Hello Everyone: Well here I am again, only this time will be a little bit

April 2015
Issue No. 12 - 15
A Fraternal Organization
Hello Everyone:
Well here I am again, only
this time will be a little bit
shorter. I am taking a short
term of three months and
sharing the ER position
with three other PER’s.
This was the only way that
the PER’s decided to be
able to keep the lodge open
for another year.
My installation will be on
April 12, 2015 which is a
Sunday afternoon from 2 -6
pm. There will be a buffet
dinner after the ceremony.
There will be a sign up
sheet posted at the lodge,
so please come out, enjoy
yourselves, and support the lodge and officers.
I hope that everyone had a good time at the
Easter party for the lodge children, which was
put together by Patti DeLuca with the help of the
EYES of the Wild and their animals.
I heard that everyone who attended the ST.
Patty dinner and dance performance had a great
time with a great meal. The music was good
along with the Curran Dance School.
I trust that the members who took part in the
Harvey Stout Memorial Shuffleboard
Tournament had a fun time! The tournament
ran on two different nights at the lodge with the
winner being crowned on the second night of
play. Congratulations to the winner!
Our Sixty First Year
Upcoming in the future is the
Auxiliary Installation of
Officers, Grand Lodge
Programs of Mother’s Day,
Flag and Father’s Day
ceremonies and dinners. The
boy scouts will perform the
with The lodge officers for the
Flag Day program. I will be
putting out sign up sheets for
Mother’s Day and Flag Day
/Father’s Day with the dates
and time.
I understand that there has
been a booking meeting by
the Trustee’s and the booking
agent; this is a good start in
assigning the upcoming
affairs. Now back to the same
old problem that we have had
in the past with getting crews to do Friday Night
Dinner because I am sure that the Trautman/
Bodnar crew is not going to do every single
dinner. I have heard that there are people who
want to help with FND but until we get some
crews, we have help but no crews.
As I have said, in the past, this is your lodge and
it is what you make it. So be proud, step up, and
make the lodge one of the best in the district.
Barry Sheppard
Exalted Ruler 1928
Officers of Lodge No. 1928
2014 – 2015
EXALTED RULER.........Barry L Sheppard ........782-3307
EST. LEAD. KNIGHT ....Rick Decker.................806-8279
EST. LOYAL KNIGHT ...Jeffrey Allegar .............237-2856
EST. LECT. KNIGHT ....Erik Anderson..............439-2532
TREASURER ................George Upton, PER ....788-5963
SECRETARY ................Michael A. Sarno, PER310-4945
TILER ............................Vincent LaSpada.........236-9098
INNER GUARD .............J. D. Harvis, PER ........337-2271
CHAPLAIN ....................Mauro Fanelli, PER .....735-5460
ESQUIRE ......................Ken Whalen, PER .......730-0400
TRUSTEE-1 YEAR ....... ...................... To Be Deternined
TRUSTEE-2 YEAR .......Robert Rowe ...............296-1738
TRUSTEE-3 YEAR .......Joel Wolff ....................782-7095
TRUSTEE-4 YEAR ....... ..................... To Be Determined
TRUSTEE-5 YEAR ....... ..................... To Be Determined
Monthly Meetings
Lodge: September – June 2nd & 4th Wednesday – 8:00 PM
July & August – 2nd Wednesday – 8:00 PM
Auxiliary: September – June – 2nd Tuesday, 7:15 PM
2014 - 2015 ELK YEAR
Richard D. Goodell Jr. 6/6/14
Grenelle “Slim” Storr
Gerald P. Kutsop
Paul R. Kuhl Sr.
