Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2015 (2015), No. 99, pp. 1–8. ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu ftp ejde.math.txstate.edu EXISTENCE OF INFINITELY MANY PERIODIC SOLUTIONS FOR SECOND-ORDER NONAUTONOMOUS HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS WEN GUAN, DA-BIN WANG Abstract. By using minimax methods and critical point theory, we obtain infinitely many periodic solutions for a second-order nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems, when the gradient of potential energy does not exceed linear growth. 1. Introduction and main results Consider the second-order Hamiltonian system u ¨(t) + ∇F (t, u(t)) = 0, a.e. t ∈ [0, T ], u(0) − u(T ) = u(0) ˙ − u(T ˙ ) = 0. (1.1) Where T > 0 and F : [0, T ] × RN → R satisfies the following assumption: (A1) F (t, x) is measurable in t for every x ∈ RN , continuously differentiable in x for a.e. t ∈ [0, T ], and there exist a ∈ C(R+ , R+ ), b ∈ L1 ([0, T ], R+ ) such that |F (t, x)| ≤ a(|x|)b(t), |∇F (t, x)| ≤ a(|x|)b(t) for all x ∈ RN and a.e. t ∈ [0, T ]. The existence of periodic solutions for problem (1.1) was obtained in [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23] with many solvability conditions by using the least action principle and the minimax methods, such as the coercive type potential condition [3], the convex type potential condition [8], the periodic type potential conditions [18], the even type potential condition [6], the subquadratic potential condition in Rabinowitz’s sense [11], the bounded nonlinearity condition (see [9]), the subadditive condition (see [12]), the sublinear nonlinearity condition (see [5, 14]), and the linear nonlinearity condition (see [10, 16, 22, 23]). In particular, when the nonlinearity ∇F (t, x) is bounded; that is, there exists g(t) ∈ L1 ([0, T ], R+ ) such that |∇F (t, x)| ≤ g(t) for all x ∈ RN and a.e. t ∈ [0, T ], and that Z T F (t, x)dt → ±∞ as |x| → ∞, 0 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 34C25, 58E50. Key words and phrases. Periodic solutions; Minimax methods; linear; Hamiltonian system; critical point. c 2015 Texas State University - San Marcos. Submitted November 11, 2014. Published April 14, 2015. 1 2 WEN GUAN, DA-BIN WANG EJDE-2015/99 Mawhin and Willem [9] proved that problem (1.1) has at least one periodic solution. Han and Tang [5, 14] generalized these results to the sublinear case: |∇F (t, x)| ≤ f (t)|x|α + g(t) for all x ∈ RN and a.e. t ∈ [0, T ] (1.2) with |x|−2α T Z F (t, x)dt → ±∞ as |x| → ∞, (1.3) 0 where f (t), g(t) ∈ L1 ([0, T ], R+ ) and α ∈ [0, 1). Subsequently, when α = 1 Zhao and Wu [22, 23], and Meng and Tang [10, 16] proved the existence of periodic solutions for problem (1.1), i.e. ∇F (t, x) does not exceed linear growth: |∇F (t, x)| ≤ f (t)|x| + g(t) 1 for all x ∈ RN and a.e. t ∈ [0, T ], (1.4) + where f (t), g(t) ∈ L ([0, T ], R ). On the other hand, there are large number of papers that deals with multiplicity results for this problem. In particular, infinitely many solutions for (1.1) are obtained in [2, 20, 24] when the nonlinearity F (t, x) have symmetry. Since the symmetry assumption on the nonlinearity F has play an important role in [2, 21, 24], many authors have paid much attention to weak the symmetry