Everything Vol. 90, No. 4 Emanuel March/April 2015 • Adar/Nisan/Iyyar 5775 FROM THE RABBI You Are Cordially Invited To Attend a Family Friendly Seder: A Meal with Purpose, Spiritual Supplements — Wiring Ourselves for Freedom Bon Voyage Celebration for M atzah and Maror come at the start of the Passover feast. They provide a curious appetizer: the sharp and bitter and the simple and crisp. What an odd way to stimulate the appetite! The maror serves an important purpose: to clear the spiritual palate. When Moses came to the Israelite community to announce their upcoming rescue from freedom, they did not listen to him, the Torah explains, from “shortness of breath and hard labor.” The term Kotzer Ruah which means “shortness of breath” can also be read as “stunted spirit.” The Israelites, so long accustomed to living as slaves, had lost the ability to sense the possibility of freedom, to even imagine what it might be like, to aspire for anything else than abject survival. Researchers studying recovering crack cocaine addicts noted that the victims, over time, suffered the closing of the neural pathways that communicate any pleasure, food, touch, anything but the charge of pleasure from the drug. Not only did they experience the overwhelming intensity of the drug, their brains had shut down all other avenues to experience joy or pleasure. But, when some subjects stopped using, and began the path to recovery, they slowly regained the ability to sense other sources of pleasure. Atrophied neural pathways reopened. Senses were recovered. (continued on page 3) Judith Touger Fox Director of Education, The Emanuel Synagogue As She Cruises Into Retirement Sunday, May 3, 2015 4:00 p.m. All On Board Hors D’oeuvres Farewell Presentation Children’s Entertainment Judaica Book Fair and Desserts Galore The Emanuel Synagogue Inside This Issue… Community of Prayer................................................. 2 Community of Learning.......................................... 10 Community of Caring.............................................. 12 Sisterhood................................................................. 14 Community of Action.............................................. 16 Brotherhood............................................................. 17 Donations................................................................. 19 Service Times/Calendar of Events.....................23-24 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Attire ~ Casual Cruise Wear RSVP by April 17. 2015 Please see RSVP information attached or visit www.emanuelsynagogue.org See page 7 for registration form www.emanuelsynagogue.org Community of PARTICIPATORY PRAYER / Tefilah PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: The View From Above… by Ira Henowitz T here is much discussion of the merits of having leaders go up to the “balcony space” on a regular basis to gain perspective by viewing activities and events from a different, more removed vantage point. This concept inspires leaders to take a fresh look at a situation and look creatively and honestly at the whole scenario or organization so that a realistic assessment can be made. This very idea encouraged me to check out the “view from above” recently to better assess and reflect on much of what is happening at our Emanuel. I’m delighted to share some highlights of what I am seeing: v Our Synagogue community is buzzing with energy and life. Our lay and professional leaders are involved in the sacred work of The Emanuel’s mission. It is a mission to connect our members to each other and to G-d by engaging in the important acts of loving kindness (Hesed), life-long learning (Talmud Torah), participatory prayer (T’filah), repairing the world (Tikkun Olam) and love for the people and state of Israel (Ahavat Yisrael). v We are focused on building meaningful relationships with each other and with our larger community. We recognize that we need to transform the model of a twentieth century synagogue into a twenty-first century covenantal & relational community offering participants and members of all ages meaning and purpose, belonging and blessing. We are working hard at doing that through a variety of entry points, face- to-face community building and organizing efforts, intriguing programming, learning opportunities and participatory prayer. v Our Board of Trustees is engaged in important leadership development, with outstanding guidance in particular from Aimee Close with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and our very own Regina Miller. The leadership training is empowering us to envision our bright future and develop a leadership and vision plan with necessary accountability, delegation and implementation. Recognizing that it is vital for our congregation to evolve, our governing body is working diligently at addressing our Everything Emanuel The Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 congregation’s challenges and striving to work strategically on important goals and objectives that will build on The Emanuel’s rich ninety-six year history in order to thrive for the next ninety-six years. v An increasing number of Emanuel members and prospective members are coming through our open doors to experience our multi-generational, purpose driven, mission focused Jewish community that strives to be authentic, inclusive and meaningful. A growing number of Metro Hartford Jews are coming together under the proud banner of The Emanuel Synagogue to collaborate and communicate with each other as we continue to (continued on page 3) Everything Emanuel (USPS 174-820) is published bi-monthly by The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hartford, CT. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Everything Emanuel, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Business Office ..................................(860) 236-1275 Business Office Fax ............................(860) 231-8890 School Office .....................................(860) 233-2774 Internet Address:.......... www.emanuelsynagogue.org OFFICERS AND STAFF EMAIL VOICE MAIL EXT. Ira Henowitz.................................. President...... [email protected] David J. Small......................................Rabbi...... [email protected]..... 115 Philip Lazowski...................Rabbi Emeritus...... [email protected] Gerald B. Zelermyer............Rabbi Emeritus Moshe Pinchover................. Ritual Director...... [email protected].......... 117 Sanford Cohn....................................Cantor...... [email protected].... 114 Judith T. Fox..................Education Director...... [email protected]......... 122 Myra Emrick........Synagogue Administrator...... [email protected].............. 112 Tahisha Durham.................Rabbi’s Assistant...... [email protected]........... 110 The Emanuel Synagogue is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. 2 NOTES FROM THE CANTOR oon after I arrived here at The Emanuel over 15 years ago, Joan Glazier, who was at that time on the voice faculty of the Hartt School, University of Hartford, asked me to be the cantorial coach for the new Pre-Cantorial Major that she helped designed. Intended to more fully prepare potential candidates for post-graduate cantorial schools, it was to be a sort of double major in Voice and Judaic Studies through the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies and the Hartt School. As adjunct faculty in this program, I have had the privilege of imparting my experience and expertise in syn- agogue music and cantorial style to a select few students enrolled in this program. Unfortunately, two years ago, the University voted to cut the major, mainly for budgetary reasons. But before they did, they had accepted an exceptional young man into the program that I now have the good fortune to coach. Jacob “Jake” Greenberg, a native of the Baltimore area, is a junior in the Pre-Cantorial program. As part of his requirements, Jake is planning to lead a Friday evening service at The Emanuel on Friday evening, April 17, at 6:00 p.m. During the service, Jake will be blending many of the traditional sing-along melodies that our regulars have grown so accustomed to with some beautiful hazzanic renderings of the nusah for Friday evening. Jake has a rich and powerful bass-baritone voice that interprets our t’filot exquisitely. Please come and give Jake a warm Emanuel welcome and enjoy a very special Friday evening service. President’s Message, continued From the Rabbi, continued build a thriving, contemporary center of Jewish life. In order to become free, the House of Israel needed not only to remove themselves form the crushing environment of Egypt and slavery, but they had to recover their sense of freedom, dignity, hope and possibility. They needed to whet their appetite for freedom. The bitter herb serves to cleanse the palate, clear the sinuses and prepare the way for sensations associated with free men and women: the matzah, the wine, the Pesach offering and the greens of spring. These freedom foods act as supplements to stimulate our beings, to open us to new possibilities, to engage our faith in redemptive change and renewal in our personal lives and in the wider world. When we eat these foods at the Seder in sequence, we are not merely reenacting a scene from our past; we are preparing our own spirits to open the pathways of freedom. We open our neural pathways, wiring ourselves for Freedom. This year, when you eat by Hazzan Sanford Cohn S In summary, the view from our “balcony space” is encouraging despite contemporary challenges we and the vast majority of American Jewish congregations face. As we experience the festive times of Purim and Passover, may we continue to come together and transform ourselves from a collection of precious individuals into a compelling, caring & inspiring sacred community. Yes, as a kehilla kedosha in which we create a very real and profound sense of purpose and meaning in our lives and in which we can experience the presence of G-d in each of us. I conclude by wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Purim & Passover! 