March 29, 2015 - St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church

March 29, 2015
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am,
Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30 am
Wednesday & Friday at 9:00 am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Tuesday 8:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following
the 4:30 pm Mass
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
March 29, 2015
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
Today as we carry home our palms
we begin Holy Week. I encourage
you to attend the solemn and
beautiful liturgies that commemorate
what Jesus did for us and does for us
in this holiest of weeks. The Holy
Thursday Masses at St. Thomas and St. John will be
opportunities to bring non-perishable food items for
the St. Vincent DePaul Food Cupboard at SJSC and
the Knights of Columbus Food Drive at STA. There
will a procession with the Eucharist to the St. Thomas
School gym from St. John that will join the procession
outside of church at St. Thomas. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament will continue until midnight in the
gym. At the Commemoration of the Passion on
Good Friday the collection will be for support of
Christians in the Holy Land. The Good Friday
collection is requested by Pope Francis and offers an
annual direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of
peace and help protect the Holy Places. Franciscans
and others are trying desperately to maintain a
Christian presence in the Holy Land.
Forty people will be received into the Catholic
Church at the Easter Vigil through baptism and
confirmation. Please keep them in your prayers this
week as we prepare to welcome them into our fold.
For those who will be away from the parish for Easter,
safe travels and have a blessed day. For those who will
be in town, remember that we will have many visitors
on Easter Sunday, so plan to arrive earlier than usual
for Mass. There will be no 5:00pm or 7:00pm Masses
on Easter at St. John Church. Be assured of my
prayers this week, and keep me in yours.
Have a blessed Holy Week!
The Notre Dame Club of Lansing Presents
Monday of Holy Week
March 30, 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Help us package 40,000 meals
to feed the hungry around the corner
and around the world!
To volunteer, please reply to Ellen Campbell at
[email protected]
Holy Thursday Special Collection
Holy Week is a perfect opportunity to remember the
hungry in our community. It is a long-standing tradition
to collect donations of non-perishable food for the SJSC
food cupboard at the Holy Thursday Mass. Please bring
your donations to either Mass on April 2.
About sixty families continue to use our cupboard each
week, and greatly appreciate your contributions, which add
welcome variety to our shelves. Items we need include
white rice, cereal, pasta sauce, plain pasta, juice, canned
fruit, tuna fish, crackers, snacks, paper products
(especially toilet paper), and personal needs items. We
are very well stocked on macaroni and cheese, green
beans, soup and peanut butter. Thank you for your
generosity, and for helping us help others.
on Holy Thursday or at any Mass during
Holy Week and help change Lives!
Add to the Festivities
of Easter Vigil
Hot or cold
refreshments are
welcome for the RCIA
reception after the
Join us at St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 E. Main St,
Easter Vigil the night of April 4 at St. Thomas
Dewitt for a Period of Reflection conducted by Fr. Larry
Aquinas School Gym. This reception is for the newly
Delaney. Dinner begins at 6:00pm and the evening
initiated Catholics, their families and friends, and any
concludes with Mass. The Cost is $15 per person.
parishioners who wish to join them. If you are willing
The event is open to everyone. RSVP to Bob Telfir,
to bring something, contact Karen Kasprzak at
517-372-5474 or 517-853-5103.
2 [email protected] or 517-896-8293.
Easter Sunday Mass Times
Actual Offering through March 15
Budgeted Offering through March 15
Year-to-date Reserve
St. John
8:00am, 10:00am, Noon
There are no evening Masses
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014.
Offertory consists of cash and checks given at Mass;
electronic giving from parishioner checking and credit
cards; and stock gifts.
Bus Tour of
Houses of Worship
in the Lansing Area
Wednesday, April 22
Christian Service - Matthew 25
All are welcome to join us.
The cost is $45 and includes
lunch and snacks. We will
visit Red Cedar Friends, Cristo Rey, Islamic Center of
East Lansing and Bharatiya Temple.
The total collection for Palm Sunday will be split
between two Matthew 25 recipients:
Sisters of the Holy Cross—This mission in Sao
Paolo, Brazil, provides emergency food for children
living in the slums there.
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund for Huda Al
Masti Pediatric Cancer Dept.—Provides medical
care in the West Bank for children who are unable to
obtain necessary and specialized treatment in their
To reserve your spot on the bus, please drop off a
check at either St. Thomas or St. John. The deadline is
April 14. If you have any questions, please call Larry
Meyer at 517-927-6125.
