam, are the offspring of the mother organization; the Muslim Brotherhood. FBI investigations and court ruling (from 1980s to early 2000s) proved the involvement of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in funding and promoting for the terrorist activities of Alqaeda5. In addition, it is not a secret that Hamas, which is already designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, and others, is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood6. Nevertheless, a very good portion of the members of ISIS is composed of youth members of the Egyptian and Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, who escaped after the fall of the MB regime in Egypt by the revolution of June 30th, 2013. If the United States truly wants to combat the threat of Islamist-‐based terrorism in the world, serious measures against the MB and its supporters worldwide should be taken. The first of which is to designate the MB as an international terrorist organization. Accordingly, all business, governmental, and nongovernmental activities of the group and its members should be banned. That is to dry the fountain of financial and moral support the MB are giving every day to terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and who will soon turn to launch attacks on the western world in general and the US in particular. For more information on the Campaign, please contact: Dalia Ziada [email protected] +20106688387 5 Two interesting examples are sentencing Abdul Rahman Alamoudi of AMC for 23 years for relations with Alqaeda ( and the FBI investigations on CAIR relations to terrorist organizations like Hamas ( 6 Hamas ties to Muslim Brotherhood:
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