3 On February 6-8 we enjoyed a very special weekend with Pizmon, the co-ed a cappella ensemble from Columbia University, Barnard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary. All who attended any of the events — the Shabbat evening service and dinner, the Shabbat morning service, the Saturday night concert, or the Sunday morning program with JTAwakenings — agree that, not only is a group of musically talented students, but absolutely delightful young Jewish men and women. Each one has a knack for engaging young and old alike in their special brand of Jewish music, and each one was a pleasure to be with. We thank the Fishman Family Fund for providing the necessary financial support, Michalee Merritt and her super committee of volunteers, and the host families who housed and fed the group. And, of course, a huge Todah Rabah to Synagogue Administrator for overseeing so many details for the entire weekend. Kol HaKavod to all! the bitter herb, crunch the matzah, drink the wine, try to absorb the immediate sensory information; envision the intake of these items as stimulants to spiritual growth and energy. A world groaning with broken-ness is waiting for our redemptive contributions. The Seder night we awaken to a new sense of possibility, we prepare ourselves to leave the narrows and find our way to freedom, dignity and hope. Hag Pesach Samayach! — David J. Small Mazel Tov! Congratulations to… Jeff and Gail Adler on the birth of their granddaughter Layla Grace Morabito Laura Berlin and Fred Gladstone on the marriage of their son Michael to Shira Lahav Preparing for Pesach: Helpful Guidelines fruit juices with no additives; frozen (uncooked) vegetables (for legumes see above); milk; butter; cottage cheese; cream cheese; ripened cheeses such as cheddar (hard), muenster (semi-soft) and Camembert (soft); frozen (uncooked) fruit (with no additives); baking soda. The Torah prohibits the ownership of hametz (leaven) during Pesah. Therefore, we arrange for the sale of the hametz to a non-Jew. The transfer, mekhirat hametz, is accomplished by appointing an agent, usually the rabbi, to handle the sale. It is valid and legal transfer of ownership. At the end of the holiday, the agent arranges for the reversion of ownership of the now-permitted hametz. If ownership of the hametz was not transferred before the holiday, the use of this hametz is prohibited after the holiday as well (hametz she-avar alav ha-Pesah). Since the Torah prohibits the eating of hametz during Pesah, and since many common foods contain some admixture of hametz, guidance is necessary when shopping and preparing for Pesah. During the eight days of Pesah, hametz cannot lose its identity in an admixture. Therefore, the minutest amount of hametz renders the whole admixture hametz and its use on Pesah is prohibited. However, during the rest of the year, hametz follows the normal rules of admixture, i.e., it loses its identity in an admixture of one part hametz and sixty parts of non-hametz (batel be-shishim). This affords us the opportunity to differentiate between foods purchased before and during Pesah. What follows is a general guideline. However, your rabbi should be consulted when any doubt arises. Kosher le-Pesah labels that do not bear the name of a rabbi or one of the recognized symbols of rabbinic supervision, or which are not integral to the package, should not be used without consulting your rabbi. B. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or during Pesah: Fresh fruits and vegetables (for legumes see above), eggs, fresh fish and fresh meat. C. The following foods require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased before or during Pesah: All baked products (matzah, cakes, matzah flour, farfel, matzah meal, and any products containing matzah); canned or bottled fruit juices (These juices are often clarified with kitniyot which are not listed among the ingredients. However, if one knows there are no such agents, the juice may be purchased prior to Pesah without a kosher le-Pesah label; canned tuna (since tuna, even when packed in water, has often been processed in vegetable broth and/or hydrolyzed protein-however, if it is known that the tuna is packed exclusively in water, without any additional ingredients or additives, it may be purchased without a kosher le-Pesah label); wine; vinegar; liquor; oils; dried fruits; candy; chocolate flavored milk; ice cream; yogurt and soda. D. The following processed foods (canned, bottled or frozen), require a kosher le-Pesah label if purchased during Pesah: milk, butter, juices, vegetables, fruit, milk products, spices, coffee, tea, and fish, as well as all foods listed in Category C. PROHIBITED FOODS Prohibited foods include the following: leavened bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, coffees containing cereal derivatives, wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye, and all liquids containing ingredients or flavors made from grain alcohol. Most Ashkenazic authorities have added the following foods (kitniyot) to the above list: rice, corn, millet, legumes (beans and peas; however, string beans are permitted). The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has ruled unanimously that peanuts and peanut oil are permissible. Some Ashkenazic authorities permit, while others forbid, the use of legumes in a form other than their natural state, for example, corn sweeteners, corn oil, soy oil. Sephardic authorities permit the use of all of the above. Consult your rabbi for guidance in the use of these products. DETERGENTS: If permitted during the year, powdered and liquid detergents do not require a kosher le-Pesah label. MEDICINE: Since hametz binders are used in many pills, the following guidelines should be followed: If the medicine is required for life sustaining therapy, it may be used on Pesah. If it is not for life sustaining therapy, some authorities permit, while others prohibit. Consult your rabbi. In all cases, capsules are preferable to pills. DISHES AND UTENSILS Kashering of Utensils: The process of kashering utensils depends on how the utensils are used. According to halakhah, leaven can be purged from a utensil by the same process in which it was absorbed in the utensil (ke-voleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils used in cooking are kashered by boiling, those used in broiling are kashered by fire and heat, and those used only for cold food are kashered by rinsing. PERMITTED FOODS A. The following foods require no kosher le-Pesah label if purchased prior to Pesah: unopened packages or containers of natural coffee without cereal additives (However, be aware that coffees produced by General Foods are not kosher for Passover unless marked KP); sugar, pure tea (not herbal tea); salt (not iodized); pepper; natural spices; frozen 4 D. Glassware: Authorities disagree as to the method for kashering drinking utensils. One opinion requires soaking in water for three days, changing the water every 24 hours. The other opinions requires only a thorough scrubbing before Pesach, or putting them through a dishwasher. E. Dishwasher: After not using the machine for a period of 24 hours, a full cycle with detergent should be run. F. Electrical Appliances: If the parts that come into contact with hametz are removable, they can be kashered in the appropriate way (if metal, follow the rules for metal utensils). If the parts are not removable, the appliance cannot be kashered. (All exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned.) G. Tables, Closets and Counters: If used with hametz, they should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, and then they may be used. H.Kitchen Sink: A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning and then pouring boiling water over it. A porcelain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin must be used. I. Hametz and Non-Passover Utensils: Non-Passover dishes, pots and hametz whose ownership has been transferred, should be separated, locked up or covered, and marked in order