Department of Kinesiology Kinesiology 323: Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education Syllabus Instructor: Class Location: Class Time: Office Location: Email: Office Hours: Course Description: The purpose of this course is for physical education students to develop the knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate appropriate and effective physical education progressions. The course will consist of lectures, class participation in discussions, demonstrations of teaching movement, and teaching practice. NOTE: KIN 314 and KIN 323 cannot be taken in the same semester. “Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading. I will say rather more necessary because health is worth more than learning!” –Thomas Jefferson Course Objectives: By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the potential of physical education as it applies to the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and health/fitness-related development of middle and high school students. 2. Identify appropriate learning and practice opportunities based on understanding the student, the learning environment, and the task. 3. Understand managerial routines that create smoothly functioning learning experiences and environments. 4. Identify and develop appropriate program and instructional goals. 5. Understand and develop unit and lesson plans that are linked to program goals and student needs. 6. Understand the use of appropriate instructional cues and prompts to facilitate motor skill performance with effective demonstrations and explanations. 7. Understand the use of current technology and its application in the physical education curriculum. Required Text: Pangrazi, Robert (2008). Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students (6th ed). New York: Pearson & Benjamin Cummings. Casten, Carol (2008). Lesson Plans for Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students (6th Edition). Suggested Texts: NASPE Moving into the future: National Standards for Physical Education Additional Readings: Additional readings will be posted on Desire2Learn or I will make them available via email. You will be able to download these readings at no additional cost. Student Evaluation: Assignments Total Points 90 (Includes several daily assignments) Quizzes 200 Unit Plan Development 140 Final Exam 100 (comprehensive) Lesson Plans/Teaching Practice 140 (lesson plan development & peer teach) 90 (Students can earn daily participation pts at the discretion of the instructor) Class Participation (Includes 50 points for attending SIU Conference) Total (tests over text material and class notes) 760 pts. Final Grading Scale: Grade Total Point Range Percentage A B C D F 684 - 760 points 608 - 683 points 532 - 607 points 456 - 531 points 455 or fewer points 90 - 100 % 80 - 89.99 % 70 - 79.99 % 60 - 69.99 % < 59.99 % General Information: 1. Participation is essential; you are expected to actively participate in both lecture (discussion) and lab (physical activity). In order to participate you must be in attendance. Come prepared (read all required materials prior to class) and put your best effort into all class work. Appropriate professional dress is required for lab/activity portion of the class (i.e. tennis shoes, socks, and appropriate active wear). 2. Students are allowed 1 unexcused absence. The 2nd unexcused absence will result in lowering your final grade by one letter (i.e.: an A would be reduced to a B). A third unexcused absence will result in failure of the course. An excused absence would require University-approved documentation. 3. Any assignments turned in after the due date will be considered late and students will forfeit all credit for the late assignment. All assignments must be completed to pass the course, even if they are turned in for zero credit past the due date. 4. Class begins promptly; please be on time. I will respect your time and end promptly as well. 5. If you lose or fail to receive (because you are absent/late) materials related to or necessary for the course, check with a colleague for assistance - work together; get to know each other. 6. Grammar matters, both in speaking and writing. 7. No cell phones are to be used in class or lab. This includes text messaging – if you are using your phone in class, you will be given two options a) leave class or b) relinquish your phone until class is over. 8. Adhere to the principles and policies of academic honesty. 9. Inform the instructor as soon as possible of any emergency situations that prevent your attendance and/or participation in class or completion of assignments. 10. Civility matters. The instructor of this class reserves the right to comment on matters of civility publicly whenever there is a behavior that violates the rights and privileges of others (including the instructor) to benefit and enjoy this course. 11. Students with a disability, who require assistance, will need to inform the instructor as soon as they can and contact the Disability Support Service (DSS) (618-453-5738) for coordination of academic accommodations. If you need accommodations for any sort of disability, please speak to me after class, or make an appointment to see me, or see me during my office hours. 