Joseph Klecynski
Ted Kovi
John Cunningham 1/18/15
Arno Muench
Grill Room Hours
Monday - Thursday 4 - 11 pm
Friday - 4 pm - 1 am
Saturday - 12 pm - 12 am
Sunday - 1 pm - 7 pm
1st and 3rd Fridays are Pasta Nights –
6 pm – 7:30 pm $8.00
Committee Chairpersons
Americanism ................. Bruce Totten, PDD ..... 806-8151
Auditing ......................... Daniel E. Knee, PER . 782-0335
Better Parades.............. J.D Harvis, PER.......... 337-2271
Community Activities .... ...................... To Be Announced
Drug Awareness ........... ...................... To Be Announced
Dishwasher ................... Bruce Tomb ................ 612-3096
...................................... Randy Sornberger ...... 328-3432
Elks Tale Editor............. Lisa Alexander, PP ..... 581-2576
Friday Night Dinner....... ...................... To Be Announced
Government Relations .. Erik Anderson ............. 439-2532
Hoop/Soccer Shoot....... ...................... To Be Announced
House Committee ......... Randy Kerr, PER ........ 328-4091
Indoctrination ................ Jeffrey Allegar............. 237-2856
Internet Coordinator...... Lisa Alexander, PP ..... 581-2576
Investigation.................. Jeffrey Allegar............. 237-2856
Lapsation ...................... Michael A. Sarno, PER310-4945
Legal Advisor ................ Daniel E. Knee, PER .. 782-0335
Lodge Accountant......... .......................To be Announced
Lodge Activities............. Rick Decker ................ 806-8279
Mediator ........................ Lee Trautman, PDD.... 996-6724
Membership .................. Michael A. Sarno, PER310-4945
National Foundation...... ...................... To Be Announced
National Service............ Mauro Fanelli, PER .... 735-5460
Pasta Night ................... Patti DeLuca, PP ........ 528-7328
PER Association ........... Lee Trautman, PDD..........996-6724
Presiding Justice........... Daniel E. Knee, PER .. 782-0335
Public Relations ............ Mauro Fanelli, PER .... 735-5460
Recreation .................... ...................... To Be Announced
Ritual Coach ................. Peter Naccarato, PER 788-0276
Safety Officer ................ Joel Wolff .................... 782-7095
Scholarship ................... Jeff Anderson.............. 439-2532
Sickness and Distress .. Rick Decker ................ 806-8279
Social/Comm. Welfare .. ...................... To Be Announced
Special Needs Children David B,. Miller............ 797-6434
Visiting .......................... Lee Trautman, PDD.... 996-6724
Youth Activities ............. George VanWhy,PER. 788-7832
Elk of the Year:
Lee Trautman, PDD
Citizen of the Year:
Joan Fasanello
Officers of the Auxiliary
2014 – 2015
PRESIDENT ................. Patti DeLuca, PP ........ 528-7328
VICE PRESIDENT........ Pat Trautman, PP ....... 996-6724
TREASURER................ Suzanne Lucas, PP .... 782-5037
SECRETARY................ Kathy Nemec .............. 782-7273
TRUSTEE ..................... Joan Purdy, PP........... 369-4841
Submission deadline is the 10th of the month.
Submissions received after noon on the 10th will
not be used. Please submit articles and
advertisements as early as possible. Articles,
ads and other information to be published can be
sent to [email protected] or left in the
Elks Tale mailbox at the lodge. If you leave
something in the mailbox, please call Lisa at 908581-2576 so that it can be picked up.
Please Call
908 -788-8203
Please be sure all bookings for both
inside the lodge building and outside
the building go through the booking
Somerset Children’s Center
Board of Directors
Joel Wolff – Secretary
Barry Sheppard - Member
Friday Night Dinner
6:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
Funeral Services
A reminder to all members and their
families: Should a member pass away, the
Officers will perform the funeral service at
the family’s request. Please contact the
Exalted Ruler for arrangements.
Friday Night Dinners will be served every
Friday night, depending upon volunteers to
cook and serve the meals.
Please volunteer to support this event!
Contact Exalted Ruler Barry Sheppard if you
are interested in helping with Friday Night
Dinners. We need more volunteers in order to
keep this function going! Please consider
helping out…
Menus are posted on our website weekly at
Please visit the Flemington Elks lodge
website at www.elks1928.com for
more information on upcoming events,
lodge happenings, pictures from lodge
functions, and general lodge information.
