LANCHESTER ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH Web: www.allsaints-catholicchurch – email: [email protected] Parish Priest: Canon Robert Spence Tel No: 01207 520374 3rd Sunday of Year 24th/25th Jan 2015 Masses Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 6.30pm 3.00pm 9.00am 12.15pm 6.30pm Peter Hanson Sunday 10.00am David Dodds Lynwood House – Teresa Steinwender Henry Peaden Wednesday 9.00am Joe & Eva Hogan Margaret & Harry Monaghan Friday 9.00am People of the Parish James Lyons Sunday 10.00am Bob Purvis Anniversaries: Mary Hopper, Catherine Scott, Elizabeth Thompson, Bridgett Bawdon, James Lyons, Teresa Steinwender, Gerry Beauvoisin, Mary Kelly. May they rest in peace. Offertory Promise: Volunteer Rota: Envelopes: £233.97 Loose: £154.61 4A 31st January / 1st February 2015 Direct Debits for December: £1889.00 1. Prince Bishop Community Bank is our own local Credit Union. Parishioners have been involved right from the start. TODAY (Sunday) we have invited Leslie Richardson to encourage more of us to become members. She will speak at the end of Mass and be around in the Parish Centre afterwards. All Saints School is involved with the Credit Union. 2. Monday Club is back in business (weather permitting) THIS Monday 26th January 2015 6.30pm – 8.30pm in Parish Centre. Everyone welcome. Please think of inviting a neighbour who would appreciate a good night out. Lifts provided, 3. Journey in Faith 2015 meets THIS Sunday 25th January 2015 4.00pm – 6.00pm in Parish Centre, when we will focus on “The Sacraments”. 4. First Holy Communion NEXT meeting is on Wednesday 28th January 2015 7.30pm – 8.30pm in Parish Centre for Parents whose children are preparing for their First Holy Communion. 5. Lynwood House We have arranged a Mass at Lynwood House on this coming Monday 26th January 3.00pm. All welcome. 6. Coffee Morning THIS Sunday 25th January after mass in parish centre hosted by James Draper proceeds to his Costa Rica World Challenge project. 7. Thankyou from Cafod for the share (£766.00) we sent from our Christmas Collection. “Thank you All Saints for donating to our Syria crisis appeal. The humanitarian situation in Syria remains catastrophic with 6.5 million people forced from their homes. A further 2.5 million have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees. Your generous donation has enabled us to deliver food, water and shelter to thousands of families in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey & Iraq. Your support is helping people like 13 year old Krist and his family who were forced from their home by an armed gang. Today, his family are safe in Lebanon but they have run out of money and are traumatised by what they have been through. Kirist’s mother, Siham, tell us; “Krist still has flashbacks. He won’t let anyone open the door and he’s afraid of the dark. He is too shy to express how he’s feeling.” Thanks to your donations, we are working with our partners, Caritas Lebanon, to ensure Kirst and his family have food and medical supplies. Crucially, we are also offering counselling to some of the most vulnerable refugees, helping them come to terms with what they’ve been through. On behalf of CAFOD’s family worldwide, thank you for making a difference.” 8. Justice & Peace Group Coffee and tinned fish collection for N.E. Asylum Seekers NEXT weekend. 9. Volunteer Rota 2015 are at the back of church would all volunteers please take one. If you are unable to do your duty week at any time PLEASE CONTACT someone on the rota to cover for you. 10. Parish Centre URGENT APPEAL Please DO NOT attempt to adjust the heating. The system has been programmed for the various groups who use the parish centre. If you have any problems please contact the Parish Office.
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