to prevent accidental use. A. Earthenware (china, pottery, etc.) may not be kashered. However, fine translucent chinaware which has not been used for over a year may be used if scoured and cleaned in hot water. B. Metal (wholly made of metal) Utensils Used in Fire (spit, broiler) must first be thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed and then made as hot as possible. Those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned and completely immersed in boiling water. Pots should have water boiled in them which will overflow the rim. The utensils should not be used for a period of at least 24 hours between cleaning and the immersions of boiling water. Metal baking utensils cannot be kashered. C. Ovens and Ranges: Every part that comes in contact with food must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. Then, oven and range should be heated as hot as possible for a half hour. If there is a broil setting, use it. Self-cleaning ovens should be scrubbed and cleaned and then put through the self-cleaning cycle. Continuous ovens must be kashered the same way as regular ovens. Microwave Ovens, which do not cook the food by means of heat, should be cleaned, and then a cup of water should be placed inside. Then the oven should be turned on until the water disappears. A microwave oven that has a browning element cannot be kashered for Pesach. Selling Hametz The Torah instructs that in observing Pesach all leaven must be removed from one’s home or destroyed. To protect against excessive waste and financial hardship, the Rabbis permit the individual to sell hametz to a non-Jew until Passover is complete. It is traditional at that time to make a contribution to the Maot Hittim, the Passover Fund, which helps needy Jews purchase the necessities to celebrate Pesach and helps other hungry and disadvantaged people. The transfer of agency to Rabbi David J. Small may be done in person, but if this is impossible, please mail or bring in the following declaration to The Emanuel Synagogue office by Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Selling Hametz Declaration/Passover Fund Contribution I, , empower and permit Rabbi David J. Small to act in my stead and in my behalf to sell all hametz (leaven) possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, and to lease all places wherein the above products may be found, especially at the premises located at . To this I affix my signature on this day. SignatureDate Enclosed is $ for the Emanuel Passover Fund. cash Thank you for supporting our efforts to feed the hungry! 5 check. 6 Celebrating Judith Fox on her Retirement Sunday, May 3, 2015, 4:00 PM Kindly Reply by April 17, 2015 NAME(S) ______________________________________________________________________ o Yes, I/We are on board o Yes, I/We are on board and would like to be included in the tribute book o No, I/We are stuck on shore however would like to be in the tribute book Tickets to Board o Cruise Director* $180.00 #__________tickets o Activities Director* $100.00 #__________tickets o Concierge” $ 72.00 #__________tickets o Adult $ 36.00 #__________tickets o Children 13-18 $ 18.00 #__________tickets o Children under 13 $ 12.00 #__________tickets o Family Cap $ 85.00 #__________adults #__________children * Sponsorship levels include name listed in the Tribute Book Tribute Book Opportunities (We encourage you to include stories but we may need to edit them for space.) o Full page b/w (4.75” w x 8” h) $360.00 o Half page b/w (4.75” w x 3.75” h) $180.00 o Quarter page b/w (4.5” w x 2” h) $ 96.00 o Eighth page $ 54.00 b/w (2.25” w x 2” h) o Bon Voyage and Mazal Tov, name only $ 18.00 Tribute copy due by March 30, 2015 o Tribute copy (camera-ready) attached o Tribute copy to be sent using online registration through link at www.emanuelsynagogue.org o Tribute to be emailed electronically (JPEG or PDF) to [email protected] Please return this form and register online or send checks to: The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117, ATTN: Judye's Retirement 7 Emanuel Synagogue Selected for Inclusion Initiative Save the Date for Etty A pril 15, 2015 will be a special evening at Emanuel Synagogue. The evening of April 15th is Erev Yom HaShoah. As part of the evening service, which begins at 7:00 p.m., we will read from Megillat HaShoah, a special Book of Remembrance of the Shoah. Following the Megillah reading, at 8:00 p.m. we will experience the Etty Play, a one-woman show presented by Emanuel Visiting Artist Susan Stein. Etty is a touring one-woman play based on the diaries and letters of Etty Hillesum, adapted and performed by Susan Stein and Directed by Austin Pendleton. Susan Stein’s adaptation brings us to 1941 when Esther “Etty” Hillesum, a young Dutch Jewish woman, is living in Amsterdam. Upon the recommendation of her therapist, Julius Spier, she began a diary on 8 March 1941. The diaries take on their own literary life, presenting both Etty’s growth as a writer and her spiritual transformation. As deportations begin, she prepares for the three-day journey eastward. Etty digs deep into her soul to understand this moment in history and roots out any hatred or bitterness, believing that humanity is the best and only solution for survival. Etty’s words, insights and beliefs reach out from the Holocaust and allow us to see the power of hope and individual thought in the most extreme circumstances. In her gentle yet forthright way, Etty asks us not to leave her at Auschwitz but to let her have a bit of a say in what she hopes will be a new world. Using Etty Hillesum’s words, ettyplay inc encompasses theatrical and educational experiences designed to challenge participants to reexamine assumptions about the Holocaust and explore issues of resistance, human rights, social justice and individual responsibility. The mission of ettyplay inc is to use the writings of Etty Hillesum to promote social justice, to challenge prejudice by examining the consequences of genocide and to enable participants to explore their own personal stories alongside Etty’s, as they consider their role in the struggle for human rights. Join us for the Connecticut premiere of this unique dramatic presentation. Ettyplay has been performed on three continents, including a performance at Yad Vashem. Susan Stein is a dynamic and devoted artist and teacher. We look forward to welcoming Susan and Etty to the Emanuel. We thank our supporting sponsors to date: Emanuel Brotherhood and Emanuel Hevra Kadisha. T he Emanuel Synagogue is chosen, along with twelve other leading Jewish congregations in the country, to participate in the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) Ruderman Inclusion Action Community. The USCJ Ruderman Inclusion Action Community is a new leadership initiative that will guide us in plan and implementation to fully allow people with disabilities and their families to participate comfortably in thriving congregational life. We are excited to participate in this new opportunity to continue building on our strong core belief of inclusion and accessibility for all who wish to experience and be part of our ninety-six year young, purpose driven, multi-generational, egalitarian Emanuel Synagogue family. We very much appreciate United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism for launching this initiative and thank the Ruderman Family Foundation for providing the generous grant to make this all possible. Nancy Fichman, a fellow Emanuel Synagogue member, educator and advocate for people with disabilities, will serve as the lead liaison for our inclusion initiative and her leadership in this important, strategic effort is greatly appreciated. We also thank Rabbi Small along with the entire professional staff for their involvement and recognize their efforts were instrumental in the successful application process. Through the grant, USCJ will work with our congregation to develop a comprehensive vision and action plan for greater inclusion. The goal is to create a fully accessible Emanuel Synagogue congregation, where everything — from the entryways to all of the building’s most important and sacred spaces, from interactive educational programs to participatory prayer services, from social activities to the very attitudes of congregants and leaders — allow people with disabilities and their families to fully engage in our Synagogue community that strives to be caring, inspiring, meaningful and welcoming. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting development that will include ways for you to participate in this significant inclusion initiative for The Emanuel. Please Join Us for Purim Services Erev Purim – Wednesday Night – March 4/13 Adar Maariv and Megillah Reading for all ages in the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. All are invited to come in costume. Groggers will be given out. Purim Café: Evening ends with hamentaschen and special desserts for all, sponsored by Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the Minyonaires! 