National Foundation
For pledges, contact
ER Barry Sheppard
Identification Statement
Publication Title:
Statement of Frequency:
Elks Tale
Published Monthly
Authorized Organization:
Flemington Elks Lodge No. 1928
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Of the United States of America
165 Route 31
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Web Address:
Past Exalted Rulers
Here we are at the end of another
ELK year already!!! Thank you to
Exalted Ruler Barry for a successful
2014-2015. As much as we have
pleaded with our membership, we still
don't have anyone stepping up to be Exalted
Ruler for 2015-2016. We do have a couple of
prospective candidates for other chairs, which
is encouraging.
We will once again rely on our PER'S to take
the position of Exalted Ruler for 2015-2016,
unless someone steps up in the mean time.
The Exalted Rulers chair will be shared in four
quarters by 1st Qtr-Barry Sheppard, PER, 2nd
Qtr-Richard Lavagno, DD, 3rd Qtr-Randy Kerr,
PER and 4th Qtr-Lee Trautman, PDD, Thank
You to those PER'S for once again coming
forward to fill the Exalted Rulers chair.
was. We have been a great lodge for 65 years
and we would hate to
see all of those years and all of the charitable
works that we have done in those years be
wasted by not being able to fill our officers
This is your lodge, please get involved, even if
it is not being a chair officer, get involved in
one of our committees!!! Come out to our
meetings (2nd and 4th Wed of the month at
8:00PM) voice your opinions on what is going
on in the lodge.
We are looking forward to 2015-2016 for
another successful year for Flemington Elks
#1928, please come out and be part of that
Lee Trautman, PDD
PER Association President
The PER Association will be starting a search
committee to talk to prospective members to
see if they would be interested in working their
way up through the chairs, this will be done by
personal contact since putting articles in the
Elks Tale didn't seem effective. If you are
contacted by the search committee, please
give them the courtesy of at least listening to
them and possibly give them a solid reason
why you would not be interested in taking a
chair, if you feel you cannot fill one of the
To our members,
Let’s hope the extreme winter is
finally coming to an end and we may
look for warmer days and nights to
come out and participate in the
growth of our dedicated lodge. With your help
and ideas there is no end to what we can
accomplish. Your trustees will be presenting
new committee and catering contracts and
audit forms. The new forms will be the only
ones accepted and approved by the trustees.
We want this lodge to get back to being the
active, fun and charitable lodge that it once
Now that we have a full complement of five
trustees, we are extremely confident that we
can build a stronger lodge.
For your
information, we will be holding booking and
contract meetings two times a month, on the
second and fourth Wednesdays of each month
from 7PM to 7:45 PM prior to our regular lodge
meetings. Please come out and consider
taking on a booking to support your favorite
charity or our lodge. We will provide all the
support you may need. Who knows, you may
even find it fun as well as very rewarding.
Please come out and help us build a stronger
Your trustees
You may reach any one of us at the following
numbers. Bob Rowe, cell 908-296-1738; Joel
Wolff, cell 908-797-5656; Joe Eggert, cell 908303-0878
Wow! That old saying "Time flies
when your having fun" sure is true.
Here it is April already and it's time
to welcome in a new slate of
officers. A big Thank You! goes out to the
ladies who will be stepping up to the plate and
especially Pat Trautman for going it a second
round as President. The ladies will be installed
at our April 14th meeting and I don't know what
Pat has planned but I'm sure it will be a lovely
affair. Note cards will be sent out to remind
everyone and to get the RSVP's.
Ladies if you would like to join us but are
unable to get there please let us know. There a
plenty of ladies who would be happy to pick
you up. Just give me a call 908-528-7328 and
we will set it up.
So as this is my last Elks Tale letter I want to
say Thank You to everyone who has helped
me during the year. There have been ups &
downs but we did it and that deserves a big pat
on the back!
