ROSH H ASHANA 2 8 3 0 S EPTEMBER 2 011 Rosh Hashanah is celebrated this year on the eve of September 28th, through September 30th and Yom Kippur begins on the eve of October 7th, through October 8th. Join us for the L'chaim Cocktail at the "Sofitel Hotel" (place Jourdan) on Thursday September 29th at 12:45: The Shofar blowing will take place first during Prayer services at 11:30, and later again at 12:45 followed by the L'chaim cocktail wishing each other a Happy and Sweet New Year; all are welcome. Rosh Hashanah Dinner at the EJCC on September 29th at 20h00: Don't miss the traditional Rosh Hashanah dinner at the EJCC. Join us for a nice evening with the traditional Rosh Hashanah delicatessens and a unique warm atmosphere! We are happy to announce that this year again the European Synagogue-‐Ohel Eliezer will be organizing the High Holiday Services at the Sofitel Hotel -‐ Place Jourdan. Inspiring services with explanations, commentary and insight throughout the prayers will be given by Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik. Prayers will be lead by Cantor, Chazzan Yaakov Reichman, whose sweet melodies, and charisma are sure to inspire all. An amazing junior program by Mrs. Sara Rosenblum and her staff for children of all ages will take place during the prayers YOM K IPPUR 7 -‐8 O CTOBER With the spirit of the beautiful and plentiful Rosh Hashanah celebration in the European Synagogue spent at the Sofitel Hotel, we would like to invite you to the Yom Kippur Services. Yom Kippur begins on the eve of September 7th, through September 8th. The Services are taking place G-‐D willing at the Sofitel Hotel -‐ Place Jourdan The European Synagogue -‐ Ohel Eliezer will ensure the most uplifting and enjoyable experience. Inspiring services with explanations, commentary and insight throughout the prayers will be given by Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik. Prayers will be lead by Cantor, Chazzan Yaakov Reichman, whose sweet melodies, and charisma are sure to inspire all. An amazing children's program will be organized throughout the Services; children from 2 to 11 will be able to experience the High Holidays with fun activities and games specially prepared by Sara Rosenblum. Program will be arranged as per age groups and will be given over in English as well as in French. All are welcome Yom Kippur Neila at 18:30 followed by the "Break the fast Cocktail" at 20:00 at the Sofitel Hotel on October 8th: In conjunction with the European Synagogue Ohel Eliezer, we invite you to the "Break the fast Cocktail" after the closure of Yom Kippur. Services will be held a the Sofitel hotel from 9:30 to 13:30 and then again from 17:15 to 20:00. “Break the fast Cocktail” will follow the blowing of the Shofar at 19:56 CONFERENCE O N " A CTUALITY I N T HE M IDDLE E AST : H EADING T O D EMOCRACY O R F UNDAMENTALISM ? 1 0 NOIVEMBER 2 011 We would like to invite you to a conference on "Actuality in the Middle East: Heading to Democracy or Fundamentalism?" with Professor Claude Moniquet, Journalist & Writer. The conference will take place on Thursday, November 10th at 109 Rue Froissart. This event is co-‐orginised with WIZO Belgium, the European Jewish Library and the European Jewish Community Centre SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 The European Jewish Sunday School will organize a special Sukkot program In honor of the upcoming holiday of Sukkot and Simchat Tora, we will take the children to a real Sukkah, shake a real Lulav, and open a real Torah. Israeli dancer, Magali will join us to teach us some “ora steps”, and sheindy will bake a delicious cake in honor of Chaya’s birthday J. BOOK CLUB NOVEMBER 8 We would like to invite you to the European Jewish Book Club on November 8th at 20:00. We will discuss a book by Daniel B. Silver, “Refuge in Hell: How Berlin's Jewish Hospital Outlasted the Nazis”. This book tells the astonishing and true story of the survival of 800 Jewish doctors, nurses and patients in Berlin's Jewish Hospital during WWII. The European Jewish Book Club consists of a pleasant evening every 6 weeks during which we discuss a book we all have read beforehand. The idea is to pick books that stimulate interesting discussion and