8 9 Community of LEARNING / Talmud Torah SCHOOL NEWS by Judith T. Fox, Director of Education Shabbat Morning March 21, 2015 Matan Sidur O ur Matan Sidur ceremony will take place at a Shabbat Experience family service for all grades. Each grade will lead a part of the service and our third graders will receive their siddurim: Samuel Bomzer Alexander Hyams Isaac Mahler Madeline Makarewicz Dror Ohad Ethan Sloat Emmet Spaeth The following children who are new to our school will also receive Sidurim: Shaye Fanning Jason Forzano Kiddush Sponsors Andy Pinkes and Suzanne Batchelor in honor of Ethan Pinkes becoming a Bar Mitzvah The Emanuel Sisterhood for Sisterhood Shabbat The family of Harry Rosenfeld on his 90th Birthday Lisa and Evan Berman, Barry Snyder, and Brenda and Malcolm Berman in honor of Brett Berman becoming a Bar Mitzvah Becky and Jeff Azia in honor of Abigail Azia becoming a Bat Mitzvah Alex and Bella Medvedovsky in honor of Daniella Medvedovsky becoming a Bat Mitzvah Gary Schulman and Jessica Rubin in honor of Lillian Schulman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Family Services in March/April: March 7, 2015: • • • Challahpalooza for preschool families – 11:00 am – Early Childhood Center with Barbara Fink Shabbat Club for grades 3-5 – 10:30 am – Chapel with Karen Schlossberg B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6&7 – 10:00 am – Sanctuary with Alina Bricklin Goldstein and Esther Schlossberg March 14, 2015: • • • Mini Minyan for grades K-2 – 10:30 am – Chapel with Debbie Mehlman Torah Club for grade 3-5 – 10:00 am – Chapel with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6&7 – 10:00 am – Sanctuary with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs and Ilan Small March 21, 2015: • The Shabbat Experience – Matan Sidur family service – 9:00 am – Sanctuary March 28, 2015: • • Torah Club for grade 3-5 – 10:00 am – Chapel with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6&7 – 10:00 am – Sanctuary with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs and Ilan Small April 24, 2015: • • • Mini Minyan for grades K-2 – 10:30 am – Chapel with Debbie Mehlman Torah Club for grade 3-5 – 10:00 am – Chapel with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6&7 – 10:00 am – Sanctuary with Student Rabbi Philip Gibbs and Esther Schlossberg. Family Programs in March/April: March 22, 2015 • Matzah, Blocks and Beyond – Pesach for preschoolers March 29, 2015 • Matzah and More – Pesach for families – Grade K-7 – 10:00 am Please join us on Friday, April 3rd for morning Minyan and Siyyum B’chor. Minyan begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends with a quick breakfast. 10 Adult Education News Starting Soon: Thursday Afternoon Study Group Starting April 30, 2015 The Book of Ruth: Facilitator: Judith T. Fox. The class will meet on Thursday afternoons from 3:45-4:30 p.m. from April 30-May 28, 2015. The Book of Ruth is a story of love, marriage, friendship, and loyalty. For more information, or to register, please call Judith Fox at (860) 233-2774 or email [email protected]. Ongoing classes: Natalie Ziplow Study Group Facilitator: Rabbi David Small. This series meets on Thursday mornings from 10:30 a.m.- noon in the Chapel Lobby. A Sisterhood study group which includes text study, current events and lively discussion. For more information, please or to register call Judith Fox at (860) 233-2774 or email [email protected]. Jewish Family Living Meeting Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. presenting: “The Possible Dream” “The Possible Dream” Deals with the Personality of Today’s Sisterhood Membership Participants: Bonnie Lasker The President: The Busy Career Woman:Debbie Bettan The Young Single Woman: Renee Zetoff The Retired Woman: Emily Miller The Average Housewife: Randie Fierberg The Widow: Faith Helene Each woman is portrayed and enveloped by SISTERHOOD. The play portrays Sisterhood as a group of dedicated volunteers who are enriching their lives Jewishly. Directed by: Gloria Bein Piano Accompaniment: Tara Shapiro Love for Animals Leads to Noah’s Ark Collection by Gloria Bein, Exhibit Chairperson B e sure to view the newest exhibit in the Rose, David, and Ralph Mitnick cases opposite the sanctuary. A native of this area, Audrey Yanofsky attended the Yeshiva on Cornwall St., whose class was the first to graduate in the new building on Gabb Road. She taught elementary classes to first and third graders at Congregation B’Nai Sholom in Newington and Congregation Tikvoh Chadoshah in Bloomfield. Since she is a lover of all animals, the study of Noah inspired her to collect all Judaica relating to this event. Our collector noted that this section of the Bible taught her that G_d could have destroyed the entire world, but gave us one more opportunity to do “the right thing.” “That has Invite your friends for an INSPIRATIONAL TREAT! been the motto in my life,” she says, “to always try to do the right thing.” Because she became a collector, she would visit gift shops during vacations, and if there was an item relevant to Noah’s Ark, she had to have it. Friends and family began to add to her memorabilia, and her collection now includes music boxes, light houses, wind chimes, books, pieces from Israel, a Shabbos candle holder, tzedaka boxes, and other knick-knacks. An outstanding item is a little ark which when opened, one may see all the animals inside. Her favorite piece is a colorful print hanging on the wall of her kitchen which depicts Noah and his wife standing on the ark, and welcoming the dove with an olive branch in its mouth. This informed Noah that dry land was not far away. Our collector interprets this as hope and happiness, and the animals seem 11 to have a look of love and winder in their faces, wondering what this new start will have in store for them all. Another outstanding item is “Are we There Yet?” which was purchased at a craft fair in Cape Cod. The exhibit will remain in the cases throughout the summer until the High Holidays when it will be replaced by the works of Beth Goldberg, an artist in our own congregation. Ms. Goldberg, a native New Yorker, was awarded her Masters in Creative Art Therapy, and is a member of the National Honor Society for Counselors. Although she has consulted as an art therapist for various organizations, her first love is painting. “Painting is the equivalent of breathing,” she says. Her artwork is diverse, but her specialty is abstract mixed media. The materials used in (continued next page) Community of CARING / Chesed Emanuel’s B’nai Mitzvah Brotherhood Catering Services Lauren Mahler, daughter of Seth and Christine Mahler, granddaughter of Stuart and Irene Mahler, will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 7, 2015 Available to cater your event for the coming year! U nder the direction of master cook Saul Shemkovitz, we prepare the finest food delights for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Kiddush spreads and many other occasions. Our kugel, egg salad, and tuna salad are the most scrumptious tasting in West Hartford. Bookings for the coming year are going fast. If you have an event coming up, please send an email to Saul at [email protected] or call him at 860-280-1457 for menus and prices. All food preparation is done in-house. Proceeds to benefit the shul and other worthy Jewish causes. Sarah Murphy, daughter of Rick and Rochelle Murphy, will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 14, 2015 Korey Dinowitz, son of Kevin Dinowitz and Karen Zelman, will become a Bar Mitzvah on March 28, 2015. Nehama We extend heartfelt condolences and support to the families of: Samuel Wilder, son of Andrew and Deborah Wilder, will become a Bar Mitzvah on April 25, 2015. Lois Silverman, mother of Isaac and Laurie Silverman Evelyn Kaplan Weinstein, mother of Morton L. Weinstein and Stacy R. Nerenstone, M.D. Art Exhibit, continued from page 11 Ethel Atz Goldberg’s work include collage, acrylic, watercolor, newspaper, yarn, tissue paper, wax, rice paper, corrugated board, and sandpaper. She has won many awards for her art, including Awards of Excellence, Award of Creativity, and “Woman of Distinction in the Arts.” Her work has appeared in most of the prestigious galleries on New York State. Assisting Gloria Bein in the set-up of the exhibit were Ona Mastronarde, Joy Platt, Toby Sidrane, Pam Simon, and Elaine Smith. Barry Pattison Eric Leighton, father of Ruth and Steve Graff Sylvia Gordon Rabbi Howard Meridy M.D. Melvin Bloom, father of Ron and Cheryl Bloom Louis Gold, father of Laura and Brian Becker 12 ry r sto e v o ss he Pa t f o g in us Join l retel a r o f and ION L a CA CT L to A nger u H ise ss! e n e Awar To Ra 6th Annual Interfaith Hunger Seder Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 ~ 4:30-6:00 pm Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut (JFACT) Invite Elected Officials, Staff and the General Public to the Connecticut State Capitol Old Judiciary Room, 3rd Floor Seating is limited, RSVP is required by March 25th to [email protected] or (860)727-5789. Sponsors (as of 2/6/15): Byadeynu, The Emanuel Synagogue Social Action Committee, The