Runners at the Eisenhower Marathon and Half Marathon wind through the territory south of Abilene that cattlemen followed when bringing their herds to Abilene on the Chisholm Trail in the 1800s. All paved course, mostly flat and fast, USATF sanctioned and certified, code #KS12048TR, 2017 Boston Marathon Qualifier. Half code #KS12047TR. Race begins and ends at the Eisenhower Presidential Center. Marathon/Half start 7a.m. on April 9, 2016, (7:30 a.m. for 10K/5K). Traffic detoured 7a.m.-1p.m. RACE INFORMATION Pasta Dinner--Friday adults $10, children $4 (5-8 p.m.) Brunch--race day Runners free Added all-you-can-eat tickets $6; $3.50 child (6:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) all meals at St. Andrews Parish Hall 311 S. Buckeye Questions?? 785-263-3474 785-280-9709 785-410-1647 [email protected] MARATHON: $500 for 1st overall (both for men and for women) $300 for 2nd overall (both for men and for women) $200 for 3rd overall (both for men and for women) All marathon finishers receive finishers medals. Additional 1st, 2nd, 3rd place medals given to both men and women in each age group. ENTRY FEE: $80, (late registration after March 10, $90) HALF-MARATHON: $150 for 1st overall (both for men and for women) $100 for 2nd overall (both for men and for women) $ 75 for 3rd overall (both for men and for women) All half-marathon finishers receive finisher medals. Medals to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place (both men and women) all age groups. ENTRY FEE: $50, (late registration after March 10, $60) 10K: $35 for 1st overall, $25 for 2nd and $15 for third overall, (both men and women) ENTRY FEE: $30 (late registration after March 10, $35) 5K: $30 for 1st overall, $20 for 2nd and $10 for third overall, (both men and women) ENTRY FEE: $25 (late registration after March 10, $30) Medals to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, (both men and women in each age group), both 10K & 5K. All 10K and 5K runners receive Eisenhower Marathon ribbons. AGE GROUPS: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+ (parent's permission required for runners under 18) Youth under age 10 are ineligible to run the marathon, half, 10K or 5K. Youth 10-14 years old are eligible for 5K/10K races only. AID STATIONS approximately every mile with fruit, Gator Ade and water. PORT-A-POTTIES or RESTROOMS, at Start/Finish, Half Marathon Turnaround and Brown Memorial Park MEDICAL STAFF at finish line and in Brown’s Park. Map of race course on, or available on request. Payment must accompany printed registration--mail to Eisenhower Marathon, PO Box 724, Abilene, Ks 67410 Register on-line at using credit card Abilene Motels (ask for a 10% runner discount) Super 8, 2207 N. Buckeye, 785-263-4545 President’s Inn, 2210 N. Buckeye, 785-263-2050 Holiday Inn Express, 110 E. Lafayette, 263-4049 Diamond Motel, 1407 NW 3rd, 785-263-2360 Budget Inn, 101 NW 14th, 785-263-3600 Bed and Breakfasts Abilene’s Victorian Inn, 820 NW 3rd, 785-263 7774 Windmill Inn, south of Chapman, 785-263-8755 PACKET PICK-UP and other information Late registration and packet pickup for registered runners is in Eisenhower Visitors Center, Friday, 4/08/16, from 29 p.m. and race day from 5:30-6:30 a.m. NEW TIMERS=Manhattan Timing Co, Manhattan, KS. Runner Packets include T-shirt, race number, meal tickets, race instructions and course maps. All races may be walked as well as run. Wheelchair runners allowed but wheelchairs may not go faster than 10 mph. Separate wheelchair awards presented. City of Abilene and State of Kansas maps available upon request Benefiting two dozen non-profits in Dickinson County serving families in need. Manhattan Timing Company offers Runner Photos at Finish Line PLUS instantaneous race results as runners cross the finish line. Runner photos on web following week. Timing “chip” in runner bibs.
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