What is BRAC? Hybrid rice cultivation in Bangladesh as an inclusive value chain Why is Bangladesh food insecure? • • • • annual population growth of 1.8 million people poverty is at 31.5 % of the population (approx. 23 million people) climate change natural disasters – flood 1987, 1988 and 1998, cyclone 1991 and 2007 Food security in Bangladesh is linked to the production, import and price stability of rice. Self‐sufficiency in rice production has long been a national objective. Bangladesh requires an additional 300,000 metric tons of rice a year to be self-sufficient (GAIN). www.bracuk.net Hybrid rice Hybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of rice - it can produce up to 30% more rice. In Bangladesh hybrid varieties of rice yield 6.5-9 tonnes per hectare, compared with 4-7 from other varieties. www.bracuk.net BRAC Agriculture and Food Security Programme RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT A bio-technology research lab and a soil testing laboratory AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES Working with farmers to increase their yields SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Two seed processing plants and nine seed farms SOCIAL ENTERPRISE www.bracuk.net www.bracuk.net BRAC’s approach BRAC has released six hybrid rice varieties : HB 09, Jagoran, Shakti, Shakti 2, Alloran and Sathi with high yield potential and resistance stress conditions. Strategy • to convert single crop areas into double to triple cropped areas • introduce stress tolerant crops • to diversify crops – including maize, veg and promoting fish production • to promote intercropping How? • gather a group of 40-50 farmers from disaster and stress prone areas • provide them each with a grant of 9,000-8,000tk (£68-76) for inputs • train them in crop production technologies www.bracuk.net Impact In 2014 BRAC • employed 386 staff as agriculture extension officers • grow hybrid rice on 8,000 acres of land • provided14,383 farmers cash grants for cultivation Result Farmers produced on average 7.73 t/ha of hybrid rice where the production cost and gross income of rice was 40,627tk (£346)/ha and 105,023tk (£896)/ha respectively. A profit of approx. £550 National benefits of hybrid rice • Bangladesh is producing 4,000 metric tonnes of seeds each year and is less dependent on global seed imports saving $200million (Agricultural Advisory Society (AAS), Dhaka). www.bracuk.net Sustainable value chain approach Farmers are able to increase their incomes through selling hybrid rice Build capacity amongst poor farmers to cultivate hybrid rice. Increase internal resilience to food insecurity and local economies are strengthened Increase national purchasing power and flexibility to invest in agricultural innovation Develop highly resistant strains of hybrid rice Challenges in promotion of hybrid rice • • • • farmers cannot re-use hybrid seeds for next season higher price of hybrid seed gaining traction in the market Adapting to new taste These issues are being researched and developed for future varieties of rice. www.bracuk.net How can Europe support? • • • • support with research on new varieties of hybrid rice facilitate learning across Asia support primary research in Bangladesh support for diversifying food stuffs grown i.e. veg, maize and fish, vitamin A rich sweet potato • DFID UK Aid is already supporting BRAC in Bangladesh BRAC Agriculture display plot at Shirajganj district. www.bracuk.net Mohiuddin Gazi is a rice farmer with his new saline-water tolerant rice variety in Kathalbariya, Shyamnagar, Shatkhira, Bangladesh. A farmer putting compost at his paddy field to get fertile crops in Haluaghat, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Md. Nijam Uddin now makes BDT 39,375 (£342) extra per year from his hybrid crops, his sons and daughters are studying at school and college and he has built a four room brick house. Thank you Lewis Temple CEO BRAC UK [email protected] www.bracuk.net Follow us @BRACworld @LewisETemple Like us at BRACWorld
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