condition and some existence results on periodic solutions have been obtained without any symmetry condition [4,7,17,25]. Especially, Zhang and Tang [25] obtained infinitely many periodic solutions for (1.1) when (1.2) holds and F has a suitable oscillating behaviour at infinity: Z T lim sup inf |x|−2α F (t, x)dt = +∞, r→+∞ x∈RN ,|x|=r lim inf sup R→+∞ x∈RN ,|x|=R 0 |x|−2α Z T F (t, x)dt = −∞, 0 where α ∈ [0, 1). Motivated by the results mentioned above, especially by ideas in [10,16,22,23,25], in this article, by using the minimax methods in critical point theory, we obtain infinitely many periodic solutions for(1.1). Let HT1 be a Hilbert space HT1 = u : [0, T ] → RN : u is absolutely continuous, u(0) = u(T ) and u˙ ∈ L2 ([0, T ], R) , with the norm Z T Z T 1/2 2 2 kuk = |u(t)| dt + |u(t)| ˙ dt , (1.5) 0 for u ∈ HT1 . 0 Let Z Z T 1 T 2 J(u) = |u(t)| ˙ dt − F (t, u(t))dt. (1.6) 2 0 0 It is well known that the function J is continuously differentiable and weakly lower semicontinuous on HT1 and the solutions of (1.1) correspond to the critical points of J (see [9]). Our main result is the following theorem. RT Theorem 1.1. Suppose that (A1) and (1.4) with 0 f (t)dt < T3 hold and Z T lim sup inf F (t, x)dt = +∞, (1.7) r→+∞ x∈RN ,|x|=r 0 EJDE-2015/99 lim inf EXISTENCE OF INFINITELY MANY PERIODIC SOLUTIONS sup R→+∞ x∈RN ,|x|=R |x|−2 Z T F (t, x)dt < − 0 3T 2 RT 2π 2 (12 − T 0 f (t)dt) Z 3 T f 2 (t)dt. (1.8) 0 Then (i) There exists a sequence of periodic solutions {un } which are minimax type critical points of functional J, and J(un ) → +∞ as n → ∞; (ii) There exists another sequence of periodic solutions {u∗m } which are local minimum points of functional J, and J(u∗m ) → −∞ as m → ∞. Remark 1.2. (i) As in [25], in this paper we do not assume any symmetry condition on nonlinearity; (ii) Our main result in this paper extends main result in [25] corresponding to α = 1. 2. Proof of main results For u ∈ HT1 , let Z 1 T u= u(t)dt, u e(t) = u(t) − u. T 0 The following inequalities are well known (see [9]): (2.1) T kuk ˙ 2L2 (Sobolev’s inequality), 12 T2 kuk ˙ 2L2 (Wirtinger’s inequality). k˜ uk2L2 ≤ 4π 2 For the sake of convenience, we denote Z T Z T Z T 1/2 , M2 = f (t)dt, M3 = g(t)dt. M1 = f 2 (t)dt k˜ uk2∞ ≤ 0 0 Lemma 2.1. Suppose that RT 0 f (t)dt < 3/T and (1.4) hold, then e T1 , as kuk → ∞ in H J(u) → +∞ where e1 H T = {u ∈ HT1 0 | u = 0} be the subspace of Proof. From (1.4) and Z 1 T J(u) = 2 0 Z 1 T ≥ 2 0 Z 1 T ≥ 2 0 (2.2) HT1 . e 1 we have Sobolev’s inequality, for all u in H T Z T 2 |u(t)| ˙ dt − F (t, u(t))dt 0 2 Z |u(t)| ˙ dt − T 2 f (t)|u(t)| dt − 0 2 |u(t)| ˙ dt − Z ke uk2∞ T g(t)|u(t)|dt 0 Z T Z f (t)dt − ke uk∞ 0 T g(t)dt 0 Z T Z T T 1 T 1/2 kuk ˙ 2L2 − kuk ˙ 2L2 f (t)dt − kuk ˙ L2 g(t)dt 2 12 12 0 0 Z T 1 T = − f (t)dt kuk ˙ 2L2 − C1 kuk ˙ L2 . 