OB H & P (TITLE T3 H&P) Date / Time LMP: / / EDD: / / U/S: @ EGA on / + cwd (or f cwd) (if not cwd, then â EDD: / / / CC: in patient’s own words HPI: Pt is a 24 yo G4P2012 @ 376/7 weeks who presents to obs ed c/o ctxs q 5 mins. Pt reports ± FM. Address the following: ± Vaginal bleeding, ± leakage of fluid/ROM (at what time and consistency i.e. clear, green), ± D/C, ± dysuria (If elevated BP’s be sure to document, pertinent positive and negatives i.e. HA, blurry vision, RUQ pain) Summary of prenatal course thus far or any complications/high risk conditions during pregnancy and management: Pt with + PNC with Tulane OB since 10 weeks (or pt with no PNC, limited PNC, 1 obs visit), uncomplicated. Or complicated by chronic hypertension. Her BPs’s throughout pregnancy have been in mild range, not requiring any BP medications. Her baseline laboratory workup and end-organ workup were negative. She has been in antenatal testing since 32 weeks and fetus has remained reassuring with normal amniotic fluid. Interval growth U/S shows fetus to have adequate growth. Last U/S was at 36 weeks and EFW was 3000 grams (>50th percentile). PMH: DM, HTN, Asthma, lung, liver, heart, kidney, thyroid Dz If Asthma (last hospitalization, frequency of ER visits, Intubations, steroid use, meds/inhalers, how often, # of attacks/week) If + for any medical illness, when and how diagnosed, who follows condition pre-pregnancy PSH: (include any C/S or D&C, as well as hx of transfusions) OBHx: Include Month/Year, Type of Delivery (if C/S ask indication)/Sex/Birth Weight/gestational age –full term or preterm Hospital/Comp e.g. G1 5/93 NSVD F 6#10oz FT @ TMC no comp G2 7/95 C/S 2° breech M 8# FT @ UH G3 96 Sab @ 10 weeks with/without D & C GynHx: Menarche/IR or R (irregular or regular)/ duration of cycle, hx of STDs (you may need to specifically ask about gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, trich, genital warts, etc), hx of abnl paps, last pap? any hx of hormonal contraception prior to conception, if so what and when last used Meds; Include PNV, Fe All: NKDA, if allergy à reaction SocHx: Tob/ETOH/Drugs, tattoos, social situation; father involvement, marital status, education, employment FHx: Hx of DM, HTN, Birth Defects, Twins, Mental Retardation, Sickle cell, bleeding d/o, cancers and note which family member has disease and age of diagnosis if pertinent to disease ROS: Review of Systems The following list illustrates the content of a complete review of systems. You indicate whether a symptom is “negative” or “positive”. This is a just an example of a ROS – you do not have to indicate each symptom. General/Constitutional Average weight, weight loss or gain, general state of health, sense of well-being, strength, ability to conduct usual activities, exercise tolerance Skin/Breast Rash, itching, pigmentation, moisture or dryness, texture, changes in hair growth or loss, nail changes Breast lumps, tenderness, swelling, nipple discharge Eyes/Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat Headaches (location, time of onset, duration, precipitating factors), vertigo, lightheadedness, injury Vision, double vision, tearing, blind spots, pain Nose bleeding, colds, obstruction, discharge Dental difficulties, gingival bleeding, dentures Neck stiffness, pain, tenderness, masses in thyroid or other areas Cardiovascular Precordial pain, substernal distress, palpitations, syncope, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea, edema, cyanosis, hypertension, heart murmurs, varicosities, phlebitis, claudication Respiratory Pain (location, quality, relation to respiration), shortness of breath, wheezing, stridor, cough (time of day, of productive, amount in tablespoons or cups per day and color of sputum), hemoptysis, respiratory infections, tuberculosis (or exposure to tuberculosis), fever or night sweats Gastrointestinal Appetite, dysphagia, indigestion, food idiosyncrasy, abdominal pain, heartburn, eructation, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, jaundice, constipation, or diarrhea, abnormal stools (clay-colored, tarry, bloody, greasy, foul smelling), flatulence, hemorrhoids, recent changes in bowel habits Genitourinary Urgency, frequency, dysuria, nocturia, hematuria, polyuria, oliguria, unusual (or change in) color of urine, stones, infections, nephritis, hesitancy, change in size of