This event is being sponsored by Senior Ministry.
The total collection for Holy Thursday will be split
between two Matthew 25 recipients:
Dominican Sisters—The Mission of the Dominican
Sisters of Grand Rapids in Chimbote, Peru, includes
an orphanage and vital health services for desperately
poor people.
Lingap Center-The Center takes in abandoned
children from the streets in the Phillipines. These
children scavenge through the garbage, beg for food
and are forced to become sex workers just to survive.
Thank You for Your Generosity!
Thank you to everyone who has
shared the many blessings they have
received with your generous gift to our
Diocesan Services Appeal. If you have not
yet made a gift or a pledge, you are invited to join the
faithful of our parish community who have taken an
active role in the mission of the Church. Envelopes
are available at both churches. Our Parish goal is
$201,734 and $114,444 has been pledged to help us
reach that. We are at 57% of our goal!
The Good Friday Collection will go toward the
Pope’s Collection for the Holy Land in support
of pastoral, charitable, educational, and social work of
Christians in the Holy Land.
Prayers for the
Sick & Deceased
The Matthew 25 collection on Easter Sunday will be
split between two recipients:
Dominican Sisters-The mission of the Dominican
Sisters of Peace in Kingston, Jamaica, includes
emergency food and medical assistance for elderly
persons and summer programs for children living in
extreme poverty. The people served include families
living at a landfill in west Kingston.
CNEWA-support for the two remaining Catholic
hospitals in Baghdad. They will provide medical
equipment, medicine and support for care of poor
and orphaned children.
Thank you for your generosity!
St. Thomas
9:00am and 11:00am
Please pray for all those who are ill,
especially Fr. Jake Foglio, Gloria
Spagnuolo, Helen Dzenowagis, Carol
Ann Orr, Ellen Andary, Sarah Taylor,
Pam Czubak, Marlene Walser, and those listed in our
book of prayer.
We pray for those who are approaching death and
for those who have already died: May they surrender
themselves into God’s loving care and enter into the
fullness of life with Christ. We remember Marion
Przytulski, Dr. Francis Horvath, and Carol Grandbush
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Sr. Dorothy - [email protected]
Director of Campus Ministry
Katie Diller - [email protected]
Director of Student Outreach
Catholic Spartans
mental state free from sin of all kinds, and keep my
emotions rooted in love of God, neighbor, and self.
Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment
I don’t want to make excuses anymore, that I have
too little time, talent, or treasure, so as to insult the
one who granted me these gifts. Rather, I want to
utilize them in any way I can to help others. Let there
be no opportunities to give of myself that passed me
by, unattended.
Student Mission Statement
“Rise, then, for this is your duty! We
will stand by you, so have courage
and take action!” Ezra 10:4
I want to love Jesus. I want to see Him in the people,
places, and events I encounter in my daily life. I want
to appreciate everything He does for me, in each of
His little surprises and amazing gifts, and maintain a
constant conversation with Him, seeking advice and
sharing the joys and sorrows of the day. I want to
always keep my heart open to His infinite love, and
leave behind anything that keeps me from Him. I
want to see Him as my lover, as a spouse that actively
pursues me and is eagerly waiting for me to spend
time with Him. I want to remain always faithful to
Him, and hold nothing back.
Even if I no longer feel a closeness or intimacy with
Jesus, even if I feel separated from Him in every way, I
want to continue to encounter and learn about the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I want to never give up
trying to improve my faith and improve my
relationship with Him, because that is what true love is.
Jackie Thelen
Catholic Warriors: College Men's Group
7:30pm Monday, March 30
Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC
I want to regularly seek God in the Sacraments. In
the Mass, I want to be completely present and
vulnerable as I listen to His word and witness His
sacrifice. And when I approach the altar, I want to
see the Groom waiting excitedly, and wholeheartedly accept His invitation to give my life to Him
as He has done for me. And when I stray from His
way, when I am unfaithful and hurt myself, the people
around me, and my Lord and Savior, I want to trust in
His endless mercy and His powerful desire for me to
return home. I want to rush back to His embrace,
and understand that He will meet me exactly where I
am in my faith journey, no matter what.