Conference of Churches, JCPA, JCRCs of Jewish Federations of Greater Hartford and New Haven and MAZON. Seder partially funded by Please bring a donatio n of a canne d good or a contrib ution to MAZO N. Seder led by Rabbi David Small, The Emanuel Synagogue and Reverend Dr. Shelley D. Best, President and CEO , The Conference of Churches 13 News from the Library News from the Sisterhood by Beth Katten by Bonnie Lasker I J hope that everyone is getting ready for Purim and Pesach and hopefully by the time you read this newsletter, a lot of the snow has started to melt. It has been a long winter, but it is now time to look forward to the Spring and the Spring festivals. Please come to the library to take out Purim or Pesach books. For the month of March, a large collection of children’s Purim books are being highlighted on top of the book shelves where the children’s books are housed. In April, Pesach books will be highlighted. We also have many adult books on Pesach, holidays in general and Pesach cookbooks. anuary 17, 2015 was a special day for Sisterhood — it was Sisterhood Shabbat. Judy Silver was our Lay Rabbi and as in the past did a wonderful job. The complete service was done by past and present Sisterhood members. Such a wonderful day to see the celebration of women’s contributions to our congregation. Kiddush was sponsored by Sisterhood. Special thanks to all my Sisterhood sisters for all their help. January and February were quiet months for the sisterhood. Things pickup in March with the following events: Borrow by Email! You can send your book requests to library@emanuel synagogue.org. Include the title, author and your name, email address and phone number. If you are looking for a book on a specific subject matter, please email me that request too. If we do not have the book in our library, I can try to get it for you elsewhere. I will sign the book out to you and leave it for you on the library desk with your name on it for pick up at your convenience. I will answer emails when I am in the library (usually Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday afternoons). We even have videos — VHS & DVD! Also, please send me an email if you have a book to recommend that we should purchase for the Library. We are always looking for good recommendations. • March 22, 2015 – Creative Escapes Tea & Talk @ Farmington Valley Arts Center December Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors Seymour Melnick, Yahrzeit of father, Morris Melnick Rick and Betsy Herz, in honor of Daniel Herz becoming a Bar Mitzvah Renee Neikrie and Family, in memory of brother and son, Lenny Jay D. Smith, Yahrzeit of Irving Smith and Ben Haiblum Charles and Jill Schein, in honor of Jillian Schein becoming a Bat Mitzvah Rabbi David Small, Yahrzeit of father, Mendel Small Gloria Bein, Yahrzeit of husband, Irving Bein Dr. Jerry Silverman, Yahrzeit of wife, Gail Silverman Eleanor Henken, Yahrzeit of husband, E. Marvin Henken • March 7, 2015 – Gertrude K Claire Shabbat Book Review • April 26, 2015 – Vendor Showcase Judaica Shop News S pring is just around the corner and with spring comes Passover. The first seder this year is Friday, April 3rd. The gift shop is featuring all of our Passover items with a 25%discount. We have seder and matzah plates, Elijah and Miriam cups, charoset dishes, Shabbat candlesticks and candles, Haggadahs, matzoh covers and many more items for your seder table. Stop by on Sundays when your children are in religious school or during the week when the synagogue office is open. If you should need a certain amount of haggadahs for each person at your seder, call Lisa at (860) 232-1665 so she can special order them for you. Browse the shop for a new kippah or tallis or any gift item you may need — new home, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, weddings and hostess gifts. We carry a large selection of merchandise and we can also special order. Happy Pesach!! — Lisa Tesser and Debbie Bettan Gertrude K. Clare Sisterhood Book Review Reminder January Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors The next book review is scheduled for March 7, 2015, at the home of Marsha Wolfberg, 245 Oliver Way in Bloomfield at which time Edith Kraimer will be reviewing Love and Treasure by Ayelet Waldman. Mel Spivak, Yahrzeit of mother, Vivian Spivak Andrew and Suzanne Pinkes, in honor of Ethan Pinkes becoming a Bar Mitzvah Rena Miller, in memory of son, Eric Miller Eleanor Henken, in memory of brother, Dr. Herbert Covel Joseph Bacher, in memory of brother, Bob Evan and Lisa Berman, in honor of Brett Berman becoming a Bar Mitzvah 14 15 Community of ACTION / Tikkun Olam B’YADEYNU NEWS by Risa Davidson and Janet Wallens, Co-Chairs P lease Save the Date: The B’Yadeynu and Chesed committees will hold our third progressive Shabbat dinner on May 1st. We will meet in small groups at various homes for dinner at 6:00pm. Then we will all gather for Friday evening services at synagogue at 8:00pm. Following that we will enjoy an Oneg Shabbat with delightful desserts prepared by B’Yadeynu and Chesed committee members. If you would like to volunteer to host a dinner or would like to be invited to a dinner feel free to contact one of the committee chairs: Risa Davidson at 860-236-8889, Janet Wallans at 860-278-4596 or Gail Rappaport at 860- 521-9301. Members of our synagogue lead monthly Friday Shabbat services at the Hebrew Home. This is our eleventh season of sharing Shabbat joy with residents of the Hebrew Home. Services are scheduled for the third Friday of the month from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Please mark your calendars for the following dates: March 20th and April 17th. Emanuel Synagogue members of all ages, their friends and family are encouraged to participate in any of these warm-hearted and spirited services. There is opportunity to contribute creatively and in Hebrew or English. Everyone present is greatly appreciated at each service! For more information, contact The Emanuel Synagogue, 860-236-1275, and they will put you in touch with Pamela Garry. Selma and Barbara enjoy water aerobics. Engaging PEoPlE. ComfortablE living. CulturE of sErviCE. Rain or shine, SummerWood residents have a wealth of complimentary activities to choose from including programs and classes at the Mandell JCC. To learn more about this award-winning senior living community call 860-523-3808 or visit the website at www.hoffmansummerwood.org. 160 Simsbury Road, West Hartford www.hoffmansummerwood.org A member of the Hebrew Health Care family. 16 If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush, please contact Myra Emrick at (860) 236-1275 or myra@ emanuelsynagogue.org News From The BROTHERHOOD by Don Miller Upcoming Brotherhood Events: March 4 – Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. – Purim Café March 8 – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. – Brotherhood Town Hall Breakfast Meeting with State Senator Beth Bye, CT State Representatives Brian Becker and Andy Fleischmann. April 12 – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. – Brotherhood Breakfast with Speaker Lara Bomzer, Elder Law Attorney April 18 – Brotherhood Shabbat May 3 – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. – Brotherhood Breakfast with Speaker Yeschiel Marcus, Jaffa Institute Brotherhood Programming is subject to additions and changes. Watch the weekly “What’s Happening at The Emanuel Synagogue…” email every Tuesday, check the synagogue website and watch for flyers in the mail for up to date information. Are you a Brotherhood member? If you are, we welcome you back for another great year! If not, please consider becoming one today. Have you become a new member of the Emanuel, within the last 6 months? If so, your first year of Brotherhood membership is free. The Emanuel Brotherhood recently earned the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club “QUALITY CLUB AWARD” in recognition of planning and executing great programs and supporting the FJMC national mission. By joining the Brotherhood, you too can become part of this dynamic organization and also enjoy the benefits of a participant, including the fostering of interpersonal relationships which could have a positive impact on your job and at home. Emanuel Brother Endowment Fund Do you wish to memorialize a yahrzeit? Is a special birthday or anniversary in your family? Is there a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah to commemorate? Whatever the occasion, consider donating to the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood Endowment Fund. Contributions may be made to the Emanuel Brotherhood Endowment Fund for the future benefit of the Emanuel Synagogue and its members. All tax-deductible donations to this fund should be payable to the Emanuel Synagogue Brotherhood Endowment Fund. For any Brotherhood Information, contact Don Miller at donmiller@ kualumni.org. Brotherhood Breakfast Speakers and Sponsors Thank you to the following Breaker Sponsors who attended the Evan Mackey’s presentation on October 12, 2014: Gloria Bein and Lisa