stream, dribbling, acute retention or incontinence, libido, potency, genital stores, discharge, venereal disease (Female) Age of onset of menses, regularity, last period, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, or metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, post-menopausal bleeding, dyspareunia, number and results of pregnancies (gravida, para) Musculoskeletal Pain, swelling, redness or heat of muscles or joints, limitation of motion, muscular weakness, atrophy, cramps Neurologic/Psychiatric Convulsions, paralyses, tremor, incoordination, parathesias, difficulties with memory of speech, sensory or motor disturbances, or muscular coordination (ataxia, tremor) Predominant mood "nervousness" (define), emotional problems, anxiety, depression, previous psychiatric care, unusual perceptions, hallucinations Allergic/Immunologic/Lymphatic/Endocrine Reactions to drugs, food, insects, skin rashes, trouble breathing Anemia, bleeding tendency, previous transfusions and reactions, Rh incompatibility Local or general lymph node enlargement or tenderness. -Polydipsia, polyuria, asthenia, hormone therapy, growth, secondary sexual development, intolerance to heat or cold PE: VS: BP: P: T: R: Weight: Gen: Lungs: CV: ABD: gravid, nontender, FH (fundal height), Leopolds Height: (always include an assessment of fetal weight/presentation by leopolds if sonogram is not done) Ext: EFM: TOCO: CVX: Speculum exam (if indicated) SONO Results (limited to position); SONO Results: only if one is done, On all antenatal or multifetal gestation admits, Ultrasound should be done by HO III or HO IV LABS: (ones done in obs) Prenatal labs usually are written in the left hand margin of progress note/ or NOW Sign at bottom of each page TITLE – H/P (continued) A/P: Address each assessment with plan underneath Example: IUP @ 35 weeks -Cont PNV,FE -PTL precautions -GBS Cx done today CHTN -Cont Aldomet -U/S for interval growth q 3-4 weeks -Continue to monitor BP’s r/o superimposed preE -Continue Antenatal testing OR Put in list form Example: A. 1.24 yo G4P2012 @ 38 weeks in Active Labor 2. Hx of Doc LTCS, Desires VBAC 3. GBS+ 4. Rubella non-immune 5. Abnl PAP P: 1. Admit to L&D for delivery 2. Admit labs with consents– Patient counseled on risks, benefits, alternatives to trial of labor versus repeat cesarean section 3. Start PCN 4. Rubivax pp 5. PP Colpo Always sign work/ E-sign ADMIT ORDERS: Admit orders to L&D are pre-printed. You just need to fill in the blanks and add orders as it applies to the management. Example for routine laboring patient: Admit to L & D Dx: IUP at 38 weeks in active labor Condition: stable Vitals: per routine Activity: Bed rest All: NKDA Nursing: per routine Diet: NPO IVF: D5LR at 125 cc/hr Labs: CBC, RPR, T & S Meds: Epidural per anesthesia PROGRESS NOTES: These are usually written every two hours on routine laboring patients and each time something is done/assessed with the patient even if less than two hours has gone by (i.e. if you just evaluated the patient 30 minutes ago and now the nurse calls you into the room for decelerations and you re-evaluated the patient and checked her cervix or performed an amniotomy, you need to write another note or addendum reflecting this) Example for routine laboring patient: HO-I L&D PN S: Pt without c/o s/p epidural or pt c/o ctxs or no major complaints O: VS: BP: ranges T: P: GEN: In mild distress secondary to ctxs. Comfortable in NAD FHTs: TOCO: CVX: (or cvx deferred) Labs: (new labs or admit labs) A: 26 yo G3P2002 at 38 5/7 in Active Labor, progressing well P: 1. Continue to follow 2. F/u on pending labs DELIVERY NOTE: Pt progressed to C/C/+1. Fetal heart rate was overall reassuring. Pt was placed in dorsal lithotomy position, prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Pt was encouraged to push and baby’s head in (type of position— ROA, LOA, OP, etc.) was delivered over _________ (intact perineum/midline episiotomy). Nuchal cord (x1 or x2) present (or no nuchal cord noted, reduced. (If not reduced, then cord clamped times two and cut at this time). Anterior then Posterior shoulders delivered without complication followed by delivery of rest of body. The mouth and nose were bulb suctioned. Cord clamped times two and cut in between. The infant was handed to the waiting nurse/pediatrician. Cord blood obtained and sent. The