Theotokos Catholic Women's Group
Fed & Forgiven Part II:
Rediscovering Reconciliation
7:30pm Monday, March 30
Women's Lounge, Rm 13, downstairs SJSC
Campus Bible Study
James 3
9:30pm Monday, March 30
105B Berkey Hallt
I want to build a community—a group of friends and
companions with whom I can share my questions,
struggles, and triumphs. With people like this, who
can hold me accountable for my academic,
professional, and, most importantly, spiritual goals
and my actions that contribute to the
accomplishment of these goals in my faith journey.
Women’s Discernment Retreat
April 11-12
Camp DeSales in Brooklyn, MI.
Women 16 years and older, don’t miss the unique
opportunity to explore the vocation of Consecrated/
Religious Life at the Diocesan Women's Discernment
Retreat! Discernment talks, discussions, and 1-on-1
mentoring will be provided by Nuns, Sisters, and
other Consecrated Women who will be present to
share their wisdom. Mass, adoration, Confession, and
other forms of prayer will be offered as well as time
to walk in nature on Vineyard Lake.
I want to know my faith. I want to always be studying
and learning about God, through the Bible, His saints,
the church’s teachings, and other inspired authors and
speakers that have experiences and advice to share.
I want to give over my mind and heart, so they may
no longer be slaves to pride, envy, lust, sloth, and selfloathing. I want to practice courage, wisdom, chastity,
temperance, faith, patience, hope, and optimism, even
if just one virtue at a time. I want to maintain a
Email [email protected]
or check the diocesan website for registration:
Mercy in the Summer
Fr. Jerry Celebrates 40 Years of Priesthood
College and Grad Students – Join us this summer
as we go out into our community to answer Jesus’
command to serve God by serving others. On seven
Fridays spread out over the course of summer, we
will participate in activities that will combine service,
prayer, reflection, and fellowship.
On Sunday, April 19, I will be ordained 40 years as a
priest of the Lansing Diocese. It has been a wonderful
grace-filled journey and many wonderful faith filled
people have touched my life and my journey, and I
would like to share this experience with you.
I would like to invite you to join me for a Mass of
Thanksgiving at Noon, Sunday, April 19 at St. John
Church and Student Center. There will be a small
reception in McDevitt Hall following the liturgy. Please,
NO gifts; your presence with me on this special day is
all the gift that I need. The people at St. John and
St. Thomas have become a very special part of my life
and my journey. l look forward to sharing this day with
you. If you are not able to attend, just hold me in
prayer that day, along with Fr. Denis Spitzley and
Fr. Alan Wakefield, the two priests I was ordained with.
Partnering with local non-profits at work in the
greater Lansing area, the service topics will address
the seven Corporal Works of Mercy:
Feed the Hungry
Give Drink to the
Clothe the Naked
Shelter the Homeless
Visit the Sick
Visit the Imprisoned
Serve the Dead
May God continue to bestow His blessings on all of us.
Fr. Jerry
This initiative was inspired by the book “Mercy in the
City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty,
Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job”. As such,
author Kerry Weber has agreed to serve side-byside with our students during our final service project
and to lead a discussion of our experiences.
Faculty/Community Book Discussion Group
Our reading group will meet on Thursdays, April 9
and 23, to discuss two articles from Commonweal.
On Thursday, April 9, we will discuss, “An Interview
with Cardinal Walter Kasper -- Merciful God,
Merciful Church.”
Non-Michigan State University students that are
returning to their SJSC/STA home parish for the
summer are encouraged to participate! Contact John
Oliva ([email protected]) for more information.
During his first Angelus address, Pope
Francis recommended a work of
theology that “has done me so much
good” because it “says that mercy
changes everything; it changes the world
by making it less cold and more fair.”
That book is “Mercy: The Essence of the
Gospel and the Key to Christian Life”, by
Cardinal Walter Kasper. He was interviewed by two
of Commonweal’s editors; the interview can be found
online. We meet from 5:30-7:00pm in Room 12
(Library) at St. John. All are welcome to join us.
i.d. 916 Discipleship Night For Young Adults
Join us Thursday, April 9 at 6:00pm at the
Church of the Resurrection for praise and
worship, Mass, dinner and drinks and our monthly
talk. The speaker this month is Sister Sarah
Burdick, who will speak on our pillar of Orthodoxy.