12. The Southern Illinois University student code of conduct should also be considered as a part of this syllabus. Read the Code at the following URL: Academic Dishonesty may result in a failing grade. Every student is expected to review and abide by this policy. Please note that you are responsible for reading this policy. Ignorance is not an excuse for any academic dishonesty. Emergency Procedures: Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) program. Emergency response information is available on posters in buildings on campus, on the BERT website at, on the Department of Public Safety’s website at (disaster drop down) and in the Emergency Response Guidelines pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency. Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency. The Building Emergency Response Team will provide assistance to your instructor in evacuating the building or sheltering within the facility. Illinois Professional Teaching Standards Addressed in this Class: STANDARD 1 - Content Knowledge 1D. Understands the relationship of knowledge within the discipline to other content areas and to life and career applications. STANDARD 2 - Human Development and Learning 2B. Understands that students' physical, social, emotional, ethical, and cognitive development influences learning. STANDARD 3 - Diversity 3D. Understands and identifies differences in approaches to learning and performance, including different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and performance modes. 3F. Understands personal cultural perspectives and biases and their effects on one’s teaching. STANDARD 4 - Planning for Instruction 4A. Understands the Illinois Academic Standards, curriculum development, content, learning theory, and student development and knows how to incorporate this knowledge in planning instruction. 4B. Understands how to develop short- and long-range plans consistent with curriculum goals, learner diversity, and learning theory. STANDARD 5 - Learning Environment 5A. Understands principles of and strategies for effective classroom management. NASPE Standards for Beginning Physical Education Teachers Addressed: Standard 3: Planning Implementation Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students. 3.1 3.2 3.6 3.7 Design and implement short and long term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals as well as a variety of student needs. Develop and implement appropriate (e.g. measurable, developmentally appropriate, performance based) goals and objectives aligned with local, state, and national standards. Plan and implement progressive and sequential instruction that addresses the diverse needs of all students. Demonstrate knowledge of current technology by planning and implementing learning experiences that require students to appropriately use technology to meet lesson objectives. Standard 4: Instructional Delivery and Management Physical Education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning. 4.5 Utilize managerial rules, routines, and transitions to create and maintain a safe and effective learning environment. Kinesiology 323: Methods of Teaching Secondary PE Lecture Tentative Course Outline Unless otherwise specified, all readings will come from the required text (listed above) or articles available on compass. All readings should be completed prior to class on the date indicated below. Syllabus is subject to change. Topic Assignments /Readings Read Ch 1 / review standards 5 favorite quotes / study for Ch 1 quiz Jan 15 Introduction/Syllabus Jan 17 Ch 1 Discussion/What is a quality PE program Jan 22 Quiz on Ch 1. (25 pts) Discuss standards Read Ch. 2 Jan 29 Adolescent characteristics and the teenage brain. Ch 2 discussion. Jan 31 Ch 2 quiz (25 pts) Feb 5 Steps in curriculum development Internet search for curriculums / Ch 2 quiz Read Ch 3&4 / 4 examples of PE curr. Develop secondary curriculum Feb 7 Curriculum content / block plan/ unit assignments Study for quiz 3 & 4 Feb 12 Quiz Ch 3&4 (50 pts) Websites and teaching activity Feb 14 Meet in gym / Individual teach /safety discussion Ch 5 Feb 19 Implement Assessments Feb 21 Planning for instruction /Developing lesson plans Feb 26 Micro-teach in the gym Feb 28 Mar 5 Quiz on Ch 5 (25 pts) / Discussion on class management Improving Instructional Effectiveness/ Developing management plan Mar 7 Attend SIU conference Mar 12 SPRING BREAK Mar 14 SPRING BREAK Write goals and objectives Write team-teaching lesson Teach skill from unit plan / study for quiz Ch 6 & 7 Prepare lessons Mar 19 Meet in Gym / Teach lessons 1-2 Write Lesson Reflections Mar 21 Meet in Gym / Teach lessons 3-4 Write Lesson Reflections Mar 26 Instructional Effectiveness Mar 28 Observation Carbondale High School Write Lesson Plans Apr 2 Review Chapter 6 Assess and reflect on lesson Apr 4 Observation Carbondale High School Write Lesson Plans Apr 9 Quiz Chapter 6 (25 pts) / Review Lesson Plan drafts Ch 7/Prepare Superstars Activities/Lessons Apr 11 Teach Carbondale High School April 12 Superstars Challenge (9:45 am) Apr 16 Quiz Chapter 7 (25 pts) / Review Lesson Plan Drafts Apr 18 Teach Carbondale High School Apr 23 Meet in gym / Fitness testing (Due:Assessment / grading / plan for unit) Lesson Plans /Ch 9 Apr 25 Teach Carbondale High School Due: Unit resources & fitness/ nutrition Apr 30 Quiz Chapters 8&9 (50 pts) Study for quiz May 2 Teach Carbondale High School Study for final May 6 Final Exam Review May 10 Final Exam 12:50-2:50 pm Ch 8 Room 120
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