Patti DeLuca, PP
Auxiliary President
Army of Hope
I am forgoing the normal Army of
Hope article to THANK the
following members for stepping
charitable work throughout the
community, district and state
solvent. PER Barry Sheppard, PDD Rich
Lavagno, PER Randy Kerr and PDD Lee
Trautman will take the role of Exalted Ruler
through the 2015-2016 Elk year. Now we need
you, the member, to join in the rebuilding of the
Flemington Elks. We seem to be unable to find
willing members to commit to becoming Chair
Officers (Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights)
and to eventually become the Exalted Ruler.
Where are you hiding? You joined the Elks
and this Lodge to continue our charitable work,
but I don’t seem to see a lot of new faces
taking charge or at least getting involved.
What happened to all that enthusiasm that was
spoken the night you were initiated into the
lodge and introduced yourselves to the
attending members? We need responsible
members to keep us moving in the right
direction and maintain continuity in lodge
leadership. I hope that you will become that
Our second issue is that we have lost too many
of our working members through retirement
relocation and death and we are in desperate
need to replace them, their work ethic, and
Things that may help:
Booking meetings that lodge committees
can help raise money for themselves
and the lodge. (Trustees running
booking meeting 3/11/15)
Mentoring program to assist new and older
members in working in the kitchen,
dining room and grill room during
functions to help raise money for the
lodge and charitable committees. lodge
cannot survive on room rentals alone.
General meeting involving lodge and
auxiliary members to talk of ways to
improve the lodge and institute more
family friendly activities to increase
member attendance.
If anyone has ideas to better the lodge and
member attendance, please contact an Officer
of the lodge. They will welcome all positive
This lodge will survive and thrive because we,
as members, are not quitters. We will rally to
become better for our children, both healthy
and special needs, our veterans, troops, their
families and all the other charitable programs
that we offer and support. WE CAN DO IT
Bruce R. Totten - PDD
Army of Hope Chairman and
concerned member
the district chairman were sent on for
consideration at the State level. I will keep you
informed as to their progress.
Let’s keep OLD GLORY flying high and proud
to show our thanks to those that served, fought
and died to preserve and protect the very
Freedoms that TOO MANY take for granted.
Bruce R. Totten – PDD
Americanism Chairman
The Flemington Elks have had a
FYI…Students at UC Irvine have
voted for a more “inclusive space”
by banning the American flag on
part of the campus. A portion of the
resolution reads: “Flags construct
homogenized standards for others to obtain
which in this country typically are idolized as
freedom, equality and democracy.”
Under resolution R50-70 passed Thursday,
the Associated Students of UCI voted to
remove all flags, including Old Glory, from a
student government work room on campus,
according to the Associated Students. The
vote was 6 in favor, 4 against and 2 abstaining.
“overwhelmingly” negative as to the decision of
the associated students including a message
from the student council’s president and many
alumni that have served in the military. How
does anyone in good conscious vote for such
an asinine proposal and how in the world could
you abstain? Maybe those that were in favor
or abstained should have any federal funded
loans revoked since it is only imperialistically
gained money…just sayin’….
On a happy note…two of the student
Americanism essays that I received and sent to
long and excellent tradition of
joining with other similar local
organizations to provide community
support to honor and give recognition for
academic achievement to graduating Seniors
from Hunterdon Central and Delaware Valley
High Schools. Our lodge scholarship
committee has been dedicated to continuing
that tradition. We offer two $500.00
scholarships. However, our primary revenue
source is the 50/50 at Friday night dinners.
Dinners have been few and far between,
therefore we have a major shortfall this year.
Would you be willing to help close the
scholarship shortfall? Please send a donation
to the Flemington Elks Scholarship c/o the
Lodge Secretary. Your help will be greatly
Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Scholarship Chairman
Due to inclement weather on
March 5, Bingo was cancelled.
Life Membership Election
Thank you to everyone who volunteers and
supports Bingo each month.
At the regular Lodge session of February 25,
2015, Member #1584, Michael F. McClernon
residing at 1283 S. Indies Circle, Venice, FL
34285-6320 has requested Life Membership in
Flemington Lodge. Under Grand Lodge Statue
14.260 and the Flemington Lodge By Laws,
Article 111, Sec. 2, this member has meet the
necessary requirements.