placenta was then delivered (intact, spontaneous/manually, Schultze/Duncan with three vessel cord present). The fundus massaged until firm and hemostasis noted. Cervix, Vagina, Perineum explored for any tears and none was observed. (Note type of laceration, location, hemostatic?, repaired with type of suture) Rectal exam – intact. Pitocin 20 units/30 units in 1L LR given. Viable male/female infant with apgars of __ and __ at one and five minutes, weight, cord ph( if applicable) was transferred to nursery in a stable condition. Mother was transferred to recovery room in stable condition. EBL: Comp: Name of Residents present for delivery Name of Staff present/available for delivery • Please adjust your delivery note if operative vaginal delivery to provide indications and procedures done/steps taken prior to placing vacuum or forceps • For shoulder dystocia provide which maneuvers performed • Don’t forget to include local anesthesia if provided or regional with pudendal block POSTPARTUM ORDERS: Postpartum orders for vaginal deliveries are preprinted at University Hospital, Tulane, and HPL. Just fill in any necessary information or added orders and sign. At UH most postpartum patients are housed on 3W unless pt is on MgSO4 or underwent delivery of an IUFD, then they may go to 4E. The following routinely need to be added: Motrin 800 mg one tab po q 8 hours prn pain/cramping Pitocin (# Units in 1 L LR at 125 cc/hr) If applicable: Magnesium Sulfate @ 2 gms/hr Also, in the section with post CBC order indicate the date (the morning after delivery) GYNECOLOGY GYN H & P – TITLE (T3 H/P) As OB H&P except for the following in bold: Date/Time: CC: in patient’s own words HPI: Pt is a 48 yo G3P3003 LMP 5/6/03 who presents to ER c/o vaginal bleeding x 5 days. Heavier in nature, requiring about 10 pads/day. Pt reports lightheadedness and weakness. Denies SOB/CP/abdominal pain. Summarize onset of problem, previous episodes, previous therapies. PMH: DM, HTN, Asthma, lung, liver, heart, kidney, thyroid Dz If + for any medical illness, when diagnosed PSH: (include any hx of transfusions), indication for hysterectomy OBHx: Types of Delivery, Weight of Biggest Baby, and complications during pregnancies? Example: NSVD x 3, C/S x 1, Sab x 1, Largest baby was 9# GynHx: Menarche/IR or R (irregular or regular)/ duration, hx of STDs, hx of abnl paps, last PAP, last mammogram, any hx of hormonal contraception, if so what and when last used, duration of use, sexual history If postmenopausal, how many years? Hx of HRT? Meds: dosage, rout, frequency All: NKDA, if allergy à reaction SocHx: Tob/ETOH/Drugs; social situation, employment, relationship FHx: Hx of DM, HTN, Other Medical Illnesses, Gyn Malignancy Review of Symptoms/ Systems: (ROS) Review of Systems The following list illustrates the content of a complete review of systems. You indicate whether a symptom is “negative” or “positive”. This is a just an example of a ROS – you do not have to indicate each symptom. General/Constitutional Average weight, weight loss or gain, general state of health, sense of well-being, strength, ability to conduct usual activities, exercise tolerance Skin/Breast Rash, itching, pigmentation, moisture or dryness, texture, changes in hair growth or loss, nail changes Breast lumps, tenderness, swelling, nipple discharge Eyes/Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat Headaches (location, time of onset, duration, precipitating factors), vertigo, lightheadedness, injury Vision, double vision, tearing, blind spots, pain Nose bleeding, colds, obstruction, discharge Dental difficulties, gingival bleeding, dentures Neck stiffness, pain, tenderness, masses in thyroid or other areas Cardiovascular Precordial pain, substernal distress, palpitations, syncope, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea, edema, cyanosis, hypertension, heart murmurs, varicosities, phlebitis, claudication Respiratory Pain (location, quality, relation to respiration), shortness of breath, wheezing, stridor, cough (time of day, of productive, amount in tablespoons or cups per day and color of sputum), hemoptysis, respiratory infections, tuberculosis (or exposure to tuberculosis), fever or night sweats Gastrointestinal Appetite, dysphagia, indigestion, food idiosyncrasy, abdominal pain, heartburn, eructation, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, jaundice, constipation, or