[ Nursery to 10th ] 2nd Pusta, Sonia Vihar, Delhi-94, E-Mail: [email protected] Helpline No.: 011-65458788 Website: www.eliteinternationalschool.org Holiday Home Work Session: 2015-16 CLASS : IV Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 Note : 1. Holiday Home work should be done in seperateseperate file. 2. Home Work should be Neat and Clean. Q.1 Q.2 ENGLISH Learn poems and then reciting together is always great fun. Learn these poems during your vacations. We will all recite the poems together when we meet in July 2015. Hurt No Living Thing Hurt no living thing; Ladybird, nor butterfly, Nor moth with dusty wing, Nor cricket chirping cheerily, Nor grasshopper so light of leap, Nor dancing girl, nor beetle fat, Nor harmless worms that creep. -Christina Rossetti ------------------------------------------------I Meant To Do My Work Today I meant to do my work today But a brown bird sang in the apple tree, And a butterfly flitted across the field, And all the leaves were calling me. And the wind went sighing over the land, Tossing the grasses to and fro, And a rainbow held out its shining hand So what could I do but laugh and go? -Richard Le Gallienne Have fun learning these tongue twisters during your holidays and organize tongue twister races with your friends and cousins. You must try and create at least two tongue twisters with help of your family members during your holidays and write them in your copy. Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 2 a. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. b. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds. Q.3 In the following sentences separate the subject and the predicate. a. The cow gives us milk. b. Smoking is injurious to health. c. A cobbler mends our shoes. d. Money is the root of all evil. e. Mohan and Rohan are brothers. Q.4 Make a chart of good habits. Q.5 Scramble these words. PPLEAS, TROYS, KYNOEM, ZAIZP, IIADN Q.6 Which directions (N, S, E, W) is shown by the hands of a clock at the following time. a. Midday b. Half past six c. A quarter to nine d. A quarter past three Q.7 Write ten points on the topic 'How I can help my Mother at Home?' Q.8 Collect ten pictures of Freedom Fighters and paste it in your copy. Q.9 Make sentences using the following words. Beautiful, Follwed, Excited, Shines, Behave Q.10 Learn and practice all the questions of L-1, L-2 of English Literature and L-1, L-2, L-3 of English Grammer. HINDI i z0 1 i qL r d ^ e k / qj h * e sa i k B & 1 l s3 r d d sn l & n l d f B u ' k C n f y [ k k sr F k k m u d s v F k Zf y [ k k sA i z0 2 i zk r % d k y d sc k j se sa , d N k sV h l h d f o r k c u k d j v i u h d k Wi h e sa f y f [ k , A i z0 3 l qH k k " k p U n zc k sl d sc k j se sa n l i af D r ; k af y [ k k sA i z0 4 ^ v k i l e sa e r y M +k s* d g k u h l sv k i d k sD ; k f ' k { k k f e y r h g S\ Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 3 i z0 5 f g U n h O ; k d j . k e sa i st u 0 7 5 ] 7 6 i j v u qP N sn f n , x , g Sa] m U g sa v i u h d k Wi h e sa f y f [ k , A i z0 6 n l l qy s[ k f y [ k k sA i z0 7 f g U n h i qL r d ^ e k / qj h * e sa i k B & 1 ] 2 d si z' u & m R r j ; k n d j k sr F k k d k Wi h e sa f y [ k k sA i z0 8 c k j g [ k M +h f y f [ k , A i z0 9 c qv k d k sN qf V ~V ; k sa e sa v k u sd sf y , i = k f y [ k k sA i z0 1 0 v k i d h x f e Z; k sa d h N qf V ~V ; k ad Sl h c h r h ] m l i j , d f u c a/ f y [ k k sA S. ST. Q.1 How many states and union territories in India? Q.2 Name the six major physical divisions of India? Q.3 How are dams and canals useful to us? Q.4 Paste any five historical monuments of Delhi? Q.5 How are plains different from mountains? Write a short note on it? Q.6 Write a short note on Unity in Diversity? Q.7 Why is the climate cold in mountains? Q.8 Find out the answers of the following questions. a. Who were the first people to climb Mount Everest? b. Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest? c. Which is the second highest mountain in the World? Q.9 Write the names of neighbouring countries of India? Q.10 Learn Question/Answer of L-1 to L-2 and write in your Holidays Homework copy or file. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 SCIENCE What are the two kinds of fabrics? Give two exmaples of each? Why do we need clothes? Make a table of different kinds of clothes we wear on different seasons and occasions? Riya's mother does not let her eat too many chocolates. Why do you think so? Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 4 Q.5 Name the four kinds of teeth in an adult's mouth along with their functions? Q.6 State any five healthy eating habits? Q.7 Name the organs that make up the digestive system? Q.8 Give two advantages and two disadvantages of cooked food. Q.9 Make a chart of process of digestion. or Different types of teeth & name them. Q.10 Define a. Food Preservation b. Balanced Diet Note - Learn full syllabus of FA-I for exams. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 G. K. Paste five picture of famous places in India and write about them. Make a list of ten good habits & paste their picture. Make a list of ten important days. Watch Animals Planet & Discovery Channel. Write about any two topics you seen on T.V. and write minimum ten lines about it. MATHS Start with the number given at the top of each table. Then follow through each step and write the answer. a. Begins with 30 b. Begins with 12 Double it Multiply by 4 Subtract 10 Double it Divide by 5 Divide by 4 Add 40 Half it Multiply by 6 Triple it Write counting 1 to 20 in Roman numerals with the help of match sticks in your holiday copy. Paste the pictures of Mathematicians. Make a chart from the given options a. Indian place value system b. International place value system Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 5 Q.5 Fill in the blanks using correct digits. 4 ... 1 0 6 3 ... 4 5 9 + 5 0 9 ... 4 ... 2 6 ... 4 ... 6 ... 8 ... + 1 3 ... 2 ... 72 58 4 Q.1 Q.6 Write the smallest and greatest 5 digits numbers using each of the following digits, repeating 3 twice a. 3, 4, 1, 9 b. 8, 5, 0, 3 c. 1, 3, 5, 0 d. 9, 3, 4, 5 Q.7 Write the answers in Roman numerals. a. C - X = ........ b. L+ X 1 = ........ c. XC + L = ........ d. XXX + V + VII = ........ e. L + X + III = ........ f. XX + (V-I) = ........ Q.8 Read the following numbers. Show these numbers on the Abacus. Colour it and write the number name. a. 46703 b. 92100 c. 84314 d. 10028 e. 33221 f. 12345 Q.9 Practice all the activities of L-1 and L-2 in your rough copy. Q.10 Solve the cross word. a b Q.2 c d e a. c. d. e. Across Successor of 12344 a. Multiply 8 by its of b. 1001+4041 Largest 5 digit number Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) Down C11 + L11 Greatest number formed by 5, 3, 2, 4 6 P.D. Translate the following sentences into English a. m l d h i j h { k k d c l sg S\ b. v k t e Sa d qN u g h ai < +l d k A c. i z' u c M +k v k l k u g SA d. e Sa t : j i k l g k st k m Q ¡x k A e. m l sd qN u g h av k r k & t k r k A f. b l d k v F k ZD ; k g S\ g. e aS v ax szt h c k sy u k t k u r h g w¡A h. r qe f d l L d wy e sa i < +r sg k s\ i. o g v ax szt h e sa v P N k g SA j. g e k j sL d wy e sa 1 0 e b Zl sN qf V ~V ; k ¡g k st k , ax h A k. g e k j h v k i l e sa c k sy p k y u g h ag SA l. g e k j k , d n wl j sd s? k j v k u k & t k u k u g h ag SA m. v k t r k sc M +h x e h Zg SA n. e Sa B aM l sf B B qj j g k g w¡A o. t k sj k sa d h o " k k Zg k sj g h g SA Write the meaning into Hindi of the following a. Of course! b. Well done! c. By God's grace! d. Excellent! e. Hurry up, please! f. May God bless you. g. How dare you! h. How sweet! i. Wow! j. Same to you. k. Really! l. Many happy returns of the day. m. Thank God! Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 7 n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. Beware. What a pity! What an idea! Sure! Touch wood. What a bother! What a pleasant surprise! Marvellous! What a shame! Congratulations! Never mind. Nothing else. Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 8 Holiday Home Work : 2015-16 (Class-IV) 9
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