Death by Polonium-210 By Robin B. McFee, DO, MPH, FACPM, & Jerrold B. Leikin, MD, FACEP, FAACT, FACP, FACOEM, FACMT Alexander Litvinenko in the ICU on Nov. 20, 2006. “T he chilling reality is that nuclear materials and technologies are more accessible now than at any other time in history,” said former CIA Director John Deutch in testimony before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Government Affairs on March 20, 1996.1 This reality became all too evident in November 2006 when Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian dissident who had publicly criticized the leadership in Moscow, was murdered by poisoning with radioactive Polonium-210 in the United Kingdom.2-5 Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, was tasked with investigating political corruption as a member of the elite organized crime unit of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) prior to defecting to London. His former job took on greater significance than is generally credited to the time-honored but often underappreciated component of the assessment and diagnostic process—the occupational history. Health-care professionals often overlook a patient’s travel history and obtain less-than-thorough occupational histories. A recent study showed that among patients pre- 18 PHOTO NATASJA WEITSZ/GETTY IMAGES Lessons learned from the murder of former Soviet spy Alexander Litvinenko senting to the emergency department (ED) with a travel-related illness, only 16% were asked about recent travel, resulting in missed diagnoses.6-8 In this era of emerging pathogens, global travel and high-risk occupations, such information can offer important clinical clues and prove critical to patient diagnosis. Case report On Nov. 1, 2006, a previously healthy, athletic, 43-year-old Russian male who had emigrated to London five years earlier, presented to a North London hospital with acute, severe, progressive gastrointestinal symptoms. He was a writer. Of course, we now know what his prior occupation was. Whether Litvinenko intentionally withheld his prior occupational history or it was not initially pursued by clinicians remains unclear. Litvinenko’s health rapidly deteriorated: his hair fell out Response Guide for Chemical & Radiologic Threats and he developed pancytopenia (i.e., a shortage of all types of blood cells, including red and white blood cells, as well as platelets). Because his symptoms were consistent with radiation or thallium toxicity, physicians obtained urine and blood samples and subjected them to gamma spectrometry.2,5 But the tests did not register anything unusual.5 While clinicians began searching for other causes of illness, including exotic toxins, biologicals and poisons, the patient’s condition steadily declined. Because Litvinenko was not responding to treatment, his urine was sent for more advanced laboratory analysis to Britain’s Atomic Weapons Establishment (BAWE), where tests revealed significant amounts of alpha particle radiation.5 Not long thereafter, on Nov. 23, Litvinenko died of internal contamination from Polonium-210 (210Po). In the aftermath, Litvinenko’s death was classified as murder. An international investigation identified several other victims, and numerous locations in the UK tested positive for traces of 210Po contamination. 210Po was found at a London restaurant and bar that Litvinenko visited,2 and some traces were found on British Airways aircraft; fortunately none of the 1,700 passengers or 250 patrons of the restaurants were contaminated or became sick. However, another former KGB agent and a former Russian army officer both tested positive for 210Po in Moscow.3 A substantial amount of 210Po must have been used to cause such widespread contamination.5 Weeks elapsed between the poisoning and realization that radioactive materials were utilized,21 and as of January 2007 at least 12 people had tested positive for contamination.3 The incidental exposure of these individuals did not appear to pose a risk.3 However, fears of 210Po contamination led thousands of people to contact the National Health Services direct helpline, established in the aftermath of the assassination.3 Understanding Polonium-210 Po is considered one of the most hazardous radioactive materials, but it must be internalized to pose a toxic threat. Patients affected by 210Po do not pose a health risk to responders. Emergency responders should think about two concepts associated with radiation as a threat, especially as related to detection and protection: the source as a contaminant, although certain radiation sources can harm without direct contact, and the source as a toxicant, affecting the patient.13 In the case of alpha emitters, such as 210Po, identifying the source’s nature as a contaminant on the victim or in the area—especially if the responder is in proximity to a radioactive source (alpha, beta, gamma ray or X-ray)—requires equipment capable of detecting the full range of ionizing radiation types. The good news about alpha threats: Intact skin is a good barrier. However, inhalation and ingestion are access points. Also, in the case of alpha emitters as toxicants, once inside the patient, especially if the victim is not externally contaminated, further investigation to determine the etiology should be recommended on