2 12 0 1/2 RT 2 By Wirtinger’s inequality, the norm kuk = |u(t)| ˙ dt is an equivalent 0 e 1 . So, J(u) → +∞ as kuk → ∞ in H e1. norm on H T T ≥ 4 WEN GUAN, DA-BIN WANG EJDE-2015/99 Lemma 2.2. Suppose that (1.7) holds. Then there exists positive real sequence {an } such that lim an = +∞, n→∞ lim lim bm = +∞, where Hbm = {u ∈ RN : |u| = bm } J(u) = −∞ . n The above lemma follows from (1.7). RT Lemma 2.3. Suppose that 0 f (t)dt < positive real sequence {bm } such that m→∞ sup n→∞ u∈RN ,|u|=a 3 T , (1.4) and (1.8) hold. Then there exists lim inf J(u) = +∞, m→∞ u∈Hbm L e1 HT . Proof. By (1.8), we can choose an a > 3T 2 /(12π 2 − π 2 T M2 ) such that Z T a |x|−2 F (t, x)dt < − M12 . lim inf sup r→+∞ x∈RN ,|x|=r 2 0 e 1 . So, we have For any u ∈ Hbm , let u = u + u e, where |u| = bm , u e∈H T Z T F (t, u(t)) − F (t, u)dt 0 = Z 0 T T Z 0 1 1 (∇F (t, u + se u(t), u e(t)) ds dt Z TZ 1 f (t)|u + se u(t)||e u(t)| ds dt + g(t)|e u(t)| ds dt 0 0 0 0 Z T Z T 1 ≤ f (t) |u| + |e u(t)| |e u(t)|dt + g(t)|e u(t)|dt 2 0 0 Z Z Z T Z T T 1/2 T 1/2 1 2 2 2 ≤ |u| f (t)dt |e u(t)| dt + ke uk∞ f (t)dt + ke uk∞ g(t)dt 2 0 0 0 0 M2 ke uk2∞ + M3 ke uk∞ ukL2 + = M1 |u|ke 2 M2 2 1 a ≤ ke uk2L2 + M12 |u|2 + ke u k∞ + M3 ke uk∞ 2a 2 2 2 T 1/2 T T M2 a ≤ + kuk ˙ 2L2 + M12 |u|2 + M3 kuk ˙ L2 2 8aπ 24 2 12 for all u ∈ Hbm . Hence we have Z Z T Z T 1 T 2 J(u) = |u(t)| ˙ dt − [F (t, u(t)) − F (t, u)]dt − F (t, u)dt 2 0 0 0 T2 T M2 1 T 1/2 − − kuk ˙ 2L2 − M3 kuk ˙ L2 ≥ 2 2 8aπ 24 12 Z T a − |u|2 |u|−2 F (t, u)dt + M12 2 0 1 for all u ∈ Hbm . As |u|2 + kuk ˙ L2 2 → ∞ if and only if kuk → ∞, then the Lemma follows from (1.8) and the above inequality. Z Z ≤ Now prove our main result. EJDE-2015/99 EXISTENCE OF INFINITELY MANY PERIODIC SOLUTIONS 5 Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let Ban be a ball in RN with radius an . Then we define a family of maps Γn = {γ ∈ C(Ban , HT1 ) : γ ∂B = Id∂B } an an and corresponding minimax values cn = inf max J(γ(x)). γ∈Γn x∈Ban e 1 , i.e., for any γ ∈ Γn , It is easy to see that each γ intersects the hyperplane H T 1 e 6= ∅. γ(Ban ) ∩ H T e 1 . So, there is a constant M By Lemma 2.1, the functional J is coercive on H T such that max J(γ(x)) ≥ inf J(u) ≥ M. x∈Ban e1 u∈H T Hence cn ≥ inf J(u) ≥ M. e1 u∈H T By Lemma 2.2, for all large value of n, cn > max J(u). u∈∂Ban For such n, there exists a sequence {γk } in Γn such that max J(γk (x)) → cn , k → ∞. x∈Ban Applying [9, Theorem 4.3 and Corollary 4.3], we know there exists a sequence {vk } in HT1 such that J(vk ) → cn , dist(vk , γk (Ban )) → 0, J 0 (vk ) → 0, (2.3) as k → ∞. If we can show {vk } is bounded, then there is a subsequence, which is still be denote by {vk } such that vk * un weakly in HT1 , uniformly in C([0, T ], RN ). vk → un Hence hJ 0 (vk ) − J 0 (un ), vk − un i → 0, Z T (∇F (t, vk ) − ∇F (t, un ), vk − un )dt → 0 0 as k → ∞. Moreover, it is easy to see that hJ 0 (vk ) − J 0 (un ), vk − un i Z T 2 = kv˙k − u˙n kL2 − (∇F (t, vk ) − ∇F (t, un ), vk − un )dt, 0 so kv˙k − u˙n k2L2 → 0 as k → ∞. Then, it is not difficult to obtain kvk − vn k → 0 as k → ∞. So, we have J 0 (un ) = lim J 0 (vk ) = 0, k→∞ J(un ) = lim J(vk ) = cn . k→∞ Thus, un is critical point and cn is critical value of functional J. 6 WEN GUAN, DA-BIN WANG EJDE-2015/99 Now, let us show the sequence {vk } is bounded in HT1 . By (2.3), for any large enough k, we have cn ≤ max J(γk (x)) ≤ cn + 1, (2.4) x∈Ban and we can find wk ∈ γk (Ban ) such that kvk − wk k ≤ 1. Fix n, by Lemma 2.3, we can choose a large enough m such that bm > an and inf u∈Hbm > cn + 1. This implies γ(Ban ) cannot intersect the hyperplane Hbm for each k. e 1 . Then we have |wk | < bm for Let wk = wk + w ek , where wk ∈ RN and w ek ∈ H T each k. Also, by Sobolev’s