diarrhea, abnormal stools (clay-colored, tarry, bloody, greasy, foul smelling), flatulence, hemorrhoids, recent changes in bowel habits Genitourinary Urgency, frequency, dysuria, nocturia, hematuria, polyuria, oliguria, unusual (or change in) color of urine, stones, infections, nephritis, hesitancy, change in size of stream, dribbling, acute retention or incontinence, libido, potency, genital stores, discharge, venereal disease (Female) Age of onset of menses, regularity, last period, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, or metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, post-menopausal bleeding, dyspareunia, number and results of pregnancies (gravida, para) Musculoskeletal Pain, swelling, redness or heat of muscles or joints, limitation of motion, muscular weakness, atrophy, cramps Neurologic/Psychiatric Convulsions, paralyses, tremor, incoordination, parathesias, difficulties with memory of speech, sensory or motor disturbances, or muscular coordination (ataxia, tremor) Predominant mood "nervousness" (define), emotional problems, anxiety, depression, previous psychiatric care, unusual perceptions, hallucinations Allergic/Immunologic/Lymphatic/Endocrine Reactions to drugs, food, insects, skin rashes, trouble breathing Anemia, bleeding tendency, previous transfusions and reactions, Rh incompatibility Local or general lymph node enlargement or tenderness. -Polydipsia, polyuria, asthenia, hormone therapy, growth, secondary sexual development, intolerance to heat or cold PE: VS: BP: P: Gen: Lungs: CV: ABD: Ext: Pelvic: Rectal/Rectovaginal: T: R: Weight: Height: BMI: LABS: CBC, Chem-7, Ultrasound findings, UA, UPT or BHCG, etc. A: (put in list form) Example: 1. 48 yo G3P3 with Menorraghia 2. Symptomatic Anemia P: (put in list form) Example: 1. Admit to 8W 2. Blood transfusion 3. TSH, Fe Studies 4. EMB/ECC Always sign work (E-sign) GENERAL ADMIT ORDERS: (ADC VANDALISM) Admit to Floor/Service/Staff/Resident or Intern on service Dx: Condition: (good, stable, guarded, critical) Vitals: (per routine, q4h, q6h, or q1hr while on MgSo4) Activity: (as tolerated, BR, BR with BRP, ad lib) Nursing: (per routine, accuchecks, FTG with Strict I/O’s) Diet: (NPO, Clear liquids, Diabetic, Low Na) Allergies: NKDA Labs: IVF: (Heplock, LR @ 125 cc/hr) Special: (pelvic U/S, CT scan, etc.) Meds: Call HO for T>100.4/38, BP>180/110, <80/40, UO<30 cc/hr x 2 hrs, HR>120) SCDS/ted hose or plexipulses to BLE (for DVT prophylaxis after surgery or pt on prolonged bed rest) PRE OP NOTE Preop Notes are to be done on each patient going to surgery at least the day prior. Example of Pre-Op Note Diagnosis Planned procedure Relevant history (mini H&P) Labs including (work up labs of disease/condition assisting with decision of surgery and Pre-Op labs) CBC B-hcg CXR (Smoker or as indicated by physical exam or medical history), EKG (>40 yo or as indicated by physical exam or medical history) T&S Chem-7 PAP EMB, ECC Ultrasound Consents for blood and procedure signed and in chart or BTL consents POSTOP NOTE • To be written at least 6h post op • Like a SOAP note, but pay particular attention to the following: Example: S: Patient states pain controlled with meds. No flatus. Denies N/V. O: VS: BP: HR: T: I & O’s (UOP) since surgery, EBL/UOP/IVF in surgery PE: GEN: Note general appearance LUNGS: CV: ABD: Note any distention, incision/dressing/bowel sounds EXT: calf tenderness, are plexipulses/SCD’s on? A/P: 1. 45 yo G0 s/p TAH secondary to SUF, POD#0, doing well Adequate UO and pain control Continue routine post op care Encourage ambulation and incentive spirometry ROUTINE POSTOP DAY #1 ORDERS For Cesearean Sections D/C Foley (once noting adequate urine output overnight, on average >30 cc/hr) Advance to clears, then regular as tolerated Heplock IV once tolerating po D/C IV pain meds after 24 hours and D/C IVF Change to the following po pain meds after 24 hours of IV pain mgmt; Motrin 800 mg 1 tab po q 8 hours prn pain Percocet 5/325 1 to 2 tabs po q 4 – 6 hours prn breakthrough pain PNV 1 tab po qd Fergon 325 mg 1 tab po qd/bid Ambulate > tid, first time with assistance Incentive Spirometer to bedside (if not already ordered) Also, leave bandage on for at least 24 hours postop, but note whether bandage was saturated with blood. If you need to take off dressing to