Please find our event on the Facebook group "i.d. 916
Lansing" or RSVP to [email protected].
i.d. 916 seeks to urge young adults in their 20s and
30s to answer the call to discipleship through
monthly talks and fellowship, faith sharing groups and
For more information on i.d. 916 go to http:// and click on "Young Adults."
Divine Mercy Celebration in Lansing
The Divine Mercy celebration for the Lansing area will
be at St. Gerard on April 12 at 2:30pm. There will be
a service, and the chaplet will be sung. Confessions
will be heard following the service.
Our parish is joining with
Resurrection Parish to go to one of
the powerful Youth Conferences at
the Franciscan University of
Steubenville. We'll be leaving on
Friday, June 19 and returning, Sunday evening, June
21. This trip is open to students graduating from
8th grade through this year's HS graduates.
Speakers will include Bob Rice, Deacon Ralph Poyo,
and Father John Parks. Contact Annie Kitching at
[email protected] or call 351-5460 to get
registration information.
EIGHTH GRADE students who missed over half the
classes this year, will be asked to take the online class
this summer. Sometimes conflicts make actually being
at class a challenge - that's one reason
we developed the online alternative it has the flexibility to fit anyone's
MAGNIFIKID! Is a wonderful
resource for children from ages
6-12. Subscribers receive the issues
on a monthly basis. In each months
packet, children will find a booklet of 16 color pages
for each Sunday. Special issues are also included for all
major feast days. Magnifikid! can be obtained at a
significantly lower price when we work together to
get a group discount. This year subscribers were able
to get a year's subscription for $13 which is a great
bargain. It is almost time to order! Please let us know
if you would be interested in subscribing - contact
Annie at [email protected]. We will let you
know how much the subscription will be after
gathering the orders of all who are interested. And Magnifikid! is a wonderful first Communion gift.
YOUTH GROUP will not meet
on Easter Sunday.
Bereavement Support Group
If you are struggling with loss in your life, we are here
for you. Our Bereavement Support Group meets this
Wednesday, April 1, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Dining
Room of the former rectory at STA. If you would like
more information or plan on attending, please call Joy
in the parish office at 351-7215. We generally meet
every other week on Wednesday, at 6:00pm.
Brochures describing the bereavement support group
are available in our formation racks.
classes on Easter or on Bright Monday, April 6.
Butter and Chocolate
Lambs & Crosses are being
All are welcome to attend!
sold after all Masses on Palm
Sunday (and during Holy Week in
the Formation Office). We will
also be offering "Jelly Bean
Catechisms" and "Fruits of the Spirit" Candy Kabobs.
We can also take orders, if you would like to pick up
the items during the week. Contact Annie by calling
the Formation Office, 351-5460 or email
[email protected]. Items can also be
purchased in the Formation Office during the week.
Proceeds from this sale will support New Horizons
for Children, a program which brings orphans from
Eastern Europe to the US for summer and Christmas
vacations, in hopes of finding them loving families.
Alone for Easter Dinner?
Easter Dinner is being sponsored
by St. Gerard Social Ministry for
people who will be alone on
Easter Sunday. The dinner is a sit down, family style
dinner in a friendly atmosphere, served on Easter
Sunday, April 5, at 12:30pm in Fr. Weber Hall. It is
located behind the school at 4433 W. Willow Hwy,
Lansing. Transportation will be provided if needed.
For further information, please call the Parish Office
at 323-2379.
Volunteers Needed
St. Gerard Easter Community Dinner needs volunteers
to help with the set up, cooking, transportation,
serving and clean up on Easter Sunday. The shifts are
9:30am-Noon, 12:00 Noon-3pm, or 9:30am-3pm.
Please call Mike and Carolyn Hudson, 321-4297 or
[email protected]. Thank you!
Spring has arrived as well as our April Prayers for
Priests. You will see a few familiar names on
calendar, including our own Fr, Jerry Ploof. Please
pick up a copy and continue to remember our
Diocesan Priests in your daily prayers.
RCIA Update
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
This past Sunday the catechumens/elect
celebrated the Third Scrutiny. The entire
parish community prayed for them and
was reminded of its own need for ongoing
conversion. During the RCIA session that day, the
elect and the candidates were presented with a copy
of the Creed. They were invited to recite that Creed
as a sign of their oneness in this faith we all profess.