perspectives on a wide range of Jewish topics: Israel, Diaspora, holocaust, Judaism, women, a prominent Jewish writer etc... All the chosen books are available in English and in French and are mostly novels, and could sometimes be essays SUKKOT LIVE CONCERT-‐ Y LOVE OCTOBER 16 In honor of the Sukkot holiday, we would like to invite you to a LIVE CONCERT by famous American hip hop singer Y LOVE on Rond Point Schuman on October 16th at 17:00. A giant Sukkah will be built for the occasion and a delicious buffet will be served by Zuziko Sushi Bar. A jumping castle will be installed for the children and a fire juggling show will take place before the concert. This event is co-‐organized by ECJS, EJCC, Maayan Hai, European Synagogue, and Anash EU. COURSES IN HEBREW OCTOBER 24 2011 Following many requests, we launch for the 6th consecutive year the new season of EUlpan -‐ Hebrew Classes in the European Quarter. Our teacher Rachel Apelblat gives Hebrew lessons to students from beginners to advanced throughout the week. The level evaluation session will take place on Tuesday October 24th, 12:45 at the EJCC, 109 Rue Froissart 1040 Brussels WOMENS C LUB W EDNESDAY, N OVEMBER, 2 3 RD The European Jewish Women's Club would like to invite you to an inspiring evening of Bake & Chat on Wednesday, November, 23rd -‐ 19:45 at the home of Viki Bar Moshe, 3 Av. W. Churchill, Uccle. After a short presentation of Chala baking, we will address the first lesson of this year's course: "Impression & Expression, the essential woman". As mentioned previously, this year's theme is: The Woman: Her Self. Her Spirit. Her Soul. In over seven sessions, we will uncover the soul, spirit, and mystical dynamism of being a woman, discovering a pragmatic approach to implement these feminine strengths in practice. Guided by classical Jewish and kabbalistic texts, we will examine issues such as beauty, love, relationships, career, family, education, and spirituality—tying together the various facets of womanhood in synchronized harmony. S EMINAR & V ERNISSAGE O N THE " R ED O RCHESTRA " -‐ 6 D EC. AT THE E P We would like to invite you on December 6th at the European Parliament, to a seminar remembering Leopold Trepper & the Brussels based Anti-‐ Nazi Spy ring "The Red Orchestra and How they helped to defeat Hitler." The Red Orchestra was a resistance group that fought against the Third Reich from 1933 to 1942. The Gestapo labelled them as Communists, but Historians now officially recognize their work as one of the most effective Nazi resistance group. Leopold Trepper, was their leader until his arrest in 1942, and ran their Brussels HQ. Trepper and many of the Red Orchestra members were Jews, but the Red Orchestra gathered a group of diverse people united for a common cause, to defeat the Nazis. Luther Pendragon Brussels has the honour of inviting you to the seminar followed by a commemorative reception at the European Parliament, hosted by Peter Skinner MEP with guest of honour H.E Vladimir Chizhov Russian ambassador to the EU. The event will take place on 6th December 2011, the 70th anniversary of the German "Abwehr" raid on the Red Orchestra headquarters in Brussels, which led to the capture of Leopold Trepper and the tragic death of so many of the Red Orchestra members. EURO C HANUKA D ECEMBER 2 0 TH TO THE 2 8 TH 2 011 We are pleased to invite you to our EuroChanukah 2011 festivities! Chanukah will be falling this coming year from December 20th to the 28th, and once again, we will shine up Europe's capital by lighting the Menora during the eight days of Chanukah on Rond Point Schuman. • -‐ On Tuesday, December 20th, at 18:00, the first Chanukah candle will be lit in the heart of Europe (RP Schuman). Following the lighting, a joyous celebration will take place on Rond • Point Schuman. Special activities for children will be organized and a hot buffet will be served. We sincerely look forward to seeing you all for this very meaningful event. -‐ On Wednesday, December 21st at the Berlaymont (European Commission) at 17h45: EuroChanukah 2011. We have the honor to invite you to light with us the 2nd Chanukah candle at the European Commission. This event is under the Patronage and in the Presence of Vice-‐President