T / .AWTCA. If. T. THE ATTICA NEWS TTURSDAY. ArorST 1«. 1957 WMJfi THREE lhlS b u tt n e •-— 2 5 j ' " '-*"' b ' - ~ l i l t*a« limine uf U'B r W b i c » I'atui the Lunti CGiitrci orosusn cft.iCA.n^M&i**'*^ wl£ Mrs. Kittie Van Hoesen is spend Mr. and Mih John Christ. Mrs. i Mrs. John Schoepfhn attended The tfarded iris is mainly a the plants flowering durms the and Keep it Too" game birds and other wildlife diciai «ome time with Mv>. William Nora TUsiit and Roy. were din- [a* Ladie* Aid meeting at the horns parden/ower and it has few rt_ f u g ux,Qn ,-. jjunjearins from fatm lands. Cook of Weihersfield Springs, and ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs of Mrs. Baker at Varysburg last In contradict ton to an old sayvals irrfwalth of color. The Iris set during the simmer Iris • n other friends in that vicinity. Leon Chr>t at Warsaw. ! Thursday. !<; of tef called trie poor man's or- not be relied upon to flower a- tofk*ve >yui cake 7;>«rr ~-c iiv:ca.~:n? reports to ti?:\s and Eciw.ud Harmon spent Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Ht\fU of But Mr. and Mrs. Crocker of Pavil- ' ri h .hid m c and poor alike ar bundp.r.'.ly until the and i < \ Hie SoO CwU «.- - t j l c Dcpa-tr.UT.t that complete rub Wunctajr With Nell Winch. fain, spent Monday with Mrs. t: ion, called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 1*1/1 r»** *Vvu vatioi Keep voui News handy. rmreh«.«H « M > ) | - a n u ^ m t h ^ ^»CVil^ZC" H L i ! l t . ! M " a f t a f n A n n 1/ i:I ..; no, ne-to•"•-"• ' f > , n V h of gcoi : who "tana their . ; ; : : ; ' . . ' ionri / B* showy blossoms, third season aft *-*> ! i m and that new Chevioplet coupe Mrs. Fred Fullington and daughWalter Baker ' M r a n ^M r s P 1! tOO."' Th/best time to plant ins is •clean" la-mint on sjopin-'. lands The Sheldon band had the hon- - - Plorine. and Mrs. Nellie Mel- s p e n f S u n d R V afternoon with Mr ' duru the summer lau . in e with other units of the with rectangular fields, straight or of^ _ 'winning a ^ prize v: zwioa. SUKV^ ^ / ^ "•^dV.V b a n rof i ^ $5.00 T n ! " * ! ' c t u r n e d Monday f r o m a * * S O b T U 0 » " C » r t a l *t W l » w ! ; , £ d o/ yet, a f t e /the flowering period. Plants „ lu ly U. S. D-u . of Ai'riftUJ .. 3ji ,i • >« .< ? •« . > •«» eratsDin'* fences oar > " » stcona oest uanu in »,, A n...,f....... n« ...K..,.,. »»»«,. ».i' this or as late BMJ. «•£*•' / " ' ' ' Jer will time become well .estaa abiishion Service finds in*1 ,,"«"/ . . ^ U ^ Z^tSl lini. n th» firrmi-n't n a n r i . in i t .a a . . t . . , ^ , i i . . . . . . .\..vR ...Cj , . ^ - M r s eJeorge Houghtahng, son Soil ferifLty. too, is Import ( . t |lefoie winter. creasint-«7klenc9 that—proper., , _ . _ . no . . trees.. m« a. t h n m n e n s parade in At- l l e i l M r s . Me]vm-S „, aUelto section laus . and j afternoon spent b r o t h e r . A . c . RBuffalo, i c h a r d a n d E l Sunday panor f and iroved b ly .h:uus or b peimanent pasture, a wca, tnuisdaj,. x.„*r»i^ o....^Glenn — of Inn 1 to sure waj o "farm yttur >»id is and The barn on the Byron Dodd Prentice and family. with Mr. »~— and Mr« Burr. lants £et in the! late fall ar: orsante wetter well m advance of ^ ^ ^ " ' The barn on the Byron Dodd M r H n d M r s A l b p r t N p l s o n and than, the Nation.led it too.'' The E. L. C. E. business meet- CALL ECONOMY FIRST jJly to h e a v ^ | P # <• I ,nt the iris in and• more y«t'XBAtataiaoifei farm known as the Fred Oerhardt M r s . H a r r y G a y w e r e m Pj iimore ing was held at the home of LeWE ALWAYS PAY M ling glau: -"» ..away v^ih » sunny plac3 for test results. Mr. Frank Hill. farm was burned to the, ground Saturday to attend the funeral of ona Burr. Friday evening. HIGHEST PRICES • Friday morning at 2:30 ojclock. M r w,Qn»r HUI , tfl'l Mrs. Vesta Weeks who is em- Prompt Service—Day or Night — Dta?e. Some iarm machinery was j ployed i*t i*»c uouiity Home, 15 ECQNO^fT R F T H r m o N CORP burned. All the live stock l'n the spending part of her vacation at 550 Ha brock Street building was saved. Hay and grain her home here. BUFFALO, N. T. was a total loss. The origin' of the Mrs. Richard Langdon, SherriU Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Burr and PHONE—WASHINGTON 1721 fire was not known. and Brenda. spent from Thursday family called at the home of Hen at Our Expense Mr. and Mrs. E. Schuessler and until Sunday in DansTille, guests «*>' Nevlnger Monday evefflng. B/ Dr. ALLEN C. IUELAND daughter Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. erf Mrs. R. C. Robards. Sunday. Mr u Children Collect Thingi Fred Oerhardt and Mrs. Cecilia Langdon and sons met them a t ! I ha^e just returned from Atlaa*> Hogan visited Keith and Virginia Silver Lake and they enjoyed a ic City where I wa.. in charge of a Schuessler at the Bliss Memorial picnic dinner. Health Camp. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Glenn Burr and mLlie schuol exhibit at the con'ention of the American Dental Mr. and Mrs. George Suttell Wilma. were at Conesus Lake on Association. and daughter of Niagara Falls vis- "Sunday. * Or.a unit in my disited his brother Chas. Suttell, on Sunday. play certainly made a hit with the delegates. Masters Robert and Marvin Con Unfailingly, they rad of Batavia. are spending a looked, stopped to DAVIDSON & SCOTT week's vacation with their grand' exclaim, then to ask mother. Mrs. Frances Conrad. •^ questions. What Engineers-Surveyors they saw was as tine COPYRIGHT W32 bf sn illustration of modem education MS. CO. O f NORTH AWXRICA When you buy property be sure is I have ever seen. of its boundaries. Consult us It seems the teacher was developing a unit 011 e r e of the teeth. Mrs. Kate Adams and daughter for a legal accurate survey. Supervision Maps Jne'day a pupil brought a decayed Marian, of Buffalo. Mrs. Thomas Subdivisions Surveys '. •.» school. ©Then the fun Jones and Miss Owen of Oconostarted. And there came teeth, wa. Wis., were Sunday guests of I N S U R A N C E A G E N C Y Mrs. Chas. Mayer and family. Box 114. Phone 191 whole jaws and even s>kulls, origiAttica, N. Y. nally belonging to a dog, cat. horse, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Weber of Phone: 3 5 6 "CJJ, 'j."ji' mgnm, halibut and Attica N . Y. Dale were Sunday guests of Mr. 12 Main St shark. ann Mrs. E. W. Tanner. Too many young people read the words The collection was well organized, "help wanted" but do not realize that with the facts about each item on business tnsans it wants trained worka card written by the pupil-donors. Rlcky, "giv* it to me. r a on my Chapter One ers. In fact, offices hesitate to take It was put in a box with a glass own now." Jim held him off with a bulky cover and loaned to me to show the people with no business training. The THIS r arm. "Not while I h»ld this little visiting dentists from all over th« &* R. B. I. Group of Schools has supplied Ricky Morgan w.u bad. Youkeepsake, sweetheart," was his United States. ^ that necessary training in business 4kln t have to be a atrlct moralist ominous answer. "I've g % a fiveNow for the best part. It was a methods to more than 65,000 students to decide that. But he wasn't vici- year plan . . . •" * • one roc*> rural school having only iet 74 yc«i>. ".'./.., &SO, car. acquire thar ous. There was something about Ricky had no choice but to at ring the lirst rive gTades. Proas the business training, now, that will imRicky's blonde gjod looks, his clear along with Jim. The latter plannedFREE teacher I l.arned that enthusiasm mediately fit you for a paying position •}*s and the smile that played boldly, shrewdly and Ricky carried for dental health reached tht peak catalog on request, later on. Visit the nearest one of the »bout his acraggly mustache that out his daring thefts with aplomb. becau • of the novelty exhibit. lull oi int«resting On the day that mark»d th<4 end of R. B. t.fGroup of Schools or ask by convinced you of that. Nothing else could have served the their five years, Ricky executed the iaformaticn about mail o r telephone that one of our voRicky had falien victim to the master xuup of their criminai purpose Quite us *ell. Milk, fruits, r building a business eaey moralizing of poet-war youth. career, holding up an airplane full cational counselors call on you. vegetables, gojng to the dentist, career. Fresh out of school and with a of passengers and descending by use of the toothbrush and so on bleak world etaring him In the face, parachute to meet hi* accomplices • were discussed with new interest, he choso the easiest way to make below. A man's erntitude la always its money — bootlegging. because of this eentral, motivating Safe in their hotel hideaway, best just before you do him a faThe adventure appealed to him, Ricky at lied Jim to keep his past of force^—the museum of teeth. too, and now he found himself In the promtsV to return the ring. Jim vor. Th"' title nf TW. Jrrlrtvd'* *HteU J19J^l^f'Ww^iw unmc ebettered cove, helping to un- demurred. Ricky shouted, "Tou*v« Strykersville DEAD STOCK REMOVED • • •HiiHiiiiiii!H!i!!!ii!iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiK;;r;:er;'sr::.;lK»^s ' m I Orangeviiie D AMp'tME SCHOOL FKTYOU HAVE Attica Center &*r DOUGLAS M. S. Bennion -FAIRBANKS .h !!!l!!!ll!l!llill!!l!!