M AI N L I N E R E F O R M T E M P L E ’ S A N N U AL C O M M E M O R AT I O N O F T H E H O L O C AU S T YOM HASHOAH | HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY FEATURING THE LIGHTING OF THE SIX-BRANCHED CANDELABRUM IN MEMORY OF THE SIX MILLION BY HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. OUR SERVICE ALSO WILL INCLUDE A PRESENTATION BY DAN MCMILLAN, AUTHOR OF HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN. SERVICE Memorial Candle Lighting for the Six Million Liturgy led by clergy from Adath Israel, Beth Am Israel, Beth David Reform Congregation and MLRT. Jeffrey Brillhart conducting a community choir in excerpts from To Be Certain of the Dawn by the late Stephen Paulus. Performance by the combined choirs of our area congregations. Wednesday, April 15 | 7:00 pm Dan McMillan: Why Germany? Why the Jewish People? PROGRAM Dan McMillan’s How Could This Happen The first comprehensive analysis of the causes behind the conflagration that almost exterminated European Jewry. He largely defines the conflict as Hitler’s war against the Jewish people, a merciless struggle for survival between the races. The author describes Hitler’s influence on millions of Germans and the racial nationalism that propelled him to power. Finally, he answers the questions of why Germany and the Jewish people were uniquely poised to foment the perfect storm that resulted in one of the greatest tragedies in world history. As always, in order that school-aged children can attend, we will start promptly. The entire community, both Jewish and non-Jewish, is invited, and there will be participation from many houses of worship. We are grateful to Suzanne and Norman Cohn and their family for the annual support of this most important commemoration. All are welcomed and children are encouraged to attend! Main Line Reform Temple | 410 Montgomery Avenue | Wynnewood, PA 19096 www.mlrt.org
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