Feigenbaum, in honor of Gloria’s 206th Haftorah on Sukkot Ori Claire, in honor of my son Garrett’s first semester at Univ. of Maine Harold Cohen, in honor of Naomi Cohen getting her Associates degree Sam Cohn, in honor of the birthdays of Susan Cohn, Marshall Cohn & Gail Rappaport, and in memory of Eileen Cohn and David P. Rappaport Gerry Field, in honor his parents Arnold and Selma Field’s 74th Wedding Anniversary Barry Feigenbaum, in honor of Evan Mackey Rabbi Philip Lazowski, in memory of my father Bob Levine, in honor of all the IDF soldiers Ken Malley, in honor of Evan Mackey Peter Mehlman, in honor of the Brotherhood Don Miller, in honor of Evan Mackey Renee Neikrie, in honor of my family and a most happy and healthy 5775 Richard Simons, in memory of Russell Simons Saul Shemkovitz, in honor of Evan Mackey and the IDF Renee Zetoff, in honor of Evan Mackey Thank you to the following Breakfast Sponsors who attended Dr. Menzoian’s presentation on November 16, 2014: Jeff Adler, in honor of the birth of our granddaughter Layla Grace Brian Becker, in honor of The Brotherhood’s 20th Anniversary Sam Cohn, in honor of my daughter Sarah Cohn’s birthday Barry Feigenbaum, in honor of the Brotherhood’s 20th Anniversary Dan Fine, in honor of Retirement Meyer and Sheila Frankel, in honor of my daughter’s upcoming book, War Dogs Marvin and Helen Goldberg, in honor of our grandchildren Doug Ginsberg, in honor of the Brotherhood Breakfast and Speaker Program Jeff Kaimowitz, in honor of Gloria Bein’s 94th birthday Liz Kempinski, in memory of Abraham Kempinski Stuart and Sheryl Kopel, in honor of Gail and Jeff Adler’s new granddaughter Layla Grace Morbito Randie and Eliot Fierberg, in memory of Lester Pahuskin on his yahrtzeit Stan and Emily Lebovitz-Miller, in memory of father Jacob Lebovitz on his yahrzeit Mark Gordan, in honor of Evan Mackey Ken Malley, in honor of the Brotherhood Stuart Kopel, in honor of the Jewish New Year Stu Mahler, in honor of children and grandchildren Jeff Kaimowitz, in memory of Robert Palter Don Miller, in honor of Brian Becker our first Brotherhood President Judy and Allen Kronick, in honor of our grandson, Joshua, beginning his sophomore year of high school Peter Mehlman, in honor of the our new mini minyan for children 17 (continued next page) Brotherhood, continued The Brotherhood Invites You to Attend Our Town Hall Breakfast Meeting Sunday, March 8th at 9:00 a.m. at the Emanuel Synagogue Saul Pasternack, in honor of Ken Malley’s Keeper of the Flame Award Jeff Renert, in honor of Susan Renert Nursing Honor Society St. Joseph University Neal and Sarah Rubinfeld, in honor of Jonathan, Jordan, Jake, and Josh Anne and Saul Shemkovitz, in honor our son Jacob’s 30th birthday Howard Smith, in honor of Good Health to All Meet Elected Officials: Brian Becker, CT State Representative Andy Fleischmann, CT State Representative Beth Bye, CT State Senator Gerald Sperber, in honor of my grandchildren Sharon Lea Sperling, in honor of Bryan’s children Bob Tellar, in honor of the re-election of Brian Becker An opportunity to engage with our leaders and ask important questions that impact our community. Everyone is invited to attend thi free event. Buffet Breafast served at 9am. No need to RSVP. For more information, contact [email protected] Bill Zeldis, in honor of my granddaughter’s Engagement Thank you to the following Breakfast Sponsors who attended Jeffrey Noll’s presentation of College Planning CT on January 11, 2015: Steve Barshay, in honor of a very happy secret Myra Emrick, in memory of Jack Gladstone Eric Goldberg, in honor of the World Wide Wrap Jonathan Goodman, in honor of Bill Goodman Norman Hecht, in honor of the cold weather Judy and Allen Kronick, in honor of our grandson, Joshua Kronick becoming a life guard. Mark Luster, in honor of granddaughters Alex and Sophie Ken Malley, in honor of Jeffrey Noll Pete Mehlman, in honor of our Brotherhood Don Miller, in honor of Saul Shemkovitz and the Brotherhood Cooking Crew Jeffrey Noll, in honor of the Brotherhood Philip Schlossberg, in honor of the January birthdays of children, Esther and Aaron Saul Shemkovitz, in honor of my anniversary December 27th Isaac E. Silverman, in memory of Lois Silverman Carolyn Sorkin, in memory of Hettie Frank Jerry Sperber, in honor of grandchildren Bob Tellar, in honor of granddaughter Emily making high honors Jeremy Weingast, in honor of the Brotherhood 18 DONATIONS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Memory of SAMUEL S. SCHOEN by Harry & Roberta Berry SYLVIA GORDON by Jay D. Smith ART FUND In Memory of My beloved mother’s yahrzeit by Sherry Banks Cohn BROTHERHOOD FUND In Memory of Beloved mother of ISAAC SILVERMAN by The Emanuel Brotherhood Wishing Good Health to DEBBIE MEHLMAN by The Emanuel Brotherhood JEAN CHAMEIDES by The Emanuel Brotherhood BUILDING FUND In Memory of Your beloved uncle LAZAR LAPIDUS by Larry & Loretta Levy CAMP AMBASSADOR PROGRAM In Honor of HARRY ROSENFELD’s 90th birthday by Helen Weisel & Family CAMP RAMAH FUND In Memory of MALCOLM WAXLER by Annette & Seymour Gavens EUGENE POLEBAUM by Karen, Philip, Esther & Aaron Schlossberg CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of CANTOR COHN by Alan H. & Faye Rosenthal CANTOR COHN for his support during the loss of my beloved uncle SAM BORIS by Faith Helene by Joy Platt CANTOR COHN for his support in preparing BENJAMIN for his bar mitzvah by Mark & Michalee Merritt CANTOR COHN on the occasion of DANIEL HERZ’S bar mitzvah by Rick & Betsy Herz CANTOR COHN for his support during our loss by Robyn & Harry Weller, Judith & Michael Farber In Honor of CANTOR COHN’S special birthday by Judd & Bella Fink The birth of ELIANA GRACE MERIN to ANDREA & JONATHAN MERIN by Sharon Lea Sperling STAN’s special birthday by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller In Memory of EUGENE POLEBAUM by Bruce & Susan Bergman by Elizabeth Tovian by Jerry & Geri Kaizer by Michael & Carolyn Levine by Michael & Cora Altschuler by Renee Neikrie by Robert & Sandra Rudnicki by Sharon Lea Sperling by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller by Syd & Jan Elkin FAY E WACHTEL by William & Muriel Zeldis Beloved mother ANN MILLER on her yahrzeit by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller CARING FUND In Honor of HARRY ROSENFELD’s special birthday by Norman & Lois Bower by Joan & Leonard Glazier EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND In Honor of The birth of SPENCER REED LASKER grandson of RICK & BONNIE LASKER by Robert & Carolyn Isakson The birth of RYDER LEVY son of TODD & AMANDA LEVY grandson of LARRY & LORETTA LEVY by Robert & Carolyn Isakson The birth of TALIA RUTH & CHANA RACHEL daughters of MICHAEL & ELANA SPERBER and granddaughters of JERRY & BARBARA SPERBER by Robert & Carolyn Isakson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of MYRA EMRICK for providing meaningful and appropriate opportunities for Jodi by Tammy & Andy Selinger GENERAL FUND In Honor of IRIS & DON ROSENBERG’S 60th wedding anniversary by Beverly & Abe Glassman SYLVIA & HARRY ROSENFELD on the birth of grandson FREDERICK STEIN by Helen Weisel TRUDY & ALEX GOLDSTEIN’s 66th wedding anniversary by Marilyn & Brian Rothberg HARRY ROSENFELD’s 90th birthday by Moshe & Debbie Zwang by Lisa & Sherman Cohen & Family JONATHAN HARRIS becoming the newly appointed Commissioner of the CT Dept. of Consumer Protection by Janet Wallans GAIL & JEFF ADLER on the birth of their granddaughter by Rona Gollob BENJAMIN & DANIELLE WU on the bat mitzvah of their daughter SHOSHANA by Renee Zeftoff Harvey & Ellen Schiller on their anniversary by Renee Zeftoff RICHARD & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson SPENCER REED by Renee Zeftoff In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL and his family for their generous hospitality by Kate Greenberg & Matan Glazer 19 In Memory of The yahrzeit of MORRIS BUDKOFSKY by Alan & Sharon Budkofsky The yahrzeit of ALEX KAGAN by Benjamin & Kayleen Goldstein EUGENE POLEBAUM by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg Beloved mother SHIRLEY SPENCER by Marsha Kamins NATALIE LEBOVITZ by Michael & Sandra Myers ELLA FREED by Myron Freed ADOLPH FREED by Myron Freed PETER P. PRIMASON by Nona Dorman A. HARRY FLESCHER by Robert & Joyce Flescher DAVID SCHWARTZ by Selma Schwartz BOB FISHMAN by Amy & David Kline SYLVIA GORDON by Janet Wallans ERIC LEIGHTON by Rona Gollob GREEN BUILDING FUND In Memory of BENNY SCHWARTZ by Selma Schwartz LIBRARY FUND In Appreciation of SHARONE SMALL for her kindness and gratitude by Edith Kinas by Gerald & Barbara Sperber In Memory of Beloved father SAMUEL LOUIS MARKOWITZ by Gertrude Horowitz EUGENE POLEBAUM by Robert & Carolyn Isakson MACY FUND In Memory of The NEWTOWN VICTIMS by Norman & Linda Hecht MINYONAIRES FUND In Appreciation of RABBI LAZOWSKI by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg RABBI SMALL for his kind remarks at the aufruf honoring MARC SLOAT and EMILY BECK by William & Cookie Sloat In Honor of The b’not mitzvah of JILLIAN & NICOLE SELIG by Allen & Judith Kronick HARRY