the basis of the clinical picture because external detection methods are unlikely to be of value for an 210 internal toxicant. Advanced laboratory testing is required to evaluate biological samples and conduct blood tests. Although Litvinenko’s symptoms were consistent with radiation illness, as a result of the initial hospital assessment, which apparently focused on gamma radiation, radiation was abandoned and other diagnoses were sought. Of note, the CDC recommends a 24-hour urine collection to assay for the presence of 210Po when suspected; levels in excess of background are suggestive of internal contamination. The essential issue is suspecting radiation toxicity early and employing a full range of testing until it can be ruled out. Few human data are available on the health effects of 210 Po, but the toxicity of orally administered 210Po appears to be consistent with the amount reaching blood (bioavailability). Damage to the gut mucosa is a probable contributory cause of death after oral administration. In a Russian case of interest, a male worker accidentally inhaled an aerosol of 210Po.9 Death occurred after 13 days. Vomiting was severe at the time of admittance to a clinic, two to three days after the intake. A high fever was reported, but there was no diarrhea. Thrombocyte counts were 150 x 109 l-1 on day 6 and 80 x 109 l-1 on day 8. Within minutes of ingesting 210Po, the cells lining the victim’s gastrointestinal tract would begin to die and slough off, which would cause nausea, pain and severe gastrointestinal bleeding.4,10,11,14 Other systems would be affected by 210Po, and, unless early decorporative (chelation) treatment is initiated to lower the body burden and other medical interventions are provided, significant morbidity and ultimately death can be anticipated. The earlier the initial symptoms of radiation poisoning (nausea and vomiting) occur, the more likely it’s a severe exposure. Although profound fear response and/or psychological exposure without actual radiation exposure can also cause nausea and vomiting, these don’t tend to cause rapid hair loss and disruption of blood counts. In the presence of an actual exposure, persistent gastrointestinal symptoms within the first two hours of exposure portends a poor prognosis and potentially fatal outcome. Two basic models can be used to understand the health effects of ionizing radiation (IR): the deterministic model and stochastic model. The deterministic model states that as radiation dose increases, the severity of health effect increases; there is a threshold dose. All health effects of IR, except cancer and birth defects, follow this model. Cancer follows the stochastic model: as the dose of IR increases, the risk (not severity) of cancer increases. It does not have a threshold, and there is no “zero” risk of cancer from IR. Measurements in radiation science Radiation can be measured in terms of emission from a radioactive source, absorption by a person or risk that a person might suffer health effects—the biological risks. Depending on the aspect of radiation under discussion, different units of measure are used. Radioactivity occurs because the nucleus of the atom is unstable, resulting in emission of energy. A release in the form of radiation is in proportion to the number of disintegrations Response Guide for Chemical & Radiologic Threats 19 protection (NIOSH-approved mask for radionuclides) should provide adequate protection. Removing victims’ clothes can reduce the particle load by upward of 90%. Rays do not pose a contamination risk and cannot be transferred from person to person. However, they can pass through most materials, unless proper shielding with lead, depleted uranium and/or thick concrete barriers intervenes. Alpha particles are essentially helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons.4,10,11,13,15-17,20 They have significant mass and kinetic energy that can cause direct ionization of other atoms or molecules. Because they are so Time Distance Shielding massive and have a +2 charge, they have little penetrating power. They are incapable of penetrating a few sheets of of radioactive atoms in a radioactive material over a period of paper or the epidermis of skin. Alpha particles can be time.10,11,13,15 The amount of radiation emitted by a radioactive stopped by clothing and intact skin. Therefore, alpha radiamaterial is measured using the conventional (U.S.) term curie tion represents an internal contamination and internal irra(Ci) or System Internationale (SI) term becquerel (Bq). One Ci diation hazard only if the particles are inhaled, ingested or = 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second. One Bq = 1 disintegra- injected by penetrating wounds.11,13 tion per second. One Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq. The Ci or Bq may be As demonstrated in the Litvinenko case, it’s important to used to refer to the amount of radioactive materials released make certain before an event that radiation detectors can into the environment. Example: An estimated 81 million Ci of identify alpha emissions. Not all Geiger-Muller detectors can radioactive cesium was released into the atmosphere during identify alpha IR. Usually special wands or sensor attachthe Chernobyl disaster.15 ments are necessary and must be