SCPY152 Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Potential Problems Udom Robkob Department Physics, MUSC March 18, 2015 Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Today Topics Radial Schrodinger’s equation Free particle in spherical coordinates Rigid potential sphere Isotropic harmonic oscillator Coulomb potential well Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Radial Schrodinger’s Equation From the quantized angular momentum operator L2 Ylm = ~2 l(l + 1)Ylm , we have radial Schrodinger’s equation in the form; 2m ~2 l(l + 1) 1 d 2 dREl r + 2 E − V (r) − REl = 0. r2 dr dr ~ 2mr2 (1) This equation will be solved for various potential V (r) in the subsequence slides. Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Free Particle For a case of free particle, V (r) = 0, then we have radial equation in the form 2mE l(l + 1) 1 d 2 dREl r + − REl = 0 r2 dr dr ~2 r2 d2 REl 2 dREl l(l + 1) + + − REl = 0. (2) dr2 r dr r2 Let us define = ρ2 2mE ~2 = k 2 and ρ = kr, then we have dRkl dRkL + ρ2 − l(l + 1) Rkl = 0 + 2ρ 2 dρ dρ (3) where REl → Rkl (ρ). Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Free Particle This equation in known as sherical Bessel differential equation. Its solution is spherical Bessel functions of the first kind, jl (kr), and the second kind, nl (kr),so that our solution will be Rkl (kr) = C1 jl (kr) + C2 nl (kr) (4) Only the first kind functions are finite at origin, r = 0, hence we set C2 = 0 to eliminate the second kind function. Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Rigid Potential Sphere The potential function of rigid potential sphere is 0, 0 ≤ r < a V (r) = ∞, r>a (5) Its solution inside sphere is ϕ(r, θ, φ) = Rkl (r)Ylm (θ, φ) Rkl (r) = Cjl (kr) ~2 k 2 Ek = 2m (6) (7) (8) A particle is free inside the sphere of radius a and vanish at boundary; 0 = Rkl (a) = Cjl (ka) = 0, → ka = zn,l (9) where zn,l is the zero point of jl (ka). Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Rigid Potential Sphere Where is the zero points? The quantized energies will be En,l = Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC 2 ~2 zn,l 2ma2 (10) SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator The corresponding radial equation is 1 d 2 dRE,l (r) r r2 dr dr 2 2m 1 ~ l(l + 1) + 2 E − mω 2 r2 − RE,l (r) = 0 (11) ~ 2 2mr2 √ Let us define = 2E/~ω, α = mω/~, and ρ = αr, then we have d2 R,l (ρ) 2 dR,l (ρ) + + dρ2 ρ dρ l(l + 1) − ρ2 − R,l (ρ) = 0 ρ2 (12) This equation will have solution when = 4n + 2l + 3, n = 0, 1, 2, ... Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC (13) SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator Then we have the quantized energies 3 ~ω En,l = 2n + l + 2 (14) List of these quantized energies (in unit of ~ω), n 0 0 0 1 0 1 l En,l (~ω) 0 3/2 1 5/2 2 7/2 0 7/2 3 9/2 1 9/2 (15) Note the appearance of degenerated excited states. Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well Coulomb potential function is k Ze2 V (r) = − , k = r 4π0 (16) Radial equation becomes d2 REl 2 dREl 2m k ~2 l(l + 1) + + 2 E+ − REl = 0 (17) dr2 r dr ~ r 2mr2 Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well We define ”effective potential” as k ~2 l(l + 1) Vef f (r) = − + r 2mr2 (18) In case of l = 1, we have Bounded states occur at negative energy. Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well We define the following parameters 2 = − ~ 8mE 4π0 ~2 = , a = 0 2 2 ~ e m mcα where a0 = 0.529˚ A and α = 1/137 is fine structure constant. Next we define new variable ρ = r, then radial equation becomes d2 Rl (ρ) 2 dRl (ρ) 1 2 l(l + 1) + − + + Rl (ρ) = 0 dρ2 ρ dρ 4 a0 ρ ρ2 (19) This equation will have solution when 2 = n, n = 1, 2, 3, ..., and l = 0, 1, 2, .., n − 1 a0 Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC (20) SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well Then we get the quantized energies in the form a0 = 2 4 8mE 4 → 2 a20 = 2 → − 2 a20 = 2 n n ~ n or E → En = − 1 ~2 1 1 = − mc2 α2 2 2 n 2ma20 n2 (21) In case of Hydrogen atom. m = me and me c2 = 0.511M eV , then we have 13.6eV En = − (22) n2 We have three quantum numbers; n = 1, 2, 3, ...; principle quantum numbers l = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1; angular momentum quantum number m = −l, −(l − 1), ..., (l − 1), l; magnetic quantum numbers Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well Back to the radial function, Rnl (r), we have Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well Graphs of the radial function, Rnl (r); Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well Graphs of the radial distribution function, |Rnl (r)|2 r2 ; Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote Coulomb Potential Well A full expression of sate function of particle waves in Columonb potential well will be ϕnlm (r, θ, φ) = Rnl (r)Ylm (θ, φ) (23) Exercise - give expressions of ϕ100 and ϕ210 for a case of Z = 1. Udom RobkobDepartment Physics, MUSC SCPY152Lecture 22 Radial Functions in Central Pote
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