ROSENFELD’s special birthday by Faith Levy In Memory of Yahrzeit of mother in law IDA CANTER by Barbara Canter Beloved parents AARON & SARA KRAVSHIK by Bella Fink EDWARD HOLTZ by Faith Levy Our father BENJAMIN GARRY on his yahrzeit & our mother ANN FRANK on her yahrzeit by David & Pamela Garry IDA & LOUIS LEVY by Faith Levy DAVID ROTHBART by Jonathan Goldman Beloved sister DORIS HOCHMAN by Lillian Hochman Beloved father LOUIS BRUNSWICK by Lillian Hochman LENNY NEIKRIE by Renee Neikrie All of our beloved family at yahrzeit by Rhoda & Seymour Kaplan SYLVIA GORDON by Rhoda, Seymour & Lenny Kaplan HELEN ROSENHOLTZ grandmother of MYRA EMRICK by Robert & Carolyn Isakson DAVID FLESCHER by Robert & Joyce Flescher HARRY ZELMAN by Steven & Ellen Zelman beloved mother EVA RUTSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen LYNETTE Y. BASS by Sylvia Cohen LUCILLE BEYER OPAS by The Flescher Family EUGENE POLEBAUM by The Emanuel Synagogue Minyonaires Wishing Good Health to BONNIE LASKER by David & Merle Harris MUSIC FUND In Appreciation of CANTOR COHN teaching adult education classes by Barbara Snyder In Memory of EUGENE POLEBAUM by Ann E. Rosenthal by Barbara Snyder by Beatrice Mitlak by Bill & Anita Mancoll by David & Arline Wolansky by David & Pamela Garry by Faith Helene by Fried,Frank,Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP by Gerald & Barbara Sperber by Jeffrey & Gail Adler by Lotte Hershfield by Mary Lou & Bill Cohn by Meyer & Sheila Frankel by Michael & Sandra Myers by Michael Birnbaum by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner by Richard & Denise Order by Seymour & Judy Melnick by The Merritt Family by Ursula Marx by Jay D. Smith by Joanne & Saul Pasternack by Michael & Carolyn Levine PAUL WOLFBERG by Mark Wolfberg SARANNE FINDER by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner LOIS SILVERMAN by Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cohen PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of Beloved parents RAYMOND & SADIE PRANT HOFFMAN by Harriet Carpenos Open an Endowment Fund with as little as $1,000! For more information, please contact Myra Emrick, Synagogue Administrator, at The Emanuel Synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Beloved aunt & uncle JEAN PRANT COHEN & SOL COHEN by Harriet Carpenos RABBI LAZOWSKI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of The birth of LAYLA MORABITO granddaughter of GAIL & JEFFREY ADLER by Meyer & Sheila Frankel In Appreciation of RABBI LAZOWSKI’s shiva service in memory of our mother LEATRICE ETELIS by Robyn & Harry Weller & Judith & Michael Farber In Memory of ROSE MELNICK by Lenora Rosenblum Yahrzeit of CANTOR MAX L. KURZBERG by Martin & Sylvia Lazarus JOSEPH STEINBERG by Meyer & Sheila Frankel Yahrzeit of PAULINE GOLDSTEIN by Meyer & Sheila Frankel EVELYN WEINSTEIN by Meyer & Sheila Frankel BERNARD SHAPIRO by Steve & Sylvia Messinger RUTH & SAMUEL MESSINGER by Steve & Sylvia Messinger MORRIS SHAPIRO by Steve & Sylvia Messinger GERTRUDE SHAPIRO by Steve & Sylvia Messinger My beloved husband BEN by Sylvia Schloss Wishing Good Health to RUTH LAZOWSKI by David & Merle Harris by Harry & Roberta Berry by Jeffrey & Gail Adler by Marvin & Helen Goldberg by Meyer & Sheila Frankel BONNIE LASKER by Meyer & Sheila Frankel RABBI SMALL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL by Alan H. & Faye Rosenthal by Joan Temkin by Howard Whidden 20 RABBI SMALL, thank you for helping me in my hour of need by Gerald & Jeanette Kalb RABBI SMALL for his kindness by Harry & Hyla Sklar RABBI SMALL for all of his thoughtful guidance by Jeffrey & Gail Adler RABBI SMALL for all of his support in BENJAMIN’s bar mitzvah by Mark & Michalee Merritt RABBI SMALL on the occasion of DANIEL HERZ’s bar mitzvah by Rick & Betsy Herz RABBI SMALL for his kindness and support during the loss of our beloved mother, LEATRICE ETELIS by Robyn & Harry Weller & Judith & Michael Farber In Honor of SARAH SMALL’s special birthday by Betty Meyer HARRY ROSENFELD’s 90th birthday by Janet Lassman by Robert & Karen Ludgin by Shirley Wachtel ETHAN PINKES on his bar mitzvah by Janet Lassman BEA MITLAK on the bar mitzvah of her grandson ADAM by Muriel Poriss SARAH SMALL’s special birthday by Sharon Lea Sperling In Memory of Beloved daughter SUSAN MARGOLIS HYAMS by Alice Margolis My mother DOROTHY PARVEN by Alvin Parven Mother JESSIE ROSENTHAL by Ann E. Rosenthal My beloved father BENJAMIN SCHLOSS by Barbara Nachtigal My beloved husband MORTON BLUM by Caryl Blum My beloved father HARRY EDELSON by Caryl Blum Brother MARSHALL GREENSPON by Claire Fegelman Yahrzeit of ISRAEL GERROL by David & Lisa Gerrol SAUL HOROWITZ by Gertrude Horowitz & Susan Aldrich ROSE WEISS by Joseph & Arlene Weiss Beloved father LOUIS BRUNSWICK by Lillian Hochman Yahrzeit of my beloved mother SALLY D. RAGATSKY by Marcia Robbins Yarhzeit of our beloved husband & father JACK S. SOLOMON by Marjorie Solomon, Doreen and Faith Yahrzeit of son in law MICHAEL COHN by Marjorie Solomon, Doreen and Faith The yahrzeit of mother & grandmother SOPHIE LIPNICK KAGAN by Marjorie, Doreen & Faith Solomon Our beloved parents GEORGE & IDA SIMON AND SANDRA GOLDMAN by Mel & Carrie Simon BERNARD ROSENBERG by Milton & Rita Rosenberg Beloved father DAVID STONER by Morton & Lee Oberstein Beloved sister ROSE OBERSTEIN BERNSTEIN by Morton & Lee Oberstein Beloved mother SONIA OBERSTEIN by Morton & Lee Oberstein Yahrzeit of my beloved mother FRANCES LANDERMAN by Muriel Poriss SAUL WACHTEL by Muriel W. Zeldis JULIUS LARMAN by Naomi Larman HARRY LARMAN by Naomi Larman MAURIE KATES by Richard & Maxine Kates MORTON WATSTEIN by Richard & Maxine Kates HARRY & SYLVIA TELLAR by Robert Tellar BARRY PATTISON by Sharon Lea Sperling Beloved father MORTON SIGNER by Sheldon & Renee Friedman Beloved mother NATALIE LEBOVITZ on her yahrzeit by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller SAUL HOROWITZ by Susan Aldrich & Gertrude Horowitz Beloved brother in law ALEXANDER SCHLOSS by Sylvia Schloss My beloved husband BEN by Sylvia Schloss RAE ROTTNER by Sylvia Schloss EARLE KLEIN by Sylvia Schloss MARTIN TESLER by The Parven Family LILY WEINSTEIN by Trudy Milikow Wishing Good Health to MYRON FREED by Beatrice Mitlak RITUAL “MOSHE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND” In Honor of MARTIN & LINDA STEIN on the birth of their grandson by Dr. Louis & Trudi Brown RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson by Dr. Louis & Trudi Brown In Appreciation of MOSHE PINCHOVER’s shiva service in memory of our mother LEATRICE ETELIS by Robyn & Harry Weller & Judith & Michael Farber In Memory of ERIC LEIGHTON by Allen & Judith Kronick Wishing Good Health to BONNIE LASKER by Dr. Louis & Trudi Brown JOANNE SHIMELMAN & MYRON RAISNER by Thomas & Lorraine Barber SATURDAY KIDDUSH FUND In Memory of Yahrzeit for GERTRUDE KAGAN by Benjamin & Kayleen Goldstein SCHOLASTIC AWARDS FUND LEONA SCHWARZBAUM, brother of HELEN SLANSKY by Harry & Hyla Sklar Beloved mother PAULINE COHEN & beloved father RUBIN SKLAR by Harry & Hyla Sklar TORAT HAYIM FUND HERBERT AND ELAINE EPSTEIN FUND In Memory of SAM COOPER by Jay D. Smith EVELYN WEINSTEIN by Jay D. Smith In Memory of The yahrzeit of NELLIE ROSEN by Joan Kemler NATALIE ZIPLOW FUND In Appreciation of For all the good wishes in honor of the birth of our granddaughter LAYLA GRACE by Jeffrey & Gail Adler MICHAEL AND CORA ALTSCHULER FUND In Appreciation of CORA’S return to good health by Michael & Cora Altschuler JACK AND MIMI BASSOK FUND In Memory of Beloved father BENNIE BASSOK by Nathan & Miriam Bassok SUSAN HYAMS by Nathan & Miriam Bassok SUE AND BRUCE BERGMAN FUND In Honor of JOAN & BILL PRENSKY on the birth of their granddaughter MIA by Bruce & Susan Bergman COOKIE & BILL SLOAT on the marriage of EMILY & MARK by Bruce & Susan Bergman Wishing Good Health to BILL PRENSKY by Bruce & Susan Bergman JEROME AND ELEANOR CAPLAN FUND In Memory of HERBERT EPSTEIN beloved husband, father and grandfather by Elaine Epstein JACK AND LEATRICE ETELIS FUND In Memory of LEATRICE ETELIS by Deborah & Jerry Longyear by Judith Coe by Ruth Zeil by Stanley & Dianne Berry by Dr. Allan & Annie Hoffman ROBERT AND HEDYTH FISHMAN FUND In Memory of My beloved husband BOB FISHMAN on his yahrzeit by Hedyth Fishman Beloved father, father-in-law & grandfather on his yahrzeit by Daniel, Ashlee, Oscar & Isaac Fishman, Monica, David, Samuel & Mia Iankelevich FAITH AND FRED HELENE FUND In Honor of FAITH HELENE’s 80th birthday by Joanne & Saul Pasternack In Memory of Beloved father LOUIS ORENSTEIN & grandfather ISRAEL BORISOWSKY by Faith Helene BARRY AND LISA FEIGENBAUM FUND In Memory of Beloved brother DAVID H. NEIDITZ by Daniel & Arlene Neiditz Yahrzeits of RUTH & MURRAY CAPLAN by Eleanor Caplan In Memory of SANDY KALB beloved brother of LISA & BARRY FEIGENBAUM by Richard & Denise Order SAMUEL H. AND PAULINE R. COHEN FUND In Memory of BERTHA & HENRY SONTZ by Dan & Joni Fine BEATRICE ABRAMS by Dan & Joni Fine In Honor of IRIS ROSENBERG’s special birthday & IRIS & DONALD ROSENBERG’S 60th wedding anniversary by Diane and Todd Bigelow by Fredda & Jonathan