assess for bleeding and/or infection, replace dressing if it has been lass than 24 hours. POSTOP ORDERS for Minor Surgeries (D&C/ Lap BTL) • Usually same day discharge • Postop orders and Rx should try and be written immediately after surgery • Pt needs to be seen by the resident before d/c to give Discharge instructions and d/w pt the surgical findings Need to be with the patient in the holding area and while going to the OR room Admit Diagnosis Condition VS Activity Allergy Nursing Diet IVF Meds Transfer to RR then 2E, T-Gyn, Staff, Resident s/p D&C (procedure) stable per routine as tolerated PCN- hives d/c foley, if not done in RR or in the OR advance to regular as tolerated Heplock IV, then d/c when tolerating po Motrin 800mg 1po q8h prn ±Tylenol #3 1 po q8h prn or percocet 5/325 1 po q 4-6h prn ±Methergine 0.2mg 1 po q6h x 24h (D&C) ±Doxycycline 100mg 1 po bid x 3 d (D&C) D/C home when tolerating po, voiding and ambulating without difficulty Notify MD prior to d/c patient Rx on chart • Note if patient has a vaginal packing. Need to write an order reflecting this: Vaginal packing in place, to be removed by MD prior to d/c. POSTOP ORDERS for Major Surgeries (TAH/Ex lap/ TVH) TAH usually stays 2-3 days, advance diet as tolerated if uncomplicated. TVH usually stays overnight and diet can usually be advanced quickly since there is very little, if any, bowel manipulation. TVH Vaginal Packing if placed usually taken out at Post-op check (4-6 hours) or POD#1 Admit Diagnosis Condition VS Activity Allergy Nursing Diet IVF Meds to RR then 4E/staff/ resident/intern 47 yo s/p TAH 2º SUF stable per routine bed rest NKDA FTG with strict I&O’s NPO (May advance as tolerated if TVG/LAVH) LR 125cc/h Toradol 30mg IM q6h x 24h Demerol 50mg IM/IV q 4-6 h prn Phenergan12.5-25mg IM/IV q 4-6 h prn Or Morphine 2-4mg IV q4-6 h prn Labs Post CBC in am (Write date desired) Call MD for BP>160/110 or <80/40, P>120 or <60, increased VB, T>100.4 If TVH, Vag packing in place, to be removed by MD Common Abbreviations Ab abortion, antibody Abx antibiotics abdominal AC abdominal Circumference ACOG American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology AFI amniotic fluid index AMA advanced maternal age Amnio amniocentesis Amp Ampicillin AFP alpha fetal protein AGA appropriate for gestational age ARO artificial rupture of membranes BME bimanual exam BPD biparietal diameter BPM beats per minute BPP biophysical profile BTL bilateral tubal ligation CHTN chronic hypertension Clinda clindamycin CMT cervical motion tenderness CPD cephalopelvic disproportion C/S caesarean section Ccaesarean section Ctx contractions CVS chorionic villus sampling d/c discharge (vaginal, hospital) Depo Depo-Provera DM diabetes mellitus EAB elective abortion EDC estimated date of confinement EFW estimated fetal weight EGA estimated gestational age FSE fetal scalp electrode FeSO4 iron sulfate FH fundal height FGT fetal heart tones FL femur length FLM fetal lung maturity FM FSH G GBS Gent Gluc HbsAg HC fetal movement fallicle stimulating hormone gravid Group B Streptococcus gentamicin glucola hepatitis B surface antigen head circumference HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets HPV human papilloma virus HSV herpes simplex virus IUFD intrauterine fetal demise IUGR intrauterine growth restriction IUP intrauterine pregnancy IUPC intrauterine pressure catheter LBW low birth weight LGA large for gestational age LH luteinizing hormone LMP last menstrual period L/S lecithin/spinomyelin ration LT C/S low transverse C-Section LV C/S low vertical C-Section pPROM preterm premature rupture of membranes PROM premature rupture of membranes PTL preterm labor Pyelo pyelonephritis Qβhcg quantitavitve beta human chorionic gonadotropin RI rubella immune RPR rapid plasma reagent Sab spontaneous abortion U/S ultrasound UTI urinary tract infection VB vaginal bleeding VBAC vaginal birth after caesarean Vtx vertex Tulane University School of Medicine Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tulane University School of Medicine Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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_________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tulane University School of Medicine Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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