used as directed. Although Radioactivity is a naturally occurring phenomenon; we seemingly obvious, preparedness has been significantly comare exposed to small amounts on a daily basis. When a per- promised because of uncharged batteries, lack of spare batson is exposed to radiation, energy is deposited in the body. teries and forgetting to calibrate a detector. Lack of familiarity with the proper use of The amount deposited 210 the equipment may also per unit of weight is called compromise the ability to the RAD, or radiation detect the presence of IR. absorbed dose; the basic unit of measuring expoBeta particles have a sure dose is defined as the spectrum of energy levels; deposition of 0.01 joules high-energy beta particles of energy into one kilogram of tissue. The SI unit of meas- can penetrate a few meters in the air and millimeters into tisure is the gray (Gy); 1 Gy = 100 RAD. The number of RADs a sue.10,11,13,15 Severe beta burns are possible on skin or eyes upon patient has been subjected to allows clinicians to anticipate contact. Cesium 137 (137Cs) is an example of a beta particle.15 the potential severity of acute radiation syndrome (ARS) Like alpha particles, beta particles pose a significant internal hazard. Aluminum or thick plastic protection with hospital and plan clinical management accordingly. The risk that a person will suffer adverse health effects protective clothing is necessary to prevent injury. It’s imporfrom radiation is measured using the unit REM (roentgen tant to make certain before an event that radiation detectors equivalent man). The REM quantifies the amount of damage can identify beta emissions and that your agency has a protosuspected from a radiation exposure. The SI unit is the Sievert col for testing biological samples. (Sv); 1 Sv = 100 REM. The REM is adjusted to reflect the type Gamma rays consist of electromagnetic radiation and are of radiation absorbed and the likely damage produced. high-energy uncharged particles similar to X-rays.10,11,13,16,19 They readily pass through matter, including skin and clothing, Types of radiation resulting in total body exposure and posing a significant risk to The type of radiation refers to whether a source is ionizing health. Lead, including lead aprons, concrete and uranium are used for shielding. In the field, thick barriers, limiting time radiation (IR) or nonionizing. IR comprises alpha and beta particles, gamma rays and near exposure and increased distance from the source are X-rays (high energy). The types of IR vary in their ability to essential protective measures, especially if no other escape or penetrate materials. This is important for first responders protective material is available (see illustration above). because the risk to health, depth of penetration and need for Doubling the distance results in a 75% reduction in exposure. PPE can vary by type. X-rays are similar to gamma rays in that they are highly Particles pose an external contamination risk and, if penetrating and require special shielding.10,11,13 internalized, have the same capability to destroy tissue as gamma and X-rays. Moreover, as contaminants, alpha or beta Polonium & alpha emission particles can be transferred from patient to provider and There are several important alpha emitters of concern. inhaled. Universal precautions and appropriate respiratory These include polonium; Americium, which can be found Basic Concepts of Radiation Protection One gram of Po could kill 50 million people & sicken another 50 million. 20 Response Guide for Chemical & Radiologic Threats Acute radiation syndrome Radiation sickness exhibits a distinct pattern of injury.9,10,11,15,16 ARS represents signs and symptoms after total body irradiation from penetrating radiation or internal contamination and is usually associated with greater than 100 RAD (1 Gy) exposure.10,11,13,24,25 The clinical course of ARS is predictable and dose-dependent, and occurs within a few hours to weeks after exposure to IR. Severity is based on significance of and time to symptoms, usually with the following four phases:10,11,15 1: Prodrome (minutes to days)—Nausea and vomiting are usually early signs. The development of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms within two hours of exposure portends a serious and potentially fatal outcome. However, a psychological and traumatic component exists, so determining whether the origin of the GI symptoms is psychological, due to radiation or both is critical. 2: Latent (none to weeks depending on dose)—mostly hematopoietic; white cells and platelets decrease due to bone marrow damage. 3. Illness (days, weeks or longer)—relates to systems involved (see below). 