of the European Commission, Commissioner Maros Sefcovic. Beautiful antique Chanukiot and Chanukah items will be displayed for the evening. This event will be dedicated to the memory of Daniel Jacob, a dear member of our community, he also was the Deputy Director General in DG Personnel & Administration. E UROPEAN JEWISH B OOK C LUB O N JANUARY 1 7 TH We would like to invite you to the European Jewish Book Club on January 17th at 20:00. We will discuss a book by Isaac Bashevis Singer: “More stories from my father’s court”. This book is a collection of short almost precise stories of the author’s youth in Warsaw in his Fathers "court', the BETH DIN, a combination of court, synagogue, advice for the lovelorn, place of Talmudic debate, etc. Frequented by old widows wanting to remarry, to overly pious mates, to pseudo-‐intellectual rabbis. I.B. Singer has left us a record of a vanished civilization, in a place and time less than 70 years ago. Essential stories from the greatest short story writer of our time. The European Jewish Book Club consists of a pleasant evening every 6 weeks during which we discuss a book we all have read beforehand. The idea is to pick books that stimulate interesting discussion and perspectives on a wide range of Jewish topics: Israel, Diaspora, holocaust, Judaism, women, a prominent Jewish writer etc... All the chosen books are available in English and in French and are mostly novels, and could sometimes be essays. In the meantime please feel free to send us a list of books of interest for the future Book Club gatherings. The upcoming meeting will take place at the house of Monique Azoulay, 4 Square Marguerite – 1000 Brussels 'F RIDAY L IGHTS,'F RIDAY JANUARY 1 3 TH We would like to invite you to 'Friday Lights,' a Shabbat candle ceremony, on Friday January 13th at 16:15. Jewish women traditionally light candles every Friday on the eve of Shabbat symbolizing the commitment to bring the light of peace into our homes and to the world. Girls start this tradition at the age of three by lighting together with their mother a Shabbat candle. This event is organised in honor of Esther Lea Tawil's third birthday who will lead with her first Shabbat candle. After the ceremony, Shabat prayer services will take place and a Kidush buffet will be served. EURO C HANUKA O N R P S CHUMAN T UESDAY, D ECEMBER 2 0 TH Chanukah will be falling this coming year from December 20th to the 28th, and once again, we will shine up Europe's capital by lighting the Menora during the eight days of Chanukah on Rond Point Schuman. • On Tuesday, December 20th, at 18:00, the first Chanukah candle will be lit in the heart of Europe (RP Schuman). Following the lighting, a joyous celebration will take place on Rond Point Schuman. Special activities for children will be organized and a hot buffet will be served. We sincerely look forward to seeing you all for this very meaningful event. H OLOCAUST R EMEMBRANCE D AY 2 012 O N T UESDAY, JANUARY 2 4 TH AT THE E UROPEAN P ARLIAMENT The European Jewish Community Centre would like to invite you to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2012 on Tuesday, January 24th at the European Parliament, Yehudi Menuhin Hall, starting at 17:45. This event is under the patronage and in the presence of the President of the European Parliament and is co-‐organised by the European Jewish Community Centre (EJCC), the European Jewish Congress (EJC), and many other organisations. We will also be honored by the presence of many high-‐ranking officials such as Israel's Minister of Public Affairs Yuli Edelstein. The event will feature the exceptional participation of Justice Gabriel Bach, Prosecutor in the Adolf Eichmann trial and a wonderful musical performance of Kol Nidrei by Max Bruch, and world renown Solist, Mischa Maisky Women's Club would like to invite you to a Pre-‐Tu B'Shevat evening on Tuesday, January 31st The European Jewish Women's Club would like to invite you to a Pre-‐Tu B'Shevat evening on Tuesday, January 31st at 19:45 at the home Mrs. Efrat Fallik, 224 Avenue Coghen, 1180 Brussels. After a short workshop with fruits in honor of Tu B'Shevat, join us for the third lesson: 'The Outer Woman: Cultivating the Garden, learning how to