{l!!it!l!llllllimi!!ll!' *<fe, MOSS ^minG tf^ ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITIfTE^GROOP OF. SCHOOLS It carries a life-saving water." message. . i T i fTOYHee.'' If a bride isn't homesick for her family 6 weeks after marriage it's a ,':ign she married the right m;;n HE CRE tossed the bags up from the hold, while big, stupid Chuck lumbered off with the wet-goods to the. cafe where they were sheltered. Jim Dial, their partner, was collecting for the delivery in a house behind the shed. Rldty completed his work, and went In to w>e Jim, who wa» alone now, "Have a drink, Ricky," Jim Invited him. While he drank, Jim examined him with a curious intentness from under hia bushy brow. The money, in crisp new bills, was T~he Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun iMtich will be dedicated on thefifthand mxth of September. It is 2000 feet above Colorado Springs, Colo., and was built by Spencer Penrose (inset), whose dramatic career is described in the currta^ Saturday Evening Post. m ^ , • n" ' , "* 1 - iffl through." "Ricky, don't be a chump. I've always played square," Jim spoke. But Ricky paid no attention to him, went searching for hia coat. Jim followed him to the door, arguing, started to take his coat from him. Then with a swift, unexpected motion ho caught Ricky under the jaw and felled him. In a minute. Jim had gathered their iixjt into a bag. Ha stopped a t the door to grin down at Ricky with unconcealed ttiai.ee. "Thought ' ^ . , M » H ^ . i in,, i m p i y , " W j L ' t ^ - By J A N N E T ? PFRS18AT>€D Mt TO PAY A f-iW >OUATtS MORE TOAN T « PRICE OF AlOWEST PRICED' CAR/ AND GET A BIG,ROOMY, PINEQUALITY AUTOMOBILE „ AND AM I GLAD I DIP! IN RETURN TOR m THOSE TEW DOLLARS WE GOT A WHOLE C4R-MU OP EXTRA FINE CARTEATURES , , KNEE-ACTION AND EVERYTHING ELSE,, AND WE'RE SAVING PLENTY OF MONEY IN THE BARGAIN!'* -k—J i; *ST1E pi-jwir Oi- * - ales Co., Inc OldsmobUcs We Have Over 40 Good Ones to Choose From ! W?l! never he Cheapei Than They are Now. QUICK, DEPENDABLE ROAD SERVICE * USED CARS He remember** Jim's insinuation as a» felt a bottlo bwnp, off hia shoulder. r Attic, finished in cam* fiber innulatutn hoard, makes thrilling "ship room" for boys. You Can "Stretch" Your House! IP only bowse walls were made I room with cutlasses and treasure * of rubber! What, homo owner | chests or a fisherman's room with li.is not * inlii d that at times? If | fish nets weighted with cork they were you could push them \ Hoats. out to make nn evlra room I J**t your imagination have its for Bobby and Sister W play in 1 " in K Suney downstairs, too. There . . . o r ^ eompsmy roots whore the is clean basement Bpaeo to test noisy hish school irroup could m<'ot your, inventive faculties. for tnose -veekly club sessions . . $g Casting about for Ideas and mafi a Qtrtel snot where a man mlfjli{ terials for your home re-maklng smoke or reid in pence. H'Job, you will find an Insulating In rase ys,n lave stopped lE building board easily cut and wishing, make a hom<| slrvey '.trm handled, such as Celotex. If you mediately. You will probably fln«l are set ou an attractive new wall unused space whirl! a little. Iir^ cffoi {, easy to achieve, pinnking ger.ulty i^nd a stnalljeTptndlturi of cafto fiber Doat*d with Its bevcih turn Into a riewj'Ooaii for yoi elf* Jo'"'" •* qulckly and neatly Search for this liiddeft room It* i.ajhw Into pla the attic. Is it still unfinished' neutral tone Of the board Offers You can make It useful. BTtfl If attractive dicoratlons, while brilthe celling In too low for adult liant color effects are obtainable comfort, the children will liko It by finishing with paint. all the more; either as playspot As you add beauty and inor sleeping room. creased usefulness In this Way, Without going highbrow archi- you also add comfort and econtecturally you may follow any one omy, b e c a u s e this Insulation of a thousand schemes In your board saves fuel by conserving final effect. You may have a ship winter ht-at. Rqually, summer coinroom with all seagoing attraction* for* is increased by greater coolfrom life preservers to bunk beiCa. ness. You may have a game room Don't wait for walls to be made Ith ttornge ppaca for evpry Item of rubber. Htart making plana for billiard cues to pick np- that extra room within your Own . Ifpti m§« bava a pirate I four wails today. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com table before him. At last he HpMLe, and slammed tha dooc. ibs paused In the lobby just long •poke. "Three Is an odd nuBiber," he enough to phone the police. "If iald. "Two's company, three's a you're looking for the man wbcf crowd. Chuck makes a crowd." Hia oommltted that airplano robbery,—"•' last words were drawn out with a he began. peculiar significance. Ricky regained consciousness M Ricky smiled. "Uh-uh, no likum hear them pounding on the do«r< double crosa," was his answer as he And, Just &s he swayed to hie feat. the door began to crack. He knew aaunterad out. Three minutes later she had occa- It was the police, af>d he knew who sion to remember Jim's insinuation had sent them. as he felt a bottle bump off hia With a jwlft motion he pulled shoulder and whirled in time to open the windows leading t o th« •aeet Chuck's blind attack. balcony, Thera was & fo*i.y foot Rleky knew who had put the big jump to safety. With one backward •x up to hia treason, but he had no glanc". for his pursuers, he sailed choice but to meet the onslaught off into space and landed safely, With a stinging rain of punches. A agilely to rise and sprint off like • right caught Chuck under the chin | c a t • • • and ha crumpled. Thrr>. Ricky turn-1 «d on Jim. "You crossed me, Dial. Kicky roamed the world «nd picked up a living with criminal skill. He cam* to London and while Jim Tfns all r«><»dy with bis bland he stood on a corner on* afternoon excuse, "He must have heard us a Rolls Royce hurried by and and In first." he spokf wan got bending over Chuck, andRlckj with j splashed him. He glanced with ana pounding shock he saw that the noyance at the occupants, a man and a woman. He could never guess •dan was not breathing. •<Chuck! Chuck!" he cried. Jim that he was fated to fall In lova • eaune to his side. After a moment's with that woman. She was Olory Howard, irreslstW anamination he turned to Kicky and *>oke, "You're in a tough spot, bly lovely and totally unscrupulous. Ricky. He's dead Your ring did It, The man was a peer and her curHere let me see it," He took the rent fiance. They were bound for rlr.g from Rlckys finger and point- Monte Carlo where she would finish ed to the cameo, broken acmes now the systematic, ruin that she had with one-half missing. That half j begun on him Over the rhemln a Cer tables she Wis presumably In Chuck's jaw. There was a low mechanical wail j would squander his ln«t remaining the bay, and In an Instant, the pounds, while a bland, smiling himself rchllght of a police boat swung scoundrel, who called surmind and pointed toward h'.m. "Colonel Pane", won them. Rleky Jkm pushed Ricky ahead as they would have recognized the colonel raced for the shelter «f the eafe. as Jim Dial. But Glory, Impfenjed Th«re was a hastily whispered con- by his good manners, decided that iattnoe with the manager, and Jim he was fair came fthe murmured • denned an apron and proceeded to few words about a ring he was act aa If he wore a waiter. Ricky wearing -one with a' brok<"t cameo* •sited a violin ana fell in with the And he proffered It to> her with aS the gallantry of which nc was eapt Pro-man orchestra. The nuealed police did not stay able. tsng, and when they were gone, At that moment Oloiy*a flatica lUcky raced off to find Jim. He had just shot himself dead ia tbsf *ra* In the back-room of the cafe office of the syndWhte Tic had •x&mtnin? the ring with a look of been threatened with arrest unless eimning on •*% face. "lx>oks a« he mada food fox tha thougf yrur lucky rin# has gnne checks. bsck on you," he renturad. •mjll.*'* do you want It tea-?" aj>okaf (Ts i s eentiwiMA *.» m..."
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