Paper A Health Education East Midlands Governing Body Actions Log to March 2015 ITEM NO 20/14 25/14 ISSUE September 2014 East Midlands Leadership Academy – future relationship: (a) Board-to-Board meeting to ensure Academy programmes are responsive to changing needs of providers and commissioners. (b) Annual assurance report on EMLA activity, impacts and outcomes. November 2014 Attracting and retaining talent in the East Midlands (a) To develop an understanding of the drivers external to HEEM that we need to promote (e.g. affordable housing etc.) and work with Local Authorities to promote these (b) To integrate the GB ideas into the planned summit on the future medical workforce, to be facilitated by Pat Oakley. (GB members to think about who would be the right people to be at this event). (c) Based on findings, to develop a communication strategy to provide information using the most effective channels (d) To produce learner stories in multimedia formats to increase the positive peer influences and make the benefits more tangible at an individual level (e) To provide a summary paper to provide correlation between funding and feedback (f) To raise the issue of fellowship and OOP co-ordination at the Trust Medical Directors Forum. (g) To discuss this issue further in LETCs and identify a lead individual from each LETC to feed into the further development of the emerging work streams. LEAD DELIVERY DATE STATUS DF Feb 2015 Complete DF Sept 2015 SM March 2015 SM April 2015 SM April 2015 SM March 2015 SM January 2015 Complete SM January 2015 Complete SM January 2015 Complete LETC Chairs/WF Leads Page 1 Complete Incorporated into local councils report on health issues Complete - meeting 5/2/15 Complete part of ‘Beyond Transition’ changes 26/14 27/14 01/15 02/15 03/15 Quality – Trainee and Student Feedback (a) Discuss in LETCs how to promote high quality education and training in the region in order to compete with other areas in attracting learners (LETCs/Workforce Leads) (b) Feedback on initiatives in LETCs, which could be coordinated regionally to improve training and improve the regional profile (LETCs/Workforce Leads). Changing landscape in Healthcare Education Discuss at HESLF (Jan 2015); report to future GB meeting with proposals. January 2015 GP recruitment (a) To provide GB members with a hyperlink to the new HEEM video about GP recruitment: (b) And the recording of the BBC Radio 4 ‘World at One’ item: ‘Leading Innovation in Healthcare’ Conference To provide GB members with a hyperlink to the ‘Leading Innovation in Healthcare’ Conference: (LETCs/WF Leads) (LETCs/WF Leads) )February for )Pat Oakley )meeting ) ) JJ GB April 2014 CA COMPLETE CA COMPLETE Addendum to Governing Body Constitution (a) adopt the arrangements proposed in paragraph 1 for the CA period 28 January to 31 March 2015 noting that the role of LETB Post Graduate Dean continues to remain in place but that the Director of Education and Quality (DEQ) remit of this role is now undertaken by the Geographic DEQ with the PG Dean continuing in this role through to 31st March 2015. (For clarity, voting rights are retained in association with the LETB Post Graduate Dean role.) (b) set in place arrangements for suitable appointment of GB Chair members to fulfil the legislative requirements of becoming a NDPB in April 2015. Page 2 COMPLETE April GB Complete 04/15 Business Intelligence and Performance Report Update GB on social media strategy post Beyond Transition. DF Page 3 April GB
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