nurture our outmost potential'. As mentioned previously, this year's theme is: The Woman: Her Self. Her Spirit. Her Soul. In over seven sessions, we will uncover the soul, spirit, and mystical dynamism of being a woman, discovering a pragmatic approach to implement these feminine strengths in practice. Guided by classical Jewish and kabbalistic texts, we will examine issues such as beauty, love, relationships, career, family, education, and spirituality tying together the various facets of womanhood in synchronized harmony. Participants must register in advance, so that we can plan accordingly. Each person will receive a 'student book' which will include all the information given in the lesson. E UROPEAN JEWISH B OOK C LUB O N M ARCH 1 3 TH AT 2 0:00 We would like to invite you to the European Jewish Book Club on March 13th at 20:00. We will discuss a book by Simon Jacobson: "Towards a Meaningful Life". Toward a Meaningful Life is a spiritual road map for living-‐for Jews and non-‐Jews alike-‐based on the teachings of one of the foremost religious leaders of our time: Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Head of the Chabad movement for forty-‐four years and referred to throughout the world simply as "the Rebbe," Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who passed on June 1994, was a sage and a visionary of the highest order. The European Jewish Book Club consists of a pleasant evening every 6 weeks during which we discuss a book we all have read beforehand. The idea is to pick books that stimulate interesting discussion and perspectives on a wide range of Jewish topics: Israel, Diaspora, holocaust, Judaism, women, a prominent Jewish writer etc... All the chosen books are available in English and in French and are mostly novels, and could sometimes be essays. In the meantime please feel free to send us a list of books of interest for the future Book Club gatherings. The upcoming meeting will take place at the house of Sharon Galant. T U B'SHVAT L UNCH & T ALK EVENT AT THE B ALTHAZAR R ESTAURANT O N W EDNESDAY, F EBRUARY 8 TH In honor of the forthcoming festival of Tu b'shvat, the Jewish Arbor Day, the EJCC is organizing a Lunch & Talk event at the Balthazar Restaurant on Wednesday, February 8th at 13:00. After a short presentation on the true meaning of the Tu B'shevat celebration by Avi Tawil, Mrs. Dominique Turkel from the Bepositive bio shop will tell us all about the importance of organic food, will guide you in the different bio labels and will answer your questions. A delicious and fruity lunch will be served by Balthazar Restaurant, 63 Rue Archimede. N EW M ULTIMEDIA SECTION O F THE E UROPEAN JEWISH L IBRARY T HURSDAY 2 3 F EBRUARY It is with great honor that the Wohl-‐Turetsky Family invite you to participate at the opening of the New Multimedia section of the European Jewish Library, dedicated in loving memory of Sheilah Wohl (Sara Rivka bat Yosef) on Thursday 23 February 2012 at 18:45 at EJL, 109 Rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels. Following a short presentation of the library, a buffet dinner will be served followed by the screening of Left Luggage -‐ with the remarks of Professor Nysenholc. Left Luggage is a beautiful and moving film that has received many awards at several international film festivals. It portrays the touching and emotional story of Chaja, a rebellious philosophy student struggling to come of age. Her relationship with her parents, both concentration camp survivors, is strained and she finds herself unable to accept her Jewish identity. A family friend finds her a job as a nanny for a Hassidic family with 5 children. Joining forces with Mrs. Kalman (Isabella Rossellini) and through her love for the youngest child who doesn't speak, Chaja learns to accept and respect a culture steeped in traditions, and finds the true value of life. W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 7 TH JOIN U S FOR E URO P URIM P ARTY -‐ ITALIAN F IESTA. We would like to invite you to the EuroPurim festivities at the EJCC: • On Wednesday, March 7th Join us for EuroPurim Party -‐ Italian Fiesta. 