inequality and (1.4), it is obvious that cn + 1 ≥ J(wk ) = 1 2 Z 1 ≥ 2 Z 1 2 Z ≥ ≥ T Z 1 2 |w˙ k (t)|2 dt − F (t, wk (t))dt 0 0 T |w˙ k (t)|2 dt − T Z 0 f (t)|wk (t)|2 dt − 0 T 2 0 2 g(t)|wk (t)|dt Z 2 ek (t)| ]dt − f (t)[|wk | + |w T |w˙ k (t)|2 dt − 2kw ek k2∞ Z T T Z 0 − kw ek k∞ Z 0 |w˙ k (t)| dt − 2 0 T Z T Z Z f (t)dt − 2|wk |2 0 T g(t)dt − |wk | 0 T Z 0 T g(t)[|wk | + |w ek (t)|]dt T f (t)dt 0 g(t)dt 0 Z T Z T 1 T kw˙ k (t)k2L2 − kw˙ k (t)k2L2 f (t)dt f (t)dt − 2|wk |2 2 6 0 0 Z T Z T T 1/2 − kw˙ k (t)kL2 g(t)dt − |wk | g(t)dt 12 0 0 T 1/2 1 T − M2 kw˙ k (t)k2L2 − M3 kw˙ k (t)kL2 − C2 = 2 6 12 ≥ ˙ L2 )1/2 is an equivalent norm in HT1 , it follows that w ek (t) is bounded. As (|u|2 + kuk Hence, wk is bounded. Also, {vk } is bounded in HT1 . From the previous discussion we know that accumulation point un of {vk } is a critical point and cn is critical value of J. If we choose large enough n such that an > bm , then γ(Ban ) intersects the hyperplane Hbm for any γ ∈ Γn . It follows that max J(γ(x)) ≥ x∈Ban inf J(u). u∈Hbm From this inequality and Lemma 2.3 we obtain limn→∞ cn = +∞. Result (i) of Theorem 1.1 is obtained. Next we prove (ii). For fixed m, define the subset Pm of HT1 by e T1 }. Pm = {u ∈ HT1 : u = u + u e, |u| ≤ bm , u e∈H (2.5) EJDE-2015/99 EXISTENCE OF INFINITELY MANY PERIODIC SOLUTIONS 7 For u ∈ Pm , we have Z Z T 1 T 2 J(u) = |u(t)| ˙ dt − F (t, u(t))dt 2 0 0 Z Z T Z T 1 T 2 ≥ |u(t)| ˙ dt − f (t)|u(t)|2 dt − g(t)|u(t)|dt 2 0 0 0 Z T Z Z T 1 T 2 ≥ f (t)[|u(t)|2 + |e |u(t)| ˙ dt − 2 g(t)[|u(t)| + |e u(t)|2 ]dt − u(t)|]dt 2 0 0 0 Z T Z T 1 T 2 2 2 f (t)dt ≥ ku(t)k f (t)dt − 2|u(t)| ˙ ku(t)k ˙ L2 − L2 2 6 0 0 Z T Z T T 1/2 g(t)dt − |u(t)| − ku(t)k ˙ g(t)dt L2 12 0 0 1 T T 1/2 2 = − M2 ku(t)k ˙ M3 ku(t)k ˙ L2 − C3 L2 − 2 6 12 (2.6) Then J is bounded below on Pm . Let µm = inf J(u), u∈Pm and {uk } be a minimizing sequence in Pm ; that is, J(uk ) → µm By (2.6), {uk } is bounded in denoted by {uk }, such that HT1 . as k → ∞. Then there is a subsequence, which is still be uk * u∗m weakly in HT1 . Since Pm is a convex closed subset of HT1 , u∗m ∈ Pm . As J is weakly lower semicontinuous, we have µm = lim J(uk ) ≥ J(u∗m ). k→∞ Since u∗m ∈ Pm , µm = J(u∗m ). If we can show u∗m is in the interior of Pm , then u∗m is a local minimum of functional J. In fact, let u∗m = u∗m + u e∗m . From Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, we see ∗ |um | = 6 bm for large m, which means that u∗m is in the interior of Pm . Since u∗m is a minimum of J on Pm , we have J(u∗m ) = inf J(u) ≤ sup J(u). u∈Pm It follows from Lemma 2.2 that complete. J(u∗m ) |u|=bm → −∞ as m → ∞. Therefore, the proof is References [1] Nurbek Aizmahin, Tianqing An; The existence of periodic solutions of non-autonomous second-order Hamiltonian systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), 4862-4867. [2] F. Antonacci, P. 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Wen Guan Department of Applied Mathematics, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050, China E-mail address: [email protected] Da-Bin Wang (corresponding author) Department of Applied Mathematics, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050, China E-mail address: [email protected]
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