This past week the inquirers and their sponsors
learned what Catholics believe about Mary and the
saints. They were able to ask their questions and
clear up some misconceptions about Catholic
beliefs. Mary is a model of a disciple's total response
to God. She was given to us by Jesus on the cross to
be the mother of each one of us. Mary is close to us,
and has a mother's concern for each of us. The saints
are people who have followed the will of God by
doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They
come from every age group, occupation, era, and
vocation in life. They are models for us and
intercede for us with God in heaven.
If you have any questions about the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults, or would like to discuss the
possibility of joining the next group of inquirers, call
Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at
[email protected].
April 29
Our Lives
Jesus’ Help
Annual Senior Day of Reflection
All seniors are invited to join Fr. Larry Delaney at
St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt on Wednesday,
April 29. Doors open for coffee at 9:00am, followed by
a presentation at 10:00am, Mass, Lunch, a presentation,
and dismissal at approximately 2:30pm. The day is
sponsored by the Lansing Area Catholic Council on
Aging under the auspices of St. Vincent Catholic
Charities. Please contact the parish office to register
and pay your $10 fee. Reservations are required by
Monday, April 20 and seating is limited.
Mom’s Group
MOMS Group Play Date at MSU
Join us on Monday, March 30 at
2:30pm at MSU for ”Butterflies in the Garden”. We
will meet at the MSU Indoor 4-H Children’s Garden
to see the butterflies! Afterwards, some MOMS will
continue on to the MSU Dairy Store for ice
cream. Contact Erica Albert for more information
and to let her know you will be joining our group:
[email protected].
April 2: MOMS Group Weekly Meeting
Thursdays 9:30am-11am St. John's Lower Level,
Childcare provided
Favorite Family Travel Destinations
Swap ideas of places to take your family on a
trip. Gain some new perspective on travel with kids,
and exchange tips on how to travel smart. Contact
Christa Robinson, MOMS Group Co-Leader, at
[email protected] to get on our mailing list.
April 9: MOMS Group is on Spring Break.
NO meeting.
Faustina: The Apostle of
Divine Mercy
Join us on Monday evening, April 13,
7:00pm, in the Baraga Room at St.
Thomas Aquinas, for this DVD drama
presentation on the life of Sister Faustina
Kowalska, a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of
Mercy. The video is based on her experiences which
she recorded in her spiritual diary. She received from
Our Lord the visions of Divine Mercy early this
century. She was both beatified and then canonized in
2000 by Pope John Paul II, making her the "first saint
of the new millennium." Divine Mercy Sunday is 4/12.
Save the Date!
Steak & Song at STA will be held
Saturday, May 10, from 5:00pm to
7:00pm in the school gym. A
delicious steak dinner will be served and lively musical
entertainment will be provided throughout the
evening. You don’t want to miss this annual event!
Beginning April 13, get your reduced price tickets for
$12! Proceeds from this fundraiser will provide
Catholic students with scholarships for their studies at
MSU, in exchange for their musical contributions
toward worship at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
Rosary Altar Society
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
Sunday, March 29, 3:30pm
For ticket information contact
[email protected] or
[email protected]
All women of the Parish are invited to join our
meeting Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00am in the
Baraga Room at STA.
Lansing Diocesan
Men’s Conference
“Rise Up”
Please pray for those people who have
received prayer blankets from our Prayer
Blanket Ministry.
This year’s Men’s Conference
is quickly approaching! Men, you won’t want to miss
this once a year event to gather with hundreds of
others from around the Diocese of Lansing who will
be inspired to take their faith to a deeper level and
grow in their walk with the Lord. It will be held
Saturday, April 25, 8:30am to 3:00pm, at St. Mary
Magdalen Church in Brighton.
Readings for the week of March 29, 2015
Sunday Palm Sunday
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7;
Ps 22; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47
or 15:1-39
Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27; Jn 12:1-11
Tuesday Is 49:1-6; Ps 71; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69; Mt 26:14-25
Thursday Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89;
Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper:
Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26;
Jn 13:1-15
Friday Friday of the Passion of the Lord
Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9;
Jn 18:1—19:42
Saturday Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a;
Ps 104 or 33;Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2,
9a, 10-13, 15-18; s 16; Ex 14:15—15:1;
Ex 15; Is 54:5-14; Ps 30; Is 55:1-11; Is 12;
Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4; Ps 19; Ez 36:16-17a,
18-28; Ps 42 or Is 12 or Ps 51;
Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118; Mk 16:1-7
Sunday Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or
1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7
Sign up now at The cost is
$40 for Adults, $30 for Students, includes lunch.