17:45 Special Children's program -‐ 19:00 Meguilla reading followed by Italian dinner, wine tasting and entertainment for adults and children alike. Don't miss our costume contest and grand raffle drawing. The party will take place at our centre -‐ 109 rue Froissart. T HURSDAY, M ARCH 8 TH AT 1 2:30 -‐ P URIM L UNCH C ONFERENCE • On Thursday, March 8th at 12:30 -‐ Purim Lunch Conference Join us for a talk on: "Iran and the Nuclear crisis" by Daniel Schwammenthal, Director of AJC Transatlantic Institute and former editorial page writer, Wall Street Journal Europe. Following the reading of the History of the Jews in Persia (Megillah) and the great miracle of Purim, we will hear about the actual situation in Iran and its nuclear threat. A Purim buffet lunch will be served and special Purim gifts (Mishloach Manot) will be distributed. T HE E UROPEAN JEWISH W OMEN 'S C LUB W OULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU O N T UESDAY, M ARCH , 2 7 TH The European Jewish Women's Club would like to invite you on Tuesday, March, 27th at 19:45, to a Pre-‐Pesach workshop followed by a talk on another aspect of the woman's portrait: The Career Woman: 'All in a day's work, the professional woman'. Mrs. Shaindy Edelkopf will welcome us into her home: 40 Rue du Cornet 1040 Etterbeek As mentioned previously, this year's theme is: The Woman: Her Self. Her Spirit. Her Soul. In over seven sessions, we will uncover the soul, spirit, and mystical dynamism of being a woman, discovering a pragmatic approach to implement these feminine strengths in practice. Guided by classical Jewish and kabalistic texts, we will examine issues such as beauty, love, relationships, career, family, education, and spirituality tying together the various facets of womanhood in synchronized harmony. Participants must register in advance, so that we can plan accordingly. Each person will receive a 'student book' which will include all the information given in the lesson. P ESACH CELEBRATION 2 012-‐ E URO S EDER A PRIL 6 TH AND 7 TH Join us for an unforgettable Freedom Experience. The Hagada will be recited by the participants in Hebrew, French or English. The Seder will be commented by Rabbi Avi Tawil with delightful insights and anecdotes. We look forward to spending the Seder with you. Please note that both Seder will take place at 168 Rue Joseph II-‐ 1000 Bruxelles. M URDER IN T OULOUSE -‐ M INUTE O F SILENCE IN E JCC T UESDAY 2 0 TH M ARCH 2 012 The European Jewish Community Centre expresses its deep sadness and emotion following the barbaric killing yesterday in the Otzar Hatorah School in Toulouse. In the face of this vicious attack on a Jewish school and innocent children, we are determined to strengthen ourselves in our unity, the unity of the community and the vivre-‐ensemble, and focus on our common values, the roots of the European Union. It is our deep conviction that justice will prevail and that the Jewish citizens in France and Europe will continue to practice their Judaism and live in peace and security. We will gather today, Tuesday 20th March 2012 in our premises, 109 rue Froissart in Brussels at 10:15 sharp, for a minute of silence with participation of local and European officials. M EMORIAL CEREMONY FOR THE V ICTIMS O F T OULOUSE -‐ W ED . M ARCH 2 8 TH The European Jewish Community Centre expresses its deep sadness and emotion following the barbaric killings in Toulouse. In order to mark the end of the Shiva, the week long mourning period which begins after the funerals, we would like to invite you on Wednesday, 28th March 2012 in our premises, 109 rue Froissart in Brussels from 18:00 to 19:00, for a Memorial ceremony in memory of the victims with the participation of H.E. Philippe ETIENNE Ambassador of France to the EU. The traditional Kaddish prayer will be recited and a special message from Mrs. Sandler (wife and mother of the victims) will be read. In the face of this vicious attack on French soldiers and innocent Jewish children and teacher, we are determined to strengthen ourselves in unity and focus on our common values, the roots of the European Union. It is our deep conviction that justice will prevail and that the Jewish citizens in France and Europe will continue to practice their Judaism and live in peace and security. It is a tradition in Judaism to do acts of goodness and