Overview Probiotics: Definition and Examples

Fact Sheet
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Prebiotics and Probiotics
These popular nutritional supplements often are administered to horses with gastrointestinal concerns
Probiotics: Definition and
pam mackenzie
Nutritional supplements are
extremely popular among horse
Probiotics are the live microorowners, and those designed for
ganisms themselves. When admindigestion are the second most
istered in adequate amounts, these
commonly administered type bemicroorganisms confer a health
hind joint supplements.1 This stabenefit on the horse. To be considered a probiotic, the bacteria includtistic is not surprising considering
ed in the supplement must:
how sensitive the equine digestive
system is and that a horse’s over■B
e alive when administered;
all health relies upon optimal
■ Contain a taxonomically defined
functioning of the gastrointestimicrobe(s), including genus, spenal (GI) tract. Researchers and
cies, and strain; and
veterinarians believe a healthy GI
■ Be safe for the intended use.
system reduces gas and/or colic,
Typical equine probiotics include
In the simplest terms, probiotics are “good” microbes and bacteria,
improves digestion and absorpLactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
and prebiotics are the foods that feed the prebiotics.
tion of nutrients, benefits the imspecies of bacteria and/or the yeast
mune system, protects the horse against energy source to the horse. These microbes Saccharomyces boulardii.2
infection (e.g., by diarrhea-causing organ- also produce B vitamins and other nutrients
isms such as Salmonella or Clostridium), essential to the overall health of the horse. How Pre- and Probiotics
and minimizes the occurrence of laminitis. Finally, the “good” microbes—yeasts, bac- Benefit Horses
Supplements marketed for digestive teria, protozoa, and fungi—keep the “bad”
Humans use prebiotics and probiotics
health typically contain a variety of ingre- microbes (such as Salmonella and Clostridi- for various reasons, including treatment/
dients such as digestive enzymes, amino um difficile) from overpopulating the intes- management of infectious diarrhea, inacids, and several herbs or other ingredi- tines and causing diarrhea and illness.
flammatory bowel disease (e.g., ulcerative
ents (e.g., slippery elm, marshmallow root,
colitis), gastric ulceration, tooth decay/
meadowsweet herb, cramp bark, stem bark, Prebiotics: Definition and Examples periodontal disease, vaginal infections,
bruised milk thistle seed, licorice root, gotu
As indicated above, prebiotics are food skin infections, and even in the treatment
kola leaf, etc.). But prebiotics and probiot- ingredients that stimulate the growth or of certain cancers.3
ics are some of the most common ingredi- activity of bacteria that live in the horse’s
Horse owners and veterinarians adminents in digestive health products.
gastrointestinal tract. The horse does not ister prebiotics and probiotics to horses
Despite the similarity in their names, digest these food ingredients; they are in- primarily for GI-related concerns (i.e., diarprebiotics and probiotics are not just two stead “fed” to the good bugs.2
rhea), to encourage the growth of the good
different forms of a similar supplement.
Prebiotics are most commonly carbo- microbes, and to minimize the invasion
They are actually two completely different hydrates—long chains of sugar molecules and growth of disease-causing ­bacteria.
types of supplements with unique mecha- bound together. Some of the most comFor example, antibiotic administration,
nisms of action. In the simplest terms, pro- mon prebiotics used in equine supplements stress, transport, abrupt dietary changes,
biotics are “good” microbes and bacteria, ­include fructooligosaccharides, xylooligo- and Clostridium spp. or Salmonella spp.
and prebiotics are the foods that feed those saccharides, polydextrose, mannooligosac- infections can potentially alter the norgood microbes and bacteria.
charides (MOS), galactooligosaccharides, mal microbe population in a horse’s large
The microbes and bacteria included in pectin, and psyllium. These prebiotics are intestine. Some owners therefore elect to
probiotics are important to horses because digested by the “good” microorganisms administer prebiotics and/or probiotics to
they help the horse’s GI tract break down in the horse’s digestive system to increase horses that are being treated with systemic
and ferment grass and hay. This fermen- their numbers or activity. Two of the best antibiotics, have developed diarrhea, are
tation process results in the production of known “good” bacteria are Bifidobacterium off feed, and prior to shipping or another
volatile fatty acids that provide a significant bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
stressful event.
