EMERSON SOFTBALL RULES 2015 The 2010 Amateur Softball Association (ASA) official regulations and playing rules will be the basis for play, except as they vary from the following rules. 1. Use of PROFANITY - no warning- player, manager, coach will be removed from that game and the next game. 2. Head Coaches will have the rules at ALL games. 3. Head Coaches are responsible for the actions of their coaches, players, parents of their players with respect to the: a. Adverse reaction to umpire’s decisions. b. Bench jockeying. c. Unsportsmanlike conduct. 4. Throwing Equipment – The throwing of bats, helmets, or other equipment is prohibited. A team will be warned once in a game if a player intentionally throws a bat while in the act of batting. Every incident thereafter will result in that team’s offending player being called out. A team will be warned once in a game if a player throws any equipment or object in ANGER, - unsportsmanlike conduct may also apply. Every incident thereafter will result in that team’s offending player being ejected from the game. 5. Judgment decisions by umpires are final. Only the Head Coach can question an umpire’s call. 6. Time may not be called unless the ball is dead. The ball is dead when all play has stopped. The umpire must call time out. 7. If a given field is without a separate fenced batters warm up area, the on deck hitter will go directly from the dugout to home plate. 8. The Head Coaches, Asst. Coaches and team equipment are to be in the dugout at all times with the exception of when their team is at bat. While their team is at bat, one coach will be coaching on the sidelines at first base and one coach will be coaching on the sidelines at third base. Coaches may never take a position on the side of or in back of the backstop. 9. Chanting is defined as all positive comments addressed only to your team. It will cease as the pitcher begins to make her delivery of the pitch. It may not resume until after the pitched ball crosses home plate. (The pitcher, catcher & batter must have these moments so they may do their best!) 10. No Doughnuts- batters warming up may not use doughnuts on bats. Safety first. It could happen – the wrong size doughnut could be used. It would then fly off the bat on the 1st warm up swing. 11. There is no penalty to a team if a player becomes injured or sick during the game. That spot in the batting order is then skipped over. If, in the opinion of the manger & parents, if available, the player is able to return to the game later, Great! She would return to the same spot in the batting order following the other league rules. Again no penalty. 12. Two new game balls should be given to the plate umpire before the start of the game by the home team Head Coach. The home team manager should be prepared to supply additional softballs as necessary for the completion of the game. 13. Catchers must always wear FULL gear when in position. This includes MASK, CHEST PROTECTOR, and SHIN GUARDS. Any player warming up a pitcher MUST wear a mask. ALL PITCHERS MUST WEAR MASKS. 14. ALL players not on the field or not on deck are to be seated on the bench and NEVER with their fingers through the fencing nor standing behind the backstop. 15. Head Coaches and Asst. coaches must remain in the dugout or on the sidelines and may NEVER take a position on the side or in back of the backstop. 16. Once the defensive team takes the field for an inning, player’s defensive positions, i.e. centerfield, first base, etc., shall not be changed except in the case of an injury to a player or a pitcher substitution. All outfielders MUST start play on the outfield grass or no less than 10 feet behind the baseline. The SHORT FIELDER is considered an OUTFIELDER for the purpose of this rule. 17. When at bat, players must be kept in the dugout. Only players, managers and coaches are permitted in the dugout during a game. 18. Dugout noise is to be limited to healthy encouragement. 19. No food is permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during the game. 20. It is the obligation of both managers to consult with the umpires and to agree to call any game because of darkness, bad weather or adverse field conditions… regardless of who is ahead. However, the umpires and mangers are responsible for assuring that the game is not intentionally delayed with the object of winning an incomplete game. Such behavior will merit a warning and possible forfeit of the game. 21. No inning shall be allowed to begin in an evening game (6:00PM start) after 7:30PM and the game will end by 7:45PM. a. Saturday Games – No new inning after 1hr & 45 minutes after start of game for ALL Levels. 22. There must be only one coach for 1st base and one coach for 3rd base. 23. Every player must wear their team hat, visor or mask when on the field. Shirts should be neatly tucked in. Pants must be serviceable and loose fitting. Shoes must be tie shoes with rubber soles. Only rubber spikes are allowed. NO JEWELRY is to be worn (including rope bracelets). Medical alert items are not considered to be jewelry, but are to be taped to arm. Any equipment judged by the umpire to be potentially dangerous is illegal. 24. Batters must stand in the batter’s box. Stepping over or on to home plate when making contact with the ball will cause the batter to be declared out. 25. Any pitcher who strikes 2 players with a pitched ball during an inning or three in a game must be removed from the pitching position. 26.During practices and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch. Head Coaches’ Rules 1. Coaches are not permitted to argue with opposing manager or coaches nor get involved with the umpire in discussion. Result will be ejection from the field by the umpire immediately. Only the Head Coach is allowed to have discussions with the umpire. 2. Any spectator abusing an umpire will immediately be asked to refrain from doing so by the Head Coach. Failure to stop this abuse will result in his or her expulsion from the field by the umpire, with the co-operation of the Head Coach. Failure of the spectator to leave the field will result in a forfeit of the game by said team. 3. All Head Coaches and Asst. Coaches have pledged to live up to the Emerson Code of Conduct. 4. Head Coaches are to have the Rules at all Games. 5. In questioning a play, the Head Coach will call time out after the play is over and will have a discussion with the umpire. 6. Harassment, after a warning, of an umpire during the game will result in a forfeit by the offending team. 7. The Head Coach has the right to report to the League Director on poor umpiring. 8. The Head Coach may have a coach assist the catcher on / off with her equipment. 9. All no show umpires are to be reported to the League Director. 10. Guidelines for Lightning Safety- Monitor weather patterns on the way to the game or practice. If there is a possibility of lightning, the umpires will discuss it at the pregame rules review mtg. Use the 30 – 30 Rule, to know when to seek proper shelter. Flash to Bang- the 30 – 30 Rule- when you see Lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If this time is 30 seconds or less, seek proper shelter. If you can’t see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back up rule. Wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder or seeing the last lightning before leaving shelter. “If you hear it clear it”. “If you see it flee it”. Also refer to the Boro Ordinance regarding the “Lightning Detection System”.
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