kindness in memory of a deceased person. The EJCC created a fund of support for families in need for their Pesach expenses. You can send your contribution to account #: 001-‐4022652-‐41 with the communication: "In memory of the Toulouse victims". E URO S HAVOUT M AY 2 7 TH The EJCC and the European Synagogue would like to invite you to the EuroShavuot 2011 celebration, on Sunday May 27th at 11:30 at the EJCC. The Torah was given by Moses to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot we celebrate this gift of G-‐d -‐ a millenary heritage that brought much light and peace to the world. For the occasion, the reading of the Ten Commandments will take place at 11:30 and will be followed by a delicious dairy lunch. Special activities for children will be organised from 10:30 to 12:30 and will be followed by an Ice cream Party. The Holiday of Shavuot falls this year on May 26-‐28 E UROPEAN JEWISH B OOK C LUB: 'T O THE END O F THE LAND ' O N JUNE 1 2 TH We would like to invite you to discuss the last book of David Grossman: To the end of the land. A novel of extraordinary power about family life "the greatest human drama" and the cost of war from one of Israel's most acclaimed writer. This program consists of a pleasant evening every 6 weeks during which we discuss a book we all have read beforehand. The idea is to pick books that stimulate interesting discussion and perspectives on a wide range of Jewish topics: Israel, diaspora, holocaust, judaism, women, a prominent Jewish writer etc... All the chosen books are available in English and in French and are mostly novels, and could sometimes be essays. THE J ERUSALEM D AY C ELEBRATION 2 012 A T T HE E UROPEAN P ARLIAMENT , O N T UESDAY , M AY 3 0 TH In honor of the Jerusalem Day celebration 2012 at the European Parliament, on Tuesday, May 30th at 18:00, Mr. Hannu Takkula MEP, Bnai Brith International and Europe, and the EJCC have the privilege to invite you to the European Parliament for a cocktail and exhibition by Artist Inna Rogatchi from Finland "From Europe to Jerusalem -‐ The Route" with a degustation of Israel's finest selection of wines and specialties. Registrations start at 17:45 at Place du Luxembourg. CONFERENCE O N « D E L ’ OMBRE A L A L UMIÈRE : H ISTOIRE D ’ UNE C RYPTO J UIVE » W ITH A NA C OELHO T UESDAY, N OVEMBER 6 TH We would like to invite you to a conference on « De l’ombre a la lumière :Histoire d’une Crypto Juive » with Ana Coelho, Representation of Catalonia to the EU. The conference will be given in French and Q&A in English/French. The conference will take place on Tuesday, November 6th 20:00 at 109 Rue Froissart. This event is co-‐orginised with WIZO Belgium, the European Jewish Library and the European Jewish Community A buffet will be served. Your contribution will be welcomed on premises and will go towards the WIZO organisation We invite you to participate in the Brussels Torah Study Center A full service adult education institute featuring weekly classes on array of popular topics JOIN US EACH TUESDAY 12:45 -‐ 13:45 For a Lunch and Learn At 109 Rue Froissart The topic of this coming Tuesday: Lech Lecha: Influence and Power S UKKAH L UNCH & D EBATE O CTOBER 4 TH • We invite you to join us to celebrate the colorful and joyous 8-‐days-‐ festival of Sukkot, which begins on the eve of Sunday, September 30th throughout 8 days till Simcha Torah on October 9th, The Ohel Eliezer -‐ European Synagogue will organize the Prayer Services during the whole festival. The prayer services on October 1st and 2nd will be followed by a lunch under the Sukkah. See the timetable below. • SUKKAH LUNCH & DEBATE: TRADITION VS. PROGRESS -‐ REJECTING RADICALISM In light of the Iranian nuclear threat, join us on Thursday, October 4th at 12:45 for a lunch debate under the Sukkah at the New Tapuz Kosher Restaurant, 46 Rue Archimede -‐ 1000 Brussels. We will meet for an open talk and a healthy discussion B REAK-‐THE-‐FAST C OCKTAIL Y OM K IPPUR 2 6 S EP. With the spirit of the beautiful and plentiful Rosh Hashanah celebration in the European Synagogue spent at the centre, we would like to invite you to the Yom Kippur Services. Yom Kippur begins on the eve of Tuesday September 25th and Wednesday 26th. The Services are