This Fact Sheet may be reprinted and distributed in this exact form for educational purposes only in print or electronically. It may not be used for commercial
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Published by The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care, © Copyright 2011 Blood-Horse Publications. Contact [email protected].
Fact Sheet
Owners also elect to feed prebiotics and
probiotics to “hard keepers,” older horses,
or high-end performance horses. These
products are generally inexpensive, easy
to administer, and can potentially have a
profound beneficial impact.
Scientific evidence supporting the use
of these supplements in horses, however,
remains scant. Nonetheless, some data exists: A study published in 2005 supports
oral administration of the bacterium S.
boulardii to hospitalized horses with acute
enterocolitis (diarrhea). Treated horses
experienced a significant decrease in
both the severity and duration of disease
compared to horses that received only a
A separate study about the administration of short-chain fructooligosaccharides
in horses (published in 2008) concluded
that the prebiotic effectively reduced disruptions in the microbial populations that
colonize the equine hindgut under stressful
situations (e.g., acute starch ­overloads).4
Caveats for Use
Like other nutritional supplements,
little scientific data exists to demonstrate
the safety and efficacy of prebiotics and
probiotics in horses. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are not drugs and
are not required to be manufactured like
drugs (using government-designated quality ­assurance/quality control techniques
or current Good Manufacturing Practices). This means a number of poor-quality
products are available to unsuspecting
Prebiotics and probiotics are widely considered to be safe, but there is evidence in
both human and veterinary medicine that
probiotics might not be suitable for use in
some situations. For example, one study
in horses reported that when Lactobacillus pentosus WE7 was given preventively
to neonatal foals, administration caused
diarrhea in some foals and necessitated
veterinary intervention.6
The American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association
of Equine Practitioners both recommend
veterinary guidance when using nutritional supplements. Owners are encouraged to
discuss the use of these (or any) nutritional supplements prior to their administration. Finally, consider using the ACCLAIM
s­ ystem, initially described for selecting
oral joint health supplements, to help select a quality ­supplement.8 h
Key References
1. Packaged Facts. Pet supplements and nutraceutical
treats in the U.S. February 2008.
2. National Institutes of Health National Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Available at
3. Desrochers AM, Dolente BA, Roy MF, et al. Efficacy of
Saccharomyces boulardii for treatment of horses with acute
enterocolitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc.2005;227:954-9.
4. Respondek F, Goachet AG, Julliand V. Effects of dietary
short-chain fructooligosaccharides on the intestinal microflora of horses subjected to a sudden change in diet. J Anim
Sci. 2008;86:316-23.
5. Weese JS, Arroyo L. Bacteriological evaluation of dog
and cat diets that claim to contain probiotics. Can Vet J.
6. Weese JS, Rousseau J. Evaluation of Lactobacillus
pentosus WE7 for prevention of diarrhea in neonatal foals.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2005;226:2031-4.
7. Probiotics May Be Harmful For Patients With Acute
Pancreatitis. Available at www.medicalnewstoday.com/­
8. Oke S. Oral joint supplements for horses. www.
Further reading and free horse health
e­ - n e w s l e t t e r : w w w. T h e H o r s e . c o m /­
Authored by: Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc;
­reviewed by: Amy M. Gill, PhD
Looking to Support Hindgut Health?
Two unique formulations to support intestinal
health during times of transition and stress:
• Contains two yeast species, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Saccharomyces boulardii, at
guaranteed levels, plus prebiotics.
• Helps to reestablish intestinal health
when an imbalance has occurred.
Equine Probiotic
• Contains Saccharomyces yeast, at
guaranteed levels, plus prebiotics
• Once daily administration to help
protect against imbalances of a more
long-term nature.
For special offers and to learn more visit ProviableEquine.com