4. Recovery or death (weeks to months). Hematopoietic effects: These generally occur at total body exposures of 100–800 RAD11,15,24 because the hematopoietic system is highly radiosensitive.13 Thus, ARS results in a rapid decline of white cells, platelets and red cells. Immune deficiency and vulnerability to infection, PHOTO KEITH CULLOM in smoke detectors; and plutonium, which is a highly controlled commodity produced from uranium (239, 238U) in reactors, often contaminated with Americium and used in thermonuclear devices.4,10,11,15,20 Polonium was discovered in 1897 by Marie and Pierre Curie; Madame Curie named it after her native Poland. There are more than 20 isotopes of Po; 210Po, the most stable form, is an alpha-particle- (5.3 MeV) emitting radionuclide with a radiodecay half-life (t 1⁄2) of 138 days.4 Unlike other radioactive elements, 210Po is relatively safe to transport.4 However, if these high-energy particles are inhaled, ingested or inserted into abraded skins or wounds, they can damage tissue.10,11 As a poison 210Po is several orders of magnitude more toxic, on a milligram per milligram basis, than hydrogen cyanide. Estimates suggest one gram of 210Po could kill 50 million individuals and sicken another 50 million, and less than a microgram of Polonium could have caused Litvinenko’s death.4 (Note: The production of just 1 g of plutonium would require a nuclear reactor.) 210 Po is soluble in aqueous solution and forms simple salts (e.g., chloride) in dilute acids. Its effectiveness as a poison relies on its chemical characteristics only to the extent that they determine its distribution and retention in organs and tissues; the alpha particles do the damage. Ingested 210Po is more readily absorbed than some other alpha-emitting radionuclides. It is deposited predominantly in soft tissues, with the greatest concentrations in the reticuloendothelial system, principally the liver, spleen and bone marrow, as well as in the kidneys and skin, particularly hair follicles.22 Concentrations in circulating blood are also important, with activity being associated with erythrocytes as well as plasma proteins. Retention times differ among organs and perhaps between forms of polonium taken into the body, but whole-body retention typically has a half-time of about one to two months. It is eliminated primarily through the fecal route (after ingestion), with urine and dermal elimination constituting minor routes of excretion. Doses from 210Po are generally assumed to be delivered uniformly to the organs/tissues in which the radionuclide is retained,23 despite the short range of the alpha particles (5.3 MeV) of about 40–50 µm. Radiation at sufficiently high doses is lethal within days or weeks. Organs and tissues vary substantially in their sensitivity to damage by radiation. Particularly sensitive is the haemopoietic (blood-related) tissue of the bone marrow, followed by the epithelial lining of the alimentary tract. The dose to the stomach and other regions of the gut during the first day is estimated as about 0.04 Gy. Response vehicles should carry detectors that can detect small amounts of radiation and produce an audible alarm. hemorrhage and impaired wound healing occur unless treatment with reverse isolation, hematologic growth factor stimulation and aggressive symptomatic and supportive care are given. Reverse isolation should be considered until immunodeficiency resolves. Gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome: GI effects usually occur after exposures of 800–3,000 RAD, resulting from damage to the cells lining the small intestines. Fluid loss, hemorrhagic diarrhea, nausea and vomiting (often hematemesis) occur.11,15,24 The rapidity of GI symptom onset can mark the severity of exposure: The earlier such symptoms appear, the more likely it was a high-level radiological exposure. Such was the clinical course of Litvinenko. Given the interventions available, assume patients may be salvageable with aggressive fluid replacement, prevention of infection by bacterial transmigration and appropriate antidotes or decorporative countermeasures, such as chelation.25,26 Cerebrovascular or CNS effects occur with exposures of 3,000 RAD and are associated with death. Vomiting, diarrhea, Response Guide for Chemical & Radiologic Threats 21 confusion, convulsion and coma can occur within minutes.10,11,24 Neurological involvement is irreversible. Detection technology FYI There are different methods to assess 210Po, depending on the sample, urgency of results and sensitivity of tests. Generally increased precision takes time. In the UK, the Health Protection Agency testing took two to three days from receipt of the 24-hour sample. Urine and blood testing are beyond the scope of EMS, so other issues must be considered, such as having appropriate detectors and knowledge about their use. (See www. for a discussion of radiation detection equipment for first responders.) Not all Geiger counters are capable of detecting alpha particles;14 consultation with health physicists or the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) should facilitate procurement of appropriate equipment.10,11,13 Although many agencies have preparedness plans in place, few have been tested in terms of radiation. It’s also important to have such plans vetted by REAC/TS. Plans should include current and regularly updated recommendations on the use of an electronic personal dosimeter (EPD), dosimetry and detectors.27 For more information, call 865/576-3131 or 865/576-1005 (emergency number; ask for REAC/TS) or visit REAC/TS online at Clinical care of the radiation victim No health-care worker providing medical care to radiation injured or ill patients has ever received a significant dose of IR or been significantly contaminated with radiological materials in the history of the atomic age.10,13,15 Traumatic injuries usually take precedence over radiation in order of