taking place at 109 Rue Froissart. The European Synagogue -‐ Ohel Eliezer will ensure the most uplifting and enjoyable experience. Inspiring services with explanations, commentary and insight throughout the prayers will be given by Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik. Prayers will be lead by Cantor, Chazzan Yaakov Reichman, whose sweet melodies, and charisma are sure to inspire all. An amazing children's program will be organized throughout the Services; children from 2 to 11 will be able to experience the High Holidays with fun activities and games specially prepared by Sara Rosenblum. Program will be arranged as per age groups and will be given over in English as well as in French. "B REAK THE FAST C OCKTAIL" O N W EDNESDAY S EPTEMBER 2 6 TH : We are glad to invite you to the "Break the fast Cocktail" after the closure of Yom Kippur. "Break the fast Cocktail" will follow the blowing of the Shofar at 19:56. For reservation C HAYA M USSIA K IDUSH RECEPTION S HABBAT S ATURDAY, 8 S EPTEMBER With great joy and thanks to the Almighty, we take great pleasure in announcing the birth of our dear daughter Chaya Mussia. We would like to invite you to the Kidush reception in honour of her birth on Shabbat Saturday, 8 September at the Ohel Eliezer-‐European Synagogue, 109 rue Froissart 1040 Brussels. Services will be held at 10am followed by the Kidush at 12:30. We look forward to seeing you there! Avi & Nehama Tawil R OSH H ASHANAH D INNER S EPTEMBER 1 7 TH Rosh Hashanah Dinner at the EJCC on September 17th at 19:45: Don't miss the Rosh Hashanah celebration at the EJCC. Join us for a nice evening with the traditional delicatessens and a unique warm atmosphere! NEW! H EBREW CLASSES -‐ E U LPAN 1 4 JAN Following many requests, we launch for the 7th consecutive year the new season of EUlpan -‐ Hebrew Classes in the European Quarter. Our NEW teacher Mrs. Tobi Vishetzky will give Hebrew lessons to students from beginners to advanced throughout the week. The level evaluation session will take place on Monday, January 14th, from 12:45 to 13:15 and the first lesson will take place the next day on Tuesday, January 15th from 12:45 to 14:15 at the EJCC, 109 Rue Froissart 1040 Brussels. The level evaluation session is free of cost and does not engage you to subscribe to the course. Levels and schedules will be decided by the evaluation session to the best convenience of the teacher and the students. A MERICAN JEWISH P OETRY -‐ W ITH P ROF. D AVID C APLAN T UE. 1 8 D EC. 2 012 We invite you for a talk on American Jewish Poetry by Professor David Caplan on Tuesday 18 December 2012 from 18:30 to 20:00. E URO C HANUKAH A T THE B ERLAYMONT, E UROPEAN C OMMISSION -‐ M ONDAY, 1 0 D ECEMBE 2 012 We would like to invite you to celebrate EuroChanukah 2012 on Monday, December 10st at the Berlaymont, European Commission at 17h45: We will light the 3rd Chanukah candle and will enjoy an exhibition of photographs “Expressions of Light”. This event is under the Patronage and in the Presence of Commissioner Michel Barnier. GAD E LBAZ -‐ L IVE C ONCERT C HANUKAH O N R P S CHUMAN D EC. 9 TH The Chanukah festival will fall this year from December 8th to December 16th, the EJCC prepared for you a set of exciting and inspiring events: • Join us on Sunday, December 9th, at 15:30 for an amazing concert in solidarity for Israel by world renown Israeli singer Gad Elbaz, on Rond Point Schuman. The second Chanukah candle will be lit, followed by a joyous celebration and lots of fun. Special activities for children will be organized and a hot buffet will be served. We sincerely look forward to seeing you all for this very meaningful event EP C ONFERENCE -‐ F REEDOM O F R ELIGION A ND/OR M UTUAL R ESPECT IN E UROPE T HURSDAY N OVEMBER 2 9 TH We would like to remind you to join us at the hearing on "Europe's Freedom of religion dialogue" at the European Parliament, Altiero Spinelli A5G -‐ 1 on Thursday November 29th 12:00 – 14:00. The conference will give platform to Jewish and Muslim European leaders that promote tolerance and understanding. The event is hosted by MEP Hannu Takula. Main speakers will be Mr. Richard Prasquier, president of the CRIF, the representative umbrella group for Jewish