Goldstein by Harry & Hyla Sklar by Kim & Norm Levy by Stephen & Sheila Levy HARRY ROSENFELD’s special birthday by Susan Sklar by Harry & Hyla Sklar JUDY SILVER for her marvelous job conducting the service as lay rabbi during the Sisterhood Shabbat by Harry & Hyla Sklar In Memory of Yahrzeit of beloved mother PAULINE by Donald & Iris Rosenberg 21 DANIEL AND JOAN FINE FUND MELVIN AND SHIRLEY GERROL FUND Wishing Good Health to RUTH LAZOWSKI by Melvin & Shirley Gerrol BETH AND BENJAMIN GOLDBERG FUND In Appreciation of THE EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE by Beth Goldberg THE GOODMAN,WAXMAN AND HENOWITZ FUND SHARON BARSHAY MUSIC FUND In Memory of EUGENE POLEBAUM by Roman & Goldie Luftglas In Honor of Of our recent bimah honors & in memory of our departed family members by Ira & Sally Henowitz SIEGEL GARDEN FUND In Appreciation of JEAN CHAMEIDES for her gratitude and kindness by Barbara & Gerald Sperber & Edith Kinas HARRIS FAMILY FUND In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL by David & Merle Harris In Honor of The b’not mitzvah of NICOLE & JILLIAN SELIG by Mary Ann & Robert Sacks HERBERT AND JUDY SILVER FUND In Memory of BEATRICE KAY aunt of JUDY SILVER by Herbert & Judy Silver RABBI NATHAN AND LOTTE HERSHFIELD FUND In Honor of FAITH HELENE’s 80th birthday by Lotte Hershfield In Memory of JULIUS VETSBURG by Celia Kavaler DOROTHY KAVALER by Celia Kavaler JACOB & ESAU PLAY In Honor of BEN ENGEL’s play by Alan & Peggy Mendelson HYMAN AND SARAH KURNITSKY FUND In Memory of Our beloved parents by Michael & Naomi Cohen Yahrzeit of HY KURNITSKY by Naomi Cohen IRA AND BARBARA LEVIN FUND In Memory of Dear mother SAYDE AARON REUBEN & dear father DAVID N. REUBEN by Ira & Barbara Levin MORRIS AND EDITH MANCOLL FUND In Memory of EDITH MANCOLL by Bill & Anita Mancoll VIVIAN AND ROBERT SPIVAK FUND In Honor of SAUL PASTERNACK’s recent birthday by Ellis & Marjorie Levenson In Memory of Yahrzeit of PAULINE KAPLAN by Joanne & Saul Pasternack In Memory of Our beloved mother VIVIAN BERSON SPIVAK by Arlan S. Lieblick & Melton L. Spivak Beloved uncle ROBERT SPIVAK by Marvin & Jenne Spivak SAMUEL RUTENBERG by Melton L. Spivak & Arlan S. Leiblick Our beloved grandfather JACOB BERSON by Melton Spivak & Alan Lieblick Our beloved aunt DELORES BERSON HORWITZ by Melton Spivak & Arlan Lieblick ALAN AND BARBARA ROSENBERG FUND BERNARD AND BERNICE WALDMAN FUND SAUL AND JOANNE PASTERNACK FUND In Appreciation of MYRA EMRICK’s leadership by Alan & Barbara Rosenberg In Honor of IRIS ROSENBERG’S special birthday by Alan & Barbara Rosenberg IRIS & DONALD ROSENBERG’s 60th wedding anniversary by Barbara & Alan Rosenberg, Lisa & Bruce Bial, Howard & Ellen Rosenberg HOWARD SCHEINBLUM / SUSAN FIERBERG FUND In Memory of DAVID A. SCHEINBLUM by Howard Scheinblum & Susan Fierberg SEYMOUR AND JUDY MELNICK FUND In Honor of SEYMOUR & JUDY MELNICK’S 56th anniversary by Allen & Judith Kronick MAX AND FREDA MISSAN FUND In Memory of Beloved mother FREDA MISSAN by Daniel & Arlene Neiditz HAROLD AND GLADYS MONDSHEIN FUND In Memory of EUGENE POLEBAUM by Gladys Mondshein JACOB MONDSHEIN Susan Tejada 22 In Memory of Beloved mother & grandmother BERNICE WALDMAN by Jamie , Mark, Matthew & Amanda Seltzer and Aaron Katzman RAYMOND S. AND GAIL WEINSTEIN FUND In Appreciation of RAY & GAIL WEINSTEIN by Alan & Peggy Mendelson April 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Nisan/Iyyar 5775 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234 12 Nisan 13 Nisan 14 Nisan 15 Nisan Shaharit 7am JWI Board Meeting 10am Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Shaharit 7am Ta’anit Bechorot Shaharit 7am Pesah I Erev Pesah Ma’ariv at Home Services 9am Ma’ariv at Home Minha 12:30pm Minha 12:30pm Candles 7:59pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 7pm 11 5678910 16 Nisan 17 Nisan 18 Nisan 19 Nisan 20 Nisan 21 Nisan 22 Nisan Shaharit 9am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Pesah VIII Pesah II Pesah III (H”M) Pesah IV (H”M) Pesah V (H”M) Pesah VI (H”M) Pesah VII 7th Day of the Omer 1st Day of the Omer 2nd Day of the Omer 3rd Day of the Omer 4th Day of the Omer 5th Day of the Omer 6th Day of the Omer Services 9am No School Ritual Committee Ziplow Study Brotherhood Yizkor Meeting 7:30pm Group 10am Board Meeting Challahpalooza 6pm 9am Minha/Maariv 7:15pm Havdalah 8pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Candles 7:08pm Havdalah 8:07pm 12131415161718 23 Nisan 24 Nisan 25 Nisan 26 Nisan 27 Nisan 28 Nisan 29 Nisan Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Shmini 8th Day of the Omer 9th Day of the Omer 10th Day of the Omer 11th Day of the Omer 12th Day of the Omer 13th Day of the Omer 14th Day of the Omer JWI General Yom Hashoah Brotherhood Hebrew Home Services 9am Meeting Breakfast 9am Shabbat Services Brotherhood 3:15pm Shabbat Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 7:15pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Havdalah 8:14pm 19202122232425 30 Nisan 1 Iyyar 2 Iyyar 3 Iyyar 4 Iyyar 5 Iyyar 6 Iyyar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Tazria-Metzora 15th Day of the Omer 16th Day of the Omer 17th Day of the Omer 18th Day of the Omer 19th Day of the Omer 20th Day of the Omer 21st Day of the Omer Rosh Hodesh Rosh Hodesh Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzma’ut Services 9am Iyyar Iyyar Ziplow Study Bar Mitzvah of Women’s League Board of Trustees Israel Festival – Group 10:30am Samuel Wilder Conference Meeting 7:30pm Ron Leshem Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 7:23pm Havdalah 8:22pm 2627282930 7 Iyyar 8 Iyyar 9 Iyyar 10 Iyyar 11 Iyyar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am 22nd Day of the Omer 23rd Day of the Omer 24th Day of the Omer 25th Day of the Omer 26th Day of the Omer Megillat HaShoah Ziplow Study Craft Fair – Group 10:30am Sisterhood Etty Play – 8pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Are you receiving our weekly Tuesday email that lists all the goings-on at The Emanuel Synagogue and many community events as well? If you are not receiving this, please contact the synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pmMinha/Maariv 7pm Support the Emanuel by Buying Gift Cards! Before you buy, remember to contact The Emanuel Synagogue to see if the store you have selected for your purchase is a member of our Great Lakes Gift Card program. It’s really that easy! For More information, contact the Synagogue Office at 860-236-1275 23 Everything Emanuel Periodical Postage PAID 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford Connecticut March 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Adar/Nisan 5775 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234567 10 Adar 11 Adar 12 Adar 13 Adar 14 Adar 15 Adar 16 Adar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Ki Tisa Fredda Hamilton DCL Candidate Kadima Hamantaschen Making Brotherhood Board Meeting 6pm Ritual Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Ta’anit Esther JWI Board Mtg. 10am Megillah Reading 6pm Purim Café Purim Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Shushan Purim Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Mahler Challahpalooza 9am Candles 5:28pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Havdalah 6:28pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Maariv 5:30pm 8 17 Adar Shaharit 8am Daylight Savings Time Begins Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Interfaith Seder 2pm 9 1011121314 18 Adar 19 Adar 20 Adar 21 Adar 22 Adar 23 Adar Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Shaharit 7am Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei Services 9am Shabbat Parah Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Murphy Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Havdalah 7:36pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Minha/Maariv 6:45pm Candles 6:37pm 15161718192021 24 Adar 25 Adar 26 Adar 27 Adar 28 Adar 29 Adar 1 Nisan Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Vayikra Film Festival Board of Trustees Mtg. 7:30pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm JWI General Meeting Minha/Maariv 7pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Hebrew Home Shabbat Services 3:15pm Mattan Siddur Rosh Hodesh Nisan Services 9am Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Havdalah 7:44pm Candles 6:44pm 22232425262728 2 Nisan 3 Nisan 4 Nisan 5 Nisan 6 Nisan 7 Nisan 8 Nisan Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Sisterhood Arts Bagels Blocks & Beyond 10:45am Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Ziplow Study Group 10:30am Minha/Maariv 7pm Parashat Tsav Services 9am Shabbat HaGadol Bar Mitzvah of Korey Dinowitz Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Maariv 6pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Candles 6:52pm Havdalah 7:51pm Minha/Maariv 7pm 293031 9 Nisan 10 Nisan 11 Nisan Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am K-7 Family Pesach Program Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm Minha/Maariv 7pm
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