I anticipate the next few Bingo dates will be
April 2nd, May 7th and June 4th.
At the regular Lodge session of April 29, 2015, a
secret ballot will be taken concerning this matter
Best Wishes and Good Luck to the 2015-2016
Lodge and Auxiliary Officers.
Michael A. Sarno, Secretary
As this Elk year draws to a close,
I’d like to report that since its inception, Bingo
has raised almost $20,000.00 for Special
Needs Children.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eileen Decker, PP
Auxiliary Bingo Chairman
Shuffleboard News
The first Harvey Stout Memorial
Shuffleboard Tournament was
held on March 7 and 14 in the
Grill Room. A great crowd of
players and spectators enjoyed
food and fellowship while we shared pictures
and stories of Harvey. The friendly competition
was a welcome activity during the cold winter.
Money raised during the event will benefit ENF
and the lodge. Thanks to all who supported
the memory of Harvey. Special thanks to PER
Randy Kerr for his bartending skills. The
winning team was presented with a plaque on
March 14th. Due to the Elks Tale deadline, we
will announce the winners in the next edition.
DD Rich and Eileen Lavagno
------------------------------------------------------------To the right are a couple of pictures of the
Shuffleboard action during the tournament…
Exalted Ruler Elect
Barry L. Sheppard
Invites you to celebrate the installation of officers for
Flemington Lodge No. 1928
On Sunday, April twelfth two thousand fifteen
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Buffet dinner following ceremony
Flemington Lodge No. 1928
Rt. 31
Flemington, New Jersey
RSVP - e-mail: [email protected] or
sign up at lodge
Barry L. Sheppard
Join us in
New York City
to see
Sunday, May 17, 2015
 Bus leaves the lodge at 10:30 AM
 Show starts at 3:00PM
 Bus leaves NYC immediately after show at approx.
Aladdin takes place at the New Amsterdam Theatre
Tickets are $137.50 per person and include
your bus ride into the city and gratuity for
the driver!
Please contact Lisa Alexander at 908-581-2576 or
[email protected] to sign up for the show.
Tickets are available to anyone who is interested
on a first come, first serve basis.
April 2015
Jeffrey Allegar
Charles Miller
Matteo Sebastiano
Stephen Maksymovich Jr.
Robert C. Evans
Joseph F. Kleczynski
Eric Trautman
Paul Graczyk
George Blackwell
Bruce A. Tomb
Jerry Papariello
Kurt Goldman
Benjamin Vieytes Jr.
George J. Walker
Bruce Bailey
Albert P. Ries
Felix Rossi
Bruce R. Totten
Herbert B. Moore
Arthur Brannick
Bruce Conover
Francis Feola
Linda Cozze
Edward J. Jamison III
John Kalmback
Francis X. Brown Jr.
William Maksymovich
Thomas Teubert
Michael J. Eannone
Raymond S. DeMarco
Robert E. Rowe
William F. Fischer
Change of Address or Phone No.? Not receiving your Elks Tale? Clip and send new info to:
Barry Sheppard
C/0 Flemington Elks Lodge No. 1928
P.O. Box 261
Flemington, NJ 08822 (or drop it in the Secretary’s box at the Lodge)
Phone: 782-3307
Going south for the winter? Send your winter address to Barry Sheppard, let him know when you plan
to leave and return, and we will see that your Elks Tale follows you there.
Name ________________________________________________________
Street ________________________________________________________
City, Town, Zip Code __________________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________________________
E-Mail Address:
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
4/2/15 – BINGO
4/12/15 – lodge Installation
4/26/15 – lodge Breakfast
Remember – Lodge meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
Friday Night Dinners are every Friday providing there is a volunteer crew to cook.
Breakfasts are the last Sunday of every month, except for July, August, & December
Auxiliary meetings are the second Tuesday of the month, except for July and August
BINGO to benefit Special Needs Children is the first Thursday of every month
Flemington Elks Lodge No. 1928
165 Routes 31 South, P.O. Box 261
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Address Service Requested