organizations in France and Mr Hassen Chalghoumi, Imam of Drancy, France. This is a project of the European Jewish Association's in conjunction with the European Jewish Press and with the European Jewish Community Center. LIGHTS -‐CONCERT-‐ E UROPEAN P ARLIAMENT 'T HE E PIPHANY M USIC C HAMBER' FROM M ANCHESTER W ED . D EC. 5 The Chanukah festival will fall this year from December 8th to December 16th, the EJCC prepared for you a set of exciting and inspiring events: • We are glad to invite you to "LIGHTS" a concert and exhibition at the European Parliament hosted by MEP Arlene McCarthy on Wednesday, December 5th at 18:00. The Epiphany Music Chamber from Manchester will play for us a concert dedicated to the Festival of Lights -‐ Chnukah C ONFERENCE W ITH E LIE W IESEL F OUNDATION : M S G . C LARA K ESSOUS, P H D U NESCO A RTIST FOR P EACE A WARD 2 0 N OV 2 012 We would like to invite you for a talk and book signing by Ms. Guila Clara Kessous, PhD UNESCO Artist for Peace Award on: " Theatre and sacred in the Jewish tradition", on Tuesday, November 20th. Lunch 12:30 Conference 13:00 at 109 rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels. The conference is organized by the European Jewish Community Centre, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity and the European Jewish Library. Guila Clara Kessous has acted, directed and produced in major theatres in the US and Europe. She conceives drama as a socially conscious reflection pervading multiple aspects of society. Recipient of a Ph.D under E. Wiesel's mentorship, she created the course "theatre and human rights" at Harvard University. She has collaborated with artists such as John Malkovich and has been named UNESO Artist for Peace "in recognition of her work to defend the social causes through art". E UROPEAN JEWISH W OMEN 'S C LUB -‐ P REC HANUKAH W ORKSHOP D EC. 6 TH The European Jewish Women’s Club would like to invite you to the upcoming gathering on Thursday, December 6th at 19:45. Following a Chanukah workshop presenting all kinds of Latkes and delicious Sufganiot, we will open a talk on: “Rising above: An emotional guide for emotional mastery” This lesson is part of a course called: It's About Time: Kabalistic Insights for Taking Charge of Your Life. It is a practical and insightful spiritual journey toward self-‐mastery and living a happier, more fulfilling, and more effective life. Each of the seven once-‐per-‐month classes focuses on one aspect of personal life related to the kabalistic energies of the month. The aim of the course is to empower women to take action and implement change in seven key areas in their lives. Topics discussed in the course include emotional mastery, sleep and renewal, nutrition and dieting, happiness, communication skills, faith and knowledge, and how to implement lasting change. Each gathering will also feature a cooking workshop and degustation of gourmet food that is connected to the upcoming Jewish Holiday. E UROPEAN JEWISH W OMEN 'S C LUB -‐ LAUNCHING O N N OV. 7 The European Jewish Women’s Club will be launching on November 7th its newest course, It's About Time: Kabalistic Insights for Taking Charge of Your Life. It's About Time is a practical and insightful spiritual journey toward self-‐mastery and living a happier, more fulfilling, and more effective life. Each of the seven once-‐per-‐month classes focuses on one aspect of personal life related to the kabalistic energies of the month. The aim of the course is to empower women to take action and implement change in seven key areas in their lives. Topics discussed in the course include emotional mastery, sleep and renewal, nutrition and dieting, happiness, communication skills, faith and knowledge, and how to implement lasting change. Each gathering will also feature a cooking workshop and degustation of gourmet food that is connected to the upcoming Jewish Holiday. The Kickoff Event will take place on Wednesday, November 7th at 19:45 at the Tawils’ residence, address will be given upon reservation. The title of the lesson will be: The Kabbalah of sleep – How to reenergize and prioritize your life. A Challah baking and degustation will follow the lesson.
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