treatment urgency. Moreover, there are few currently available prehospital interventions that the paramedic can offer. Nevertheless, early diagnosis and the use of antidotes, chelation or colony-stimulating factors may confer a survival advantage. Forward deployable treatments are under development. Treatment for the radiation poisoned patient, such as colony-stimulating factors to increase blood cell counts and decorporative antidotes (chelators) to decrease the body burden, must be initiated early. Chelators are drugs used to bind to certain metal ions, thus enhancing body elimination. Currently available chelators include dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and N,N’-di (2-hydroxyethyl) ethylenediamine-N,N’-bisdithiocarbamate (HOEtTTC). These and other chelators demonstrate varying degrees of effectiveness in reducing body burden and toxicity.25,26 Under laboratory conditions, HOEtTTC appears to be superior to other options.25,26,28 But DMSA is the only oral chelating agent that is FDA-approved in the U.S. for human use as a heavy metal treatment (e.g., 22 for lead, oral and intravenous mercury). It has a longstanding safety record with adults and children. Studies indicate DMSA (i.e., Succimer) has the potential to treat certain radionuclide exposures including 210Po.25,26 Currently the Strategic National Stockpile contains the following medications for radiation exposure: DTPA (parenteral), KI (oral, but for 131I only), Prussian Blue (137Cs), antiemetics and blood cell colony stimulating agents. Discussion The Litvinenko case demonstrates our vulnerability to radiation threats.19 Although hindsight is always 20/20, we can learn key lessons from this case. The diagnosis delay underscores the need to consider radiation and exotic toxicants, especially in the context of a victim who has been involved in a dangerous occupation that might predispose the patient to increased risk. Radioactive materials are ubiquitous and available from medical, industrial, university, research and military sources. Often, these materials are in poorly secured locations, including classroom labs. They are daily transported nationwide. Widespread proliferation of nuclear materials worldwide increases the likelihood of a radiological event. Thus, experience with and training in enhanced resources/ equipment for such events will avoid delays in identification, and assist in risk assessment, remediation and early implementation of appropriate environmental, medical, psychological and public health countermeasures. Of all WMD categories, radiological agents and thermonuclear devices represent the ultimate lethal mass casualty, yet remain the most underemphasized and least prepared for.1,10-13,15-18,24,29,30 Almost half of hospitals lack a plan for nuclear terrorism.12 Even when plans exist, few have been practiced and such plans are not well known by health professionals, making them less than ideally placed to advise or protect their patients.24 Most first responders and general practitioners are uncertain about the health consequences of exposure to IR and the medical management of exposed patients.13,15,29,30 Conclusion Responding to a radiation incident requires advance planning and routine training. Be alert to possible contaminants, inhalation or contact. First responders represent the eyes and ears on the street for downstream health-care facilities and other responder agencies. Being attuned to global threats and radiation-related events, such as the Litvinenko case, can sensitize us to potential threats and increase our index of suspicion. Observing your surroundings carefully is always critical because terrorists often target emergency responders via secondary devices. Obtaining a detailed event history as well as travel and occupational history that characterizes the employment history well enough to unmask potential risks associated with victims’ work can shorten the time between symptom presentation and diagnosis. First responders must be able to rapidly identify a possible radiologic event, control public anxiety or outright panic and Response Guide for Chemical & Radiologic Threats protect themselves with appropriate PPE.1,13,15,16 Review your agency’s radiation plans or assist in the development of such a plan. Along with identifying the radiation resources/threats in your community, work with key stakeholders to reduce risk and elevate the potential for an appropriate response. One could argue that in surreptitious releases, the potential public health outcome rests on the clinical acumen of first responders and health-care professionals.1,12,29,30 ■ Robin B. McFee, DO, MPH, FACPM, is the medical director of Threat Science and also a toxicologist and professional education coordinator of the Long Island Regional Poison Information Center, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, N.Y. Contact her at [email protected]. Disclosure statement: Dr. McFee is on the national nerve agent advisory group for King Pharmaceutical, the parent company of Meridian Medical Technologies. Jerrold B. Leikin, MD, FACEP, FAACT, FACP, FACOEM, FACMT, is the director of medical toxicology, ENH/OMEGA, at Glenbrook Hospital in Glenview, Ill. Contact him via e-mail at [email protected]. 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