Spring into Giving! for STVCC
is launching April 1 to April 30!
Please join us in this opportunity to provide basic
household items that will help to make a house a
home for so many of the clients that we serve! Most
commonly needed items include pots and pans, alarm
clocks, cooking utensils, bowls, plates, silverware,
twin and double sheet sets and blankets. Items can
be dropped off at participating MSU Federal Credit
Union branches; Mon -Thurs. 9:00am - 5:30pm.,
Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm., Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm,
or at STVCC Service Center Donation Drop off. For
additional information contact Thomas Woods at
517.323.4734 x1203 or [email protected].
St. Vincent DePaul
Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of
the holiest of Christian weeks. Let us pray
for the grace to take up our own cross and
to follow Jesus through death to new life.
Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday
We invite you to prepare for Easter Sunday’s liturgy by
reflecting on the Easter Gospel:
During Lent, through your gifts, the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul was able to bring the mercy of Jesus
into the hearts of the poor by assisting local families,
providing food and assistance for utility and rent bills.
St. Mary Cathedral, Lansing will have an
interpreter for the Deaf at the 12:00 Noon
Good Friday Services.
John 20:1–9 Peter and John ran to the tomb. They
did not understand yet the Scripture that he had to
rise from the dead.
Questions: Whose faith amazes me? What fears
inhibit me from being close to others?
More reflections are available at under
Adult Faith Formation - Bringing Home the Word.
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 30, 2015
Faith Sharing Group (STA)
Religious Education (STA)
Centering Contemplative Prayer (SJSC)
Alpha for Catholics (STA)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Rosary (STA)
Bible Study (STA)
Bereavement Support (STA)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Light Weigh (STA)
Quest Group (STA)
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (STA)
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Mom’s Group (SJSC)
Faith Sharing Group (SJSC)
3:15pm. 4:30pm
Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Friday, April 3, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Food Cupboard (SJSC)
Blessing of the Food (STA)
Easter Vigil Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
African Community Mass (STA)
Monday, March 30, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Marie Harvey req. by Rosary Altar Society
12:15pm (St. John)
Mary Ossi David req. by Elaine Knox
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Sophie Harmon req. by Barbara & Bob Popp
9:15pm (St. John)
Mother Teresa House Job Postings
Development Leader
Mother Teresa House is expanding our mission and seeks a
part-time degreed candidate interested in a hands on multi
-faceted development leader role. Candidate is faith
motivated and experienced seeking a new rewarding
environment with immediate and legacy impact to
people’s lives. Detail and relationship oriented, high
emotional intelligence, enthusiasm, and communication
skills to grow our mission. Benevon Model and/or team
leader experience is preferred.
Care Coordinator
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Barbara Harcharic. req. by Peckham Family
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Brian Barnhart req. by Barbara Brochu
12:15pm (St. John)
Albin Hughes req. by Bill & Nancy McKenna
Thursday, April 2, 2015
7:00pm (St. John)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday, April 3, 2015
12:15pm (St. John)
Passion of Our Lord
3:00pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Passion of Our Lord
Saturday, April 4, 2015
8:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
People of the Parish
Sunday, April 5, 2015
8:00am (St. John)
Priests’ Intentions
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Priests’ Intentions
10:00am (St. John)
Priests’ Intentions
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Priests’ Intentions
12:00pm (St. John)
Priests’ Intentions
Thank You from Respect Life Committee
Mother Teresa House seeks a part time LPN or RN to
The Respect Life Committee wishes to thank
ensure excellent compassionate physical and spiritual care
everyone who donated baby items to the Crib
for our terminally ill guests through the hands of our
The crib and items were given to Shared
caregiving staff. This person is faith-motivated, a problemPregnancy. The staff were very grateful for the
solver, writes clear procedures, and thrives in coordinating
The next Crib Ministry will be in several
and supporting a team. Experience in hospice and/or
months. Items collected will go to Pregnancy Services.
management preferred.
Thank you again for supporting Moms and
Visit to apply for either